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LIST OF CONTENTS VOLUME 22, 1997 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1, 1997 CONTENTS Articles R.-M. BLUTHE, R. DANTZER and Central mediation of the effects of inter- K. W. KELLEY leukin-1 on social exploration and body weight in mice H. EHRENREICH, K. TOM DIECK, Sustained elevation of vasopressin plasma O. GEFELLER, S. KAw, L. SCHILLING, levels in healthy young men, but not in W. Poser and E. RUTHER abstinent alcoholics, upon expectation of novelty I. SUNDSTROM, D. ASHBROOK and 5 Reduced benzodiazepine sensitivity in T. BACKSTROM patients with premenstrual syndrome: a pilot study D. A. OREN, H. A. GIESEN and : Restoration of detectable melatonin after T. A. WEHR entrainment to a 24-hour schedule in a ‘free-running’ man K. Y. LittLe, J. RANC, J. GILMORE, 53 Lack of pineal fB-adrenergic receptor A. PATEL and T. B. CLARK alterations in suicide victims with major depression Referees Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form List of Contents VOLUME 22 NUMBER 2, 1997 CONTENTS Articles M. Mags, I. DE MEESTER, R. VERKERK, Lower serum dipetidyl peptidase IV activity P. DE Mepts, A. WAUTERS, G. VANHOOF, in treatment resistant major depression: E. VANDOOLAEGHE, H. NEELS and relationships with immune-inflammatory S. SCHARPI markers P. MONTELEONE, F. BORTOLOTTI, Differences between morning and afternoon C. ORAZzoO, I. SERINO and M. Maj hormonal responses to D-fenfluramine in healthy humans J. M. SMyTH, M. C. OCKENFELS, Individual differences in the diurnal cycle A. A. GorIN, D. CATLEY, of cortisol L. S. PORTER, C. KIRSCHBAUM, D. H. HELLHAMMER and A. A. STONI P. HAUSER, R. SOLER, F. BRUCKER-DAVIS 107 Thyroid hormones correlate with symptoms and B. D. WEINTRAUB of hyperactivity but not inattention in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder L. WELLER and A. WELLER Menstrual variability and the measurement of menstrual synchrony Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form VOLUME 22 NUMBER 3, 1997 CONTENTS Articles L. L. Davis, M. TRIvepDI, A. CHOATE, 129 Growth hormone response to the GABA, G. L. KRAMER and F. PETTY agonist baclofen in major depressive disorder List of Contents M. R. SIMAR, D. SAPHIER 14] Dexamethasone suppression of the effects and N. E GOEDERS of cocaine on adrenocortical secretion in Lewis and Fischer rats P. MEERLO, G. J. F OVERKAMP Behavioural and physiological consequences and J. M. KOOLHAAS of a single social defeat in Roman high- and low-avoidance rats J. A. POSENER, J. J. SCHILDKRAUT, Cortisol feedback effects on plasma corti- G. H. WILLIAMS and A. F. SCHATZBERG cotropin levels in healthy subjects M. E. SCHMIDT, R. C. RISINGER, Responses to Q)-adrenoceptor blockade R. L. HAUGER, J. L. SCHOUTEN, by idazoxan in healthy male and female M. HENRY and W. Z. POTTER volunteers J. E. ZWEIFEL and W. H. O’BrRIEN A meta-analysis of the effect of hormone replacement therapy upon depressed mood Announcement Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form VOLUMI oe) NUMBER 4, 1997 CONTENTS Articles S. C. HEINRICHS, H. MIN, S. TAMRAZ, Zi2 Anti-sexual and anxiogenic behavioral M. CARMOUCHE, S. BOEHME and consequences of corticotropin-releasing S y W. W. VALE factor overexpression are centrally mediated J. GRIFFITHS, A. V. RAVINDRAN, Neuroendocrine measures and lymphocyte Z. MERALI and H. ANISMAN subsets in depressive illness: influence of a clinical interview concerning life experiences N. E. GOEDERS A neuroendocrine role in cocaine reinforce- ment VI List of Contents T. G. DINAN, T. MAJEED, E. LAVELLE, 261 Blunted serotonin-mediated activation of L. V. Scott, C. BERTI and P. BEHAN the hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenal axis in chronic fatigue syndrome T. SHIKIMI, T. INAGAKI, K. KAKU, Nullification of a positive correlation H. ISHINO, H. OKUNISHI and S. TAKAORI between urinary levels of a1-microglobulin and ulinastatin by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2, 3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in mice C. R. K. MACLEAN, K. G. WALTON, Effects of the transcendental meditation S. R. WENNEBERG, D. K. LEVITSKY, program on adaptive mechanisms: changes J. P. MANDARINO, R. WaAzirRI, S. L. HILLIS in hormone levels and responses to stress and R. H. SCHNEIDER after 4 months of practice Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form VOLUME 22 NUMBER 5, 1997 CONTENTS Articles B. BUWALDA, S. F. DE BOER, Physiological and behavioral effects of A. A. VAN KALKEREN and chronic intracerebroventricular infusion of J. M. KOOLHAAS corticotropin-releasing factor in the rat D. HINZE-SELCH, P. MULLER-PREUSS Cytokine secretion in squirrel monkeys and Y. ZHANG W.E. SCHUTZER and C. L. BETHEA Lack of ovarian steroid hormone regulation of norepinephrine transporter mRNA ex- pression in the non-human primate locus coeruleus S. MoTrREJA, D. K. SUBBAKRISHNA, Gender but not stimulus parameters influ- M. N. SUBHASH, B. N. GANGADHAR, ence prolactin response to electroconvulsive N. JANAKIRAMAIAH and G. PARAMESHWARA therapy B. A. KALMAN, P. J. Kim, M. A. CoLe, Diazepam attenuation of restraint stress- M.S. CH and R. L. SPENCER induced corticosterone levels is enhanced by prior exposure to repeated restraint List of Contents Vil H. A. G. BosINski,M . PETER, 36] \ higher rate of hyperandrogenic disorders G. BONATZ, R. ARNDT, M. HEIDENREICH, in female-to-male transsexuals W. G. SIPPELL and R. WILL! Book Reviews I. HEUSER W. P. Kaschka (Ed.). Neurobiologische Forschung und Psychiatrische Therapie R. DANTZI \. S. Hamblin. Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors R. DANTZE! A. E. Hennenberg and W. P. Kaschka (Eds). Immunological Alterations in Psychiatric Diseases, Advances in Biological Psychiatry, vol. 18 R. DANTZI Ron Glaser and Janice Kiecolt-Glaser (Eds). Handbook of Human Stress and Immunity Erratum Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form VOLUME 22 NUMBER 6, 1997 CONTI Articles B. PERRAS, C. DRosTE, J. BORN, Verbal memory after three months of intra- H. L. FEHM and R. PIETROWSKY nasal vasopressin in healthy old humans M. MAgs, D. HENDRIKS, A. VAN GASTEL, 397 Effects of psychological stress on serum P. DEMEDTS, A. WAUTERS, H. NEELS, immunoglobulin, complement and acute A. JANCA and S. SCHARPI phase protein concentrations in normal volunteers I. LIBERZON and E. A. YOUNG Effects of stress and glucocorticoids on CNS oxytocin receptor binding Vill List of Contents G. SPANGLER 23 Psychological and physiological responses during an exam and their relation to person- ality characteristics I. LIBERZON, M. KRSTOV and 3 Stress—restress: effects on ACTH and fast E. A. YOUNG feedback 1996 Curt P. Richter Award A. H. MILLER, R. L. SPENCER, 55 Effects of viral infection on corticosterone B. D. PEARCE, T. L. PISELL, secraned gtluciocoortincoi d receptor binding P. TANAPAT, J . in immune tissues F. S. DHABHAR, B. S. MCEWEN and C. A. BIRON Announcement Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form VOLUME 22 NUMBER 7, 1997 CONTENTS Articles C. FERNANDES, C. R. MCKITTRICK, 477 Decreased 5-HT,, and increased 5-HT,, S. E. FILE and B. S. MCEWEN receptor binding after chronic cortico- sterone associated with a_ behavioural indication of depression but not anxiety M. DEUSCHLE, W. F. BLUM, Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) plasma C. J. STRASBURGER, U. SCHWEIGER, concentrations are increased in depressed B. WEBER, A. KORNER, H. STANDHARDT, patients U. GOTTHARDT, J. SCHMIDER, C.-D. PFLAUM and I. HEUSER S. A. BERENBAUM and S. M. RESNICK Early androgen effects on aggression in children and adults with congenital adrenal hyperplasia List of Contents LX D. G. BAKER, S. A. WEST, D. N. ORTH, Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma B-endorphin K. K. HILL, W. E. NICHOLSON, in combat veterans with post-traumatic N. N. EKHATOR, A. B. BRUCE, stress disorder M. D. WorRTMAN, P. E. KECK and TT. D. GERACIOTI, JR R. Vocpi, P. CHIODERA, P. CAFFARRA, Different control mechanisms of growth A. SCAGLIONI, A. SACCANI and V. CoIrRO hormone (GH) secretion between ~Yamino- and ¥hydroxy-butyric acid: neuroendocrine evidence in Parkinson’s disease K. M. ABEL, V. O’ KEANE, Serotonergic function and negative and R. M. Murray and A. J. CLEARI depressive symptomatology in schizophrenia and major depression E. L. KLAIBER, D. M. BROVERMAN, Relationships of serum estradiol levels, W. VoGEL, L. G. PETERSON and menopausal duration, and mood during M. B. SNYDER hormonal replacement therapy Book Review E. E. WOLLMAN Vivien K. Burt and Victoria C. Hendrick. Concise Guide to Women’s Mental Health Fellowship Announcement Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form VOLUME 22 NUMBER 8, 1997 CONTENTS Articles V. LEMAIRE, G. T. TAYLOR and Adrenal axis activation by chronic social P. MORMEDE stress fails to inhibit gonadal function in male rats A. H. STAURENGHI, R. G. MASERA, Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis func- P. PROLO, G. Griot, M. L. SARTORI, tion, psychopathological traits, and Natural L. RAvizzA and A. ANGELI Killercel(l aNctiKvi)ty inA norexia Nervosa List of Contents E. ALLEVA, L. ALOE, F. CIRULLI, 59] Postnatal NGF administration causes adult L. DE AceTIs and C. PADOA SCHIOPPA hyperalgesia and overreactivity to social stimuli but does not reverse capsaicin induced hypoalgesia E. G. W. M. LENTJES, E. N. GRIEP, Glucocorticoid receptors, fibromyalgia and J. W. BoeRSMA, F. P. T. H. M. ROMIJN low back pain and E. R. DE KLOET J. C. PRUESSNER, J. GAAB, Increasing correlations between personality D. H. HELLHAMMER, D. LINTZ, traits and cortisol stress responses obtained N. SCHOMMER and C. KIRSCHBAUM by data aggregation I. DEL Rfo-PorRTILLA, E. UGALDE, Sex differences in EEG in adult gonadec- J. JUAREZ, A. ROLDAN and tomized rats before and after hormonal M. CorsiI-CABRERA treatment D. H. HELLHAMMER, J. BUCHTAL, Social hierarchy and adrenocortical stress I. GUTBERLET and C. KIRSCHBAUM reactivity in men Book Review ¥. THLE? K. Maeda, H. Tsukamura and A. Yokoyama (Eds). Neural Control of Reproduction, Physiology and Behavior {nnouncement Corrigendum List of Contents, Author Index and Keyword Index for Volume 22, 1997 Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form

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