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Psychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. III-XIV, 1994 Copyright © 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd Pergamon Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0306-4530/94 $6.00 + .00 LIST OF CONTENTS VOLUME 19, 1994 VOLUME 19 NUMBER 1, 1994 CONTENTS Articles M. BABETTE BOTCHIN, 1 Neuroendocrine responses to fenflur- JAY R. KAPLAN, amine challenge are influenced by ex- STEPHEN B. MANUCK, and posure to chronic social stress in adult J. JOHN MANN male cynomolgus macaques ROBERT L. TRESTMAN, 13. The stability of plasma growth hor- EMIL F. CoccAro, mone and MHPG responses to re- TIMOTHY LAWRENCE, PETER KNOTT, peated clonidine challenge in normal STEVEN M. GABRIEL, and males LARRY J. SIEVER ROSEMARIE KRUG, URSULA STAMM, 21 Effects of menstrual cycle on cre- REINHARD PIETROWSKY, ativity Horst L. FEHM, and JAN BORN GAVIN W. LAMBERT, The influence of aging on the plasma GRAEME EISENHOFER, and concentration and renal clearance of MuRRAY D. ESLER homovanillic acid PHILIP V. HOLMES and 43 Stress-induced regulation of the renal ROBERT C. DRUGAN peripheral benzodiazepine receptor: Possible role of the renin-angiotensin system E. SINFORIANI, 55 Cognitive and neuroradiological find- C. Livierit, M. MAuRI, P. Bisio, ings in congenital adrenal hyperplasia L. SIBILLA, L. CHIESA, and A. MARTELLI P. FERRERO, P. ROCCA, 65 Peripheral-type benzodiazepine re- E. MONTALENTI, P. BENNA, ceptors on human blood mononuclear A. MILANI, L. RAvizzA, and cells are not regulated by ovarian ste- B. BERGAMASCO roids IV LisT OF CONTENTS Short Communication M. Mags, J. CALABRESE, M. LEE, and 79 Effects of age on spontaneous cortiso- H. Y. MELTZER laemia of normal volunteers and de- pressed patients Review ZOLTAN SARNYAI and 85 Role. of oxytocin in the neuroadapta- GABOR L. KovAcs tion to drugs of abuse Instructions for Contributors I ISPNE Membership Form IV Referees V_ List of referees for volumes 17 and 18 VOLUME 19 NUMBER 2, 1994 CONTENTS SPECIAL ISSUE: CYTOKINES, CRF, AND THE BRAIN Editorial S. LEVINE and F. J. H. TILDERS 119 In honor of Dr. Frank Berkenbosch Articles E. RONALD DE KLOET, 121 Cytokines and the brain cortico- MELLY S. OITZL, and steroid receptor balance: Relevance to BERND SCHOBITZ pathophysiology of neuroendocrine- immune communication C. D. DIJKsTRA, Therapeutic effect of the D,-dopamine E. ROUPPE VAN DER VOORT, agonist bromocriptine on acute and re- C. J. A. DE Groot, lapsing experimental allergic encepha- I. HUITINGA, B. M. J. UITDEHAAG, lomyelitis C. H. POLMAN, and F. BERKENBOSCH SEYMOUR LEVINE, 143 Pituitary—adrenal and interleukin-6 re- FRANK BERKENBOSCH, sponses to recombinant interleukin-1 DEBORAH SUCHECKI, and in neonatal rats FRED J. H. TILDERS RoEL H. DERUK, ANITA BOELEN, Induction of plasma interleukin-6 by FRED J. H. TILDERS, and circulating adrenaline in the rat FRANK BERKENBOSCH List OF CONTENTS A. V. TURNBULL, R. C. Dow, 165 Mechanisms of activation of the pitu- S. J. Hopkins, A. WHITE, G. FINK, itary—adrenal axis by tissue injury in and N. J. ROTHWELL the rat PAMELA JOHNSON ROWSEY and 179 Corticotropin releasing hormone is in- MATTHEW J. KLUGER volved in exercise-induced elevation in core temperature CHRISTEL MARQUETTE, 189 Peripheral macrophage depletion pre- ANNE-MARIE VAN Dao, vents down regulation of central inter- Nico VAN ROOJEN, leukin-1 receptors in mice after endo- FRANK BERKENBOSCH, and toxin administration FRANCE HAOUR R. M. BLUTHE, M. PAWLOwsSKI, 197 Synergy between tumor necrosis fac- S. SUAREZ, P. PARNET, Q. PITTMAN, tor a and interleukin-1 in the induction K. W. KELLEY, and R. DANTZER of sickness behavior in mice Review FrED J. H. TILDERS, ROEL H. DERUK, 209 Activation of the hypothalmus-—pitu- ANNE-MARIE VAN DAM, itary—adrenal axis by bacterial endo- VALERIE A. M. VINCENT, toxins: Routes and_ intermediate KAREL SCHOTANUS, and signals JEK H. A. PERSOONS Information for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form IV Announcements VOLUME 19 NUMBER 3, 1994 CONTENTS Reviews Ow EN M. WOLKoOwITz 233 Prospective controlled studies of the behavioral and biological effects of ex- ogenous corticosteroids NATHALIE CASTANON and 257 Psychobiogenetics: Adapted tools for PIERRE MORMEDE the study of the coupling between be- havioral and neuroendocrine traits of emotional reactivity VI List OF CONTENTS Articles D. M. Lyons and S. LEVINE : 283 Socioregulatory effects on squirrel monkey pituitary—adrenal activity: A longitudinal analysis of cortisol and ACTH LORRAINE DENNERSTEIN, 293 The relationship between the men- GORDON GotTTs, JAMES B. BROWN, strual cycle and female sexual interest CAROL A. MORSE, in women with PMS complaints and Tim M. M. FARLEY, and volunteers ALAIN PINOL PIERRE MORMEDE, 305 Independent segregation of a hyperac- SYLVIA GARC{A—BELENGUER, tive hypothalamic—hypophyso—adre- JOSETTE DULLUC, and nal axis and a reduced behavioural re- CHARLES OLIVER activity in pigs Instructions for Contributors I. ISPNE Membership Form IV Announcements VOLUME 19 NUMBER 4, 1994 CONTENTS Invited Editorial PETER HAUSER iii The thyroid receptor beta gene and re- sistance to thyroid hormone: Impli- cations for behavioral and brain re- search Review CLEMENS KIRSCHBAUM and 313 Salivary cortisol in psychoneuroendo- DirK H. HELLHAMMER crine research: Recent developments and applications Articles N. MULLER, A. Putz, U. KLAGEs, 335 Blunted growth hormone response to E. HOFSCHUSTER, A. STRAUBE, and clonidine in Gilles de la Tourette syn- M. ACKENHEIL drome JAN HELLEDAY, ANIKO BARTFAI, 343 General intelligence and cognitive pro- E. MARTIN RITZEN, and file in women with congenital adrenal MARIANNE FORSMAN hyperplasia (CAH) List OF CONTENTS VI E. KORNBERG and M. S. ERSKINE 357 Effects of differential mating stimula- tion on the onset of prolactin surges in pseudopregnant rats ROBERT D. OADEs and 373 Serum gonadal steroid hormones in RENATE SCHEPKER young schizophrenic patients GABRIELA DfAz-VELIZ, 387 Progesterone effects on the acquisition FABIO URRESTA, NELSON DUSSAUBAT, of conditioned avoidance responses and SERGIO MORA and other motoric behaviors in intact and ovariectomized rats Short Communication R. C. Dow, B. C. WILLIAMS, 395 A central 5-HT, receptor mechanism J. BENNIE, S. CARROLL, and G. FINK plays a key role in the proestrous surge of luteinizing hormone in the rat Book Review H. VERDOUX 401 T. Nakazawa (Ed), Biological Basis of Schizophrenic Disorders. Information for Contributors I ISPNE Membership Form IV VOLUME 19 NUMBER 5-7, 1994 CONTENTS SPECIAL ISSUE: HORMONES, BRAIN, AND BEHAVIOUR Preface J. P. SIGNORET, C. FABRE-—Nys, and 403 Proceedings of the International Con- J. BALTHAZART ference on Hormones, Brain, and Be- haviour (Tours, France, August 24— 27, 1993) Articles Gene Expression and Behaviour Eric B. KEVERNE 407 Molecular genetic approaches to un- derstanding brain development and behaviour Vill List OF CONTENTS MARGARET M. MCCARTHY 415 Molecular aspects of sexual differenti- ation of the rodent brain ALISON S. FLEMING and 429 Neuropsychology of maternal behav- CAROLYN WALSH ior in the rat: c-fos expression during mother-litter interactions Neuroanatomy and Behaviour L. M. GARCIA—SEGURA, 445 Gonadal steroids as promoters of J. A. CHOWEN, M. DUENAS, neuro-glial plasticity I. TORRES—ALEMAN, and F. NAFTOLIN DionysiA T. THEODOSIS, 455 Adhesion molecules and _ structural LucA BONFANTI, SYLVAINE OLIVE, plasticity of the adult hypothalamo-— GENEVIEVE ROUGON, and neurohypophysial system DOMINIQUE A. POULAIN PAULINE YAHR, PATRICIA D. FINN, 463 Sexually dimorphic cell groups in the NEIL W. HOFFMAN, and NAIM SAYAG medial preoptic area that are essential for male sex behavior and the neural pathways needed for their effects FRANK J. C. M. VAN EERDENBURG 471 Postnatal development and sexual dif- and Dick F. SWAAB ferentiation of pig hypothalamic nuclei GREGORY F. BALL, JOSEPH M. CASTO, 485 Sex differences in the volume of avian and DANIEL J. BERNARD song control nuclei: Comparative studies and the issue of brain nucleus delineation Steroid Action J. D. BLAUSTEIN, M. J. TETEL, 505 Hypothalamic ovarian steroid hor- ° K. H. NIELSEN RICCIARDI, mone-sensitive neurons involved in fe- Y. DELVILLE, and J. C. TURCOTTE male sexual behavior CARLOS BEYER and 517 Effects of sex steroids on sensory and GABRIELA GONZALEZ—MARISCAL motor spinal mechanisms JOHN B. HUTCHISON and 529 Gender-specific brain formation of CORDIAN BEYER oestrogen in behavioural development JAY S. ROSENBLATT, 543 Hormonal priming and triggering of CHRISTINE K. WAGNER, and maternal behavior in the rat with spe- JOAN I. MORRELL cial reference to the relations between estrogen receptor binding and ER mRNA in specific brain regions DIANE M. Witt, LARRY J. YOUNG, 553 Progesterone and sexual behavior in and DAvID CREWS males J. F. DEBOLD and C. A. FRYE 563 Progesterone and the neural mecha- nisms of hamster sexual behavior List OF CONTENTS Neuropeptides, Neurotransmitters, and Neurohormones FRANK L. Moore, 581 Steroid—neuropeptide interactions CHRISTOPHER A. Lowry, and that control reproductive behaviors in JAMES D. ROSE an amphibian C. F. Ferris and Y. DELVILLE 593 Vasopressin and serotonin interac- tions in the control of agonistic be- havior ANNE M. ETGEN and 603 Estrogen regulation of noradrenergic GEORGE B. KARKANIAS signaling in the hypothalamus ROBERT S. BRIDGES and 611 Prolactin—brain interactions in the in- PHYLLIS E. MANN duction of maternal behavior in rats Sensory, Somatosensory, and Social Stimulation H. M. Cooper, F. PARVOPASSU, 623 Neuroanatomical pathways linking vi- M. HERBIN, and M. MAGNIN sion and olfaction in mammals C. J. SALDANHA, R. K. LEAK, and 641 Detection and transduction of day- R. SILVER length in birds MICHAEL MEREDITH and 657 Vomeronasal system, LHRH, and sex GWENDOLYN FERNANDEZ—FEWELL behaviour L. MONTI-—BLOCH, 673 The human vomeronasal system C. JENNINGS—WHITE, D. S. DOLBERG, and D. L. BERLINER KERSTIN UVNAS—MOBERG 687 Role of efferent and afferent vagal nerve activity during reproduction: Integrating function of oxytocin on metabolism and behaviour NORBERT SACHSER, CHRISTINA LICK, 697 The environment, hormones, and ag- and KARIN STANZEL gressive behaviour: A 5-year-study in guinea pigs JOHN C. WINGFIELD 709 Control of territorial aggression in a changing environment Instructions for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form List OF CONTENTS VOLUME 19 NUMBER 8, 1994 CONTENTS Review JAMES F. LECKMAN, 723 Therole of central oxytocin in obses- WAYNE K. GOODMAN, sive compulsive disorder and related WILLIAM G. NorTH, normal behavior PHILLIP B. CHAPPELL, LAWRENCE H. PRICE, DAvID L. PAULS, GEORGE M. ANDERSON, MARK A. RIDDLE, CHRISTOPHER J. MCDOUGLE, LINDA C. Barr, and DONALD J. COHEN Conference Summary MARK L. LAUDENSLAGER 751 Research perspectives in psycho- neuroimmunology IV, 1993 Articles R. GLASER, D. K. PEARL, 765 Plasma cortisol levels and reactiva- J. K. KIECOLT—GLASER, and tion of latent Epstein-Barr virus in W. B. MALARKEY response to examination stress RUSSELL T. JOFFE, JoSE N. NOBREGA, 773 Regional thyroid hormone levels in STEPHEN J. KisH, ROSA CALVO, rat brain Lori M. DIxon, JULIE M. WILSON, and GABRIELA MORREALE DE ESCOBAR DAVID SAPHIER, JON E. WELCH, 779 Interactions between serotonin, thy- GLENN E. FARRAR, NHU Q. NGUYEN, rotropin-releasing hormone, and FERNANDO AGUADO, substance P in the CNS regulation TIMOTHY R. THALLER, and of adrenocortical secretion DAVID S. KNIGHT Index List of contents, author index, and keyword index for Volume 19, 1994 Instructions for Contributors ISPNE Membership Form AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 19, 1994 Ackenheil, M., 335 Dixon, L. M., 773 Kaplan, J. R., 1 Aguado, F., 779 Dolberg, D. S., 673 Karkanias, G. B., 603 Anderson, G. M., 723 Dow, R. C., 165, 395 Kelley, K. W., 197 Drugan, R. C., 43 Keverne, E. B., 407 Duenas, M., 445 Kiecolt—Glaser, J. K., 765 Ball, G. F., 485 Dulluc, J., 305 Kirschbaum, C., 313 Balthazart, J., 403 Dussaubat, N., 387 Kish, S. J., 773 Barr, L. C. 723 Klages, U., 335 Bartfai, A., 343 Benna, P., 65 Eisenhofer, G., 33 Kluger, M. J., 179 Bennie, J., 395 Erskine, M. S., 357 Knight, D. S., 779 Bergamasco, B., 65 Esler, M. D., 33 Knott, P., 13 Berkenbosch, F., 135, 143, Etgen, A. M., 603 Kornberg, E., 357 Kovacs, G. L., 85 155, 189 Berliner, D. L., 673 Fabre—Nys, C., 403 Krug, R., 21 Bernard, D. J., 485 Farley, T. M. M., 293 Beyer, C., 517, 529 Farrar, G. E., 779 Lambert, G. W., 33 Bisio, P., 55 Fehm, H. L., 21 Laudenslager, M. L., 751 Blaustein, J. D., 505 Fernandez—Fewell, G., 657 Lawrence, T., 13 Bluthé, R. M., 197 Ferrero, P., 65 Leak, R. K., 641 Boelen, A., 155 Ferris, C. F., 593 Leckman, J. F., 723 Bonfanti, L., 455 Fink, G., 165, 395 Lee, M., 79 Born, J., 21 Finn, P. D., 463 Levine, S., 119, 143, 283 Botchin, M. B., 1 Fleming, A. S., 429 Lick, C., 707 Bridges, R. S., 611 Forsman, M., 343 Livieri, C., 55 Brown, J. B., 293 Frye, C. A., 563 Lowry, C. A., 581 Lyons, D. M., 283 Gabriel, S. M., 13 Calabrese, J., 79 Maes, M., 79 Garcia—Belenguer, S., 305 Calvo, R., 773 Magnin, M., 623 Garcia—Segura, L. M., 445 Carroll, S., 395 Malarkey, W. B., 765 Glaser, R., 765 Castanon, N., 257 Mann, J. J., 1 Gonzalez—Mariscal, G., 517 Casto, J. M., 485 Mann, P. E., 611 Chappell, P. B., 723 Goodman, W. K., 723 Manuck, S. B., 1 Gotts, G., 293 Chiesa, L., 55 Marquette, C., 189 Chowen, J. A., 445 Martelli, A., 55 Coccaro, E. F., 13 Haour, F., 189 Mauri, M., 55 Cohen, D. J. 723 Hauser, P., iti [19(4)] McCarthy, M. M., 415 Cooper, H. M., 623 Helleday, J., 343 McDougle, C. J. 723 Crews, D., 553 Hellhammer, D. H., 313 Meltzer, H. Y., 79 Herbin, M., 623 Meredith, M., 657 Hoffman, N. W., 463 Dantzer, R., 197 Milani, A., 65 Hofschuster, E., 335 De Groot, C. J. A., 135 Montalenti, E., 65 Holmes, P. V., 43 De Kloet, E. R., 121 Monti-Bloch, L., 673 Hopkins, S. J., 165 DeBold, J. F., 563 Moore, F. L., 581 Huitinga, I., 135 Delville, Y., 505, 593 Mora, S., 387 Hutchison, J. B., 529 Dennerstein, L., 293 Mormeéde, P., 257, 305 DeRik, R. H., 155, 209 Morreale de Escobar, G., Diaz—Véliz, G., 387 Jennings—White, C., 673 773 Dijkstra, C. D., 135 Joffe, R. T., 773 Morrell, J. I., 543 XI XII AUTHOR INDEX Morse, C. A., 293 Rose, J. D., 581 Torres—Aleman, I., 445 Miiller, N., 335 Rosenblatt, J. S., 543 Trestman, R. L., 13 Rothwell, N. J., 165 Turcotte, J. C., 505 Naftolin, F., 445 Rougon, G., 455 Turnbull, A. V., 165 Nguyen, N. Q., 779 Rowsey, P. J., 179 Nobrega, J. N., 773 North, W. G., 723 Uitdehaag, B. M. J., 135 Sachser, N., 707 Urresta, F., 387 Oades, R. D., 373 Saldanha, C. J., 641 Uvnas—Moberg, K., 687 Oitzl, M. S., 121 Saphier, D., 779 Olive, S., 455 Sarnyai, Z., 85 Sayag, N., 463 Van Dam, A.-M., 189, 209 Oliver, C., 305 Schepker, R., 373 van der Voort, E. R., 135 Parnet, P., 197 Schobitz, B., 121 van Eerdenburg, F. J. C. M., Schotanus, K., 209 471 Parvopassu, F., 623 Sibilla, L., 55 Van Rooijen, N., 189 Pauls, D. L., 723 Pawlowski, M., 197 Siever, L. J., 13 Verdoux, H., 401 Signoret, J.P., 403 Vincent, V. A. M., 209 Pearl, D. K., 765 Silver, R., 641 Persoons, J. H. A., 209 Pietrowsky R., 21 Sinforiani, E., 55 Stamm, U., 21 Wagner, C. K., 543 Pinol, A., 293 Stanzel, K., 707 Walsh, C., 429 Pittman, Q., 197 Straube, A., 335 Welch, J. E., 779 Polman, C. H., 135 Suarez, S., 197 White, A., 165 Poulain, D. A., 455 Suchecki, D., 143 Williams, B. C., 395 Price, L. H., 723 Swaab, D. F., 471 Wilson, J. M., 773 Putz, A., 335 Wingfield, J. C., 719 Witt, D. M., 553 Ravizza, L., 65 Tetel, M. J., 505 Wolkowitz, O., 233 Ricciardi, K. H. N., 505 Thaller, T. R., 779 Riddle, M. A., 723 Theodosis, D. T., 455 Ritzén, E. M., 343 Tilders, F. J. H., 119, 143, Yahr, P., 463 Rocca, P., 65 155, 209 Young, L. J., 553

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