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i Psychometrics in Coaching Using Psychological and Psychometric Tools for Development Edited by Jonathan Passmore London and Philadelphia ii Publisher’s note Every possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate at the time of going to press, and the publishers and authors cannot accept responsi- bility for any errors or omissions, however caused. No responsibility for loss or damage occa- sioned to any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the editor, the publisher or the author. First published in Great Britain and the United States in 2008 by Kogan Page Limited Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned addresses: 120 Pentonville Road 525 South 4th Street, #241 London N1 9JN Philadelphia PA 19147 United Kingdom USA www.kogan-page.co.uk © Association for Coaching 2008 The right of Association for Coaching to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. ISBN 978 0 7494 5080 9 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Passmore, Jonathan. Psychometrics in coaching : using psychological and psychometric tools for development / Jonathan Passmore. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-7494-5080-9 1. Psychometrics. 2. Personal coaching. I. Title. BF39.P27 2008 658.3(cid:2)124019--dc22 2007042292 Typeset by Saxon Graphics Ltd, Derby Printed and bound in India by Replika Press Pvt Ltd iii Contents About the contributors vii Foreword by Professor Stephen Palmer xv Preface by Katherine Tulpa xvii Acknowledgements xviii Introduction 1 Part 1 Psychometrics and feedback 1 Using psychometrics and psychological tools in coaching 7 Dr Elizabeth Allsworth and Jonathan Passmore Introduction 7; Psychological tests 8; Cognitive ability tests 11; The psychometric properties of a psychological test 12; Approaches to psychological testing in coaching 16; Criterion-oriented approach 17; Benefits of psychological testing for the coach and the coachee 18; Ethical guidelines and best practice in testing 20; Summary 23 2 Using feedback in coaching 26 Dr Almuth McDowall Introduction 26; The principles of feedback 27; Feedback theory and evidence 31; Summary 40 iv l Contents Part II Individual instruments and their use 3 Coaching with MBTI 47 Sally Carr, Bernard Cooke, Leanne Harris and Betsy Kendall Introduction 47; Basic assumptions of type theory 48; The MBTI questionnaire 51; MBTI and coaches 52; MBTI and coachees 57; Summary 61 4 Coaching with teams: Team Management Systems (TMS) 63 Dick McCann Introduction 63; Coaching competencies 64; The Workplace Behaviour Pyramid 65; The nature of work 68; Five-factor theory 70; The Team Management Wheel 72; Team coaching 82; Summary 85 5 Coaching with OPQ 87 Eugene Burke Introduction 87; How the OPQ helps in understanding personality 87; Theoretical perspectives 88; The OPQ32 questionnaire 88; The OPQ32 and coaches 95; The OPQ and coachees 103; Development tips for ‘Using Networks’ impact 112; Summary 113 6 Coaching with the Motivation Questionnaire 115 Professor Dave Bartram, Dr Alexander Fradera and Helen Marsh Introduction 115; Understanding human motivation 116; Motivational Questionnaire 119; The MQ and coaches 122; The MQ and coaching clients 125; Introducing the MQ profile 126; Interpreting the MQ profile 126; Applications of the MQ 128; Summary 130 7 Coaching with Saville Consulting Wave® 132 Dr Rainer Kurz, Rab MacIver and Professor Peter Saville Introduction 132; The Saville Consulting Wave®model 133; Saville Consulting Wave®‘Deep Dive’ measurement features 137; Using Professional Styles with coaches 139; Using Professional Styles with coachees 143; Summary 148 Contents l v 8 Coaching for emotional intelligence: MSCEIT 151 Dr David R Caruso and Professor Peter Salovey Introduction 151; Theory of emotional intelligence 152; Intelligence and emotions 153; The ability model of EI 153; Developing EI 155; The MSCEIT assessment 156; Psychometrics 158; EI and coaches 159; Using EI with coachees 161; Leveraging the full range of emotions 164; EI blueprint 166; Summary 169 9 Identifying potential derailing behaviours: 171 Hogan Development Survey Dr James M Fico, Richard Brady and Professor Robert Hogan Introduction 171; Hogan’s socio-analytical theory of human behaviour 172; The Hogan questionnaire 173; HDS and coaches 174; Using HDS with coachees 178; Summary 187 10 Coaching for transformational leadership: ELQ™ (Formerly TLQ) 189 Professor Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe and Peter Pritchett Introduction 189; The changing nature of leadership 190; Recent developments in leadership research 190; The importance of employee ‘engagement’ 191; The development of the Engaging Leadership Questionnaire (ELQ) 191; The 10 Leadership Impact Measures 192; The ELQ model 193; A model for exploring engaging leadership 195; ELQ and coaches 197; Using the ELQ with coachees 199; Using the ELQ: the coach’s role 200; Integrating the ELQ dimensions 201; The diagnostic process 202; Summary 205 11 Developing resilience through coaching: MTQ48 208 Dr Peter Clough, Keith Earle and Doug Strycharczyk Introduction 208; The theoretical model 209; The Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ48) 210; The MTQ and coaches 212; Using the MTQ48 with coachees 214; Summary 222 12 Using archetypes in coaching 224 Thomas J Hurley and Jeff Staggs Introduction 224; The model of archetypal practices 225; Using archetypal practices with coaches 227; Using archetypal practices with coachees 232; Summary 237 vi l Contents 13 Coaching for strengths using VIA 239 Dr Carol Kauffman, Jordan Silberman and David Sharpley Introduction 239; The theory of signature strengths 240; The VIA Strengths Questionnaire 241; Strengths and coaches 242; Using the VIA with coachees 245; Summary 251 14 Coaching for stress: StressScan 254 Dr Kenneth M Nowack Introduction 254; Theoretical models of stress 255; The theoretical model for StressScan 257; The development of StressScan 259; Description of the StressScan scales 261; Using StressScan with coachees 265; StressScan and coaches 269; Summary 271 15 Coaching for cultural transformation: CTT 275 Richard Barrett Introduction 275; Theoretical background to the Cultural Transformation Tools 277; The seven levels of leadership consciousness 279; The Cultural Transformation Tools®assessment instruments 284; The Leadership Values Assessment 289; Using CTT with coachees 292; Using CTT with coaches 294; Summary 295 16 Coaching with FIRO Element B 296 Roy Childs Introduction 296; Theoretical and research background 297; The FIRO Element B questionnaire 298; FIRO Element B and coaches 300; Using FIRO Element B with coachees 304; Summary 311 17 Coaching with LSI 313 Quentin Jones Introduction 313; Theoretical model 314; The LSI’s psychometric properties 315; The LSI questionnaire 316; LSI and coaches 318; Using LSI with coachees 322; Structuring an LSI coaching intervention 323; Debriefing the LSI 324; Reflexivity: the key to individual transformation 328; Summary 329 18 An overview of psychometric questionnaires 331 Jonathan Passmore Psychometrics glossary 339 Appendix: The Association for Coaching 342 Index 344 vii About the contributors THE EDITOR Jonathan Passmore Jonathan is one of the UK’s leading executive coaches. He is a chartered occupa- tional psychologist, a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and an accredited Association for Coaching coach and coaching supervisor. Jonathan works as a coach and supervisor and teaches at the University of East London. Jonathan is the author of eight books and numerous articles on organizational change, coaching and leadership. Jonathan is a regular conference speaker. He can be contacted at jonathancpassmore@yahoo.co.uk. ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS Dr Elizabeth Allworth Elizabeth is a director of Allworth Juniper Pty Ltd, a private organizational psychology practice based in Sydney Australia. She has a PhD from Macquarie University (Sydney) and a Master of Psychology (Applied) from the University of New South Wales. Her consulting experience is primarily in the area of psychological assessment in selection and career development. Elizabeth also teaches psychological assessment in the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney. She has published chapters and articles on assessment and career development in Australian and international professional journals and edited volumes. Elizabeth has also presented her research at professional psychology conferences in Australia, the United States and Europe. viii l About the contributors Professor Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe Beverly is professor emeritus of leadership studies, University of Leeds, and professor of leadership at the School of Management, University of Bradford. She has over 20 years experience in leadership research and consultancy. Her passion for translating research into practical workplace applications lies behind the creation of a University of Leeds spin-out company, Real World Group in 2001. She is a member of several national advisory bodies. Richard Barrett Richard Barrett is an internationally recognized speaker, author and consultant on values-based leadership. He works with CEOs and senior executives in North and South America, Europe, Australia and Asia to develop values-driven organi- zational cultures that strengthen financial performance, build cultural capital and support sustainable development. He is the creator of the internationally recognized Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) which have been used to support more than 700 organizations in 42 countries in their transformational journeys. Richard is the author of several books including Liberating the Corporate Soul (1998), Building a Values-Driven Organization (2006) and Full-Spectrum Leadership (2008). Richard is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. Richard can be contacted via: www.valuescentre.com. Professor Dave Bartram Dave is research director of the SHL Group plc. He is a chartered occupational psychologist, fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS), and received the award for Distinguished Contribution to Professional Psychology from the BPS in 2004. He is past president and a Council member of the International Test Commission (ITC), chair of the British Psychological Society’s Steering Committee on Test Standards, chair of the European Federation of Psychologists Association’s (EFPA) Standing Committee on Tests and Testing, and president of the International Association of Applied Psychology’s Division 2 (Measurement and Assessment). He is the author of several hundred scientific journal articles, papers in conference proceedings, books and book chapters in a range of areas relating to occupational assessment, especially in relation to computer-based testing. He can be contacted at dave.bartram@ shlgroup.com. Richard Brady Richard Brady is a chartered occupational psychologist with eighteen years experience in psychometrics. Richard is Managing Director of Mentis (www.mentis-consulting.com), the UK distributor of Hogen. About the contributors l ix Eugene Burke Eugene is SHL’s director of science & innovation. At SHL, he has held posts in product development as well as heading up assessment consultancy and deliv- ering coaching and development programmes for major companies. Prior to SHL, Eugene served as a military psychologist and worked extensively with the emergency services. He is a past chair of the British Psychological Society’s Steering Committee on Test Standards and of the Division of Occupational Psychology, and has published articles and book chapters as well as books on a variety of subjects including training and development, applied psychometrics, and the selection and development of personnel for high-risk roles. Eugene can be contacted via eugene.burke@shlgroup.com. Sally Carr Sally is an independent consultant who specializes in leadership development and executive coaching. She has extensive experience of using the MBTI in these applications, and of training other professionals in these areas. Prior to going independent, Sally was a principal consultant within OPP. Dr David R Caruso David is a founder of EI Skills Group, and a research affiliate in the Department of Psychology at Yale University. He provides leader development, executive coaching and emotional intelligence training to clients around the world. He is a co-author of the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test and The Emotionally Intelligent Manager. He has dozens of scientific publications to his credit. After receiving his PhD in psychology, he held positions in market research, strategic planning, and product line management with P&L responsi- bility. Website: www.eiskills.com. Roy Childs Roy Childs is the Founder and Managing Director of Team Focus, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and a Chartered Occupational Psychologist. He has been working in organizations at senior levels for more than 20 years and the main thrust of his work involves developing capability and building relationships – usually in a leadership context. He has helped select board members for blue chip companies and works both as a coach and facili- tator. He combines a developmental approach with the rigour of strong numerate and psychometric approaches to understanding people. Author of tests such as the Type Dynamics Indicator and the Decision Analysis Test, he has worked with some of the best known authors of personality questionnaires including Ray Cattell (16PF) and Will Schutz (FIRO). He was asked to serve as a member of the BPS’s Standing Committee on Test Standards as well as serving on the committee for the BPS’s Division of Occupational Psychology and as a Level B verifier.

There is a growing demand for psychometric testing in the coaching profession. Coaches and testing practitioners alike need to understand the psychology underpinning the tests as well as how to select and apply them effectively. Written by an international team of global coaching practitioners, this
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