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AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII Flanagan, D.P. Ardoin, S.P. Flanagan, BR. ........ Ashby, J.S. ; Flannery, D.J. Begeny, J.C. 3, Flood, J. Furlong, M.J Berninger, V.W. Gellman, R.A. Bishop, MJ. Blom-Hoffman, J. Giesen, J. Boxer, P. Gilman, R. Boye, A.E. Goodenow, C. Brown, M. Graydon, K. Buchanan, R 343 Gregg, N. Burnham, J.J. : Grialou, T. Burns, M.K. 57, 52 Hale, J.B. Canivez, G.L : Harn, B.A. Canter, A. Hartwig, J. Carlson, J.S. a Heretick, D.M.L. Caterino, L.C Herman, K.C. Hill, L.G. Christ, T.J. : Hintze, J.M. Cleary, K.S. Cleary, T.J. Holdnack, J.A. Codding, R.S. .. Holling, H. Cohen, R. .... DN sites 15:55. oa ss0 siesta Ramee es Coleman, C. Hunter-Oehmke, S. Cook-Cottone, C. 55 Jimerson, S.R. Coyne, MLD. ..... Kaplan, A.M. Cunningham, M.M. PIN Ic 555 ob are ecincin nd. vn ign Romito SOs toa Cushman, T.P. Kaufman, N. 745, 747, 827. Cutting, J. Kavale, K.A. Daley, K.B. .. Kilpatrick Demaray, M. ............. SUN ES oon: o vist oad caters Kleinmann, A.E. Davis, AS... 503 Knesting, K 737 Koomen, Davis, M. ... 889 Kruczek, T. Dean, V.J. 157 Kundert, D.K. Deering, W.M. 169 Lail, K.E. DeLucia-Waack, J.L. 59] Lapsley, D.K. Desrochers, J. 771 Lassen, S.R. D'Incau, B. Lau, MLY. DiPerna, J.C. LeBlanc, M. Doepke, Re xackrae Dubrow, E.F. Lindstrom, W. Duffy, K.M. pitas LEE, BAS eeiciese eens Dumont, R. Lopata, C. ... Dunn, E.K. Lopez, E.E. Dynda, A.M. .. Madyun, N.H. Eaves, R.C. Marsh, H.W. Eckert, T.L. Marston, D. Edwards, O.W. Martin, A.J. Esquivel,G.B. .. Martinez, R.S. 909 910 Author Index to Volume 43 DEES tcawakeiicavinceaavese s 745, 747, 827, 829 Schrank, F.A. Mazefsky, C.A. NES eC oe Ot ee a ee 471 McDougal, J.L. Mcintosh, D.E. Sharkey, J. Merrell, K.W. Sieler, J.D. Methe, S.A. Signor-Buhl, S.J. Miller, J.A. Silber, J.M. Miller, J.N. Silberglitt, B. Morrison, G.M. ha cia Pe Rv ed bib abeinesds dad ees 835 Mowder, B.A. PIA ioe Sohicese Cemwie nde naam epaiereas 797 Musher-Eizenman, D. CS ca 5, Aa here be ed ws dh A 695 Muyskens, P. Steele, M.M. Naglieri, J.A. airs cites wn ig teu c wR kale e ae 4 ear re oe claret aa 56d aK ne ea ES 297 Suzuki, L.A. Nickerson, A.B. EN ir hiaty saeco bole ei bid weve a8 Seated 4 Norvilitis, J.M. Tarquin, K.M. Nounopoulos, A. Thijs, J.T. 33 Ochoa, G.M. Tran, O.K. 345 Oehler-Stinnett, J. NE BG onlcrn ng bin odin nant Gaga a a aR Se 451 O'Farrell, S.L. Truscott, $.D. 727 Ofiesh, N. Tucker, C.M. 313 EE ball bsn av ane onc bcovsvicdewedsaww s 387 van der Leij, A. O-Neil-Pirozzi, T.M. VanKeuren, B. 117 Ortiz, $.O. Varro, P.J. 157 Oswald, D.P. RE Taha tu: actatg pa Sixi ao: wid wicvae@ Ook nla eenanle 401 Ra vietG accbak ends ec cnee sek caee press 493 Volker, M.A. Pletcher, S.M.W. Volpe, R.J. Poston, W.S.C. Waldron, N. Preckel, F. SE aha s atwaisiowe GeiW .nsactn'uc seceCney ieiesia res Reinke, W.M. Riley-Tillman, T.C. INT asic thik artecnck sig Cae ala Rama whl eRe Be ] ac ala nadree. oma N ead e oa ce Rearean 737 Williams, Jr., T.O. Robinson, D.H. Willis, J.O. Rubie-Davies, C.M. Wodrich, D.L. 797 Sailor, W. Wright, J. . 99 Salsman, J. Yetter, G. 361 Santoro, L.E. Young, E.L. Schaefer, B.A. Zanger, D. Schnurr, B.L. Zimmerman, B.J. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLIII JANUARY 2006 SPECIAL ISSUE: THE PRACTITIONER'S EDITION ON PROMOTING ACADEMIC SUCCESS Guest Eprrors: T. Curis RILEY-TILLMAN AND SANDRA M. CHAFOULEAS Guest Associate Eprrors: JEssicA BLOM-HOFFMAN, RosBert J. Vopr, JAMES L. MCDouGAL, AND Davin N. MILLER The Value of Applicability: Introducing the Practitioner’s Edition on Promoting Academic Success. T. Chris Riley-Tillman, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Jessica Blom-Hoffman, Robert J. Volpe, James L. McDougal, and David N. Miller FOUNDATIONS OF ACADEMIC SUCCESS Academic Enablers and Student Achievement: Implications for Assessment and Intervention Services in the Schools. James Clyde DiPerna Understanding Resilience in Educational Trajectories: Implications for Protective Possibilities. Gale M. Morrison, Megan Brown, Barbara D’Incau, Stacy Larson O'Farrell, and Michael J. Furlong ASSESSMENT AND PROGRESS MONITORING Promoting Beginning Reading Success Through Meaningful Assessment of Early Literacy Skills. Michael D. Coyne and Beth A. Harn Curriculum-Based Assessment. John M. Hintze, Theodore J. Christ, and Scott A. Methe ACADEMIC INTERVENTION Evaluating Beginning Reading Software for At-Risk Learners. M.J. Bishop and Lana Edwards Santoro Read Together, Talk Together: The Acceptability of Teaching Parents to Use Dialogic Reading Strategies via Videotaped Instruction. Jessica Blom-Hoffman, Therese M. O’Neil-Pirozzi, and Joanna Cutting Selecting Effective Academic Interventions: An Example Using Brief Experimental Analysis for Oral Reading Amy Wilber and Thomas P. Cushman SYSTEMS LEVEL SUPPORT/PROGRAMS Beyond Grade Retention and Social Promotion: Promoting the Social and Academic Competence of Students. Shane R. Jimerson, Sarah M. W. Pletcher, Kelly Graydon, Britton L. Schnurr, Amanda B. Nickerson, and Deborah K. Kundert Kids in the Tutor Seat: Building Schools’ Capacity to Help Struggling Readers Through a Cross-Age Peer-Tutoring Program. Jim Wright and Kristi S. Cleary Conducting District-Wide Evaluations of Special Education Services: A Case Example. Sara J. Signor-Buhl., Michael LeBlanc, and James McDougal PERSPECTIVES FROM A MODEL DISTRICT Perspectives on the Use of the Problem-Solving Model From the Viewpoint of a School Psychologist, Administrator, and Teacher From a Large Midwest Urban School District. Matthew Y. Lau, Jay D. Sieler, Paul Muyskens, Andrea Canter, Barbara VanKeuren, and Doug Marston FEBRUARY 2006 EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT The Reliability and Construct Validity of Ratings for the Autism Behavior Checklist. Ronald C. Eaves and Thomas O. Williams Jr. Concurrent Validity of the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test and the Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised. V. Scott Hooper and Sherry Mee Bell Teachers’ Perceived Usefulness of Strategy Microanalytic Assessment Information. Timothy J. Cleary and Barry J. Zimmerman Comparison of Ecological Validity of Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Models. Vincent J. Dean, Matthew K. Burns, Tina Grialou, and Patrick J. Varro EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS Children With Epilepsy in School: Special Service Usage and Assessment Practices. David L. Wodrich. Allen M. Kaplan, and William M. Deering An Examination of Group-Based Treatment Packages for Increasing Elementary-Aged Students’ Reading Fluency. John C. Begeny and Jennifer M. Silber Social Support in Inclusive Middle Schools: Perceptions of Youth With Learning Disabilities. Rebecca S. Martinez STRATEGIES FOR BEHAVIORAL CHANGE Increasing On-Task Behavior in the Classroom: Extension of Self-Monitoring Strategies. Natalie A. Amato-Zech, Kathryn E. Hoff, and Karla J. Doepke GENERAL The Attuned Representation Model for the Primary Prevention of Eating Disorders: An Overview for School Psychologists. Catherine Cook-Cottone Affiliative Motivation, School Attachment, and Aggression in School. Laura Griner Hill and Nicole E. Werner MARCH 2006 EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT Assessment of Mathematics and Reading Performance: An Examination of the Correspondence Between Direct Assessment of Student Performance and Teacher Report. Tanya L. Eckert, Erin K. Dunn, Robin S. Codding, John C. Begeny, and Ava E. Kleinmann Academic Resilience and Its Psychological and Educational Correlates: A Construct Validity Approach. Andrew J. Martin and Herbert W. Marsh Structure and Prevalence of PTSD Symptomology in Children Who Have Experienced a Severe Tornado. Linda Garner Evans and Judy Oehler-Stinnett EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS Relational Aggression: Understanding, Identifying, and Responding in Schools. Ellie L. Young, America E. Boye, and David A. Nelson Building and Sustaining Communities That Prevent Mental Disorders: Lessons From the Field of Special Education. Wendy M. Reinke, Keith C. Herman, and Carolyn M. Tucker STRATEGIES FOR BEHAVIORAL CHANGE Assessing Teachers’ Perceptions for School-Based Aggression Prevention Programs: Applying a Cognitive-Ecological Framework. Paul Boxer, Dara Musher-Eizenman, Eric F. Dubow, Stephanie Danner, and Donna M.L. Heretick Relational Aggression in Children and Adolescents: A Review With Implications for School Settings. Kenneth W. Merrell, Rohanna Buchanan, and Oanh K. Tran Fighting an Epidemic: The Role of Schools in Reducing Childhood Obesity. Sara A. Pyle, Jill Sharkey, Georgette Yetter, Erika Felix, Michael J. Furlong, and W.S. Carlos Poston GENERAL Task Performance and Response to Frustration in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Melinda Scime and Jill M. Norvilitis Aggressive and Nonaggressive Rejected Students: An Analysis of Their Differences. Estefania Estévez L6pez, Juan Herrero Olaizola, Belén Martinez Ferrer, and Gonzalo Musitu Ochoa Academic Underachievement: Relationship With Cognitive Motivation, Achievement Motivation, and Conscientiousness. Franzis Preckel, Heinz Holling, and Miriam Vock APRIL 2006 SPECIAL IssUE: PSYCHOPATHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS Guest Eprrors: ANprew S. Davis, THERESA KRUCZEK, AND Davin E. McINTOsH Understanding and Treating Psychopathology in Schools: Introduction to the Special Issue. Andrew S. Davis, Theresa Kruczek, and David E. McIntosh Working Together: Lessons Learned From School, Family, and Community Collaborations. Robert Cohen, Julie A. Linker, and Liza Stutts Psychopathology in the Schools: Multicultural Factors That Impact Assessment and Intervention. Lisa A. Suzuki, Charlene M. Alexander, Pei- Ying Lin, and Kathleen M. Duffy Empirically Supported Psychotherapy Interventions for Internalizing Disorders. Donald P. Oswald and Carla A. Mazefsky Early Onset Bipolar Spectrum Disorder: Psychopharmacological, Psychological, and Educational Management. David E. McIntosh and Jeffrey S. Trotter Prevention and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the School Setting. Theresa Kruczek and Jill Salsman Reactive Attachment Disorder: Implications for School Readiness and School Functioning. Eric Schwartz and Andrew S. Davis Personal Fables, Narcissism, and Adolescent Adjustment. Matthew C. Aalsma, Daniel K. Lapsley, and Daniel J. Flannery Psychopharmacology in the Schools. Laura Abrams, Jillian Flood, and LeAdelle Phelps The Neuropsychological Basis of Childhood Psychopathology. Andrew S. Davis Empirical and Clinical Methods in the Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology: An Integrative Approach for Training. Rosemary Flanagan and Giselle B. Esquivel MAY 2006 EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT Relationship of Reading Fluency Assessment Data With State Accountability Test Scores: A Longitudinal Comparison of Grade Levels. Benjamin Silberglitt, Matthew K. Burns, Na’im H. Madyun, and Kathryn E. Lail EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS Teacher Expectations and Student Self-Perceptions: Exploring Relationships. Christine M. Rubie-Davies rhe Effect of Sharing Health Information on Teachers’ Production of Classroom Accommodations. Melissa M. Cunningham and David L. Wodrich Teachers’ Perceptions of the Emotional and Behavioral Functioning of Children Raised by Grandparents. Oliver W. Edwards School Support Groups, Other School Factors, and the Safety of Sexual Minority Adolescents. Carol Goodenow, Laura Szalacha, and Kim Westheimer STRATEGIES FOR BEHAVIORAL CHANGE Predicting School Violence: A Comparison of Violent and Nonviolent Male Students on Attitudes Toward Violence, Exposure Level to Violence, and PTSD Symptomatology. Rebecca A. Gellman and Janice L. DeLucia-Waack Willing to Play the Game: How At-Risk Students Persist in School. Kimberly Knesting and Nancy Waldron ... GENERAL Coping Resources, Perfectionism, and Academic Performance Among Adolescents. Alex Nounopoulos, Jeffrey S. Ashby, and Rich Gilman A Survey of School Psychologists’ Knowledge and Training in Child Psychopharmacology. John S. Carlson, Michelle Kilpatrick Demaray, and Shana Hunter-Oehmke Teachers’ Self-Reported Pedagogical Practices Toward Socially Inhibited, Hyperactive, and Average Children. Jochem T. Thijs, Helma M.Y. Koomen, and Aryan van der Leij JULY 2006 EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT Reporting Effect Size Estimates in School Psychology Research . Martin A. Volker IV An Empirical Taxonomy of Youths’ Fears: Cluster Analysis of the American Fear Survey Schedule. Joy J. Burnham, Barbara A. Schaefer, and Judy Giesen Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents and Native American Indians: Factorial Validity Generalization for Ojibwe Youths. Gary L. Canivez EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS Parenting Perceptions: Comparing Parents of Typical and Special Needs Preschoolers. Shoshana Sperling and Barbara A. Mowder STRATEGIES FOR BEHAVIORAL CHANGE The Relationship of School-wide Positive Behavior Support to Academic Achievement in an Urban Middle School. Stephen R. Lassen, Michael M. Steele, and Wayne Sailor The Response in Response to Intervention: Evaluating the Utility of Assessing Maintenance of Intervention Effects. Scott P. Ardoin GENERAL School Psychology Students’ Perceptions of Their Practicum Experiences. Kristen M. Tarquin and Stephen D. Truscott Top Contributors to the School Psychology Literature: 1996-2005. Gabrielle A. Roberts, Kim S. Davis, Dinorah Zanger, Aimee Gerrard-Morris, and Daniel H. Robinson SEPTEMBER 2006 SPECIAL IssuE, PART ONE: INTEGRATION OF COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT AND RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION Guest Eprrors: NANCY MATHER AND NADEEN KAUFMAN Acknowledgments. Nancy Mather and Nadeen Kaufman Introduction to the Special Issue, Part One: It’s About the Whar, the How Well, and the Why. Nancy Mather and Nadeen Kaufman Implementation of IDEA: Integrating Response to Intervention and Cognitive Assessment Methods. James B. Hale, Alan Kaufman, Jack A. Naglieri, and Kenneth A. Kavale American Academy of School Psychology Survey on the Independent Educational Evaluation for a Specific Learning Disability: Results and Discussion. Fredrick A. Schrank, Jeffrey A. Miller, Linda C. Caterino, and John Desrochers Research-Supported Ideas for Implementing Reauthorized IDEA With Intelligent Professional Psychological Services. Virginia W. Berninger Combining RTI and Psychoeducational Assessment: What We Must Assume to Do Otherwise. David L. Wodrich, Marsha L.S. Spencer, and Kelly B. Daley Integration of Response to Intervention and Norm-Referenced Tests in Learning Disability Identification: Learning From the Tower of Babel. Dawn P. Flanagan, Samuel O. Ortiz, Vincent C. Alfonso, and Agnieszka M. Dynda NOVEMBER 2006 SPECIAL Issue, PART Two: INTEGRATION OF COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT AND RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION Guest Eprrors: NANCY MATHER AND NADEEN KAUFMAN Acknowledgments. Nancy Mather and Nadeen Kaufman Introduction to the Special Issue, Part Two: It’s About the What, the How Well, and the Why. Nancy Mather and Nadeen Kaufman Cognitive Hypothesis Testing and Response to Intervention for Children With Reading Problems. Catherine A. Fiorello, James B. Hale, and Lindsey E. Snyder Assessment of Children With Intellectual Giftedness and Reading Disabilities. Martin A. Volker, Christopher Lopata, and Catherine Cook-Cottone IDEA 2004: Anticipated Implications for Clinical Practice—Integrating Assessment and Intervention. James A. Holdnack and Lawrence G. Weiss Response to Intervention and the Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities: Why We Need Comprehensive Evaluations as Part of the Process. Nicole Ofiesh Critical Issues for the Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities in the Adult Population. Noel Gregg, Chris Coleman, Mark Davis, William Lindstrom, and Jennifer Hartwig And Never the Twain Shall Meet: Can Response to Intervention and Cognitive Assessment Be Reconciled? John O. Willis and Ron Dumont Author Index to Volume XLIII 909 Volume Contents

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