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PSY¢ HOLOGICAI SCIENCHI Index Volume 18. 2007 PSY¢ HOLOGICAI SCIENCHI Index Volume 18. 2007 Index Chen. Daniel, see Yamaguchi, Susumu, 498 DiesendruGcikl., s ee Dobel. Christian, 487 Chen, Emmeline S., see Wakslak, Chery! J.. 267 Dieterich, JornH ., see Waldmann, MichaR.e. l24 7 Chen. Frances S.. see Johnson. Susan C.. 50] Dixon, John, Kevin Durrheim, and Colin Tredoux, Inter ‘sroup Contact and Chen. Jing.s ee Chao. Melody Manchi. 341 Attitudes Toward the Principle ind Practice of Racial Equality, 867 Cheng. Patricia W.. see Lilieholm. Mimi. 1014 Dixon. Mike J.. see Smilek. Daniel, 793 hochol. Caroline. see Armony. Jorge | 102% Dmitrieva, Julia, Laurence Steinberg, and Jay Belsky, Child-Care Histor hristiansen, Ashton. see Cumming. Geoff, 230 Classroom Composition, and Children’s Functioning in Kindergarten, 1032 hristman, StephenD .. see Propper. Ruth | 334 Dobel, ChriGsilt Diiesaenndru,ck , and Jens Bélte, How Writing System and Age ldini. Robert B.. see Schultz. P. Wesley. 429 Influence Spatial Representations of Actions: A Developmental, Cross impian, Andrei. Holly-Marie C. Arce, Ellen M. Markman. and Carol S. Dweck Linguistic Study, 487 guistic Cues Affect Children’s Motivation, 314 Domjan. Michael. see Matthews. R. Nicolle, 758 Joseph, s Devilly. Grant J.. 212 Dosher. Barbara Anne. and Zhong-Lin Lu, The FunctForim oof nPeraforlman ce Joseph, see illy. Grant J Improveinm Peercnepttuasl Learning: Learning Rates and Transfer, 531 Bremner, Andrew 261 Driver. Jon. see Ruff. Christian¢ OO] { Drwecki. Brian B.. see Livingston. Robert W.. 816 Biaso f Limb Tremor Dumay, Nicolas. and M. Gareth Gaskell Sleep-Associated Changes in the Prior to Voluntary Movement. 8 Mental Representation of Spoken Words. 35 R. Todd, see Haas. Bria Dunning, David, see Balceetis, Emily, 917 illon. see Devilly. Grant J.. 212 Dunphy. Natalie. see Durgin. Frank H.. 152 Stephen A.. James H iraugh., am risto ! ie Durgin. Frank H.. Laurel Evans. Natalie Dunphy. Susan Klostermann, and Dissociatinge Motivational Dire on and lect et ! no Kristina Simmons, Rubber Hands Feel the Toucho f Light. 152 s Alter Central Motor Processes ta) Durrheim. Kevin. see Dixon. John. 867 ian. Naomi P.. 893 Dvorak-Bertsch, Jeremy D.. John J. Curtin. Tal J. Rubinstein, and Jose ph P. see Giancola, Peter R Newman, Anxiety Moderatest he Interplay Between Cognitive and Affec ind Nadége Verrier. Emotion rm i mori " ce on e Processing, 699 208 veck, Carol S.. see Cimpian. Andrei ind Candice Finkel, Daniel Mochon, and Dan Ariely mt | mits Be li Matthews Romantic Desire: Not All Reciprocity Is Penny M., 401 in. Louisa C.. rie R. Santos, and | aul Bloom, The Origins of Cognitive From Children and Monkeys, 978 Southgate. V.. 587 Kibach. Richard P., see Libby, Lisa K., 199 dru. Jonathan Koppel. andW Kisenberg. Nancy. see Hart. Daniel, 492 for Socially Shared Retric Kisenberger, Naomi L.. see Lieberman. Matthew D.. 421 . Geoff. Fiona Fidler. Martine ek, Jennifer K.. see Lassiter, G. Daniel, 224 Christiansen. Anita Kleinig ik o talie MeMenan llsworth. Phoebe ¢ see Fontaine. Johnny R.J.. 1050 Wilson, Statistical Reform veholog nvthing Changing?’ 5 vin, Ebba. Peter Juslin. Henrik Olsson, and Tommy Enkvist. Constructivist Learning From Selective Feedback, 105 Laubrock, Jochen, 3604 Elwin, Ebba, 105 .s les, Wendy Berry, 991 Fong. Smoking in Movies. Implicit Esslen. Michaela. see Beeli. Gian. 788 ind Intentitoo nSmsok e, 559 Estle. Sara J.. Leonard Green. Joel Mverson. and Daniel D. Holt. Discounting of Dale. Rick, see Richardson, Daniel ¢ WO, a Monetary and Directly Consumable Rewards, 58 Das. nv. see Bushman. Brad J.. 204 I Garv W.. and 'P ilvoung Kim. Chiil dhood Poverty and Health:\ Cumulative Das. Pritha. see FelminghamKi.m , 127 Risk Exposure and Stress Dysregulation, 953 Davidson, Richard J.. see Maxwell. Jeffrey S$ Dawson. Michelle. Isabelle Souliéres. Morto Graf Estes, Katharine, 254 see Durgin, Frank H., 152 Mottron. The Level and Nature of De Creme vid, see Van Vugt. Mark de Villiers ».. see Newton, Ashley Fahey. Sarah, see Franz. Elizabeth A.. 1030 DeLoache Judy = ‘ ra iiricia io Farne Alessandro, see Serino. Andrea. 642 DePrince. Anne P. niler eva d Bet I \ Replication b Fazio, Russell H.. see Olson, Michael A., 287 Another Name: A Response to vy et al. ( 218 Fecteau. Shirley. see Armony. Jorge L.. 1027 DeSteno. David.s ee Valdesolo. Piercarlo. 68 edermeier. Kara D.. see Laszlo. Sarah, 122 Destrebecqz, Arnaud. see Bremner, Andrev 2 Feldman. Ruth. Aron Weller. Orna Zagoory-Sharon, and Ari Levine. Evidence De ly. Grant J.. and Joseph Ciorciari. ¢ clusio ri Science When Theor for a Neuroendocrinological Foundation of Human Affiliation: Plasma nd Data Collide. 220 Oxytocin Levels Across Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period Predict Grant J.. Joseph Ciorcia < irah ‘ ll. Sonia Zammit Mother-Infant Bonding. 965 Fallon Cook. and Christie irton. Dissociati dencies and Memory Felmingham, Kim, Andrew Kemp. Leanne Williams, Pritha Das. Gerard Performance on Directed-Forgetting Tasks. 212 ughes. Anthony Peduto. and Richard Bryant. Changes in Anterior Devine. Patricia G.. see Amodio. David M.. 524 " ind Amveg dala After Cognitive Behavior Therapy of Posttrau DeWall. C. Nathan, and Roy F. Baumeister, From Terror to Jo \utomati atic Stress Disorder, 127 Tuning to Positive Affective Information Following Mortality Salience. 984 Fenesik. David E.. see Horowitz, Todd S.. Diamond, Shari Seidman, see Lassiter, G. Daniel, 224 Fenesik, David E.. see Horowitz, Todd S., Index d the Mind weRank, L069 P. Wesley, 429 Janelle, ( hristopher M.. see Coombes. Stephet Kornell, Nate. and Herbert S Terrace, The Generation Effect in Monkeys, 682 Jansser Dirk P.. see Van Vugt. Mark. 19 Kornell, Nate, Lisa K. Son, and Herbert S. Terrace. lransfer of Metacognitive Jelicic. Marko, see Geraerts, Elke, 564 Skills and Hint Seeking in Monkeys, 64 Jenison. Rick L.. see Keidel. James L.. 922 Krendl Anne, see Yamaguchi. Susumu, 498 liang., Yi, Patricia Costello, and Sheng He. Processing of Invisible Stimuli Kristjansson, Arni, see Ruff, Christian C.. 901 Advantage of Upright Faces and Reco enizable Words in Overcoming Kuhbandner, Christof, see Biuml, Karl-Heinz. 111 Interocular Suppression, 549 Kulkoisky. Sarah. see Ceci, Stephen }.. 503 m. | J... see Weber, | | 16 Kunde, Wilfried, Franziska Landgraf, Marko Paelecke. and Andrea Kiesel Scott P. see Marcus, Gary F.. 387 Dorsal and Ventral Processing Under Dual-Task Conditions. 100 m. Scott P.. see Shuwairi. Sarah M.. 303 Kwapil. Thomas R.. see Brown. Leslie H.. 778 : i { Carol S. Dweck. and Frances S. Chen. | vidence for Infants Kw ipil Thomas R.. see Kane, Michael J., 614 Internal Working Modelso f Attachment. 501 es, Susan S., Imitation in Infancy: The Deve lopment of Mimicry, 593 Ladavas. Elisabetta. see Serino. Andrea. 642 Jost. John T.. see Wakslak. Chery! J.. 2 O14 Lakey, Chad E.. see Campbell, W. Keith, 227 Junghofer. Markus, see Kissler. Johanna, 475 Landgraf, Franziska, see Kunde, Wilfried, 100 Juslin, Peter, see Elwin, Ebba, 105 Langer. Ellen J.. see Crum. Alia J.. 165 Larsen, Jeff T., Yen M. To. and Gary Fireman, Children’s Understanding and Kahana, Michael J.. see Sederberg. Pet Experience of Mixed Emotions, 186 Kail. Robert V.. Lo ngitudinal Evidence That reases in Processing SpSy eed and Lassiter,G . Daniel, Shari Seidman Diamond, Heather C. Schmidt ind Jennifer Working Memory Enhance Children’s Reasoning. 312 K. Elek, Ev iluating Videotaped Confessions: Expertise Provides No Kalinowski, P vel, see Cumming Defense \gainst the Camera-Perspective Effect, 224 Kane Michael J.. Leslie H. Brown, McVay, Paul J. Silvia. Inez Myin iszlo, Sarah, and Kara D. Federmeier, Better the DVL You Know \cronyms Germeys,. and Thomas R. Kwapil, For Whom the Mind Wanders, and Reveal the Contribution of Familiarity to Single-Word Reading. 122 hen: An Experience-Sampling Stud 4t Working Memory ind Executive Laubrock Jochen, Ralf Engbert, Martin Rolfs, and Reinhold Kliegl, Micro ontrol i Daily Life, 614 saccades Are an Index ol Covert Attention: Commentary on Horowitz Arthur. see Regenwetter. Miche Fine, Fenesik, Yurgenson, and Wolfe (2007), 364 Yaako und Judith Avrahami Betweet Adaptive Agents Lavie, Nilli,s ee Forster, Sophie, 377 Some Unexpected Implications of Lol Serutiny, 636 Lederman, 3.J.. R.l Klatzky, A Abramow WZ, kK. Salsman, R Kitada, and ¢ . Raeann, see Propper, Ruth E.. 3 Hamilton, Haptic Recognition of Static and Dynamic I xpressions ol James L.. Rick L. Jenison, Keith R. Kluender, a | Mark S. Seidenberg. Emotion in the Live Face, 158 (Crammar Constrain Statist Learning’ Comn rentar mn Bonatti dgerwood, Alison. Ido Liviatan, and Peter J. Carnevale Group-ldentity Pela. Nespor ind Mehler (2005), 922 Completion and the Symbolic Value of Property, 873 emer Deborah. see Lombrozo, Tania, 999 Ledou Kerry, Matthew J Traxler ind Tamara Y Swaab, Syntactic Primingi n William M Mitchell, Jason P., 292 Comprehension: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials, 135 ly, David J.. Paul C. Quinn, Alan M later ng Lee. Liezhong Ge. and Lee, Kang, see Kelly, David J., 1084 Olivier Pascalis. The Other-Race lops During Infancy: | Leonard, Martine. see Cumming. Geoff, 230 of Perceptual Narrowing. 108 Leung, Angela K . and Dov Cohen, The Soft Embodiment of Culture: Camera Felmingham, Kim, 127 ind Motion Through Time and Space, 824 ee Camphe W. Ke 1 P.. see Weller, Joshua A., 958 sushman. Brad J.. 204 Ari, see Feldman, Ruth, 965 r, Boaz. see Wu. Shali. 600 Benjamin J Nathan D. McVeigh. Alejandra Marful, and Michael ¢ \r und Denise Sekaquap Anderson Inhibitir Your Native Language: The Role of Retrieval Identification, and Math-Related Induced Forgetting During Second-Language Acqusiasjaiittiionnn , 2 20 ege Students, 13 Lew-Williams, Casey id Anne Fernald, Young Children Learning Spanish see Kunde, Wilfried, 100 Make Rapid Use of Grammatical Gender in Spoke n Word Recognition, 193 Michel, 629 Li. Wen. Isabel Moallem, Ken A. Paller, and Jay A. Gottfried. Subliminal Smells or. Shelley | Can Couide Soc ial Preferences, 1044 ik.. Eric M Shaetler Richard P. Eibach. and Jonathan A Slemmer Katherine D.. Picture Yourself at the Polls: Visual Perspective in Mental Imagery Affects Self-Perception and Behavior, 199 Lichti Philipp Nikolié, Danko, 481 vent-Re Lieberman, Matthew D.. Naomi | Kisenhe rger Molly J. Crockett, Sabrina M of the fom. Jennifer H. Pfeifer, and Baldwin M. Way. Putting Feelings Into 1. Cornelia Herbert. PetePr e ind Marku Jungholer. Buzzwo Words: Affect Labeling Disrupts Amygdala Activit in Response to ortical Response ords During Reading, 475 Affective Stimuli, 421 Lederman, 5.J.. Liljeholm, Mimi, and Patricia W. Cheng When Is a ¢ suse the Same /’ Loherent Lederman, S.J.. 158 Generalization Across ¢ ontexts, 1014 e Cumming, Geoll, 230 Litt, Brian, see Sederberg, Per B.. 927 | Laubrock Jochen, 364 Liviatan, Ido, see Ledgerwood Alison, 873 Heidi, see Sloutsky. V1 idimir M.. 179 Livingston, Robert W ind Brian B. Drwecki Why Are Some Indiy idu ils Not Kloos. Heidi. see Sloutsky, V1 idimir M oo Racially Biased? Susce plibility to Affective Conditioning Predicts Klostermann. Susan, see Durgin, Fi unk H., 152 Nonpre judice Toward Blacks, 816 Kluender Keith R.. see Keidel, James L., 922 Lo. Jessica. see Cumming. Geoff, 230 Knoblich. Giinther. see Grosjean. Mare. 95 Lombrozo, Tania, Deborah Kelemen, and Deborah Zaitchik Inferring Design Knobli« h. Ciinther, s¢ e Re pp Bruno H a) Evidence of a Preference for Teleological | xpl nations in Patients With Kobavashi, Chihiro, see Yamaguchi Alzheimer’s Disease, 999 Koivisto, Mika, and Antti Re vonsuo, How g Shapes Seeing. 845 Loughnan, Stephen, and Nick Haslam, Animals and Androids Implicit Asso Koppel Jonathar see Cuc, Alex imar’ u ciations Between Social Cate gories and Nonhumans, 116 Index wuchi, Susumu, 496 \l Seete ind James J *TOSS naling Thre il How ct Women in Math. Scien und ks neering Set Adults Fai \pes icit Mea POO | 1084 Number 12 Index Eshkol, see PerunoWveii Qci , Elaine, 607 Sherwell, Sarah, see Devilly. Grant j.. 212 son. DavidH .. see Lupy in. Gary, LOTT Shiffrar. Maggie. see Grosjean. Mare. 95 Marv. see Matthews. R. Nicolle. 758 Shiomura, Kimihiro, see Yamaguchi. Susumu. 498 Robert, see Carlson, Thomas A.. 298 Shiv. Baba. see Weller. Joshua A.. 958 Michel, Aeri Kim, Arthur Kantor. and Moon-Ho | ‘ ‘ Shumate, Roberta, see Dal Cin. S onva. 559 pected Empirical Consensus Among Consensus Methods. 629 Shutts. Kristin, and Katherine D. Kinzler, An Ambiguous-Race Illusion it oH nd Giinther Knoblich, Action Can Affect Auditory Perceptior Children’s Face Memor 163 Shutts, Kristin, see Ganea, Patricia A.. 734 Shuwairi, Sarah M.. Mare K. Albert. and Seott P. Johnsor Possible and Impossible Objects in Infaney, 303 . Paul J.. see Brown, Leslie H.. 778 Daniel C.. Ric Dale. and Natasha Z. Kirkham. The Art of Silvia, Paul J.. see Kane, Michael J.. 614 iwersation Is Coordination: Common Ground and the ¢ oupling of Eve Simmons, Joseph P., see Nelson. Leif D.. 1106 lovements During Dialogue. 407 Simmons. Kristina, see Durgin, Frank H.. 152 Robert D.. see Bushman, Brad J., 204 Singer. Wolf, see Nikolié, Danko, 481 Henry see Castel. Alan D.. 3 Skagerberg. Elin M.. see Wright. Daniel B.. 172 Etienne B.. see Fontaine. Johnny R.J.. 1050 Slater, Alan M.. see Kelly, DavidJ .. 1084 Glenn L.. see Chao. Melody Manchi. 341 Sleeth-Keppler, David. Seeing the World in Black and White: The Effects o wbrock, Jochen, 364 Perceptually Induced Mind-Sets on Judgment. 768 uzke. Daniel, 456 Slemmer, Jonathan A.. see Libby. Lisa K.. 199 e Cohen, Rajal G..8 Sloutsky, Vladimir M., Heidi Kloos, and Anna\ . Fisher, What's Beyond Looks? Weiss. Dani Reply to Gelman and Waxman, 556 D.. Rachel M. Miller d Kauvyumari Sanchez, Lip-Read Sloutsky. Vladimir M.. Heidi Kloos, and Anna V. Fisher, When Looks Are . Hear Me Better Later: Cross-Modal Transfero f Talker-Familiarity Evervthing: Appearance Similarity Versus Kind Information in Early Induction, 179 Dvorak-Bertsch, Jere: 1).. 699 Smilek, Daniel, Jonathan S.A. Carriere, Mike J. Dixon, and Philip M. Merikle, Arni: Krist on Driver, Readout From Leoni Grapheme Frequency and Color Luminance in Grapheme-Color Synaes e Similar Neural Processes, thesia, 793 Smith, Edward E.. see Swinney, David, 397 Smith, Linda B.. see Yu. Chen, 414 Snedeker, Jesse, Joy Geren, and Carissa L. Shafto, Starting Over: International \doption as a Natural Experiment in Language Development, 79 re Nes, 3 gerstrom, Suzanne ¢ - si ile. OF xposure to Racial Souliéres, Isabelle. see Dawson. Michelle. 657 Southgate, \ \. Senju. and G. Csibra. Action Antic Ipation Through Attribution of False Belief by 2-Year-Olds, 587 Spalek, Thomas M.. A Direct Assessment of the Role of | xpectation in Inhi bitiono f Return, 783 Speer. Nicole K.. Jeffrey M. Zacks. and Jeremy R. Revnolds. Human Brain Activity Time-Locked to Narrative Event Boundaries, 449 Spelke, Elizabeth S.. see Ganea. Patricia A.. 734 ih J. Goldstein, and Spellman, Barbara A., see Tenney, Elizabeth R.. 46 ind Reconstructive Spence, lan, see Feng, Jing, 850 Sperber Dan. see Surian, Luca, 580 Spetch, Marcia L.. see Brown, Alisha A. 569 Spiro. Avron, IIL, see Mroezek. DanielK. . ndreas Schulze-Bonhage ‘ ' ; dsen dward B Steele, Claude M.. see Murphy. Mary ¢ m Litt, Armin Brandt. and Michae Kahana. Gamma Steinberg. Laurence, see Dmitrieva, Julia, 1032 nguish True Fron se Memories, 927 Steinhauser, Marco, Martin Maier, and Ronald Hiibner, Cognitive Control Under Heart Rate Variability Reflects Stress: How Stress Affects Strategieso f Task-Set Reconfiguration, 540 Stephens. Nicolette J., see Vishton, Peter M.. 713 Stevens, Jennifer A.. see Vishton, Peter M.. 713 kaquaptewa, Denise, see ae ) Stevvers, Mark. see Brown, Scott. 40 \.. see Southgate. \ 87 Stevvers. Mark. see Griffiths, Thomas L.. 1069 Andrea, Michela Bassolino, Ale nelre wn nd Elisabetta Ladavas Stickgold, Robert, see Propper. Ruth | 134 tended Multisensory Space in Blind Car t 642 Sui, Jie, and ShihHaun,i Se lf-Construal Priming ModuNleuraal tSubsetrastes of Nick, and Nigel Harvey. Biased Forecasting of Postdecisional Affect Self-Awareness, 861 Surian, Luca, Stefania Caldi, and Dan Sperber, Attribution of Beliefs by 13 Libby. Lisa K.. 199 Month-Old Infants, 580 see Snedeker, Jesse, 79 Swaab, TamarY.a, s ee Ledoux, Kerry, 135 ind George Wolford, Buying Behavior as a Function of Swinney, David, Tracy Love, Matthew Walenski, and Edward E. Smith, rametric Variation of Number of Choices, 369 Conceptual Combination During Sentence ¢ omprehension Evidence for Azim F.. and Ara Norenzavan. God Is Watching You: Priming God Compositional Processes, 397 oncepts IncrPerosoaciasl eBehsavi or in an Anonymous Economic Game, 803 laylor, Shelley E.. William T. Welch, Heejung S. Kim, and David K. Sherman, Shelton. J. Nicole, see Salvatore, Jessica, 810 Cultural Differences in the Impac t of Social Support on Psychological and ShermDavaidn K,.. see Taylor, Shelley E.. 831 Biological Stress Responses, 83 Number 12 Index \. Spellman, and Reid Weber, E.L.. EJ. Johnson, K.F Mileh. H. Chang. J-4 Brodscholl, and D.G fasis for Witness Credibility, Goldstein. Asymmetric Discounting in Intert« mporal ¢ hoice: A Query Theory Account, 516 Wegner. Daniel M.. see Mitchell. Jason P.. 292 Weiss. Daniel J.. Jason D. Wark. and David A Rosenbaum, Monkey See. the Musi Monkey Plan. Monkey Do The End-State Comfort Effect in Cotton-Top lamarins (Saguinus vedipus), 1063 Weiss. Talia. see Gottheb. Daniel A.. 240 Welch, William T.. see Taylor. Shelley I 831 Weller, Aron, see Feldman, Ruth, 965 Weller, Joshua A.. Irwin P. Levin, Baba Shiv, and Antoine Bechara, Neural Motor System Simulate Correlates of Adaptive Decision Making for Risky Gains and Losses, 958 Hand sus a Wooder Wheatley, Thalia. Shawn C. Milleville .and Alex Martin, Understanding Animat Agents: Distinct Roles for the Social Network ind’ Mirror Svstem, 469 Whitmer, Anson J.. and Marie 1 Banich, Inhibition Versus Switching Deficits in Different Forms of Rumination, 546 Wilkie, Jenell, see Prescott, John, 308 Willeutt, Erik G see Friedman, NaomP..i 8 93 Williams, Leanne Felmingham. Kim, 127 Wilson. Sarah ¢ Cumming. Geolf, 230 Wixted. John ‘I md Shana kh, irpenter The Wickelgren Power Law uel the Ebbinghaus S wings Function, 133 Wolfe. Jeremy M.. see Horowitz. Todd S.. joo Wolfe. Jeremy M.. se Horowitz. Todd S oF 1099 iford, George. see Shah. Avni M.. 369 W., 222 Stace ee Kisley, Michael A 19 t. Daniel B.. and Elin M. Skagerbet Postidentification Feedback Affects Effecotf Culture on O00 Jason P., 202 Mahzarin R Banaji, Fumio Chihiro Kobayashi, Huajian Positive Implicit Self 1OQo0 lO YOO goo i » a ' - : * 7 r o ; > es 5 a bg t i } i i a x ® . -

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