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PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE Index VOLUME 5, 1994 Ashby, F. Gregory, W. Todd Maddox, and W. William Lee, On Egly, Robert, Robert Rafal, Jon Driver, and Yves Starrveveld, the Dangers of Averaging Across Subjects When Using Mul- Covert Orienting in the Split Brain Reveals Hemispheric Spe- tidimensional Scaling or the Similarity-Choice Model, 144 cialization for Object-Based Attention, 380 Eisenberg, Marlene, see Deater-Deckard, Kirby, 341 Bargones, Jill Y., and Lynne A. Werner, Adults Listen Selec- Ellis, Susan C., see Reyna, Valerie F., 275 tively; Infants Do Not, 170 Emde, R.N., see Cherny, S.S., 354 Bertenthal, Bennett I., see Freedland, Robert L., 26 Estes, W.K., Psychological Science: The First 5 Years, 307 Bertenthal, Bennett I., and Jeannine Pinto, Global Processing of Biological Motions, 221 Flaton, Robin, see Kuhn, Deanna, 289 Borne, Dawn N., see Cowan, Nelson, 103 Flynn, Carol, see Sekuler, Allison B., 260 Bower, Gordon H., In Appreciation of E.R. Hilgard’s Writings Freedland, Robert L., and Bennett I. Bertenthal, Developmen- on Learning Theories, 181 tal Changes in Interlimb Coordination: Transition to Hands- Bower, T.G.R., see Kaye, Kelley L., 286 and-Knees Crawling, 26 Bowers, Kenneth S., A Review of Ernest R. Hilgard’s Books Freedle, Roy, and Irene Kostin, Can Multiple-Choice Reading on Hypnosis, in Commemoration of His 90th Birthday, 186 Tests Be Construct-Valid? A Reply to Katz, Lautenschlager, Brody, Nathan, Cognitive Abilities, 63 Blackburn, and Harris, 107 Carroll, John B., Toward More Acceptable Phonemic Tran- Freyd, Jennifer J., Circling Creativity, 122 scriptions, 115 Fry, Astrid F., see Green, Leonard, 33 Cherny, S.S., D.W. Fulker, R.N. Emde, J. Robinson, R.P. Fulker, D.W., see Cherny, S.S., 354 Corley, J.S. Reznick, R. Plomin, and J.C. DeFries, A Devel- opmental-Genetic Analysis of Continuity and Change in the Gangestead, Steven W., see Thornhill, Randy, 297 Bayley Mental Development Index From 14 to 24 Months: Gentner, Dedre, and Arthur B. Markman, Structural Alignment The MacArthur Longitudinal Twin Study, 354 in Comparison: No Difference Without Similarity, 152 Christenfeld, Nicholas, see Schachter, Stanley, 37 Gibson, Bradley S., see Peterson, Mary A., 253 Christensen, Andrew, and Neil S. Jacobson, Who (or What) Gibson, Eleanor J., Has Psychology a Future?, 69 Can Do Psychotherapy: The Status and Challenge of Non- Gonzalez, Richard, The Statistics Ritual in Psychological Re- professional Therapies, 8 search, 321 Chung, Ngar-Kok, Detlof von Winterfeldt, and R. Duncan Graf, Aurora, see Nelson, Thomas O., 207 Luce, An Experimental Test of Event Commutativity in De- Green, Leonard, Astrid F. Fry, and Joel Myerson, Discounting cision Making Under Uncertainty, 394 of Delayed Rewards: A Life-Span Comparison, 33 Church, Barbara, see Schacter, Daniel L., 20 Grosjean, Francois, and Joanne L. Miller, Going in and out of Corley, R.P., see Cherny S.S., 354 Languages: An Example of Bilingual Flexibility, 201 Cowan, Nelson, Noelle L. Wood, and Dawn N. Borne, Recon- Guagnano, Gregory A., Thomas Dietz, and Paul C. Stern, Will- firmation of the Short-Term Storage Concept, 103 ingness to Pay for Public Goods: A Test of the Contribution Crone, Kimberly Tyson, see Schachter, Stanley, 37 Model, 411 Crosby, Faye J., see Rutte, Christel G., 226 Gurman, Ernest B., Debriefing for All Concerned: Ethical Cross, David, see Rachlin, Howard, 390 Treatment of Human Subjects, 139 Crutcher, Robert J., Telling What We Know: The Use of Ver- bal Report Methodologies in Psychological Research, 241 Haerich, Paul, Startle Reflex Modification: Effects of Attention Dayton, Tom, see Durso, Francis T., 94 Vary With Emotional Valence, 407 Deater-Deckard, Kirby, Sandra Scarr, Kathleen McCartney, Hale, Sandra, and Jennifer Jansen, Global Processing-Time Co- and Marlene Eisenberg, Paternal Separation Anxiety: Rela- efficients Characterize Individual and Group Differences in tionships With Parenting Stress, Child-Rearing Attitudes, and Cognitive Speed, 384 Maternal Anxieties, 341 Hawkins, Chris, see von Hippel, William, 401 DeFries, J.C., see Cherny, S.S., 354 Higham, Philip A., and John R. Vokey, Recourse to Stored Dehaene, Stanislas, Michael I. Posner, and Don M. Tucker, Exemplars Is Not Necessarily Explicit: A Comment on Localization of a Neural System for Error Detection and Knowlton, Ramus, and Squire (1992), 59 Compensation, 303 Hoffman, Curt, see Sinclair, Robert C., 15 Diekmann, Kristina A., see Rutte, Christel G., 226 Holzman, Philip S., Hilgard on Psychoanalysis as Science, 190 Dietz, Thomas, see Guagnano, Gregory A.., 411 Howell, William C., Human Factors and the Challenges of the Driver, Jon, see Egly, Robert, 380 Future, 1 Dunlosky, John, see Nelson, Thomas O., 207 Durso, Francis T., Cornelia B. Rea, and Tom Dayton, Graph- Jacobson, Neil S., see Christensen, Andrew, 8 Theoretic Confirmation of Restructuring During Insight, 94 Jansen, Jennifer, see Hale, Sandra, 384 Dyrnes, Stein, see Magnussen, Svein, 99 Johnson, David, Education Reform Clinton-Style, 117 VOL. 5, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1994 Copyright © 1994 American Psychological Society 417 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE Index Johnson, David, Tracings of Change: Five Years of Psychology ness: Repeated Words in Computer-Compressed Speech Are in Washington, 313 Difficult to Encode and Recall, 47 Johnson, Mark H., Michael I. Posner, and Mary K. Rothbart, Miller, Michelle D., see MacKay, Donald G., 52 Facilitation of Saccades Toward a Covertly Attended Loca- Mitchell, Teresa V., see Quittner, Alexandra L., 347 tion in Early Infancy, 90 Musselman, Lisa, see Langlois, Judith H., 214 Myers, Jerome L., Jill H.L ohmeier, and Arnold D. Well, Mod- Kaas, Jon, Cognition, Development, and the Brain: Progress eling Probabilistic Categorization Data: Exemplar Memory and Expectations, 318 and Connectionist Nets, 83 Katz, Donald B., see Quittner, Alexandra L., 347 Myerson, Joel, see Green, Leonard, 33 Kaye, Kelley L., and T.G.R. Bower, Learning and Intermodal Transfer of Information in Newborns, 286 Narayan, Sowmya, see von Hippel, William, 401 Kihlstrom, John F., Ernest R. Hilgard: A Life in Psychology, Narens, Louis, see Nelson, Thomas O., 207 179 Nelson, Thomas O., John Dunlosky, Aurora Graf, and Louis Kleinmuntz, Benjamin, Why Psychologists Do Not Study Psy- Narens, Utilization of Metacognitive Judgments in the Allo- chological Expertise, 115 cation of Study During Multitrial Learning, 207 Knowlton, Barbara, and Larry R. Squire, Artificial Grammar Nygaard, Lynne C., Mitchell S. Sommers, and David B. Pisoni, Learning and Implicit Memory: Reply to Higham and Vokey, Speech Perception as a Talker-Contingent Process, 42 61 Kolodny, Jonathan A., Memory Processes in Classification Oliva, Aude, see Schyns, Philippe G., 195 Learning: An Investigation of Amnesic Performance in Cat- Osberger, Mary Joe, see Quittner, Alexandra L., 347 egorization of Dot Patterns and Artistic Styles, 164 Kostin, Irene, see Freedle, Roy, 107 Palmer, Stephen E., see Sekuler, Allison B., 260 Kreuz, Roger J., see Roberts, Richard M., 159 Parkinson, Stanley, Scientific or Ethical Quality?, 137 Kroll, Mark D., A Commentary on Optimism, Fundamental- Payne, John W., Thinking Aloud: Insights Into Information ism, and Egoism, 56 Processing, 241 Kuhn, Deanna, Michael Weinstock, and Robin Flaton, How Peterson, Mary A., and Bradley S. Gibson, Must Figure-— Well Do Jurors Reason? Competence Dimensions of Individ- Ground Organization Precede Object Recognition? An As- sumption in Peril, 253 ual Variation in a Juror Reasoning Task, 289 Phelps, Maria T., see Roberts, William A., 368 Pickering, Tracie L., see Sinclair, Robert C., 15 LaBerge, David, Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology, 184 Pinto, Jeannine, see Bertenthal, Bennett I., 221 Langlois, Judith H., Lori A. Roggman, and Lisa Musselman, Pisoni, David B., see Nygaard, Lynne C., 42 What Is Average and What Is Not Average About Attractive Plomin, R., see Cherny, S.S., 354 Faces?, 214 Polzer, Jeffrey T., see Rutte, Christel G., 226 Lee, W. William, see Ashby, F. Gregory, 144 Pomerantz, James R., On Criteria for Ethics in Science: Com- Link, Stephen W., Rediscovering the Past: Gustav Fechner and mentary on Rosenthal, 135 Signal Detection Theory, 335 Posner, Michael I., see Johnson, Mark H., 90 Lohmeier, Jill H., see Myers, Jerome L., 83 Posner, Michael I., see Dehaene, Stanislas, 303 Luce, R. Duncan, see Chung, Ngar-Kok, 394 Quittner, Alexandra L., Linda B. Smith, Mary Joe Osberger, MacKay, Donald G., see Miller, Michelle D., 47 Teresa V. Mitchell, and Donald B. Katz, The Impact of Au- MacKay, Donald G., and Michelle D. Miller, Semantic Blind- dition on the Development of Visual Attention, 347 ness: Repeated Concepts Are Difficult to Encode and Recall Under Time Pressure, 52 Rachlin, Howard, Eric Siegel, and David Cross, Lotteries and Maddox, W. Todd, see Ashby, F. Gregory, 144 the Time Horizon, 390 Magnussen, Svein, and Stein Dyrnes, High-Fidelity Perceptual Rafal, Robert, see Egly, Robert, 380 Long-Term Memory, 99 Rauscher, Frances, see Schachter, Stanley, 37 Mann, Traci, Informed Consent for Psychological Research: Rea, Cornelia B., see Durso, Francis T., 94 Do Subjects Comprehend Consent Forms and Understand Reyna, Valerie F., and Susan C. Ellis, Fuzzy-Trace Theory and Their Legal Rights?, 140 Framing Effects in Children’s Risky [gecision Making, 275 Mark, Melvin M., see Sinclair, Robert C., 15 Reznick, J.S., see Cherny, S.S., 354 Markman, Arthur B., see Gentner, Dedre, 152 Roberts, Richard M., and Roger J. Kreuz, Why Do People Use Martin, Leonard L., see Sinclair, Robert C., 15 Figurative Language?, 159 McCartney, Kathleen, see Deater-Deckard, Kirby, 341 Roberts, William A., and Maria T. Phelps, Transitive Inference Messick, David M., see Rutte, Christel G., 226 in Rats: A Test of the Spatial Coding Hypothesis, 368 Metzger, Mary Ann, Have Subjects Been Shown to Generate Robinson, J., see Cherny, S.S., 354 Chaotic Numbers? Commentary on Neuringer and Voss, 111 Roggman, Lori A., see Langlois, Judith H., 214 Miller, Joanne L., see Grosjean, Francois, 201 Rosenthal, Robert, Science and Ethics in Conducting, Analyz- Miller, Michelle D., and Donald G. MacKay, Repetition Deaf- ing, and Reporting Psychological Research, 127 418 VOL. 5, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1994 PSYCHOLOGICAL SC4ENCE Index Rosenthal, Robert, and Donald B. Rubin, The Counternull Sternberg, Robert J., 468 Factor-Analyzed Data Sets: What Value of an Effect Size: A New Statistic, 329 They Tell Us and Don’t Tell Us About Human Intelligence, Rothbart, Mary K., see Johnson, Mark H., 90 63 Rubin, Donald B., see Rosenthal, Robert, 329 Rutte, Christel G., Kristina A. Diekmann, Jeffrey T. Polzer, Tetlock, Philip E., The Psychology of Futurology and the Fu- Faye J. Crosby, and David M. Messick, Organization of In- ture of Psychology, 1 formation and the Detection of Gender Discrimination, 226 Thelen, Esther, Three-Month-Old Infants Can Learn Task- Specific Patterns of Interlimb Coordination, 280 Satterfield, Jason M., and Martin E.P. Seligman, Military Ag- Thornhill, Randy, and Steven W. Gangestead, Human Fluctu- gression and Risk Predicted by Explanatory Style, 77 ating Asymmetry and Sexual Behavior, 297 Scarr, Sandra, see Deater-Deckard, Kirby, 341 Townsend, James T., Methodology and Statistics in the Behav- Schachter, Stanley, Frances Rauscher, Nicholas Christenfeld, ioral Sciences: The Old and the New, 321 and Kimberly Tyson Crone, The Vocabularies of Academia, Treadwell, Jonathan, see Schacter, Daniel L., 20 37 Tucker, Don M., see Dehaene, Stanislas, 303 Schacter, Daniel L., Barbara Church, and Jonathan Treadwell, Implicit Memory in Amnesic Patients: Evidence for Spared Vokey, John R., see Higham, Philip A., 59 Auditory Priming, 20 von Hippel, William, Chris Hawkins, and Sowmya Narayan, Schyns, Philippe G., and Aude Oliva, From Blobs to Boundary Personality and Perceptual Expertise: Individual Differences Edges: Evidence for Time- and Spatial-Scale-Dependent in Perceptual Identification, 401 Scene Recognition, 195 von Winterfeldt, Detlof, see Chung, Ngar-Kok, 394 Sears, David O., On Separating Church and Lab, 237 Sekuler, Allison B., Stephen E. Palmer, and Carol Flynn, Local and Global Processes in Visual Completion, 260 Waller, Niels G., and Phillip R. Shaver, The Importance of Seligman, Martin E.P., see Sethi, Sheena, 58 Nongenetic Influences on Romantic Love Styles: A Twin- Seligman, Martin E.P., see Satterfield, Jason M., 77 Family Study, 268 Sethi, Sheena, and Martin E.P. Seligman, The Hope of Funda- Ward, Lawrence M., and Robert L. West, On Chaotic Behav- mentalists, 58 ior, 232 Shaver, Phillip R., see Waller, Niels G., 268 Washburn, David A., Stroop-like Effects for Monkeys and Hu- Shih, Shui-I, and George Sperling, Using Cluster Analysis to mans: Processing Speed or Strength of Association?, 375 Discover and Characterize Covert Strategies, 175 Weinstock, Michael, see Kuhn, Deanna, 289 Siegel, Eric, see Rachlin, Howard, 390 Weisberg, Robert W., Genius and Madness? A Quasi-Exper- Sinclair, Robert C., Curt Hoffman, Melvin M. Mark, Leonard imental Test of the Hypothesis That Manic-Depression In- L. Martin, and Tracie L. Pickering, Construct Accessibility creases Creativity, 361 and the Misattribution of Arousal: Schachter and Singer Re- Well, Arnold D., see Myers, Jerome L., 83 visited, 15 Werner, Lynne A., see Bargones, Jill Y., 170 Smith, Linda B., see Quittner, Alexandra L., 347 West, Robert L., see Ward, Lawrence M., 232 Sommers, Mitchell S., see Nygaard, Lynne C., 42 White, Sheldon H., Hilgard’s Vision of Psychology’s History, Sperling, George, see Shih, Shui-I, 175 192 Squire, Larry R., see Knowlton, Barbara, 61 Wilson, Timothy D., The Proper Protocol: Validity and Com- Starrveveld, Yves, see Egly, Robert, 380 pleteness of Verbal Reports, 249 Stern, Paul C., see Guagnano, Gregory A., 411 Wood, Noelle L., see Cowan, Nelson, 103 VOL. 5, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1994

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