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Preview Psychological Bulletin January-November 2004: Vol 130 Index

Author Index to Volume 130 Key to Pagination Issue No. Month Pages January 1-176 March 177-352 May 353-528 July 529-688 September 689-840 November 841-1018 ARTICLES Cummins, Lillian H.—see Hawkins, Elizabeth H. Ablon, J. Stuart, and Marci, Carl—Psychotherapy Process: The Dalgleish, Tim—Cognitive Approaches to Posttraumatic Stress Missing Link: Comment on Westen, Novotny, and Thompson- Disorder: The Evolution of Multirepresentational Theorizing Brenner (2004) Davis, Daniel—see Robbins, Steven B. Abramson, Lyn Y.—see Mezulis, Amy H. Deary, Ian J—see Shenkin, Susan D. Agras, W. Stewart—see Jacobi, Corinna Deaux, Kay—see Ashmore, Richard D. Albarracin, Dolores—see Kumkale, G. Tarcan Deci, Edward L.—see Ryan, Richard M. Arndt, Jamie—see Pyszczynski, Tom (two entries) de Zwaan, Martina—see Jacobi, Corinna Ashmore, Richard D., Deaux, Kay, and McLaughlin-Volpe, Tracy Dhami, Mandeep K., Hertwig, Ralph, and Hoffrage, Ulrich—The —An Organizing Framework for Collective Identity: Articu- Role of Representative Design in an Ecological Approach to lation and Significance of Multidimensionality Cognition Dickerson, Sally S., and Kemeny, Margaret E——Acute Stressors and Cortisol Responses: A Theoretical Integration and Syn- Bandura, Albert, and Bussey, Kay—On Broadening the Cognitive, thesis of Laboratory Research Motivational, and Sociostructural Scope of Theorizing About DuBois, David L., and Flay, Brian R.—The Healthy Pursuit of Gender Development and Functioning: Comment on Martin, Self-Esteem: Comment on and Alternative to the Crocker and Ruble, and Szkrybalo (2002) Park (2004) Formulation Bishop, Dorothy V. M., and Snowling, Margaret J—Developmen- tal Dyslexia and Specific Language Impairment: Same or 858 Ellis, Bruce J—Timing of Pubertal Maturation in Girls: An Inte- Bogg, Tim, and Roberts, Breit W.—Conscientiousness and Health- grated Life History Approach Related Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis of the Leading Behav- Engle, Randall W.—see Feldman Barrett, Lisa ioral Contributors to Mortality Eubanks-Carter, Catherine—see Goldfried, Marvin R. Brown, Richard J.—Psychological Mechanisms of Medically Un- explained Symptoms: An Integrative Conceptual Model Bryan, Angela—see Hutchison, Kent E. Feldman Barrett, Lisa, Tugade, Michele M., and Engle, Randall W. Buitelaar, Jan K.—see Huizink, Anja C. —Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity and Bussey, Kay—see Bandura, Albert Dual-Process Theories of the Mind Flay, Brian R.—see DuBois, David L. Carlstrom, Aaron—see Robbins, Steven B. Goldfried, Marvin R., and Eubanks-Carter, Catherine—On the Chambers, John R., and Windschitl, Paul D.—Biases in Social Need for a New Psychotherapy Research Paradigm: Comment Comparative Judgments: The Role of Nonmotivated Factors in on Westen, Novotny, and Thompson-Brenner (2004) Above-Average and Comparative-Optimism Effects Green, Leonard, and Myerson, Joel—A Discounting Framework Cox, Cathy—see Pyszczynski, Tom for Choice With Delayed and Probabilistic Rewards Coyne, James C., Thompson, Richard, and Whiffen, Valerie—Is Greenberg, Jeff—see Pyszczynski, Tom (two entries) the Promissory Note of Personality as Vulnerability to De- pression in Default? Reply to Zuroff, Mongrain, and Santor 512 Haaga, David A. F.—A Healthy Dose of Criticism for Randomized Crocker, Jennifer, and Nuer, Noah—Do People Need Self-Esteem? Trials: Comment on Westen, Novotny, and Thompson- Comment on Pyszczynski et al. (2004). . . 469 Brenner (2004) Crocker, Jennifer, and Park, Lora E.—Reaping the Benefits of Hankin, Benjamin L.—see Mezulis, Amy H. Pursuing Self-Esteem Without the Costs? Reply to DuBois Hannum, James W.—see Moyer, Christopher A. and Flay (2004), Sheldon (2004), and Pyszczynski and Cox Hawkins, Elizabeth H., Cummins, Lillian H., and Marlatt, G. Alan —Preventing Substance Abuse in American Indian and Alaska Crocker, Jennifer, and Park, Lora E—The Costly Pursuit of Self- Native Youth: Promising Strategies for Healthier Communi- Esteem iV AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 130 Hayward, Chris—see Jacobi, Corinna Moyer, Christopher A., Rounds, James, and Hannum, James W. Heller, Daniel, Watson, David, and flies, Remus—The Role of —A Meta-Analysis of Massage Therapy Research Person Versus Situation in Life Satisfaction: A Critical Ex- Mulder, Edu J. H.—see Huizink, Anja C. amination Murre, Jaap M. J—see Meeter, Martijn Hertwig, Ralph—see Dhami, Mandeep K. Myerson, Joel—see Green, Leonard Hoffrage, Ulrich—see Dhami, Mandeep K. Huizink, Anja C., Mulder, Edu J. H., and Buitelaar, Jan K—Pre- Novotny, Catherine M.—see Westen, Drew (two entries) natal Stress and Risk for Psychopathology: Specific Effects or Nuer, Noah—see Crocker, Jennifer Hutchison, Kent E., Stallings, Michael, McGeary, John, and Bryan, Park, Lora E.—see Crocker, Jennifer (two entries) Angela—Population Stratification in the Candidate Gene Podd, John—see Stewart-Williams, Steve (two entries) Hyde, Janet S.—see Mezulis, Amy H. Pyszczynski, Tom, and Cox, Cathy—Can We Really Do Without Self-Esteem? Comment on Crocker and Park (2004) Pyszczynski, Tom, Greenberg, Jeff, Solomon, Sheldon, Arndt, Ilies, Remus—see Heller, Danie! Jamie, and Schimel, Jeff—Converging Toward an Integrated Theory of Self-Esteem: Reply to Crocker and Nuer (2004), Jacobi, Corinna, Hayward, Chris, de Zwaan, Martina, Kraemer, Ryan and Deci (2004), and Leary (2004) Helena C., and Agras, W. Stewart—Coming to Terms With Pyszczynski, Tom, Greenberg, Jeff, Solomon, Sheidon, Arndt, Risk Factors for Eating Disorders: Application of Risk Ter- Jamie, and Schimel, Jeff—Why Do People Need Self-Esteem? minology and Suggestions for a General Taxonomy A Theoretical and Empirical Review Johnson, Byron—-see Larzelere, Robert E. Ricciardelli, Lina A., and McCabe, Marita P—A Biopsychosocial Kemeny, Margaret E.—see Dickerson, Sally S. Model of Disordered Eating and the Pursuit of Muscularity in Kirsch, Irving—Conditioning, Expectancy, and the Placebo Effect: Adolescent Boys Comment on Stewart-Williams and Podd (2004) Robbins, Steven B., Lauver, Kristy, Le, Huy, Davis, Daniel, Lang- Kraemer, Helena C.—see Jacobi, Corinna ley, Ronelle, and Carlstrom, Aaron—Do Psychosocial and Kuhn, Brett R.—see Larzelere, Robert E. Study Skill Factors Predict College Outcomes? A Meta- Kumkale, G. Tarcan, and Albarracin, Dolores—The Sleeper Effect PMNEREO SESE sg. f's trl 6,h s Sato ease San ie gri e Sr ee ve cone oars oa in Persuasion: A Meta-Analytic Review Roberts, Brent W.—see Bogg, Tim Rounds, James—see Moyer, Christopher A. Langley, Ronelle—see Robbins, Steven B. Ruble, Diane N.—see Martin, Carol Lynn Larzelere, Robert E., Kuhn, Brett R., and Johnson, Byron—The Ryan, Richard M., and Deci, Edward L.—Avoiding Death or En- Intervention Selection Bias: An Underrecognized Contound in gaging Life as Accounts of Meaning and Culture: Comment Intervention Research; on Pyszczynski et al. (2004) _Lauver, Kristy—see Robbihs, Steven B. Le, Huy—see Robbins, Steven B. Leary, Mark R.—The Function of Self-Esteem in Terror Manage- Santor, Darcy A.—see Zuroff, David C. (two entries) ment Theory and Sociometer Theory: Comment on Pyszczyn- Schimel, Jeff—see Pyszczynski, Tom (two entries) ski et al. (2004) Segerstrom, Suzanne C., and Miller, Gregory E.—-Psychological Long, Gerald M., and Toppino, Thomas C.—Enduring Interest in Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Perceptual Ambiguity: Alternating Views of Reversible Fig- Study of 30 Years of Inquiry 1 Sag a aaa Re ORR Tete ote ee ae i RP ARG US Shaw, Heather—see Stice, Eric Lorber, Michael F.—Psychophysiology of Aggression, Psychopa- Sheldon, Kennon M.—-The Benefits of a “Sidelong” Approach to thy, and Conduct Problems: A Meta-Analysis Self-Esteem Need Satisfaction: Comment on Crocker and Park (2004) Marci, Carl—see Ablon, J. Stuart Shenkin, Susan D., Starr, John M., and Deary, Ian J—Birth Weight Marlatt, G. Alan—see Hawkins, Elizabeth H. and Cognitive Ability in Childhood: A Systematic Review... Martin, Carol Lynn, Ruble, Diane N., and Szkrybalo, Joel—Rec- Snowling, Margaret J—see Bishop, Dorothy V. M. ognizing the Centrality of Gender Identity and Stereotype Solomon, Sheldon—see Pyszczynski, Tom (two entries) Knowledge in Gender Development and Moving Toward The- Stallings, Michael—see Hutchison, Kent E. oretical Integration: Reply to Bandura and Bussey (2004). . . Starr, John M.—see Shenkin, Susan D. McCabe, Marita P.—see Ricciardelli, Lina A. Stewart-Williams, Steve, and Podd, John—The Placebo Effect: McGeary, John—see Hutchison, Kent E. Dissolving the Expectancy Versus Conditioning Debate McLaughlin-Volpe, Tracy—see Ashmore, Richard D. Stewart-Williams, Steve, and Podd, John—Placebo Psychothera- Meeter, Martijn, and Murre, Jaap M. J——Consolidation of Long- pies and Nonconscious Learning in the Placebo Effect: Reply Term Memory: Evidence and Alternatives to Kirsch (2004) Mezulis, Amy H., Abramson, Lyn Y., Hyde, Janet S., and Hankin, Stice, Eric, and Shaw, Heather—Eating Disorder Prevention Pro- Benjamin L.—Is There a Universal Positivity Bias in Attribu- grams: A Meta-Analytic Review tions? A Meta-Analytic Review of Individual, Developmental, Szkrybalo, Joel—see Martin, Carol Lynn and Cultural Differences in the Self-Serving Attributional BAAS. |. ss. Miller, Gregory E.—see Segerstrom, Suzanne C. Thompson, Richard—see Coyne, James C. Mongrain, Myriam—see Zuroff, David C. (two entries) Thompson-Brenner, Heather—see Westen, Drew (two entries) AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 130 Toppino, Thomas C.—see Long, Gerald M. OTHER Tugade, Michele M.—see Feldman Barrett, Lisa Watson, David—see Heller, Daniel Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers Westen, Drew, Novotny, Catherine M., and Thompson-Brenner, American Psychological Association Subscription Claims Heather—The Empirical Status of Empirically Supported Psy- Information 142, 323, 420, 710 chotherapies: Assumptions, Findings, and Reporting in Con- Call for Nominations 812, 1017 trolled Clinical Trials Correction to Smith et al. (2003) Westen, Drew, Novotny, Catherine M., and Thompson-Brenner, E-Mail Notification of Your Latest Issue Heather—The Next Generation of Psychotherapy Research: CHIE ide ara io a 18, 303, 517, 630, 747, 988 Reply to Ablon and Marci (2004), Goldfried and Eubanks- Instructions to Authors 2, 178, 523, 684, 690, 842 Carter (2004), and Haaga (2004) Low Publication Prices for APA Members and Whiffen, Valerie—see Coyne, James C. Affiliates 424, 663, 792 Windschitl, Paul D—see Chambers, John R. Members of Underrepresented Groups: Reviewers for Journal Manuscripts Wanted Zuroff, David C., Mongrain, Myriam, and Santor, Darcy A.—Con- New Editor Appointed for History of Psychology ceptualizing and Measuring Personality Vulnerability to De- New Editor Appointed for Journal of Occupational Health Psy- pression: Comment on Coyne and Whiffen (1995)........ 489 chology Zuroff, David C., Mongrain, Myriam, and Santor, Darcy A.—In- New Editors Appoinied, 2006-2011 838, 1016 vesting in the Personality Vulnerability Research Program— Subscription Order Form i114, 343, 414, 552 Current Dividends and Future Growth: Rejoinder to Coyne, Wanted: Old APA Journals! 477, 573, 768 Thompson, and Whiffen (2004) Wee creer Cie ES foo FS ree ks Sens ean 79, 345

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