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Ps ychologAibcuasle inV iolent DomestiRcel ations K DanieOl'L eary andR olandD .M aiuro Editors [�I SpringPeurb lishiCnogm pany PsycholAobguiscea l inV iolent DomestRiecl ations K.D aniOe'lL aeryP,h D,i Dsi stsihnePgdrue oisfsoofPr s hyocolgayn pda st Chramiaonft hPes ychology oDfte hSpeta arUttnvemie ertnsyot if N ewY ork aStt oBnoryo kH.e aci islin cpasly cohgoiwlshtro e icevedh is dodcetgorreael frotmhU en vieirytso fI loliiasntU rbaInilanl,oi in1s 69 7.D r.L e0a'w rays amontght eo p0 p 1sc0yholoigtnih Esent gssl hi-spewaokrialnscdtg i,e bdyt he AmeircaPns ycholionDg eicsetm 1b79e8rH. er eicevedt hDei sgtuiinds he ScniteiAswta rfdr otmh celn iicdaiilivs o(n1 2S,e ctIiIooInf) Atmheer ican PshyoclogiAcsoascli nai tn1i 8o95a,n d iwsnatsla eltdot hNea tiAocnaadl­ emioefPs r acitnPi scye cohgoiyln 1 896.He i asF ellw ooft hAem erican PsycohgoilAcssaolic ant( iDoiivoi7ns,s1 , 2a n2d5 ),w aapsnr de siodfte hnet AmeriAcssaonc iatAidovna nfcooerfmB eenhtar Tv hieoraDprOy.'L. e airsy thaeu tohcroo ra uotfnh iobnroe o ikcnsl,u dMianrgiT:th aelr aTrpeya tmeonrt / Depres(s91i9o0nA) bn,o rmPasly cho(l91o9g6ya) n,Td h eC ouplPessy cho­ threapTyre atmPelnatn (ne19r98 )H.ir se sefaoruccsheo sn etthoeig oayln d treatomfpe anrtta ngeegrsr siaontndh, e mdaircosirtda/led sesplirionnk . RolanDd.M ajurPoh,D i,t sh ee cDtioorfr A tnhgeMe arn amgeenDto,m estic Vieonlcaen,Wd o rkpCloancfePl riocgtr laomcsaa ttHe adr bioerMwve dical CentiSenare tt laen,Ad s scoiaPtreeos fsiotnrh D ee partomfPe scnyhtti raayn d BehiarovaSlc niceeast Utnhviees ryio tfW ashtionSngc hooofMl e diec.Hi en wasH ean Rruyt gSecrhsro a ltRa utgeUrnvsie rsaintedya ,r nheiddso ctoral degrience ln ciiapls yoclhogWya sanhtgi tUonnvi erys iinSt tL.o uiDsr.. Mauirhoa rse cveeitdh Seoc iIaslsu eAsw arfdr otmh Wea shoinnS gttate PsycholAosogsciicaaftloi ro nh iso nrd eosmeeaslrtyvci ihlco eamlnetn a,n d thGeo lAdc iheevmeAnwta rfdr omA tmherei Pcsaync holAosgsioccaila tion foprr ogdreavmpe mleonttec,ah ianngad,pp ilerde seiatnrh caehr eoafas n ger anidtn erpevrislooennaDclreM ..a uircou rrseenrtavlsEey ds ti o-nri-Chfioerf ViolencVei catnaidnm s t,ie nrinoaanltdlsiyt rirbeusteejador ucrhdn eavlo ted to thperoarcyat,ni pdcu eb,l icr eploatltoipe cedyr petarnavdti ocrtosif m s inetrpervsioloneanlc e. PsychologAibcuasle inV iolent DotnestiRce lations 1(D.a niOeJlL eary, PhD andR olandMDa.i uro, PhD Editors IfJl SpringPeurb lishCionmgp any Copyright© 2001b yS pringPeurb lishCionmgp anyI,n c. Alrilg htrse served No parotf t hisp ublicamtaiyob ner eproducsetdo,ri enda r etriesvyaslt eomr, transmiitnta endyf orm boyra nym eanse,l ectromneicch,ac nailp,h otocopying, recordionrog t,h erwiwsei,t hotuhtep riopre rmissoifSo pnri ngePru blishing CompanyI,n c. SpringPuebrl ishiCnogm panyI,n c. 536B roadway NewY orkNY, 1001-23955 Covedre sigbyn SusaHna ule, Coveprh otogrbya Bpehr nhaSrpdr inger AcquisitEidointor:s BillT ucker ProductiEodni toErl:i zabeKtehe ch 010 20 304 05/ 5 4 3 2 1 LibraorfCy o ngreCsasr aJogiPnug-bilni-caDtaitoan Psycholoagbiucsaielnv iolednotm estriecl ati/o K.n Dsan ieOl' Leaarnyd R olanDd. Maiureod,i tors. p. cm. A compilaotifoa nr ticlfreosm thej ournVailo lenacnedV ictims Includbeisbl iograrpehfiecraelan ncdei sn dex. ISBN0 -8216-1321-4( hardcover) 1.F amilvioyl ence-Psychoalsopgiecca2tl.sP .s ycholoagbiucseaI.l. O 'LearK.y , Danie1l9,4 0I-IM.a iurRool,a ndD . RC569.S.PF738 72 000 616.85'822c-21- d 99-059298 PrinteidnC anadbay T rigrapPhriicn ting Contents Contributors vu PrefaStciec:ankd s S tonMeasy B reaMky Bones, ButN amesW ilAll sHou rMte :P sycholoAgbiucsael inD omesticVailollyeR netl ationships ix RolanMda iuro Acknowledgments xxi ParIt. MeasuremIesnstu es 1. PsychologiAcbauls eA: V ariabDlees erving CritiActatle ntiinoD no mestiVci loence 3 K. DanieOl' Leary 2. Measuring EmotionianlD aAtbiunRsgee l ationships as a MultifactCoornisatlru ct 29 ChristoMp.hM eurr phayn dS haronA .H oover 3. TheV alidatoifto hneP sychologiMcaallt reatment ofW omenI nventory 47 RichaMr.dT olman 4. TheD ominanSccea le: Preliminary PsycPhroopmeerttriiecs 61 SherLry. H amby v vi Contents 5. A Scalfeo rI dentifying "Stockholm Syndrome" ReactiionnYs o unDga tinWgo men: FactoSrt ructuRreel,i abialnidtV ya,l idity 77 DeeL. R.G raham,E dnal. R awlinKgism,I hms. DianLea timJear,n eFto llaAnloi.c Tihao mpson, KellSyu ttmaMna.r yF arringatnodnR ,a cheHla cker 6. TheR eliabialnidFt ayc toSrt ructoufret heI ndex ofS pouseA busWei thA frican-AmeWroimceann WI DoriWisl liamCsa mpbeJlalc,q uelCyanm pbell, ChristKiinnegB ,a rbarPaa rkearn,dJ osephine Ryan 7. MeasuriInngt erfereWnictehE mployment andE ducatiRoenp ortbeydW omenW ith AbusiPvaer tnePrresl:i minary Data 119 Stephanie RigerA,h rCeonuasrn,td An meyyB lickenstaff ParItI .I nterrelatiaonndOs uhticposm es 8. PsychologAibcuasleI :m plicatfiooArndj su stment andC ommitmetnotL eavVei olePnatr tners 137 IleaAnrai aasn dK areT.n Pape 9. Effectso fM en'Ssu btlaen dO verPts ychological Abusoen L ow-IncoWmoem en 153 LindLa.M arshall 10.C ourt-InvoBlavtetde rWeodm en's Responses toV iolencTeh:eR oloef P sychologPihcyasli,c al, andS exuaAlb use 177 MaryA nnD uttoLni,s Aa. G oodmana,n dL aureBne nnett 11.T heI mpacotfD iffereFnotr mso fP sychological Abusoen B attered Women 197 LeslA.i eS ackeattn d DanGi.eS la unders Index 213 Contributors CourtnAehyre nsP,h D MaryA nnD uttoPnh,D Departomfe nPts ychologGye orWgaes hoinnU gntiversity Unvieryso ifIt loliisn LawC enter ChciagIoL, BethesMdDa , IleaAnrai asP,h D MaryF arringPthoDn , DepartomfPe snytc ghyo lo DepartomfPe snytco hgoyl ThUen eirvsoifGt eyo rgia Unvieryso ifCt incinnati AthnesG,A CinncniaOtHi . Lauren eBtetPn,hn D JaneFto liaPnhoD, DepartomfPe snytco hgoyl DepmaerntotfP sychology Uneirvyso ifMt arlynad UnirvseiotfCy ic nninati BalmotriMeD, CincaitOniHn, AmyB lickteafnf,Ps hD LisAa. G oodmaPnh,D DepartomfPe snytc hology DepartomfPe snytc ghyo lo Unirvsyeio tfIl linois UnvieirtsoyfM araynld ChciagIoL. BaltrieMm,Do DorWiis lliCaammsp blelA,RNPP,h D Dee1 ,R..G rahamP,h D Colelo efNg ursing DepartomfPe snytc ghyo lo Unirvsyeio tfS outFhlr oida UnvieirtsoyfC incinnati TampFaL, CnicninatOiH, JacqueClaymnp bePlhlD,R, N ,FA AN RachHealc kePrh,D SchooofNl u rsing DepartomfPe snytc hology JohHnosp kUinnvise rys it UnievrsoifCt iyn cinnati BaltrieMm,Do CnicinOnHa ti, vii viii Contributors SherryL .H ambyP.b D EdnaI .R awlnigsP,h D FamiRleys recaLha boratory DepartomefPn sty cohgoyl UnirvseiotfNy e wH ampshire UnviersoifCt iyn cinnati DurhaNmH, CincinOnHa ti, SharoAn.H oovePrh,D StephaRniigee Prh,D DepartomefPn sty cohgoyl DepartomfePn sty chology UniverosfMi atryy land Univeyro sfIi litlnois BaltimoMrDe , Chicoa,IgL KimI hmsP,h D JosephRiynaen P,h D,R N DepartomefPn sty chology SchooofNl u rsing UnviersoifCt iyn cinnati UniverosfMi atsys achusetts CincinOnHa ti, AmherMsAt , ChristKiinneg LeslAi.Se a ckePthtD, SchooofNl u rsing ColumCboilal ege UnviersoifMt ays sachusettsC olumbSiCa , AmherMsAt , DaniGe.lS aundePrhsD, DianLea timePrh,D UniverosfMi itcyh igan DepartomefPn sty chology SchooofSl o ciWaolr k UniverosfCi itnyc innati AnnA rboMrI, CincinOnHa ti, KellSyu ttmaPnh.D LindLa.M arshaPlhlD, DepartomfePn sty chology DepartomefPn sty chology UniverosfCi itnyc innati UniverosfNi otrytT he xas CincinOnHa ti, DentoTnX, AlicTihao mpsoPnh,D ChristoMp.hM eurr phyP,h D DepartomefPn sty chology DepartomfePn sty chology UniverosfCi itnyc aitnin UniverosfMi atryy land CincinOnHa ti, BatlimoMrDe , RichaMr.dT olman, PhD KareTn. P apeP,h D UniverosfMi itcyh igan DepartomfeP nsty chology SchooofSl o ciWaolr k TheU nirvseiotfGy e origa AnnA rboMrI, AtheGnAs, BarbaPraar kePrh,D R, N, FAAN SchooofNl u rsing UniverosfVi itryg inia CharelostvtiVl lAe , Preface Sticaknsd S tones May BreaMky Bones, ButN amesW ilAll sHou rtM e: PsychologAibcuaslei n DomesticVailollye nRte lationships Earlsyt udoifde osm esvtiiocl eanmcoeni gn timpaatret nweerrbsea sed ons ocioloagnicdcr ailm inoltohgeioAcrsayal .r esutlhtee,a rfloyuc s wasu pobne haviaocrtawslh, i cohf tceonn stiatt urtaends groefs sion acceptcaublltenu orramlos ra v iolaotfai noont pheerrs orni'gshi tnts hf eo rm ofi ndexcerdi mibneahla viHoorw.e vearst, h e fhiaesel vdo lvoetdh,e r disciphlaivnjeeo si nientd h e sotfud doym esvtiiocl einnccel uding clinical psycholsoogcyiw,ao lrk n,u rsianngdm,,o rree cenetmleyr,g eanncpdyr imary carmee diciAnsae r .e sudlotm,e svtiiocl einsnc oewv iewaesda c luster or pattoefr nei rnrtelbaetheadv iwohriscc,ha nno otn ly impacpte rasn'oosnt her freedaonmdr ighbtusta l seofe fct vaarsipoeuocstf ps h ysihceaalla tnhd emotiownealblle -inAg c.o mprheensdievfien iotifdo onm esvtiieocnl cneo w incluadlbeles h avtihoaretsx eprhty sifcoartlc oei njucroen,t rooral b,u asne intimoarft aem ily mfeomerbcde rc.oo re rcseedx uaaclt ivdietsyt,r uocft ion ix

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