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Preview Psychobiology : A Journal of the Psychonomic Society, Inc 1993: Vol 21 Table of Contents

Contents of Volume 21 Acker, J. D. See Raz, N. Jaffard, R. See Guillou, J.-L. Ahlers, S. T., Shurtleff, D., Schrot, J., Thomas, J. R., Jastreboff, P. J. See Brennan, J. F. & Paul-Emile, F. Glucose attenuates cold-induced im- Joanette, Y. See Arguin, M. pairment of delayed matching-to-sample perfor- Joyal, C. C. See Lalonde, R. Kehoe, E. J., Horne, P. S., & Horne, A. J. Discrimi- Anderson, D. C. Does ACTH mediate the punishment- nation learning using different CS—US intervals in intensification effect of prolonged, fixed-duration classical conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating mem- IIE 8.6 i:6%cdcstuvenceucgedesacks brane response Arguin, M., Cavanagh, P., & Joanette, Y. A lateralized Kesner, R. P. Paired associate learning in the rat: Role alerting deficit in left-brain—damaged patients .. of hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, and parie- Bannon, A. W., McMonagle-Strucko, K., & Fanelli, tal cortex R. J. Nimodipine prevents medial septal lesion- Kessler, A., & Shinitzky, M. Platelets from schizo- induced performance deficits in the Morris water phrenic patients bear autoimmune antibodies that maze inhibit dopamine uptake Bardo, M. T. See Randall, C. K. Koroshetz, W. J. See Willingham, D. B. Baskall, L. See Paylor, R. Kraemer, P. J. See Randall, C. K. Bauer, R. H. Lateralization of neural control for vocali- Krank, M. D., & Perkins, W. L. Conditioned with- zation by the frog (Rana pipiens) drawal signs elicited by contextual cues for morphine Blokland, A., & Raaijmakers, W. Food motivation in administration rats of different ages Lalonde, R., Joyal, C. C., Cété, C., & Botez, M. I. Botez, M. I. See Lalonde, R. Delayed spontaneous alternation in lurcher mutant Brennan, J. F., Byrnes, J.J., & Jastreboff, P. J. mice Salicylate-induced phantom auditory effects on re- LeVere, T. E. Recovery of function after brain inforced behavior in pre- and postweanling rats damage: The effects of nimodipine on the chronic Burch-Vernon, A. S. See Morgan, R. E. behavioral deficit Byrnes, J. J. See Brennan, J. F. Levy, M. See Druhan, J. P. Cavanagh, P. See Arguin, M. MacNeill, C. See Smith, C. Cété, C. See Lalonde, R. Maren, S., Patel, K., Thompson, R. F., & Mitchell, D. Dalrymple-Alford, J. C. See Harper, D. N. Individual differences in emergence neophobia pre- Daniel, W. F. See Yeo, R. A. dict magnitude of perforant-path long-term poten- Dastur, F. N. See Mumby, D. G. tiation (LTP) and plasma corticosterone levels in Dhanens, K. See Rodriguez, W. A. rats Druhan, J. P., Levy, M., & Shizgal, P. Effects of vary- Maren, S. See Mitchell, D. ing reinforcement schedule, reward current, and Marshall-Goodell, B., Kehoe, E. J., Kirkpatrick-Steger, pretrial priming stimulation on discrete-trial perfor- K. K., & Gormezano, I. Laws of the unconditioned mance for brain stimulation reward reflex in the rabbit nictitating membrane prepara- Fanelli, R. J. See Bannon, A. W. tion (Vol. 20, pp. 229-237) Foreman, N., & Thinus-Blanc, C. Response of rats with Erratum bilateral superior collicular lesions to change in the McFarland, D. J., Neat, G. W., Read, R. F., & Wol- ambient visual environment paw, J. R. An EEG-based method for graded cur- Freeman, Jr., J. H., Spencer, C. O., Skelton, R. W., & sor control Stanton, M. E. Ontogeny of eyeblink conditioning in McLean, A. P. See Harper, D. N. the rat: Effects of US intensity and interstimulus McMonagle-Strucko, K. See Bannon, A. W. interval on delay conditioning McNamara, R. K., & Skelton, R. W. Benzodiazepine Gangestad, S. W. See Yeo, R. A. receptor antagonists flumazenil and CGS 8216 and Greenwood, C. E. See Winocur, G. inverse-agonist 8-CCM enhance spatial learning in Guillou, J.-L., Micheau, J., & Jaffard, R. Effects of the rat: Dissociation from anxiogenic actions intrahippocampal injections of somatostatin and cys- Micheau, J. See Guillou, J.-L. teamine on spatial discrimination learning in mice Mitchell, D., Maren, S., & Hwang, R. The effects of Hammond, G., & Plant, Y. Augmentation of the early hipplesoions con atwo mneotpic cahoicle ta sks .. component of the human blink reflex with closely Mitchell, D. See Maren, S. spaced stimulus pairs 69 Mondragon, A. N. See Rodriguez, W. A. Harper, D. N., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., & McLean, Mook, D. G., Oberlin, A., Tyndall, E., & Wagner, S. A. P. The effect of medial septal and mammillary Persistence of sham feeding after intragastric meals body lesions on the serial position curve in rats .. 130 in the rat: Concentration-intake relations 55 Horne, A. J. See Kehoe, E. J. Morgan, R. E., Burch-Vernon, A. S., & Riccio, D. C. Horne, P. S. See Kehoe, E. J. Experimental induction of retrograde and antero- Hwang, R. See Mitchell, D. grade amnesia concurrently: An animal model .. 221 Mumby, D. G., Pinel, J. P. J., & Dastur, F. N. Medio- Spencer, C. O. See Freeman, Jr., J. H. dorsal thalamic lesions and object recognition in Spencer, W. D. See Raz, N. ae Stanton, M. E. See Freeman, Jr., J. H Nakagawa, E. Matching and nonmatching concept Stillwell, E. J. See Robinson, G. B. learning in rats Stoller, R. A. V. See Stoller, W. L. Nakagawa, E. Relational rule learning in the rat .. Stoller, W. L., & Stoller, R. A. V. Effects of adreno- Neat, G. W. See McFarland, D. J. corticotropic hormone on appetitive discrimination Oberlin, A. See Mook, D. G performance in rats Patel, K. See Maren, S. Thinus-Blanc, C. See Foreman, N. Paul-Emile, F. See Ahlers, S. T. Thomas, J. R. See Ahlers, S. T. Paylor, R., Baskall, L., & Wehner, J. M. Behavioral Thompson, R. F. See Maren, S. dissociations between CS7BL/6 and DBA/2 mice on Torres, I. J. See Raz, N. learning and memory tasks: A hippocampal-dysfunction Tyndall, E. See Mook, D. G. hypothesis Valone, J. M. See Randall, C. K. Perkins, W. L. See Krank, M. D. Van Ausdle, L. R. See Rodriguez, W. A. Pinel, J. P. J. See Mumby, D. G. Wagner, S. See Mook, D. G. Plant, Y. See Hammond, G. Wehner, J. M. See Paylor, R. Port, R. L. See Robinson, G. B. Willingham, D. B., & Koroshetz, W. J. Evidence for Raaijmakers, W. See Blokland, A. dissociable motor skills in Huntington’s disease pa- Randall, C. K., Kraemer, P. J., Valone, J. M., & Bardo, tients M. T. Odor conditioning with morphine: Condi- Winocur, G., & Greenwood, C. E. High-fat diets im- tioned preference, aversion, and analgesia pair conditional discrimination learning in rats Raz, N., Torres, I. J., Spencer, W. D., & Acker, J. D. Wolpaw, J. R. See McFarland, D. J. Pathoclysis in aging human cerebral cortex: Evidence Yeo, R. A., Gangestad, S. W., & Daniel, W. F. Hand from in vivo MRI ry preference and developmental instability Read, R. F. See McFarland, D. J. Reilly, J. J., & Schulkin, J. Hormonal control of cal- ARTICLES IN PRESS cium ingestion: The effects ofn eonatal manipulations of the gonadal steroids both during and after criti- Forthcoming Psychobiology articles cal stages in development on the calcium ingestion errr Riccio, D. C. See Morgan, R. E. Robinson,G . B. MK301 retards acquisofi at cliassoicnall y conditioned response without affecting conditioning- related alterations in perforant path-granulceel l syn- NOTICES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS aptic transmission Robinson, G. B., Port, R. L., & Stillwell, E. J. Latent Paul Gold to continue as Psychobiology Editor inhibition of the classically conditioned rabbit nic- The Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society to be discon- titating membrane response is unaffected by the tinued NMDA antagonist MK801 Announcing a new Psychonomic Society journal: Psycho- Rodriguez, W. A., Van Ausdle, L. R., Dhanens, K., & nomic Bulletin & Review Mondragon, A. N. Glucose modulates recently re- Schrot, J. See Ahlers, S. T. Fourth Conference of the International Society for Brain Schulkin, J. See Reilly, J. J. Electromagnetic Topography Shinitzky, M. See Kessler, A. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers iirn Shizgal, P. See Druhan, J. P. Psychology: Call for papers Shurtleff, D. See Ahlers, S. T. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Skelton, R. W. See: Psychology Freeman, Jr., J. H. Nominations for the editorship of Animal Learning & McNamara, R. K Behavior SmiC., t& MhacNe,ill, C. A paradoxical sleep-dependent Deadline for submissions to the Bulletin of the Psycho- window for memory 53-56h after the end of avoid- nomic Society revised 34th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society ...

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