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Psychiatric Quarterly VOLUME 81, NUMBER 1, MARCH 2010 Original Papers PARENTAL COMBAT INJURY AND EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT: A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR DIFFERENTIATING EFFECTS OF VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE INJURIES Lisa A. Gorman, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, and Adrian J. Blow COPING STRATEGIES OF HOSPITALIZED PEOPLE WITH PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITIES IN TAIWAN Hui-Ching Wu, Ching-Kuan Wu, Jing-Wei Liao, Li-Hsin Chang, and Tang I-Chen PERCEPTIONS OF COERCION IN THE COMMUNITY: A QUALITATIVE STUDY OF PATIENTS IN A DANISH ASSERTIVE COMMUNITY TREATMENT TEAM Marie Hogh Thogersen, Britt Morthorst, and Merete Nordentoft A MEASURE OF DYSFUNCTIONAL EATING-RELATED COGNITIONS IN PEOPLE WITH PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS Yasser Khazaal, Joél Billieux, Emmanuelle Fresard, Philippe Huguelet, Martial Van der Linden, and Daniele Zullino COMPLETED SUICIDE AND MARITAL STATUS ACCORDING TO THE ITALIAN REGION OF ORIGIN Maria Masocco, Maurizio Pompili, Nicola Vanacore, Marco Innamorati, David Lester, Paolo Girardi, Roberto Tatarelli, and Monica Vichi Case Report POST STROKE DEPRESSION: TREATMENTS AND COMPLICATIONS IN A YOUNG ADULT Vincent F. Capaldi II and Gary H. Wynn Psychiatric Quarterly is abstracted or indexed in Academic Search, AgeLine, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Basic, BIOSIS Previews, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, EMBASE, FRANCIS, Gale, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, IBIDS, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, OCLC, PASCAL, PsycINFO, PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, Social Science Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Summon by Serial Solutions, and TOC Premier Psychiatric Quarterly Volume 81 - Number 2 - June 2010 ORIGINAL PAPERS Revisiting the Psychiatric Day Hospital Experience 6 Months After Discharge: How Was the Transition and What Have Clients Retained? N. Lariviére - J. Desrosiers - M. Tousignant- R. Boyer 81 The Link Between Psychosis and Aggression in Persons with Dementia: A Systematic Review D. Shub - V. Ball - A.-A.A. Abbas - A. Gottumukkala - M.E. Kunik 97 Inpatients’ and Providers’ Experiences with User Involvement in Inpatient Care M. Storm - L. Davidson 111 Determinants of Barriers to Treatment for Anxiety Disorders M. Chartier-Otis - M. Perreault -C. Bélanger 127 Adapting Evidence-Based Interventions to Fit Usual Practice: Staff Roles and Consumer Choice in Psychiatric Rehabilitation P.J. Barreira - M.C. Tepper - P.B. Gold - D. Holley -C. Macias 139 “I Really Don’t Know Whether it is Still There”: Ambivalent Acceptance of a Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder M.L. Inder - M.T. Crowe - P.R. Joyce - S. Moor - J.D. Carter - S.E. Luty 157 Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) as a Primary Method of Addressing Acute Pediatric Pathological Aggression Along with Other Modalities G. Kulkarni - P. Deshmukh - D. Barzman 167 Tarasoff Duties in Prisons: Community Standards With Certain Twists E.R. Pinta 177 Indexed/abstracted in Academic Search, AgeLine, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Basic, BIOSIS Previews, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, EMBASE, FRANCIS, Gale, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, /BIDS, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, OCLC, PASCAL, PsycINFO, PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, Social Science Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Summon by Serial Solutions, and TOC Premier Instructions for Authors for Psychiatr Q are available at http://www.springer.com/11126 Psychiatric Quarterly Volume 81 - Number 3 - September 2010 ORIGINAL PAPERS Psychiatric Correlates of Bullying in the United States: Findings from a National Sample M.G. Vaughn - Q. Fu - K. Bender - M. DeLisi - K.M. Beaver - B.E. Perron - M.0. Howard 183 Toward Understanding Errors in Inpatient Psychiatry: A Qualitative Inquiry S.W. Cullen -S.B. Nath- S.C. Marcus 197 Long-Term Use of Pramipexole in Bipolar Depression: A Naturalistic Retrospective Chart Review R.S. El-Mallakh - P. Penagaluri - A. Kantamneni - Y. Gao - R.J. Roberts 207 The Clinical Applicability of the Self-Appraisal of Iliness Questionnaire (SAIQ) to Chronic Schizophrenic Patients in Taiwan Y.-C. Kao- Y.-P. Liu 215 ‘The Human Prerogative’: A Critical Analysis of Evidence-Based and Other Paradigms of Care in Substance Abuse Treatment E. Broekaert - M. Autrique - W. Vanderplasschen - K. Colpaert 227 Aggression in Borderline Personality Disorder K. Latalova - J. Prasko 239 Overlapping Universe: Understanding Legal Insanity and Psychosis Z.D. Torry - S.B. Billick 253 Interdiscipiinary Treatment Planning in Inpatient Settings: From Myth to Model K.A. McLoughlin - J.L. Geller 263 Further articles can be found at www.springerlink.com Indexed/abstracted in Academic Search, AgeLine, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Basic, BIOSIS Previews, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, EMBASE, FRANCIS, Gale, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, IBIDS, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, OCLC, PASCAL, PsycINFO, PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, Social Science Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Summon by Serial Solutions, and TOC Premier Instructions for Authors for Psychiatr Q are available at http://www.springer.com/11126 Psychiatric Quarterly Volume 81 - Number 4 - December 2010 ORIGINAL PAPERS The Role of the Clinical Director: Self Described Strategies for Success and Satisfaction S.Gabel 279 Spirituality, Schizophrenia, and State Hospitals: Program Description and Characteristics of Self-Selected Attendees of a Spirituality Therapeutic Group N. Revheim - W.M. Greenberg - L. Citrome 285 Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting: Antisocial Traits, Fighting, and Weapons Carrying in a Large Sample of Youth C.J. Ferguson - D. Cricket Meehan 293 Exploring the Use of Seclusion and Restraint with Deaf Psychiatric Patients: Comparisons with Hearing Patients D.R. Diaz - S.A. Landsberger 303 Factor Structure and Risk Factors for the Health Status of Homeless Veterans G. Goldstein - J.F Luther -G.L. Haas - C.J. Appelt: A.J.Gordon 311 A Biosocial Interaction Between Prenatal Exposure to Cigarette Smoke and Family Structure in the Prediction of Psychopathy in Adolescence K.M. Beaver - M. DeLisi -M .G. Vaughn 325 Recovery-Oriented Training and Staff Attitudes over Time in Two State Hospitals J. Tsai - M.P. Salyers- A.L. Lobb 335 Beliefs About Causes of Schizophrenia Among Urban African American Community Members B. Broussard - §.M. Goulding - C.L. Talley - M.T. Compton 349 North Carolina Resident Psychiatrists Knowledge of the Commitment Statutes: Do They Stray from the Legal Standard in the Hypothetical Application of Involuntary Commitment Criteria? A.R. Kaufman-B. Way 363 Further articles can be found at www.springerlink.com Indexed/abstracted in Academic Search, AgeLine, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Basic, BIOSIS Previews, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, EMBASE, FRANCIS, Gale, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, IBIDS, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, OCLC, PASCAL, PsycINFO, PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, Social Science Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Summon by Serial Solutions, and TOC Premier Instructions for Authors for Psychiatr Q are available at http://www.springer.com/11126

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