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Preview PSR J1840-1419: A very cool neutron star

Draft version January 15, 2013 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 PSR J1840−1419: A VERY COOL NEUTRON STAR E. F. Keane1, M. A. McLaughlin2, M. Kramer1,3, B. W. Stappers3, C. G. Bassa3, M. B. Purver3 & P. Weltevrede3 1 MaxPlanckInstitutfu¨rRadioastronomie,AufdemHu¨gel69,53121Bonn,Germany. 2 DepartmentofPhysics,WestVirginiaUniversity,Morgantown,WV26506,USA. 3 UniversityofManchester,JodrellBankCentreforAstrophysics,SchoolofPhysics&Astronomy,ManchesterM139PL,UK. Draft version January 15, 2013 ABSTRACT WepresentupperlimitsontheX-rayemissionforthreeneutronstars. ForPSRJ1840−1419,witha 3 characteristic age of16.5 Myr, we calculatea blackbodytemperature upper limit (at99% confidence) 1 of kT∞ < 24+17 eV, making this one of the coolest neutron stars known. PSRs J1814−1744 and 0 bb −10 J1847−0130arebothhighmagneticfieldpulsars,withinferredsurfacedipolemagneticfieldstrengths 2 of 5.5×1013 and 9.4×1013 G, respectively. Our temperature upper limits for these stars are kT∞ < bb n 123+20 eVandkT∞ <115+16 eV,showingthatthesehighmagneticfieldpulsarsarenotsignificantly a −33 bb −33 hotterthanthosewithlowermagneticfields. Finally,weputtheselimitsintocontextbysummarizing J all temperature measurements and limits for rotation-driven neutron stars. 3 Subject headings: pulsar: general — stars: magnetic fields — X-rays: stars 1 ] R 1. INTRODUCTION be expected to have somewhat similar X-ray proper- ties. This, plus its relative proximity at 850 pc, make S Measurements of the temperatures of neutron stars PSR J1840−1419 an excellent target for adding to our . (NSs) are few and far between. They are often impos- h sible as, for ages (cid:38) 1 Myr, the star will have experi- knowledge of the X-ray emission and temperature of old p NSs. In this paper we present the result of a Chandra encedsignificantcoolingsinceitsformation(Yakovlev& - observation of PSR J1840−1419. o Pethick 2004). The thermal emission from NSs peaks One factor which has been suggested to be a major r in soft X-rays, below ∼ 1 keV, and the luminosities are st such that sources even a few kiloparsecs away are diffi- factor in NS cooling is the magnetic field strength. Sev- eral authors have suggested that NSs with higher mag- a cult to detect. Currently, a total of 37 measurements, [ and 9 upper-limit measurements, of rotation-driven NS neticfieldstrengthsarehotterthanthosewithlowerfield strengths, for the same age (Gonzalez et al. 2007; Zhu temperatures have been published (Li et al. 2005; Car- 1 et al. 2009; Olausen et al. 2010; Zhu et al. 2011). Such aveo et al. 2010; Abdo 2010; Speagle et al. 2011; Chang v an effect is theoretically predicted (Yakovlev & Pethick et al. 2011; Zhu et al. 2011; Marelli et al. 2011; Guver 4 2004) and the work of Geppert et al. (2004) and P´erez- 1 et al. 2012; Pires et al. 2012). Of these, only 11 are for Azor´ın et al. (2006) shows that high magnetic fields su- 8 NSs with characteristic ages older than 1 Myr (exclud- press heat conductivity perpendicular to the field lines, 2 ing 5 millisecond pulsars for whom we have no meaning- naturally producing an anisotropic temperature distri- . fulestimateofage), andonlythreeofthosegreaterthan 1 bution on the stellar surface with small hot regions at 10Myr: PSRsB0950+08,J2144−3933andJ0108−1431. 0 the magnetic poles. We examine this claim with XMM- TheemissionfromPSRB0950+08,a17.5Myrpulsar,is 3 Newton observations of two pulsars: J1814−1744 and non-thermal, with a power-law spectrum, and an upper 1 limit of kT∞ <41 eV, or T <0.48 MK, on the thermal J1847−0130, both of which have high magnetic field : bb strengths, of 5.5×1013 and 9.4×1013 G, respectively. v contribution(Beckeretal.2004). Toputthisincontext, i it is at the level of the lowest measured temperature for Finally, wepresent anupdated plotof kTb∞b vs charac- X anyNS:kT∞ =43eVforGeminga(DeLucaetal.2005). teristicageforallX-raymeasurementsof,andupperlim- r PSR J2144b−b3933 is the slowest spinning pulsar known its on, rotation-powered NS temperature made thus far, a and re-examine the temperature-magnetic field strength (P = 8.5 s) and an order of magnitude older (272 Myr) relationship. than PSR B0950+08 so that it is perhaps not surpris- ing that no X-ray emission has been seen from it, with an upper limit of kT∞ < 20 eV (Tiengo et al. 2011). 2. OBSERVATIONS&RESULTS bb Posseltetal.(2012)haverecentlyreportedthedetection 2.1. Calculating Limits of PSR J0108−1431 (170 Myr) with kT∞ = 110 eV, a bb For a non-detection, one could determine a count rate source which seems to be undergoing a heating process. limit by following the procedure of Pivovaroff et al. Inarecentre-analysisoftheParkesMulti-beamPulsar (2000): (i) define an aperture on the image about the Survey, PSR J1840−1419 was discovered (Keane et al. position of the source, and add up the counts in this 2010). This 6.6-s pulsar shows sporadic radio emission region, N; (ii) define a background region of the same with strong single pulses detected, on average, every area (or appropriately scale to the same area) elsewhere ∼ 10 rotation periods, at flux densities up to 1.7 Jy. on the image and add up the counts in the background At 16.5 Myr, PSR J1840−1419 has a very similar char- region, B. The signal from the source is N − B and acteristic age to PSR B0950+08, and therefore might √ the noise is N +B. The signal-to-noise ratio is then 2 E. F. Keane et al. √ (N −B)/ N +B. To set a ‘3−σ limit’ count rate we density of N = 6×1020 cm−2 which is derived from H can then solve for N in 9(N +B) = (N −B)2, where the dispersion measure, assuming 10 neutral hydrogen B is known. We can see that in the N (cid:29) B ‘photon- atoms per free electron (Seon & Edelstein 1998). Pre- rich’ case this tends to the expected Poisson value in dicted count levels were calculated using the standard the absence of background sky noise. However, in the PIMMS (Portable, Interactive Multi-Mission Simulator) ‘photon-poor’ case we clearly can not use this expres- tool1. sion, e.g. for B =0.35, N =10 na¨ıvely suggests a 99.7% 2.3. PSRs J1814−1744 & J1847−0130 detection/limit,howeverweknowthatthePoissonprob- abilityfor10countsduetonoiseis≈10−13%; forsucha We also present the results of two XMM-Newton background rate 3 counts represents a 99.8% limit. The observations using the PN detector and medium filter in observations presented here are in the photon-poor sce- the energy range 0.15−15.0 keV. PSR J1814−1744 was nario,sothatusingthePivovaroffetal.(2000)procedure observed for 6.1 ks on 2004-10-21, and PSR J1847−0130 would result in a much poorer limit than what has truly was observed for 17.0 ks on 2004-09-14. The observa- been obtained. tions of these young, high-B pulsars also resulted in To convert count rate limits to flux limits we need ei- non-detections. AsaboveforPSRJ1840−1419wederive ther some kind of absolute scale, e.g. from observing temperature upper limits for these sources of: kT∞ < bb a standard source of known flux, or a model for our 123+20eV(R∞/10 km)−0.23, for PSR J1814−0130, −34 bb source,e.g. anassumedspectralform(McLaughlinetal. and kT∞ < 115+16eV(R∞/10 km)−0.21, for 2003). Below we calculate one set of limits for a black- bb −33 bb PSR J1847−0130 (see Figure 1). These lim- body model (whence we obtain temperature limits as a its are much less constraining given the much functionoftheemittingradius),andanothersetoflimits larger estimated distances (7.7 and 9.8 kpc re- for a non-thermal model with a power law with negative spectively). The associated flux and luminos- index of 2.0. ity limits for the blackbody scenario are: f < bb 2.6 × 10−13(R∞/10 km)1.77 erg s−1 cm−2 and L∞ < 2.2. PSR J1840−1419 bb bb 3.0×1033(R∞/10km)1.77 ergs−1 for PSR J1814−1744; PSR J1840−1419 is an old pulsar (16.5 Myr) with a and f < 3b.b2 × 10−13(R∞/10 km)1.79 erg s−1 cm−2 6.6-s spin period. Due to its sporadic radio emission it bb bb and L∞ < 2.3 × 1033(R∞/10 km)1.79 erg s−1 for wasdetectedinasearchforsinglepulses,ratherthanina bb bb PSR J1847−0130. periodicitysearch(Keaneetal.2010). Pulsarsdiscovered The non-thermal limits are: f < 8.9 × in this way are often referred to as “RRATs” (Keane & nt 10−15 erg s−1 cm−2 and L∞ < 1.0×1032 erg s−1 for McLaughlin 2011). The properties of PSR J1840−1419, nt PSR J1814−1744; and: f < 5.1×10−15 erg s−1 cm−2 both measured and derived, are given in Table 1. nt and L∞ < 3.6 × 1031 erg s−1 for PSR J1847−0130. On 2011-02-20, we performed a 10-ks observation of nt For PSR J1814−1744 the value of N derived from the PSRJ1840−1419,usingtheACIS-SdetectoronChandra H dispersion measure was ∼ 50% higher than the maxi- intheenergyrange0.2−10.0keV.Wedetectedonlyone mum Galactic value for this line of sight, as calculated photon within the ∼1 arcsec (3 pixel) error circle of the by the standard COLDEN tool2, so the COLDEN value position derived from pulsar timing (Keane et al. 2011). of N = 1.6×1022 cm−2 was used. For this reason N Assumingthatthis1countisconsistentwithbackground H H is unlikely to be underestimated, but we have allowed noise(thebackgroundratebeing0.24counts/pixel),and for the possibility that it may be overestimated by as ignoring the Poisson nature of the source, the count rate limit is 3×10−4 counts/s (at 99% confidence). much as a factor of two. Likewise, for PSR J1847−0130, the neutral hydrogen column density was derived to be In the case of a blackbody model this count rate limit implies a temperature limit of kT∞ < NH =2.1×1022 cm−2. This value of NH is very close to bb the maximum value for this line of sight, so that it too 24+17eV(R∞/10 km)−0.39, where the dependence on −10 bb is unlikely to be an overestimate. R∞ is a purely empirical fit to a simple power law of bb the form T Rα , where R is the blackbody radius 3. DISCUSSION&CONCLUSIONS 10 10 10 in units of 10 km and T10 is the temperature when Althoughthispaperreportsthreenullresultswedeem R10 = 1: see top left panel of Figure 1. The error it to be of the utmost importance to report such inves- bars reflect both NE2001 ‘worst case’ errors of a fac- tigations to avoid duplicated efforts, wasted telescope tor of two in the distance (Cordes & Lazio 2002) as resources, etc. Table 1 summarises the temperature, well as factor of two uncertainties in the neutral hy- flux and luminosity limits for the sources reported here. drgoen column density (see below). The bottom right From the non-thermal luminosity limits we can deter- panel of Figure 1 shows all measured neutron star tem- mine upper-limits on the non-thermal X-ray efficiency, peratures as a function of age. The PSR J1840−1419 η = L /E˙, where E˙ is the spin-down energy loss rate. nt limit is amongst the coolest of all published limits. AlthoughtheluminositylimitsfortheXMM-Newton ob- The corresponding flux and luminosity limits are f < bb servations are ∼ 2 orders of magnitude poorer than for 5.0 × 10−14(Rb∞b/10 km)1.61 erg s−1 cm−2 and L∞bb < the Chandra observation of J1840−1419, the E˙ values 4.3×1030(R∞/10 km)1.61 erg s−1, respectively. In the bb arecorrespondinglyhigher,suchthatforall3pulsarsthe caseofthenon-thermalmodel(powerlaw,withnegative limitturnsouttobeη (cid:46)0.2. Possentietal.(2002)deter- index of 2.0), the flux and luminosity limits are f < nt mined,fortheirstudyof39pulsars,thatallsourceshada 3.0×10−15 erg s−1 cm−2 and L∞ < 2.6×1029 erg s−1, nt respectively. 1 http://asc.harvard.edu/toolkit/pimms.jsp The above estimates use a neutral hydrogen column 2 http://asc.harvard.edu/toolkit/colden.jsp A very cool neutron star 3 value of η less than η = 10−18.5(E˙/erg s−1)0.48. Our for Scientific Advancement. max η limits are all significantly higher than this predicted REFERENCES value. However,wenotethiscriticalη valueisarrivedat uponconsideringpulsarsstudiedinthe2−10keVenergy AbdoA.A.e.a.,2010,ApJ,712,1209 range, narrower than the observations reported here. BeckerW.,WeisskopfM.C.,TennantA.F.,JessnerA.,DyksJ., Theseobservationsbringthetotalnumberofrotation- HardingA.K.,ZhangS.N.,2004,ApJ,615,908 poweredNSswithdetectionsofthermalemission, orup- CaraveoP.A.,DeLucaA.,MarelliM.,BignamiG.F.,RayP.S., SazParkinsonP.M.,KanbachG.,2010,ApJ,725,L6 perlimitsthereupon,to49. InFigure1weshowourlim- ChangC.,PavlovG.G.,KargaltsevO.,ShibanovY.A.,2011, its,alongwithallpreviousmeasurementsandlimits. Zhu ApJ,inpress et al. (2011) suggest that there is a “hint” that the high CordesJ.M.,LazioT.J.W.,preprint(arXiv:astro-ph/0207156) magnetic field pulsars are hotter than the low magnetic DeLucaA.,CaraveoP.A.,MereghettiS.,NegroniM.,Bignami field pulsars. To quantify this we first ignored the up- G.F.,2005,ApJ,623,1051 GeppertU.,Ku¨kerM.,PageD.,2004,A&A,426,267 per limits and divided the remaining data into ‘low’ and GonzalezM.E.,KaspiV.M.,CamiloF.,GaenslerB.M., ‘high’ magnetic-field-strength sources, below and above PivovaroffM.J.,2007,Astrophys.SpaceSci.,36 an arbitrarily chosen field strength value of 1013 G. We GuverT.,GogusE.,OzelF.,2012,MNRAS,inpress also excluded three ‘low’ magnetic-field-strength sources KeaneE.F.,KramerM.,LyneA.G.,StappersB.W., as their fitted blackbody radii are so much smaller than McLaughlinM.A.,2011,MNRAS,838 KeaneE.F.,LudoviciD.A.,EatoughR.P.,KramerM.,Lyne those of the rest of the sources (at 33, 43 and 120 m) so A.G.,McLaughlinM.A.,StappersB.W.,2010,MNRAS,401, thattheirthermalemissionisthoughttobeduetosome 1057 heating process (Misanovic et al. 2008). Comparing the KeaneE.F.,McLaughlinM.A.,2011,Bulletinofthe twodistributionswithaKolmogorov-Smirnov(K-S)test AstronomicalSocietyofIndia,39,333 LiX.H.,LuF.J.,LiT.P.,2005,ApJ,628,931 we find a K-S statistic of D = 0.33, and thus a proba- MarelliM.,DeLucaA.,CaraveoP.A.,2011,ApJ,733,82 bility of 0.31 that these two distributions are the same. McLaughlinM.A.etal.,2003,ApJ,591,L135 There is therefore no evidence that the high magnetic MisanovicZ.,PavlovG.G.,GarmireG.P.,2008,ApJ,685,1129 field pulsars are hotter than those with lower magnetic OlausenS.A.,KaspiV.M.,LyneA.G.,KramerM.,2010,ApJ, fields. However we note the caveat that, in addition to 725,985 P´erez-Azor´ınJ.F.,MirallesJ.A.,PonsJ.A.,2006,A&A,451, the age estimates being uncertain (as mentioned above), 1009 the magnetic field estimates are uncertain, and should PiresA.M.,MotchC.,TurollaR.,SchwopeA.,PiliaM.,Treves only be considered accurate to within an order of mag- A.,PopovS.B.,Janot-PachecoE.,2012,A&A,submitted nitude. Knowledge of the inclination angles between the PivovaroffM.,KaspiV.M.,CamiloF.,2000,ApJ,535,379 magnetic and rotation axes would be needed to estimate PosseltB.,ArumugasamyP.,PavlovG.G.,ManchesterR.N., ShannonR.M.,KargaltsevO.,2012,ApJ,inpress the magnetic field strengths more accurately (e.g. as in PossentiA.,CeruttiR.,ColpiM.,MereghettiS.,2002,A&A,387, Spitkovsky (2006)). 993 SeonK.-I.,EdelsteinJ.,1998,AJ,115,2097 SpeagleJ.S.,KaplanD.L.,vanKerkwijkM.H.,2011,ApJ,743, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 183 SpitkovskyA.,2006,ApJ,648,L51 This work has been supported by NASA CXO guest TiengoA.,MignaniR.P.,deLucaA.,EspositoP.,PellizzoniA., observer support grant GO1-12059X, and made use of MereghettiS.,2011,MNRAS,412,L73 software provided by the Chandra X-ray Center. EFK YakovlevD.G.,PethickC.J.,2004,Ann.Rev.Astr.Ap.,42,169 thanks the FSM for support, K. J. Lee for useful discus- ZhuW.,KaspiV.M.,GonzalezM.E.,LyneA.G.,2009,ApJ, 704,1321 sions on statistics, R. P. Eatough for useful comments ZhuW.W.,KaspiV.M.,McLaughlinM.A.,PavlovG.G.,Ng on the manuscript and the anonymous referee for pro- C.-Y.,ManchesterR.N.,GaenslerB.M.,WoodsP.M.,2011, viding valuable input that improved the quality of this ApJ,734,44 paper. MAM is supported by the Research Corporation 4 E. F. Keane et al. Table 1 Measuredandderivedproperties,andlimitsfor3pulsars. Quantity J1840−1419 J1814−1744 J1847−0130 P (s) 6.6 4.0 6.7 P˙ (fs/s) 6.3 745 1270 τc (kyr) 16500 85 83 B (1012 G) 6.5 55.1 93.6 E˙ (1030ergs−1) 1.0 468 167 DM (cm−3pc) 19 792 667 D (kpc) 0.9 9.8 7.7 Telescope Chandra XMM XMM Instrument ACIS-S PN PN Date 2011-02-20 2004-10-21 2004-09-14 EnergyRange(keV) 0.2−10 0.15−15 0.15−15 T (ks) 10.0 6.1 17.0 obs NH (1020cm−2) 6 157 205 kT∞ (eV)† <24+17 <123+20 <115+16 bb −10 −34 −33 T∞ (MK)† <0.28+0.19 <1.42+0.22 <1.33+0.19 bb −0.12 −0.39 −0.38 f (10−14ergcm−2s−1)‡ <5.0 <6.1 <8.9 bb L (1030ergs−1)‡ <4.3 <692 <640 bb fnt (1015ergcm−2s−1) <3.0 <8.9 <5.1 Lnt (1030ergs−1) <0.26 <102 <36 η=Lnt/E˙ <0.26 <0.22 <0.22 Note. — The measured and derived properties for the three pulsars discussed in this paper. The spin period, P, and its derivative, P˙, are derived from pulsar timing techniques, and τ, B and E˙, the characteristic age, magnetic field strength and spin-down energy respectively,areinferredfromthese(Keaneetal.2011). Thedistance,D,isderivedfromthemeasuredDM usingtheNE2001modelfor theGalacticfreeelectrondistribution(Cordes&Lazio2002). The99%-confidencetemperaturelimitsarederivedasoutlinedinthetext. Non-thermalfluxlimitsaregivenforapowerlawwithnegativeindexof2.0. †theselimitsareforanemittingradiusof10km,andscale as (R∞/10km)α, where α equals −0.39, −0.23 and −0.21, respectively for the three sources (see main text). ‡ The blackbody flux and bb luminositylimitssimilarlyscaleas(R∞/10km)2−α. bb A very cool neutron star 5 80 260 PSR J1840-1419 10..05 DDDDMM 240 PSR J1814-1744 10..05 DDDDMM 70 2.0 DDM 2.0 DDM V) producing 3e-4 cps 456000 V) producing 5e-4 cps 112268020000 ∞T (ebb 30 ∞T (ebb 140 k k 120 20 100 10 80 0 2 4 6 ∞ 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 ∞ 8 10 12 14 16 Rbb (km) Rbb (km) 240 500 PSR J1847-0130 0.5 DDM 220 12..00 DDDDMM 450 400 V) producing 3e-4 cps 111246800000 kT (eV) 223305050000 ∞kT (ebb 120 150 100 100 50 80 0 2 4 6 Rb∞b 8(km) 10 12 14 16 0 103 104 Ch1a0r5acteristic 1A0g6e (yr) 107 108 Figure 1. The first three plots show the temperature limit (i.e. which produces the observed count rate limit for an assumed blackbody model) as a function of the assumed emitting radius, for the Chandra observation of PSR J1840−1419 (10 ks) and theXMM-Newton observationsofPSRsJ1814−1744(6ks)andJ1847−0130(17ks). Thepointsarefitwithasimplepower-law of the form T (R )α. In each case the middle curve is for the nominal dispersion-measure-derived distance. The cooler and 10 10 hotter curves are for ‘worst-case’ distance errors of a factor of 2 (Cordes & Lazio 2002). For clarity of presentation we show here only the curves for the nominal N values quoted in Table 1. The fourth plot shows all known temperature values as a H function of characteristic age. Sources with inferred magnetic field strengths ≥1013 G are marked in blue, whereas those with lower values are marked in black. Open circles denote upper limits. The three upper limit presented in this paper are marked withlargecirclesforclarity. NotethatthesymbolsforPSRsJ1814−1744andJ1847−0130arelargelyoverlappingastheirages and derived limits are very similar.

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