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CUBO A Mathematical Journal o Vol.16, N¯02, (01–31). June 2014 Pseudo-Almost Periodic and Pseudo-Almost Automorphic Solutions to Some Evolution Equations Involving Theoretical Measure Theory Toka Diagana Khalil Ezzinbi Mohsen Miraoui Howard University, Universit´e Cadi Ayyad, Institut sup´erieur des Etudes 2441 6th Street N.W., Facult´e des Sciences Semlalia, technologiques de Kairouan, Washington, D.C. 20059, D´epartement de Rakkada-3191 Kairouan, USA. Math´ematiques, Tunisie. [email protected] BP 2390, Marrakesh, Maroc ABSTRACT Motivatedbytherecentworksbythefirstandthesecondnamedauthors,inthispaper we introduce the notion of doubly-weighted pseudo-almost periodicity (respectively, doubly-weighted pseudo-almost automorphy) using theoretical measure theory. Basic properties of these new spaces are studied. To illustrate our work, we study, under Acquistapace–Terreni conditions and exponential dichotomy, the existence of (µ,ν)- pseudo almost periodic (respectively, (µ,ν)-pseudo almost automorphic) solutions to some nonautonomous partial evolution equations in Banach spaces. A few illustrative examples will be discussed at the end of the paper. RESUMEN Motivado por los trabajos recientes del primer y segundo autor, en este art´ıculo intro- ducimoslanoci´ondeseudo-casiperiodicidadcondoblepeso(seudo-casiautomorf´ıacon doble peso respectivamente) usando Teor´ıa de la Medida. Se estudian las propiedades b´asicasde estos espaciosnuevos. Parailustrar nuestrotrabajo,bajo las condicionesde Acquistapace-Terreni y dicotom´ıa exponencial estudiamos la existencia de soluciones (respectivamente, (µ,ν) seudo-casi peri´odicas (µ,ν) seudo-casi autom´orficas) para al- gunas ecuaciones parciales de evoluci´on aut´onomas en espacios de Banach. Algunos ejemplos ilustrativos se discutir´an al final del art´ıculo. Keywords and Phrases: Evolution family; exponential dichotomy; Acquistapace–Terreni con- ditions; pseudo-almost periodic; pseudo-almost automorphic; evolution equation; nonautonomous equation; doubly-weighted pseudo-almost periodic; doubly-weighted pseudo-almost automorphy; (µ,ν)-pseudo-almostperiodicity;(µ,ν)-pseudo-almostautomorphy;neutralsystems;positivemea- sure. 2010 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 34C27; 34K14; 34K30; 35B15; 43A60; 47D06; 28Axx; 58D25; 65J08. CUBO 2 Toka Diagana, Khalil Ezzinbi & Mohsen Miraoui 16,2(2014) 1 Introduction Motivated by the recent works by Ezzinbi et al. [12, 13] and Diagana [30], in this paper we make extensiveuseoftheoreticalmeasuretheoryto introduceandstudythe conceptofdoubly-weighted pseudo almost periodicity (respectively, doubly-weighted pseudo almost automorphy). Obviously, thesenewnotionsgeneralizeallthedifferentnotionsofweightedpseudo-almostperiodicity(respec- tively,weightedpseudo-almostautomorphy)recentlyintroducedintheliterature. Incontrastwith [12, 13],here the idea consistsofusing twopositivemeasuresinsteadofone. Doingso willprovide us alargerandricherclassofweightedergodicspaces. Basicpropertiesofthesenew functionswill be studied including their translation invariance and compositions etc. To illustrate our study, we study the existence of (µ,ν)-pseudo-almost periodic (respectively, (µ,ν)-pseudo-almostautomorphic)solutionstothefollowingnonautonomousdifferentialequations, d u(t)=A(t)u(t)+F(t,u(t)), t R, (1.1) dt ∈ and d u(t)−G(t,u(t)) =A(t) u(t)−G(t,u(t)) +F(t,u(t)), t R, (1.2) dt! " ! " ∈ where A(t) : D(A(t)) X X for t R is a family of closed linear operators on a Banach ⊂ # ∈ space X, satisfying the well-known Acquistapace–Terreni conditions, and F,G : R X X are × # jointly continuous functions →satisfying some additional conditions. One should indicate that the autonomous case, i.e., A(t) = A for all t R, and the periodic case, that is, A(t+θ) =→A(t) for ∈ some θ > 0, have been extensively studied, see [8, 10, 40, 41, 53, 56] for the almost periodic case and [18, 22, 39, 42, 50, 51] for the almost automorphic case. Recently, Diagana [24, 25, 26, 32] studied the existence and uniqueness of weighted pseudo-almost periodic and weighted pseudo- almost automorphic solutions to some classes of nonautonomous partial evolution equations of type Eq. (1.1). Similarly,inDiagana[33],the existence ofpseudo-almostperiodic solutionsto Eq. (1.2)hasbeenstudiedintheparticularcasewhenG=0. Inthispaperitgoesbacktostudyingthe existenceofdoubly-weightedpseudo-almostperiodic(respectively,doubly-weightedpseudo-almost automorphic) solutions in the general case as outlined above using theoretical measure theory. The existence and uniqueness of almost periodic, almost automorphic, pseudo-almost peri- odic and pseudo-almost automorphic solutions is one of the most attractive topics in the quali- tative theory of ordinary or functional differential equations due to applications in the physical sciences, mathematical biology, and control theory. The concept of almost automorphy, which was introduced by Bochner [15], is an important generalization of the classical almost period- icity in the sense of Bohr. For basic results on almost periodic and almost automorphic func- tions we refer the reader to [7, 59, 61], where the authors give an important overview about their applications to differential equations. In recent years, the existence of almost periodic, pseudo-almost periodic, almost automorphic, and pseudo-almost automorphic solutions to dif- ferent kinds of differential equations have been extensively investigated by many people, see, e.g., CUBO Pseudo-Almost Periodic and Pseudo-Almost Automorphic ... 3 16,2(2014) [3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 19, 20, 30, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 57, 58, 60] and the references therein. The concept of weighted pseudo-almost periodicity, which was introduced by Diagana [25, 26, 27, 29] is a natural generalization of the classical pseudo-almost periodicity due to Zhang [59, 60, 61]. A few years later, Blot et al. [11], introduced the concept of weighted pseudo-almost automorphy as a generalization of weighted pseudo-almost periodicity. More recently, Ezzinbi et al. [12, 13] presented a new approach to study weighted pseudo-almost periodic and weighted pseudo-almostautomorphicfunctionsusingtheoreticalmeasuretheory,whichturnsouttobemore general than Diagana’s approach. Let us explain the meaning of this notion as introduced by Ezzinbi et al.et al. [12, 13]. Let µ be a positive measure on R. We say that a continuous function f : R X is µ-pseudo-almost # periodic (respectively, µ-pseudo almost automorphic) if f = g+ϕ, where g is almost periodic (respectively, almost automorphic) and ϕ is ergodic with respect to the→measure µ in the sense that 1 lim ϕ(s) dµ(s)=0, r→∞µ(Qr)"Qr∥ ∥ where Q :=[−r,r] and µ(Q ):= dµ(t). r r "Qr One can observe that a ρ-weighted pseudo almost automorphic function is µ-pseudo almost automorphic, where the measure µ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure and its RadonNikodym derivative is ρ, dµ(t) =ρ(t). dt Here we generalize the above-mentioned notion of µ-pseudo-almost periodicity. Fix two pos- itive measures µ,ν in R. We say that a function f : R X is (µ,ν)-pseudo-almost periodic # (respectively, (µ,ν)-pseudo-almost automorphic) if → f=g+ϕ, where g is almost periodic (respectively, almost automorphic) and ϕ is (µ,ν)-ergodic in the sense that 1 lim ϕ(s) dµ(s)=0, r→∞ν(Qr)"Qr∥ ∥ Clearly,the(µ,µ)-pseudo-almostperiodicitycoincideswiththeµ-pseudo-almostperiodicity. More generally,the(µ,ν)-pseudo-almostperiodicitycoincideswiththeµ-pseudo-almostperiodicitywhen the measures µ and ν are equivalent. In this paper, we introduce and study properties of (µ,ν)-pseudo-almost periodic functions andmakeuseofthesenewfunctionstostudytheexistenceanduniquenessof(µ,ν)-pseudo-almost periodic (respectively,(µ,ν)- pseudo-almostautomorphic)solutionsofthe nonautonomouspartial evolution equations Eq. (1.1) and Eq. (1.2) in a Banach space. CUBO 4 Toka Diagana, Khalil Ezzinbi & Mohsen Miraoui 16,2(2014) The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we recall some definitions and lemmas of (µ,ν)-pseudo almost periodic functions, (µ,ν)-pseudo-almost automorphic functions, and the basic notations of evolution family and exponential dichotomy. In Section 3, we study the existence and uniqueness of (µ,ν)-pseudo almost periodic (respectively, (µ,ν)-pseudo almost automorphic) solutions to both Eq. (1.1) and Eq. (1.2). In Section 4, we give some examples to illustrate our abstract results. 2 Preliminaries 2.1 (µ,ν)-Pseudo-Almost Periodic and (µ,ν)-Pseudo-Almost Automor- phic Functions Let (X, ), (Y, ) be two Banach spaces and let BC(R,X) (respectively, BC(R Y,X)) be ∥·∥ ∥·∥ × the space of bounded continuous functions f : R X (respectively, jointly bounded continuous − functions f:R Y X). Obviously, the space BC(R,X) equipped with the super norm × − → → f ∞ :=sup f(t) ∥ ∥ t∈R∥ ∥ is a Banach space. Let B(X,Y) denote the Banach spaces of all bounded linear operator from X into Y equipped with natural topology with B(X,X)=B(X). Definition 2.1. [21] A continuous function f : R X is said to be almost periodic if for every # ε>0 there exists a positive number l(ε) such that every interval of length l(ε) contains a number τ such that → f(t+τ)−f(t) <ε for t R. ∥ ∥ ∈ Let AP(R,X) denote the collection of almost periodic functions from R to X. It can be easily shown that (AP(R,X), ∞) is a Banach space. ∥·∥ Definition 2.2. [38] A jointly continuous function f:R Y X is said to be almost periodic in × # t uniformly for y Y, if for every ε > 0, and any compact subset K of Y, there exists a positive ∈ number l(ε) such that every interval of length l(ε) contains a→number τ such that f(t+τ,y)−f(t,y) <ε for (t,y) R K. ∥ ∥ ∈ × We denote the set of such functions as APU(R Y,X). × Let µ,ν . If f : R X is a bounded continuous function, we define its doubly-weighted ∈ M # mean, if the limit exists, by → 1 (f,µ,ν):= lim f(t)dµ(t). M r→∞ν(Qr)"Qr CUBO Pseudo-Almost Periodic and Pseudo-Almost Automorphic ... 5 16,2(2014) It is well-known that if f AP(R,X), then its mean defined by ∈ 1 (f):= lim f(t)dt M r→∞2r "Qr exists [15]. Consequently, for every λ R, the following limit ∈ 1 a(f,λ):= lim f(t)e−iλtdt r→∞2r "Qr exists and is called the Bohr transform of f. Itiswell-knownthata(f,λ)isnonzeroatmostatcountablymanypoints[15]. Thesetdefined by σ (f):= λ R:a(f,λ)=0 b ∈ ̸ # $ is called the Bohr spectrum of f [47]. Theorem2.3. [47]Letf AP(R,X). Thenforeveryε>0thereexistsatrigonometricpolynomial ∈ n Pε(t)= akeiλkt k=1 % where a X and λ σ (f) such that f(t)−P (t) <ε for all t R. k k b ε ∈ ∈ ∥ ∥ ∈ µ(Q ) Theorem 2.4. Let µ,ν and suppose that lim r = θ . If f : R X is an almost ∈ M r→∞ν(Qr) µν # periodic function such that → 1 lim eiλtdµ(t) =0 (2.1) r→∞###ν(Qr)"Qr ### # # for all 0=λ σ (f), then the doubl#y-weighted mean of f,# b ̸ ∈ 1 (f,µ,ν)= lim f(t)dµ(t) M T→∞ν(QT)"QT exists. Furthermore, (f,µ,ν)=θ (f). µν M M Proof. The proof of this theorem was given in [30] in the case of measures of the form ρ(t)dt. For the sake of completeness we reproduce it here for positive measures. If f is a trigonometric polynomial, say, f(t) = nk=0akeiλkt where ak ∈ X−{0} and λk ∈ R for k = 1,2,...,n, then σ (f)={λ : k=1,2,...,n}. Moreover, b k & 1 µ(Q ) 1 n f(t)dµ(t) = a r + a eiλkt dµ(t) ν(Q ) 0ν(Q ) ν(Q ) k r "Qr r r "Qr$k=1 % % µ(Q ) n 1 = a r + a eiλktdµ(t) 0ν(Q ) k ν(Q ) r k=1 $ r "Qr % % CUBO 6 Toka Diagana, Khalil Ezzinbi & Mohsen Miraoui 16,2(2014) and hence n 1 µ(Q ) 1 &&&ν(Qr)"Qrf(t)dµ(t)−a0ν(Qrr)&&& ≤ k%=1∥ak∥###ν(Qr)"Qreiλktdµ(t)### & & which by Eq. (2.1) yields 1 f(t)dµ(t)−a θ 0 as r &ν(Q ) 0 µν& & r "Qr & & & and therefore (f,µ,ν)&=a0θµν =θµνM(f). &→ →∞ M If in the finite sequence of λ there exist λ = 0 for k = 1,2,...l with a X−{0} for all k nk m ∈ m=n (k=1,2,...,l), it can be easily shown that k ̸ l (f,µ,ν)=θ a =θ (f). M µν nk µνM k=1 % Now if f:R X is an arbitrary almost periodic function, then for every ε>0 there exists a # trigonometric polynomial (Theorem 2.3) P defined by ε → n Pε(t)= akeiλkt k=1 % where a X and λ σ (f) such that k k b ∈ ∈ f(t)−P (t) <ε (2.2) ε ∥ ∥ for all t R. ∈ Proceeding as in Bohr [15] it follows that there exists r such that for all r ,r >r , 0 1 2 0 1 1 P (t)dµ(t)− P (t)dµ(t) =θ (P )− (P ) =0<ε. &&ν(Qr1)"Qr1 ε ν(Qr2)"Qr2 ε && µν&&M ε M ε && & & & & In view of the above it follows that for all r ,r >r , 1 2 0 1 1 1 f(t)dµ(t) − P (t)dµ(t) f(t)−P (t) dµ(t) &&ν(Qr1)"Qr1 ν(Qr2)"Qr2 ε &&≤ ν(Qr1)"Qr1 ∥ ε ∥ & & 1 1 + P (t)dµ(t)− P (t)dµ(t) <ε. &&ν(Qr1)"Qr1 ε ν(Qr2)"Qr2 ε && & & Now for all r>r , 0 1 1 f(t)dµ(t)− P (t)dµ(t) <ε &&ν(Qr)"Qr ν(Qr)"Qr ε && & & and hence (f,µ,ν)= (P ,µ,ν)=θ (P )=θ (f). The proof is complete. ε µν ε µν M M M M CUBO Pseudo-Almost Periodic and Pseudo-Almost Automorphic ... 7 16,2(2014) Definition 2.5. [51] A continuous function f : R X is called almost automorphic if for every sequence (σn)n∈N there exists a subsequence (sn)n∈N (σn)n∈N such that ⊂ → lim f(t+s −s )=f(t) for each t R. n,m→∞ n m ∈ Equivalently, g(t):= lim f(t+s ) and f(t)= lim g(t−s ) n→∞ n n→∞ n are well defined for each t R. ∈ Let AA(R,X) denote the collection of all almost automorphic functions from R to X. It can be easily shown that (AA(R,X), . ∞) is a Banach space. ∥∥ Definition 2.6. [13] A function f : R X Y is said to be almost automorphic in t uniformly × with respect to x in X if the following two conditions hold: (i) for all x X, f(.,x) AA(R,Y), → ∈ ∈ (ii) f is uniformly continuous on each compact set K in X with respect to the second variable x, namely, for each compact set K in X, for all ε>0, there exists δ>0 such that for all x , x K, 1 2 ∈ one has x −x δ sup f(t,x )−f(t,x ) ε. 1 2 1 2 ∥ ∥≤ t∈R∥ ∥≤ Denote by AAU(R X,Y) the set of all such functions. ⇒ × Remark2.7. [13]Notethatintheabovelimitthefunctiongisjustmeasurable. Iftheconvergence in both limits is uniform in t R, then f is almost periodic. The concept of almost automorphy is ∈ then larger than almost periodicity. If fis almost automorphic, thenits range is relatively compact, thus bounded in norm. Example 2.8. [49] Let k: R R be such that 1 k(t)→=sin , t R. !2+cos(t)+cos(√2t)" ∈ Then k is almost automorphic, but it is not uniformly continuous on R. Then, it is not almost periodic. In what follows, we introduce a new concept of ergodicity, which will generalize those given in [12] and [29, 31]. Let denote the Lebesque σ-field of R and let be the set of all positive measures µ on B M B satisfying µ(R)=+ and µ([a,b])< , for all a,b R (a b). ∈ ≤ Definition 2.9. [12] Let µ,ν . The measures µ and ν are said to be equivalent there exist ∞ ∈ M ∞ constants c ,c >0 and a bounded interval Ω R (eventually ) such that 0 1 ⊂ ∅ c ν(A) µ(A) c ν(A) 0 1 ≤ ≤ for all A satisfying A Ω= . ∈B ∩ ∅ CUBO 8 Toka Diagana, Khalil Ezzinbi & Mohsen Miraoui 16,2(2014) We introduce the following new space. Definition 2.10. Let µ,ν . A bounded continuous function f : R X is said to be (µ,ν)- ∈ M ergodic if 1 lim f(s) dµ(s)=0. → r→∞ν(Qr)"Qr∥ ∥ We then denote the collection of all such functions by (R,X,µ,ν). E We are now ready to introduce the notion of (µ,ν)-pseudo-almost periodicity (respectively, (µ,ν)-pseudo-almost automorphy) for two positive measures µ,ν . ∈M Definition 2.11. Let µ,ν . A continuous function f : R X is said to be (µ,ν)-pseudo ∈ M almost periodic if it can be written in the form → f=g+h, where g AP(R,X) and h (R,X,µ,ν). The collection of such functions is denoted by ∈ ∈ E PAP(R,X,µ,ν). Definition 2.12. Let µ,ν . A continuous function f : R X is said to be (µ,ν)-pseudo ∈ M almost automorphic if it can be written in the form → f=g+h, where g AA(R,X) and h (R,X,µ,ν). The collection of such functions will be denoted by ∈ ∈ E PAA(R,X,µ,ν). We formulate the following hypotheses. (M.1) Let µ,ν such that ∈M µ(Q ) limsup r < . (2.3) r→∞ ν(Qr) ∞ (M.2) For all τ R, there exist β>0 and a bounded interval I such that ∈ µ({a+τ: a A}) βµ(A) when A satisfies A I= . ∈ ≤ ∈B ∩ ∅ Theorem2.13. Letµ,ν satisfy(M.2). ThenthespacesPAP(R,X,µ,ν)andPAA(R,X,µ,ν) ∈M are translation invariants. Proof. We show that (R,X,µ,ν) is translationinvariant. Let f (R,X,µ,ν), we will show that E ∈E t f(t+s) belongs to (R,X,µ,ν) for each s R. # E ∈ → CUBO Pseudo-Almost Periodic and Pseudo-Almost Automorphic ... 9 16,2(2014) Indeed, letting µ = µ({t+s : t A}) for A it follows from (M.2) that µ and µ are s s ∈ ∈ B equivalent (see [12]). Now 1 ν(Q ) 1 f(t+s) dµ(t) = r+|s| . f(t+s) dµ(t) ν(Q ) ∥ ∥ ν(Q ) ν(Q ) ∥ ∥ r "Qr r r+|s| "Qr ν(Q ) 1 = r+|s| . f(t) dµ (t) ν(Q ) ν(Q ) ∥ ∥ −s r r+|s| "Qr+|s| ν(Q ) cst. r+|s| . f(t) dµ(t). ≤ ν(Q ) ν(Q ) ∥ ∥ r r+|s| "Qr+|s| Since ν satisfies (M.2) and f (R,X,µ,ν), we have ∈E 1 lim f(t+s) dµ(t)=0. r→∞ν(Qr)"Qr∥ ∥ Therefore, (R,X,µ,ν) is translation invariant. Since AP(R,X) and AA(R,X) are translation E invariants, then PAP(R,X,µ,ν) and PAA(R,X,µ,ν) are translation invariants. Theorem 2.14. Let µ,ν satisfy (M.1), then ( (R,X,µ,ν), . ∞) is a Banach space. ∈M E ∥∥ Proof. It is clear that ( (R,X,µ,ν) is a vector subspace of BC(R,X). To complete the proof, it is E enough to prove that ( (R,X,µ,ν) is closed in BC(R,X). If (f ) be a sequence in ( (R,X,µ,ν) n n E E such that lim f =f n→∞ n uniformly in R. From ν(R)= , it follows ν(Q )>0 for r sufficiently large. Using the inequality r f(t) dµ(t) f(t)−f (t) dµ(t)+ f (t) dµ(t) ∞ ∥ ∥ ≤ ∥ n ∥ ∥ n ∥ "Qr "Qr "Qr we deduce that 1 µ(Q ) 1 ν(Q ) ∥f(t)∥dµ(t)≤ ν(Qr)∥f−fn∥∞+ ν(Q ) ∥fn(t)∥dµ(t), r "Qr r r "Qr then from (M.1) we have 1 lirm→s∞upν(Qr)"Qr∥f(t)∥dµ(t)≤cst.∥f−fn∥∞ for all n∈N. Since nl→im∞∥f−fn∥∞ =0, we deduce that 1 lim f(t) dµ(t)=0. r→∞ν(Qr)"Qr∥ ∥ CUBO 10 Toka Diagana, Khalil Ezzinbi & Mohsen Miraoui 16,2(2014) Lemma 2.15. [13] Let g AA(R,X) and ε > 0 be given. Then there exist s ,...,s R such 1 m ∈ ∈ that i=1 R= (s +C ), whereC :={t R: g(t)−g(0) <ε}. i ε ε ∈ ∥ ∥ ’m Theorem 2.16. Let µ,ν and f PAA(R,X,µ,ν) be such that ∈M ∈ f=g+φ, where g AA(R,X) and φ (R,X,µ,ν). If PAA(R,X,µ,ν) is translation invariant, then ∈ ∈E {g(t); t R} {f(t); t R},(theclosureoftherangeoff). (2.4) ∈ ⊂ ∈ Proof. The proofis similar to the one givenin [13]. Indeed, if we assume that (2.4) does not hold, then there exists t R such that g(t ) is not in {f(t); t R}. Since the spaces AA(R,X) and 0 0 ∈ ∈ (R,X,µ,ν) are translation invariants, we can assume that t = 0, then there exists ε > 0 such 0 E that f(t)−g(0) >2ε for all t R. Then we have ∥ ∥ ∈ φ(t) = f(t)−g(t) f(t)−g(0) − g(t)−g(0) ε ∥ ∥ ∥ ∥≥∥ ∥ ∥ ∥≥ for all t C . Therefore, ε ∈ φ(t−s ) ε, foralli {1,...,m}, and t s +C . i i ε ∥ ∥≥ ∈ ∈ Let φ be the function defined by i=m φ(t):= φ(t−s ) . i ∥ ∥ i=1 % From Lemma 2.15, we deduce that φ(t) ε forallt R. (2.5) ∥ ∥≥ ∈ Since (R,X,µ,ν) is translationinvariant,then [t φ(t−s )] (R,X,µ,ν) for all i {1,...,m}, i E ∈E ∈ then φ (R,X,µ,ν) which is a contradiction. Consequently (2.4) holds. ∈E → Theorem 2.17. Let µ,ν satisfy (M.2), then the decomposition of a (µ,ν)-pseudo almost ∈ M automorphic function in the form f=g+h, where g AA(R,X) and h (R,X,µ,ν), is unique. ∈ ∈E Proof. Suppose that f=g +φ =g +φ , where g ,g AA(R,X) and φ ,φ (R,X,µ,ν). 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 ∈ ∈E Then 0 = (g −g )+(φ −φ ) PAA(R,X,µ,ν) where g −g AA(R,X) and φ −φ 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ∈ ∈ ∈ (R,X,µ,ν). From Theorem 2.16, we obtain (g −g )(R) {0}, therefore we have g = g and 1 2 1 2 E ⊂ φ =φ . 1 2 From Theorem 2.17, we deduce

we introduce the notion of doubly-weighted pseudo-almost periodicity [34] K. J. Engel and R. Nagel, One Parameter Semigroups for Linear
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