Odonatologica25(4): 377-379 December I.1996 Pseudagrionbuenafeispec. nov. from Mindanao, thePhilippines (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)* R.A.Müller Rehetobelstrasse 99,CH-9016 StGallen,Switzerland Received andAcceptedAugust 12, 1996 The newsp. isdescribed and illustrated fromaseries ofboth sexes.Holotype <J: Bukidnon prov., KatangladMts,Oct. 1991;tobe depositedin SMF,Frankfurt/Main. INTRODUCTION is a widespread genuswith numerousOld World species. Of the fewPhilippine Pseudagrion species, thereddishandblack P.pilidorsum (Brauer, 1868)is undoubtedly oneofthe mostdominantand widespread damselfliesinthe archipelago. Recent material, gathered by thepresent author, revealedthat an undescribed reddishandblackPseudagrion species occurs intheinteriormountainsofMindanao. Itisdescribedhere,mainly bymeansofcomparison withP.pilidorsum. So far, the newspecies hasbeen foundat8 sites; attwoofthemtogether withP.pilidorsum. The new speciesisnamed afterAlex Buenafe(Negros,the Philippines),who has collected for me andaccompanied mein field duringmany years. He has discovered manydragonflynovelties in various islands. PSEUDAGRIONBUENAFEISPEC. NOV. Figures 1-3 Material(146,4 9, all fromMindanao Island, thePhilippines).- Holotype: 6, Bukidnon, KatangladMountains,AtonganRiver, X-1991.A.Buenafe leg;tobe depositedat SenckenbergMu- seum(Frankfurt/Main).- Paratypes: FromBukidnon prov. (allA.Buenafeleg): 3 d,2 9,thesame site anddateasholotype;- 3 d,MtGantongan,GantonganRiver, X-1991;- 29,KalatunganMoun- tains, Talakag, Brgy Domenorog,Mating-AoRiver, alt. ca 1000m, VI-1995;-2d, Mebadiang, Results ofthe Roland Muller ZoologicalExpeditionstothe Philippines,No. 13. 378 R.A.Muller Dumatop, Mt Kalatungan,Mansabilan Creek, alt. 1000-1300 m, 24-X1-1995;-2d,Mabadiang, Olayan, MtKalatungan,MuntianCreek, alt. 1200-1400 m, 24/25-XI-1995. - From North Cotabato prov. (A.Buenafe leg.,ifnot otherwisestated):I <5 (incomplete),MtApo,LakeAgko,alt. 1350 m, 1- -V-1985, R.A. Mullerleg.;- I 6,MtApo,PhilippineNationalOil Comp,forestarea, alt. 1600-1800 m, I2/25-III-1994;- 1 S,MtApo,Ilomavis,Lake Agko,BabangCreek, alt. 1600-1700 m,IX-1995, MALE.- LargerthanP.pilidorsum. Unlikeinthelatter, head,thoraxand legs arelargely black. Labrum and anteclypeus reddish brown, postclypeus, frons and ver- tex black, with large reddish postocular spots. Prothorax black withreddishbrowndots. Pterothorax black above, withratherbroadred- dish brown antehumeral stripes; thesestripesgetsomewhatnarrower apically (being completely inter- rupted in some specimens), then again broadening nearthewingbase. Sides ofpterothorax reddish brown with short black line along the first and second lateralsutures nearthe wing base. The first lateral suture furnishedalsowithasmallblackdot. Legs largely black, only coxa and trochanter completely reddish. Pterostigma oblique, proportionally clearly shorter and higher than inP. pilidorsum. Abdomenwith two ba- salsegmentsreddish,segment2with a small black apical triangle on dorsum. Segments 3-7 wholly black above, reddish belowand on lower sides; the red colour extending clearly more dorsadon basalhalfof segment3.Segments 8-10red,each with black apical ring, incomplete below.Analappendages shaped as in Figures 1-3; superiors blackabove, inferiorsreddish. Figs 1-3.Pseudagrionbuenafeisp.n.,paratype i:anal appendagesin dorsal, lateral andobliquelyposterior Measurements (in mm). - Hind wing27-30, abdomen 39-42. view,resp. Pseudagrionbuenafei sp.n. 379 FEMALE.- Somewhatrobuster thanmale;easily separated from P.pilidorsum femaleby black colouring in head, pterothorax andlegs. Head above as inmale, butfronsreddishbrown withablack, triangle-shaped markinthemiddle.Colour patternofpterothorax as inmale,butthepalecolouring rathergreenish yellowand theantehumeralbandsomewhatbroader.Pterostigma somewhatvariable(propor- tionallylongerinthetwo femalesfromMating-AoRiver).Abdominalsegments1- -2largelyreddishbrown, segment2 withanarrow blackdorsalband, widening at apex. Segments 3-10 broadly black dorsally, reddish brown on sides. The pale colouringon sidesextends distinctlymoredorsad inthemiddleof segments9and 10.Appendages black. Measurements (inmm).- Hind wing29-30, abdomen40-41. DISCUSSION BesidesP.pilidorsum andP. buenafeisp.n., anumberofotherPseudagrion spe- cies occur in the Philippines. SELYS LONGCHAMPS (1882) introduced P. microcephalum (Rambur, 1842) andP. crocops Selys, 1876as Philippine species. The former has proven to be a widespread, although uncommon species in the Philippines, butthe occurrence oftheCelebesianP. crocopsinthePhilippines has remainedunconfirmed, andthesingle specimen (“un exemplaire indique des lies Philippines”) may represent amislabelledspecimen. P. crocops iseasy torecog- nizeby itsbrightlyyellowishlabrumandfrons.AlsotheSELYSLONGCHAMPS’s (1891) recordofa female P. decorum(Rambur, 1842)from the Philippines un- doubtedly refers to a misidentifiedspecies. NEEDHAM & GYGER (1939) de- scribedthree newspecies, P. azureum, P.evanidumandP.flavifrons,fromLuzon. However,thelatterappearstobe asynonym ofP. rubriceps Selys, 1876. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1amgratefultoDrMATTIHAMALAINENand DrBASTIAANKIAUTAfortheirencouragement andhelp. Dr Hamalainenkindlytookthe SEMphotographs. REFERENCES NEEDHAM, J.G.& M.K. GYGER, 1939. The Odonata ofthe Philippines,II. Suborder Zygoptera. Philipp.J.Sci. 70(3):239-314, pis, 11-22. SELYSLONGCHAMPS,E. de, 1882. Odonatesdes Philippines.An.Soc.esp. Hist. not. 11: 1-32,pi. 1. SELYS LONGCHAMPS, E. de, 1891. Additions auxOdonates des Philippines. An. Soc.esp. Hist, nal. 20: 209-218.