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Prunus armeniaca L. PDF

28 Pages·2012·1.98 MB·English
by  ArzaniKazem
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Copyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author. HORTICUTLURAALN DP HYSIOLOGICAALS EPCTSOF V IGOUR CONTROILN A PROITC L.U)N DEORR CHARADN D (Pruanrumse niaca CONTRLOLEDE NVIRONMENTC ONDITNIOS A thseipsr eesnetdi np artifaullf ilment oft hree uqrieemntfsot rh dee rgeoef DOCTOORF P HIOLSOPHY (hP.D.) in Pomolgoya nfdur itter ep hyosoligy atM asseyU niversity New Zealand KAZEAMR ZANI Octboe1r 994 ii ABSTRACT Int haeb senofcd ew fanirgr ootsftrooa cpikrocst t,e cihqenusw hicrhde uce veegtiaevtg orwtaher i mpotranittnh oecr hdam rangaemesnyttsme .S tiused weerc ondtueicdnt hoecr hdaa rnidn c ontreonvliolrnmeedn (tC Er)om osi n odretro pelexo trhe tihucolartlua rndp hiylosoiagclr seponseosfa piroct (Prunuasrm eniacLa. t)os omvegi oucro nttreocilhuq nes. Int hoer acdrhi nt hheu imdci lmatoefP alsmtenorN otrhN,ew Zealafnvide,­ ye-aorvlidgo ou'rsS uonpda'rpi roctte reosn ' oGldQeunee np'e ascehe ldings tariendo nT atruate rilsal t1 000o r2 00t0er eh ·a1w ereu seTdhe.o bjcetives weer:a )t.oe vluaatteht er e're sesponse0.sa5 n t1do5 . g .t r·1es eoaiplip eld Pacltorbauz(oPZlB), d omrantr oto-pinrgua nndrg eulatdefedii citr rgiation (RDbI.))t ;oi dieyfno tsmtcoia dujstmienfnu rtti sa nlde avienrs se pontsoe itnerwnaatle r Tswtore-eays-rso'.lT dr eavpairotctti 'an n a eorpoincsys teimn CEr oomwsee r uesdw itht hoebj ceitevsa:) t.oe xaimnteh eeff cetosfr oot ctyoiiknna nedn odgenAoBuAs o ns hogoortw tahn d wholpeh iylpsoolagnyt; b.)t os tutdhyme e chiamns ofa dapitnota othg ihw atseterrs s. -� Int hoer cdh aalrle attemnrtrse duvceeedgt iaevt gorwthP.B Zw asm oer effcetviet hatnh oeht etrr temaetnsa,n td hleo wreart( e.0 5g .te re-1)w hen apipdela nnugaalvlmeyo e ru nfiromg orwtrhde ucitno.T hero -optriunangn d RDhIad l sese fefc,pt atricluiylnt ah rsee cosneda soofsn t uTdhyde.e espio l, togetwhitehlr wo tempauteerr ande varpaionto,h gihr iafnlaaln dh umid conitdidouinrsnw gin tearn de alrys pirgnw eer lmitiignf catofrosRr D IT.h e inihotiyrbe fefcotfr oortu-npwiansmg o erp esirtseonntw idesrp acteerde sI.n clopslea nttreedre osol tet nhdg einyts( RLdDe)ic nldew ithic neraisndge tph, butr oowtesro eb sertvo1e6 .dm expleodsr iodle tp.hR ooptr-iugnni necarsed RLDb,utn ote ratmeenfetfcwsta so bsveerodn r owote igdhetiny ts( WRD)i n theex peldos irovlou lme. PBZ icnraeseddyr mattpearrtt oiiinngi tnoc ro1pnb otshe asoonncs ol se Abtsrcat iii spacteredes a,n fdri gutor wtahn fdi nfarislutzi ew eeri necarsweidot uhatn y detrtiamelef fnoencf tri qutu alIint syte.hc eoy nedaP rBZ a dvanfcleordwi eng by2 -d4a y,as nidcn reafsresudei ftti, lnf artnu uimebrc,or pd entsyai nd yield efcfeiincIyng. e naelRr DhIa ndo n egaitveef feocnft lso nwgef,rrti uiinygi,e ld anfdi fnrasulii ztI etn.h s ee coynedai grte naeylre lnhacnefdl oiwnefgrr,su eitt andf riutn umbeRrot.o- upnrign dindo atf feoctthf elro rwienagn dy ield paramest,be urrtde ucedf riutsz iei nt hfesi trs eans.To hee rwas some evideeo nfac davncferdiu mta truiatnyid c nerasetodt saoll usbollebi yda sl l apipeltdr temaetnsG.e naeylr flruicthiaanctrge trciisws erei mopvrde,a nd veegtatgiorvwetr heu dce,md oerb yP BZt habnyr o-oputrnianngd RDI. PBZte ratteerde s thhaseda mwea tesrt atauscs o notlrTsh.e nietrC 02 assitmiirolanat ea n(sdAt )o macotnadlut can(c5gew) e riepm orvde,a nfdor m latsetraI ga en ddu irnsgt ag1ae1dns I olfflu r igtor wtfhri cutar bhoyadtrewsee r inecaresd.R DaIn rdo -oputrninign ecarsendetC 02a sismliatriaot(neA a )n d stmoataclon dutcan(cg)eo5 ns omoec acsioRnoos-t.p rutnereedds e veloped ani necarseidne nrtawlat edre fiincti hltee avaensfd r ueistpcsei aalttl hye timoefh iegshwta tdeerm adnudir nfgri ustt aIgleT lh.eew rase vidceeno n occasiinRo DnIs raon-odput rninogfo smtoiacdj sutmetin nl evaeasn fd( iuts maintaingio(nr\f'g tur ). P Ana eorponsiycs tweimti thne rtmetimn titsignavge g oocdo ntorfpo lla ntte rw a streWshse.nw atrse trewsassd evoeplegdar duya plllanwteesr a ble to maitnatihne tiugrroa rth gihi tnenrawlat edre f(i-c2ia.tn2 -d 3 .M0Pa o f \f'xy lem an\f/d1 r eesctpviel.Oy s)mtoiacd sjtumeonctcr urde biont pha rtlyila anfdu lly expdaenlda eveosfa ltelra temntBsA,Pc ombidnw eitwhat setrr seshwsoe d biggeors moatdjiucts menWta.t esrte rssrd eucevde getagotrwitvhae,n d inecasred :rsoohoorttai to.o ttS ihApoBA i necarsaesdw atesrt riecnsrsse ead. BAPr deuctedhg eor wtihni htbiiaonndr iisnes hootA BA ofw atseterrs sed palntmsa,i ntanietCn 0e2ad s sitmiiorlanat (eAa )n sdt omactoanuldtc nace (g5a)ni,dn ecasrerdo :ohstootr aito. ALLAH Int hNea meo f thMeo sMte rciftuhlMe o sBte neficent Id ecdatiet htihse ts:oi s My parentHsa jM ohammadH assana nd HajF atemehA rzanfio trh eir patienacned moraslu ppo;rm ty wifFea temeAhrz anif orh erp atience, suppoartnd encoruagmeenta,n d my childrAelniM ,o hsena ndM inaA rzani. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Int hen ame ofA llha them ostg raciouasn d mostm ercifFuilr.so tfa lplr aise toA llha forg ivinmge thea bilittoyl erna. Thisst udwyo uldn oth aveb een possbilew ithotuhteh epl ofA llash.w .t. Iw oulledi t koe xperss myd eepestg arttiued and sienrcet hnaksto m y sueprviss oDr.rD avWiodo da ndDr .S etphenL waes fro tehrig uidaen,c e ncouargementa ncdir iticsmIa. m g aretufl aidnnedbt edt ote hirp aetniec, entuhssiitaecnc ouargementa ncdom mentasn cdl eos sueprvinst irhouoghout teh corues oft hsiutsd yT.he yn everg ott rieda nsewrign myq eustioannsId wasp roveiddw itfehrn diyla nwsesra ta ntymi et hta nIee eddt ehihrel pI. woludle i akslot oe xperss myt ahnktsoD .rH ugoV aeral-iAaverzm ye ­o spuevris(oCro meprCue ntetr,Ma sesyU nievrsiftroyh )id ssi cusispnilo angn nin tehe xpeiremntsd,at aa nyasliasnrd ev eiwign teh manuscript. Iw ishe xpteross m yt hnaskt oP orfD.a vCihda elsrmf roh icsom mentsa nd dsicusisodnui grnt eh frsitye aro foc rhdas rutd(ya ase -oseurvpirsa)on adl so hicso memntso nte hc ornoetldel nvrinomente xpeiremntI.w oudll eit kot hank DrH.os esniB ehboduiafnoh ri csom mentso nt eh waetrr elatisotnuasdn yd reveiwignc haeprst a2n 6do ft htiehssi sIw. i sthot haDn.rkD aviWdoo elylf or hicso memntast t eh tiem ofp erparnigt eh porposfarol te h cornloteld e nvionremnts tu,dh yissgu gseitonosnA BAa nalyasnidhs ir,sev eiwa nd comments cohnate pr aer akcnowelgded.Iw isahl sot htaoDn r.kK eith 7 Hugehsfr oh is taasens icirnsoo tc oer sampgl iinten h ocrhdas rutdya nhdi s comemntso np eresntnigt eh resultosfr oosuttd ayn rdev eiwnigc hpaetr4 . Thanska ere xtendedt oM r.B urec Mackafyoa rns weirgn myq eustioannsd hisg gsseiutonrgesa rdign sttaistainycasialsl. Ig eratlaypr pecieat eth helfpor m et shtaoffef P talhnGtor whtU ni,et speciya ll Mr.R ayJ ohtnoesn and Mr.C hraelsF obers.T he assies taoMnfr.c D ean Pelgre thorguhoutteh ocrhda,rg alssohues andc onoetlrdle nvrinoment expeiremntsi gsra etufllyr ecgoniesd.T hasn tkoM rG.ei lsR ueslslf ohri s Ackwnlogemdesn t vi excellneth elpi nm onorinitgt eh aeroponaincdh yrdpooniscy esmtsu esd. I woudla los lei ketxope rss mtyha knst ote h staofftfe h FurtiC orpUs niftro tehrim angaemento fte he xperiemntlta eresa nde itra hssstia�n/icnsu memr purngi anndhr aevstgi.nIt hka tneh mangaementa nd staofffe tCrhown ReseacrhI ntsiet (uHtr+otReserahc)f ro ogranigs tiehn claietm ormosi,n patricru Mlrsa.L zi Halglani,M rs.L indRaonb iosna ndM r. Len Ruyb, oeprtaiotnecsh nicIg iraaeltnay.p r pecaiett ehA gReserahc( CR)Ip rvoiigdn me witchl itmogalcioadla toafte he xperiemntaslei .t Ia mv ergy aretuftlot e h staafnfpd o gsratdutea uedsnttosf e PtlhaSncetni ec Deprtament tfeohirhr e lap npdro vdiign fair nedleyn vrionemnttr huoghoutth is sutdyIw. ou dlm entiportanci urlylta ehf irnedshoifPp a uAluts iann Gdu leilmro Cur-zCastialnlgdoar et,uf yl alckneodgew lteh tcehcnails itasnasec ofC onl i To,dC hrsiR awlgiotnnJ,o nthaaDnxi ona nHdug hN eislonw henIw awso rkngi inte h larbtaoroy.Ig raetlyr ecaitepadpt eh a�ssitaen ocfM iek Curirei n synetsihsgi AnBA-BcSonAjg uaet. The peresnceo fa ltelh o tehrIa rnnip aostagdrauet steundtasn de itfr halmeiis inPa elrmtson tNhmo adrem yf ayma inlIdf eela th oem.li tsm yp elasruet o thaannkd wteihmsah h appayn pdro sepruosf urte.u Ig aretufyla lckneogdwetl eh Unievrstiyo fT ariba-tModrarsea nde Mtihsntyir ofC utleu arnHdgi herE dcutaioofnIa r nf,ro a wraidgn met eh scohlsahritpo unedrtaek thsitsu dy. And lsa,tb uctert aniyl noltae s,tm ys ienrcet hkasna er deu tom yw ie f FaetmehA rzanfroih erp aetneic,sup proat nednc oruagementt hrgohouumty styua dndhe re xcellneetf fottr oe ductaeo ruc hlriden.T eh pateinec,o fm y sonAsla in Mdo hesna nmdy d uaghetrM inaan tdeh ier ncouargementa nd unedrstnadgi hnaeve ncoraugedm et oc oep witdhfi iflcetus.i TABLEO F CONTENTS ABSTRAC.T . . . . . . . . . . . . i.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACKNWOLEDGMETSN . . . . . . . . . . .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TABEL OCFO NTNETS. . . . . . . . . . v.i i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LSITO FT ABLE.S . . . . . . . . . . .x v.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LITSO FF IGRUES xvii . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LSITO F APTLES. . . . . . . . . . . .x x.i i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLOSSAROYFA BBRETVIIOAN.S . . . . . . .x xv.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTRE ONEG:E NEARLI TNRODCUTIOANN DO BJECTIV.E S. 1 . . CHAPTETRW O:R EVWI EOLFT IEARTURE. . . . . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.G1E NEARLO VERVEIWO FA PROITC . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.1.C alssific.a t.i o.n . . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2.H itsoaryno dir gin. . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..13G eographCilcai tmircqe ueimerntsa nd odpurction I regoins. . . . . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..14R otosotckGsor,wi nHga ibatn Tdar insiynesgmts . . .6 . . . . 2..15S oem rencets teusdoi na pirco.t . . . . . 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.M2A NAGINTGH EG ROWTHO FF RIUTT REES. . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . 22..R1O OTR-UPNNIG . . . . . . . . . 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..2.11Eef fctso fr oto-upnringgor wotnoh ff rtueriest . 1.3 . 2.121... 1Re spones ofr oottos u pnrin.g . . 1.3 . . . . . 2..2.1.12Re spoen osfs hoottsor o-oputrnin.g .1 5. . . 2..2.1.13 Roto:sohto raitoa ndf utniconal equirliiubm. . . . . . . 1.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..2.1.14T ehe ffceto nt runoks ssecc irtonaaerla (TCSA.) . . . . . . . 1.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.1.. 2E effctso f -rpourongti non phsyiological porecsses . . . . . . . . .1 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.122...A1cc umutlioaofnm ienarln uterntis . . 1.9 . . . 2.12..22W .aetrr elatio.n s. . . . .1 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . Tabolfe Contents viii 2.12..2.P3h otoshyesnitsa nda smsiiatle patritio.n i.n g. . . . . .2 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.12..2F.l4wo eirn aiittoainn d dfervlueoiptm .e n.t2 1. 2.123..P arcitcalo fru osoet -ipntrgeu cnihqnsu e. . 2. 1 . . . . . 2..2.131T. imaen tdy poefr ooutn-ip.rn g. . 2.2 . . . . . 2.12. .3T.h2ee f foefrc ot otn-igpno rnfu uriqtu tayl i ancdor ppin.g . . . . . . 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2P.A2C LUOTBRAZ.O L . . . . . . . .2 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21.E 2f.feocfPt BZso ng orwtohff rituter es. . . 2.5 . . . . . e.spoonfs er tooPo BtZs . . . 2.5 . . . . . . . 2.22...12R espoonfss hoeo ttso ZP B. . . 2.6 . . . . . . 2.22...13 Tehffeoe nct utrn ckor sssec otinaaler a (TCS.A). . . . .. .. .. ...........2..8. . . fE ZfPo fBnep chstyiso lopgoricceasls.e s. 2.8 . . . 22..22..A1c cumuloaft imaoilnnn ut eirretns. . 2.8 . . . 22..2.W2a.t2re ret liao.n s. . . . . 2.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2.P2h.o3tyo nstshiesa nda ssitmei la patrtiion.i n.g . . . . . .2 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..22.F2lw.oe4ir tn aiitiaonnfd r iudte vleopm.e n.t3 0. 2.2.P2ar.ci3tc alo fPu BZs e. . . . . . .3 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23.1.T2 y.paen tdi mfeP BZa ppcatliio.n . 3.4 . . b 2.23..2T2.h ee ffoefcP tBZ onf ruqiutta yla ind corppi.n g. . . . . . . 3.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2W.AT3E RS TRESS. . . . . . . . . 3.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3..E1f foefwc att rse troensgs or wtohff rituter es. .4 1. . 2.2...1T31h eef foefwc att esrt roesnrs o o.t s . 4.1 . . T.hee ffeocfwt at esrt reosnss hoot gorwth. . . . . . . . 4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21.3.T3 h.ee ffoefwc atet rs trestusr ncokorn s s setcioaneraa(l T CS.A ) . . . . 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . 2..23.E2f fecotfws a ters treosns p hylsoiagoli c TabolfCe o ntse nt IX porecsses. . . . . . . . . 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.32..12A .ccumluatoifmo inen arln uetnrti.s . 4.6 . . . 2.32..2W.ate2 rrel ati.o n.s . . . . 4.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 22..3.2P.ht3oo syensitsha nda smsilitae patritiinog.n . . . . . . .5 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22..23..F4l eowrit nitiaiaonnfd r dueivetol pemnt. .5 6. 22..3.T2eh. 5e ffecto fw atesrret ss on endoegnouAsB A. . . . . . 5.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22..3P.ar3ct icueas olf ewrsa rettss . . . . . 5.8 . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1T3 i.em3 a.ntdy ep ofi pmoesdw aetrse trss .5 9. 22..3.T3ehe. ff2ec t woafts eetrsrs o nf rquuiiatt ly anydei dl . . . . . . . .6 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTRE THRE:O ERCHAREDXP ERIMTESN GENERAL MARTAIELS AMNEDT HOD.S . 6.3 . . . 3.I1TN RODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.P2LA NTM ATREAILC,U TLURALA NDT RAINISNYGS TMES 63 3.E3XP ERIMTEALNS IT.E . . . . . . . . .6 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.E4N VRIONMEN.T . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34..C1l aietm . ..... .'.. ... .. . . . . . 6.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34...11R afianalnlPd a n Ervtaaipo.on . . . . 66. . . . . . . . . . 34...12Te mpearuter . . . . . . . .6 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.143..S usnhei n. . . . . . . . .6 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.14. .4Re ltaei hvuimidt.y . .. .. .. .. .. .6 6. . . . . . . . . . . 34..S2o i.l . . . . . . . . . . . 66. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.D5u artiaonnld ya otuo fte he xpeiremnts. . . . . . .6 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35..C1l eo sspaecde xpermient . . . . . . .6 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35...11E x peiremntalla yo.u t. . . . . . 67. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35...12R oo-tprutneriatnemgn t. . . . . . 6.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.153.. Pacloabzuoteltrat remnts. . . . .. .. 6 .8. .. .. . . . . 3.153..1.T yep ofa ppaltii.co n. . . . .6 8. . . . . . . . . . .

order to explore the horticultural and physiological responses of apricot. (Prunus armeniaca L.) to some vigour control techniques. In the orchard in the
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