university of copenhagen Prunasin hydrolases localization during fruit development in sweet and bitter almonds Sánchez Pérez, Raquel; Belmonte, Fara Sáez; Borch-Jensen, Jonas; Dicenta, Federico; Møller, Birger Lindberg; Jørgensen, Kirsten Published in: Plant Physiology DOI: 10.1104/pp.111.192021 Publication date: 2012 Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Citation for published version (APA): Sánchez Pérez, R., Belmonte, F. S., Borch-Jensen, J., Dicenta, F., Møller, B. L., & Jørgensen, K. (2012). Prunasin hydrolases localization during fruit development in sweet and bitter almonds. Plant Physiology, 158(4), 1916-1932. Download date: 22. Feb. 2023 Prunasin Hydrolases during Fruit Development in Sweet and Bitter Almonds1[C][W][OA] Raquel Sa´nchez-Pe´rez, Fara Sa´ez Belmonte, Jonas Borch, Federico Dicenta, Birger Lindberg Møller*, and Kirsten Jørgensen Department of Plant Breeding, Centro de Edafolog´ıa y Biolog´ıa Aplicada del Segura-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient´ıficas, E–30100 Espinardo, Murcia, Spain (R.S.-P., F.D.); Plant Biochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, 1871 Frederiksberg C, Copenhagen, Denmark (R.S.-P., B.L.M., K.J.); Department of Bioimaging, Campus Universitario de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, Spain (F.S.B.); and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark, DK–5230 Odense M, Denmark (J.B.) Amygdalin is a cyanogenic diglucoside and constitutes the bitter component in bitter almond (Prunus dulcis). Amygdalin concentrationincreasesinthecourseoffruitformation.Themonoglucosideprunasinistheprecursorofamygdalin.Prunasin maybedegradedtohydrogencyanide,glucose,andbenzaldehydebytheactionoftheb-glucosidaseprunasinhydrolase(PH) andmandelonitirilelyaseorbe glucosylatedtoformamygdalin.The tissueandcellularlocalizationofPHswasdetermined duringfruitdevelopmentintwosweetandtwobitteralmondcultivarsusingaspecificantibodytowardPHs.Confocalstudies onsectionsoftegument,nucellus,endosperm,andembryoshowedthatthelocalizationofthePHproteinsisdependentonthe stage of fruit development, shifting between apoplast and symplast in opposite patterns in sweet and bitter cultivars. Two different PH genes, Ph691 and Ph692, have been identified in a sweet and a bitter almond cultivar. Both cDNAs are 86% identical on the nucleotide level, and their encoded proteins are 79% identical to each other. In addition, Ph691 and Ph692 display92%and86%nucleotideidentitytoPh1fromblackcherry(Prunusserotina).Bothproteinswerepredictedtocontainan amino-terminalsignalpeptide,withthesizeof26aminoacidresiduesforPH691and22residuesforPH692.ThePHactivity and the localization of the respective proteins in vivo differ between cultivars. This implies that there might be different concentrationsofprunasinavailableintheseedforamygdalinsynthesisandthatthesedifferencesmaydeterminewhetherthe maturealmond developsinto bitteror sweet. Prunasin isa cyanogenic monoglucoside present in is derived from the amino acid Phe (Mentzer and almond (Prunus dulcis; syn. Prunus amygdalus) and is Favre-Bonvin,1961;Ben-YehoshuaandConn,1964).The foundinmosttissueparts,includingroots,shoots,and pathwayforprunasinbiosynthesisincludesphenylace- unripe fruits (Frehner et al., 1990; Arra´zola, 2002; taldoxime, phenylacetonitrile, and mandelonitrile as Dicentaetal.,2002;Wirthensohnetal.,2008).Prunasin intermediates. In analogy with studies in other cyano- genicplantspecies,thispartofthepathwayisthoughtto be catalyzed by two multifunctional membrane-bound 1ThisworkwassupportedbytheDanishCouncilforIndependent cytochrome P450 enzymes (Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al., 2008), Research,Technology,andProductionSciences,theVillumFoundation althoughthesegeneshavenotyetbeencharacterizedin totheresearchcenter“Pro-ActivePlants,”andtheCenterofSynthetic almond. The last step in the pathway involves the con- Biology funded by the UNiversitetsforskningens InvesteringsKapital versionofmandelonitrileintoprunasinandiscatalyzed researchinitiativeoftheDanishMinistryofScience,Technology,and byasolubleUDP-glucosyltransferaseUGT85A19(Franks Innovation (to B.L.M. and K.J.), by the Seneca Foundation (project etal.,2008). Biolog´ıaMoleculardelaCianoge´nesisenAlmendro)andtheSpanish Biosynthetic studies in developing fruits based on Ministry of Science and Innovation (project Mejora Gene´tica del the administration of radiolabeled precursors to ex- Almendro;toR.S.-P.andF.D.),andbyapostdoctoralfellowshipfrom theMinistryofEducationandScienceandaJuntaparalaAmpliacio´n cisedtissuesdemonstrated prunasinsynthesistopro- de Estudios de Doctores contract from the Consejo Superior de ceedinthetegumentcells,withsimilarratesinsweet InvestigacionesCient´ıficas,Spain(toR.S.-P.). and bitter cultivars. In neither sweet nor bitter culti- *Correspondingauthor;[email protected]. varsdidthetegumenttissue,alsocalledinteguments, Theauthorresponsiblefordistributionofmaterialsintegraltothe testa,orseedcoat(HawkerandButtrose,1980;Dourado findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy et al., 2004), support amygdalin synthesis (Sa´nchez- describedintheInstructionsforAuthors( Pe´rezetal.,2008).Atransientaccumulationofpruna- BirgerLindbergMøller([email protected]). sin in the tegument of bitter almond cultivars was [C]Somefiguresinthisarticlearedisplayedincoloronlinebutin observed, whereas no such accumulation was seen in blackandwhiteintheprintedition. [W]TheonlineversionofthisarticlecontainsWeb-onlydata. sweetcultivars(Sa´nchez-Pe´rezetal.,2008).Following [OA]OpenAccessarticlescanbeviewedonlinewithoutasubscription. thetransientaccumulationofprunasininthetegumentof thebittercultivars,amygdalinwasobservedtogradually 1916 Plant Physiology(cid:1), April 2012, Vol.158, pp. 1916–1932, (cid:3)2012AmericanSociety of Plant Biologists. AllRights Reserved. Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Prunasin Hydrolases in Sweet and Bitter Almonds accumulate in the nucellus and endosperm in the mid Piotrowski et al., 2001; Piotrowski and Volmer, 2006; developing stages. Once almonds are fully ripened, the Jenrich et al., 2007; Kriechbaumeret al., 2007). only quantitative important site of accumulation is the Recent studies of bitterness in almond showed a embryo of the bitter cultivars. In comparison, the hightotalb-glucosidaseactivityintheinnerepidermis amounts of amygdalin detectable in sweet cultivars are ofthetegumentinsweetcomparedwithbitteralmond minute(Sa´nchez-Pe´rezetal.,2008,Fig.3). cultivars that might interfere with and decrease pru- The conversion of prunasin to amygdalin requires nasinconversionintoamygdalin(Sa´nchez-Pe´rezetal., theactionofayetunidentifiedUDP-glucosyltransfer- 2008). Depending on the cellular localization of the ase (Frehner et al., 1990; Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al., 2008; PH activity (apoplastic, cell wall bound, vesicular, or Wirthensohn et al., 2008). Biosynthetic studies based cytosolic) and whether the route of transport of on the administration of radiolabeled UDPG in the prunasinfromthebiosyntheticcellsofthetegumentto presence of prunasin showed that the amygdalin- the nucellus, endosperm, or embryo takes place in the forming glucosyltransferase activity was essentially symplast or in the apoplast, the b-glucosidase activity limited to the cotyledons, with residual activities might control the amount of prunasin available for detected in the nucellus and endosperm. Notably, the amygdalinproduction(Sa´nchez-Pe´rezetal.,2008). amygdalin-formingglucosyltransferaseactivitywasat Inthisstudy,thelocalizationandactivity ofPHsin thesamelevelinthesweetandbittercultivarsstudied. different seed tissues were monitored in two sweet Amygdalin accumulation is also observed in other andtwobitteralmond cultivars duringfruit develop- Rosaceae seeds, such as in apples (Malus domestica), menttoinvestigateapossiblecorrelationbetweenthe apricots (Prunus armenaica), black cherries (Prunus content of amygdalin in the almond kernel and the serotina), peaches (Prunus persica), and plums (Prunus cellular localizationof PHs. domestica; McCarty et al., 1952; Conn, 1980; Frehner etal.,1990;MøllerandSeigler,1991;Swainetal.,1992; Poulton andLi, 1994). RESULTS Amygdalin constitutes the bitter principle in bitter PHLocalizationasMonitoredUsingtheSugar-Reducing almonds. The avoidance of bitterness in almond ker- Assay and Antibodies in Unripe Almond Seeds nels is the main trait considered by almond breeders. Its single inheritance was discovered by Heppner ThelocalizationofPHactivityinthinsectionsofthe (1923), who stated that the bitter phenotype is reces- sweetalmondcultivarLauranneandthebitteralmond sive.Thissinglegene,calledSweetkernel(Sk),hasbeen cultivar S3067 at 154 Julian days (JD; the number of localized in linkage group 5 (out of eight) of two daysafterJanuary1;Fig.1)wasmonitoredcolorimet- almond linkage maps (Joobeur et al., 1998; Sa´nchez- rically (red color formation) by the release of Glc Pe´rez et al., 2007). Although molecular markers for following incubation with prunasin (Sa´nchez-Pe´rez bitterness have been added close to the Sk locus etal.,2009).Atthisstage,thenucellusandendosperm (Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al., 2010), the sequence of this gene weredifficulttoseparatefromthetegument;therefore, remains unknown. these areanalyzed as a single combined sample. This Because biosynthetic studies had indicated that (1) also applies to the PH activity experiments (see be- the capacity to synthesize prunasin in the tegument low). The presence of PH was confined to small tissue of sweet and bitter almond cultivars appeared vesicles in both cultivars, as judged by the staining similar and (2) the activity of the glucosyltransferase pattern observed (Fig. 1, A and B) when compared converting prunasin to amygdalin in the developing withcontrolsamples(Fig.1,EandF).Inboththebitter embryos was also similar in sweet and bitter almond and sweet cultivars, vesicles in the tegument tissue cultivars, different rates of prunasin hydrolysis or layerstainedstrongly,whileonlyafewvesiclesinthe turnover inthedevelopingfruits maydefine whether nucellawerefoundtoreact.Intheendosperm,aslight their kernels are bitter or sweet. Prunasin may be reddish coloration was observed, reflecting the back- hydrolyzed into mandelonitrile and Glc by the action ground reaction seen in this tissue. The strongest of prunasin hydrolases (PHs), specific b-glucosidases reaction was detected in the inner epidermis of the belongingtofamily-1b-glycosidases(EC3.2.1.21).Ina tegument and may represent the presence of a high similarmanner,amygdalinmaybehydrolyzedbythe amount of PH enzyme, the presence of PH with actionofamygdalinhydrolasesintoprunasinandGlc increased specific activity, or the presence of more (EC The mandelonitrile formed may disso- than one or adifferentisoform in thistissue. ciateintobenzaldehydeandhydrogencyanide(HCN) InordertodirectlymonitorthelocalizationofthePH nonenzymaticallyorcatalyzedbymandelonitrilelyase protein,aparallelseriesofexperimentswasperformed 1(EC4.1.2.10;SwainandPoulton,1994a;Suelvesand usinganantibodyknowntospecificallyrecognizePH. Puigdome`nech, 1998). In a putative alternative path- Thesestudieswerecarriedoutusingtissuesectionsat way incorporating the action of heteromeric NIT4 thesamedevelopmentalstagesasusedfortheactivity nitrilases and additional, hitherto unidentified en- stain-based experiments (Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al., 2009; zymes, prunasin may be degraded into benzoic acid, Fig.2).PHwasimmunolocalizedtospecificvesiclesas ammonia, and Glc and in this manner be redrawn visualizedbygreenfluorescence(Fig.2),alocalization into primary metabolism (Swain and Poulton, 1994b; beingconsistentwiththevesicle-specificlocalizationof Plant Physiol. Vol. 158, 2012 1917 Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al. seeds of two sweet (Ramillete and Lauranne) and two bitter (S3067 and Gorki) cultivars was monitored during fruit development using a specific antibody towardPHs(Figs.3and4).Becauseofcultivardiffer- encesinfloweringtimeandseed-ripeningperiod,the thickness of the endosperm and the shape of the endosperm cells were not directly comparable when cultivars were analyzed at the same JD, but compar- ison of seeds of the same development stage was possible because of thesequential harvesting. PH in the Tegument PHs werepresentin vesicles in thevast majority of cells in the tegument and were most abundant in the inner epidermis of the tegument at 154 JD (Fig. 3). At thelaterstagesofseeddevelopment(from182JD),the tegument collapses and dries out concomitant with a reduced content of PH. The inner epidermis of the tegument showed strong staining especially at the young stages, in a similar manner to that observed with the distribution of PH activity and the antibody stainingpatternsshowninFigures1and2.Thisshows the presence of high concentrations of PH enzyme in this cell layer. The differences in localization between the cultivars are most clearly visualized at higher magnifications(Fig.3, columns b, d,ande). PH in the Endosperm PH was not detected in all individual cells of the Figure1. Seedsfromtwoalmondcultivars,sweet(Lauranne;AandC) endosperm. In the two bitter cultivars, a distinct PH- andbitter(S3067;BandD),at154JDwerecross-sectionedtomonitor staining zone was found in the endosperm cells adja- the distribution of PH activity using the sugar-reducing assay after cent to the inner epidermis of the tegument. In the incubationwithprunasin.AandB,PHwasdetectedinthetegument(t), two sweet cultivars, a more uniform presence of PH- innerepidermisofthetegument(iet),nucellus(n),andendosperm(en), containing cells was observed across the endosperm. as observed by reddish vesicles indicated with arrows. C and D, Inallfourcultivarsexamined,PHwasobservedinthe Histologicaldiagrams,definingthedifferenttypeoftissuesanalyzedin the cross-sections. E and F, Background staining in the absence of symplast of the cells, as shown by three-dimensional added substrate in Lauranne (E) and S3067 (F). Bars = 50 mm. [See images(Fig.3, last column, 182JD3D). onlinearticleforcolorversionofthisfigure.] PHs in theCotyledon of theEmbryo the PH activity (Fig. 1). PH-containing vesicles were observed in cells of the endosperm, nucellus, and the The localization of PH proteins in the developing tegument tissue layer in both cultivars (Fig. 2, A and cotyledonswasfollowedfrom105to220JD(Fig.4).The D). A higher magnification of the inner epidermis of localization was found to vary over the course of seed the tegument revealed that PH was exclusively local- development in a manner characteristic for each culti- izedinthesymplastoftheinnerepidermistissuelayer var.Differencesspecifictosweetorbittercultivarswere in the sweet cultivar (Fig. 2, B and C). In the bitter also identified.Inallcultivarstested, PHwasfound to almondcultivar,PHwasobservedintheapoplast(Fig. be localized in large aggregates or in vesicles. In the 2E).Tostudyinmoredetailthepossibledifferencesin sweetcultivarRamillete(Fig.4A),thelocalizationofPH thelocalizationofPHinsweetandbittercultivars,the shifted from the symplast (i.e. 147, 154, and 168 JD) to immunolocalizationofPHwasfollowedinthecourse the apoplast (182 and 220 JD) in the course of fruit offruit development in the seedusingtwo sweetand development (Supplemental Videos S1 and S2). A par- twobittercultivars. allel analysis of the sweet cultivar Lauranne at 147 JD showed a dual localization: PH was found in the apoplast surrounding some of the cotyledon cells but ImmunolocalizationofPHinAlmondSeedsduringFruit was found in the symplast of other cotyledon cells, as Development in Sweet and Bitter Cultivars visualized by the overlay images reflecting the super- The localization of PH protein in different tissues position of the green color representing immuno- (tegument, nucellus, endosperm, and embryo) of staining of PHs and the magenta color obtained by 1918 Plant Physiol. Vol. 158, 2012 Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Prunasin Hydrolases in Sweet and Bitter Almonds Figure2. Seedsfromtwoalmondcultivars,sweet(Lauranne;A–C)andbitter(S3067;D–F),at154JDwerecross-sectionedto performimmunolocalizationstudiesusinga polyclonal antibodyagainstthesequenceINKKGIEYYpresentinthePHsfrom almond (green vesicles). PHs were detected in the tegument (t), inner epidermis of the tegument (iet), nucellus (n), and endosperm(en).Magentacolorrepresentsthecellwall(cw)andtheDNA/RNAstructuresstainedwithpropidiumiodideinthe confocalstudies.ArrowsindicatethePHvesiclesinthecellsbelongingtotheinnerepidermisofthetegument.AandDshow three-dimensionalpresentationsofthezstack,whereasB,C,E,andFpresentmagnificationsofthecellsintheinnertegument withthesameviewanddifferentviewangles.A,B,D,andEshowviewsofopencells:inthesweetLaurannecultivar(AandB), thecellwalloftheinnerepidermisofthetegumentremainsdevoidofPHvesicles,whereasinthebitterS3067cultivar(DandE), PHvesiclesareobservedwithinthecellwall.[Seeonlinearticleforcolorversionofthisfigure.] propidium iodide staining of cell walls and nuclei. At combinedtissuesofthenucellusandendosperm(asit thesubsequentstagesoffruitdevelopmentinLauranne wasnotpossibletoseparatethesetissues,especiallyin seeds,thePHswerefoundtobelocatedinthesymplast themidseason),andfromtheembryocomposedofthe (154 and 168 JD), and in the final stages of fruit devel- two cotyledons and the small embryo axis. The coty- opment, PH immunostaining was observed in the ledons are the final tissue where amygdalin is stored apoplast (182 and 192 JD). In the bitter cultivars (Fig. (Frehner et al., 1990). Incubation of extracts from the 4B),thepatternofPHimmunostainingwasmoreorless tegument or from the combined nucellus and endo- reversed compared with the observations with the spermwith20nmolofprunasinresultedintherelease sweetcultivars.Intheearlytomiddevelopmentalstages of minute amounts of HCN, reflecting very low PH oftheembryo,PHimmunostainingwasobservedinthe activity. In contrast, assays with the cotyledon extract apoplastinthecotyledons(S3067at147JDandGorkiat released more than 50-fold higher amounts of HCN 147and154JD),evenfillingtheintercellularspaces(i.e. using the same amount of total protein from each S3067at168JD).Atthelaterdevelopmentalstages,the tissue (Fig. 5A). The ability of the cotyledon prepara- localizationofthePHsshiftedtothesymplast(S3067at tions to release HCN varied from one cultivar to the 220 JD) and to some extent the apoplast (Gorki at 192 other, although similarities were observed between JD).Twovideosareprovided(SupplementalVideosS1 sweetandbitterphenotypes.Inthesweetcultivars,the and S2) to more clearly document the symplastic or activityfluctuatedsignificantlythroughouttheseason, apoplastic localization of PH. When the localization of whereas in general, the activity in the bitter cultivars PH is in the symplast, a screen of the z-stack reveals decreased as the fruit matured. These differences green-staining zones surrounded by a nonstaining re- could be due to fruit developmental differences or gion representing the cell wall and apoplast space. At caused by the presence of multiple PH isoforms. In developmental stages where PH is localized in the control experiments, a crude commercially available apoplast, the stained patterns enclose nonstaining emulsin preparation from almonds (Sigma) was domainsreflectingtheinternalcellularspace. added instead of an almond extract to liberate the maximum amount of HCN (20 nmol). A negative Biochemical Measurements of PH Activity during Fruit control,preparedwiththereactionbufferinsteadofan Development in Almond Seeds almond extract, released about 0.5 nmol of HCN. In parallel to the analysis of PH localizationduring Detection of PH Isoforms in Almond Cotyledons by seed development, the enzymatic PH activity was SDS-PAGEfollowing Western Blotting and by Fast Blue determinedbymeasuringtheabilityofcrudealmond BB Salt Staining extracts to catalyze the release of HCN following incubationwithprunasin.Measurementswerecarried A single immunoreactive protein band with an out using dialyzed extracts from the tegument, from apparent molecular mass of 63 kD was detected in Plant Physiol. Vol. 158, 2012 1919 Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al. Figure 3. Immunolocalization studies of prunasin localization in four different almond cultivars in the course of fruit development.ThecultivarsRamillete(sweet),Lauranne(sweet),S3067(bitter),andGorki(bitter)wereanalyzedforPHcontent attwodifferenttimepointsduringmidseason(154and182JD)offruitdevelopmentusingapolyclonalantibodyagainstthe sequenceINKKGIEYYpresentinthePHs(greencolor)fromalmond.ThefirstfourcolumnsrepresentoverlayimagesofPH detectedbythespecificantibody(green)andtranslucentlightmicrographstovisualizecellwalls(gray).Themarkedareaina panelrepresentstheareashownathighermagnificationinthepaneltotherightinthesamerow,exceptforGorki,wherethe sourceoftheimagesincolumnsdandearederivedfromthemarkedsegmentsincolumnc.Thelastcolumnrepresentsthree- dimensionalimagesobtainedusingsectionscontainingmainlyendospermcellsstainedwithpropidiumiodideinmagentacolor andgreenvesiclesthatrepresentthePHs.Abbreviationsareasfollows:endosperm(en),innerepidermisofthetegument(iet), tegument(t),sometimeswithvascularbundles(v),andouterepidermisofthetegument(out).Inasmallnumberofthesections, theembryo(em)orthenucellus(n)remainedattachedtotherestofthetissue.Inthelaterstageshown(182JD),thetegument cellshavecollapsed.[Seeonlinearticleforcolorversionofthisfigure.] all four cultivars following SDS-PAGE (Fig. 5B). b- possiblecomplexeswithotherproteinsnotdenatured Glucosidasesretaintheircatalyticpropertiesfollowing bytheelectrophoreticconditionschosen.TheFastBlue SDS-PAGE when the enzyme-containing samples are BBsalt-stainingmethodismoresensitivethanwestern not boiled before application. Protein bands contain- blotting, explaining why these additional bands were ing b-glucosidase activity, therefore, can be detected not observed on the immunoblot (Fig. 5B). When followingincubationwiththeFastBlueBBsaltandthe these assays were performed to follow the profile of 6-bromo-2-naphthyl-b-D-glucopyranoside, a general b-glucosidase activity in the course of fruit develop- substrate for b-glucosidases. Several Fast Blue BB- ment, all four cultivars showed a dominant immu- generated reddish staining bands were obtained (Fig. nostainingbandwithanapparentmassof70kDwith 5C). The bands were excised from the gel and incu- PH activity and a number of weaker staining bands bated with prunasin and amygdalin, as described forwhichtheintensityandmobilityvaried(Fig.5D). previously, to analyze whether the b-glucosidase cat- alyzed HCN release and thus represented prunasin Isoforms of PH and Amygdalin Hydrolase in and amygdalin hydrolases, respectively. Two protein Almond Embryos as Analyzed by Liquid bands with apparent masses of 70 and 150 kD con- Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry tained PH activity, while two bands with apparent masses of 150 and approximately 190 kD showed A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrome- amygdalinhydrolysisactivity.Thissuggests thepres- try(LC-MS/MS)approachwasundertakentoidentify ence of homodimeric or heterodimeric protein com- thepresenceofPHhomologsinthetwosweetandtwo plexes of prunasin and amygdalin hydrolases and bittercultivarsbasedonproteinextractsfromembryos 1920 Plant Physiol. Vol. 158, 2012 Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Prunasin Hydrolases in Sweet and Bitter Almonds Figure4. (Figurecontinuesonfollowingpage.) Plant Physiol. Vol. 158, 2012 1921 Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al. Figure4. (Legendappearsonfollowingpage.) 1922 Plant Physiol. Vol. 158, 2012 Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Prunasin Hydrolases in Sweet and Bitter Almonds Figure 5. A, HCN released (nmol) from the tegument and nucellus (teg +nuc)andembryo(emb)intwosweet cultivars (Ramillete [R] and Lauranne [L])andtwobittercultivars(S3067[S] andGorki[G])followingincubationof crudeproteinextractswith20nmolof prunasin at different stages of fruit development (133–220 JD). B, Total protein extracts were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue, and PHs present were visualized by immunolocalizationus- ing a polyclonal antibody against the sequenceINKKGIEYYpresentinthePHs fromalmond.C,Totalb-glucosidasecon- tentwasassayedusingFastBlueBBsalt stainingofSDS-PAGEfollowingtheap- plication of crude protein extracts of cotyledonsofthefourdifferentcultivars harvested at 133 JD and revealed the presenceofdifferentisoformsofPHs(PH) andthepresenceofamygdalinhydrolase (AH).D,Thesameassaywasusedto monitor the presence of different b- glucosidases during fruit develop- mentinthefourcultivars.[Seeonline articleforcolorversionofthisfigure.] composedofthetwocotyledonsandthesmallembryo activity. Prunasin and amygdalin hydrolases have axis isolated at 140 JD. At this developmental stage, expected masses of approximately 60 kD. Fast Blue the cotyledon tissues are low in lipids but rich in BBstainingconfirmedthatb-glucosidaseactivitywas protein, amygdalin has started to accumulate in the associated with proteins within this mass range. Gel cotyledonsofthebittercultivars,andminuteamounts blocks covering the mass range 50 to 75 kD were ex- ofprunasinarepresentinallfourcultivars.Thus,this cisedfromthegelstobeabletoidentifyb-glucosidase developmentalstagewouldbeexpectedtobesuitable isoforms by digestion with trypsin. Tryptic peptides for isolating enzymes involved in the breakdown or wereanalyzed by LC-MS/MS, and protein identifica- turnover of cyanogenic glucosides in the sweet culti- tionwascarriedoutbycomparingtheMSandMS/MS vars.Theproteinextractsofthefourdifferentcultivars spectra with the protein sequences in the National weresubjectedtoSDS-PAGEandthegellanesstained Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) non- witheitherCoomassieBrilliantBlueorwithFastBlue redundant protein sequence database. Preliminary BB salt to identify proteins containing b-glucosidase ion-trap experiments identified several putative PH Figure4. A,ImmunolocalizationstudiesofPHs(greencolor)intheembryooftwosweetgenotypes(RamilleteandLauranne)at differenttimepointsduringfruitdevelopment(Ramillete,147,154,168,182,and220JD;Lauranne,147,154,168,182,and 192JD)usingapolyclonalantibodyagainstthesequenceINKKGIEYYpresentinthePHsfromalmond.ThepresenceofDNA/ RNAstructures(i.e.nucleus[n])andcellwall(cw)isvisualizedbypropidiumiodidestaining(magentacolor)andindicatedby dottedarrows.ThelocalizationofthePHchangesduringfruitdevelopmentfrombeingmainlyinthesymplast(sy;i.e.Ramillete at147,154,and168JDandLauranneat147,154,and168JD)tobeingpredominantlyfoundintheapoplast(ap;i.e.Ramillete at 182 and 192 JD and Lauranne at 182 JD), as indicated by solid arrows, filling even the intercellular spaces (is). B, ImmunolocalizationstudiesofPHs(greencolor)inthecotyledonoftwobittergenotypes(S3067andGorki)atdifferenttime pointsduringfruit development (S3067,147,154,168,182,and220 JD; Gorki,147,154,168,182,and192JD) usinga polyclonalantibodyagainstthesequenceINKKGIEYYpresentinthePHsfromalmond.ThepresenceofDNA/RNAstructures (i.e.nucleus[n])andcellwall(cw)isvisualizedbypropidiumiodidestaining(magentacolor)andindicatedbydottedarrows. ThelocalizationofthePHchangesduringfruitdevelopmentfrombeingmainlyintheapoplast(i.e.S3067at147,154,168,and 182JDandGorkiat147,154,168,and182JD),withoccasionalpresenceintheintercellularspaces(is),tobeingfoundinthe symplast(i.e.S3067at220JDandGorkiat192JD).[Seeonlinearticleforcolorversionofthisfigure.] Plant Physiol. Vol. 158, 2012 1923 Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al. homologs to PHs of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) and identify all peptides present in the eluate from the black cherry. Sequencing of the tryptic fragments HPLCcolumnbecauseoftherestrictionintimepoints derived from the Coomassie Brilliant Blue-stained at which an MS/MS fragmentation may be recorded. gel afforded 22 unique peptide sequences putatively Thus, peptides may be present in a sample even derivedfromisoformsoffivePHsandoneisoformof though they were not registered by a sequence. To amygdalin hydrolase, whereas analysis of the Fast test if this was indeed the case when PH homologs Blue BB salt-stained gel afforded only nine unique were identified by the detection of different peptides peptide sequences, demonstrating that SDS-PAGE is among the cultivars, ion chromatograms displaying moresuitableforproteinidentificationbyLC-MS/MS the intensity of the differentially identified peptide (data not shown). To obtain additional sequence in- mass-to-chargeratio (m/z)valuewereextracted.Inall formation for the putative PH homologs, embryo samples, the peptide mass in question (within 62 extracts of the four almond cultivars were subjected ppm)elutedfromtheLCcolumnatthesameposition to SDS-PAGE, stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue, ofthegradient(610s).Thus,theidentifiedhomologs and then processed as described above. The resulting are represented by the same peptides in all four peptides were subjected to LC-MS/MS by the more cultivars; consequently, wecould notidentifycultivar- sensitiveOrbitrapinstrument.Thesameprunasinand specific PH isoforms (Table I). Clearly, more peptides amygdalin hydrolase homologs were identified as wereidentifiedderivedfromPHhomologs1,2,4,and being present in all four cultivars. In most cases, the 5 from black cherry and b-glucosidase from sweet homologswereidentifiedbythesamematchedtryptic cherry than from amygdalin hydrolase I and PH 3 peptides in all four cultivars, but in a few cases, a from black cherry. It is likely that the isoforms that homologwasidentified by adifferentpeptidedepen- afforded more peptide hits are more similar to abun- dent on the cultivars (Table I). LC-MS/MS does not dantisoform(s)inalmond. TableI. Identifiedamygdalinhydrolase,PH,andb-glucosidasepeptidesequencesfromRamillete(R),Lauranne(L),S3067(S),andGorki(G) cotyledons Proteinsmigratingwithinthe50-to75-kDmassregionfollowingSDS-PAGEweredigestedwithtrypsinandanalyzedbyLC-MS/MS.Theresulting pairs of peptide mass data and fragment ion (sequence) data were searched against the NCBI nonredundant protein database. X, Sequence is identified(forthecriteriaforidentification,see“MaterialsandMethods”).(X),Notfragmentedbutpresentinextractedionchromatograms(m/z65 ppm)asadistinctchromatographicpeakelutingatthesametimeastheothersandwiththesameisotope(charge)distribution. Genotype IsoformAssignment PeptideSequence Ra La Sa Ga AHIb PH1b PH2b PH3b PH4b PH5b PabGb AASDWLYVYPK X X X X X X AYADLCYK X X X X X DMGLDAYR X X X X X X X X EKYNDPIMYITENGMDEFNNPK X X X X X FGINYIDYDNGLER X X X X X X FGINYVDYDNGLKR X X X X X X X FSISWSR X X X X X X X X X X GDYPQSMR X X X X X X GLYDLVLYTK X X X X X X X X HWTTLNEPYTISNHGYTIGIHAPGR X X X X X X ITDGSNGDVAIDQYHR X X X X X X X X IVDDFK X X X X X X KFGDR X X X X X LPNFTEEQSK (X) (X) (X) X X X X X X LSTHWFK X X X X X X X X SFLKK X X X X X SFLKR X X X X X SIVGER X X X X X SLSGSYDYIGVNYYSAR X X X X X THFDTLFPGFTFGAATAAYQLEGAANIDGR (X) (X) X X X X VKHWTTLNEPYTISNHGYTIGIHAPGR (X) X X (X) X X YASAYPK X X X X X YKEDVAIMK X X X X X X X X X YNDPIMYITENGMDEFNNPK X X X X X X X Hits 24 24 24 24 4 9 12 1 8 14 12 aPeptidesequencesobtainedfromRamillete,Lauranne,S3067,andGorkiandidentifiedbyNCBIsearchesaspartofamygdalinhydrolase,PH,or b-glucosidases. bThepeptidesequencesarepartoftheproteinsequencesaccordingtoNCBI(cDNAaccessions):AHI(AF411130),amygdalin hydrolasefromblackcherry;PH,PHisoformsfromblackcherryasfollows:PH1(U50201),PH2(AF221527),PH3(AF221526),PH4(AF411009), PH5(AF411131);PabG,b-glucosidasefromsweetcherry(AAA91166). 1924 Plant Physiol. Vol. 158, 2012 Downloaded from on February 16, 2015 - Published by Copyright © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.