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Protosialis ranchograndis, a new species of alderfly from Venezuela, with a redescription of P. brasiliensis navas (Megaloptera: Sialidae) PDF

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Preview Protosialis ranchograndis, a new species of alderfly from Venezuela, with a redescription of P. brasiliensis navas (Megaloptera: Sialidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 108(4), 2006, pp. 977-984 PROTOSIALIS RANCHOGRANDIS, A NEW SPECIES OF ALDERFLY FROM VENEZUELA, WITH A REDESCRIPTION OF P. BRASILIENSIS NAVAS (MEGALOPTERA: SIALIDAE) ATILANO CONTRERAS-RAMOS Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, Universidad AutOnoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Apdo. Postal 1-69, Plaza Juarez, Pachuca, Hidalgo 42001, Mexico (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract.4The Neotropical fauna of Sialidae (Megaloptera) contains nine previously described species. In this paper, Protosialis ranchograndis, a new species from Aragua, northern Venezuela, 1s described and illustrated. Male genitalia of the new species are distinct, in particular because of a divided tenth sternite which appears as a double plate in caudal view. Also, P. brasiliensis Navas, 1936, is redescribed and illustrated based on the deteriorated holotype. Terminology and homologies of male genitalia in Sialidae, as well as the taxonomic status of the genus Protosialis Weele, are briefly discussed. Resumen.4La fauna neotropical de Sialidae (Megaloptera) contiene nueve especies previamente descritas. En este articulo se describe e ilustra a Protosialis ranchograndis, una especie nueva de Aragua, norte de Venezuela. La morfologia genital del macho es distintiva, en particular por su décimo esternito dividido, el cual se observa como una doble placa en vista caudal. También, se redescribe e ilustra el deteriorado holotipo de P. brasiliensis Navas. La terminologia y las homologias de genitalia en machos de Sialidae, asi como el estatus taxonomico del género Protosialis Weele, son discutidos brevemente. Key Words: Neuropterida, Neotropics, Aragua, Rancho Grande, Brazil, taxonomy Neotropical alderflies (Megaloptera: Gradually, as more sialid material from Sialidae) have been a largely neglected the Neotropics becomes available for group at least for two reasons, their study, the diversity of this group in the rarity, which includes both a low species Neotropics will become better under- diversity and a scarcity of specimens in stood. For example, of the nine described collections, and difficulties associated species of Neotropical Sialidae (Con- with studying type material. During treras-Ramos 1999, Contreras-Ramos et a visit in 1999 to the Museo del Instituto al. 2005), specimens of Protosialis bifas- de Zoologia Agricola <Francisco Fer- ciata (Hagen), P. brasiliensis Navas, P. nandez Yépez= (MIZA) of the Universi- chilensis (MacLachlan), P. flammata dad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Penny, P. hauseri Contreras, Fiorentin, several undescribed species of Megalop- and Urakami, and P. mexicana (Banks) tera were found (Contreras-Ramos are clearly distinct and represent valid 2002), including the one treated here. species. However, the original descrip- 978 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON tion of P. flavicollis (Enderlein) from Protosialis mexicana, P. bifasciata, and Colombia lists some characters (Ender- P. chilensis, based on _ several color, lein 1910) that do not correspond with shape, and venational characters (Ta- the specimens I studied (e.g., body and ble 2), a view that was supported by antennae black, yellowish pronotum, Penny (1981). Whiting (1994) questioned and modified tarsal claws). Protosialis most of these characters, and he further bimaculata Banks, from Bolivia, 1s sim- proposed a couple of male genitalic ilar to P. mexicana, black with yellowish structures which might help delimit head and prothorax (Banks 1920), and Protosialis. However, a final decision P. nubila Navas, from Brazil, is also on whether this is a valid genus or similar to P. mexicana, being <nigra= a junior synonym of Sialis must await (Navas 1933), including antennae. As the a genus level revision of the Sialidae. color pattern of the Venezuelan species is rather uniformly reddish brown, and Protosialis ranchograndis because of an observed limited distribu- Contreras-Ramos, new species tional range in most Neotropical alder- (Figs: 1; 2:6; 7, 9 iets) flies, there is sufficient confidence to Diagnosis.4This species (Fig. 6) may warrant describing a new species. be distinguished from all other Neotrop- The holotype of Protosialis brasiliensis ical alderflies by its uniform orange- is in a deteriorated condition, and the brown head (Figs. 1, 7). The pronotum original description was not thorough. Because of these constraints, I redescribe is also uniformly colored but with this species in this paper. a darker tone. The coloration of this Specimen dissection followed standard species contrasts with species such as Protosialis bifasciata, P. mexicana, and techniques (e.g., Contreras-Ramos 1998). Venational terminology follows Glorioso P. flammata, all of which clearly have (1981). However, for the genitalic termi- a patterned head. The male genitalia are nology of Sialidae, different authors such distinct with the tenth sternite modified as Ross (1937) and Whiting (1994) each as a sclerotized double plate that is have used different names for the same generally fusiform shaped in caudal view structures, which are also different from (Fig. 11). The tenth tergites are short and the ones used for Corydalinae. Here widely separated. An eversible sac 1s (Table 1), a unified terminology based evident between the ninth and tenth on Glorioso (1981) and Contreras-Ra- sternites, which is pinnaculate, that is, mos (1998; cf. table 2, p. 21) is attempted it has a conspicuous concentration of assuming that Corydalinae represents the thorny setae (Figs. 11412). Larvae of this generalized condition within Megalop- species have been collected but remain tera (Contreras-Ramos 2004). All type undescribed. material of the new species is deposited Description of adult.4Forewing length, at MIZA, while the holotype of Proto- S 8.4-10.4 mm (average 9.6 mm, n = sialis brasiliensis belongs to the Museu de 4), 2 12.0-13.4 mm (average 12.7 mm, Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo n = 2). Overall color pale orange brown, (MZSP), Ipiranga, Brazil. wings slightly darker. Head orange brown, including labrum and clypeus, Genus Protosialis Weele 1909 pilose; antenna brown, scape slightly The taxonomic validity of this genus is paler, pilose, 35-segmented; head ven- uncertain. Weele (1909, 1910) proposed trally pale yellowish brown, mandi- the genus to include Sialis americana bles reduced, and concealed beneath (Rambur), the type species, as well as labrum, maxillary and labial _ palps VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 979 Mablerle A proposed unified terminology for male genitalia of Megaloptera with emphasis on Sialidae (based on several authors and synthesized in Contreras-Ramos 1998, Table 2). Ross (1937) Whiting (1994) Proposed Terminology Lateral plates Parameres Ninth gonostyli! Terminal plate Ectoprocts Tenth tergites2 Genital plate, with Gonarcus, with mediunci Tenth sternite, with tenth sternite genital hooks (mediuncus in singular) lobes3 | Appendages variously reduced in Sialidae, often appearing as plates. 2 Appendages variously reduced in Sialidae, some times also fused as a single structure. 3 This sclerotized plate may have more or less complex processes arising from it, which may be evolutionary novelties or perhaps correspond to the membranous lobes in Corydalinae. brown, and 4- and 3-segmented, respec- brown; 5-segmented tarsi darker brown, tively. tarsal claws brown with basal tooth Pronotum orange brown with margins conical, blunt. Forewing (Figs. 2, 9) dull darker, covered with fine and _ short reddish brown, semitranslucent, and golden setae. Legs rather uniformly pale elongate-elliptical, costal area not en- ables? A non-critical comparison between the genera Sialis Latreille and Protosialis Weele as has been proposed by several authors (modified from Weele 1910, Penny 1981, and Whiting 1994). Attribute Sialis Protosialis Distribution Holarctic Neotropical Diversity 24 described spp. 9 described spp. Overall shape Body stout, wings broad and short Body and wings rather slender Overall color Body black, only some yellow Body black with orange! streaks on occiput Antennae Simple, moniliform in both sexes Thickly pilose in male, hairless in female Wings Pale brown membrane, thick Dark membrane, thin (not so (elevated and very distinct) distinct) nervature nervature Wing venation Costal area dilated before middle; Costal area not enlarged before costal crossveins vertical; Sc and middle; costal crossveins oblique; R strongly divergent in middle; Sc and R nearly parallel; 2nd 2nd branch of Rs (R3) forked in branch of Rs (R3) simple in both both wings wings2 Male genitalia, general Rather specialized (e.g., more More primitive (e.g., not as reduced, condition reductions, fusions, and complex neither fused, and with simpler shapes) shapes) Male genitalia, eversible Absent3 Present sac between 9th and 10th sternites Male genitalia, Simple, smooth+ Pinnaculate (with thorny setae) membranous region between 9th and 10th sternites ! Orange color mostly on head and pronotum. 2 Except in P. brasiliensis, P. flammata, P. nubila, and P. ranchograndis. 3 Present in S. nevadensis Davis. 4 Except in S. nevadensis, in which it is pinnaculate. 980 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Pyotesialis | bV AS Kensss Rats et. Navas S.J. S} sko PAULO (2 Yeitan ga Luederwdt. Figs. 1-5. Protosialis spp. 1, P. ranchograndis, head and pronotum. 2, Same, left forewing. 3, P. brasiliensis, head and pronotum. 4, Same, left forewing. 5, Same, specimen labels. larged, with 9-11 crossveins, those dis- tenth tergites conspicuous, lobe-shaped, tally more oblique and less well-defined; separated (Figs. 11, 13); tenth sternite as three crossveins between R, and Rs, the an ovoid double plate in caudal view, latter with two branches, both forked; upper and lower halves of the plate four r-m crossveins. terminally square-shaped (Fig. 11), up- Male genitalia (Figs. 11-13): Ninth per half of plate shaped as a bird head in tergum short, well-sclerotized (Fig. 12); lateral view (Fig. 12); eversible mem- VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 981 aa s ae 8R R ow1 ie erie Figs. 6-10. Protosialis spp. 6, P. ranchograndis, habitus. 7, Same, head and pronotum. 8, P. brasiliensis, head and pronotum. 9, P. ranchograndis, left forewing. 10, P. brasiliensis, left forewing. 982 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON brane between tenth and ninth sternites dark brown, including the occipital, conspicuous, bearing an area of densely frontal, clypeal, and labral areas, as well concentrated sclerotized setae (Fig. 11); as the antennal scape and _ pedicel; ninth gonostyli lobe-shaped, 4 setose; however, it gradually becomes pale ninth sternum elongate-ovoid. yellowish brown on both sides behind Female genitalia (Figs. 14-15): Sev- the eyes (Figs. 3, 8). The yellowish- enth abdominal sternum moderately brown color continues towards the front, sclerotized, especially on a median narrowly around the eyes, and then bump, distally (Fig. 14); eighth sternum towards the ventral side of the head, distinctive, with a sclerotized and broad- which is also pale brown. The genal area ly bilobed plate (Fig. 14), which is is brown, while the pronotum is darker obscured by the base of the ovipositor than the head. Both head and pronotum and remainder of ninth segment are pilose. Navas (1936) did not specify (Fig. 15). the sex of the specimen, and provided the Material examined.4Holotype ¢: VE- following measurements: body length 7mm, forewing length 10 mm (slightly NEZUELA. Aragua: Rancho Grande, larger than my measurement), and 1,100 m, 31.v.1994, M. Gaiani [at light, hind wing length 9 mm. Because of the in alcohol, genitalia in glycerin] (MIZA). small size, the specimen is_ probably Paratypes.4VENEZUELA. [No col- a male. lecting data, probably from Rancho Description of adult.4Forewing length, Grande], | ¢; Aragua: Rancho Grande, [probably 2] 9.5 mm. Overall color dark 1100 me 2S x1 [19/495 Eo Permandez Y., | brown, wings slightly paler. Head dp same but avy. 1977.1, J. Joly i, i 2: (Figs. 3, 8) dark brown, particularly same but 24.v.1984, F. Fernandez Y., J. occiput, frons, clypeus, and labrum, Clavijo, 1 ¢, luz de mercurio; same but pilose; head laterally behind eyes grad- 19.v.[19]89, M. Gaiani, J. Manzanilla, 1 ually becoming paler, also narrowly 2 (MIZA). around eyes; scape and pedicel dark Etymology.4The name of the new brown; head ventrally pale yellowish species refers to the classic locality brown. Mandible brown, distally yellow- Rancho Grande (Estacién Bioldgica de ish, mostly concealed beneath labrum; Rancho Grande), close to Maracay, maxilla, including 4-segmented palp within Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, dark brown; labial palp dark brown, 3- on the Coast Cordillera, an area in- segmented. tensively studied by the entomological Pronotum dark brown, darker than staff of MIZA. head, pilose. Legs uniformly brown, 5- segmented tarsi darker, tarsal claws Protosialis brasiliensis Navas 1936 brown with basal tooth small, blunt. (Figs. 345, 8, 10) Forewing (Figs. 4, 10) dull reddish Diagnosis.4Because of the deteriorat- brown, semitranslucent, elongate-ellipti- ed condition of the holotype this species cal; costal area not enlarged, with 8 can not be diagnosed on the basis of crossveins, oblique, those distally less genitalia. The specimen is missing anten- well-defined; three crossveins between R, nae, abdomen, both right wings and the and Rs, the latter with two branches, left hindwing, as well as the left midleg, both forked; four r-m crossveins. tarsi of the right midleg, and both Material examined (Fig. 5).4Holo- hindlegs. However, the remainder of the type [sex unknown]. BRAZIL. Sao specimen can be differentiated by its Paulo: Ypiranga, 09.x1.[19]09, Lueder- color pattern. The head color is mostly waldt. VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 983 10th tergit. e tergg um t1e0rtghi te 10th v sternite 10th : sternite ats eversible sac gonostylus We eversible i 9th sae 4~ sternum 11 We? 10th tergite 7 1 } CCI WL Ae f I owntestens ovipositor 15 Figs. 11-15. Protosialis ranchograndis. 11, Male genitalia, caudal, reversible sac is retracted but sclerotized setae visible. 12, Same, lateral. 13, Same, dorsal. 14, Female genitalia, ventral. 15, Same, lateral. 984 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 444. 1999. List of species of Neotropical Megaloptera. Proceedings of the Entomologi- I thank once again the hospitality of cal Society of Washington 101: 274-284. MIZA entomological staff during the . 2002. Six new species of dobsonflies from 1999 trip to Venezuela, in particular Venezuela (Megaloptera: Corydalidae: Cory- Marco A. Gaiani. Also special thanks dalinae). Aquatic Insects 24: 55475. to Jirg DeMarmels, who kindly trans- . 2004. Is the family Corydalidae (Neurop- terida, Megaloptera) a monophylum? Denisia lated the paper by Enderlein from 13: 135-140. German into Spanish. Financial support Contreras-Ramos, A., G. L. Fiorentin, and Y. from the Mini-PEET Program (2003) of Urakami. 2005. A new species of alderfly the Society of Systematic Biologists for (Megaloptera: Sialidae) from Rio Grande do a trip to the National Museum of Sul, Brazil. Amazoniana 18: 2674272. Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- Enderlein, G. 1910. Eine neue Sia/is aus Colum- bien. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 1910: tion, from where comparative material 380-381. has been studied, as well as from SEP- Glorioso, M. J. 1981. Systematics of the dobsonfly PROMEP (Mexico), through the project subfamily Corydalinae (Megaloptera: Coryda- <Sistematica y Taxonomia de Neurop- lidae). Systematic Entomology 6: 253-290. tera y Tipulidae (Diptera): 200242003,= Navas, L. 1933. Décadas de insectos nuevos. is gratefully acknowledged. The kindness Broteria 2: 33-44, 101-110. 4444. 1936. Insectos del Brasil (Sa. serie). Revista of Ollie Flint and the late Nancy Adams do Museu Paulista 20: 722-734. during the visit to the Smithsonian Penny, N. D. 1981. Neuroptera of the Amazon Institution is highly acknowledged. Basin. Part 4, Sialidae. Acta Amazonica 11: Thorough editorial reviews of the man- 843-846. uscript by David E. Bowles and an Ross, H. H. 1937. Studies of Nearctic aquatic anonymous referee are much appreciat- insects, I. Nearctic alder flies of the genus Sialis (Megaloptera, Sialidae). Illinois Natural ed. Finally, the artistic work from Jorge History Survey Bulletin 21: 57478. Alberto Gonzalez Martinez is greatly Weele, H. W., van der. 1909. New genera and valued. species of Megaloptera Latr. Notes from the Leyden Museum 30: 249-253. LITERATURE CITED . 1910. Megaloptera (Latreille), monogra- Banks, N. 1920. New neuropteroid insects. Bulletin phic revision, pp. 1-93 + 4 pls. Jn Collec- of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, tions Zoologiques du Baron Edm. de Selys Harvard University 64: 299-362. Longchapms Fasc. V (Premiere partie), Brux- Contreras-Ramos, A. 1998. Systematics of the elles. dobsonfly genus Corydalus (Megaloptera: Cor- Whiting, M. F. 1994. Cladistic analysis of the ydalidae). Thomas Say Publications in Ento- alderflies of America north of Mexico (Mega- mology, Monograph 16, Entomological Soci- loptera: Sialidae). Systematic Entomology 19: ety of America, Lanham, Maryland, 360 pp. 77-91.

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