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Contents Alcain, F. J., Low, H., Crane, F. L., Iron at the cell surface con- Crane, F. L., s. Kim, C. trols both DNA synthesis and plasma membrane redox - s. Léw, H. system — sg. Sun, I. L. s. Gonzdlez-Reyes, J. A. Crowe, R. A., Crane, F. L., Effect of growth factors and antitu- s. Lépez-Lluch, G. mor drugs on normal and Vall2 Ha-ras transformed C3H Rodriguez-Aguilera, J. C. 10T1/2 cell transplasma membrane electron transport and Arroyo, A., s. Rodriguez-Aguilera, J. C. growth Asard, H., Horemans, N., Caubergs, R. J., Involvement of ascor- — ss. Crane, F. L. bic acid and a b-type cytochrome in plant plasma membrane redox reactions del Valle-Tascén, S., s. Carrasco-Luna, J. — s. Bérczi, A. Dilley, R. A., s. Zakharov, S. D. Doring, O., s. Bode, K. Barr, R., Béttger, M., Crane, F. L., Morré, D. J., Nitrate reduc- — s. Seidenberg, S. tase activity of plasma membranes from cultured carrot cells Becker, G. W., s. Kim, C. Erdmann, H., s. Park, H.-J. Bérczi, A., Asard, H., NAD(P)H-utilizing oxidoreductases of the Estornell, E., s. Lenaz, G. plasma membrane Ewy, R. G., s. Zakharov, S. D. — s. Moller, I. M. Bode, K., Déring, O., Liithje, S., Neue, H.-U., Béttger, M., Fato, Romana, s. Lenaz, G. The role of active oxygen in iron tolerance of rice (Oryza Flesher, C. G., s. Lawrence, J. sativa L.) Fredlund, K. M., s. Mgller, I. M. Béttger, M., Morré, D. J., Crane, F. L., Evidence for transmem- brane electron transfer coupled to proton secretion in plasma Geilen, C., s. Lawrence, J. membrane vesicles loaded by electroporation Goldenberg, H., Schweinzer, E., Mechanisms of vitamin C stabi- s. Barr, R. lization by K562 erythroleukemic cells s. Bode, K. Gémez-Diaz, C., s. Navas, P. s. Liithje, S. Gonzalez-Darés, F., s. Carrasco-Luna, J. s. Salguero, J. Gonzalez-Reyes, J. A., Alcain, F. J., Caler, J. A., Serrano, A., s. Seidenberg, S. Cérdoba, F., Navas, P., Stimulation of onion root elongation Bovina, Carla, s. Lenaz, G. by ascorbate and ascorbate free radical in Allium cepa L. . . Buron, M. I., s. Lopez-Lluch, G. — s. Serrano, A. Buttke, T. M., s. Morse, N. R. Harrison, Marietta L., s. Low, P. S. Calatayud, A., s. Carrasco-Luna, J. Horemans, H., s. Asard, H. Caler, J. A., s. Gonzalez-Reyes, J. A. Huertas, J. R., s. Lenaz, G. Carrasco-Luna, J., Calatayud, A., Gonzalez-Darés, F., del Valle- Tascon, S., Hexacyanoferrate (III) stimulation of elongation Jones, O. T. G., Jones, S. A., Wood, J. D., Expression of compo- in coleoptile segments from Zea mays L. nents of the superoxide generating NADPH oxidase by Castelluccio, Cinzia, s. Lenaz, G. human leucocytes and other cells Caubergs, R. J., s. Asard, H. Jones, S. A., s. Jones, O. T. G. Cavazzoni, Marika, s. Lenaz, G. Cérdoba, F., s. Gonzdlez-Reyes, J. A. Kim C., Crane, F. L., Becker, G. W., Morré, D. J., Purification of — s. Serrano, A. NADH-cytochrome bs reductase from rat liver plasma mem- Crane, F. L., s. Sun, I. L., Sun, E. E., Crowe, R. A., Plasma mem- branes brane redox and regulation of cell growth Kiyatkin, A., s. Low, P. S. - s. Alcain, F. J. Kriiger, S., s. Seidenberg, S. s. Barr, R. s. Béttger, M. Larm, J. A., Wolvetang, E. J., Vaillant, F., Martinus, R. D., s. Crowe, R. A. Lawen, A., Linnane, A. W., Increase of plasma membrane IV Contents oxidoreductase activity is not correlated with the production Navarro, F., s. Rodriguez-Aguilera, J. C. of extracellular superoxide radicals in human Namalwa cells Navas, P., Gémez-Diaz, C., Ascorbate free radical and its role in Lawen, A., s. Larm, J. A. growth control Lawrence, J., Geilen, C., Flesher, C. G., Morré, D. J., The stimu- — s.Gé6nzalez-Reyes, J. A. lation of NADH oxidase activity of rat liver plasma mem- — s. Lépez-Lluch, G. branes by guanine nucleotides may involve both guanine — ss. Rodriguez-Aguilera, J. C. nucleotide-binding proteins of the plasma membrane and re- — s. Serrano, A. sponses not mediated by classic heterotrimeric G proteins Neue, H.-U., s. Bode, K. Lenaz, G., Bovina, Carla, Castelluccio, Cinzia, Cavazzoni, Mari- Niecke, M., s. Liithje, S. ka, Estornell, E., Fato, Romana, Huertas, J. R., Merlo Pich, Niifiez de Castro, I., s. Medina, M. A. Milena, Pallotti, F., Parenti Castelli, Giovanna, Rauchova, Hana, Modes of coenzyme Q function in electron transfer Pallotti, F., s. Lenaz, G. Li, Q., s. Low, P. S. Parenti Castelli, Giovanna, s. Lenaz, G. Linnane, A. W., s. Larm, J. A. Park, H.-J., Erdmann, H., Sprinzl, M., NADH oxidase of Ther- Lépez-Lluch, G., Burén, M. L., Alcain, F. J., Rodriguez-Agui- mus thermophilus HB8 overproduced from Escherichia coli lera, J. C., Navas, P., Plasma membrane redox system during HL-60 induced differentiation 163 Rauchova, Hana, s. Lenaz, G. Low, P. S., Kiyatkin, A., Li, Q., Harrison, M. L., Control of Rodriguez-Aguilera, J. C., Navarro, F., Arroyo, A., Alcain, F. J., erythrocyte metabolism by redox-regulated tyrosine phos- Villalba, J. M., Navas, P., Vitamin C stabilization as a conse- phatases and kinases quence of the plasma membrane redox system Léw, H., Crane, F. L., The NADH oxidizing system of the plas- — s. Lépez-Lluch, G. ma membrane and metabolic signal control - s. Alcain, F. J. Salguero, J., Béttger, M., Secreted catalase activity from roots of Liithje, S., Niecke, M., Béttger, M., Iron and copper in plasma developing maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings membranes of maize (Zea mays L.) roots investigated by pro- Sandstrom, P. A., s. Morse, N. R. ton induced X-ray emission Santos, C., s. Serrano, A. Liithje, S., s. Bode, K. Schweinzer, E., s. Goldenberg, H. — s. Seidenberg, S. Segal, A. W., The NADPH oxidase of phagocytic cells is an elec- tron pump that alkalinises the phagocytic vacuole MacKellar, W. C., s. Morré, D. J. Seidenberg, S., Déring, O., Kriiger, S., Liithje, S., Béttger, M., Martinus, R. D., s. Larm, J. A. Changes in the glutathione level induced by transplasma Medina, M. A., Nufiez de Castro, I., Plasma membrane redox membrane electron transport in maize (Zea mays L.) systems in tumor cells Serrano, A., Cérdoba, F., Gonzdlez-Reyes, J. A., Santos, C., Merlo Pich, Milena, s. Lenaz, G. Navas, P., Villalba, J. M., NADH-specific dehydrogenase Merriman, R., s. Morré, D. J. from onion root plasma membrane: purification and charac- Meller, I. M., Fredlund, K. M., Bérczi, A., The stereospecificity, terization purification, and characterization of an NADH-ferricyanide — s.Gonzdlez-Reyes, J. A. reductase from spinach leaf plasma membrane Sprinzl, M., s. Park, H.-J. Morré, O. J., Editorial Sun, E. E., s. Crane, F. L. — The role of NADH oxidase in growth and physical mem- — gs. Sun, I. L. brane displacement Sun, I. L., Sun, E. E., Crane, F. L., Comparison of growth sim- Merriman, R., Tanzer, L. R., Wu, L.-Y., Morré, D. M., ulation of HeLa cells, HL-60 cells, and mouse fibroblasts by MacKellar, W. C., Inhibition of the NADH oxidase activity coenzyme Qio of plasma membranes isolated from xenografts and cell lines — s. Crane, F. L. by the antitumor sulfonylurea, N-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)- N’*-(4-chlorophenyl)urea (LY 181984) correlates with drug Tanzer, L. R., s. Morré, D. J. susceptibility of growth Tebbey, P. W., s. Morse, N. R. — s. Barr, R. — ss. Béttger, M. Vaillant, F., s. Larm, J. A. — s.Kim, C. Villalba, J. M., s. Rodriguez-Aguilera, J. C. — s. Lawrence, J. — ss. Serrano, A. — s. Morré, D. M. Morré, D. M., Morré, D. J., Mechanism of killing of HeLa cells Wolvetang, E. J., s. Larm, J. A. by the antitumor sulfonylurea, N-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)- Wood, J. D., s. Jones, O. T. G. N*-(4-chlorophenyl)urea (LY 181984) Wu, L.-Y., s. Morré, D. J. — 9s. Morré, D. J. Morse, N. R., Tebbey, P. W., Sandstrom, P. A., Buttke, T. M., Zakharov, S. D., Ewy, R. G., Dilley, R. A., Calcium binding to Induction of apoptosis in lymphoid cells by thiol-mediated the chloroplast and E. coli (CFo) Fo subunit III (c) of the oxidative stress ATP-synthase

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