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Proton-Conducting Sulfonated Aromatic Ionomers and Membranes by Chemical Modifications and ... PDF

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Proton-Conducting Sulfonated Aromatic Ionomers and Membranes by Chemical Modifications and Polycondensations Persson Jutemar, Elin 2010 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Persson Jutemar, E. (2010). Proton-Conducting Sulfonated Aromatic Ionomers and Membranes by Chemical Modifications and Polycondensations. [Doctoral Thesis (compilation), Centre for Analysis and Synthesis]. 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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Proton-conducting sulfonated aromatic ionomers and membranes by chemical modifications and polycondensations Elin Persson Jutemar Division of Polymer & Materials Chemistry Thesis 2010 Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, to be defended in public at the Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lecture Hall K:C, on December 15, at 10.00, as approved by the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Opponent: Professor Howard M. Colquhoun Department of Chemistry, University of Reading, United Kingdom ii PROTON-CONDUCTING SULFONATED AROMATIC IONOMERS AND MEMBRANES BY CHEMICAL MODIFICATIONS AND POLYCONDENSATIONS ELIN PERSSON JUTEMAR 2010 iii © Elin Persson Jutemar, 2010 Doctoral thesis Division of Polymer & Materials Chemistry Lund University P.O. Box 124, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden All rights reserved ISBN 978-91-7422-255-5 Printed by MediaTryck AB, Lund iv LIST OF PAPERS This thesis is the result of studies presented in the following papers, referred to in the text by their respective Roman numerals. I. Sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) ionomers containing di- and tetrasulfonated arylene sulfone segments Elin Persson Jutemar, Shogo Takamuku, and Patric Jannasch Manuscript accepted for publication in Polymer Chemistry DOI:10.1039/c0py00290a. II. Locating sulfonic acid groups on various side chains to poly(arylene ether sulfone)s: Effects on the ionic clustering and properties of proton-exchange membranes Elin Persson Jutemar and Patric Jannasch Journal of Membrane Science 2010, 351, 87-95. III. Facile Synthesis and Polymerization of 2,6-Difluoro-2’- sulfobenzophenone for Aromatic Proton Conducting Ionomers with Pendant Sulfobenzoyl Groups Elin Persson Jutemar, Shogo Takamuku, and Patric Jannasch Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2010, 31, 1348-1353. IV. Influence of the Polymer Backbone Structure on the Properties of Aromatic Ionomers with Pendant Sulfobenzoyl Side Chains for Use as Proton-Exchange Membranes Elin Persson Jutemar and Patric Jannasch Manuscript submitted to ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces V. Copoly(Arylene Ether Nitriles) and Copoly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) Ionomers with Pendant Sulfobenzoyl Groups for Proton Conducting Fuel Cell Membranes Elin Persson Jutemar and Patric Jannasch Manuscript accepted for publication in Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry v ADDITIONAL PAPER NOT INCLUDED IN THE THESIS Pore Size Distribution and Water Uptake in Hydrocarbon and Perfluorinated Proton-Exchange Membranes as Studied by NMR Cryoporometry S. von Kraemer, A. I. Sagidullin, G. Lindberg, I. Furó, E. Persson, and P. Jannasch Fuel Cells 2008, 08, 262-269. MY CONTRIBUTION TO THE PAPERS Paper I: I took an active part in the planning of the study. I performed all the experimental work except for the polymerizations. I wrote the paper. Paper II: I took an active part in the planning of the study. I performed all the experimental work and wrote the paper. Paper III: I took an active part in the planning of the study. I performed all the experimental work except for the polymerizations. I wrote the paper. Paper IV: I took an active part in the planning of the study. I performed all the experimental work and wrote the paper. Paper V: I took an active part in the planning of the study. I performed all the experimental work and wrote the paper. vi ABBREVIATIONS BCPSB 4,4’-Bis[(4-chlorophenyl)sulfonyl]-1,1’-biphenyl DCDPS Dichlorodiphenyl sulfone DFSBP 2,6-Difluoro-2’-sulfobenzophenone lithium salt DL Degree of lithiation DMAc N,N-Dimethylacetamide DMFC Direct methanol fuel cell DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide EIS Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EW Equivalent weight FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy IEC Ion-exchange capacity n-BuLi n-Butyllithium NMP N-Methyl pyrrolidone NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy PAE Poly(arylene ether) PAEES Poly(arylene ether ether sulfide) PAEN Poly(arylene ether nitrile) PAES Poly(arylene ether sulfone) PAS Poly(arylene sulfide) PEEK Poly(ether ether ketone) PEMFC Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell or Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell vii PSU Polysulfone RH Relative humidity SAXS Small angle X-ray scattering SBACA 2-Sulfobenzoic acid cyclic anhydride SBFBB 1,4-Bis(3-sodium sulfonate-4-fluorobenzoyl) benzene SDCDPS Disodium 3,3-disulfonate-4,4’-dichlorodiphenyl sulfone SDFBP Disodium 3,3-disulfonate-4,4’-difluorobenzophenone sPEEK Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) T Degradation temperature d T Glass transition temperature g THF Tetrahydrofuran viii CONTENTS Scope of the work .......................................................................... - 1 - Introduction ................................................................................. - 3 - 2.1 Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells ............................................. - 3 - 2.2 Proton-conducting polymer membranes ......................................... - 5 - Polymer synthesis and chemical modification ................................ - 15 - 3.1 Characteristics of polysulfones ...................................................... - 15 - 3.2 Direct sulfonation of polysulfones ................................................ - 16 - 3.3 Lithiation of polysulfones ............................................................. - 17 - 3.4 Nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions ................................ - 19 - 3.5 Random copolymerization ........................................................... - 21 - Special characterization techniques ............................................... - 25 - 4.1 Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) ............................................. - 25 - 4.2 Proton conductivity measurements ............................................... - 26 - Thesis work ................................................................................. - 29 - 5.1 Polysulfones carrying highly sulfonated segments (Paper I) ........... - 33 - 5.2 Polysulfones carrying sulfonated aromatic side chains (Paper II) ... - 38 - 5.3 Aromatic homopolymers and copolymers with pendant sulfonated side chains prepared by polycondensation reactions (Papers III-V) ..................................................................................... - 42 - Summary and outlook ................................................................. - 51 - Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning ............................................ - 53 - Acknowledgements ...................................................................... - 55 - References ................................................................................... - 57 - ix

generally be classified into intraparticle models,132 and interparticle intraparticle models attribute the ionomer peak to the interference within the ionic . Scheme 5.2: A graphical illustration of the fully sulfonated PSU ionomers
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