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Methods in Molecular Biology 1958 Alexander E. Kister Editor Protein Supersecondary Structures Methods and Protocols Second Edition M M B ETHODS IN OLECULAR IO LO GY SeriesEditor JohnM.Walker School of Lifeand MedicalSciences University ofHertfordshire Hatfield, Hertfordshire,AL109AB,UK Forfurther volumes: http://www.springer.com/series/7651 Protein Supersecondary Structures Methods and Protocols Second Edition Edited by Alexander E. Kister Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA Editor AlexanderE.Kister DepartmentofMathematics RutgersUniversity Piscataway,NJ,USA ISSN1064-3745 ISSN1940-6029 (electronic) MethodsinMolecularBiology ISBN978-1-4939-9160-0 ISBN978-1-4939-9161-7 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-9161-7 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2019934749 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC,partofSpringerNature2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproduction onmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation, computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulations andthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthors,andtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbookarebelievedto betrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty, expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. This Humana Press imprint is published by the registered company Springer Science+Business Media, LLC part of SpringerNature. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:233SpringStreet,NewYork,NY10013,U.S.A. Annotation AfterthepublicationofthefirsteditionofProteinSupersecondaryStructuresin2013,many newinterestingworksonthissubjecthaveappeared,anditbecamenecessarytocollectand consider theseresults.Theconceptofsupersecondarystructure(SSS)asconservedcombi- nations of consecutive secondary structure elements in space was proved very useful to clarify the general principles of protein folding, the relationship between amino acid sequences and protein structures, and the other aspects of proteomics. The authors of the volumeareeminentexpertsinthefieldofproteinresearchandbioinformatics. v Preface After the publication of the first edition of Protein Supersecondary Structures in 2013 [1], manynewinterestingworksonthissubjecthaveappeared,anditbecamenecessarytocollect andconsider theseresults. In1973,MichaelRossmannintroducedtheconceptofsupersecondarystructure(SSS) as conserved combinations of consecutive secondary structure elements in space such as beta-hairpins, helix hairpins, beta-alpha-beta, the Greek key, and others. The first super- secondarystructure—beta-alpha-beta—was foundinproteinsthatbind nucleotides.Later, this structural motif was named as the Rossmann fold. Rossmann outlined the main con- siderationsthatledhimtoformulateanewlevelofproteinstructuralclassificationinthefirst chapter of the previous edition (Rossmann M., “Supersecondary structure: A historical perspective”). A modern review of the structural analysis of proteins with the Rossman foldisprovidedbyKiharaandShininChapter1ofthisvolume. The concepts of secondary and supersecondary structures may be used to clarify the generalprinciplesofproteinfolding.In1973,Ptitsynsuggestedthatproteinfoldingcould be conceptualized as a hierarchical process, which involves, first, the formation of the secondary structures and then, via several consecutive stages of folding and refolding, the formation of a stable 3D structure [2]. Elaborating on this idea, we can suggest that after helices and parts of beta-sheets are constructed, SSSs are formed in consecutive stages. In this connection, an important question arises: is it always necessary to achieve an accurate, atomic level, description of the protein structure, or is SSS sufficient for most purposes? There is considerable evidence that protein function is accompanied by relatively minor structural fluctuations or conformational changes [3]. Perhaps, important conclusions about the functioning of the protein can be deduced solely from the knowledge of the secondaryandsupersecondarystructure. There are many approaches for determining secondary structure with a high degree of reliability. Review of the computer algorithms for secondary and supersecondary structure prediction is presented in Chapter 2. Kc with coauthors discusses the trend for developing the two main types of structure prediction: template-based modeling and template-free modeling. A prerequisite to the successful classification of secondary structures is a reasonably accurateannotationofthesecondarystructureelements.Thismayinclude,forexample,the type of element (a helix or a strand); its location in structure; its size; contacts with other secondarystructureelementsandwithothermolecules;anumberofhydrophobicresidues, which participate in hydrophobic core formation; and other parameters. In Chapter 3, Midlickandcolleaguesaddressthemainprinciplesofannotationanddescribethesoftware for theautomaticannotationofsecondarystructureelementsinproteins. Chapter 4 outlines the new developments in secondary and supersecondary structure prediction.Manynewmethodshavebeendevelopedoverthelastseveralyears.Thischapter is an extension of the review by Kurgan and his colleagues published in the first edition in 2013. The authors consider a useful method for comparing SSS of proteins with different aminoacidsequences. vii viii Preface In Chapter 5, Hoque and coauthors propose an original approach to SSS prediction. Unlikethecommonlyusedmethodsthatentailpredictingsecondarystructureelementsfirst and then putting them together into SSS, the authors predict SSS directly from the amino acid sequence. The main idea behind their approach is to use several machine learning techniques for the analysis of a variety of sequence and structural characteristics, such as secondary structure probabilities and torsion angles. For the final prediction, a stacked generalizationtechniqueisused. DictionaryofproteinsecondarystructuresdevelopedbyKabschandSanderin1983has proven to be very useful for the structural analysis of proteins [4]. Kabsch and Sander proposedcriteriafordeterminingsecondarystructuresthatcanbeusedinpatternrecogni- tionprocess.InChapter6,KonagurthuandLesk,withcoauthors,developthemethodfor compactpresentationofSSS,whichdescribesrelativeorientationandinteractionsbetween secondary structure elements. This methodology was used to create a dictionary of super- secondary structures, which may become an important tool for investigating folding patterns. Despite the many successful predictions of protein structures based on the sequence similarity, the sequence alignment approach has a significant drawback, which is a conse- quence of its main advantage. This drawback is not related to the known limitation of the method: it works only when similar sequences with known structure are available in PDB, but does not work if query sequencehas lowsimilarity with known sequences. Rather, the problemismoreconceptualinnature:homology-basedmethodsdonotallowonetoassess relative structural roles of residues in protein folding. Without this understanding, it is difficult,ifnotimpossible,todeveloprationalprinciplesforproteinengineering.Themost direct approach to understanding the structural role of residues involves the analysis of interactions between residues in protein structures. However, the exact accounting of all interactionparametersisanextremelydifficultandpossiblyinsolubleproblematpresent.An alternative way to approach this problem and not lose too much accuracy is to use coarse- grainingmethods,i.e.,toperformacalculationonasimplersystem.InChapter7,Liwoand hiscolleaguesdescribecoarse-grainedforcefieldsandthepotentialofmeanforcethatdrive proteinstructureformation. It is now widely accepted that protein folding process can be described by “funneled free-energylandscapes.”Theanalogywithmountainterrainisquiteappropriate:withouta map,itisverychallengingtofindthermodynamicallyfavorablepathwaysthroughdifferent lower energy mountain passes in a multidimensional phase space. A common approach to overcoming these difficulties is to create a set of different structures (“decoys”) and then calculate which of these structures lies at the bottom of the energy funnel. The concept of SSSmayberelevanthereaswell.Asequentialanalysisoftheformationof,first,beta-strands andalpha-helicesand,second,SSSandsubstructurescanbeusedtoselectathermodynami- cally favorable folding pathway since the formation of these substructures will greatly enhance the stability of the overall polypeptide chain conformation. The final result of energy landscape calculation is the structure with the most favorable conformation, which isconsideredtocorrespondtoprotein’snativestructure.However,proteinsoftenundergo structural changes to perform biological functions, for example, to interact with other molecules. In order to predict such interactions, it is important to estimate possible struc- turalfluctuations.Fromthepointofviewofanenergylandscape,thesolutionshouldnotbe a narrow well but a deep and relatively wide valley that corresponds to thermodynamically stablestructuralstates. InChapter8,Shehuandhercolleaguesdevelopanewapproachto thisproblem. Preface ix In Chapter 9, Pires and his colleagues present two methods for predicting effects of mutations on protein stability. The ability to predict how a point mutation affects protein structures would significantly advance our understanding of protein function and the diseasesofproteinmisfolding.Theconsequencesofthemutationcanvarygreatlydepend- ing on the secondary structure elements and type of SSS in which mutation occurs. For example,itwasshownrecentlythatbeta-strandsaremoresubjecttostructuralchangesthan alpha-helicesasaresultofmutations[5]. Many protein domains in common structural folds, such as immunoglobulins, can be representedasasetofsymmetricallyconnectedSSSs.InChapter10,Youkharibachederives important conclusions drawn from the analysis of this phenomenon. He shows that there exists a relationship between structural symmetry and gene duplication during protein evolution and also a correlation between a geometric arrangement of SSS in domains and functionofproteins. One of the most common SSSs is βαβ which consists of two parallel beta-strands connectedbyanalpha-helix.TheproteinsinTIMbarrelfoldsusuallyconsistofeightsuch SSSs. Each SSS forms a “micro-barrel” with a hydrophobic core. It was shown that this monomericsubstructureisitselfastabletertiarysubstructure.AnimportantfeatureofTIM barrelproteinfamiliesisthehighdegreeofstructuralsimilarityandlowdegreeofsequence similarity. In Chapter 11, Vadrevu and colleagues consider the sequence and structural featuresofdifferentβαβSSSs. In Chapter 12, Ventura and colleagues discuss a hotly debated topic in proteomics— proteinmisfoldingandamyloidstructuralformation.Thelong-terminterestinthisproblem is mainly due to the fact that amyloids are associated with many human diseases known as amyloidoses. Amyloid fibrils with very similar cross-beta-sheet structures can be formed fromverydifferentalpha-andbeta-proteins.Toexplainthisinterestingphenomenon,ithas been suggested that even though alpha- and beta-proteins do not have obvious sequence and structural similarities, they share certain common features that predispose conversions ofsolubleproteinstotheinsolubleamyloid-likestructures.Theauthorsreportthediscovery of the soft amyloid core, which may provide the valuable insight for understanding the mechanismofamyloidformationandstability. In order to understand protein folding pathways and to develop protein design meth- ods, it is important to determine at what stage of SSS formation the incomplete structure becomes stable. It can be assumed that this stable substructure—or “pre-structure”—is a structural nucleus of the protein motif and that after the formation of this substructure, otherelementsofthesecondarystructurearesuperadded,resultinginafullyformedprotein domain.Averycarefuldescriptionofthesingle-moleculeforcespectroscopymethodforthe discoveryofstablesubstructuresandsupersecondarystructuresispresentedbyZaldockand TychinChapter13. Prediction of protein structure can be made using “building-substructure” approach, whichisbasedontheimportantfindingthatpartsofaproteinstructurecouldbemodeled using fragments from other proteins with known structures. These fragments are short segments of the peptide backbone. The accuracy and complexity of a prediction model cruciallydependonthesizeand structuralcharacteristics ofthefragments.Computational algorithms can be used to assemble the 3D structure of a protein from its constituent supersecondary structural motifs. In Chapter 14, Trevizani and Custodio describe a new methodforfindingfragmentsofoptimalsizeandstructuralfeaturesforstructureprediction. Proteins are stable and, at the same time, relatively fragile molecules. Their SSS and functionalpropertiesmaytransformduetoslightchangesintheirsequenceorenvironment, x Preface or contacts with another molecules. Even changing a single residue that is critical for the folding pattern residue can trigger a transformation in structure. A number of proteins which can undergo such transformations have been discovered. They are known as “trans- former proteins.” The detection of a method for determining residues, which are mostly responsibleforsecondarystructuretransitionsandrearrangementsinastructure,wouldbe ofdecisiveimportanceforproteinengineering.InChapter15,Gerstmanandhiscolleagues describecomputationalmethodsthatusemoleculardynamicssimulationstodeterminethe keyresiduesandconditionsthatunderlieproteintransformations. Sequence-structuralanalysisoftransformerproteinsisoneofthemanylinesofevidence for the inference that the relative contribution of residues to the stability of the structure differs widely. Residues in a sequence can then provisionally be classified as “key” residues thatareconservedinproteinevolutionbecausetheyaremainlyresponsibleforagivenfold formation and “supportive residues” that play a secondary role in helping to maintain the stability of the structure. This classification allows one to explain two seemingly contradic- tory observations: why proteins with very high sequence identity may have very different structuresand why proteins from different families may havethe same tertiary folddespite very low sequence similarity. Both of these examples could be made compatible with the famousChothia-Lesk’srule—“theextentofthestructuralchangesisdirectlyrelatedtothe extent of the sequence changes” [6]—so long as we substitute “the extent of key residue changes” for “the extent of the sequence changes.” Proteins with differing sequences but same fold have similar structure because they share most of the key residues, while the majority of their supporting residues are different. Conversely, in proteins with dissimilar structures, but similar sequences, supportive residues are the mostly same, while the key residues are different. One corollary of this classification is that applying the sequence comparisonalgorithmstopredictingproteinstructurescanbeproblematicinsomecases. Many of the problems in protein structure prediction can be avoided if we represent three-dimensional structure as an arrangement of secondary structure elements in space. Conservedcombinationsofconsecutivesecondarystructureelementsinthewholedomain canbeconsideredasa“skeleton”ofadomain.Proteinsfromdifferentfoldscanhavesimilar skeleton but little sequence homology. These proteins can be used to identify the residues that play decisive role for particular SSS formation and provide insight on an evolution of proteinstructuresandproteinsequencefamilies. Such a simplified description of the tertiary structure can be sufficient for many pur- poses.ThisdescriptionwasusedtocollectproteinswiththesameSSSfromdifferentfamilies and to identify their common sequence characteristics (Kister, Chapter 16). The essential goalswere(1)todeterminehowtheresiduesshouldbedistributedinthepolypeptidechain in order to form a certain secondary structure and (2) where the hydrophobic residues shouldbedistributedacrossstrandsandhelicesinordertocreateahydrophobiccoreofthe givenSSS.ThisanalysiswasperformedforoneofthemostcommonimmunoglobulinSSS. If the analysis of a sequence-SSS relationship may be simplified by considering mainly thekeyresidues,analysisoftherelationshipbetweenproteinstructureandfunctionneedsto take into account all residues in the polypeptide chain. In Chapter 17, Izumi considers all torsionanglesofaproteinbackbonetodefinetheconformationofaprotein.Thebiological activity of proteins—in particular, their binding to ligands—is strongly dependent on the conformation of a polypeptide chain and is regulated by conformational changes. To quantify the conformation of proteins, the authors develop a supersecondary structure code that describes combination of helices, strands, and loops in the protein structures. Preface xi This structural codification allowed them to compare the conformations of proteins and quantifytheconformationalchangesfor theanalysisofproteininteractions. In Chapter 18, Rackovsky suggests constructing a polypeptide chain as a sequence of numericalparametersderivedfromaminoacidphysicalproperties.Heconsidersasetoften properties for each amino acid—its hydrophobicity values, propensity to form secondary structures, and others. To compare the sequences presented in this way, an alignment method was developed that allows efficient determination of the similarity of polypeptide chainsforpurposesofpredictingproteinstructure. Proteinfoldingprocesscanbeanalogizedtotheprocessofmicelleformation.Likethe amphiphilic molecules that form micelles in an aqueous solution, proteins also have polar andnonpolarpartsthatdeterminetheirshapeandspatialstructure.Takingintoaccountthe criticalimportanceofthehydrophobicnucleusforproteinstructureformation,theproblem oftherelationshipbetweensequencesandstructurewasreformulatedbyRottermanandher colleaguesasaproblemoftheratioofhydrophobicresiduesthatmakeupthehydrophobic core of the structure to the total number of residues that make up the supersecondary structureoftheproteindomain.Therelationshipbetweenthestructureofthehydrophobic nucleusandtheSSSisthesubjectofChapter19. InChapter20,HellmanandSchneiderapplytryptophanfluorescencemeasurementsto thestudyofproteinfolding/unfoldingandligandbindingtoaprotein.Theexperimentsare describedsystematically,step-by-step.Authorsalsopointoutexperimentalpitfalls,incorrect or misleading interpretations of data, and ways to deal with experimental artifacts. This paper should prove very useful for the many researchers who wish to properly utilize the technique. In Chapter 21, Moreira and coauthors discuss the mechanism of membrane protein dimerization. The process of dimerization in membranes is an essential phenomenon of cellularphysiology:itinvolvesmembraneproteinfolding,conformationalstability,andcell receptors that regulate information flow. The key problem in dimer formation is the detection of residues that make up a protein-protein interface. The authors present a step- by-stepprotocolforcomputersimulationtoidentifytheseresidues. The papers presented in this book illustrate the fruitfulness of SSS classification for a varietyofproblemsinproteinscience.Yet,anotherapplicationoftheSSSconceptinvolves theanalysisofconservativeconnectionsoftwoor moreSSSsinproteins,suchastwobeta- hairpinswiththeparticularmutualorientation—“theinterlock.”Thisinvariantsubstructure wasfoundin practicallyall beta-sheetsandwich proteins[7]. Onecan regard thesubstruc- turessuchastheinterlockasthenexthierarchicallevelinproteinstructuralclassification— the “substructure level,” intermediate between SSS and tertiary structure. The stable sub- structurescouldbeconsideredasastructuralnucleusofproteindomains.Studyofprotein substructurescouldyieldimportantinsightsintotheevolutionofproteinsanddynamicsof proteinformation. ThecoverpagefigureispresentedbyDr.PhilippeYoukharibache:3Dribbonstructure of T-cell surface Ig domain of CD8a, formed by two symmetry-related supersecondary structures(protodomains,seeChapter10)(structure2ATP.A,graphicsChimera). Piscataway,NJ,USA AlexanderE.Kister

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