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Preview Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology 1996: Vol 1292 Table of Contents

Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology Vol. 1292, 1996 BBA eett B Biioopphhyyssiiccaa Acta Cumulative Contents Information for Contributors Enhanced susceptibility to transglutaminase reaction of a-lactalbumin in the molten globule state Y. Matsumura, Y. Chanyongvorakul, Y. Kuma- Regular papers zawa, T. Ohtsuka and T. Mori (Japan) Nucleotide binding to tubulin-investigations by nu- clear magnetic resonance spectroscopy S.S. Rai, K. Kuchroo and S.R. Kasturi (India) Conformation of Vespa basalis mastoparan-B in tri- Engineering the C-terminus of firefly luciferase as an fluoroethanol-containing aqueous solution indicator of covalent modification of proteins C.-C. Chuang, W.-C. Huang, H.-M. Yu, K.-T. J.P. Waud, G.B. Sala-Newby, S.B. Matthews and Wang and S.-H. Wu (Taiwan, R.O.C.) A.K. Campbell (UK) Binding and aggregation of human yp-calpain by Electrophoretic pattern of cytosolic pyruvate kinase terbium ion fractions A and B (type L and M,) from normal K.J. Raser, M. Buroker-Kilgore and K.K.W. Wang rat liver and Morris hepatoma 7777 (USA) M. Guminska and J. Ignacak (Poland) In vivo endoproteolytically cleaved phaseolin is sta- Structure of the pseudosubstrate recognition site of ble and accumulates in developing Phaseolus lu- chicken smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase natus L. seeds J.A. Barden, P. Sehgal and B.E. Kemp (Australia) F. Sparvoli, M.G. Daminati, L. Lioi and R. Bollini Transcobalamin from cow milk: isolation and (Italy) physico-chemical properties Purification and characterization of folate binding S.N. Fedosov, T.E. Petersen and E. Nexg (Den- proteins from rat placenta mark) M. Da Costa and S.P. Rothenberg (USA) A°-Desaturase: improved methodology and analysis Synthesis and structural characterisation of ana- of the kinetics in a multi-enzyme system logues of the potassium channel blocker charyb- K.M. Ivanetich, J.J. Bradshaw and M.R. Ziman dotoxin (USA, South Africa) T.R. Dyke, B.M. Duggan, M.W. Pennington, M.E. Spectroscopical and functional characterization of Byrnes, W.R. Kem and R.S. Norton (Australia, the hemoglobin of Nostoc commune UTEX 584 USA) (Cyanobacteria) Spectroscopic characterization of nitrosylheme in ni- M.V. Thorsteinsson, D.R. Bevan, R.E. Ebel, R.E. tric oxide complexes of ferric and ferrous cy- Weber and M. Potts (USA, Denmark) tochrome c’ from photosynthetic bacteria Total reconstitution of active small ribosomal sub- T. Yoshimura, S. Fujii, H. Kamada, K. Yam- units of the extreme halophilic archaeon Halo- aguchi, S. Suzuki, S. Shidara and S. Takakuwa ferax mediterranei (Japan) M.E. Sanchez, P. Londei and R. Amils (Spain, Determination of the structural role of the N-terminal Italy) domain of human extracellular superoxide dismu- Determination of three-dimensional solution struc- tase by use of protein fusions ture of waglerin I, a toxin from Trimeresurus LA.E. Tibell, E. Skérfstad and B.-H. Jonsson wagleri, using 2D-NMR and molecular dynamics (Sweden) simulation Acidic amino acid-rich sequences as binding sites of L.-C. Chuang, H.-M. Yu, C. Chen, T.-H. Huang, osteonectin to hydroxyapatite crystals S.-H. Wu and K.-T. Wang (Taiwan) R. Fujisawa, Y. Wada, Y. Nodasaka and Y. Kuboki Mouse coproporphyrinogen oxidase is a copper-con- (Japan) taining enzyme: expression in Escherichia coli Pressure-induced inactivation of EF. coli B-galac- and site-directed mutagenesis tosidase: influence of pH and temperature H. Kohno, T. Furukawa, R. Tokunaga, S. Take- P. Degraeve, P. Delorme and P. Lemay (France) tani and T. Yoshinaga (Japan) 336 Cumulative Contents Relationship between kinetic properties of y-gluta- M. Terabe, S. Kojima, S. Taguchi, H. Momose myl transpeptidase and the structure of its saccha- and K.-i. Miura (Japan) ride moiety Histidine-49 is necessary for the pH-dependent tran- L. Dvo¥ékovd, J. Krit¥ek, F. Stastn§ and V. Lis$ sition between active and inactive states of the (Czech Republic) bovine F,-ATPase inhibitor protein Isolation and structural characterization of recombi- R. Schnizer, G. Van Heeke, D. Amaturo and S.M. nant human neu differentiation factor expressed Schuster (USA, Switzerland) in Escherichia coli membrane-bound protein kinase from rabbit S. Hara, N. Liu, S.-Y. Meng and H.S. Lu (USA) reticulocytes is an active form of multipotential Evidence for a posttranslational covalent modifica- S6 kinase tion of liver glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydro- E.S. Bensen, J.L. Umphress, J.A. Traugh, L.A. genase in hibernating jerboa (Jaculus orientalis) Pinna and P.T. Tuazon (USA, Italy) A. Soukri, N. Hafid, F. Valverde, M.S. Elkebbaj Spectroscopic studies of myo-inositol monophos- and A. Serrano (Morocco, Spain) phatase with a novel fluorescent substrate Trypanosoma cruzi phospho enol pyruvate carboxyki- T. Pineda, M.J. Thorne, M.G. Gore and J.E. nase (ATP-dependent): transition metal ion re- Churchich (Spain, UK) quirement for activity and sulfhydryl group reac- Compressibility and specific volume of actin de- tivity crease upon G to F transformation L.A. Jurado, I. Machin and J.A. Urbina (Vene- N. Suzuki, Y. Tamura and K. Mihashi (Japan) zuela) Characterization of the constituent polypeptides of Properties and stabilization of an extracellular a-glu- the extracellular hemoglobin from Lumbricus ter- cosidase from the extremely thermophilic archae- restris: heterogeneity and discovery of a new bacteria Thermococcus strain AN1: enzyme activ- linker chain L4 ity at 130°C K. Fushitani, K. Higashiyama, M. Asao and K. K. Piller, R.M. Daniel and H.H. Petach (New Hosokawa (Japan) Zealand) The formation of a disulfide cross-link between the two subunits demonstrates the dimeric structure of Erratum the mitochondrial oxoglutarate carrier F. Bisaccia, V. Zara, L. Capobianco, V. laco- bazzi, M. Mazzeo and F. Palmieri (Italy) Erratum to *‘Molecular properties of glutamate de- The 30 kDa protein co-purified with chick liver hydrogenase from the extreme thermophilic ar- glutathione S-transferases is a carbonyl reductase chaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus’’ [Bio- S.-P. Tsai, L.-Y. Wang, H.-I. Yeh and M.F. Tam chimica et Biophysica Acta 1251 (1995) 170-176] (Taiwan, R.O.C.) A.M. Facchiano, R. Ragone, V. Consalvi, R. Purification of active synaptic vesicles from the elec- Scandurra, M. De Rosa and G. Colonna (Italy) tric organ of Torpedo californica and comparison to reserve vesicles Regular Papers L.M. Gracz and S.M. Parsons (USA) study of a series of recombinant fungal laccases Thyroid hormone induces a 52 kDa soluble protein and bilirubin oxidase that exhibit significant dif- in goat testis Leydig cell which stimulates andro- ferences in redox potential, substrate specificity, gen release and stability N.R. Jana, S. Halder and S. Bhattacharya (India) F. Xu, W. Shin, S.H. Brown, J.A. Wahleithner, Molecular characteristics of dimethylnitrosamine in- U.M. Sundaram and E.1. Solomon (USA) duced fibrotic liver collagen Evidence for a proprotein intermediate during matu- J. George and G. Chandrakasan (India) ration of Type II antifreeze protein in sea raven, Residues in Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase Hemitripterus americanus necessary for processing to a glycosyl phospha- B.P. Duncker, S.Y. Gauthier and P.L. Davies tidylinositol-anchored form (Canada) G. Bucht and K. Hjalmarsson (Sweden) Glutathione S-transferase-7 is secreted as a monomer New subtilisin-trypsin inhibitors produced by Strep- into human plasma by platelets and tumor cells tomyces: primary structures and their relationship T. Kura, Y. Takahashi, T. Takayama, N. Ban, T. to other proteinase inhibitors from Streptomyces Saito, T. Kuga and Y. Niitsu (Japan) Cumulative Contents T4 endonuclease V exists in solution as a monomer Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1292 and binds to target sites as a monomer K. Atkins Latham, S. Rajendran, J.R. Carmical, Author Index J.C. Lee and R.S. Lloyd (USA) 324

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