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BBA Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology Biochimica Vol. 1246, 1995 et Biophysica Acta Cumulative Contents Information for Contributors vil Residues affecting the catalysis and inhibition of rat lens aldose reductase Regular Papers D.A. Carper, T.C. Hohman and S.E. Old (USA) 67 The reactivity of thiol compounds with different Structural requirements for dimerization, glycosyla- redox states of leghaemoglobin: evidence for tion, secretion, and biological function of VPF/ competing reduction and addition pathways VEGF A. Puppo and M.J. Davies (France, UK) 74 K.P. Claffey, D.R. Senger and B.M. Spiegelman 'SC-NMR off-resonance rotating frame spin-lattice (USA) relaxation studies of bovine lens y-crystallin self Heat denaturation of human orosomucoid in water / association: effect of ‘macromolecular crowding’ methanol mixtures A. Stevens, S.X. Wang, G.H. Caines and T. M. Kodiéek, A. Infanzén and V. Karpenko (Czech Schleich (USA) 82 Republic) 10 Interaction of ATP and lens alpha crystallin charac- terized by equilibrium binding studies and intrin- Characterization of the interactions of NADH with the dimeric and tetrameric states of methaemo- sic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy globin D.V. Palmisano, B. Groth-Vasselli, P.N. Farns- M.P. Jacobsen and D.J. Winzor (Australia) 17 worth and M.C. Reddy (USA) 91 Carbon-13 NMR studies of the influence of axial The ‘Iceman’: molecular structure of 5200-year-old ligand orientation on haem electronic structure skin characterised by Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy D.L. Turner, C.A. Salgueiro, P. Schenkels, J. LeGall and A.V. Xavier (UK, Portugal, USA) 24 A.C. Williams, H.G.M. Edwards and B.W. Barry (UK) 98 Reactive site mutants of recombinant protein C in- hibitor S.T. Cooper and F.C. Church (USA) 29 Corrigendum Hemoglobin Roanne [a@94(G1) Asp —> Glu]: a vari- ant of the a1f2 interface with an unexpected Active-site peptides of acetylcholinesterase of Elec- high oxygen affinity trophorus electricus: labelling of His-440 by 1- bromo-[2-'*C]pinacoline and Ser-200 by tritiated J. Kister, L. Kiger, A. Francina, P. Hanny, A. Szymanowicz, Y. Blouquit, D. Promé, F. Galacté- diisopropyl fluorophosphate (Biochimica et Bio- ros, J. Delaunay and H. Wajcman (France) 34 physica Acta 1208 (1994) 324-331) Structural and functional characterization of bovine E. Salih, §.B. Chishti, P. Vicedomine, S.G. Cohen, adrenodoxin reductase by limited proteolysis D.C. Chiara and J.B. Cohen (USA) 107 RJ. Warburton and D.W. Seybert (USA) 39 Substrate specificity of tissue kallikreins: importance Review of an extended interaction site M. Brillard-Bourdet, T. Moreau and F. Gauthier Contribution of mutant analysis to the understanding (France) 47 of enzyme catalysis: The case of class A [- Purification and immunochemical characteristics of lactamases NADPH-cytochrome P-450 oxidoreductase from A. Matagne and J.-M. Frére (Belgium) 109 tobacco cultured cells H. Imaishi, T. Yamada and H. Ohkawa (Japan) 53 Regular Papers Hemorrhagic principles in the venom of Bitis arie- tans, a viperous snake. I. Purification and charac- Conformational structure of bombesin as studied by terization vibrational and circular dichroism spectroscopy T. Omori-Satoh, Y. Yamakawa, Y. Nagaoka and P. Carmona, A. Lasagabaster and M. Molina D. Mebs (Japan, Germany) 61 (Spain) 128 202 Cadmium-113 and magnesium-25 NMR study of the Thermodynamic aspects of the CO-binding reaction divalent metal binding sites of isocitrate dehydro- to cytochrome P-450.,,,. Relevance with their genases from pig heart biological significance and structure R.S. Ehrlich and R.F. Colman (USA) M. Kato, R. Makino. and T. lizuka (Japan) Enzyme kinetics by mid-infrared spectroscopy: B- Amyloid precursor protein is not processed by furin, fructosidase study by a one-step assay PACE 4, PC1/3, PC2, PC4 and PCS/6 of the F. Cadet, F. Wong Pin, C. Rouch, C. Robert and furin family of proprotein processing enzymes P. Baret (Reunion) B. De Strooper, J.W.M. Creemers, D. Moechars, ADP-ribosylation reactions in Sulfolobus solfatari- D. Huylebroeck, W.J.M. Van De Ven, F. cus, a thermoacidophilic archaeon Van Leuven and H. Van den Berghe (Belgium) M.R. Faraone-Mennella, F. DeLucia, A. De Mycobacterium smegmatis malate dehydrogenase: Maio, A. Gambacorta, P. Quesada, M. De Rosa, activation of the lipid-depleted enzyme by anionic B. Nicolaus and B. Farina (Italy) phospholipids and phosphatidylethanolamine Cloning and base sequence analysis of a cDNA T. Imai, Y. Kageyama and J. Tobari (Japan) encoding mouse lung thioether S-methyltrans- ferase Short Sequence-Paper D.R. Warner, N.M. Mozier, J.D. Pearson and J.L. Hoffman (USA) Isolation and sequence analysis of the gene for argi- Rat liver nucleoside diphosphosugar or diphosphoal- nine kinase from the chelicerate arthropod, Limu- cohol pyrophosphatases different from nucleotide lus polyphemus: insights into catalytically impor- pyrophosphatase or phosphodiesterase I: substrate tant residues specificities of Mg**- and/or Mn**-dependent S.J. Strong and W.R. Ellington (USA) hydrolases acting on ADP-ribose J. Canales, R.M. Pinto, M.J. Costas, M.T. Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1246 Hernandez, A. Miré, D. Bernet, A. Fernandez and J.C. Cameselle (Spain) Author Index

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