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Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology 1994: Vol 1214 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology 1994: Vol 1214 Table of Contents

Lipids and Lipid Metabolism BB A Vol. 1214, 1994 Biochimica - et Biophysica Acta Cumulative Contents Information for Contributors Development and validation of a quantitative assay for cholesterol crystal growth in human gallblad- Regular Papers der bile Expression of human liver fatty acid-binding protein S.G. Corradini, A. Cantafora, L. Capocaccia, P. in Escherichia coli and comparative analysis of Della Guardia, L. Giacomelli and M. Angelico its binding characteristics with muscle fatty acid- (Italy) binding protein Incorporation of A®°- and A®-desaturation fatty acids R.G.H.J. Maatman, H.T.B. Van Moerkerk, I.M.A. in liver microsomal lipid classes of obese Zucker Nooren, E.J.J. Van Zoelen and J.H. Veerkamp rats fed n — 6 or n — 3 fatty acids (The Netherlands) L. Ulmann, J.P. Blond, J.P. Poisson and J. Bézard Peroxisomal cholesterol synthesis in vivo: Accumu- (France) lation of 4-methyl intermediate sterols after Modulations in hepatic branch-point enzymes in- aminotriazole inhibition of cholesterol synthesis volved in isoprenoid biosynthesis upon dietary F. Hashimoto and H. Hayashi (Japan) and drug treatments of rats The effect of dietary 7-ketocholesterol, inhibitor of M. Andersson, J. Ericsson, E.-L. Appelkvist, S. sterol synthesis, on hepatic microsomal choles- Schedin, T. Chojnacki and G. Dallner (Sweden, terol 7a-hydroxylase activity in rat Poland) N. Tamasawa, A. Tamasawa, K. Takebe and M. Platelet secretory phospholipase A, fails to induce Hayakari (Japan) rabbit platelet activation and to release arachi- Unique localization of fucosyl GM1 in rabbit spinal donic acid in contrast with venom phospholipases cord and peripheral nerve: Immunohistochemical A, study using monoclonal anti-fucosyl GM1 anti- C. Mounier, B.B. Vargaftig, PA. Franken, H.M. body CRD73-6 Verheij, C. Bon and L. Touqui (France, The S. Kusunoki, A. Chiba, T. Shimizu and I. Netherlands) Kanazawa (Japan) Polar lipids of a non-alkaliphilic extremely halophilic Studies on rat liver phosphatidate phosphohydrolase archaebacterium strain 172: a novel bis-sulfated and plasma lipids: Effect of HMG-CoA reductase glycolipid inhibitors T. Matsubara, N. lida-Tanaka, M. Kamekura, N. E. Humble, A. AL-Shurbaji, E. Lund and L. Moldoveanu, I. Ishizuka, H. Onishi, A. Hayashi Berglund (Sweden) and M. Kates (Japan, Canada) Coordinate diurnal regulation of hepatic acyl-coen- The regulation of fatty acid chain elongation in rat zyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase and cellular liver microsomes: role of fasting and CoASH levels of esterified cholesterol W.H. Reichelt, HJ. Grav and E.N. Christiansen A. Szanto, J. Ruys and S. Balasubramaniam (Norway) (Australia) Gangliosides and allied glycosphingolipids in human Screening, purification and properties of a thermo- peripheral nerve and spinal cord philic lipase from Bacillus thermocatenulatus L. Svennerholm, K. Bostrom, P. Fredman, B. C. Schmidt-Dannert, H. Sztajer, W. Stécklein, U. Jungbjer, A. Lekman, J.-E. Mansson and B.-M. Menge and R.D. Schmid (Germany) Rynmark (Sweden) Dietary fat alters membrane composition in rod outer Structures of glucolipids from the membrane of Ac- segments in normal and diabetic rats: Impact on holeplasma laidlawii strain A-EF22. 1. Glyc- content of very-long-chain (C > 24) polyenoic erophosphoryldiglucosyldiacylglycerol and mono- fatty acids acylbisglycerophosphoryldiglucosyldiacylglycerol M. Suh, AA. Wierzbicki and M.T. Clandinin J.B. Hauksson, G. Lindblom and L. Rilfors (Canada) (Sweden) 346 Cholesterol condensation of a-linolenic and y-lino- Thyroid hormone rapidly increases cholesterol 7a- lenic acid-containing phosphatidylcholine mono- hydroxylase mRNA levels in hypophysectomized layers and bilayers rats W. Stillwell, W.D. Ehringer, A.C. Dumaual and G.C. Ness, L.C. Pendleton and Z. Zhao (USA) S.R. Wassall (USA) Tetraether lipids of Methanospirillum hungatei with Malondialdehyde-modified high-density lipoprotein head groups consisting of phospho-N, N-dimethyl- cholesterol: plasma removal, tissue distribution aminopentanetetrol, phospho-N,N, N-trimethyla- and biliary sterol secretion in rats minopentanetetrol, and carbohydrates F. Guertin, S. Brunet, V. Gavino, B. Tuchweber G.D. Sprott, G. Ferrante and I. Ekiel (Canada) and E. Levy (Canada) Biphasic protonation of hydrophilic cargo agents in Effect of fat feeding on human intestinal apolipopro- unilamellar phospholipid vesicles: implications tein B mRNA levels and editing about cargo location J. Lopez-Miranda, N. Kam, J. Osada, C. Ro- K.D. Whitburn, W.L. Porter and C.P. Dunne driguez, P. Fernandez, J. Contois, EJ. Schaefer (USA) and J.M. Ordovas (USA) Effects of dietary fatty acids on eicosanoid-gener- The activation of porcine pancreatic lipase by cis-un- ating capacity, fatty acid composition and chemo- saturated fatty acids tactic activity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus B.A. Van Kuiken and W.D. Behnke (USA) mykiss) leucocytes Clofibrate and other peroxisomal proliferating agents I. Ashton, K. Clements, S.E. Barrow, C.J. Sec- relatively specifically inhibit synthesis of ethanol- ombes and A.F. Rowley (UK) amine phosphoglycerides in cultured human fi- Protein kinase C-mediated phospholipase D activity broblasts is increased by linolenic acid supplementation in P.C. Thorne, D.M. Byers, F.B.St.C. Palmer and NG 108-15 cells H.W. Cook (Canada) M. Del Carmen Boyano-Adanez, D. Rodriguez, S. Superoxide generation by lipoxygenase in the pres- Aradottir, C. Alling and L. Gustavsson (Sweden, ence of NADH and NADPH Spain) P. Roy, S.K. Roy, A. Mitra and A.P. Kulkarni Characterization of two new human apolipoprotein (USA) A-I variants: Apolipoprotein A-I Tsushima (Trp- The activities of acyl-CoA hydrolase in lysate and 108 — Arg) and A-I Hita (Ala-95 — Asp) subcellular fractions of human blood platelets in K. Araki, J. Sasaki, A. Matsunaga, Y. Takada, K. relation to activities of acyl-CoA:1-acyl-lyso- Moriyama, K. Hidaka and K. Arakawa (Japan) phospholipid acyltransferase Precursor role of branched-chain amino acids in the A.M. Bakken, M. Farstad and H. Osmundsen biosynthesis of iso and anteiso fatty acids in rat (Norway) skin Plasma membrane fatty acid-binding protein H. Oku, N. Yagi, J. Nagata and I. Chinen (Japan) (FABP.,,,) of the sheep placenta Phytanic acid must be activated to phytanoyl-CoA F.M. Campbell, M.J. Gordon and A.K. Dutta-Roy prior to its a-oxidation in rat liver peroxisomes (UK) P.A. Watkins, A.E. Howard and S.J. Mihalik Short-term feeding of a diet enriched in phospho- (USA) lipids increases bile formation and the bile acid Molecular species of ethanolamine plasmalogens and transport maximum in rats transacylase activity in rat tissues are altered by F. Rioux, A. Perea, I.M. Yousef, E. Lévy, L. Malli, fish oil diets M.C. Carrillo and B. Tuchweber (Canada) M.L. Blank, Z.L. Smith, E.A. Cress and F. Snyder Lipoxygenase-catalyzed oxidation of chlorpromazine (USA) by hydrogen peroxide at acidic pH Lysophosphatidylcholine from white muscle of M. Pérez-Gilabert, A. Sdanchez-Ferrer and F. bonito Euthynnus pelamis (Linnaeus): involve- Garcia-Carmona (Spain) ment of phospholipase A, activity for its produc- Reinvestigation of lipid peroxidation of linolenic acid tion A. Mlakar and G. Spiteller (Germany) K. Satouchi, M. Sakaguchi, M. Shirakawa, K. Purification and properties of phosphatidylinositol- Hirano and T. Tanaka (Japan) specific phospholipase C from Streptomyces an- Identification of a substance, previously shown to tibioticus enhance mitogenesis of human lymphocytes, as Y. Iwasaki, S. Niwa, H. Nakano, T. Nagasawa the acetamide of p-aminobenzoic acid and T. Yamane (Japan) B. Barbieri, N. Papadogiannakis, P. Eneroth, C. Hansson, P. Roepstorff and L.B. Olding (Sweden, Denmark) Increased cholesterol esterase level by cholesterol Short Sequence-Paper loading of rat pancreatoma cells Y. Huang and D.Y. Hui (USA) Structure of the Pisum sativum seed lipoxygenase The effects of phosphoglycerides on Escherichia gene lox] :Ps:3 coli cardiolipin synthase M. Knox, C. Forster, C. Domoney and R. Casey L. Ragolia and B.E. Tropp (USA) (UK) 341 Effects of continuous tube feeding of dietary fat emulsions on eicosanoid production and on fatty Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1214 345 acid composition during an acute septic shock in rats Author Index 348 T. Utsunomiya, S.R. Chavali, W.W. Zhong and R.A. Forse (USA)

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