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BB. Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology Vol. 1202, 1993 Cumulative Contents Information for Contributors vil Boudet, M. Baltas and L. Gorrichon (UK, France) 61 Regular Papers Comparison of cDNAs from bovine brain coding for two isoforms of calreticulin N. Liu, R.E. Fine and R.J. Johnson (USA) 70 Site-directed mutagenesis of human tissue trans- glutaminase: Cys-277 is essential for transglu- Mechanism-based inhibition of proline dehydro- taminase activity but not for GTPase activity genase by proline analogues K.N. Lee, S.A. Arnold, P.J. Birckbichler, M_K. D. Tritsch, H. Mawlawi and J.-F. Biellmann (France) 77 Patterson, Jr., B.M. Fraij, Y. Takeuchi and H.A. Carter (USA) Substitution of a haem-iron axial ligand in flavo- cytochrome b, Lysyl oxidase copper-talon complex: a model C.J. Krebs and S.A. Krawetz (USA) C.S. Miles, F.D.C. Manson, G.A. Reid and S.K. Chapman (UK) 82 Characterization of Serratia marcescens nuclease isoforms by plasma desorption mass spectrom- Differential kinetic properties of .L-2-amino-4- methylthio-cis-but-3-enoic acid, a methionine etry J. Pedersen, M. Filimonova, P. Roepstorff and analog inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine syn- K. Biedermann (Denmark, Russia) 13 thetase J.R. Sufrin, J.B. Lombardini and V. Alks (USA) 87 Allosteric modulation by ATP, calcium and mag- Energy-transfer measurements of the Cys*°—Cys™ nesium ions of rat osseous plate alkaline phos- phatase distance in bovine cardiac troponin C Y.-M. Liou and F. Fuchs (USA) 92 J.M. Pizauro, P. Ciancaglini and F.A. Leone (Brazil) 22 X-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of a tran- Interconversions between active, inert and sub- sient intermediate in the reaction of cyanide strate forms of denatured/refolded type-1 metmyoglobin with dithionite by using rapid plasminogen activator inhibitor freezing M. Munch, C.W. Heegaard and P.A. Andreasen S. Saigo, H. Hashimoto, N. Shibayama, M. No- (Denmark) 29 mura and T. Nagamura (Japan) 99 Bowringia mildbraedii agglutinin: polypeptide Altered protein synthesis in a cell-free system composition, primary structure and homolo- exposed to a sinusoidal magnetic field gies with other legume lectins E.M. Goodman, B. Greenebaum and M.T. Mar- ron (USA) 107 D. Chawla, T. Animashaun, R.C. Hughes, A. Harris and A. Aitken (UK) 38 Pulse radiolysis and related studies on the Ru- Mg’* and ATP or adenosine 5’-[ y-thio]-triphos- modified His 16 derivative of Anabaena vari- abilis [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin phate (ATPyS) enhances intrinsic fluores- E. Lloyd, N.P. Tomkinson, G.A. Salmon and cence and induces aggregation which increases A.G. Sykes (UK) 113 the activity of spinach Rubisco activase Z.Y. Wang, R.T. Ramage and A.R. Portis, Jr. Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (USA) 47 study of the B-casein peptide 1-25: resonance assignments and secondary structure Butyrylcholinesterase activity towards long-chain alkanoylcholines: kinetics and mechanism N.M. Wahlgren, J. Léonil, P. Dejmek and T. M. Chelminska-Bertilsson, S. Allenmark and L. Drakenberg (Sweden, France, Finland) 121 Edebo (Sweden) 56 Change of substrate specificity by chemical modi- A molecular model for cinnamyl alcohol dehydro- fication of lysine residues of porcine pancre- genase, a plant aromatic alcohol dehydro- atic a-amylase genase involved in lignification H. Yamashita, H. Nakatani and B. Tonomura (Japan) 129 J.H. McKie, R. Jaouhari, K.T. Douglas, D. Goffner, C. Feuillet, J. Grima-Pettenati, A.M.. 342 Purification of alpha-fetoprotein from human Glutamate dehydrogenase from the thermoaci- cord serum with demonstration of its antiestro- dophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfatari- genic activity cus: studies on thermal and guanidine-depen- S.H.G. Allen, J.A. Bennett, G.J. Mizejewski, T.T. dent inactivation Andersen, §. Ferraris and H.I. Jacobson (USA) 135 V. Consalvi, R. Chiaraluce, L. Politi, A. Pasquo, NMR studies of a complex of RNAse from Peni- M. De Rosa and R. Scandurra (Italy) 207 cillium brevicompactum with dinucleoside Identification of functional involvement of trypto- phosphonate and the implications for the phan residues in phospholipase A, from Naja mechanism of enzyme action naja atra (Taiwan cobra) snake venom G.I. Yakovlev and G.P. Moiseyev (Russia) 143 L.-S. Chang, K.-W. Kuo and C.-C. Chang Two forms of Factor C from the amoebocytes of (Taiwan) 216 Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda: purification and Dynamic structural and functional relationships characterisation in recombinant plasminogen activator in- J.L. Ding, M.A.A. Navas, Ill and B. Ho hibitor-1 (rPAI-1) (Singapore) 149 D.E. Vaughan, P.J. Declerck, T.M. Reilly, K. Reinvestigation of the role of thiol groups of Park, D. Collen and G.D. Fasman (USA, Bel- glyoxalase I purified from yeast (Saccharomy- gium) 221 ces cerevisiae ) Folding of terminal histone-H1 peptides in the A.M. Caccuri, A. Risitano, F. Marmocchi, G. presence of the oligonucleotide 5’-(AT),-3’ Venardi, G. Aureli, R. Petruzzelli and A. Desideri L. B6hm and P.C. Creemers (South Africa) 230 (Italy) 157 The identification of a lysine residue reactive to Evaluation of transmembrane helix prediction pyridoxal-5-phosphate in the glycerol dehydro- methods using the recently defined NMR genase from the thermophile Bacillus stearo- structures of the coat proteins from bacterio- thermophilus phages M13 and Pfl L.J. Paine, N. Perry, A.G. Popplewell, M.G. RJ. Turner and J.H. Weiner (Canada) 161 Gore and T. Atkinson (UK) 235 Glutamate dehydrogenase from the extremely Rapid Report thermophilic archaebacterial isolate AN1 R.C. Hudson, L.D. Ruttersmith and R.M. Daniel (New Zealand) 244 The ATP-induced myosin subfragment-1 fluores- cence intensity increase is due to one trypto- Chemical modification of octopine dehydro- phan genase by thiol-specific reagents: evidence for S.J. Papp and S. Highsmith (USA) 169 the presence of an essential cysteine at the catalytic site S. Sheikh and S.S. Katiyar (India) 251 Editorial Overproduction, purification and properties of 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionate 1,2-dioxygen- Regular Papers ase from Escherichia coli T.D.H. Bugg (UK) 258 Detection and reactions of the globin radical in Inhibition of aminopeptidases by N-aminoacyl-O- haemoglobin 4-nitrobenzoyl hydroxamates K.M. McArthur and M.J. Davies (UK) H.-U. Demuth, A. Stéckel, A. Schierhorn, S. Identification of the site of the globin-derived Fittkau, H. Kirschke and D. Brémme (Germany, radical in leghaemoglobins Canada) 265 M.J. Davies and A. Puppo (UK, France) Novel N-peptidyl-O-acyl hydroxamates: selective Interpretation of hyperfine shift patterns in ferri- inhibitors of cysteine proteinases cytochromes b, in terms of angular position of D. Bromme, U. Neumann, H. Kirschke and the heme: a sensitive probe for peripheral H.-U. Demuth (Germany) 271 heme protein interactions Disulfide bridge structure of the heat-stable sweet K.-B. Lee, G.N. La Mar, K.E. Mansfield, K.M. protein mabinlin II Smith, T.C. Pochapsky and S.G. Sligar (USA) 189 S. Nirasawa, X. Liu, T. Nishino and Y. Kurihara Domain structure and multiplicity of raw-starch- (Japan) 277 digesting amylase from Bacillus circulans: ex- Modulation of the activity of angiogenin by muta- tensive proteolysis with proteinase K, en- genesis at Asp-116 dopeptidase Glu-C and thermolysin T.P. Curran, R. Shapiro, J.F. Riordan and B.L. C.-H. Kim and Y.-H. Kho (South Korea) Vallee (USA) Evidence for an a-helical epitope on outer sur- The role of the carbohydrate chains of Gal B-1,4- face protein A from the Lyme disease spiro- GlcNAc a2?,6-sialyltransferase for enzyme ac- chete, Borrelia burgdorferi: An application of tivity steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence D.G. Fast, J.C. Jamieson and G. McCaffrey quenching techniques (Canada) L.L. France, J. Kieleczawa, J.J. Dunn, B.J. Luft, Influence of tryptophan residues on melittin’s G. Hind and J.C. Sutherland (USA) hemolytic activity CheZ mutants with enhanced ability to dephos- S.E. Blondelle, L.R. Simpkins, E. Pérez-Paya phorylate CheY, the response regulator in bac- and R.A. Houghten (USA) terial chemotaxis C. Huang and R.C. Stewart (Canada) Two very long periodicities in collagen Rapid Report V.J. James, J.F. McConnell and Y. Amemiya (Australia, Japan) Purification and characterization of deoxycytidine Sequence-directed recognition peptides: inhibi- kinase from acute myeloid leukemia cell mito- tion of endothelin generation via a substrate- chondria depletion mechanism M. Zamai and V.R. Caiolfa (Italy) L.-M. Wang, G.L. Kucera and R.L. Capizzi (USA) Activity of mushroom tyrosinase on catechol and Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1202 on a catechol estrogen in an organic solvent G.M. Jacobsohn, R. Iskandar and M.K. Jacob- sohn (USA) Author Index

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