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Preview Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology 1993: Vol 1161 Table of Contents

BB Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology Vol. 1161, 1993 Cumulative Contents Editorial Vii The dependence of the lipolytic activity of Rhizo- pus arrhizus lipase on surfactant concentration Information for Contributors ix in Aerosol-OT /isooctane reverse micelles and its relationship to enzyme structure Regular Papers E.D. Brown, R.Y. Yada and A.G. Marangoni (Canada) 66 Purification and properties of an oxalate oxidase The one-electron reduction potential of several from leaves of grain sorghum hybrid CSH-5 substrates can be related to their reduction Satyapal and C.S. Pundir (India) 1 rates by cytochrome P-450 reductase Influence of the N- and C-terminal chains on the J. Butler and B.M. Hoey (UK) 73 zinc-binding and conformational properties of Effect of salt concentration of buffer on the bind- the central zinc-finger structure of Moloney ing of sodium dodecyl sulfate and on the vis- murine leukaemia virus nucleocapsid protein: cosity behavior of the protein polypeptide de- a steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence rived from bovine serum albumin in the pres- ence of the surfactant study Y. Mely, H. De Rocquigny, E. Piémont, H. S. Shinagawa, K. Kameyama and T. Takagi Déméné, N. Jullian, M.-C. Fournié-Zaluski, B. (Japan) 79 Roques and D. Gérard (France) 6 The kinetic mechanism of yeast phospho- Purification and characterization of pyruvate enol pyruvate carboxykinase A.M. Jabalquinto and E. Cardemil (Chile) 85 ferredoxin oxidoreductase from the hyperther- ag _ mophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus Structure and composition of ferritin cores from J.M. Blamey and M.W.W. Adams (USA) 19 pea seed (Pisum sativum) Transition-state discrimination by adenosine Vd. Wade, A. Treffry, J.-P. Laulhére, E.R. deaminase from Aspergillus oryzae Bauminger, M.I. Cleton, S. Mann, J.-F. Briat J. Grosshans and R. Wolfenden (USA) 28 and P.M. Harrison (UK, France, Israel, The 'H-NMR characterization of the human my- Netherlands) ae 91 ocardium myoglobin and erythrocyte hemo- Purification and characterization of two metallo- globin signals proteinases from squid mantle muscle, myosi- U. Kreutzer, Y. Chung, D. Butler and T. Jue nase I and myosinase II ary (USA) 33 Y. Okamoto, H. Otsuka-Fuchino, S. Horiuchi, T. Tamiya, J.J. Matsumoto and T. Tsuchiya An inhibitory monoclonal anti-protein antibody (Japan) 97 and an anti-peptide antibody share an epitope Characterization of the activation of pro-uro- on rat cytochrome P-450 enzymes CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 kinase by thermolysin R.J. Edwards, B.P. Murray, S. Murray, A.M. P.A. Marcotte and J. Henkin (USA) 105 Singleton, DS. Davies and A.R. Boobis (UK) 38 Regular Papers Actinomycins as proteinase inhibitors C. Betzel, R. Rachev, P. Dolashka and N. Genov Epitope mapping and characterization of mono- (Germany, Bulgaria) 47 clonal antibodies to human protein C The unfolding and attempted refolding of the M. Takahashi, M. Kimura, K. Kurosawa- bacterial chaperone protein groEL (cpn60) Ohsawa, A. Iwaki, S. Tanaka and T. Matsuishi N.C. Price, S.M. Kelly, G.J. Thomson, J.R. Cog- (Japan) 113 | gins, S. Wood and A. Auf der Mauer (UK) 52 Substrate-binding region of cytochrome P-450,,, Identification of the sites of modification on (P-450 XIA1). Identification and primary bovine carbonic anhydrase II (BCA II) by the structure of the cholesterol binding region in salt-bridge reagent cyanogen, C,N, cytochrome P-450,,.. | G. Ghenbot, T. Emge and R.A. Day (USA) 59 M. Tsujita and Y. Ichikawa (Japan) 124 338 Catalytic properties of the CMP-N-acetylneura- The role of Cys-17 in the pyridoxal 5’-phosphate minic acid hydroxylase from the starfish Aster- inhibition of the bovine liver low M, phospho- ias rubens: comparison with the mammalian tyrosine protein phosphatase enzyme P. Cirri, P. Chiarugi, G. Camici, G. Manao, L. W. Schlenzka, L. Shaw and R. Schauer (Germa- Pazzagli, A. Caselli, I. Barghini, G. Cappugi, G. ny) 131 Raugei and G. Ramponi (Italy) 216 Isolation and characterization of diadenosine te- Studies on the subunit structure of textilotoxin, a traphosphate (Ap,A) hydrolase from Schizo- potent presynaptic neurotoxin from the venom saccharomyces pombe of the Australian common brown snake ( Pseu- A.K. Robinson, C.E. De la Pena and L.D. donaja textilis). 3. The complete amino-acid Barnes (USA) 139 sequences of all the subunits Native and denatured Zn cytochrome c studied J.A. Pearson, M.I. Tyler, K.V. Retson and M.E.H. by fluorescence line narrowing spectroscopy Howden (Australia) 223 V. Logovinsky, A.D. Kaposi and J.M. Van- Thiamin-triphosphate-synthesizing activity of mu- derkooi (USA) 149 tant cytosolic adenylate kinases: significance of Purification and properties of multiple molecular Arg-128 for substrate specificity forms of yeast peptidyl prolyl cis-trans iso- T. Shioda, S. Yasuda, K. Yamada, M. Yamada, merase A. Nakazawa and T. Kawasaki (Japan) 230 H. Hasumi and T. Nishikawa (Japan) 161 Characterization of two major isoforms of juve- Inhibition of intestinal peroxidase activity by non- nile hormone esterase from Trichoplusia ni steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (Lepidoptera) R. Chatterjee, U. Bandyopadhyay, D. Bhat- G. Jones, M. Manczak, M. Wozniak and R. tacharyya and R.K. Banerjee (India) 168 Ko’rrati (USA) 235 Isolation, partial characterisation, and amino acid Physical and conformational properties of staphy- sequence of a-lactalbumin from platypus lokinase in solution (Ornithorhynchus anatinus ) milk G. Damaschun, H. Damaschun, K. Gast, R. D.C. Shaw, M. Messer, A.M. Scrivener, K.R. Misselwitz, D. Zirwer, K.-H. Giihrs, M. Hart- Nicholas and M. Griffiths (Australia) 177 mann, B. Schlott, H. Triebel and D. Behnke Antibodies to recombinant fragment 212-276 of (Germany) 244 protein C specifically recognize the intact hu- The chloroperoxidase from the fungus Curvularia man molecule inaequalis; a novel vanadium enzyme I. Fijalkowska, A. Babinska, A. Ligocka, G. J.W.P.M. Van Schijndel, E.G.M. Vollenbroek Plucienniczak, A. Plucienniczak, W. Stec, A. and R. Wever (Netherlands) 249 Okruszek, A. Wilk and C.S. Cierniewski (Po- Photoaffinity labeling of cytochrome P-450,;, land) 187 with methyltrienolone as a probe for the sub- Identification of a novel 4 kDa immunoglobulin- strate binding region A-binding peptide obtained by the limited pro- T. Ohnishi, S. Miura and Y. Ichikawa (Japan) 257 teolysis of jacalin Comparison of acceptor protein specificities on S. Kabir, R. Aebersold and A.S. Daar (Oman, the formation of ADP-ribose - acceptor adducts Canada) 194 by arginine-specific ADP-ribosyltransferase Selective oxidation of Met-192 in bovine a- from rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic retic- chymotrypsin. Effect on catalytic and inhibitor ulum with those of the enzyme from chicken binding properties peripheral polymorphonuclear cells F. Cutruzzola, P. Ascenzi, D. Barra, M. Bolog- M. Taniguchi, M. Tsuchiya and M. Shimoyama nesi, E. Menegatti, P. Sarti, H.-P. Schnebli, S. (Japan) 265 Tomova and G. Amiconi (Italy, Switzerland, Differential scanning calorimetric study of 5-en- Bulgaria) 201 olpyruvoyl shikimate-3-phosphate synthase and Purification and characterisation of 3-deoxy-p- its complexes with shikimate-3-phosphate and arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase glyphosate: irreversible thermal transitions from Streptomyces rimosus E.K. Merabet, M.C. Walker, H.K. Yuen and J.A. F. Stuart and 1.8. Hunter (UK) Sikorski (USA) Chemical modification studies of the active site of Low spin quantitation of NiFeC EPR signal from glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase from carbon monoxide dehydrogenase is not due to baker’s yeast damage incurred during protein purification S. Milewski (Poland) W. Shin and P.A. Lindahl (USA) The differential effects of carbon monoxide and Selective modification of Sendai virus hemag- oxygen on the pressure dissociation of Lumbri- glutinin neuraminidase by pyridoxal 5’-phos- cus terrestris hemoglobin phate: evidence for an allosteric modulation of R.E. Hirsch, J.P. Harrington and S.F. Scarlata neuraminidase activity (USA) T. Bellini, M. Tomasi and F. Dallocchio (Italy) The differential lysis of phosphoester bonds by Changes in structure of a,-macroglobulin upon nuclease P1 reaction with trypsin as assessed by light scat- H.C. Box, E.E. Budzinski, M.S. Evans, J.B. tering and differential scanning calorimetry French and A.E. Maccubbin (USA) C.R. Middaugh, B.L. Steadman, P. Schurten- Characterization of phosphoramidon-sensitive berger, D.C. Lee and J.F. Chlebowski (USA, metalloproteinases with endothelin-converting Switzerland) enzyme activity in porcine lung membrane T. Sawamura, O. Shinmi, N. Kishi, Y. Sugita, Rapid Report M. Yanagisawo, K. Gota, T. Masaki and S. Kimura (Japan, USA) Structural characterization of myo-inositol mono- Characterization of two novel subunits of the a-class glutathione S-transferases of human phosphatase from bovine brain by secondary liver structure prediction, fluorescence, circular H. Ahmad, S.S. Singhal, M. Saxena and Y.C. dichroism and Raman spectroscopy Awasthi (USA) A.J. Ganzhorn, P. Vincendon and J.T. Pelton (France) A model for prosthetogenic enzyme amplification Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1161 assays S. Harbron, M. Fisher and B.R. Rabin (UK) Author Index

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