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Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology Vol. 1080, 1991 Cumulative Contents Regular Papers Purification and partial characterization of a shed N. Ellfolk, M. Rénnberg and K. Osterlund (Fin- 66 kDa melanoma-associated antigen identi- land) 68 fied by autologous antibody D.R. Vlock, D.J. Aul, A. Toporowicz, J.P. Mc- Rapid Reports Coy and W.E. Brown (U.S.A.) Purification and reconstitution of phosphatidyl- A 23 kDa protein from rat sperm plasma mem- inositol 4-kinase from human erythrocytes branes shows sequence similarity and phospho- G.H. Jenkins, G. Subrahmanyam and R.A. An- lipid binding properties to a bovine brain cy- derson (U.S.A.) tosolic protein Topological analysis of the pyridine nucleotide R. Jones and L. Hall (U.K.) transhydrogenase of Escherichia coli using Decay of mammalian hexokinase: characteriza- proteolytic enzymes tion of the specific proteolytic activity R.C.W. Tong, N.A. Glavas and P.D. Bragg K. Murakami and S. Piomelli (U.S.A.) (Canada) FTIR studies of secondary structures of bovine Regular Papers insulin and its derivatives J. Wei, Y.-Z. Lin, J.-M. Zhou and C.-L. Tsou (China) Bovine N-acetyl-B-p-glucosaminidase: affinity pu- Presence of human immunoglobulin G anti serum rification and characterization of its active site pancreatic elastase 1 autoantibodies and their with nitrogen containing analogs of NA- influence on elastase 1 radioimmunoassay acetylglucosamine H. Asada, K. Shibata, K. Uchida, A. Yamauchi, G. Legler, E. Liillau, E. Kappes and F. Kasten- M. Kono, Y. Takeyama, H. Ohyanagi and Y. holz (F.R.G.) Saitoh (Japan) Recombinant mouse leukotriene A, hydrolase: a A spectrometric study of the Co**-activated ribu- zinc metalloenzyme with dual enzymatic activi- lose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase reaction ties during turnover and at different pH A. Wetterholm, J.F. Medina, O. Radmark, R. K. Janson and R. Brandén (Sweden) Shapiro, J.Z. Haeggstrom, B.L. Vallee and B. Horseradish peroxidase catalyzed oxidation of Samuelsson (Sweden, U.S.A.) thiocyanate by hydrogen peroxide: comparison Immunoaffinity purification and partial amino with lactoperoxidase-catalysed oxidation and acid sequence analysis of catechol-O-methyl- role of distal histidine transferase from pig liver S. Modi, D.V. Behere and S. Mitra (India) B. Bertocci, G. Garotta, M. Da Prada, H.-W. Acid phospholipid vesicles produce conforma- Lahm, G. Ziircher, G. Véirgallita and V. tional changes on the antitumour protein a- Miggiano (Switzerland) 103 sarcin Carboxylmethylation affects the proteolysis of M. Gasset, M. Onaderra, E. Goormaghtigh and myelin basic protein by Staphylococcus aureus J.G. Gavilanes (Spain, Belgium) V,. proteinase The midgut chymotrypsins of shrimps ( Penaeus O.Z. Sellinger and M.F. Wolfson (U.S.A.) monodon, Penaeus japonicus and Penaeus peni- Influence of allosteric effectors on the heme con- cillatus) formation of dromedary ferrous nitrosylhe- l.-H. Tsai, P.-J. Lu and J.-L. Chuang (Republic moglobin detected by XANES spectroscopy of China) A. Congiu Castellano, S. Della Longa, A. Bian- Structural and functional features of Pseu- coni, M. Barteri, E. Burattini, P. Ascenzi, M. domonas cytochrome c peroxidase Coletta, R. Santucci and G. Amiconi (Italy) 119 278 X-ray crystallographic conformational study of 5’- K.S. Lilley, P.J. Baker, K.L. Britton, T.J. Still- O-[ N-(L-alanyl)-sulfamoylladenosine, a sub- man, P.E. Brown, A.J.G. Moir, P.C. Engel, D.W. strate analogue for alanyl-tRNA synthetase Rice, J.E. Bell and E. Bell (U.K., U.S.A.) H. Ueda, Y. Shoku, N. Hayashi, J.-i. Mitsunaga, The active site of Sulfolobus solfataricus aspartate Y. In, M. Doi, M. Inoue and T. Ishida (Japan) aminotransferase Purification and determination of the NH ,-termi- L. Birolo, M.I. Arnone, M.V. Cubellis, G. An- nal amino acid sequence of mouse a-amylase dreotti, G. Nitti, G. Marino and G. Sannia secreted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: cor- (Italy) rect processing of the secretion signal from Ab initio calculations of the pyrophosphate hy- pGKL killer 28 kDa precursor protein drolysis reaction M. Tokunaga, A. Kawamura, A. Omori and F. H. Saint-Martin, I. Ortega-Blake, A. Les and L. Hishinuma (Japan) Adamowicz (Mexico, U.S.A.) Effects of carbohydrate depletion on the struc- Bacterial catalase-peroxidases are gene dupli- ture, stability and activity of glucose oxidase cated members of the plant peroxidase super- from Aspergillus niger family H.M. Kalisz, H.-J. Hecht, D. Schomburg and K.G. Welinder (Denmark) R.D. Schmid (F.R.G.) Benzimidazole nucleoside analogues as inhibitors Evaluation of the kinetic parameters of the acti- of plant (maize seedling) casein kinases vation of trypsinogen by trypsin G. Dobrowolska, G. Muszynska and D. Shugar M. Garcia-Moreno, B.H. Havsteen, R. Varon (Poland) and H. Rix-Matzen (F.R.G.) Polyisoprenylation of the CAAX motif -— an in Kinetic study of a cellobiase purified from Neo- vitro protein synthesis study callimastix frontalis EB188 P. Newman, E. Kube, V. Gerke and K. Weber X. Li and R.E. Calza (U.S.A.) (Germany) Alkali cation effect on carbonyl-hemoglobin’s and Experimental designs for estimating the parame- -myoglobin’s conformer populations when ex- ters of the Michaelis-Menten equation from posed to freeze-concentration of their phos- progress curves of enzyme-catalyzed reactions phate-buffered aqueous solutions R.G. Duggleby and R.B. Clarke (Australia) G. Astl and E. Mayer (Austria) Effect of limited proteolysis in the 8th loop of the Identification and purification of a calcium-bind- barrel and of antibodies on porcine pancreas ing protein from Bacillus subtilis amylase activity M. Grazia Tozzi, U. D’Arcangelo, A. Del Corso V. Desseaux, F. Payan, E.H. Ajandouz, B. and G.W. Ordal (Italy, U.S.A.) Svensson, R. Haser and G. Marchis-Mouren Liver-like alkaline phosphatase in the tissue-un- (France, Denmark) specific type enzyme found in rabbit organs Synergistic induction of 6-aminolevulinate syn- I. Koyama, Y. Fujimori-Arai, N. Hirota, T. thase by glutethimide and iron: relationship to Sakai, Y. Sakagishi and T. Komoda (Japan) the synergistic induction of heme oxygenase Immunoreactive aA crystallin in rat non-lenticu- E.E. Cable, J.F. Healey, Y. Greene, C.-O. Evans lar tissues detected with a sensitive immunoas- and H.L. Bonkousky (U.S.A.) say method Purification and partial characterization of the K. Kato, H. Shinohara, N. Kurobe, S. Goto, Y. soluble low K,, 5’-nucleotidase from human Inaguma and K. Ohshima (Japan) seminal plasma Functional cholecystokinin receptors are distin- A. Minelli, M. Moroni, R. Fabiani, P. Miscetti guished kinetically by biotinyl-Tyr-Gly-(Thr’*, and I. Mezzasoma (Italy) Nle*' )CCK(25-33) in rat pancreatic acini Low- and high-activity forms of glutamine syn- J. Winand, P. Poloczek, C. Delporte, L. Mo- thetase from Rhodospirillum rubrum: sensitiv- roder, M. Svoboda and J. Christophe (Belgium, ity to feed-back effectors and activation of the F.R.G.) low-activity form A. Hammarstrom, A. Soliman and S. Nordlund Regular Papers (Sweden) Effects of cyanogen bromide modification of the The partial amino acid sequence of the NAD*- distal histidine on the spectroscopic and ligand dependent glutamate dehydrogenase of Clos- binding properties of myoglobin: magnetic cir- tridium symbiosum: implications for the evolu- cular dichroism spectroscopy as a probe of tion and structural basis of coenzyme speci- distal water ligation in ferric high-spin histi- ficity dine-bound heme proteins A.M. Bracete, M. Sono and J.H. Dawson W. Welte, M.S. Weiss, U. Nestel, J. Weckesser, E. (U.S.A) Schiltz and G.E. Schulz (Germany) Rapid Report Erratum Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1080 Prediction of the general structure of OmpF and PhoE from the sequence and structure of porin Author Index from Rhodobacter capsulatus. Orientation of porin in the membrane

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