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Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology Vol. 1077, 1991 Cumulative Contents Editorial Biosynthesis of marsupial milk oligosaccharides: characterization and developmental changes of two galactosyltransferases in lactating mam- Regular Papers mary glands of the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenil Evidence for an in vivo modification of M. Messer and K.R. Nicholas (Australia) mitochondrial proteins by coenzyme A Identification of a globin free radical in equine W. Huth, C. Worm-Breitgoff, U. Moller and I. myoglobin treated with peroxides Wunderlich (F.R.G.) M.J. Davies (U.K.) Differences in defining residues relevant to anti- Distance changes at the regulatory and catalytic body binding by ELISA and proteolysis protec- sites on Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase: tion at the level of peptide antigenic determi- a spin label study on the effect of substrate(s) nants binding T. Kobayashi, A. Ametani, K. Yamauchi and S. G.A. Ubom, §.G. Rhee, J.B. Hunt and P.B. Kaminogawa (Japan) Chock (U.K., U.S.A.) Adenine nucleotide regulation of particulate Resolution of the fluorescence of the buried tryp- tophan in yeast 3-phosphoglycerate kinase using guanylate cyclase from rat lung succinimide H. Gazzano, H.I. Wu and S.A. Waldman P.G. Varley, D.T.F. Dryden and R.H. Pain (U.K.) (U.S.A.) The complete amino acid sequence of feline B- Effect of organic anions on the crystallization of lactoglobulin II and a partial revision of the the Ca**-ATPase of muscle sarcoplasmic re- equine f-lactoglobulin II sequence ticulum J.A. Halliday, K. Bell and D.C. Shaw (Australia) M. Misra, D. Taylor, T. Oliver and K. Taylor (U.S.A.) Influence of pH on the structural changes of f- lactoglobulin studied by tryptic hydrolysis Comparative molecular topography of botulinum J.-M. Chobert, M. Dalgalarrondo, E. Dufour, C. neurotoxins from Clostridium butyricum and Bertrand-Harb and T. Haertlé (France) Clostridium botulinum type E Purification and characterization of recombinant B.R. Singh, J.A. Giménez and B.R. DasGupta mouse thymidylate synthase (U.S.A.) H. Zhang, R.J. Cisneros, W. Deng, J.W. Zapf, L.F. Johnson and R.B. Dunlap (U.S.A.) Purification and characterization of nucleoside di- Report phosphate kinase from spinach leaves T. Nomura, T. Fukui and A. Ichikawa (Japan) The effect of the conformer state and the model Phosphorylation of small molecular weight poly- size chosen on the force field of the polypeptide peptides in the iris-ciliary complex, aqueous backbone humor and vitreous humor A. Balazs, P. Rajczy and G. Horvath (Hungary) A. Banerjee, D.M. Richiert and M. Bagchi (U.S.A.) Corrigendum Influenza virus sialidase: effect of calcium on steady-state kinetic parameters A.K.J. Chong, M.S. Pegg and M. Von Itzstein Regular Papers (Australia) Heterogeneity of chicken liver cytosolic aspartate A study of the heterogenous structure of guinea aminotransferase pig lysosomal f$-mannosidase using a _ poly- S. Imperial, C. Quiroga, M. Busquets and A. clonal antibody Cortés (Spain) N.R. McCabe and G. Dawson (U.S.A.) 422 Purification and characterization of a _ novel green photosynthetic bacterium Chlorobium glutathione transferase from Serratia marces- limicola f. thiosulfatophilum cens P. Hojrup, P. Gerola, H.F. Hansen, J.M. Mik- C. Di Ilio, A. Aceto, R. Piccolomini, N. Allocati, kelsen, A.E. Shahed, J. Knudsen, P. Roepstorff A. Faraone, T. Bucciarelli, D. Barra and G. and J.M. Olson (Denmark, Italy) Federici (Italy) Regulation of S-adenosylmethionine synthetase Studies on the subunit structure of textilotoxin, a activity in cultured human lymphocytes potent presynaptic neurotoxin from the venom J. De La Rosa, M. Kotb and N.M. Kredich of the Australian common brown snake ( Pseu- (U.S.A.) donaja textilis). 2. The amino acid sequence The inhibition of rat liver threonine dehydratase and toxicity studies of subunit D by carbamoyl-phosphate The formation of J.A. Pearson, MJ. Tyler, K.V. Retson and carbamoylpyridoxal 5’-phosphate M.E.H. Howden (Australia) R. Pagani, F. Ponticelli, L. Terzuoli, R. Leoncini Thermodynamics of actin polymerization; in- and E. Marinello (Italy) fluence of the tightly bound divalent cation and nucleotide H.J. Kinosian, L.A. Selden, J.E. Estes and L.C. Report Gershman (U.S.A.) The active site of deoxyhypusyl hydroxylase: use The complete amino acid sequence of the patho- of catecholpeptides and their component chela- genesis-related (PR2) protein induced in chem- tor and peptide moieties as molecular probes ically stressed bean leaves A. Abbruzzese, H.M. Hanauske-Abel, M.H. A. Awade, M.H. Metz-Boutigue, M. Le Ret, G. Park, S. Henke and J.E. Folk (Italy, U.S.A., Genot, I. Amiri and G. Burkard (France) F.R.G.) Purification of geranylgeranyl diphosphate syn- thase from Sinapis alba etioplasts Regular Papers A. Laferriére and P. Beyer (F.R.G.) Identification of H*/K*-ATPase a,f-heterodi- Stimulation of the amidolytic activity of single mers chain tissue-type plasminogen activator by K. Hall, G. Perez, G. Sachs and E. Rabon fibrinogen degradation products: possible fibrin (U.S.A.) binding sites on single chain tissue-type plas- Structure—activity correlations in human kidney minogen activator molecule aldehyde reductase-catalyzed reduction of T. Urano, Y. Takada and A. Takada (Japan) para-substituted benzaldehyde by 3-acetyl ADP-ribosylation and de-ADP-ribosylation of the pyridine adenine dinucleotide phosphate rho protein by Clostridium botulinum ex- A. Bhatnagar, S.-Q. Liu and S.K. Srivastava oenzyme C3. Regulation by EDTA, guanine (U.S.A.) nucleotides and pH 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase: identification B. Habermann, C. Mohr, 1. Just and K. Aktories of lysine residues connected with catalytic ac- (F.R.G.) tivity Purification and immunological characterization Y.7. Kim and J.E. Churchich (U.S.A.) of a new form of y-glutamyltransferase of hu- Identification of koningic acid (heptelidic acid)- man semen modified site in rabbit muscle glyceraldehyde- S. Abe, H. Kochi and K. Hiraiwa (Japan) 3-phosphate dehydrogenase Diabetic BB/Wor rat haptoglobin exhibits a K. Sakai, K. Hasumi and A. Endo (Japan) probable structural abnormality in Asn-linked Comparison of the autolyzed and unautolyzed oligosaccharides forms of u- and m-calpain from bovine skeletal A.E. Chapman, P. Copeland, S. Davidson and muscle J.C. Calhoun IV (U.S.A.) 265 T. Edmunds, P.A. Nagainis, S.K. Sathe, V.F. 1-Aminocyclopropane-1l-carboxylic acid as a sub- Thompson and D.E. Goll (U.S.A.) strate of peroxidase: conditions for oxygen con- Chemical and kinetic mechanisms of aspartate-f- sumption, hydroperoxide generation and ethyl- semialdehyde dehydrogenase from Escherichia ene production coli M. Acosta, J.L. Casas, M.B. Arnao and F. W.E. Karsten and R.E. Viola (U.S.A.) Sabater (Spain) The amino acid sequence of a major protein com- Modification of a single tryptophan of the in- ponent in the light harvesting complex of the organic pyrophosphatase from thermophilic bacterium PS-3: possible involvement in its molog from the venom of Trimeresurus substrate binding mucrosquamatus S.-i. Kaneko, T. Ichiba, N. Hirano and A. C.-S. Liu, J.-M. Chen, C.-H. Chang, S.-W. Chen, Hachimori (Japan) C.-M. Teng and 1.-H. Tsai (Taiwan, China) Structurally different rat liver medium-chain acyl Solution conformations of the N-terminal CNBr CoA dehydrogenases directed by complemen- fragment of glycogen phosphorylase and its tary DNAs differing in their 5’-region interaction with calmodulin T. Inagaki, N. Ohishi, N. Tsukagoshi, S. Udaka, J.F. Takrama and D.J. Graves (U.S.A.) S. Ghisla and K. Yagi (Japan, F.R.G.) Changes in AMP deaminase activities in the hearts Characterisation of arginase from the extreme of diabetic rats thermophile ‘Bacillus caldovelox’ R.L. Jenkins, H.G. McDaniel and L. Atkins M.L. Patchett, R.M. Daniel and H.W. Morgan (U.S.A.) (New Zealand) Dynamic quenching studies of fluorophore- Purification and characterization of a catalase-per- labelled myosin subfragment 1 and its alkali oxidase and a typical catalase from the light chain subunits bacterium Klebsiella Pneumoniae D.G. Bhandari, S. Jackson and I.P. Trayer (U.K.) A. Hochman and I. Goldberg (Israel) Light absorption, electron paramagnetic reso- The isolated 21 kDa N-terminal fragment of nance and resonance Raman characteristics of myosin binds to actin in an ATP and ionic nitridochromium(V)protoporphyrin-IX and its strength-dependent manner reconstituted hemoproteins A. Muhlrad (U.S.A., Israel) H. Hori, M. Tsubaki, N.-T. Yu and T. Yonetani Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkaline proteinase might (Japan, U.S.A.) share a biological function with plasmin Oxidative decarboxylation of 3,4-dihydroxy- Y. Shibuya, T. Yamamoto, T. Morimoto, N. mandelic acid to 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde: Nishino, T. Kambara and H. Okabe (Japan) electrochemical and HPLC analysis of the reac- Age-related alterations of enzyme activities and tion mechanism subunits of hepatic glutathione S-transferases T.H. Czapla, M.R. Claeys, T.D. Morgan, K.J. in male and female Fischer-344 rats Kramer, T.L. Hopkins and M.D. Hawley M.-C. Carrillo, M. Nokubo, K. Kitani, K. Satoh (U.S.A.) and K. Sato (Argentina, Japan) Alkylation of acetylcholinesterase anionic centre Physicochemical characterization of a minor mucin with aziridinium ion accelerates the enzyme component from cystic fibrosis tracheobron- acylation step chial secretions A. Sepp and J. Jadrv (U.S.S.R.) N.V. Padhye, B. Naziruddin, V.C. Desai, S.R. De la Rocha and G.P. Sachdev (U.S.A.) Determination of the primary and _ secondary Reports structures of the dromedary (Camelus drome- darius) prolactin and comparison with pro- Characterization of phosphopeptide derived from lactins from other species bovine B-casein: an inhibitor to intra-intestinal N. Martinat, J.-C. Huet, C. Nespoulous, Y. Com- precipitation of calcium phosphate barnous and J.-C. Pernollet (France) R. Sato, M. Shindo, H. Gunshin, T. Noguchi and Isolation of three forms of cystatin from sub- H. Naito (Japan) 413 mandibular saliva of isoproterenol-treated rats, An increase in the transglycosylation activity of its properties and kinetic data Saccharomycopsis a-amylase altered by site-di- T. Nishiura, K. Ishibashi and K. Abe (Japan) rected mutagenesis Conformation changes of cuttlefish ( Euprymna I. Matsui, K. Ishikawa, S. Miyairi, S. Fukui and morsei ) rhodopsin following photoconversion K. Honda (Japan) K. Hiraki, T. Hamanaka, M. Seidou and Y. Kito (Japan) Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1077 The amino acid sequence and properties of an edema-inducing Lys-49 phospholipase A, ho- Author Index

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