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ADVANCES IN PROTEIN CHEMISTRY EDITED BY C. 6. ANFINSEN JOHN T. EDSALL Department of Biology Department of Molecular The Johns Hopkins University and Cellular Biology Baltimore, Maryland Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts FREDERIC M. RICHARDS DAVID S. EISENBERG Department of Molecular Biophysics Department of Chemistry and Biochemistrv and Biochemistrv Yale University University of California, Los Angeles New Haven, Connecticut Los Angeles, California VOLUME 46 Protein Stability EDITED BY DAVID S. EISENBERG FREDERIC M. RICHARDS ACADEMIC PRESS San Diego New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto This book is printed on acid-free paper. @ Copyright 0 1995 by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Academic Press, Inc. A Division of Harcourt Brace & Company 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, California 92101-4495 United Kingdom Edition published by Academic Press Limited 24-28 Oval Road. London NWl 7DX International Standard Serial Number: 0065-3233 International Standard Book Number: 0-1 2-034246-4 PRINTEJI IN THE UNlTED STATES OF AMERICA 95 96 9198 99 00BC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors’ contributions begin. ROBERTL . BALDWI(N1 41), Department of Biochemistry, Stanford Uni- versity School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305 AVIJITC HAKRABART(1T4Yl ) , Department of Biochemistry, Stanford Uni- versity School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305 KENA . DILL( 59), Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94 143 JOHN T. EDSALL( l), Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02 138 FELIXF RANK(S1 05), Biopreservation Division, Pafra Ltd., Cambridge CB4 4GG, England BARRYH ONIG(2 7), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophys- ics, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032 BRIANW . MATTHEWS (249), Institute of Molecular Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Department of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 DOUGLACS . REES( 279), Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engi- neering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91 125 DAVIDS HORTL(E2 17), Department of Biological Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 2 1205 DIRKS TICTER(5 9),D epartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94 143 MICHAELH . B. STOWELL(2 79), Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91 125 THOMCA. ST ERWILL(I1G77E)R, G enomics and Structural Biology Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 HSIENW ut (6),D epartment of Biochemistry, Peiping Union Medical College, Peiping, China AN-SUEYI ANG( 27),D epartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophys- ics, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032 Deceased. ix HSIEN WU AND THE FIRST THEORY OF PROTEIN DENATURATION (1931) By JOHN T. EDSALL Department of Molwular and Callular Blology, Harvard Unlvarrlty, Cambrldge, Marrachurettr 02138 I write to introduce a paper that stands apart from everything else in this volume; it originally appeared in 1931, more than two generations ago. The papers that follow it are all by authors who work at the frontiers of the science of today in the great endeavor to solve the central problem of protein folding and unfolding. Hsien Wu, in this paper of long ago, after years of work and thought, was (I believe) the first to grasp the fundamental relations between the native and the denatured state of protein molecules. Later workers have greatly enriched his picture, but his proposal still stands as a landmark in the field. Wu’s paper is, I fear, unknown to many biochemists of today; and it should not be forgotten. It appeared, in English, in the Chinese Journal of Physiology (H. Wu, 1931), and its author, Hsien Wu (1893-1959), was then a Professor in the Peiping Union Medical College in the capital city now known to us as Beijing. The Medical College had been established and financed by the China Medical Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, which watched over it with constant interest, concern, and encouragement. Before commenting on Wu’s theory of denaturation and its origins, I give a brief account of his life, drawn from the excellent memoir prepared after his death by his wife, Daisy Yen Wu (D. Y. Wu, 1959). A SHORTA CCOUNOTF THE LIFEA ND WORKO F HSIENW u Hsien Wu, known by the “courtesy name” of Tao-min to his Chinese friends, was born in Foochow, Fukien, China, on November 24, 1893. He came of a scholarly family, the second of three children. At the age of 17, he was one of a selected group of students chosen by the Chinese government for a scholarship award to study in the United States. Shortly after the arrival of the group in San Francisco came the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty and its replacement by the Republic of China; but this momentous event did not disturb the planned arrangements for Wu’s education. Settling in Cambridge at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he enrolled at first in the study of naval architecture, but soon shifted ADVANCES IN 1 Copyright 8 1995 by Academic Press, Inc. PROTEIN CHEMISTRY, Vol. 46 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 2 JOHN T. EDSALL to chemistry as his major field, with a minor in biology, and received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1916. He continued there for one year as a graduate student in organic chemistry, but then moved to Harvard Medical School, where he worked with the famous biochemist Otto Folin. In 1919 a paper based on Wu’s Ph.D. thesis, “A System of Blood Analy- sis,” appeared in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (Folin and Wu, 1919). It described a new and substantially improved procedure for preparing a protein-free blood filtrate, 10 ml of which sufficed for the determina- tion of nonprotein nitrogen, urea, creatinine, creatine, uric acid, and sugar. This was one of the most influential papers ever published from Folin’s laboratory. With some supplementary material published a little later, the whole procedure became known as the Folin-Wu methods, which were widely used in biochemical and clinical laboratories for a number of years. Several years ago Harvard Medical School created a Folin-Wu Room, commemorating both men and their work. In the spring of 1920 Wu received an appointment in the newly orga- nized Peiping Union Medical College (PUMC) and returned to China. In 1924 he became Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Biochemistry, and in 1928 became Professor. In 1923 he was one of the three coauthors of a classical study of the distribution of gases, electro- lytes, and water between red cells and blood plasma (Van Slyke et al., 1923). In addition to his work on proteins, he did extensive work on nutrition and immunology, and later served on international commis- sions concerned with nutritional problems. In 1924 he married Daisy Yen, who had become an expert in nutrition by working with Professor H. C. Sherman at Columbia University. Returning to PUMC, she assisted Dr. Wu in his teaching and initiated an analysis of Chinese foods, which later grew into a major project. Hsien and Daisy Wu had five children, one of whom, Ray J. Wu, is Professor of Biochemistry at Cornell University. Hsien Wu continued his active program of teaching and research, and became involved in many other activities. He helped organize the Chinese Physiological Society in 1926, was elected its President, and served on the Editorial Board of the Chinese Journal of Physiology (19 26- 194 1). He served as Director of PUMC from 1935 to 1937. In 1937 the Japanese invaders occupied the city of Peiping, but they allowed PUMC to continue independently until 1942, when they took it over also. At that point Wu withdrew, and stayed at his home, an old ducal palace, where, as his wife describes, he devoted his time to “reading, writing, practicing Chinese calligraphy, and enjoying his family and his home.” He also became more deeply concerned with political, social, and economic problems. Early in 1944 he got word that the Chinese government-in-exile in Chungking wanted him to come there to establish a Nutrition Institute. 3 FIRST THEORY OF PROTEIN DENATURATION It was a long and dangerous journey, into Free China, under primitive conditions, by rail, mules, charcoal-burning buses, and on foot; and of course his departure had to be kept secret from the Japanese. On arrival in Chungking he drew up plans for the Nutrition Institute, and was appointed its first Director. The government then sent him to the United States, to study problems of postwar reconstruction in developing the plans for the institute. This involved another long difficult journey; it was over 2 months before he reached Los Angeles. He spent about a year in the United States, visiting many institutes and experts whose work was related to his mission, and returning to Chungking after the Japanese surrender in 1945, to plan the proposed institute in more detail. He returned to Europe and the United States in 1947-1948, a period of turmoil in China as the communist armies steadily gained ground against the Chiang Kai Shek government. He planned to sail home and join his family, who were still at their home in Peiping, but the steamship company twice canceled sailings. As the communist armies advanced on Peiping, in November 1948, Daisy Wu realized that the situation was becoming intolerable for her and the children. They fled to Shanghai, and then to Hong Kong, where they had to wait 4 months before they could get passage to America. He met them when they arrived in San Francisco in July 1949. The Medical College of the University of Alabama gave Wu a visiting professorship, where he taught first-year medical students and carried on research, assisted by his wife, who soon was appointed a research associate. His prime research interest by this time was in nutrition. In October 1952 he suffered a very severe coronary attack, from which he recovered slowly. This led to his resignation from the Medical College in August 1953. He then moved to the Boston area, which he had always called his second home, after the 9 years he had spent at MIT and Harvard Medical School. He settled in Brookline with his wife and chil- dren, leading a quieter life than before, reading widely and writing up the work he had done in Alabama, and produced a series of three papers on the excretion patterns in humans of amino acids labeled with 15N. In April 1958 he suffered a second coronary attack, from which he never fully recovered. He died on August 8, 1959, at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Daisy Wu’s monograph (D. Y. Wu, 1959) contains numerous illuminating tributes to him by those who had known him. HSIENW u’s THEOROYF P ROTEIND ENATURATION The reprint of Wu’s theory of denaturation (H. Wu, 1931), which follows this introduction, is clearly written and, for the most part, speaks for itself. Wu did not propose a theory until he had done many experi- 4 JOHN T. EDSALL ments on various forms of denaturation; this paper was number 13 in a series of papers on denaturation. All the previous papers-the first of which had appeared in 1924-were experimental. In the course of these studies he had experimented with almost all the modes of denaturing proteins that he discusses in this theoretical study. He had given a short preliminary account of his theory, 2 years earlier, when he attended the International Congress of Biochemistry in Boston (1929) and an abstract appeared in the Proceedings of the Congress (H. Wu, 1929). We should recall some aspects of the state of knowledge at the time. Evidence for the idea that denaturation can be a reversible process was very recent. I have given a brief discussion on that elsewhere (Edsall, 1979). Anson and Mirsky (1925) had studied the acid denaturation of hemoglobin, which is complete almost instantly around pH 3, and found that, by careful readjustment of the solution to near neutrality, it was possible to get a fairly good yield of crystalline protein with a normal oxygen-binding curve. In 1926 a comprehensive paper appeared on the reversal of heat coagulation of serum albumin, by Mona Spiegel-Adolf, who worked in Pauli’s laboratory in Vienna (Spiegel-Adolf, 1926). Wu and Lin (1927) were able to get almost complete reversal of the acid denaturation of methemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin by working care- fully with a mildly alkaline solution; and Mirsky and Anson (1929) greatly improved their earlier procedure for hemoglobin. Crucial to Wu’s theory, in his paper reprinted here, is the concept that a native protein molecule is a highly compact and well-ordered structure, held together primarily by interactions between polar groups in the main chain and in polar side chains. The molecule therefore can be thought of as a sort of submicroscopic crystal, and the forces that hold the native protein molecule together in a defined configuration are the same as those causing the protein molecules to pack together in a macroscopic crystal. When the protein becomes denatured, and the molecule unfolds into a more or less open chain, it can assume an enormous number of possible configurations (or conformations, in the terminology of today) and specificity is lost, although it can be restored by reversal. Wu, like almost all biochemists in 1931, did not yet know about hydro- gen bonds, although a number of physical chemists were beginning to be aware of them. I recall a lecture on hydrogen bonds that Linus Pauling gave at Harvard Medical School-in 1933, I think. I remember his em- phasizing that he was sure that such bonds played a very important part in the chemistry of life, although he could not yet specify just how they were important. Mirsky and Pauling (1936) presented a paper on protein denaturation, which has been widely known and has had an important influence. It FIRST THEORY OF PROTEIN DENATURATION 5 had much in common with Wu’s presentation, though they did not cite Wu’s paper as a reference, and almost certainly were unaware of its existence. They were the first to stress the role of hydrogen bonds in maintaining the structure of the native protein. The importance of such bonds has, I think, never been doubted since, although there is still a dispute as to whether they stabilize or destabilize the native protein. As for hydrophobic interactions, their importance did not clearly emerge until the work of Walter Kauzmann (1954, 1959). For current views on these matters, see, for instance, Rose and Wolfenden (1993). Enough of all this, however-perhaps I have written too much. It is time for the reader to pass on to what Wu said himself, more than 60 years ago. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I thank Professor Ray J. Wu of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, for sending me a copy of his mother’s memoir on his father, Hsien Wu (Wu, D. Y., 1959), and for helpful comments on an earlier draft of what I have written here. REFERENCES Anson, M. L., and Mirsky, A. E. (1925).J. Gen. Physiol. 9, 169-179. Edsall, J. T. (1979). Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 325, 53-74 (see pp. 70-71). Folin, O., and Wu, H. (1919).J. Bid. Chem. 38, 81-110. Kauzmann, W. (1954). In “The Mechanism of Enzyme Action” (W. D. McElroy and B. Glass, eds.), pp. 70-1 10. Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore. Kauzmann, W. (1959). Adu. Protein Chem. 14, 1-63. Mirsky, A. E., and Anson, M. L. (1929).J. Gen. Physiol. 13, 133-143. Mirsky, A. E., and Pauling, L. (1936). Proc. Nut. Acad. Sci. W.S.A. 22,439-447. Rose, G. D., and Wolfenden, R. (1993). Annu. Rev. Bzophys. Biomol. Struct. 22, 381-415. Spiegel-Adolf, M. (1926). Biochem. 2. 170, 126-172. Van Slyke, D. D., Wu, H., and McLean, F. C. (1923).J.B id. Chtm. 56, 765-849. Wu, D. Y. (1959). “Hsien Wu 1893-1959: In Loving Memory.” Boston. Wu, H. (1929). Am. J. Phystol. 90, 562-563. Wu, H. (1931). ChineseJ. Physiol. 5, 321-344. Wu, H., and Lin, K. H. (1927). ChineseJ. Physzol. 1, 219-234. STUDIES ON DENATURATION OF PROTEINS XIII. A THEORY OF DENATURATION*t By HSIEN WU The Department of Blochemlatry, Pelplng Union Medical College, Peiping Received for publication June 17, 193 I INTRODUCTION It is a matter of common experience that natural, soluble proteins easily become insoluble under a variety of conditions. Even dialysis against distilled water frequently results in some change of the protein. That the immune bodies and the enzymes are easily inactivated is well known. Recent work on urease (41, 42) and on pepsin (32) and trypsin (33) indicate that the enzymes are proteins. While the immune bodies have not been isolated and identified, it is highly probable that they are also proteins, since the conditions of inactivation of these bodies and those of denaturation of proteins are generally the same. Denaturation of the protein is therefore a phenomenon of wide biological significance. The ternf denaturation (denaturization or denaturalization) has been used loosely to include all changes in the solubility of proteins brought about by a variety of reagents. The terms coagulation and denaturation are often used indiscriminately, and coagulation, in turn, is sometimes confused with precipitation and flocculation (or agglutination). We will define these terms to avoid confusion. Precipitation is the separation of the protein from a solution without any change in the nature of the protein. It may be brought about in three ways. (a) By means of reagents which form insoluble compounds with the protein. Examples of such reagents are salts of heavy metals, complex acids and dyes. (b) By changing the nature of the solvent, e.g., by adding alcohol, acetone, etc., which are miscible with water. (c) By salting out with salts of alkali metals, etc. * A preliminary report was read before the Xlllth International Congress of Physiology at Boston, Aug. 19-24, 1929 and published in the Am. J. Physiol. for Oct. 1929. t Reprinted from the Chinese Journal of Physiology, 1931, Vol. V, No. 4, pp. 321-344. ADVANCES IN 6 PROTEIN CHEMISTRY, Vol. 46 7 THEORY OF PROTEIN DENATURATION Precipitation by any of the above methods is a reversible process, as it involves no chemical change of the protein molecule. The precipitate redissolves as soon as the precipi- tating agent is removed or diluted. However, proteins precipitated by the first and second methods mentioned above, if allowed to remain with the precipitating agent for some time, often undergo a further change which is, for most proteins at least, irreversible. The protein then will not redissolve even after the removal of the precipitating agent. Denaturation is a change in the natural protein molecule whereby it becomes insoluble in solvents in which it was previously soluble. Denaturation can occur at any reaction. If denaturation occurs at reactions far removed from the isoelectric point, the denatured protein remains in solution. That a change has occurred is shown by the fact that when the denaturing agent is removed and the reaction of the solution brought to the isoelectric point, the denatured protein flocks out. If denaturation occurs at or near the isoelectric point, the denatured protein should flock out directly. This is what apparently happens when a protein is heated at the isoelectric point and the view of Chick and Martin (9) that heat coagulation consists of two stages-de- naturation and flocculation-is generally accepted. However, the protein which is coagu- lated in one operation is not identical with the protein which has been denatured and flocculated in two separate operations. Thus, the latter (metaprotein) is readily soluble in slight excess of acid and alkali, while the former (coagulated protein) cannot be so dissolved. Similarly, protein denatured by alcohol in an acid or alkaline solution and subsequently flocculated (after dilution with H20i n order to avoid coagulation by alcohol) by bringing the reaction to the isoelectric point is not identical with the protein coagulated by adding alcohol to an isoelectric solution of protein. The metaprotein is also more soluble in strong urea solution than the coagulated protein. In physical appearance, the metaprotein is flocculent and translucent while the coagulated protein is compact and opaque. Only after a second heating at the isoelectric point does the denatured and flocculated protein assume the properties of the coagulated protein (48). Whatever may be the cause of the difference between the properties of the coagulated protein and the metaprotein, these differences should not be ignored, and coagulation is not the exact equivalent of denaturation plus flocculation. Without any reference to theory we may define coagulation as a change in the natural protein whereby it separates oul directly from the solution or a change in the already denatured protein whereby it becomes insoluble in solvents in which it was origtnally soluble. When a dilute solution of protein is heated at the isoelectric point but in the absence of electrolytes, the coagulated protein remains finely dispersed in solution. There is nothing except a slight opalescence to indicate that coagulation has occurred. The statement some- times found in the literature that an electrolyte free solution of protein is not coagulated by heating is erroneous, since by adding electrolyte to such a solution after cooling the coagulated protein flocks out. Similarly, when an acid or alkaline solution of denatured protein is brought to the isoelectric point the solution becomes turbid, but the precipitate is very finely divided. Addition of electrolyte will cause flocculation. Flocculation is the clumping together of fine particles of denatured or coagulated protein in the presence of electrolyte and generally in the isoelectric region. Flocculation of coagulated or dena- tured protein is apparently the same phenomenon as the flocculation of ferric hydroxide or arsenous sulphide solution. The relation of the different processes discussed above is shown in the following diagram. It should be noted that there is no sharp pH line which divides coagulation and denaturation. Both processes can occur at the same reaction, but the relative rates differ greatly. The maximum rate of coagulation occurs at the isoelectric point while the minimum rate of denaturation occurs at the point of neutrality (24, 55).

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