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Protein Metabolism in Lecithotrophic Larvae (Gastropoda: Haliotis rufescens) PDF

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by  J Vavra
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Preview Protein Metabolism in Lecithotrophic Larvae (Gastropoda: Haliotis rufescens)

Reference: Biol. Bull. 196: 177-186. (April Protein Metabolism in Lecithotrophic Larvae (Gastropoda: Haliotis rufescens) JAY VAVRA AND DONAL T. MANAHAN* Department ofBiological Sciences, University ofSouthern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0371 Abstract. Rates ofprotein depletion, synthesis, and turn- theless. our understanding of metabolic processes during over were measured in larvae ofthe abalone Haliotis rufe- lecithotrophic larval development is very limited compared scens as an approach to understanding macromolecular me- to what is known about metabolism and the dynamics of tabolismduring lecithotrophic development. Proteincontent biosynthetic processes in species with planktotrophic devel- decreased linearly during development to metamorphic opment (e.g., protein synthesis in sea urchin embryos: competence, with 34% ofthe initial protein in eggs depleted Goustin and Wilt, 1981; Bedard and Brandhorst. 1983). during the 8-day larval life span. Fractional rates ofprotein Most studies ofthe biochemistry and physiology oflecitho- synthesis (percentage of total body-protein synthesized per trophic larvae have focused on the composition of energy day) decreased during development, from 40% (1-day-old reserves in the early stages of development (Turner and trochophore larva) to 14% (7-day-old veliger larva). Sepa- Rutherford. 1976; Jaeckle and Manahan, 1989a; Anger, ration of proteins by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis 1996). The importance of maternally endowed energy sup- showed that protein pools in larvae are dominated by two ply to larval life span has also been studied (Shilling and high-molecular-weight protein classes (88 and 121 kDa). Manahan, 1994; Ben-David-Zaslow and Benayahu. 1998), When the proteins of 1- and 3-day-old larvae were labeled as have respiration rates and amino acid transport (Jaeckle with a mixture of 3SS-methionine and cysteine. the pattern and Manahan. 1989a. b; Shilling et ai, 1996; Hoegh- on two-dimensional gels showed that the turnover process Guldberg and Emlet, 1997). (protein synthesis and degradation) involved hundreds of The aim of this study is to quantify the energetics of different proteins. The energy gained from loss of protein protein degradation and synthesis (turnover) in a lecithotro- could account for 20% of the protein turnover rates for phic larval form. Protein metabolism was chosen as the trochophore larvae and 79% ofthe lower turnover costs for focus of this study because protein, not lipid. has been late-stage veligers. Lecithotrophic larvae of H. rufescens reported (Jaeckle and Manahan, 1989a) to be the major maintained high biosynthetic activities, with up to 40% of endogenous energy reserve utilized by larvae of Haliotis their whole-body protein being turned over each day. Such rufescens (red abalone), a species with lecithotrophic devel- dynamic processes during development of nonfeeding lar- opment. vae would contribute significantly to maintenance metabo- lism. Materials and Methods Introduction Larval culture Nonfeeding (lecithotrophic) larval forms are widely rep- Adult abalone (Haliotis rufescens) were spawned and resented in the life cycles ofmany marine invertebrate taxa fertilized at acommercial hatchery (Ab Lab, Port Hueneme, (Thorson. 1950; Strathmann, 1978; Pearse, 1994). Never- California). All cultures were started using gametes from 1 male and 2-3 females (different adults were used for each culture). Zygotes and larvae were maintained at 14-15C in Received 28 May 1998: accepted 6 January 1999. *To whom correspondence should he addressed. E-mail: manahan@ unstirred, UV-irradiated seawater that had been passed usc.edu through a 5-jum (pore size) filter; the larvae were reared on 177 178 J. VAVRA AND D. T. MANAHAN 80-/u,m mesh screens. Under these culturing conditions, it took6-8 days forlarvae toreach metamorphic competence, as determined by ability to undergo metamorphosis when Tau induced with 7-aminobutyric acid (GABA). 1 Change in totalprotein M Throughout development, samples (Culture 1. n = 4-5 03 = independent samples; Culture 2, H 3 independent sam- ples) containing 50-75 individuals were taken formeasure- ment ofprotein content (Bradford assay, 1976; as modified H R by Jaeckle and Manahan, 1989a). The rate of protein loss during development was calculated from the linear regres- sion of total protein per individual with time, during the 10 20 30 period from egg to metamorphic competence. Protein con- Elution time (minutes) tent of eggs (day zero) was determined only for Culture I. B Rates ofamino acid transport 20 -i To determine absolute rates ofprotein synthesis, rates of "oo umino acid transport by larvae were measured during the 5.~ 14C-labeling experiments (see Manahan, 1983, for meth- S 15 - ods). All physiological rates were measured at 15 0.1C. o 2 Each transport assay used 5000 larvae in 10 ml of filtered E (pore size0.2 /nm) seawaterto which was added 1 /zCi ml ' if 10 - M of C-(U)-glycine (New England Nuclear; 110 juCi 3= CD /IJLa\msoamrp1l).eTehveerryat2e-3ofmiisno)todpueritnrganaspo1r6t-1w8a-smimneaesxuproesdur(e50o0f 'Cco "SP5 5-02468 larvae to 9 ^M glycine in seawater. _O>, Rules ofprotein synthesis Age (days) A modified radioisotope-labeling protocol, based on that of Fry and Gross ( 1970) for sea urchin embryos, was used rufFeisgceunrse. 1(.A)GlCyhcrionmeatinogtrheamfresehoawmiinngotahceidseppoaorlatoifonlaorvfaeamoifnHoalaicoitdiss to measure absolute rates of protein synthesis in abalone extractedfrom3-day-oldveligerlarvaebyreverse-phasehigh-performance larvae. Our modifications included trace labeling over a liquid chromatography: D, aspartic acid; E, glutamic acid; N, asparagine; short time interval (<18 min) to minimize possible effects S. serine; H.histidine;G.glycine; R.arginine;Tau,taurine;A.alanine; Y. of perturbations, caused by high transport rates of exoge- tyrosine; M, methionine; F, phenylalanine; I, isoleucine; L, leucine; K, nshoourst 1e4Cx-ploasbuerleedalasmoinaovoaicidde,dofthteheifnrteeercaomnivnerosaicoindopfool1.4CA- lisneynstifnreee(1uanmSkiEnnooofwnatchpeiedmaekpsoaonalrs(enutn=hlrao6buefgloherd)el.aarcv(haBl)stCdahgeeva)en.lgToephmeiennettqh.ueaatEimroornournftobraotrfhseglrlyeicpnireneae-r glycine, the tracer used in our measurements, into other regressionispmolglycinelarva"1 = 1.51x + 5.16;where.v = ageindays amino acids (confirmed by analysis with high-performance (r = 0.50; n = 48). liquid chromatgraphy, HPLC). Short experiments also min- imized any effects from protein degradation (i.e., reutiliza- Rates ofprotein synthesis were determined by measuring tion of 14C-labeled amino acids due to protein breakdown). the rate ofincorporation of l4C-glycine intoprotein [defined Glycine was used as the tracer because it is transported at a as the 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA(-insoluble fraction of high rate and is a measurable fraction ofthe free amino acid larval homogenates, shell included]. For measurements pool in larvae ofH. ntfescens (Fig. 1 ). These characteristics from the free amino acid pools, the intracellular contents of allowed for accurate HPLC measurement of the change, larvae were extracted overnight into 707r ethanol. The spe- with time, in the specific activity of glycine in the free cific activity of glycine was then determined with HPLC amino acid pools of larvae (Fig. 2A). Also, glycine in (Welborn and Manahan, 1995) foreach larval stage studied. acid-hydrolyzed, whole-body protein extracts of H. rufe- After detection of fluorescence (i.e., moles of glycine: Fig. scens larvae (Table I) could be measured with HPLC; this 1A, B), post-column samples ofeluent were collected every value is required for calculation ofabsolute rates ofprotein 30 s (LKB fraction collector) and mixed with scintillation synthesis (see below). cocktail to determine the amount of radioactivity in the PROTEIN METABOLISM IN ABALONE LARVAE 179 5- glycine peak. All measurements of radioactivity (as counts per min. CPM) were corrected forquenching and converted tototal disintegrations permin (DPM). By correcting forthe change in the specific activity of glycine in the free amino acid pool (Fig. 2A), the incorporation rate of '4C-glycine cOo I 3' (Fig. 2B) could be converted to the total amount ofglycine incorporated into protein (both I2C- and 14C-glycine). The <<JD O3. value for the incorporation oftotal glycine into protein was Q. co a. then converted to an absolute rate ofprotein synthesis (Fig. 2C) by determining the mole-percent of glycine in larval 0.5J protein and the mole-percent-corrected molecular weight of 12 16 all amino acids in larval protein of H. rufescens (Table I). The components required forthe calculation ofthe absolute rate of protein synthesis are MW _ MW where Jt5 is the rate of protein synthesis, /t is the mole- percent-corrected molecular weight ofamino acids in larval protein, S,,, is the mole-fraction of glycine in protein. Sf, is the amount of radioactivity in protein, and S/M, is the spe- cific activity of glycine in the free amino acid pool, which changed during the time course ofexposure to isotope (Fig. 2A). The above equation was solved foreach sampling time interval during which the incorporation of C-glycine into protein was measured (Fig. 2B|. > lOOOi Patterns ofprotein synthesis For the analysis ofthe electrophoretic patterns ofprotein w .Ic I synthesis, each labeling experiment used 10.000-15,000 cw c^ lmaertvhaieoniinne1/4cymslteionfef(i1lt1er0e0d-1se2a0w0atCeirmwmiot!h"'2.00Ne/uw.CiEnofgl3a5nSd- 600 Nuclear). Non-radiolabeled methionine was added to sea- O 'm water (final concentration of 500 nM) to increase substrate concentration and, hence, transport rates. After a 3-h incu- 400 OQ). 4 8 12 16 bcaetsisoinv,eusneianwcaotreprorwaatesdheissotafotpeerwtahse rlearmvoaveedwewriethpetlhlreeteedsuci-n Time (minutes) 15-ml conical tubes with a hand centrifuge. Protein samples for electrophoresis were prepared by ultrasonicating em- Figure 2. Determination of the absolute rate of protein synthesis in bryos orlarvae in 50 mMTris-HCl at pH 7.2. Samples were 7-day-oId veliger larvae of fialiotis rufescens. (A) Specific activity of intracellular glycine in the free amino acid pool following transport of kept on ice during this process to prevent any rise in '4C-glycine. Each point represents the specific activity determined by temperature. Homogenates were centrifuged to remove lar- high-performance liquid chromatography using fluorescence detection val shell (30 min at 15.000 X g, 4C) priorto electrophore- (moles of glycine) and measuremenl by liquid scintillation counting of sis. The amount of ?5S-methionine/cysteine incorporated radioactivity in the glycine peak collected from the chromatographic into protein was determined by TCA (5%) precipitation of eluent. (B) Radioactivity in the irichloroacetic acid (TCA)-insoluble frac- = tion (protein). (C) Rate of protein synthesis after correcting the TCA- 10-/J.1 aliquots (n 2) ofthe homogenate. Tissue solubilizer msoluble traction for the change in intracellular specific activity of L4C- (0.5 ml. Scintigest. Fisher Co.) was added to these precip- glycine. the mole percent of glycine in protein, and the average mole- itates before the radioactivity was counted. These data were percent corrected molecular weight of amino acids in larval protein required for loading of equal amounts of radioactivity on (Table I). each gel to permit comparisons of different larval stages (see Results). The amount ofprotein loaded on each gel was also determined. 180 J. VAVRA AND D. T. MANAHAN Table I Atninit ticiilcomposition (mole-percent) ojproteins in larvalstages of Haliotis rutescens Age (days after fertilization) Amino acid Mean SEM) ( Glutamic acid & PROTEIN MF.TABOLISM IN ABALONE LARVAH 181 Age (days) Figure 3. Total protein content during development ofHaliotis rufe- scens. Datafromtwoculturesareshown: Culture I (n = 4-5 independent samples perdata point: O) and Culture2 (n = 3 independent samples per datapoint; ). Proteincontentofeggs wasdeterminedonly forCulture 1. Rates ofprotein loss were not statistically different between cultures (see text),andalldatawerecombinedtocalculatetherateofproteinlossduring development: ng protein individual"1 = 21.2.v + 498.6. where.v = age in days (SE ofslope = 3.52. n = 68). Errorbars are 1 SEM. 4). Combining all glycine transport data for both cultures revealed that transport rates were significantly higher at metamorphic competence (based on larvae before and after day 6: /|24| = 2.81. P < 0.005). Table II Protein synthesis andfractional rates ofprotein turnoverduring lamil development ofHaliotis rufescens 182 J. VAVRA AND D. T. MANAHAN O glycine in the proteins of 2- to 8-day-old larvae was 8.0% (0.2 SEM), and this value was used for all calculations of protein synthesis rates. The mole-percent corrected molec- I ular weight of amino acids in larval protein ranged from 1.1 133.7 to 136.8 g amino acid mol~', with a mean value of lO-g<U 100H 135.5 (0.3. SEM) used for all calculations (Table I). O i 02468 Rates ofprotein synthesis tr o a O) Rates ofprotein synthesis decreased during development, from 193 to 49 ng protein synthesized larva" ' day"1 (cal- culated from analysis given in Table II ofdatashown in Fig. Age(days) 5). The decrease was nonlinear and was best described by a menFtiguofreHi5i.lintAibxsroiliufteseccrnasl.esEaocfhprdoatteainposiynntthreespirsesdeunrtisngalraartvealofdepvreoltoepi-n speercolnadr-voard=er3.p7o6lyxn2omia5l4.(0n9an.vog+ra2m4s3.o5f2.prwohteeirnes,yvn=theasgiezeidn synthesisdetermined from theslopeofaseparate time-courseexperiment, days). The fractional rate ofprotein synthesis, expressed as bwiatsheddoenvemluolptimpelnetsawmapslefsit(teads itnoFaig.se2c).onTdh-eorddeecrrepaosleynionmpiraolt:einngsynptrhoteesiins the percentage of total whole-body protein synthesized per synthesizedlarva"1 day"' = 3.76.x2 54.09.v + 243.52, where v = age day. also showed a steady decline through larval develop- in days. ment and decreased from 40% (1-day-old) to 14% (7-day- old) (Table II: comparison oftotal protein content per larva and absolute rate of protein synthesis). Age (days) Age (days) 12357 Std. kDa 1 2 3 5 7 H8SBR r 21 14 A. Coomassie-stained gel B. Autoradiogram showing showing protein classes 35S incoporation into protein Figure 6. One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamidc gel electrophoretic analysis of total suluhk i .>, in larvae of Huliolis rufescens. (A) Coomassie-stained protein pools. (B) Corresponding autorudhr.i.ii, -I proteins labeled with 15S-methionine/cysteine (i.e., newly synthesized proteins). Each lane contains adilt.rein larval stage (day 1. 2, 3. 5, and 7) andequal radioactivity (1 X 10"DPM loadedperlane). Bunds marked P, and P, are high-molecular-weight proteins present at each stage of larval development as shown in the Coomassie-stained gel (A) and are not radiolabeled in the autoradiogram (B). Molecular-weight standards arc represented with markers from 97 to 14 kDa. PROTEIN METABOLISM IN ABALONE LARVAE 183 kDa 97 66 45 31 21 . 14 7.0 4.0 Pi Figure 7. Autoradiogram of proteins in 3-day-old veliger larvae ofHaliotis rufescens labeled with 35S- methionine/cysteine and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Areabounded by the dashed box is displayedinexpandedforminFigure8B. Molecular-weightstandardscorrespondtoCoomassie-stainedgel(not shown) with markersfrom97 to 14 kDa. Isoelectric points(pi)fall withinalinearpH gradient from 7.0to4.0. Patterns ofprotein synthesis The main point illustrated in Figures 7 and 8 is that protein synthesis in these larval forms is not limited to any single At the analytical resolution of one-dimensional gel elec- group (MW or pi) of proteins, but involves many proteins trophoresis, similar patterns of Coomassie-stained proteins and complex patterns. were evident during development (1- to 7-day-old larvae). Two classes of high-molecular-weight protein (Fig. 6A: Discussion labeled as P, and P2 at 121 and 88 kDa, respectively) dominated the Coomassie-stained proteinpool ateach larval Larval stages of Haliotis rufescens lost protein reserves stage analyzed. The patterns ofthe existing pool ofproteins continuously during development (Fig. 3). By day 8, velig- (Fig. 6A: Coomassie-stained proteins) were different than ers that were competent to metamorphose contained 34% those of the newly synthesized proteins (Fig. 6B: autora- less protein than the egg. The average daily loss of protein diogram oflabeled proteins), with nodetectable synthesisof was 21.2 ng protein larva"1 day"1 (average rate of both the two high-molecular-weight protein classes at any larval cultures. Fig. 3). equivalent to 509 juJ day"1 (24.0 kJ g~' stage (note lack of signal in Fig. 6B autoradiogram for P, protein; Gnaiger, 1983). During this period of protein loss, and P2). the absolute rates of protein synthesis decreased fourfold, The patterns of synthesis of individual proteins were from 193 to 49 ng protein synthesized larva"' day"' for compared, using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (Figs. 1-day-old trochophores and 7-day-old veliger larvae, re- 7. 8). for the trochophore stage (1-day-old) and a veliger spectively (Fig. 5; Table II). Note that the rate of protein stage (3-day-old). The two-dimensional separation resolved loss was linear with time (Fig. 3). whereas the decrease in over300proteinsthat were being synthesized in larvae (Fig. the rate of protein synthesis was nonlinear (Fig. 5). The 7). The results of a qualitative analysis (visual absence or relationshipofthese ontogenetic changes in protein loss and presence) are given in Figure 8 to show some of the differ- synthesis was analyzed further by calculating the fractional ent proteins being synthesized by 1- and 3-day-old larvae. rates of protein synthesis during development. When kDa * + TT,T I /* * A* 445c R~l f ' * R2 f T A * i * . \ A A A A A 1 31 R3 4* 21 5.8 4.8 Pi B kDa * Rl A T <^ RP92 ? 31 ' ; ' _: R3 A *' R4 4 21 5.8 4.8 Pi Figure 8, Autoradiograms of two-dimensional separation of "S-labeled proteins in (A) I-day-old tro- chophuiv larvae ;md(B)3-day-oldveligerlarvaeofHaliotisrufescens(seeFig.7fortheentiretwo-dimensional pattern ofpro;.-in synthesisforthe veligerstage). Eachgel was loadedwithequal radioactivity (3 x I0h DPM) andexposed u> X-ray film for8days. Fourdifferentproteinsthat were labeled ineachdevelopmental stage are markedas reference points(R1-R4)forcomparison ofproteins ineach gel. Arrows show proteinssynthesized at one stage but not the other (by visual comparison ofoverlaid autoradiograms oftrochophore and veliger). Orientationofarrows is not intended to indicate greaterorlesseramountsofprotein,just presence orabsence. Molecular-weightstandardscorrespondtoCoomassie-stainedgel (notshown)withmarkersfrom45 to2\ kDa. Isoelectric points (pi) fall within a linear pH gradient from 5.8 to 4.8. 184 PROTKIN METABOLISM IN ABALONE L.ARVAE 185 expressed as the percentage of a larva's total (whole-body) II). The energy gained from the loss ofprotein (24.0 kJ g ') protein content that was synthesized per day. the fractional during development ofH. rufescens was constant at 509 p.} rates ranged from 40% (1-day-old trochophore) to 14% day . Assuming complete oxidation of the protein de- (7-day-old veliger) (Table II). These rates of synthesis rep- pleted, this input of energy from the loss of protein could resent the turnover rates ofwhole-body protein in larvae of account for only 20% (509/2548) of the cost of protein H. rufescens. When there is no net deposition (growth) of turnover in 1-day-old larvae. Obviously, during early devel- total protein, as in the lecithotrophic larvae ofH. rufescens. opment most of the costs of protein turnover have to be the rate of protein synthesis is the measure of the rate of supplied from sources other than protein degradation. How- protein turnover (Waterlow et /., 1978). Protein turnover, ever, later in development (near metamorphosis) when rates the continual breakdown and replacement of cellular pro- of protein turnover decrease, the energy made available teins, is asignificant componentofmaintenance metabolism from protein reserves could account for a large percentage in adult marine invertebrates (Hawkins. 1991). Few data are (79%) of the costs of turnover. available in the literature forrates ofprotein turnoverduring Protein turnover plays a major role in establishing the development of marine invertebrates, making comparisons metabolic rate and physiological state ofanimals (Waterlow with our own data difficult. However. Berg and Merles et til.. 1978: Reeds et al.. 1985; Hawkins, 1991). For leci- (1970) measured a rate of protein turnover in sea urchin thotrophic larval forms, little is known about rates of mac- embryos (Lvtechinux ananiesits at 19C) of 23% day"1, a romolecular synthesis during nonfeeding development. Our value that falls within the range we determined forlarvae of findings with larvae of H. rufescens show that these pro- H. rufescens (149r-40% at 15C, Table II). These synthesis cesses proceed at a high rate and undergo dynamic ontoge- rates in abalone larvae are not limited to a few specific netic changes, with up to 40% of a larva's whole-body proteins. The electrophoretic patterns of protein synthesis protein being turned over per day compared to depletion showed widespread incorporation of 35S-label, indicating a rates ofonly 4%-6%. Ifabalone larvae are typical ofother high synthesis rate of multiple proteins (Figs. 6B. 7. 8). as lecithotrophs. at least in theirbiochemical andphysiological has been found in developing stages of other species of activities, then biosynthetic rates in nonfeeding larval forms marine invertebrates (e.g., sea urchin embryos: Bedard and may be much higher than expected. Brandhorst, 1983). These complex patterns of synthesis show that many proteins are involved with the synthesis side of the turnover process (synthesis and degradation). Acknowledgments The specific proteins that are degraded to provide the pre- cursors for new synthesis have not been identified in this We thank John McMullen and Mike Machuzak ofthe Ab study, but the lack of synthesis of two high-molecular- Lab (Port Hueneme, California) for supplying animals and weight proteins (Fig. 6B: PI and P2 at 88 and 121 kDa. supporting this project. Our thanks also to Nicholas Appel- respectively) suggests that these proteins might be degraded mans for his help in rearing the larvae. This research was to support the new synthesis ofother proteins. Amino acids supported by a grant from NOAA, Office of Sea Grant dissolved in seawater are unlikely to have been a source of (U.S.C. Sea Grant) and by a grant from the Office ofNaval precursors for synthesis in our experiments, because the Research (NOOO14-90-J-1740). very high numbers oflarvae (500 ml"') that we used would have quickly depleted any substrates present at low concen- tration in natural seawater. Literature Cited = larTvhaeeoefnHe.rgryufecsocsetnsofcanprboetecianlctuulrantoevdefror(compsyanrtihseosnisw)itihn Angedre,velKo.pm1e9n96t.anPdhyesairollyogjiucvaelnilaendgrbioowcthhemiincatlhechnaonrtgheesrndusrtionngelcarravbal, the energy made available from the degradation of protein Lithodesmaja (Decapoda: Anomura). Mar. Biol. 126: 283-296. (Fig. 3). The costofprotein synthesis appears tobe constant Bedard. P. A.,and B. P. Brandhorst. 1983. Patternsofproteinsynthe- in different animals and stages ofdevelopment [e.g.. Reeds sis and metabolism during sea urchin embryogenesis. Dev. 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