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MOLECULAR BIOLOGY An International Series of Monographs and Textbooks Editors: BERNARD HORECKER, NATHAN O. KAPLAN, JULIUS MARMUR, AND HAROLD A. SCHERAGA A complete list of titles in this series appears at the end of this volume. P r o t e in F o l d i ng CHARIS GHELIS JEANNINE YON Laboratoire d'Enzymologie Physiocochimique et Moleculaire Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Universite de Paris-Sud Or say, France 1982 ACADEMIC PRESS A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers New York London Paris San Diego San Francisco Sao Paulo Sydney Tokyo Toronto COPYRIGHT © 1982, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Gh£lis, Charis. Protein folding. (Molecular biology series) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Proteins. 2. Biochemorphology. 3. Molecular structure. I· Yon, Jeannine, Date. II. Title. III. Series. QP551.G48 547.7*5 82-6830 ISBN 0-12-281520-3 AACR2 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 82 83 84 85 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface The objective of this book is to reassemble the most important informa­ tion in the field of protein folding and to understand, from the amount of experimental data now available, the main principles that govern forma­ tion of the three-dimensional structure of a protein from a nascent poly­ peptide chain, and how the functional properties appear. The interest in this field has increased considerably over the years and information has reached a level that may allow certain generalizations. A corollary difficulty is encountered: New pieces of information are appear­ ing continually, giving us the uncomfortable impression of progressing on shifting sand, but also the exciting feeling of moving in an important area of interest. The problem of protein folding has been questioned for a long time. Before World War II Anson and Mirsky (1934, 1935), having shown the reversibility of the denaturation process in the case of hemoglobin, eluci­ dated some of its characteristics. These first studies were followed by many works on protein denaturation. Progressively, the increased knowl­ edge on protein structure allowed more precise and more significant work. One of the most important and stimulating contributions of modern biochemistry is undoubtedly the elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of biological macro molecules. Certainly, the increasing number of protein structures obtained by high resolution X-ray crystallography represents important information to understand the mechanisms of pro­ tein folding and the genesis of a biological function. The book is divided into three parts, which follow an introduc­ tory chapter where the main problems of protein folding are pre­ sented and discussed at the cellular level. The conformation of native globular proteins is described in Part I. Definitions and rules of nomencla­ ture are given in Chapter 2, including characteristics of structural organi- xi xii Preface zation of globular proteins deduced from X-ray crystallographic data. Folding mechanisms were tentatively deduced from the observation of invariants in the architecture of folded proteins. Energetics of protein structure indicating principles of thermodynamic stability of the native structure are found in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, theoretical computation studies of protein folding, structure prediction, and folding simulation are rapidly reviewed. Part II is a presentation of various experimental approaches. Revers­ ibility of the unfolding-folding process is discussed in Chapter 5. Chapters 6 and 7 contain equilibrium studies and kinetic studies, respectively. The different ways used to detect and characterize intermediates in protein folding are reported in Chapter 8, omitting immunochemical approaches which are analyzed in a separate chapter (Chapter 9). Folding and assem­ bly of smaller units into a protein are examined in Chapter 10, and Chap­ ter 11 treats problems specific to oligomeric proteins. Some generaliza­ tions are made in the last chapter which is certainly not an exhaustive review, but contains information that seemed to us to be most significant. This book was written for research scientists to contain in a unique volume information scattered throughout the literature. It was planned as an advanced survey on protein folding, not only for specialists but for biochemists in general. It was also written for students of biochemistry and biology, to present more advanced knowledge in protein structure and folding and to propose some basis for discussion. And last, as said in the Tao Te King, "The man who speaks does not know, the man who knows does not speak"; we can add, "The man who writes, tries to understand." We welcome comments from the readers to know if this goal has been reached. Char is Ghelis Jeannine Yon Ac knowle dgme η t s It is a pleasure to acknowledge Dr. George Nemethy for his help and advice during preparation of this book and for carefully reading and criti­ cizing the complete manuscript. We sincerely thank Drs. S. Bernhard, E. Bricas, J-R Garel, M. Goldberg, G. Herve, J. Janin, M. Karplus, J-C. Patte, D. Perahia, M. Rossmann, and A. Shechter for reading and discus­ sing separate chapters or for stimulating discussions during preparation of the manuscript. We also thank for very helpful suggestions and discus­ sions Drs. R. L. Baldwin and M. Karplus. We are indebted to Drs. N. Kellershohn and D. Verge, and also to M. Desmadril, M. Laurent, and M. Tempete-Gaillourdet for their help in carefully reading particular chapters. We want to acknowledge all the authors who sent us original figures, documents and preprints of their manuscripts. We are indebted to Mrs. Barthelemy and Mrs. Lavorel for typing and retyping the manuscript, Mrs. Clais for providing documentation and for their help during the material preparation of the manuscript. xiii Introduction: Cellular Environment and Significance of Folding Processes Dans le processus de structuration d'une proteine globulaire, on peut voir a la fois Fimage microscopique et la source du developpement epigenetique autonome de l'organisme lui-meme. J. Monod, "Le Hasard et La Necessite" 1 1 Folding and Processing: The Last Events in Protein Biosynthesis 1.1 EVOLUTION OF THE MAIN CONCEPTS OF PROTEIN FOLDING With reference to the tremendous progress in molecular biology this last decade, it might seem that all mechanisms by which genetic information is transmitted have been elucidated. It might also appear that all events involved in the formation of a biologically active protein are well known. In fact, only duplication, transcription, and translation processes which contribute to the formation of a linear polypeptide chain with a known sequence of amino acids are rather well understood. But posttranslational (or cotrans- lational) events, i.e., the ones that generate globular structure and biological function, are not yet fully elucidated. It is possible to distinguish two different kinds of events: (a) Covalent processes including limited proteolysis and chemical modifications such as glycosylation, phosphorylation, hydroxylation, lipidation, methylation, ADP-ribosylation, and so on; (b) Noncovalent processes such as polypeptide chain folding and subunit assembly. Figure 1.1 summarizes the different events possibly involved in producing an active protein. They are of importance in generating functional prop­ erties of proteins, recognition of specific ligands, catalysis, active transport, 3 4 Introduction REPLICATION TRANSCRIPTION TRANSLATION Fig. 1.1. Posttranslational and cotranslational processes. and hormonal action. Furthermore, the biological function of a protein appears in specific loci in cells and higher organisms, thus allowing very precise and subtle regulations which insure the preservation and function of living organisms. This chapter is an introduction to the main problems of protein folding. The term protein folding includes all the events occurring from translation to formation of the functional structure of a protein molecule. These prob­ lems must be considered at the cellular level taking into account the particular environment, the effect of compartmentalization, (Palade, 1975), the sequence 1. Folding and Processing 5 of the different processes, with reference to their biological meaning, and the regulatory processes by which functional structure takes place. However, because of the difficulties encountered when attempting to study protein folding accurately under cellular conditions, it is necessary to shift from the cellular to the molecular aspect of these problems. Until now, mechanisms of protein folding were studied on molecules isolated from their biological environment. A rapid historical survey of the evolution of the main concepts is presented. The processes involved in the formation of the "native structure" of proteins were questioned for a long time before the mechanism of protein biosynthesis was known, and before the three dimensional structure and even the primary structure of proteins were determined. With increasing knowledge in both fields, protein structure and protein biosynthesis, questions concerning protein folding can be asked more precisely. More significant experimental approaches of the problem can now be attempted. Considering the frequency and importance of the papers which appeared in the literature on this topic, one notes three maxima with a periodicity of about 20 years, approximately located around 1935,1955, and 1975. Indeed, with a certain lag, each of these periods corresponds to a specific discovery. The first significant works appeared around 1935 with the analysis of the denaturation process by Wu (1931), with the experiments of Anson and Mirsky (1934a,b 1935), and those of Northrop (1932). These first works clearly outlined the correlation between the biological activity of a protein and the so called "native structure," defined not only by the activity but also by some physical characteristics (solubility, ability to crystallize, hydro- dynamic properties), and later by chemical properties. In fact, very little was known at this time about proteins. This period was principally marked by success in protein crystallization; one has to remember that such an event ended the old arguments of vitalists concerning the mysterious nature of enzymes. The decrease of solubility and the loss of activity were the first parameters used as conformational probes at the beginning of the work on protein denaturation. Thus, the first studies on denaturation remained only qualitative approaches. However, at this period the reversibility of the denaturation-renaturation process was clearly shown but only for few proteins, hemoglobin, chymotrypsinogen, trypsinogen. This represents the first important fact concerning the understanding of protein folding. In the next 20 years, tremendous progress was made in the study of the physical chemistry of macromolecules and the application of new meth­ odology to the study of protein conformation was extensively developed. A better resolution of optical techniques (UV spectroscopy, spectropolari- metry, etc.) allowed their utilization in following conformational changes of

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