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Preface DNA binding proteins are involved in a number of basic cellular pro- cesses including transcription, DNA replication, transposition, restric- tion, recombination, and DNA repair. The chapters in this volume cover a number of important methods, some old and some new, that are now widely used in the study of DNA binding proteins. These include purifica- tion and protein characterization, assays of protein-DNA binding and protein-induced DNA bending which can be used in vitro and in vivo, and biochemical and genetic methods for probing the structure, energy, and specificity of protein-DNA interactions. Previous volumes of this series that contain related methods include 65, 100, 130, 154, 155, and 170. TREBOR T. REUAS iiix Contributors to Volume 208 Article numbers are ni parentheses following the names of contributors. Affiliations listed are current. REHPOTSIRHC R. AIKEN (21), Infectious DRAHCIR R. SSEGRUB (1), McArdle Labora- Diseases Laboratory, ehT Salk Institute, tory for Cancer Research, University of San Diego, California 68129 Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin BRUCE M. ALBERTS (3), Department of 60735 Biochemistry and Biophysics, University JANNETTE CAREY (8), Department of of California, San Francisco, San Fran- Chemistry, Princeton University, Prince- cisco, California 34149 ton, New Jersey 44580 KCAJ BARRY (3), Department of Biochemis- SIMETRA E. CHAKERIAN (23), Department try and Biophysics, University of Cali- of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Rice fornia, San Francisco, San Francisco, University, Houston, Texas 15277 California 34149 GNOH-GN1HC B. CHEN (20), Department of YMEREJ M. BERG (4), Department of Bio- Biological Chemistry and Department "fft physics and Biophysical Chemistry, ehT Chemistry and Biochemistry and Molec- Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, ular Biology Institute, University of -ilaC Maryland 50212 fornia, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia 42009 JAMES U. BOWIE (27, 29), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University DONALD M. SREHTORC (9), Department ~ff¢ of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven. California 42009 Connecticut 11560 RICHARD M. BREYER (27), Laboratoire PETER B. DERVAN (24), Arnold and Mable d'lmmuno-Pharmacologie Moleculaire, Beckman Laboratories of Chemical Syn- Institut Cochin de Genetique Molecu- thesis, California Institute of Technology, laire, Paris, France Pasadena, California 52119 SAMOHT W. BRUC1E (20), Department of WENDY J. DIXON (19), Department of Biol- Biological Chemistry and Department of ogy, The Johns Hopkins University, Balti- Chemistry and Biochemistry and Molec- more, Maryland 81212 ular Biology Institute, University of -ilaC MARK DODSON (11), Department of -DiB fornia, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cali- chemistry, Stanford University School cff fornia 42009 Medicine, Stanford, California 50349 HENRI CUB (14), Unitg de Physicochimie BETH A. IKSORaMOD (19), Center for Medi- des Macromoldcules Biologiques, Institut cal Genetics, The Johns Hopkins Medical Pasteur, 75724 Paris Cedex ,51 France Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland 50212 MLOCLAM BUCKLE (14), Unitd de Physico- DRAHCIR n. EBRIGHT (30), Department chimie des Macromoldcules Biologiques, of Chemistry and Waksman Institute, lnstitut Pasteur, 75724 Paris Cedex ,51 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New France Jersey 55880 WLODZIMIERZ BUJALOWSKI (15), Depart- NOSIRRAH ECHOLS (11), Department of ment of Human Biological Chemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Genetics, University of Texas Medical California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California Branch, Galveston, Texas 05577 02749 ix X CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 208 HTEBASILE M. EVERTSZ (13), Institute of YERFFEJ J. HAYES (19), Laboratory of Molecular Biology, and Departments of Molecular Biology, National Institutes of Chemistry and Biology, University of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 29802 Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 30479 GNAGFLOW HILLEN (5, 18), lnstitut ffir MATTHEW A. FISHER (16), Department of Mikrobiolgie und Biochemie, Friedrich- Chemistry, Randolph-Macon College, Alexander Universitiit Erlangen-Nfirn- Ashland, Virginia 23005 berg, D-8520 Erlangen, Germany TIM ASOMROF (3), Department of Biochem- ANN DLIHCSHCOH (17), Department of Mi- istry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, crobiology and Molecular Genetics, Har- ha~U 84132 vard Medical School, Boston, Massachu- ERDNAXELA FRITSCH (14), Unit( de Phy- setts 51120 sicochimie des Macromol~cules Biologi- JOEL W. HTIMSNEKCOH (13), Department ques, lnstitut Pasteur, 75724 Paris Cedex of Biochemistry, University of Virginia ,51 France School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Vir- HPESOJ A. GARDNER (23), Department of ginia 22908 Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Rice Uni- SEMAJ C. Hu (27), Department of Biology, versity, Houston, Texas 15277 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MARC R. GREBNETRAG (9), Department of Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Har- ANDRZEJ JOACHIMIAK (7), Department of vard University, Cambridge, Massachu- Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, setts 02138 Yale University, New Haven, Connecti- SENNAHOJ NNAMLESIEG (14), Unit~ de Phy- cut 11560 sicochimie des Macromol~cules Biologi- ques, Institut Pasteur, 75724 Paris Cedex SEMAJ T. AGANODAK (2), Department of Bi- ology and Center for Molecular Genet- ,51 France ics, University of California, San Diego, YMA L. GIaSON (31), Department of Biolog- La Jolla, California 39029 ical Chemistry, The University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 LEHCAR E. KLEVIT (6), Department of Bio- chemistry, University of Washington, NEHPETS P. GOFF (28), Department of Bio- Seattle, Washington 59189 chemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Co- lumbia University College of Physicians KENDALL L. KNIGHT (27), Department of and Surgeons, New York, New York Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 23001 University of Massachusetts Medical YAJ D. GRALLA (10), Department of Chem- Center, Worcester, Massachusetts 55610 istry and Biochemistry, and the Molecular WILLIAM H. GREBSGINOK (25), Department Biology Institute, University of Califor- of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemis- nia, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California try, Yale University School of Medicine, 42009 New Haven, Connecticut 06510 JACK GREENBLATT (3), Banting and Best WILLIAM L. KUBASEK (13), Department of Department of Medical Research, Uni- Molecular Biology, Massachusetts Gen- versity of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, eral Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Canada 41120 DRAHCIR I. GUMPORT (21), Department of MICHIO D. ARABAWUK (20), Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, Col- Biological Chemistry and Department of lege of Medicine, Urbana, Illinois 10816 Chemistry and Biochemistry and Molec- JEUNG-HoI HA (16), Department of Bio- ular Biology Institute, University of Cali- chemistry, University of Wisconsin-- fornia, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cali- Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 60735 fornia 42009 CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 208 xi ARTHUR D. LANDER (12), Department of JOHN F. REIDHAAR-OLsoN (27), Depart- Biology and Department of Brain and ment of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts In- University of California, San Francisco, stitute of Technology, Cambridge, San Francisco, California 34149 Massachusetts 02139 LACSAP ROUX (14), Unitd de Physicochimie JUDITH R. LEVIN (19), Department of des Macromoldcules Biologiques, lnstitut Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins Univer- Pasteur, 75724 Paris Cedex ,51 France sity, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 SELINA SASSE-DWIGHT (10), Department of WENDELL A. LIM (12, 27), Department of Genetics, Star, ford University School Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- of Medicine, Stanford, California 50349 nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 ROaERT T. SAUER (12, 27, 29), Department YHTOMIT M, LOHMAN (15), Department of of Biology, Massachusetts Institute ~f Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Washington University School of Medi- 93120 cine, St. Louis, Missouri 01136 KEVIN R. REKAMEOHS (27), Department of NEELHTAK S. MATTHEWS (23), Department Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Rice nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 University, Houston, Texas 15277 SAMOHT E. REDARHS (9), Department of Bi- ESINED L. MERKLE (4), Department of ology, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Chemistry, University of Florida, Gaines- nology, CamOridge, Massachusetts 93120 ville, Florida 11623 PAUL B. SIGLER (7), Department of Molecu- JEFFREY H. MILLER (26), Department of lar Biophysics and Biochemistry, Howard Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Hughes Medical Institute, Yale Univer- and the Molecular Biology Institute, Uni- sity, New Haven, Connecticut 11560 versity of California, Los Angeles, Los DAVID S. SIGMAN (20), Department of Bio- Angeles, California 42009 logical Chemistry, Molecular Biology LEAHCIM C. MOSSING (27, 29), Department Institute, University of California, Los of Biological Sciences, University of Angeles, Los Angeles, California 42009 Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana 46556 YRAG D. OMROTS (22), Department of Mo- DALE L. OXENDER (31), Department of lecular, Cellular and Developmental Biol- Biotechnology, Park-Davis Research Di- ogy, University of Colorado, Boulder, vision of Warner-Lambert, Ann Arbor, Colorado 80309 Michigan 48106 KARLHEINZ TOVAR (5), lnstitut fiir Mikro- GRACE PARRAGA (6), Department of Bio- biologie und Biochemie, Friedrich-Alex- chemistry, Biocenter of the University of ander Universitiit Erlangen-Niirnberg, D- Basel, Basel CH-4056, Switzerland 6382 Erlangen, Germany DAWN A. PARSELL (27), Howard Hughes SAMOHT D. TULLIUS (19), Department of Medical Institute, University of Chicago, Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins Univer- Chicago, Illinois 60637 sity, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 AKAYANIV R, PRASAD (28), Department of PETER H. NOY HIPPEL (13), Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Albert Molecular Biology, and Departments of Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New Chemistry and Biology, University of York 16401 Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 30479 M. THOMAS RECORD, JR. (16), Department WILLIAM R. VORACHEK (13), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univer- of Biochemistry, University of Virginia sity of Wisconsin--Madison, Madison, School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Vir- Wisconsin 53706 ginia 22908 xii CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 208 TERAGRAM F. WEIDNER (19), Seattle, Yale University School of Medicine, New Washington 90189 Haven, Connecticut 06510 HTENNEK R. WILLIAMS (25), Howard ANDREAS WISSMANN (18), BASF Biore- Hughes Medical Institute, Department of search Corp., Cambridge, Massachusetts Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, 93120 METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY VOLUME I. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK DNA NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME II. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK DNA NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME III. Preparation and Assay of Substrates Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK DNA NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME IV. Special Techniques for the Enzymologist Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK DNA NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME V. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK DNA NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME VI. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes (Continued) Preparation and Assay of Substrates Special Techniques Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK DNA NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME VII. Cumulative Subject Index Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK DNA NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME VIII. Complex Carbohydrates Edited by ELIZABETH F. NEUFELD DNA VICTOR GRUBSNIG VOLUME IX. Carbohydrate Metabolism Edited by WILLIS A. WOOD VOLUME X. Oxidation and Phosphorylation Edited by RONALD W. KOORBATSE DNA MAYNARD E. PULLMAN VOLUME XI. Enzyme Structure Edited by C. H. W. HIRS VOLUME XII. Nucleic Acids (Parts A and B) Edited by LAWRENCE NAMSSORG DNA KIVIE EVADLOM xv xvi METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY VOLUME XlII. Citric Acid Cycle Edited by J. M. LOWENSTEIN VOLUME XIV. Lipids Edited by J. M. LOWENSTEIN VOLUME XV. Steroids and Terpenoids Edited by RAYMOND B. NOTYALC VOLUME XVI. Fast Reactions Edited yb KENNETH KUSTIN VOLUME XVII. Metabolism of Amino Acids and Amines (Parts A and B) Edited by HERBERT TABOR DNA CELIA WHITE ROBAT VOLUME XVIII. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Parts A, B, and C) Edited yb DONALD B. MCCORMICK DNA LEMUEL D. WRIGHT VOLUME XIX. Proteolytic Enzymes Edited by GERTRUDE E. PERLMANN DNA LASZLO LORAND VOLUME XX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part C) Edited by KIVIE MOLDAVE DNA LAWRENCE NAMSSORG VOLUME XXI. Nucleic Acids (Part D) Edited by LAWRENCE NAMSSORG DNA KIVIE EVADLOM VOLUME XXlI. Enzyme Purification and Related Techniques Edited by WILLIAM B. YBOKAJ VOLUME XXIII. Photosynthesis (Part A) Edited by ANTHONY NAS PIETRO VOLUME XXIV. Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation (Part B) Edited by ANTHONY NAS PIETRO VOLUME XXV. Enzyme Structure (Part B) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS DNA SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME XXVI. Enzyme Structure (Part C) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS DNA SERGE N. TIMASHEFF xvii METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EMULOV XXVII. Enzyme Structure (Part D) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS DNA EGRES N. FFEHSAMIT EMULOV XXVIII. Complex Carbohydrates (Part B) Edited by ROTCIV GRUBSNIG EMULOV XXIX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part E) Edited yb ECNERWAL NAMSSORG DNA KIVIE EVADLOM EMULOV XXX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part F) Edited by KIVIE EVADLOM DNA ECNERWAL NAMSSORG EMULOV XXXI. Biomembranes (Part A) Edited by SIDNEY REHCSIELF DNA LESTER REKCAP EMULOV XXXII. Biomembranes (Part B) Edited by SIDNEY REHCSIELF DNA LESTER REKCAP EMULOV XXXIII. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes I-XXX Edited by AHTRAM G. DENNIS DNA DRAWDE A. SINNED EMULOV XXXIV. Affinity Techniques (Enzyme Purification: Part B) Edited by MAILL1W B. YBOKAJ DNA MEIR KEHCLIW EMULOV XXXV. Lipids (Part B) Edited by JOHN M. NIETSNEWOL EMULOV XXXVI. Hormone Action (Part A: Steroid Hormones) Edited by BERT W. O'MALLEY DNA JOEL G. NAMDRAH EMULOV XXXVII. Hormone Action (Part B: Peptide Hormones) Edited yb BERT W. O'MALLEY DNA JOEL G. NAMDRAH EMULOV XXXVIII. Hormone Action (Part C: Cyclic Nucleotides) Edited yb JOEL G. NAMDRAH DNA BERT W. O'MALLEY EMULOV XXXIX. Hormone Action (Part D: Isolated Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems) Edited by JOEL G. NAMDRAH DNA BERT W. O'MALLEY EMULOV XL. Hormone Action (Part E: Nuclear Structure and Function) Edited yb BERT W. O'MALLEY DNA JOEL G. NAMDRAH xviii METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY VOLUME XLI. Carbohydrate Metabolism (Part )B Edited by W. A. WOOD VOLUME XLII. Carbohydrate Metabolism (Part )C Edited by W. A. ;WOOD VOLUME XLIII. Antibiotics Edited by JOHN H. HASH VOLUME XLIV. Immobilized Enzymes Edited by KLAUS HCABSOM VOLUME XLV. Proteolytic Enzymes (Part B) Edited by LASZLO LORAND VOLUME XLVI. Affinity Labeling Edited by WILLIAM B. JAKOBY DNA MEIR WILCHEK VOLUME XLVII. Enzyme Structure (Part E) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS DNA SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME XLVIII. Enzyme Structure (Part F) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS DNA SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME XLIX. Enzyme Structure (Part G) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS DNA SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME L. Complex Carbohydrates (Part C) Edited by VICTOR GINSBURG VOLUME LI. Purine and Pyrimidine Nucleotide Metabolism Edited by PATRICIA A. HOFFEE DNA MARY ELLEN JONES VOLUME LII. Biomembranes (Part C: Biological Oxidations) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER DNA LESTER REKCAP VOLUME LIII. Biomembranes (Part D: Biological Oxidations) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER DNA LESTER REKCAP VOLUME LIV. Biomembranes (Part E: Biological Oxidations) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER DNA LESTER REKCAP xix METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY EMULOV LV. Biomembranes (Part F: Bioenergetics) Edited by SIDNEY REHCSIELF DNA LESTER REKCAP EMULOV LVI. Biomembranes (Part G: Bioenergetics) Edited by SIDNEY REHCSIELF DNA LESTER REKCAP EMULOV LVII. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Edited by ENELRAM A. DELUCA EMULOV LVIII. Cell Culture Edited by WILLIAM B. YBOKAJ DNA ARI NATSAP EMULOV LIX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part G) Edited by KIVIE EVADLOM DNA ECNERWAL NAMSSORG EMULOV LX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part H) Edited by KIVIE EVADLOM DNA ECNERWAL NAMSSORG EMULOV 61. Enzyme Structure (Part H) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS DNA EGRES N. FFEHSAMIT EMULOV 62. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part )D Edited by DLANOD B. KCIMROCCM DNA LEMUEL D. THGIRW EMULOV 63. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism (Part A: Initial Rate and Inhibitor Methods) Edited by DANIEL L. HCIRUP EMULOV 64. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism (Part B: Isotopic Probes and Complex Enzyme Systems) Edited by DANIEL L. HCIRUP EMULOV 65. Nucleic Acids (Part I) Edited by ECNERWAL NAMSSORG DNA KIVIE EVADLOM EMULOV 66. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part E) Edited by DLANOD B. KCIMROCCM DNA LEMUEL D. THGIRW EMULOV 67. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part F) Edited by DLANOD B. KCIMROCCM DNA LEMUEL D. THGIRW

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