Protecting infrastructure networks from cost-based attacks Xingang Wang,1,2,3,∗ Shuguang Guan,2,3 and Choy Heng Lai4,3 1InstituteforFusionTheory and Simulation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China310027 2Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore, 117508, Singapore 3Beijing-Hong Kong-Singapore Joint Centre forNonlinear &ComplexSystems(Singapore), National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, 119260, Singapore 4Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117542 (Dated:January5,2009) Ithasbeenknownthatheterogeneousnetworksarevulnerabletotheintentionalremovalofasmallfraction ofhighlyconnectedorloadednodes,whichimpliesthat,toprotectanetworkeffectively,afewimportantnodes shouldbeallocatedwithmoredefenseresourcesthantheothers. However,iftoomanyresourcesareallocated tothefew important nodes, the numerous less-important nodes will beless protected, which, when attacked alltogether, stillcapable of causing adevastating damage. A natural question thereforeishow toefficiently 9 distributethelimiteddefenseresourcesamongthenetworknodessuchthatthenetworkdamageisminimized 0 whateverattackstrategytheattackermaytake. Inthispaper,takingintoaccountthefactorofattackcost,we 0 will revisit the problem of network security and search for efficient network defense against the cost-based 2 attacks. Thestudy showsthat, forageneral complex network, therewillexist anoptimal distributionof the n defenseresources,withwhichthenetworkiswellprotectedfromcost-basedattacks. Furthermore,itisfound a thattheconfigurationoftheoptimaldefenseisdependentonthenetworkparameters.Specifically,networkthat J hasalargersize,sparserconnectionandmoreheterogeneousstructurewillbemorebenefitedfromthedefense 4 optimization. ] PACSnumbers:89.75.-k,89.20.Hh,05.10.-a I N . Introduction. – Modern human societies very much de- Problemformulation. –WhilethefragilityofSFNtoin- s c pendontheefficientfunctioningandstableoperationofcom- tentional node removal has been well addressed, so far the [ plex infrastructure networks [1]. Typical examples are elec- studies have been concentratingon only the case of “techni- 1 tricalpowergrids,telecommunicationnetworks,theInternet, cal” failures, instead of the real attacks. More specifically, v and many transportation systems such as road, railway, and the previous studies are interested in comparing the extents 9 airline networks. A significantand commonfeatureof these of the network damage caused by different implementations 4 networksisthattheyallpossesstheheterogeneousdegreedis- ofattacks,whileneglectingthecostrequiredindoingso. Ina 3 tribution, i.e. theyare scale-freenetworks(SFN) [2]. While practicalsituationofnetworksecurity,theattackerandthede- 0 theadoptionofSFNstructurecouldimprovethenetworkper- fenderarejustthetwosidesofthegame. Theirpurposesare . 1 formancesignificantly,e.g. ashorteraveragenetworkdiame- thesameinasense, i.e.,tomaximizethegainswiththelim- 0 ter, italso causesomeproblemstothenetworksecurity. For itedresources. Thedefender,knowingtheimportantrolesof 9 instance, it has been shown that the connectivity of a SFN the large-degreenodes, of course will allocate more defense 0 could be largely damaged if a small fraction of the large- resources to them; and the attacker, while desiring to attack : v degreenodesareintentionallyremoved;incontrast,ifthere- thelarge-degreenodes,hastoscrupleaboutthehighercostin Xi movalismadetothesmall-degreenodes,thenetworkdamage doingso. Thusin a realattack, the attackerwill balancebe- will be very limited [3]. The robust-yet-fragile property of tweenthenetworkdamageandtheattackcost,andsearchfor r a SFN is moreevidentwhentheintrinsicdynamicsofthenet- an effectiveattack. For example, by the cost of attackingan workflowistakenintoaccount[4]. Thishasbeenshownbya important and well-protected node, the attacker may turn to modelofcascadenetworkinRef. [5],whereitisfoundthat, attackinganumberofnon-importantandless-protectednodes duetotheexistenceoftheflowdynamics,theremovalofeven alltogether,whilethelattermaygeneratethelargerdamage. a single node could trigger such a large-scale avalanche that So,beforetakinganaction,theattackerwilldosomeanalysis onlyasmallportionofthenodessurvivefromthecascading tothenetworksecurity,soastofindthesecurityweakpoint. failures. Sincepracticalnetworkstypicallycarryflows, their securities against cascading failures thus are of great impor- Toanalyzethenetworksecurity,theattackusuallywillde- tance,andhavedrawnmanyattentionsinthepastyears. The signa seriesofvirtualattacksbasedonsomeofthenetwork topics had been touchedinclude: Model design [6], damage information,e.g. the networkstructure and the defense con- estimation[7],dynamicscharacterization[8],capacityalloca- figuration,andthenevaluatethepossibledamagescausedby tion [9], topologydependence[10], and cascade controland the attacks. After a comparison of the damages, the attack defensestrategies[11]. will figure out the most damaging attack and put it into ac- tion. Generally,thevirtualattacksaredesignedaccordingto twostrategies: (1)Concentratingalltheefforttoattackafew important and well-protected nodes; and (2) distributing the ∗Correspondingauthor.Emailaddress:[email protected] efforttoanumberofnon-importantandless-protectednodes. Wecalltheformerconcentratedattack(CA)strategy,andthe 2 latterdistributedattack(DA)strategy. Itisstraightforwardto necessary to make a few assumptions. Firstly, it is assumed seethat,ifthenodesareequallyprotected,thenetworkwillbe thatthedefenseresourceshavethefollowingpower-lawdis- vulnerableto CA; in contrast, if toomanydefense resources tribution, areallocatedtotheimportantnodes,thenetworkwillbevul- nerabletoDA.Nowachallengefacedbythedefenderis:How p =R×Cβ/C(β), (1) i i tooptimizethenetworkdefensesothatthenetworkdamageis minimizedwhateverattackstrategytheattackermaytake? where R is the total defense of the network, and C(β) = Theproblemofcost-basedattackscanbeformulatedasfol- P Cβ isanormalizingfactorwhichisdependentofthepa- i i lows. Let P = {pi,i = 1,...,N}be the existingdefenseof rameterβ. Withoutlossofgenerality,herewesetR=C(β = aninfrastructurenetworkconsistingofN nodes.Thedefense 1),i.e. thenetworkdefenseequalsthenetworkcapacity.Sec- resourcesallocatedtonodeiispi. Sothetotalamountofthe ondly,itisassumedthatthecostforremovinganodeisequiv- networkdefenseisR=PN p . Inthecurrentstudy,weas- alenttothenodedefense,i.e.,a = p . Finally,itisassumed i=1 i i i sumethattheattackerhasthefullknowledgeofthenetwork, that the network damage relies on only the removed nodes. including the network topology, the flow dynamics, and the Inthecurrentstudy,thenetworkdamageismeasuredbytwo defensedistribution(thegeneralcasewillbediscussedlater). quantities: (1) The size of the largest component in the re- Basedontheseinformation,theattackerwillschemeoutase- mainingnetwork,G,and(2)thetotalcapacityoftheremoved eriiethseorfthveirtCuAaloatrtaDcAks,stAranteg=y.{Iann,tjh,eja=ttac1k,.A..,nN, N′}′,obuasteodfoNn naroedmesa,dBe=forPonMl=ly1tbhle. Iptuirspeomsephoafsiilzluesdtrtahtaitonth.eIsneraesaslumappptliiocnas- nodes in the network will be selected as the targets, and the tions, they should be redefined accordinglyto the real prob- costforremovingtargetj isdenotedbyan,j. Thetotalattack lems. Thekeyparameterin thismodelthereforeisβ, which costofA thereforeisE =PN′ a =E,whichisiden- givesthedistributionofthedefenseresources. Whenβ ≪ 0, n n j=1 n,j ticalforalltheattackspointingtothedefenseP. Ingeneral, theimportant(high-load)nodeswillbenotallocatedwiththe we haveE ≪ R. ThenetworkdamagecausedbyA isde- sufficientresources,makingthenetworkvulnerabletoCA.In n notedby D = {b ,l = 1,...,M}, where{l} is the set of contrast,ifβ ≫0,theimportantnodeswillbeoverprotected, n n,l thefailednodesduetotheattackA ,andb istheamountof makingthenetworkvulnerabletoDA.So,toprotectthenet- n n,l networkdamageduetothefailureofl.Thenthetotalnetwork workfromcost-basedattacksefficiently,thevalueofβshould damage caused by A can be quantified: B = PM b . beproperlyset. n n l=1 n,l Evaluating the damage of each of the virtual attacks, finally We next describe the method used in our analysis of the theattackerwillidentifythemostdevastatingattack. networksecurity. Noticingthefactthatthevirtualattacksare Theoptimaldefenseisdefinedasfollows.Ifthedefensere- divided into two classes, CA and DA, the network security thus can be evaluated by considering the two representative sourcesaredistributedinsuchawaythatallthevirtualattacks generatethesameamountofnetworkdamage,thenthisdistri- attacks. ForCA, we willchooseto attackthe singlenodeof thelargestcapacity(highestprotection)inthenetwork;while butionofdefenseresourcesiscalledtheoptimaldefense,and thenetworkisregardedassecuretocost-basedattacks. Oth- forDA,with thesameamountofattackcost,wewillchoose erwise, if there is difference between the network damages, to attack a group of nodes of the smallest capacity (lowest thedistributionwillbeconsideredasnotoptimalandthenet- protection). Specifically,ifnodesarerankedbyanascending workisregardedasvulnerabletocost-basedattacks. Putting orderofthenodecapacity,i.e. C1 < C2 < ... < CN, then alternatively, if by changing the attack strategy the attacker in CA only node N is attacked, while in DA nodes from 1 can increase the network damage, the network is considered to N′ will be attacked all together. Here N′ is a number to asnotsecurelyprotected. be determined by the relation PN′ a ≤ a . Please note i=1 i N Themodel. –Weimplementtheaboveideaofnetworkse- thatina realsituationitispossiblethatthemostdevastating curitybya modelofcascadenetwork[5] (thegeneralization attackisneitheroftheaboverepresentativeattacks. However, totheothermodelsarestraightforward[3]). LetL (0)bethe suchadevastatingattack,ifexists,willbeverydependenton i transmission load (betweenness centrality) of node i, which thenetworkparticulars,andshouldbealwaystreatedcaseby accountsforthetotalnumberofshortestpathspassingthough case[13]. i in the original network [12]. Define the node capacity as Numerical results. – To simulate the cost-based attacks, C = (1+α)L (0),whichstipulatesthemaximumloadthat firstlywegenerateaSFNbythemodelproposedinRef. [2]. i i node i can handle. α > 0 is the tolerance parameter. Once The network consists of N = 3000 nodes and has average a node is attacked, it will be removedoutfrom the network, degreehki = 4. Thedegreedistributionfollowsapower-law togetherwiththelinksthatassociatetoit. Becauseofnodere- scaling P(k) ∼ kγ, with γ = −3. Secondly, we calculate moval,theshortestpathesofthenetworkwillberedistributed thetransmissionloadofeachnodeand,accordingtothevalue and, consequently, the load of the remaining nodes will be of α, calculate the node capacity. For illustration, here we updated. In this process, any node which is overloaded, i.e. set α = 0.3. Then we can obtain the total defense of the L (t) > C ,willberemovedoutfromthenetwork. Thenew networkR,whichinourmodelissettobethetotalnetwork i i removalwill cause a new distribution of the shortest pathes, capacity, i.e. R = P C . Thirdly, we choose a value for i i thusgeneratinganotherwaveofnodefailures,andsoonand β and, accordingto Eq. (1), distributethe defense resources soforth,tillnonodeisoverloadedintheremainingnetwork. amongthenodes. Fourthly,we analyzethenetworksecurity Tofitthismodelintoourproblemofcost-basedattacks, itis bytheabovementionedtworepresentativeattacks,andrecord 3 3000 8 <k>=4, =0.3,N=3000 (a) =1.25 g <k>=4, =0.5,N=3000 <k>=6, =0.3,N=3000 21,2000 6 <k>=4, =0.3,N=3000 (RN) G g CA B1 <k>=4, =0.3,N=5000 -2 DA / 1000 Y Axis Title1100-3 g B2 4 -4 2 10 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 7 (b) =1.28 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 10 b B11,206 CA 100 FpthoIaGitn.tβ2w:hi(seCrieonlcBorre2a(oβsni)nlign=ew)BiTt1hh(eβN)d,)eobpnuenttdhiseendnceeectwroeofarsβkinbpg(acrwhamaitrheatcαetre,sr.γizI,etadinsbdfyohutknhide. 105 DA 1b0 Eachdbataisaveragedover50networkrealizations. b 1 4 10 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 ever,asβincreases,thecostforremovingthelargest-capacity 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 nodeismonotonicallyincreased, i.e., E = a ∼ Cβ. This N N arisestheproblemofattackefficiency,whichisdefinedasthe FIG.1: (Coloronline)ForSFNsofsizeN = 3000,averagedegree amount of network damage per unit of the attack cost. For hki = 4, andtoleranceparameter α = 0.3, thedependence ofthe measurement G, it is defined as ρ = (N −G )/E, with g M networkdamageonparameterβforCAandDA.(a)G1,2versusβ. GM = min(G1,G2); for measurement B, it is defined as Theoptimaldefenseisfoundataboutβg ≈1.25.Inset:ρgversusβ. ρb = BM/E, with BM = max(B1,B2). Interestingly,it is (b)B1,2versusβ.Theoptimaldefenseisfoundataboutβb ≈1.28. foundthat,attheoptimaldefense,theattackefficiencyisalso Please note the semi-logarithmic plot of B1,2. Inset: ρb versus β. minimized(the insets of Fig. 1). Now we see that, with the Eachdateisaveragedover50networkrealizations. optimal defense, the network is protected from not only the attackstrategy,butalsotheattackefficiency. Physically,the meaningof theoptimaldefensecan beun- theirdamagesG1,2andB1,2,withthesubscripts1and2stand derstoodasfollows.Whenβissmall,sayforexampleβ ≈0, forCA andDA,respectively. Finally,byscanningβ, weare thenetworknodesareequallyprotectedregardlessoftheirim- abletofigureoutthelocationoftheoptimaldefense,i.e.,the portancelevel. To generatea largedamage,theattackerwill value of β where the two attacks generatethe same network certainly chooseto attack the importantnodes, i.e. adopting damage. CA. As β increases, more defense resources will be shifted The variations of G and B as a function of β are plotted to the important nodes and, correspondingly, the defense of in Figs. 1. For the measurement G, the optimal defense is thenon-importantnodeswillbeweakened. However,aslong foundataboutβg ≈ 1.25[Fig. 1(a)];whileforthemeasure- asβ < βg,b, thedamagecausedbyCA willbestilllargerto mentB,theoptimaldefenseisfoundataboutβ ≈1.28[Fig. that of DA. So in this range CA will be always the choice b 1(b)].Pleasenotethattheoptimaldefenseisonlymeaningful for the attacker. Nevertheless, as β increases, the damage to the defender, as it tells how to configure the defense re- difference between CA and DA will be gradually narrowed. sourcesagainstthecost-basedattacks. Whilefortheattacker, Then, at the optimaldefense βg,b, both attacks will generate byknowingthespecificnetworkdefense(thevalueofβ),the thesame amountof networkdamage. Since atthispointthe onlytaskistofigureoutwhichattackismoredamaging,DA attacker can not benefit from changing between the attacks, or CA. For instance, if the attacker is interested in a larger thecost-basedattacksareconsideredasfailed. Afterthat,as damage of network capacity and have learned that the net- β increases from βg,b, the minority important nodes will be workdefenseparameterisβ =0.5,afteracomparisonofthe overprotected,and the majority non-importantnodes will be virtualattacks,theattackerwillfindthatusingCAwillcause lessprotected. Noticedofthis,theattackerwillswitchtheat- alargerdamagethanDA[Fig. 1(b)]. tackfromCAtoDA,soastoachievealargerdamage. Inthe Itisimportanttonotethat,inourdesignofnumericalsim- extremesituationofβ ≈∞,allthedefenseresourceswillbe ulations, CA is always implemented by removing the single allocatedto thesinglenodeofthelargestcapacity,while the nodeof the largestcapacity. Thatis the reason whythe net- othernodesofthenetworkcanbeeasilyattackedalltogether. work damage caused by CA is constant in Fig. 1. How- As realistic networks have various structures, it is neces- 4 4500 (a) (a) CA DA 6000 32000 =0.8 1, 42000 g G g=1.45 G1, 1500 2000 CA 0 0 DA 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 8 3x10 (b) (b) =1.75 8 b 10 =1.1 b 8 2Bx1,2108 CA 25 B1,2110067 CDAA 100b 1x10 DA 20b 10 b 15 b 5 10 10 0 1 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 10 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 FIG. 3: (Color online) The security analysis for the western U.S. FIG.4: (Color online) Thesecurity analysis for the Internet at the powergrid. (a)Thedependence ofG1,2 onβ, theoptimaldefense autonomous level. (a) The dependence of G1,2 on β, βg ≈ 0.8. is found at about βg ≈ 1.45. (b) The dependence of B1,2 on β, (b)ThedependenceofB1,2 onβ,βb ≈ 1.1. Pleasenotethesemi- theoptimaldefenseisfoundataboutβb ≈1.75. Inset:ρbversusβ, logarithmicplotofB1,2. Inset: ρbversusβ,whereρbisminimized whereρbisminimizedatβb.Eachdataisaveragedover10attackre- atβb. Eachdataisaveragedover10attackrealizations, justaswe alizations.ForCA,thetop10nodesofthehighestloadareattacked; didinFig.3. whileforDA,thenodesareattackedbyanascendingorderoftheir capacities. exampleofcascadenetwork[5]. ThevariationsofG1,2 asa function of β is plotted in Fig. 3(a), where the optimal de- sary to check the dependence of the optimal defense to the fense is foundat aboutβ ≈ 1.45. In Fig. 3(b) we plot the g networkparameters. Inparticular,wearegoingtocheckthe dependenceofB1,2 onβ,wheretheoptimaldefenseisfound dependenceofβb onthefollowingnetworkparameters: The at about βb ≈ 1.75. Like we did in Fig. 1, we have also toleranceparameterα,theaveragedegreehki,thedegreeex- calculatedthedependenceoftheattackefficiency,ρ , onthe b ponentγ,andthesystemsizeN. (Thesimilardependenceis defense parameter β, where ρ is found to be minimized at b also valid for βg). The numerical results are plotted in Fig. βb. The Internet we have employed consists of N = 6474 2. The general finding is that the value of βb is increasing nodesandhasaveragedegreehki ≈ 3.88. The variationsof with N, but is decreasing with α, hki, and γ. (For RN, we G1,2 andB1,2 asafunctionofβ areplottedinFig. 4(a)and haveγ → ∞.) Speakingalternatively,itisthelarger,sparser (b),respectively. FormeasurementG, theoptimaldefenseis and heterogeneous networks that will suffer more from the foundataboutβ ≈ 0.8;whileformeasurementB,theopti- g cost-based attacks and, correspondingly, will be more bene- maldefenseisfoundataboutβ ≈1.1. Still,ρ isminimized b b fitedfromtheoptimaldefense. Sinceinfrastructurenetworks at β . It is interesting to see that, comparingto the standard b normallyhavethelargersizeandheterogeneousstructure,the SFNmodel[Fig. 1]andthepower-gridnetwork[Fig. 3],the studiesofoptimaldefensethusisofpracticalconcern. Internet is less vulnerable to CA when β < β in terms of g How about the defense of realistic networks? To address measurementG[Fig. 4(a)]. We attributethisstrangebehav- this question, we have analyzed the securities of two typi- ior to the unique topology of the Internet, e.g., the modular cal infrastructure networks in our society: (1) The electrical structure, the degree correlation, and the hierarchical prop- power grid of the western United States [14]; and (2) the erty.Thisalsoverifiesourpreviousfindingofthedependence Internet at the autonomous level [15]. The power-grid net- ofoptimaldefenseonnetworkparameters[Fig. 2]. work consists of N = 4941 nodes and has average degree Discussion and conclusion. – The main purpose of the hki ≈ 2.67, which has been widely used in literature as an present study is to highlight the variability and flexibility of 5 thenetworkattacksintherealsituation,soastobringacau- finding is that, as the information of the importantnodes be tion to the defense of complex networks. Our main finding graduallyexposed(increasingthevalueofα′′),thefractionof isthat,ifthedefenseresourcesofanetworkarenotwelldis- nodesneededtobreakthenetworkwillbequicklydecreased. tributed, the attacker could be benefited from choosing be- Here,aninterestingthingisthat,ifweregardthecoverofthe tweentheattackstrategies. Inshowingthis,wehademployed networkinformationas an approachof network defense, the thesimplemodelofcascadenetworkandmadeafewassump- study of Ref. [18] and the presentwork have essentially the tions on the network defense and attack, which, when used samebasis. Inparticular,ifwereplacetheparameterβ inEq. to model the real situations, should be (carefully) modified (1)byanewparameter(α′+α′′)/κ(κ≈1.6istheexponent andredefined. For instance, it hasbeenshownrecentlythat, thatcharacterizestherelationshipbetweenthenodecapacity as a balanceof networkrobustnessand frangibility,the rela- and degree [19]), then the node defense defined in Eq. (1) tionship between node capacity and load could be nonlinear isjustthereciprocalofthenodevulnerabilitydefinedinRef. [16]. This indicates that, to analyze the security of such a [18]. Forthisreason,wemaysaythatthestudyinRef. [18]is network,theconstanttoleranceparameterusedinthecurrent aspecialcaseofthecost-basedattacksproposedinthepresent modelshouldbemodified. Thiskindofmodifications,how- work. Despite of this pointof similarity, the two studies are ever, will not change the generalpicture of optimaldefense. actuallydealingwithverydifferentproblems. Simplyspeak- Thefactisthat,aslongasthecostfactorofnetworkattackis ing,thestudyofRef. [18]isfocusingonthescaleofnetwork counted,optimaldefensewillexistandbeanimportantissue damage, in which the attack cost (information discovery) is innetworksecurity. variableandtheattackstrategyisalwaysfixedtoCA;incon- Apointwhichshouldbespeciallyaddressedisthatthecur- trast,thecurrentstudyisdealingwiththesituationofvariable rentmodelrequiresafullknowledgeofthenetwork,including attackstrategyandfixedattackcost,i.e.,itisaquestionabout the detail information about the network structure and flow networkoptimization[20]. dynamics. These information, while is available for some Summarizingup,wehaveproposedtheideaofcost-based public systems such as the power-grid[17] and the Internet, attacksoncomplexnetworksandinvestigatedtheproblemof isdifficulttoobtainforthesecretnetworks,say,forexample, optimal network defense. 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