Description:9780869785966 Foreword
By Clare Short MP
It is sad that we need to discuss how to protect ourselves^JBut the truth is that almost all women feel scared at times. Like the author of this book, I look back at the things I did in my youth and feel worried for my former self! I am angry that I have lost that innocence and freedom. But there is no doubt I am worried when I walk home through dark streets late at night.
I am aware of course that the statistical chance of any one ofus being attacked is small, and I keep telling myselfand my friends that young males are more likely to be attacked in the streets at night. But my instincts tell me to be frightened. It was a woman who told me to cross over when male footsteps caused me to be worried. Before that I kept walking - grimly.
I was mugged, fairly recently, in a car park. He thumped me in the back and ran off with my bag. I bawled and shouted and chased him. He dropped the bag and a policeman heard my shouting and continued the chase. I got everything back and felt very proud of myself. It would have been devastating to lose my keys and diary and papers, and perhaps it was the loss of my constituency papers that made me brave. The experience has somehow made me less scared but more careful.