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Preview Protease Inhibitors from Marine Actinobacteria as a Potential Source for Antimalarial Compound

Protease Inhibitors from Marine Actinobacteria as a Potential Source for Antimalarial Compound L.Karthik1,GauravKumar1,TarunKeswani2,ArindamBhattacharyya2,S.SarathChandar3,K.V.Bhaskara Rao1* 1EnvironmentalBiotechnologyDivision,SchoolofBioSciencesandTechnology,VITUniversity,Vellore,Tamilnadu,India,2ImmunologyLab,DepartmentofZoology, UniversityofCalcutta,Kolkata,WestBengal,India,3GeneticsDivision,SchoolofBioSciencesandTechnology,VITUniversity,Vellore,Tamilnadu,India Abstract Thestudywasplannedtoscreenthemarineactinobacterialextractfortheproteaseinhibitoractivityanditsanti-Pfactivity under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Out of 100 isolates, only 3 isolates exhibited moderate to high protease inhibitor activitiesontrypsin,chymotrypsinandproteinaseK.Basedonproteaseinhibitoractivity3isolateswerechosenforfurther studies.ThepotentialisolatewascharacterizedbypolyphasicapproachandidentifiedasStreptomycesspLK3(JF710608). The lead compound was identified as peptide from Streptomyces sp LK3. The double-reciprocal plot displayed inhibition modeisnon-competitiveanditconfirmstheirreversiblenatureofproteaseinhibitor.ThepeptidefromStreptomycesspLK3 extract showed significant anti plasmodial activity (IC : 25.78 mg/ml). In in vivo model, the highest level of parasitemia 50 suppression (<45%) was observed in 600 mg/kg of the peptide. These analyses revealed no significant changes were observedinthespleenandlivertissueduring8dpi.Theresultsconfirmedup-regulationofTGF-banddownregulationof TNF-aintissueandserumlevelinPbAinfectedpeptidetreatedmicecomparedtoPbAinfection.Theresultsobtainedinfer that the peptide possesses anti- Pf activity activity. It suggests that the extracts have novel metabolites and could be considered asa potentialsource fordrug development. Citation:KarthikL,KumarG,KeswaniT,BhattacharyyaA,ChandarSS,etal.(2014)ProteaseInhibitorsfromMarineActinobacteriaasaPotentialSourcefor AntimalarialCompound.PLoSONE9(3):e90972.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972 Editor:OlivierNeyrolles,InstitutdePharmacologieetdeBiologieStructurale,France ReceivedSeptember20,2013;AcceptedFebruary6,2014;PublishedMarch11,2014 Copyright: (cid:2)2014 Karthik et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:Theseauthorshavenosupportorfundingtoreport. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] Introduction DuetotheevolutionofdrugresistanceinPlasmodiumsp,which necessitates the need for new drugs, ideally directed against new Malaria is a highly infectious disease caused by a protozoan targets such as heme and malarial proteases. The life cycle of parasiteofthegenusPlasmodium.Theseparasitesaretransmitted malarial parasite exhibits two stages: exoerythrocytic cycle and bythebiteofinfectiousfemaleAnophelesspmosquitoes.Thereare erythrocytes lifecycle.Theerythrocytes lifecyclewasresponsible totally five species of Plasmodium associated with malarial fever for all clinical manifestations and it begins when free merozoites viz., P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae and P. knowlesi. invadeerythrocytes.ThefreemerozoiteswillenterintotheRBC Among them, P. falciparum is highly virulent and it is the cellsanddevelopfromsmallring-stageorganismstolarger,more predominantagentinAfrica.While,P.vivaxiscomparativelyless metabolically active trophozoites followed by multinucleated virulent and is more prevalent throughout the world and schizonts [5]. The schizonts will ruptures the erythrocytes and remaining three species are associated with the minor outbreaks releases 30,000 invasive merozoites in P. falciparum, 10,000 for P. inseveralpartsoftheworld.Malariaisamajorcauseofmorbidity vivax and P. ovale and 2,000 for P. malariae. This step is called as and mortality and it is projected that around 3.3 billion people egress. At this stage, proteases are required for the rupture and were at risk of malaria in 2010. Likewise, among 91% of deaths subsequent invasion of erythrocytes by merozoite stage parasites are estimated in the WHO African Region, with children under and for the degradation of hemoglobin by intraerythrocytic fiveyearsofageandpregnantwomenbeingseverelyaffected[1]. trophozoites. World Malaria Report (2012) summarizes that 106 countries are The merozoites form of P. falciparum express a number of malaria-endemic in 2011[2]. merozoite surface proteins (MSPs). These may be considered as Three different approaches were considered for the control of target antigens for vaccine preparation [6]. The merozoites more virulent malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. They are synthesize a B195-kDa glycosyl phosphatidy- linositol-anchored widelyexploiteddevelopmentofeffectivevaccines,vectorcontrol precursor that assembles as a complex with two peripheral and development of new drugs. It is very difficult to develop a membrane proteins such as MSP6 and MSP7 [7–10]. This vaccineduetotheirexhibitionoftheirmultipleantigenicity.Based complex(MSP1/6/7)isuniformlypresentinthemerozoitesurface onseveralfactors,thevectorcontrolshowslimitedsuccess.Onthe and it initiates the erythrocyte invasion [11]. This complex was other hand, there is an increasing resistance of malarial parasites involving ‘primary’ proteolytic cleavage events earlier to egress totheexistingdrughence,thereisanurgentneeddemandfornew stage [12] and the cleavage products remain associated with the antimalarial agents [3,4]. surfaceofthereleasedmerozoite,tothecomplexisfinallyshedat PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 1 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment the point of erythrocyte invasion in an essential secondary actin, AP-linked anti-rabbit, AP-linked anti-mouse secondary processing step by the action of a membrane-bound parasite antibodies were purchased from the Cell signaling Technology protease called PfSUB2 [13]. The primary proteolysis and the Cell Signaling Technology, Inc (Danvers, MA, USA). Pre stain positionalconservationofthecleavagesitesinMSP1orthologues molecularweightproteinmarkerswerepurchasedfromBangalore acrossthePlasmodiumgenus[14]proposedthatprimeprocessingis Genei (India) andtheremaining chemicals were purchased in an essential for the function of the MSP1/6/7 complex and for analytical grade of the highest purity (India). All solutions were merozoite viability. preparedwithcommercialreagentsofatleastpro-analysisquality The exonemes, specialized merozoite organelles releases the and with sterilized 18 MV milliQ water. When necessary, the subtilisin-like serine protease called PfSUB1 [15] and it mediates specific originsof reagents arelisted inthetext. the proteolytic maturation of members of a family of abundant, papain-likeputativeproteasescalledSERA,previouslyimplicated In silico molecular docking analysis in egress [16]. The inhibition of PfSUB1 prevents SERA Topredicttheinhibitingcharacteristicsofrespectiveinhibitors/ maturation and blockegress. This indicates a role for PfSUB1 in ligands (S. albogriseolus, S. longisporus, S. fradiae, S. lividans and S. triggering egress, probably through activation of the SERA griseus)onPLASMEPSIN-IIandFALCIPAIN-2receptors,insilico enzymes. molecular docking approach was opted. Initially before docking Enzyme inhibitors are the third important product of marine calculations, both receptors and ligands were subjected to energy actinobacteria.Sofar,itisusedforthestudyofenzymestructures minimization by GROMOS97 available in a Swiss PDB viewer. and reaction mechanisms, but recently it has been used in For the above in silico approach, Hex Server (http://hexserver. pharmacology [17]. These selective inhibitors can be used as a loria.fr), an interactive molecular graphics program was used for powerful tool for inactivating target proteases in the pathogenic calculating and visualizing feasible docking modes of pairs of processesofhumandiseasessuchasmalaria,emphysema,arthritis, macromolecules. It adopts Spherical Polar Fourier (SPF) correla- pancreatitis,thrombosis,highbloodpressure,musculardystrophy, tionstoincreasespeedofthedockingcalculations.Inthefirststep cancer, and AIDS [18]. Enzyme inhibitors from marine micro- as an input, respective PDB files of ligands and receptors were organisms were sparsely studied. However, terrestrial isolated specified inthe Hex server [21].Further, the docking correlation Streptomycesisaoneofthepotentialproducersofenzymeinhibitors typecalculationparametersweresetto‘‘Shapeandelectrostatics’’ [19]. The isolation of novel enzyme inhibitor from terrestrial mode. Later, the origin and interface residues for the docking sources is rare hence marine actinobacteria will provide new calculationsweresettotheirrespectivedefaultvalues.Further,the potential inhibitors. range angles for receptor and ligands were set to 180u. The step Proteasesareessentialconstituentsfoundinprokaryotes,fungi, sizes for the docking calculations were set to 10. Finally, the plants and animals. Serine, cysteine, metalloproteases is widely docking evaluation solutionswere set toevaluate 10best docking spread in many pathogenic parasites, where they play critical solutions.AllthedockingcalculationswereperformedusingGPU functions related to evasion of host immune defenses, acquisition mode. The best docking orientations were selected based on the of nutrient for growth and proliferation, facilitation of dissemina- bindingenergy(kJ/mol)forthefurtherintermolecularinteraction tionortissuedamageduringinfection[20].Thus,proteasesplaya studies. The results were analyzed with Hex 6.0, a stand-alone foremost role in pathogenesis. Moreover, protease enzymes are graphicalapplicationtovisualizetheintermolecularinteractionsof used for a long time in various forms of clinical therapies. Their receptors and ligands. application in medicine is gaining more and more attention as several clinical studies are indicating their benefits in oncology, Actinobacteria strains inflammatory conditions, blood rheology control and immune Hundredactinobacteriastrainswereisolatedfromtheislandof regulation. Hence,thisstudy wasfocused on thescreening of the Nicobar (9u 099 N, 92u 499 E). These isolation procedures were proteaseinhibitorfrommarineactinobacteriaforanti-Pfactivity already published [22]. Further, these isolated strains were used under invitroandinvivo conditions. for screening to detect the protease inhibitor production. These strains were designated as LK1-LK100. All the strains were Materials and Methods inoculated into 50ml SS medium in 250ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing the sea water 50%, distilled water 50%, pH 7.5 and Ethics statement incubated for 2 days in a rotary shaker incubator (200 rpm) at Animalexperimentswerecarriedoutaspertheguidelinesofthe 28uC. The seed inoculums (10%) were transferred into 200ml Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of production medium in 1 L Erlenmeyer flasks. The inoculated Experimental Animals (CPCSEA), Government of India (Regis- cultures inthe production medium were incubated for 72h on a tration No: 885/ac/05/ CPCSEA) and as approved by the rotary shaker (2000rpm) at 28uC. After fermentation the broth Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) University of was centrifuged at 4000rpm for 10min and the filtrate was Calcutta, and confirms with the Guide for the Care and Use of separated. Laboratory Animals published by the US National Institutes of Health (NIHPublication No.85–23, revised 1985). Assay for protease inhibitor activity Toamixtureofmercuricchloride,phosphatebufferandtrypsin Media, chemicals and reagents solution, marine actinobacterial extracts were added. After All the media were purchased from Himedia, India. Giemsa’s adjusting the pH to 7.5 BAPNA (N-a-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p- azur eosin methylene blue solution and Hematoxylin and eosin nitroanilide)wasaddedandincubatedat37uCfor20mins.After stains for microscopy were obtained from Merck KGaA Frank- incubation, 5% of the TCA was added and incubated at room furter Str., Germany. A phosphate buffer solution (PBS), sodium temperature for 20mins. Later, the solution was filtered with bicarbonate,sodiumazide,RNaseA,NBT(nitro-bluetetrazolium Whatmann no.1 filter paper and the absorbance was taken at chloride) and BCIP (5-bromo-4-chloro-39-indolyphosphate p- 280nm. The inhibiting activity of protease inhibitor was toluidine salt) (Cat# RM 578, RM 2577) were procured from expressed usingfollowing formula. Himedia chemicals, India. Antibodies against TGF-b, TNF-a, b- Inhibiting activity (%)= C-T/C X 100 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 2 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment Table1. Insilicostudiesofprotease inhibitor from marine actinobacteria. Receptors Ligands-BindingAffinity(kJ/mol) A.S.albogriseolus B.S.longisporus C.S.fradiae D.S.lividans E.S.griseus PLASMEPSIN-II 2692.4540 2458.0594 2440.7606 2574.2310 2673.7805 FALCIPAIN-2 2192.4911 2590.0973 2269.6229 2420.6248 2491.3755 ThedockingrevealedtheS.albogriseolushasatendencytoinhibitthePLASMEPSIN-IIreceptoreffectively.Inaddition,S.longisporoustendstoinhibitFALCIPAIN-2 receptors. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.t001 Kinetics of protease inhibition by protease inhibitor primers. The sequence was analysed by ABI3730XL capillary The mode of inhibition of protease inhibitor against trypsin DNAsequencer(ABIPrism310GeneticAnalyzer,Tokyo,Japan). activity was measured with increasing concentrations of BAPNA Further, thegenus andspecies were successfully identified. (0.5,1,2and4mM)asasubstrateintheabsenceandpresenceof proteaseinhibitorsat0.5 mg/mland1 mg/ml.Optimalamounts Extraction, purification and characterization of protease of protease inhibitor were determined based on the enzyme inhibitor inhibitory activity assay. Mode of inhibition of protease inhibitor TheStreptomycesspLK3wassubjectedtofermentationfor7days was determined by Lineweaver–Burk plot analysis of the data in production medium. After fermentation, the supernatant was calculated following Michaelis-Menten kinetics. collectedandpurifiedbyfoursub-sequentialstepsviz.,ammonium sulphateprecipitation,dialysis,Ionexchangechromatographyand Dialysis for reversibility of protease inhibitor action preparative HPLC chromatography. Thefunctional groupof the Trypsin (100 U/ml) was incubated with protease inhibitor compound was measured using Fourier transform infrared (FT- (23.5 mg/ml) in 0.5ml of tris HCL buffer (10mM, pH 7.5) for IR)spectroscopy(ThermoNicolet-330,USA)usingaKBrpellet. 2 hat37uCanddialyzedagainsttrisHCLbuffer(1 mM,pH 7.5) The structure of the compound was established by using the at 4uC for 24h, changing the buffer every 12h. Another spectral data obtained from gas chromatography (Perkin Elmer, premixed-enzyme solution (0.5ml) was kept at 4uC for 24h Claeus 680) -mass spectrometry (Claeus 600) at a flow rate of without dialysis for the control experiment. Reversibility of 1 ml/min with a carrier gas of helium and Liquid Chromatog- proteaseinhibitorhasbeendeterminedbycomparingtheresidual raphy-Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS) (Thermo LCQ Deca XP enzyme activity afterdialysis with that of non-dialyzedone. MAX).TheprotonNMR(1HNMR),carbonNMR,H,H-COSY andHSQC(13CNMR,VBrukerAvanceIII500MHz(AV500)) Identification of the actinobacterial Isolate spectra of the compounds were obtained by using a dimethyl The strain was screened based on the protease inhibitor sulfoxide d6(DMSO-d6) assolvent. production and the efficient isolate was subjected to molecular characterization based on 16s rRNA sequencing chromous In vitro anti- Pf activity biotech,Bangalore,India.The16srRNAfragmentwasamplified P. falciparum isolates NZR-2 was obtained from National using PCR polymerase. The PCR product was sequenced bi- InstituteofMalariaResearch,NewDelhi,India.Theexperiment directionallyusingtheforward(59-AGAGTRTGATCMTYGCT- was carried out in a 96-well microtitre plate by adding 150ml of WAC-39) and reverse (59-CGYTAMCTTWTTACGRCT-39) infected human red blood cell suspension to each well. The Figure1.IntermolecularinteractionsbetweenPLASMEPSIN-IIandProteaseinhibitorofmarineactinobacteriaA.S.albogriseolusPI; B.S.longisporusPI;C.S.fradiaePI;D.S.lividans;E.S.griseus.EnzymePLASMEPSIN-II(indicatedinredcolor)andtheircorrespondinginhibitors (indicatedingreencolor)arerepresentedinribbonconfiguration. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.g001 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 3 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment (IAEC) University of Calcutta, and confirms with the Guide for Table2. Proteaseinhibitor activity ofmarine actinobacteria. the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the US NationalInstitutesofHealth(NIHPublicationNo.85–23,revised 1985). LK1 90 89 30 ParasitestrainPlasmodimbergheiANKAobtainedfromNational LK2 91 91 42 InstituteMalariaResearchCenter,NewDelhi.Parasitizedmouse LK3 98 95 40 red blood cells (pRBC) from a liquid N preserved stabilize were 2 injected (16106 pRBC, in 100ml phosphate buffer solution) into doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.t002 miceofthesamebackground.MicewereinfectedwithPbA(16106 pRBC), in 100ml PBS by intraperitoneal injection, after ampli- peptide was dissolved separately in RPMI-1640 to obtain a ficationanequalnumberofuninfectederythrocyteswereinjected concentrationrangeof20,40,60,80and100mg/mland50mlof into control mice. Parasitemia was monitored daily in all each dilution was poured into individual wells separately. experimental groups by Giemsa-stained thin blood smears made Artemisininwasusedasapositivecontrolandwaterasanegative fromtailsnips.Survivabilityandparasitemiaofmice(n=60)were control. The microtitre plate was incubated for 48hours. The alsoobserveddaily.Thepercentageofparasitemiawascalculated percentage of parasitemia was determined microscopically after asfollows:Parasitemia(%) = [(numberofinfectederythrocytes)/ Giemsa staining. (total number of erythrocytes counted)]x 100. In vivo anti- Pf activity Experimental groups parasite clearance and curative Male Swiss albino mice (,25g each; aged 6 to 8 weeks) were efficacy maintained in sterilized cages and absorbent media; food and Foroptimizationofdrugconcentration,astocksolutionofLK1, waterwereprovidedadlibitum.Animalexperimentswerecarried LK2andLK3(5000mg/ml)weredissolvedin(PBS),and50mice out as per the guidelines of the Committee for the Purpose of received 100ml i.p. injections each of LK1, LK2 and LK3 (600, Control and Supervision of Experimental Animals (CPCSEA), 800, 1000and 1200mg/kg/ BW respectively) from2 dpi tillthe Government of India (Registration No: 885/ac/05/ CPCSEA) last day of survival. The control group received injections of and as approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee vehicleonthesametreatmentschedule.Parasitologicalevaluation, Figure2.StreptomycesspLK3strainshowedhighproteaseinhibitoractivityagainsttrypsinandchymotrypsinwithIC valuesof 50 LK3strainA.trypsin(96.77mg/ml)andB.chymotrypsin(161.8mg/ml)B.Modeofproteaseinhibitionbypeptide.Thedouble-reciprocalplot displayed non-competitive inhibition mode C. Reversibility of peptide action was confirmed by the continuous steep decline in Vmax with an increaseininhibitorconcentrationwithKmvalueremainingconfined. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.g002 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 4 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment methanolandstainedwithGemsaatpH 7.2,forparasitemia.The Table3. Kineticanalysis ofprotease inhibitionbypeptide. microscope had an Ehrlich’s eyepiece and a nose diaphragm showing about 100 red blood cells per field. The number of parasitized erythrocytes in each of the 10–50 such fields were Peptide(mg/ml) Vmax(mM/min) Km(mM) counted three times and the average was calculated to give the 0 0.24 1.64 Parasitemia of each individual animal. Percentage of suppression 0.5 0.19 1.54 was calculated byusing thefollowing formula[23,24,25]. 1 0.14 1.65 2 0.10 1.7 %Suppression~Parasitemiainnegativecontrol(cid:2) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.t003 Parasitemiainstudygroup=Parasitemiainnegative control survivability indicated that LK1 (800mg/kg/BW), LK2 (1000mg/kg/BW) and LK3(600 mg/kg/BW) was thebest drug concentration. Parasitamia and survivability in mice were mon- itoreddaily (n=60).Theexperimental animalsweredividedinto Histopathology of spleen groups such as (1) uninfected control, (2) PbA (16106 pRBC) The spleen was aseptically removed from each host and infected,PbAinfectedandtreatedwithLK1(800mg/kg/BW)(3) immediately washed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4). PbAinfectedandtreatedwithLK2(1000mg/kg/BW)and(4)PbA The tissues were then fixed for 24h in buffered formaldehyde infected andtreated withLK3(600 mg/kg/BW). Foran analysis solution(10%inPBS)atroomtemperature,dehydratedbygraded on respective dpi, 5 mice from each experimental group were ethanol, andembeddedinparaffin (MERCK,solidification point used. 60–62uC). Tissue sections (5-mm thickness) were then deparaffi- The‘8-daysuppressivetest’wasadoptedforthedetermination nized with xylene, re-hydrated with graded alcohols (100–50% of the parasite clearance and curative efficacy, respectively. The ethanol), stained with eosin and hematoxylin, and then mounted dosesforLK1(800 mg/kg/BW)(3)PbAinfectedandtreatedwith in DPX resin (Merck, Mumbai, India). Digital images were LK2 (1000mg/kg/BW) and (4) PbA infected and treated with captured with Olympus CAMEDIA digital camera, Model C- LK3(600mg/kg/BW).Groupsof5miceeachwereadministered 7070wide zoom. vehicle only. Tests were performed in a 8 day Suppressive standard test. The Plasmodium berghei is most widely employed in Western blot analysis and cytokine assays therodent malaria parasite. ThemechanismswereelucidatedbyWesternblotanalysisand Thin smears of blood films were obtained from the peripheral cytokineassays asdescribed earlier [26]. blood on the tail from each mouse on day four after infection [23,24].Thesmearswereplacedonmicroscopeslides,fixedwith Statistical analysis Valuesbetweengroupsonsameordifferentdpiwereanalyzed usingoneortwowayANOVA.Allvaluesareshownasmean6 SD, except where otherwise indicated. Data were analyzed and when appropriate, the significance of the differences between meanvalueswasdeterminedusingStudent’stest.*Pvalues,0.05 were considered significant for all statistical analysis, otherwise stated. Results and Discussion Estimation of protease inhibitors efficacies using in silico molecular docking To validate the efficacy of protease inhibitors from marine actinobacteria as a suitable targets for the malarial protease, five inhibitors (S. albogriseolus, S. longisporus, S. fradiae, S. lividans and S. griseus)wereassayedagainstPLASMEPSIN-IIandFALCIPAIN-2 using Hex server (Table.1). Docking calculations revealed that S. albogriseolus have a probable tendency to inhibit the PLASMEP- SIN- II receptor effectively and may outperform the other inhibitors. On the other hand, S. longisporous tends to inhibit FALCIPAIN-2receptors,whencomparedtotheotherinhibitors. The preliminary study revealed that the protease inhibitors from fiveactinobacteriainhibittherespectivereceptorsmoreeffectively (Fig.1).Hence,wehadhypothesizedtheinhibitingcharacteristics of protease inhibitors obtained from marine actinobacteria comparatively and their roles in malaria chemotherapeutic Figure3.The16sRNAsequencingconfirmedthestrainLK3isa development were elucidated usinginsilico studies. novel species with G+C content of the isolated DNA at 57.29 mol%. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.g003 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 5 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment Figure4.Purificationofproteaseinhibitor.A.ElutionpatternofproteaseinhibitoronDEAE-Sepharoseanionexchangecolumn;B.Elution patternofproteaseinhibitoronC18-RPHPLCcolumn;C.LCMSanalysisofpurifiedcompound. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.g004 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 6 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment Figure5.Characterizationofproteaseinhibitor.A.MassspectrumofpeptidecompoundobtainedfromtheGCMSclearlyrevealedthatitmay beasmallpeptidewith5or6aminoacids(MolecularWeight-568da)Theaminoacidsmaybepresentinthepeptideare:AILKRVMGNC;B.FTIR spectrumofpeptidecompound.Absorbanceat1632correspondedtothecarbonylfunctionswhereastheabsorbancefrom3300–3600cm-1maybe duetotheNHfunctionfromtheaminoacidfunctionalgroups. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.g005 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 7 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment Figure6.CharacteristicsofPbAinfectioninSwissAlbinoMiceandeffectofLK1(800mg/kg/BW),LK2(1000mg/kg/BW)andLK3 (600mg/kg/BW) respectively. (A) Resulting parasitemias were expressed as a percent parasitemia (mean 6 SD), measured daily on Giemsa stained blood smears. Parasitemia was evaluated statistically by Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test showed that the parasitemias were significantlydifferent(*p,0.05)betweenPbAinfectedgroupsandLK3treatedgroups,whereasparasitemiaswerenotsignificantlydifferentinthe LK1,LK-2groupw.r.t.PbAinfectedcontrolsandthematchedcontrols(P.0.05).(B)EffectofLK1(800mg/kg/BW),LK2(1000mg/kg/BW)andLK3 (600mg/kg/BW)respectivelyonsurvivalofmiceinfectedwithP.bergheiANKA.EachvalueinYaxisrepresentsthepercentage(%)ofsurvivalofthe treatedgroupscomparedtoPbAtreatedcontrolmice.Thetreatmentgroupsrepresentmiceinjectedintraperitoneallyfrom2dpitillthelastdayof survival.Resultsarepresentedasarithmeticmean(6SE)offivemicepergroup.(C)PercentageparasitemiasuppressionafteradministrationofLK1 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 8 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment (800mg/Kg),LK2(1000mg/Kg)andLK3(600mg/Kg)respectively.Datafromfivereplicatesarepresentedasarithmeticmean6standarddeviation andindicatep,0.05withrespecttothecontrols.Datashownareonerepresentativeexperimentoffive(n). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.g006 Screening of protease inhibitor producing marine isolated from the marine Salinispora tropica possessed antimalarial actinobacteria activity [31]. It is also acts as a potent proteasome inhibitor in development for treatingcancer [32]. Among the 100 isolates tested for protease inhibitor activity, LK-1,LK-2andLK-3strainshowedsubstantialproteaseinhibitor activity. The optimized 3 strains were subjected to fermentation Mode of protease inhibition and the protease inhibitor extracts were lyophilized. These 3 The mode of inhibition of peptide on trypsin activity was strains were initially assayed against trypsin, chymotrypsin and analyzedusingLBplot.Thedouble-reciprocalplotdisplayednon- proteinaseK(table2).Inthese,StreptomycesspLK3strainshowed competitiveinhibitionmode(Fig.2B)asthereisacontinoussteep high protease inhibitor activity against trypsin and chymotrypsin. declinein Vmaxwith anincrease ininhibitorconcentration with Thepotentialstrainwith50%inhibitonwerefurthersubjectedto Kmvalueremainingconfined(Table3).Enzymeactivityoftrypsin determine an IC value. The LK3 extract inhibited trypsin and was completely recovered after the dialysis, as showed by the 50 chymotrypsin with IC values of 96.77mg/ml and 161.8mg/ml enzyme mixed inhibitor curve (EID) which was similar to the 50 respectively (Fig.2 A). curves of enzyme control without dialysis (EC) and dialysis (ED) Out of 100, 3 isolates exhibited moderate to high protease (Fig. 2C). A dialyzed mixture of enzyme and extract confirmed inhibitor activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin. Many reports are that processes are not affected the enzyme activity dialysis. available on the production of inhibitors from Streptomyces sp viz., However, the non-dialyzed mixture of enzyme and extract (EIC) S.mauvecolor, S.michiganensis, S.violaceus and S. yokosukaensis were showed less inhibited activity and it confirms the irreversible produced antipain against papain enzyme. It is also capable to nature of protease inhibitor. inhibit trypsin and cathepsin B. S.hygroscopicus and S.lavendulae The main role of irreversible inhibitor is once target enzyme producedchymostatinagainstchymotrypsin.S.griseoruberproduced inhibited, it cannot reactivate and the organism must reproduce elastatinal against elastase [27,28]. So far, only few reports only the enzyme. Several reversible protease inhibitors reached the available for anti- Pf activity of marine actinobacteria. Maskey et market as a drug but only few drugs of irreversible protease al.(2004)reportedthatthetrioxacarcinsAandDisolatedfromthe inhibitors are available such as aspirin and b-lactam antibiotics. marine Streptomyces sp. isolate B8652 BCC 5149 possessed Sajid and McKerrow (2002) reported irreversible inhibitor could ‘‘extremely high antiplasmodial activity’’ against the parasite P. beusedinbacterial,viralandparasiticdiseasesandinthefuture, falciparum K1 and NF54 strains which was much higher than the irreversible inhibitors are promising source for disease treatment clinically used compound chloroquine [29]. Peraud (2006) [33]. reported that the manzamines isolated from the marine Micro- monospora sp. strain M42 possessed antimalarial activity [30]. Identification of potential strain Prudhomme et al (2008) reported that the salinosporamide A, The 16s rRNA sequencing is a method of choice for tracing bacterial phylogeny and definite the taxonomy [34]. Hence, the potentialstrainwasidentifiedasStreptomycesspLK-3through16S rRNA Sequencing. The BLAST search showed only 93% similarity with Streptomyces mutabilis. The strain was deposited in the Bankit (GenBank, NCBI, USA) under the accession number JF710608. The 16s rRNA sequencing of strain LK3 was confirmed that it occupies a distinctive phylogenetic position within the radiation including representatives of the family Streptomycetes using neighbor-joining tree (Fig. 3) and it forms aseparatesubcladefromothermemberofStreptomyces.Itconfirms thestrainLK3isanovelspecies.TheG+Ccontentoftheisolated DNAis57.29mol%(http://tubic.tju.edu.cn/GC-Profile/).Based on the chemotaxonomy, morphological and 16S rRNA gene sequence data suggest that strain LK3 represents a novel species whencomparedwithtypestrainsofspeciesinnonomurakey.The polyphasic taxonomic study of strain LK3 merits classification as Figure 7. Histopathological changes in hepatic and splenic thetypestrainofanovelspecieswithinthegenusStreptomyces,and tissues in response to LK3 treatment during PbAinfection. Hematoxylinandeosinstainswereusedtopreparesectionsoftheliver hence thestrain werenamed asStreptomyces spLK3. andspleenfrommicetreatedwithvehicle,PbAinfected+600mg/Kg LK3andPbAinfectedrespectively.Sectionsofcontrol(A)andPbA+LK3 Purification and characterization of protease inhibitor infected(B)dpilivershowing,surroundinghepatocyteswithnucleiand The RSM optimized Streptomyces sp LK3 [35] was subjected to blood sinusoids lined with Kupffer cells. Liver from infected mice (C) shows,moriformvacuolizationofhepatocytesandhemozoinpigment- fermentation(7days)andextractedproteaseinhibitorwaspurified edKupffercellson8dpi.Incontrol(D)andPbA+LK3infectedspleen by a four sub-sequential steps viz., Ammonium sulphate precip- tissue section (E), distinct and defined separate cluster of white pulp itation, dialysis, Ion exchange chromatography and preparative markedbyyellowarrows.Intreatmenttissuesectionswhitepulpand HPLCchromatography.Theproteaseinhibitorwasachieved80% redpulparenotdistinct(F).Appearancesofhollowspaceswithoutcells saturation. Following this, dialysis and anion exchange chroma- observed in spleen tissue sections compared to that of control (red tography wasperformed. arrows). Black arrows represent hemozoin accumulation in liver and spleentissuesections.Magnificationindicated406. The eighth peak contains the highest protein concentration doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.g007 (0.15mg/ml). Similarly, Angelova et al (2005) was purified and PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 9 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972 ProteaseInhibitorforAntimalarialTreatment Figure8.Celllysatefromrespectivecontrol,treatmentspleenandliverweresubjectedtowesternblotanalysisandELISA(A)liver and(B)spleenduringPbAinfectionandtreatedwithpeptide(C)ELISAresults(p,0.05,ANOVAfollowedbyposthocLSDtest). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090972.g008 characterizedanovelproteaseinhibitor(PISC-2002)isolatedfrom InhibitorsfromStreptomycesspwasclassifiedasSSIfamilyinhibitors culture supernatants of Streptomyces chromofuscus using DEAE- and designated as SSI –like [39]. Hence, the protease inhibitor Sepharose [36]. Figure 4A shows the elution pattern of the fromStreptomycesspLK3wasbelongstotheSSIfamilyinhibitors. proteaseinhibitorandabroadactivepeakwasobtained,whenthe The microbial origin inhibitors are low molecular weight dialyzed sample was passed through a DEAE Sepharose column peptides of unusual structures [40]. Similarly, protease inhibitor with 0.4M NaCl Tris-HCl buffer with NaCl pH 7.5. Further from Streptomyces sp LK3 is a low molecular weight peptide of purification was carried out by preparative HPLC on a C unusual structure. In 1969, Umezawa discovered first low 18 column (Fig. 4B) and a single peak was confirmed by LCMS molecular weight enzyme inhibitor from Streptomyces sp [41]. At (Fig. 4C). About 10mg of pure protease inhibitor was obtained present,morethan100inhibitorswerereportedbutthisisthefirst from3 g of lyophilisedsupernatant. report on marine Streptomyces sp. MassspectrumobtainedfromtheGCMSclearlyrevealedthatit may be a small peptide with 5 or 6 Aminoacids (Molecular In vitro anti- Pf activity Weight-568da) (Fig. 5A). The 1H, 13C, H,H-COSY, HSQC also A total of 3 different actinobacterial isolates were chosen for showed the chemical shift values in the aliphatic region (2.5–4.0 anti- Pf activity based on the protease inhibitor activity. Extracts and 5.0). This chemical shift may be due to the alpha hydrogens were tested at five initial concentrations: 20 mg/ml, 40mg/ml, and NH hydrogens. The compound doesn’t have any chemical 60mg/ml,80mg/mland100mg/ml.Threeextractsshoweda50 shiftvaluesinthearomaticregion.ThecarefulexaminationofIR to 85% inhibition. The peptide from Streptomyces sp LK3 extract spectra also revealed the presence of peptides. The IR spectra showed significant anti plasmodial activity (IC : 25.78 mg/ml). 50 showedabsorbanceintheregionof1632cm21,3300–3600cm21 Therestoftheotheractinobacterialextractsshowedweakactivity (Fig. 5B). The absorbance around the 1632 corresponded to the (IC .200mg/ml). 50 carbonyl functions where as the absorbance between 3300– 3600cm21maybeduetotheNHfunction.Apart fromthistwo In vivo anti- Pf activity characteristic peak, no other characteristic peaks have been Effect of LK1, LK2 and LK3 on survival and parasite observed. The amino acids may be present in the peptide are: clearance efficacy during Plasmodium berghei ANKA AILKRVMGNC. infection. The clinical course of infection in the experimental Manyreportsareavailableontheproductionofinhibitorsfrom mice is summarized in Figure 5. Mice from both experimental Streptomyces sp viz., S.mauvecolor, S.michiganensis, S.violaceus and groupswereagematchedandhad,PbAinfected+LK2treatedset S.yokosukaensis were produced antipain against papain enzyme andinPbAinfected+LK3treatedset(Fig.6A)andcontinuedto anditcanalsocapabletoinhibittrypsinandcathepsinB[37,38]. risetillmicedies.MostofthemicesuccumbedtoCMduring4–9 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 10 March2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | e90972

extract showed significant anti plasmodial activity (IC50: 25.78 цg/ml). In in vivo model, the . Dialysis for reversibility of protease inhibitor action. Trypsin (100 .. further suggest a need for rethinking traditional approaches. Anti- . repeat antigen proteases: implications for vaccine and dru
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