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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. USDA Prospering in Rural America Attendees February 16 and 17, 2006 Agricultural Outlook Forum 2006 Attendees included in this booklet agreed to share their contact information with other attendees. Ackerman, Mr. Kenneth Abe, Mr. Takaaki Asst. Admin. Program Accounting & Adams, Mr. Chuck Producer Regulatory Analysis US Government Accountability Offic Nippon TV RD-Utilities Programs 441 G Street NW 529 14th Street NW, #1036 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 1530 Washington, DC 20548 Washington, DC 20045 Washington, DC 20250-1530 202-512-9839 202-638-0890 202-720-9450 adamsc@gao.gov taka@ntvnews.com kenneth.ackerman@wdc.usda.gov Aho, Dr. Paul Albright, Mr. Marty Aldape, Ms. Sheri President Manager, Market Analysis Management Analyst Poultry Perspective Koch Fertilizer Rural Development 20 Eastwood Road 4111 East 37th Street North 1400 Independence Ave., Stop 0504 Storrs, CT 06268 Wichita, KS 67220 Washington, DC 20250-0504 860-429-3053 316-828-7351 202-690-1384 paulaho@paulaho.com albrighm@kochmd.com sheri.aldape@wdc.usda.gov Alexandar, Ms. Ava Ali, Mr. Mir Al-Katib, Mr. Adnan Public Affairs Specialist Agricultural Economist Washington Bureau Chief Agricultural Marketing Service Economic Research Service Qatar News Agency 1400 Independence Avenue, RM #3510 1800 M Street NW, Room S-5042 PO Box 3 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20036-5831 Washington, DC 20044-0003 202-690-0488 202-694-5558 202-641-2222 ava.alexandar@usda.gov mirali@ers.usda.gov alkatib@bestmail.us Allan, Mr. Gary Allen, Mr. Arthur Allen, Mr. Edward Chief Wildlife Biologist Senior Economist Rural Development - Telecom - ASD US Geological Survey Economic Research Service 1400 Independence Ave. SW 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C 1800 M Street NW Stop 1550, Room 2845 Fort Collins, CO 80526 Washington, DC 20036-5831 Washington, DC 20250-1550 970-226-9312 202-694-5288 202-720-0665 art_allen@usgs.gov ewallen@ers.usda.gov gary. allan@wdc .usda. gov Al-Saffy, Mr. Tawhid Anderson, Ms. Karen Anderlik, Mr. John Senior Economist Director, Alliance Development Region Manager Foreign Agricultural Service Biotechnology Industry Organization Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Cotton, Oilseeds, Tobacco & Seeds Food and Agriculture 2345 Grand Blvd., Room 1533 Division 1225 Eye Street NW, Suite 400 Kansas City, MO 64108 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Room 5646 Washington, DC 20005 816-234-8198 Washington, DC 20250-1051 202-962-6672 janderlik@fdic.gov 202-720-0143 kanderson@bio.org tawhid.al-saffy@fas.usda.gov Anderson, Mr. Robert Andrews, Dr. Susan California Rural Development Acting State Leader, Soil Quality Technology Anthony, Ms. Winnie Director Development Team Sunkist Growers Rural Development Office Natural Resource Conservation Service PO Box 7888 430 G Street, Agency #4169 200 E. North wood St. #410 Van Nuys, CA 91409-7888 Davis, CA 95616-4169 Greensboro, NC 27401 818-298-2464 530-792-5800 336-370-3337 wanthony@sunkistgrowers.com bob.anderson@ca.usda.gov susan.andrews@gnb.usda.gov Armbruster, Dr. Walter Arthur, Ms. Tiffany Aube, Mr. Michael President Agricultural Economist State Director Farm Foundation Farm Service Agency Rural Development 1211 W. 22nd Street, Suite 216 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 0515 967 Illinois Avenue, Suite 4 Oak Brook, IL 60523 Washington, DC 20250 Bangor, ME 04401 630-571-9393 202-720-4284 207-990-9160 walt@farmfoundation.org tiffany.arthur@wdc.usda.gov Michael.Aube@me.usda.gov Auer, Mr. Kenneth Baba-Khelil, Ms. Amina Baccus, Mr. Steve President & CEO Market Analyst President The Farm Credit Council Quebec's Federation of grain producers Kansas Farm Bureau # 50 F Street NW, Suite 900 555 Boul. Roland-Therricn, Bureau 505 2627 KFB Plaza Washington, DC 20001 Longueuil, PQ J4H 4G4 Canada Manhattan, KS 66503 202-879-0842 450-679-0540 785-587-6000 boscia@fccouncil.com ababa-khelil@fpccq.qc.ca sbaccus@kfb.oru Baertsche, Mr. Stephen Bacus, Mr. Thomas Baggett, Mr. Wayne Assistant Director, Agriculture & Natural Legislative Correspondent Communications Coordinator Resources Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) Office of Communications Ohio State University Extension 555 Dirksen Office Building 14th and Independence SW 2120 Fyffe Road Washington, DC 20510 Room 407 A, Whitten Building Columbus, OH 43026 202-224-6342 Washington, DC 20250 614-292-4077 kent_bacus@dole.senate.gov 202-720-2032 baertsche. 1 @osu.edu wayne.baggett@usda.gov Bailey, Ms. Cheryl Bailey, Mr. Mike Bailey, Mr. William National Agricultural Statistics Service B&CP Director Area Director Office of Small Farms Coordination Rural Development Colorado Rural Development 1400 Independence Avenue SW 955 Parfet Street 306 US Route 1, Suite B1 Washington, DC 20250 Lakewood, CO 80215 Scarborough, ME 04074 202-720-7017 720-544-2928 207-883-0159 cheryl_bailey@nass.usda.gov mike.bailey@co.usda.gov william.bailey@me.usda.gov Baker, Mr. Allen Baker, Mr. Rodney Baize, Mr. John Agricultural Economist Director, Governmental Affairs President Economic Research Service Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation John C. Baize and Associates 1800 M Street NW PO Box 31 7124 Carol Lane Washington, DC 20036 Little Rock, AR 72203-0031 Falls Church, VA 22042-3714 202-694-5290 501-228-1245 703-698-5908 albaker@ers.usda.gov rodney.baker@arfb.com jbaize@attglobal.net Bang, Mr. Kwanho Bakker, Mr. Michael Bange, Mr. Gerald Visiting Scholar of MLJ Policy Analyst Chairman, World Board University of Missouri-Columbia Ontario Soybean Growers World Agricultural Outlook Board Dept, of Agricultural Economics 100 Stone Road West 1400 Independence Ave. SE 101 Park DeVille Drive, Suite E Guelph, ON Canada L7S 2H7 Washington, DC 20250 Columbia, MO 65203 519-767-1949 202-720-6030 573-882-0665 mbakker@soybean.on.ca gbange@oce.usda.gov bangk@missouri.edu Banks, Mr. Chuck Barbrow, Mr. E. Craig Barjol, Mr. Jean-Louis Kansas Rural Development State Director Rural Business Specialist Secretary-General of CEFS Rural Development Office USDA Rural Development Office European Federation of Sugar 1302 SW First American Place, Suite 100 340 Peppers Ferry Ave. de Tervuren, 182 Topeka, KS 66604 Wytheville, VA 24382 Brussels, Belgium 1150 785-271-2701 276-228-4547 32-2-762-07-60 chuck.banks@ks.usda.gov craig.barbrow@va.usda.gov barjol@cefs.org Barnes, Mr. Charles Barker, Mr. Joseph Barmann, Ms. Kelly Agricultural Field Director Assistant Commissioner Assistant to the State Director Congressman Mike Simpson, Idaho State of TN Economic & Comm. Dev. Rural Development Office 2nd Congressional District 312 8th Avenue N., TN Tower, 10th Floor 5975 Lakeside Blvd. 1201 Falls Ave. East, Suite 25 Nashville, TN 37243 Indianapolis, IN 46278 Twin Falls, ID 83301 615-532-3595 kelly.barmann@in.usda.gov 208-734-7219 joe.barker@state.tn.us charles.bames@mail.house.gov Barone, Mr. Justin Barton, Mr. Richard Research Chemist Barrack, Ms. Leslie Agricultural Statistician Agricultural Research Service House Committee on Appropriations National Agricultural Statistics Servic Bldg. 012, Rm. 1-3, BARC-West 2362-A Rayburn House Office Building 1400 Independence Avenue SW 10300 Baltimore Ave. Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20250 Beltsville, MD 20705 202-225-2638 202-720-7017 301-504-5905 leslie.barrack@mail.house.gov richard_barton@nass.usda.gov baronej@ba.ars.usda.gov Bass, Mr. Robert Bass, Mr. Bob Bastos Filho, Mr. Guilherme Director, Census and Survey Division Vice Chairman Agroconsult National Agricultural Statistics Service CHS, Inc. Rua Francisco Gouveia 1400 Independence Avenue SW E6391 Bass Road 34 Sala 02 Jurere Reedsburg, WI 53959-9124 Washington, DC 20250 Florianopolis, Brazil 88053-645 202-720-7017 608-524-8050 55-48-9921-9153 bob_bass@nass.usda.gov robert.bass@chsinc.com guilhermebastos@agroconsult.com.bi Beaudette, Mr. Daniel Beach, Mr. Larry Beasley, Mr. Gary Director, Community & Business Memphis Area Regional Manager Agricultural Research Service Programs Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Rural Development Room 3.08 B 5100 Poplar Avenue 451 West Street, Suite 2 Washington, DC 20523-3800 Memphis, TN 38137 Amherst, MA 1002 901-818-1582 202 712-4049 413-253-4318 lbeach@usaid.gov bmalone@fdic.gov Dan.Beaudette@ma.usda.gov Becker, Mr. Geoff Behan, Mr. William Ag Policy Specialist Director, Public Affairs Becker, Ms. Elizabeth CRS-RSI Division, Library of Congress John Deere Writer 101 Independence Avenue SE 2000 John Deere Run 141 D Street SE Washington, DC 20540-7450 Cary, NC 27513 Washington, DC 20003 202-707-7287 919-804-2328 202-547-0530 gbecker@crs.loc.gov behanwilliam@johndeere.com ehb47@msn.com Bell, Dr. Gerald Beillard, Mr. Mariano Beisner, Ms. Kathy Hurricane Specialist Economist Public Information Coordinator National Centers for Environmental Foreign Agricultural Service Rural Development Office Prediction, NOAA, National Weather 1400 Independence Ave SW, MS 1052 1221 College Park Drive, Suite 200 Service Washington, DC 20250-1052 Dover, DE 19904 5200 Auth Road, Room 605 202-720-9899 302-857-3580 Camp Springs, MD 20746 mariano.beillard@fas.usda.gov kathy.beisner@de.usda.gov 301-763-8000 gerry.bell@noaa.gov Bennett, Ms. Lana Benson, Mr. Verel Belquist, Mr. Jim Director, Forest & Fishery Products Div. Environment Project Director Executive Director Rural Economic Area Partnership for North Foreign Agricultural Service Food & Agricultural Policy Research Rm. 4647-South Bldg. Institute Dakota 1400 Independence Ave. SW 101 Park DeVille Drive, Suite E PO Box 324 Washington, DC 20250-1047 Columbia, MO 65203 Maddock, ND 58348 202-720-0638 573-882-0689 701-302-0524 lana.bennett@fas.usda.gov bensonv@missouri.edu jboptions@gondtc.com Bertels, Mr. Paul Berg, Mr. Norman Bernard, Mr. Jerry Director of Biotechnology and National Geologist Senior Advisor Analysis Natural Resources Conservation Service American Farmland Trust National Com Growers Association 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Room 6132 1200 18th Street NW, Suite 800 632 Cepi Drive Washington, DC 20013 Washington, DC 20036 Chesterfield, MO 63005 202-331-7300 ext. 3009 202-720-5356 636-733-9004 jerry.bemard@wdc.usda.gov nberg@farmland.org bertels@ncga.com Bettis, Ms. Eugenia Betschart, Ms. Antoinette Bertoni, Mr. Dan Legislative Specialist Associate Administrator US Government Accountability Office Rural Development, Legislative and Agricultural Research Service 441 G Street NW Public Affairs 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Room 302A Washington, DC 20548 815 Maryland Avenue NE, #107 Washington, DC 20250 202-512-9839 Washington, DC 20002 202-720-3658 bertonid@gao.gov 202-260-1886 abetschart@ars.usda.gov eugenia.bettis@wdc.usda.gov Bewick, Mr. Thomas Bickerton, Mr. Thomas Beverly, Ms. Marjorie National Program Leader Economist Rural Development Cooperative State Research, Education & Farm Service Agency 1400 Independence Avenue Extension Service 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20250 Mail stop 2220 Stop 0515 202-692-0177 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20250 marjorie.beverly@wdc.usda.gov 202-401-3356 202-720-3008 tbewick@csrees.usda.gov Thomas.Bickerton@wdc.usda.gov Bisaillon, Mr. Stephane Bishop, Mr. Matthew Blauer, Mr. Reed Vice President Business Development Manager Agricultural Economist Federation des producteurs de cultures Meat & Livestock Australia Foreign Agricultural Service commerciales du Quebec 1401 K Street NW, Suite 602 Ag Stop 1047 555 Boul. Roland-Therrien, bur. 505 Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20250 Longueuil, PQ J4H 4G4 Canada 202-341-2227 202-720-6088 450-679-0540 ext. 8236 mbishop@mlana.com blauer@fas.usda.gov mcadieux@fjjccq.qc.ca Blehm, Mr. E. Scot Blum, Mr. Larry Nebraska Rural Development State Director, COTS Blayney, Mr. Don Director Foreign Agricultural Service Economic Research Service Rural Development Office 1400 Independence Ave SW 1800 M Street NW, Room N5106 Federal Building, Room 152 Room 5646 Washington, DC 20036-5831 100 Centennial Mall N. Washington, DC 20250-1051 202-694-5171 Lincoln, NE 68508 202-720-9516 dblayney@ers.usda.gov 402-437-5550 lawrence.blum@fas.usda.gov scot.blehm@ne.usda.gov Bohman, Ms. Mary Blumenthal, Mr. Gary Bogen, Mr. Jeffrey Director, Resource & Rural Economii President Economist Division World Perspectives, Inc. International Price Program Economic Research Service 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 380 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE 1800 M Street NW Washington, DC 20004 Washington, DC 20212 Washington, DC 20036 202-785-3345 202-691-7126 202-694-5500 gblumenthal@agrilink.com bogen.jeffrey@bls.gov mbohman@ers.usda.gov Bolling, Ms. Hilda Bond, Ms. Nancy Bomersheim, Mr. William Agricultural Economist Commercial Loan Specialist Foreign Agricultural Service Economic Research Service Rural Development Electric Program 1400 Independence Ave. SW 1800 M Street NW 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20250-1047 Washington, DC 20036 Washington, DC 20250 202-720-1596 202-694-5322 202-205-4360 bomersheim@fas.usda.gov hbolling@ers.usda.gov nancy.bond@wdc.usda.gov Bonnet, Mr. Robert Boone, III, Mr. Robert Bonham, Ms. Nancy Branch Chief Legislative Counsel Rural Development / Utilities Programs Farm Service Agency Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) 1400 Independence Ave. SW 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 0522 555 Dirksen Office Building Washington, DC, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20510 202-720-8796 202-720-3889 202-224-6342 nancy.bonham@wdc.usda.gov bob.bonnet@wdc.usda.gov robbie_boone@dole.senate.gov Borck, Ms. Gretchen Borst, Mr. Alan Bosecker, Mr. Ron Director of Issues Agricultural Economist Administrator Washington Association of Wheat Growers Rural Business-Cooperative Service National Agricultural Statistics Servic 109 East First Ave. 2552 Sutcliff Terrace 1400 Independence Avenue SW Ritzville, WA 99169 Brookeville, MD 20833-3251 Washington, DC 20250 509-659-0610 202-690-2401 202-720-7017 gretchen@wawg.org alan.borst@usda.gov ron_bosecker@nass.usda.gov Bowers, Mr. Michael Bouchard, Ms. Michelle Bounds, Mr. Kenneth National Program Leader Vice President/Govemment Affairs Officer Public Affairs Specialist Cooperative State Research., Educatii Risk Management Agency MidAtlantic Farm Credit & Extension Service 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 0801 379 Deep Shore Road 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20250-0801 Denton, MD 21629 Stop 2210 202-720-5846 401-430-1001 Washington, DC 20250-2210 Michelle.Bouchard@rma.usda.gov kbounds@mafc.com 202-401-4510 mbowers@csrees.usda.gov Boyce, Mr. Simon Brakebill, Ms. Linda Brantley, Mr. William Legislative Associate Area Director Agricultural Marketing Service Navajo Nation Washington Office Rural Development Office Room 2545 S. Building 1101 17th Street NW, Suite 250 613 43rd Street, Suite B 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20036 Lubbock, TX 79407 Washington, DC 20250 202-775-0393 806-785-5644 202-720-9926 sboyce@nnwo.org linda.Brakebill@tx.usda.gov William.Brantley@usda.gov Braun, Mr. Ross Branum, Mr. Gregory Bratt, Mr. Jeremy Natural Resources Conservation Missouri Rural Development State Director Office of Senator Byron Dorgan Services Rural Development Office 322 Hart Senate Office Building 5601 Sunnyside Ave., Mail Stop 5471 601 Business Loop 70 West Washington, DC 20250 Beltsville, MD 20705 Parkade Center, Suite 235 202-224-2551 301-504-2195 Columbia, MO 65203 j eremy_bratt@dorgan. senate. gov ross.braun@wdc.usda.gov 573-876-0967 greg.branum@mo.usda.gov Brennan, Mr. Patrick Brennan, Mr. Patrick Brewer, Mr. David New York Rural Development State Acting Commissioner General Manager Director NYS Dept, of Agriculture & Markets Emerson Dell Farm Rural Development Office 10B Airline Drive 5815 Wrentham Market Road The Galleries of Syracuse Albany, NY 12235 The Dalles, OR 97058 441 S. Salina Street, Suite 357 518-457-8876 541-296-4747 Syracuse, NY 13202-2541 commissioner@agmkt.state.ny.us 2brew@netcnct.net 315-477-6435 patrick.brennan@ny.usda.gov Britt, Ms. Rosalia Brinkman, Ms. Daryl Bristow, Jr., Dr. Clinton Customer Service Information Agricultural Statistician President National Agricultural Statistics Servic National Agricultural Statistics Service Alcorn State University 1400 Independence Ave. SW 1400 Independence Avenue SW 1000 ASU Drive 359 5038 South Building Washington, DC 20250 Alcorn State, MS 39096 Washington, DC 20250-2028 202-720-7017 601-877-6111 202-690-8129 daryl__brinkman@nass.usda.gov cbristow@alcom.edu rosalia_britt@nass.usda.gov Brockette, Mr. Scooter Brockhouse, Jr., Mr. John Brooks, Ms. Nora Assistant to the State Director Agricultural Economist Economic Research Service Rural Development Office RBS 1800 M Street NW, Room N-5163 101 South Main, Suite 102 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 3254 Washington, DC 20036 Temple, TX 76501 Washington, DC 20250 202-694-5211 254-742-9711 202-720-2021 nbrooks@ers.usda.gov Scooter.Brockette@tx.usda.gov bill.brockhouse@usda.gov Brown, Mr. Kevin Brown, Ms. Leslie Brown, Mr. Gary Associate Deputy Chief for Management Legislative Specialist Senior Analyst Natural Resources Conservation Service Rural Development US Government Accountability Office 14th & Independence Ave. SW 1400 Independence Avenue SW 2635 Century Parkway, Suite 700 Room 5110 Mail Stop 0705, Room 4171 Atlanta, GA 30345 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20250 404-679-1954 202-720-9480 202-720-9928 browng@gao.gov kevin.brown@wdc.usda.gov lesliea.brown@usda.gov Brown, Mr. Perry Brown, Ms. Virgis Brown, Ms. Shanna Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Economist Western Governors Association Trade & Consumer Protection Farm Service Agency 400 N Capitol Street NW, Suite 388 2811 Agriculture Drive 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20001 Madison, WI 53718 Stop 0532 202-624-5402 608-224-5114 Washington, DC 20250 skbrown@westgov.org perry.brown@datcp.state, wi.us 202-720-8838 virgis.brown@wdc.usda.gov Browning, Mr. Eddie Brown-Harrod, Ms. Vanessa Brugler, Mr. Alan Arizona Rural Development State Director World Agricultural Outlook Board Brugler Marketing Rural Development Office 1400 Independence Ave. SE 15711 Howard Street 230 North First Avenue, Suite 206 Washington, DC 20250 Omaha, NE 68118 Phoenix, AZ 85003-1706 202-720-6030 402-697-3623 602-280-8701 vbharrod@oce.usda.gov alanb@bruglermktg.com eddie.browning@az.usda.gov Buchan, Mr. Philip Buchanan, Mr. William Buikema, Ms. Sarah Senate Committee on Agriculture, Director Agricultural Marketing Service Nutrition & Forestry Risk Management Agency 1400 Independence Ave. SW, S-276 Room SR-328A 1400 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20250 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20250-0805 202-690-4128 Washington, DC 20510-6000 202-690-6068 sarah.buikema@usda.gov 202-224-2035 william.buchanan@rma.usda.gov philip_buchan@agriculture.senate.gov Burke, Mr. Bill Burke, Mr. Richard Burnett, Ms. Gwendolyn Audit Manager Director, Program Support Animal Plant Health & Inspection Office of Inspector General Rural Development Service 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 2315 451 West Street, Suite 2 4700 River Road, Unit 133 Washington, DC 20250 Amherst, MA 01002 Riverdale, MD 20737 202-720-7941 413-253-4319 301-734-5334 wjburke@oig.usda.gov Dick.Burke@ma.usda.gov Gwendolyn. L.Burnett@aphis.usda.g Burr, Mr. Pete Buss, Ms. Julie Burst, Mr. Andrew Cotton Group Leader Researcher Office of the US Trade Representative Foreign Agricultural Service Consultants International Group 600 17th St. NW 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Room 5646 1616 H Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Washington, DC 20250-1051 Washington, DC 20006 202-395-9511 202-690-0292 202-783-7000 aburst@ustr.eop.gov pete.burr@fas.usda.gov jbuss@cig-dc.com Cacciatore, Mr. Paul Caddy, Ms. Cheri Buy, Dr. Carol Chief, Freight Settlement & Invoicing Director, Knowledge Management Deputy Agriculture Counselor Branch Staff Embassy of France Farm Service Agency Foreign Agriculture Service 4101 Reservoir Road NW 1400 Independence Ave. SW 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20007 Room 5755-S, Stop 0551 Stop 1070 202-944-6321 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20250 carol.buy@missioneco.org 202-401-4652 202-720-6062 paul.cacciatore@kcc.usda.gov Cheri.Caddv@fas.usda.gov Callan, Mr. James Calhoun, Ms. Michelle Callahan, Ms. Jennifer Associate Administrator Senior Marketing Specialist Forum & Exhibit Coordinator Risk Management Agency Foreign Agriculture Service World Agricultural Outlook Board 1400 Independence Ave. SW 1400 Independence Avenue SW 1400 Independence Ave. SE Stop 0801 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20250-0801 202-720-2234 202-720-8024 202-720-8812 michelle.calhoun@fas.usda.gov jcallahan@oce.usda.gov James.Callan@rma.usda.gov Cameron, Mr. Orren Campbell, Mr. Daniel Calvin, Ms. Linda Director Editor, Rural Co-Ops Magazine Economic Research Service Rural Development - Telecom Rural Development 1800 M Street NW 1400 Independence Ave. SW 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20036 Stop 1550, Room 2845 Stop 0705 202-694-5244 Washington, DC 20250-1550 Washington, DC 20250 lcavlin@ers.usda.gov 202-690-4493 202-720-6483 ed.cameron@wdc.usda.gov dan.campbell@wdc.usda.aov Carlson, Mr. Clare Canada, Ms. Carol Carayanides, Ms. Anastasia North Dakota Rural Development Sta Ag Policy Specialist Minister Counsellor Commercial Director CRS-RSI Division, Library of Congress Embassy of Australia Rural Development Office 101 Independence Avenue SE 1601 Massachusetts Avenue NW Federal Building, Room 208 Washington, DC 20540-7450 Washington, DC 20036-2273 220 East Rosser/PO Box 1737 202-707-7619 202-797-3346 Bismarck, ND 58502-1737 ccanada@crs.loc.gov anastasia.carayanides@dfat.gov.au 701-530-2037 clare.carlson@nd.usda.gov Carpentier, Ms. Megan Carlucci, Mr. Christopher Carlson, Ms. Susan Manager, Global Public Policy Vice President Science Policy Analyst Association of Equipment JP Morgan Office of Inspector General Manufacturers 522 5th Avenue 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 2301 1000 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 810 New York, NY 10036 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20005 212-837-2059 202-720-4100 202-898-9064 christopher.m.carlucci@jpmorgan.com sjcarlson@oig.usda.gov mcarpentier@aem.org Cassidy, Mr. Christopher Castellaw, Mr. Gary Carvalho, Prof. Eduardo RBCP Program Director Director of Financial Analysis President Rural Development Simplot Co. Av. Brigd. Faria Lima, 2179 - 9th floor 1835 Black Lake Blvd. SW, Suite B 999 Main Street Sao Paulo, Brazil 1452000 Olympia, WA 98512-5715 Boise, ID 83702 55-11-3812-2100 360-704-7707 208-672-2859 edu@unica.com.br chris.cassidy@wa.usda.gov gcastellaw@simplot.com Castro, Mr. Javier Caughey, Ms. J. Savonne Cervantes, Mr. Luis Research Analyst Confidential Assistant Foreign Agricultural Service GIC Group Risk Management Agency 1400 Independence Ave. SW 1434 Duke Street 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 0801 Stop 1047 Alexandria, VA 22314 Washington, DC 20250-0801 Washington, DC 20250-1047 703-684-1366 202-720-6200 202-205-7763 javiercastro@gicgroup.com Savonne.Caughey@rma.usda.gov luis.cervantes@fas.usda.gov Cessna, Mr. Joseph Chambers, Mr. William Chandler, Ms. Jennifer Agricultural Economist Farm Service Agency Rural Development Agricultural Marketing Service 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Room 3732 1400 Independence Avenue 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 0229 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 22050-0229 202-720-3134 202-692-0174 202-720-1959 william.chambers@wdc.usda.gov jennifer.chandler@wdc.usda.gov Jerry.Cessna@usda.gov

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