Prospectus The Advanced Diploma in International Taxation 2014 Contents Introduction 3 Registration as a Diploma candidate 4 The Diploma entry procedure – examinations and thesis 5 Dates, centres and fees 5 Withdrawal from the examination 6 The papers 7 Format 7 Sitting ADIT papers 7 Thesis option 10 Resources 10 Examination results 11 Prizes 11 Certificates 11 Affiliates 11 Further information 12 Permitted texts and calculators 12 Permitted text regulations 14 Courses of study 15 Courses specific to ADIT 15 Relevant courses not specific to ADIT 17 University courses 18 About the CIOT 21 The syllabus, suggested reading and guidance notes for the writing of a thesis are available as a separate publication. 2 Introduction Advanced Diploma in achieving recognition of the Diploma by leading International Taxation – ADIT authorities in tax around the world. International tax is an important part of the The Diploma is supervised by an Academic work of many tax advisers. However, a key Board of distinguished international tax characteristic of international advisers is that practitioners. they have a variety of backgrounds and typically spend time in more than one country. Holders of the Diploma are entitled to use the designatory letters “ADIT” after their name. This unique, specialist Diploma meets the needs of international tax practitioners in the The Diploma is a free-standing qualification corporate area. which will not give the right to membership of the Chartered Institute of Taxation. However, ADIT is awarded and administered by the holders of the Diploma may apply to become Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT), the an ‘International Tax Affiliate of the Chartered leading professional body in the United Institute of Taxation’. This ongoing link with Kingdom concerned solely with taxation (see the CIOT will entitle the individual to receive a page 21). Applicants for ADIT are welcomed number of benefits, including: from all parts of the world, and residence in the UK is not necessary in order to achieve the • the right to describe oneself as an qualification. ADIT has been pursued in over ‘International Tax Affiliate of The 90 countries and in every continent around the Chartered Institute of Taxation’ world. The Institute considers that there are • the right to apply to become a significant benefits in having an internationally virtual member of the CIOT Technical recognised Diploma. The Diploma indicates Committee’s various Sub-Committees a high level of competence in international • provision of the monthly journal Tax taxation, and a successful candidate will be able Adviser, which includes technical articles, to demonstrate knowledge in three areas: current tax notes, digests of tax cases and news from the Institute • the principles of international taxation • the right to contribute articles to Tax • in-depth knowledge of international tax Adviser issues for their primary jurisdiction • networking opportunities through our • an awareness of basic tax issues, global branches including Asia Pac, particularly in relation to international tax, Australasia, Europe, Hong Kong, North in at least one secondary jurisdiction or America and the UK subject. • a framework of ethical standards and practice guidelines It is possible to substitute a thesis for one • CPD opportunities examination paper (see page 10). • use of the Institute’s Tony Arnold Library at King’s College, London. The overall standard of the Diploma is broadly comparable to the CTA in the UK. A These benefits are subject to compliance with key goal is to make this a truly international the Institute’s terms and conditions. qualification. As this vision is realised, advisers moving from one country to another will Diploma holders will be awarded a credit (on have a common qualification as an important application) for the Advanced Corporation Tax credential. The Institute is working towards Advisory Paper of the CIOT’s Chartered Tax 33 Adviser examination, providing the Paper II UK Option was completed during their ADIT studies. The credit will be valid for five sittings following the candidate’s first sitting of a CTA written tax paper. Registration as a Diploma Candidate The only pre-condition for registration is the registration will be valid for five years. possession of an email address. Applicants are welcomed from all parts of the world, and The Diploma Committee reserves the right to residence in the UK is not necessary in order to refuse or cancel any application for registration register. as a student without assigning any reason to the refusal or cancellation. Candidates are strongly encouraged to register an interest in sitting a Diploma paper five Candidates should visit the website at months prior to the first examination they wish and register online, or to sit. They can then be contacted via email download the relevant forms, or contact the with pertinent information. Education Team at the Chartered Institute of Taxation as below. Candidates should aim to be registered by 30 November if they wish to sit an examination The website also contains up-to-date the following June (and 31 May if they wish to information on ADIT course providers. sit an exam the following December), although registration will remain possible up to the end Education Team of January for June exam candidates and the The Chartered Institute of Taxation end of July for December exam candidates. 1st Floor, Artillery House Entry for the examination itself is a separate 11-19 Artillery Row procedure. London SW1P 1RT An application for registration must be T: +44 (0)844 579 6700 submitted with a fee of £180. Diploma 4 The Diploma Entry Procedure – Examinations and Thesis Dates, Centres and Fees will be 8 September 2014. Examination entry can be made online via the ADIT website, or To provide greater flexibility to ADIT candidates an examination form can be sent via post. around the world, an increased number of Examination forms are available to download examination centres will be available for the from the website. Employers registering and June 2014 ADIT exam session. Centres in the paying for several employees should contact most popular ADIT locations are designated as the Education Team in advance. regular exam centres, for which all exam centre fees will continue to be included in the ADIT All examination entries are normally examination fee. In addition, a range of special acknowledged via email, within ten working exam centres will be provided to candidates days. Candidates should email or telephone if wishing to sit in locations where there are fewer this is not received. ADIT candidates. Candidates entering to sit ADIT exams at a special exam centre will need to pay The Institute does strive to provide the an additional fee directly to the centre. best possible exam conditions for its students. However, the Institute cannot take Regular exam centres are available in June 2014 responsibility for circumstances or events in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, outside its control which occur at exam venues Cyprus, Greece, Hong Kong, India (Chennai and during the period of the exams, for example Mumbai), Ireland, Kenya, Malta, Mauritius, external noise, climate conditions, industrial Pakistan, Romania, Singapore, Switzerland, the action affecting travel, etc. UAE, the UK, and the USA (New York). Entry forms arriving after the closing date Special exam centres are available in June 2014 cannot be guaranteed, and will be subject to a in the following countries: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, late fee. The fee for the 2014 examinations will China, Croatia, Egypt, India (Delhi), Indonesia, be £165 per paper. Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Netherlands, Nigeria, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Uganda, Ukraine, The thesis registration fee is £165. This fee the USA (Houston), Vietnam and Zambia. is only charged upon approval of the thesis application and proposal. A proposal form for Candidates wishing to sit June 2014 ADIT exams the thesis may be submitted at any time. in a location not listed above should contact the Education Team, or indicate their preferred exam location, no later than 31 December 2013. Any new exam centre requests received after 31 December 2013 will unfortunately be rejected. More information about ADIT exam centres can be found on the website at It is the responsibility of candidates to enter for ADIT examinations. The last date for receipt of June 2014 examination entries (the closing date) will be 28 February 2014. For December 2014 examination entries, the closing date 5 2014 Exam Dates Withdrawal from Diploma Examinations Exams for the June 2014 exam session will take place on the following dates: Examination fees are not refundable. Candidates who withdraw from the examination 10 June 2014 after the closing date forfeit one half of the Paper I entry fee, provided that written notification is given no later than 14 days before the first 11 June 2014 examination of the session (i.e. Tuesday 27 Paper II May 2014 for June 2014 exam withdrawals, and • A – United Kingdom Option Tuesday 25 November 2014 for December 2014 • B – United States Option exam withdrawals). After that time the full fee • C – Hong Kong Option is forfeited. Any unforfeited amount is carried • D – Singapore Option forward towards the fee payable for the next • E – Malta Option examination session only. • F – Australia Option • G – India Option • H – Ireland Option • J - Cyprus Option 12 June 2014 Paper III • A – United States Option • B – European Union Option • D – China Option • F – Transfer Pricing Option Exams for the December 2014 exam session will take place on the following dates: 9 December 2014 Paper I 10 December 2014 Paper IIA – United Kingdom 11 December 2014 Paper III • B – European Union Option • F – Transfer Pricing Option 6 The Papers Format Sitting ADIT papers The Diploma is assessed in modular form and is Each examination taking place during the June awarded when all stages have been completed. 2014 ADIT exam session can be sat either as If candidates pass any of the ADIT papers, these a traditional, handwritten exam or as a typed passes will remain valid for the next five years. exam, using our on-screen exam system. If the entire qualification is not completed within five years then candidates may re- If you wish to sit an ADIT examination using the register as ADIT students but will have to take on-screen exam system in June 2014, you will and pass any papers which were passed more need to select this option at the time of your than five years previously. However, all papers examination entry. You will be required to install may be sat at one sitting over three days. There the on-screen exam software onto a laptop will be an element of choice in most papers. device in advance, and bring your device to the examination hall on the day of the examination. The Diploma consists of three papers, although a thesis may be completed in lieu of either Examinations taking place during the December Paper II or Paper III (but not both). Further 2014 exam session are available as on- details can be found on page 10. screen exams only. If you wish to sit an ADIT examination in December 2014, you will need Paper II is designed to test candidates’ to install the on-screen exam software onto detailed knowledge of a primary jurisdiction. your device in advance, and bring your device Because an international tax practitioner to the examination hall on the day of the needs to understand more than one country’s examination. tax system, Paper III is designed to test an awareness of basic tax issues, particularly in Full information on on-screen ADIT relation to corporate tax and international tax, examinations can be found on the website at in at least one secondary jurisdiction or area of taxation. Accordingly, candidates for the ADIT will be required to pass Papers II and III by relating to different countries or jurisdictions. For example, a candidate who completes the United States Option for Paper II will need to select a different jurisdiction for Paper III. 7 Paper I – Principles of tax, federal gift tax and state and local taxes. International Taxation Please see the Syllabus for full details. 3 hours plus 15 minutes reading time This examination is currently offered in the June This paper is not country-specific, but focuses ADIT exam session. on key issues such as Principles of International Tax Law, Residence, Double Taxation C – Hong Kong Option Conventions and Treaty interpretation, transfer This paper covers the Hong Kong income tax pricing, the work of the OECD and international system as it affects individuals and corporate tax avoidance. Please see the Syllabus for full businesses, with particular emphasis details. on international trading, and includes various special categories of taxpayer, tax This examination is currently offered in the June administration, double tax relief and tax and December ADIT exam sessions. planning. It also covers the Hong Kong stamp duty. Please see the Syllabus for full details. Candidates who pass this examination are eligible to apply for a certificate. Please see This examination is currently offered in the June page 11 for more information. ADIT exam session. Paper II – Advanced International D – Singapore Option Taxation – Primary jurisdiction This paper covers the main income taxation issues typically encountered by global 3 hours plus 15 minutes reading time businesses operating in a territorial-based Candidates are expected to have detailed taxation economy that is highly dependent on knowledge of a primary country’s tax regime international trade. The topics serve to highlight regarding international tax matters. tax planning opportunities in cross border activities. GST planning is being seen as a vital Available in the following options: tool in shaping corporate competitiveness as the state increases its dependence on it as a A – United Kingdom Option stable source of tax revenue. Please see the This paper covers areas such as UK CFC Syllabus for full details. legislation, double tax relief, thin capitalisation, reorganisations, transfer pricing, application This examination is currently offered in the June of corporation tax to cross-border situations ADIT exam session. and anti-avoidance provisions. Please see the Syllabus for full details. E – Malta Option This paper covers the structure of the Maltese This examination is currently offered in the June tax system with particular emphasis on Income and December ADIT exam sessions. Tax, Income Tax from Capital Gains, Property Transfer Tax, Duty on Documents and Transfers B – United States Option and VAT. Please see the Syllabus for full details. This paper covers in detail the federal income tax, with particular emphasis on in-bound This examination is currently offered in the June and out-bound cross-border situations, US ADIT exam session. tax treaties, transfer pricing and cross border mergers and acquisitions. It also includes basic F – Australia Option rules and cross-border issues on federal estate This paper covers the structure of the Australian 8 tax system with particular emphasis on Income Paper III – Principles of Corporate Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax and Goods and Services and International Taxation – Tax. Please see the Syllabus for full details. Secondary jurisdiction This examination is currently offered in the June 3 hours plus 15 minutes reading time ADIT exam session. Candidates are expected to be aware of the key features of the corporate tax system and be G – India Option able to answer questions on international tax This paper covers the structure of the Indian in relation to a secondary jurisdiction, without taxation system with particular emphasis on being expected to offer detailed advice on that income tax (including Income Tax on Capital country’s tax system. Gains) and wealth tax including: Tax jurisdiction (including territoriality), Taxation of individuals, Available in the following options: Taxation of companies, Tax planning, Use of tax treaties, Tax procedures, Withholding taxes, and A – United States Option Tax administration. Please see the Syllabus for This paper covers the structure of the US full details. tax system, overview of federal income tax, inbound investment, outbound investment, This examination is currently offered in the June transfer pricing, anti-avoidance and ADIT exam session. partnerships. Please see the Syllabus for full details. H – Ireland Option This paper covers the personal, corporate and This examination is currently offered in the June indirect taxes in an international context. It ADIT exam session. also covers double tax relief, reorganisations, transfer pricing, cross border issues and anti- B – European Union Option avoidance. Please see the Syllabus for full This paper examines the impact of European details. Union Law on all aspects of taxation for all Member States. The paper includes the This examination is currently offered in the June background to Union Law in the Treaties, and ADIT exam session. the role of the various Union institutions. Please see the Syllabus for full details. J – Cyprus Option This paper covers the structure of the This examination is currently offered in the June Cypriot tax system, with emphasis on Income and December ADIT exam sessions. Tax, sources of income, Special Defence Contribution, Capital Gains Tax, Immovable D – China Option Property Tax, Collection and Assessment Tax, This paper covers the structure of the Chinese Trusts, Land Transfer Fees, Stamp Duty and VAT. tax system with particular emphasis on Please see the Syllabus for full details. Individual Income Tax, Enterprise Income Tax and inbound and outbound investment taxes. This examination is currently offered in the June Please see the Syllabus for full details. ADIT exam session. This examination is currently offered in the June ADIT exam session. 9 F – Transfer Pricing Option Resources This paper covers the fundamentals of transfer pricing based on the OECD model. The All ADIT students are advised to refer to past paper will focus on transfer pricing methods, papers, suggested answers and Examiners’ the arm’s length principle, comparability, reports for each exam selected, as these can compliance issues and avoiding double taxation be used to provide an idea of the types of and dispute resolution. Please see the Syllabus questions to be answered in an ADIT exam, and for full details. the standard of answer required. This examination is currently offered in the June Past papers, suggested answers and Examiners’ and December ADIT exam sessions. reports for previous ADIT exams can be accessed from the ‘Current Students’ page of Candidates who pass this examination are the ADIT website: eligible to apply for a certificate. Please see page 11 for more information. In addition, the following resources are Thesis Option (Paper II/Paper III) available to all ADIT students, Graduates and Affiliates to assist with study towards the Candidates have the option of writing a thesis exams, research towards an ADIT thesis, or any as an alternative to either (but not both other research or professional development: of) Paper II or Paper III. The thesis’ primary jurisdiction must differ from that of the exam CIOT Library selected by the candidate for the remaining The Tony Arnold Library is housed as part of the Option Paper. law collection of King’s College London, located on Chancery Lane in central London. For further The thesis must be between 15,000 and 20,000 information please visit the Tony Arnold Tax words and must focus on international taxation. Library webpage at: If a candidate wishes to submit a thesis instead library of Paper II, the topic of the thesis should relate to some aspect of international tax primarily IBFD Library concerning the candidate’s primary jurisdiction. The IBFD offer a comprehensive and inexpensive public library service. For more If a candidate wishes to submit a thesis instead information please visit the IBFD Library of Paper III, the topic of the thesis should website at: relate to some aspect of international tax as it primarily affects a secondary jurisdiction or transnational grouping such as the EU. ATAX (University of New South Wales) Library The UNSW Library offers an extensive catalogue Prior to commencing work on a thesis, and various research services. Please visit the candidates must have a thesis proposal form UNSW Library website for more information, at: approved. The thesis must be submitted within three years of approval being given. Full guidance notes are included in the Syllabus publication. 10