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Preview Prospects for measurement-based quantum computing with solid state spins

Laser&PhotonicsReviews,January21,2009 5 Abstract This article aims to review the developments, both theoreticalandexperimental,thathaveinthepastdecadelaid detector the ground for a new approach to solid state quantum com- array puting. Measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC) re- quiresneitherdirectinteractionbetweenqubitsnorevenwhat would be considered controlled generation of entanglement. Ratheritcanbeachievedusingentanglementthatisgenerated probabilisticallybythecollapseofquantumstatesuponmea- fast switched optical multiplexer surement.Singleelectronicspinsinsolidsmakesuitablequbits forsuchanapproach,offeringlongcoherencetimesandwell definedroutestoopticalmeasurement.Wewillreviewthethe- oretical basis of MBQC and experimental data for two fron- trunner candidate qubits – nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in qubits in diamond and semiconductor quantum dots – and discuss the cavities prospectsandchallengesthatlieaheadinrealisingMBQCin 9 thesolidstate. 0 Schematicarchitectureforameasurement-basedquantumcom- 0 puter. 2 n Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher a J 1 2 Prospects for measurement-based quantum computing ] h with solid state spins p - t n aSimonC.Benjamin,1,2BrendonW.Lovett,1andJasonM.Smith1 u q1UniversityofOxford,DepartmentofMaterials,ParksRoad,OxfordOX13PH,UK [2CentreforQuantumTechnologies,NationalUniversityofSingapore,3ScienceDrive2,117543Singapore 2 Received:... v Publishedonline:... 2 9 0 3 .Keywords: quantumcomputing,entanglement,graphstates,spinqubits,coherence,NVcentres,quantumdots 1 0 9 0 : v XiContents glement between qubits in a deterministic and reversible fashion. Early experimental architectures with electronic r a1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 qubits therefore focused on systems in which the qubits 2. Theoryofmeasurement-basedquantumcomputing . . 6 were spaced closely enough, within tens of nanometres 3. SolidstatearchitecturesforMBQC:Generalconsider- orless,tocommunicatewitheachotherthroughsomelo- ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 calinteractionthatcouldbegatedusingexternalcontrols 4. Candidatesolidstatequbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 [1,2]. Despite some impressive achievements and beau- 5. Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 tiful science resulting from this work, the need to locate qubitssocloselytoeachotherwhilstretainingfullcontrol onthemindividuallypresentsenormouschallenges,espe- 1. Introduction ciallyinthedesignofscalablearchitectures. Whenquantumcomputingwasfirstconceived,itwasgen- In the past decade, theoretical schemes for ‘measure- erally assumed that to achieve a universal set of quan- ment-based’,or‘one-way’quantumcomputing(MBQC) tum gates one would need to be able to generate entan- haveprovidedapromisingalternativetothecircuit-based e-mail:[email protected] Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 6 Benjamin,Lovett,andSmith:MBQCusingsolidstatespins model. Rather than entanglement production being part otherneighbouringspins,andtherequirementsplacedon of a quantum algorithm, an entangled state is generated thequbitmodulesbytheneedtoperformhighfidelityop- in advance, and the algorithm is then executed via mea- ticalmeasurementofthespins.Section4thenfocuseson surementswhichconsumethatentanglement.Suchanap- ourtwocandidatequbits,thepropertiesthatmakethemat- proachbringsthemajoradvantagethaterrorsinentangle- tractiveforMBQC,andhighlightsthestrengthsandweak- ment generation can be identified and corrected without nesses of each. We conclude by providing an outlook for prejudicing the algorithm. This leads directly to the re- thechallengesthatremaininrealisingmeasurement-based alisation that entanglement generation can be probabilis- quantumcomputinginthesolidstate. tic(providedthatsuccessesandfailuresareheralded)and thereforethatentanglementcanbegeneratedby‘measur- ingout’termsintheproductstateoftwoormoreuncorre- 2. Theoryofmeasurement-basedquantum latedsystems.Thequbitscanbespatiallyremote,provided computing weareabletoconstructanappropriatemeasurement. The first demonstration of measurement-based entan- In 1999 and 2001, two important theoretical insights into glementofmacroscopicallyseparatesystemswasreported thecreationandexploitationofentanglementwereattained. byChouetalusingatomicensemblesin2005[3],anden- The first was the discovery of an elegant method of en- tanglement of two remote single atoms was reported by tanglement generation by exploiting the act of measure- Moehringetalin2007[4].Suchexperimentswillalmost ment[6].Thesecondinsightwasthatcertainmany-qubit certainly be extended to entanglement of multiple qubits entangledstatesconstituteanenablingresourceforquan- in these very promising systems and could pave the way tum computing, in the sense that if one were given such towards fully scalable quantum computing. Moreover, in a resource of sufficient size then one could perform any this review we shall argue that the ability to use remote chosen algorithm just by measuring the qubits one at a qubits is a particular boost to efforts to realize quantum time [7]. Taken together, these two ideas allow us to see computing in solid state systems. Not only does it solve thatmeasurementcanbethesoledrivingforceofaquan- the problem of single qubit manipulation outlined above, tumcomputation,andweareleadtoconsidercomputerar- italsoallowsustoaddresssuchissuesasinhomogeneities chitecturesthatareverydifferenttotheearlycircuit-based inthequbitlocalenvironmentsandlowyieldsofworking conceptssuchasKane’sproposal[1]. qubits. To build a ten qubit computer it is no longer nec- Here we will briefly review these two advances, and essarytobeabletofabricatetenworkingqubitsonasin- we will consider some schemes for computation that are gledevice-onecanfabricateten‘devices’eachwithone tenableinlightoftheseinsights. workingqubit.Theideaofadistributedquantumcomputer was thus born (see title figure), in which discrete mod- ules containing individual qubits act as nodes connected to an optical multiplexing system. The multiplexer and 2.1. Entanglementbymeasurement qubit modules are all controlled by a classical computer thatmakesrealtimedecisionsbasedonthepatternofde- Entanglement is generated naturally when physical sys- tectioneventsandexecutessubsequentoperationsaccord- temsinteractcoherently.Forexampletwoelectronstrapped ingly-aprocessknownas‘feedforwarddecisionmaking’. atnearbysitescanentanglewithoneanotherthroughtheir The architecture is inherently scalable by the addition of mutual Heisenberg interaction. This is the basis of many further nodes and a larger multiplexer, provided (as with schemes for QIP, especially in the solid state. However, any quantum computation scheme) all the necessary op- there is another route to entanglement: rather than allow- erationscanbeexecutedwithinthecoherencetimeofthe ingthephysicalqubitstointeractdirectly,insteadtheycan qubits. bekeptatfixed,wellseparatedsitesandsimplysubjected Even in this alternative measurement based paradigm toameasurement. for performing quantum computing, DiVincenzo’s crite- Typically one would employ the following idea. The ria [5] of long coherence times, controlled qubit initiali- basic unit is an optically active entity which we call the sation and manipulation, and efficient optical readout are matter qubit: it could be an atom, or an atom-like struc- principalconsiderations.Electronspinsinsolidscanoffer ture such as a quantum dot or an optically active crystal allofthese,andinthisreviewwewilldiscusstwoleading defect. Following laser stimulation the matter qubit may contenders, namely nitrogen vacancy defects in diamond emitaphoton;itsinternalstatethendependsonthepres- andStranskiKrastanowquantumdots. ence/absenceofsuchaphoton,oronphotonpolarisation, The paper is laid out as follows. In Section 2 we first etc. To generate entanglement between two matter qubits reviewthebasicphysicsandmathematicsbehindmeasure- we would initialize them and then subject them both to ment-basedquantumcomputing,highlightingtheaspects laser excitation simultaneously. We would monitor their that lead to practical requirements that differ from those emissions in such a way that we infer characteristics of ofcircuit-basedschemes.InSection3wethendiscussthe theirmutualstatewithoutlearningthesourceofanygiven physics that is particular to electron spin qubits in solids, photon. The essential ‘trick’ in most schemes, including suchasdecoherenceduetointeractionswiththelatticeand the original 1999 proposal of Cabrillo et al [6], is to use Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher Laser&Photon.Rev.1,No.1(2008) 7 a beam splitter in theapparatus so that any detected pho- of the matter qubits in the event that the detectors regis- ton could have originated from either source qubit. This teratotalofonephoton?Toanswerthiswehavetotrack techniqueisreferredtoaspatherasure. theevolutionofthephoton.Forsimplicityweimaginethat at a given moment the photon has been emitted from the matterqubit(whetheritistheleftorrightsystem)buthas notyetpassedthebeamsplitter.Atthistimethestatehas evolvedasfollows: (cid:16) (cid:17) (|0e(cid:105)+|e0(cid:105))|vac(cid:105)→ |01(cid:105)a† +|10(cid:105)a† |vac(cid:105) (2) R L where |vac(cid:105) is the vacuum state of the electromagnetic field.Weintroducethephotoncreationoperatora† torep- L resent a photon in the lower left channel in Fig. 1, and similarly a† in the right channel. For simplicity we will R neglecttowritethe|vac(cid:105)explicitlyinsubsequentexpres- Figure 1 An apparatus capable of creating entanglement sions; it should be understood to be present on the right throughameasurement. side of the expression just as in (2). Now if the photons inthetwoachannelsareformallyindistiguishable(inall sensesexceptforthechanneltheyoccupy!),andtheyare ConsiderthesimpleschematicdiagramshowninFig.1. incidentonthebeamsplitterinsuchawayastomaponto Suppose that each of the matter qubits A and B has the thesametwooutputmodesb† andb†,thena† anda† are “L” level structure shown on the right. For a moment let L R L R transformedbythebeamsplitterasasfollows: usalsoimaginethattheapparatusisideal,inthatnopho- ton will ever be lost from the system. Any photon emit- 1 1 a† → √ (ib† +b†) a† → √ (b† +ib†) (3) tedbythematterqubitswilleventuallyreachthedetectors L 2 L R R 2 L R and register a ‘click’. Moreover we will assume that the wherethephaseiisassociatedwithreflectionratherthan detectors can count the number of incident photons (dis- transmission. Using this transformation we can write the tinguishing zero, one and two). Let us perform a thought stateofthesystemoncethephotonhaspassedthesplitter: experimentwiththefollowingsteps:(1)Weinitializeeach matterqubittothestate|+(cid:105)≡ √12(|0(cid:105)+|1(cid:105)).(2)Wesub- |01(cid:105)(b†L+ib†R)+|10(cid:105)(ib†L+b†R) (4) ject both matter qubits to a laser pulse, performing a π =(|01(cid:105)+i|10(cid:105))b† +(i|01(cid:105)+|10(cid:105))b† (5) rotationonthetransition|1(cid:105) → |e(cid:105).Now,atthisstagethe L R stateofeachqubitis √12(|0(cid:105)+|e(cid:105)),sothatthestateofthe wherewehavesimplycollectedtermsinvolvingb† andb† L R entiresystemis andneglectedtheoverall √1 .Nowtheactionofthedetec- 2 1 tors is precisely to record either a photon corresponding (|00(cid:105)+|0e(cid:105)+|e0(cid:105)+|ee(cid:105)) (1) 2 to b†, or one corresponding to b†. Suppose that in fact L R theleftdetectorclicks–thenwehaveprojectedthematter wherewehavesimplymultipliedoutthestatesofthetwo qubitsintothestate √1 (|01(cid:105)+i|10(cid:105)),insertingthecorrect separate systems A and B, and have organized the qubit 2 values in each ‘ket’ as |AB(cid:105) (keeping track of the order- normalisation.Thus,ifweseethismeasurementoutcome then we have projected the matter qubits onto an entan- ing of the labels may appear inconsequential at present, gledstate–infact,amaximallyentangledstate.Similarly but our reason for doing so will become clear in the next asingleclickintherightdetectorheraldsthematterqubit section). We can now think about the future evolution of eachterminthissuperposition.Firstly,weseethattheterm state √1 (i|01(cid:105)+|10(cid:105)).Noticethatitisessentialtoknow 2 |00(cid:105)hasnoexcitation,andthereforenophotonwillemerge whichdetectorclicked,becausethetwopossibleresulting fromthematterqubitsandthedetectorswillnever‘click’. states have different phases, and in fact if we write down We also note that state |ee(cid:105) will eventually produce two themixedstatecorrespondingtouncertaintyaboutwhich photons, as the two excited matter systems relax to state detectorclicked,thenthismixedstatehasnoentanglement |11(cid:105).Thesephotonswilleventuallybeseenbythedetec- atall. tors (since we have no loss, and the capability to count). In fact a final detector reading of zero indicates that the matterqubitsareinstate|00(cid:105),whileafinaldetectorread- 2.1.1. Parityprojection ingoftwoimpliesthatthematterqubitsareinstate|11(cid:105). Neitheroftheseareinteresting–wecouldhaveprepared We could not achieve much of significance if we were those states directly in the first place! However, what of limited to creating two-qubit entangled states using this the other two terms? States |0e(cid:105) and |e0(cid:105) will both pro- method,butfortunatelyitturnsoutthatrepeatingthesame duce one photon, and so a detector reading of one need processallowsustocreatemulti-qubitentangledstates.To not differentiate between them. So what is the final state seethisimaginethatthelefthanddetectorintheprevious Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 8 Benjamin,Lovett,andSmith:MBQCusingsolidstatespins section has clicked, so that qubits A and B are entangled 18].Wecanruleoutthepossibilitythataphotonwaslost in state |01(cid:105)+i|10(cid:105), and that we initialize a third matter (since we see one from each source). These schemes do qubit‘C’intostate|+(cid:105).Thetotalthree-qubitstateisnow not necessarily require both photons to be present at the sametime;theymaybeemittedintwosuccessive‘rounds’ |010(cid:105)+|011(cid:105)+i|100(cid:105)+i|101(cid:105) (6) asin[16]forexample.Typicallyintheseapproaches,suc- where each three qubit ‘ket’ is now ordered |ABC(cid:105). We cess is heralded by detector ‘clicks’ which correspond to maynowsubjectqubitsBandCtoalaserpulseinducing single photons impinging on two different detectors, or |1(cid:105) → |e(cid:105),andallowthesystemtoevolveusingasimilar on a given detector at two distinct times. Consequently path erasure scheme as described previously. Once again there is no need for the detectors to be capable of count- we will have ‘failure’ outcomes corresponding to seeing ingthenumberofincidentphotons.Moreover,two-photon zero or two photons, this time with the added penalty of schemes are typically interferometrically stable, meaning destroyingtheexistingentanglement,butintheeventthat thattheoverallprotocolisinsensitivetopathlengthvari- we see exactly one photon then qubits B and C will have ations. The price to pay for these advantages is that en- become entangled. The final state that will result in only tanglement only occurs when both emitted photons are onedetectorclickis detected so the success rate falls quadratically with the i|101(cid:105)(b† +ib†)+|010(cid:105)(ib† +b†) (7) probabilitythatagivenphotonisretained.However,even L R L R thisproblemcanbemitigatedifonecanexploitadditional =i(|101(cid:105)+|010(cid:105))b† +(|010(cid:105)−|101(cid:105))b†. (8) L R complexitywithineachnode(e.g.,othereigenstatesofthe Byrecordingwhichdetectorclicks,wenowobtainathree- nanostructure)[19]. qubitmaximallyentangledstate.Thisprocessofaddinga Themajorityofmeasurement-induced-entanglementschemes matterqubittoanexistingentangledstatecanberepeated fall into these categories, although there are several other togrowanarbitrarilylargeentangledstate(althoughaswe approaches – an example is the idea of scattering a sin- will see shortly, there are better ways to proceed than to glephoton(orstreamofsuchphotons)fromtwophysical addonequbitatatime).Wecanexpresstheprocessofen- qubitspriortoitsmeasurement[20,21]. tanglementbuildingassubjectingthetwotargetqubitsto It is important to distinguish clearly between the suc- aparityprojectionleavingthemintheoddparitysubspace cessrateofanentanglementoperation,andthefidelityof –i.e.wehaveexcludedtheevenparitystates|00(cid:105)and|11(cid:105) that operation. Generally any given protocol will be able from the |BC(cid:105) subsystem’s superposition. Formally, we to recognize that certain kinds of error have occurred; in haveappliedtheoperatorPˆ = |10(cid:105)(cid:104)10|+p|01(cid:105)(cid:104)01|to particular,allpracticalprotocolsmustdistinguishwhena BC theseparablestateinequation6,wherepiseitherior−i photonhasbeenlost.Whenweknowthatanerrorhasoc- depending on which detector clicked. Now this operation curredwecandesignatetheoperationasafailureandreset isidealforbuildingupaparticularkindofmulti-qubitstate our qubits. Thus photon loss affects the success rate but calledagraphstate(ofwhichtheclusterstateisaspecial neednotaffectthefidelityofthesuccessfulentanglement case). Graph states are a resource that permits quantum operations,whentheyoccur.However,generallytherewill computing,aswediscussbelow. beothererrorswhichagivenprotocolcannotdetect(orbe immune to). One commonly vulnerability is that of dark counts,wherea‘click’occursthoughnophotonwasemit- 2.1.2. Photonloss tedfromthematterqubits:onseeingsuchacount,wemay wronglyconcludethatwehavecreatedentanglement.Ex- As we move from considering an idealized apparatus to perimentaldefectsofthiskindwilldirectlyimpactthefi- arealisticsystem,theprincipalissuetoaddressisphoton delity of the entanglement operations, and therefore it is loss. Any photon lost from the apparatus in the scheme essentialtominimizethem. described above will leave the matter qubits in an uncer- One variant of the two-photon approach was used by tainstate.Wemustofcourseincludedetectorinefficiency Moehringetalinref.[4]toentangletwo171Yb+ionsata as one form of ‘loss’. One solution is weak excitation: in success rate of about thirty per billion attempts. This low thistypeofapproachwekeeptherateofphotongeneration success rate should improve by orders of magnitude with verylow,sothatasingledetectorclickismuchmorelikely the use of improved apparatus, and in particular the use to have resulted from a single photon being emitted than of cavities to direct emitted photons into the optical ap- fromtwobeingemittedandonelost [6,11,12].Ofcourse paratus.Nevertheless,thelowsuccessrateachievedsofar this assumption is imperfect; the fidelity of the final state doeshighlightthequestionofhowonecanperformacom- canonlybeimprovedbyfurtherreducingtherateofentan- plexcomputationwhentheenablingoperation,i.e.entan- glementgenerationandsotherewillalwaysbeafiniteer- glement generation, is prone to fail. There are essentially ror.Nevertheless,theapproachisattractiveinitssimplicity twoclassesofsolution:onecanadoptasmartgrowthstrat- andwasthemethodusedbyChouetaltoentangleremote egy which allows the construction of large states despite atomic ensembles in ref. [3]. A more sophisticated alter- high failure probabilities on each individual operation, or native would be to adopt a so-called two-photon scheme: onecanuseabrokeringprotocolwhichrequiresasecond Herebothmatterqubitsemitaphoton,andsuccessfulen- physicalqubitateachlocation.Thesetwoapproacheswill tanglementinvolvesdetectingthemboth[13,14,15,16,17, be addressed in the next section, but first we shall intro- Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher Laser&Photon.Rev.1,No.1(2008) 9 duce the concepts behind the use of pre-prepared entan- Note that we only need a single-qubit rotation to trans- gledstatesasaresourceforquantumcomputation. formbetweenthisstateandthetwo-qubitentangledstates wefoundresultedfrommeasurementinourbeam-splitter device.Anystatethatcanbeturnedintoagraphstatejust bysinglequbitgates(unitarygates,notmeasurements)is 2.2. MBQCandgraphstates saidtobelocalunitaryequivalent,orLUequivalent,tothe graphstate[26]. In 2001, Briegel and Raussendorf reported a radical new Beforereviewingtheutilityofgraphstates,letusex- approachtoquantumcomputingbasedoncreatingalarge tendthepictorialnotationoffigure2inawaythatwillbe entangledstateandsubsequentlyconsumingitbyaseries helpful. We will draw an open circle to represent a phys- of measurements [7]. They were able to show that this ical qubit that is connected to the rest of the graph state approach permits one to accomplish the same tasks that bytheusualcontrol-phasegate,butwhichwaspreparedin can be performed by the earlier circuit model paradigm. somegeneralqubitstate|ψ(cid:105)=α|0(cid:105)+β|1(cid:105)insteadofthe Their new paradigm for quantum computation had clear standard |+(cid:105) initialisation. Then of course the total state practical potential in the context of optical lattice atom will not be a graph state, because state |ψ(cid:105) is not part of traps, where it may be easier to create many-qubit entan- theproperdefinitionofagraphstate. gledstatesthantoentanglespecificpairsofatoms.Butthe Letusconsiderjustonesuchgeneralqubit,connected applicabilityoftheideaisverywide.Inparticular,itoffers byan‘edge’tooneregularqubit|+(cid:105),seeFig.3.Regarding averynaturalwaytoproceedwhenonewishestoexploit thisdiagramasaprescription,itistellingusto(a)taketwo measurementinducedentanglement. qubits,(b)putoneinsomestate|ψ(cid:105)andoneinstate|+(cid:105), and then (c) do a control-phase gate between them. Then wehave 1 Verticies Edges |G(cid:48)(cid:105)= √ (α|00(cid:105)+α|01(cid:105)+β|10(cid:105)−β|11(cid:105)). (9) 2 Nowlet’smeasureoutthefirstqubit,theonethatwas preparedinstate|ψ(cid:105).Wemeasureitinthex-basis,sothat theoutcomescanbe|+(cid:105)and|−(cid:105).Thetwopossiblestates of the remaining qubit are found from (cid:104)+|G(cid:48)(cid:105) or (cid:104)−|G(cid:48)(cid:105) withrenormalisation,i.e. α+β α−β √ |0(cid:105)+ √ |1(cid:105) foroutcome|+(cid:105) (10) 2 2 Figure2 Left:agraphstate.Right:aclusterstate[22]. α−β α+β √ |0(cid:105)+ √ |1(cid:105) foroutcome|−(cid:105) (11) 2 2 ThekindofstatethatBriegelandRaussendorfconsid- We see that the state |ψ(cid:105) has rotated, and hopped or tele- eredcanberepresentedbyadiagramthatmathematicians portedfromonephysicalqubittotheother(Fig.3b).This callagraph:Asetofpointsorverticesconnectedbylines connectionbetweentheideaofquantumteleportationand oredges.SeeFig.2foranexample.Graphsareahelpful graph states is a deep one; indeed teleportation was ex- constructioninunderstandingvariousaspectsofquantum ploitedtoachievecomputationinthelinear-opticalscheme information,forexampleerror-correctingcodes[23].Here of Knill, Laflamme and Milburn (KLM) [27] which was wewishtoassociateaquantumstatewithagraphtoobtain proposedaroundthesametimethatRef.[7]waspublished. whatiscalledagraphstate[24,25].Themoststraightfor- Theformerapproachcanbeseenasaninstanceofthelat- ward way to understand the nature of this state is to use ter[28],althoughtypicallyonethinksofadifferentsetof theso-calledconstructivedefinition:Foreachnodeinthe allowedprimitiveoperationsinthetwoparadigms. graph,prepareaqubitinstate|+(cid:105),andforeachedgecon- Thesame‘hopping’worksinothercases–wecanuse necting two nodes in the graph, perform a control-phase measurements to drive a state from one end of a linear gate between the corresponding qubits. Now the control- graph state to the other as in Fig. 3(c). There is an ele- phaseoperationissimplytheunitarythatputsaphaseof gantwaytoverifythatthisworks,usingthetime-ordering −1 on the |11(cid:105) component of the system. We shall see argumentdepictedasaflowdiagraminFig.3(d).Thisdia- presently that this can be replaced with the parity projec- gramillustratesthatwhenwemeasureoutqubitsfromour tionthatwemetearlier.Figure2alsoshowsaclusterstate: completegraphstate,thesamefinalstateoccursaswould agraphstatewitharegularsquarelattice,suchasthe2D occurifwesimplyentangleeachqubitwithitssuccessor squarearray. and immediately measure it. And since we already know The simplest non-trivial graph state is just two nodes theeffectofmeasuringanentangledpair,consequentlyit joinedbyanedge.Thestaterepresentedbythisgraphis must work completely! This argument is an instance of a 1 usefulgeneralrule:ifwewant,wecanbuildagraphstate |G(cid:105)= (|00(cid:105)+|01(cid:105)+|10(cid:105)−|11(cid:105)) atthesametimeaswearemeasuringit.Thebehaviourof 2 Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 10 Benjamin,Lovett,andSmith:MBQCusingsolidstatespins (b) state ψ alone but also another rotation Uˆz(φ) which incorporates ‘hops’ ourchosenparameterφ.Andthisisinteresting,becauseit (a) (c) R1ψ showsthatwecanadjusttherotationbyourchoiceofmea- surementdirection. Infact,itturns outthatwe canstring ψ + Measure Rψ R2R1ψ together three successive measurements in a linear graph tocreateanysinglequbitrotationwewish(uptotheusual unwanted cumulative rotation, which we need only track (d) Entangle Measure byrecordingmeasurementoutcomes). all all three RememberingthatallweneedforuniversalQIPis(a) Initial Final the capacity to perform single qubit gates plus (b) an en- state state tanglinggate,itisnownaturaltoask“canwedoanentan- Measure Measure glinggate,too?” Entangle Measure Entangle 2.2.1. Two-dimensionalgraphstates. Figure 3 (a) A diagram corresponding to a qubit in a general Wehavetheideaofalineargraphstateasakindofwire. state|ψ(cid:105)(opencircle)entangledwithaqubitinthestandard|+(cid:105) It is natural to consider two such wires, and then putting state(filledcircle).(b)Asimple‘hop’ofonestep,resultingfrom abridgebetweenthem.Thegraphstatethatwewouldtry measuringtheleft-handqubit.(c)Anextendedlineargraphstate wouldbeasshowninFig.4a. can act as a wire, in that a state will hop along it as we mea- sureoutqubits.(d)Anillustrationofwhytheprocessof(c)must work:Supposethat,fromtheinitialstate,weentangleallthere- mainingqubitsandthenmeasurethemout,asshownbythered arrows.Infactthefinalstatemustbethesameasifwehadper- formedthealternativetimeorderingofoperationsshownbythe Entangle Measure green arrows. This follows from the fact that the measurement all all six operationscommutewithentanglementoperationson3rd party a qubits–beinglocaltodifferentqubits,theyoperateondifferent Initial Final subspacesofthesystem’sfullHilbertspace. state state Measure Measure b1 b3 thewholesystemwillbejustasifwehadbuiltthewhole thingfirst,providedthatwheneverwemeasureaqubit,its Entangle Entangle entanglement‘edges’arealreadyinplacetoreachitsnear- estneighbors[24]. b2 Thus a linear graph state can act as a wire for con- ducting an unknown quantum state – one can drive the state along by making measurements. The state will get rotated each time it ‘hops’, but as long as we record all Figure4 Verifyingthatthe2Dgraphstateformedfromconnect- the measurement outcomes we can keep track of the cu- ingtwolineargraphstatescanimplementanentanglinggate. mulative rotation so that we will always be able to ‘fix’ thestatewhenitgetstotheotherend.Theseminalpaper ofRaussendorfandBriegel[7]containedacrucialfurther Infactthiswillindeedsufficetoentangletwounknown observation: Suppose we try our same trick of measuring states.Onceagain,wecanjustuseourruleaboutbuilding a qubit to make it ‘hop’ along a linear graph state, but agraphstateaswego:weareallowedtomeasureanodeas this time we don’t measure it in the x-basis, but instead soonasallthe‘edges’outofthatparticularnodearecom- in some more general basis for which the states |A(cid:105) = plete.Someasuringallthequbitsinthestate(a)ofFig.4 √1 (cid:0)|0(cid:105)+eiφ|1(cid:105)(cid:1) and |B(cid:105) = √1 (cid:0)|0(cid:105)−eiφ|1(cid:105)(cid:1) are the must be equivalent to the step-by-step process shown by 2 2 the green arrows in the lower half of the Figure. We see possiblemeasurementoutcomes.Byevaluating(cid:104)A|G(cid:48)(cid:105)we thattheactionislikethatoftwoparallelwires,exceptthat findthataftermeasurementoutcome|A(cid:105)weareleftwith atpoint(b2)thequbitsstoredonaparticularpairofnodes (α+e−iφβ)|0(cid:105)+(α−e−iφβ)|1(cid:105) get a phase gate between them. This final observation al- √ lows us to see the full power of graph states: if we can 2 make a graph state with the right topology then we can afternormalisation.Thisissimilartobefore,thestatehops doanyquantumalgorithmwewant,justbymakingsingle androtates.ButthistimeitrotatesnotsimplybyaHadamard qubitmeasurements. Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher Laser&Photon.Rev.1,No.1(2008) 11 If there is a particular algorithm that we want to per- tic parity operation can indeed suffice to efficiently grow form,thenweshouldbeabletodrawitasaquantumcir- graphstates. cuit.Thenit’seasytoworkoutatleastoneparticulargraph statethatiscapableofimplementingthatcircuitoperation, asshowninFig.5.Onefurtherinterestingpointisthatwe canremoveanyqubitfromwithinagraphstatesimplyby measuring it in the z-basis. If the outcome is |1(cid:105), we ap- plyafurther‘fix’:subjecteachneighbourtoasinglequbit phase gates σ . The result is a new graph state with the Z nodecorrespondingtothemeasuredqubitremoved.Simi- larly,measuringintheybasiswillremoveaqubitandcon- nectitsneighbours.Usingthisprinciplewecanseethata (sufficientlylarge)clusterstateisauniversalresourcefor any algorithm: we simply prune out unwanted qubits un- til our cluster state becomes the correct graph state for a giventask(seeFig.5d). (a) (c) U1 U2 Figure 6 A simple example of how one might ‘grow’ a graph state ‘just in time’ for it to be consumed, as described in the (b) (d) text. The regular graph state structure on the left is a universal U1 UH E UH resource,liketheclusterstatesseenearlier.Theinsetsshowthe S HA effectofsuccessfulandunsuccessfulparityprojectionsonqubits P E C- U2 (red)thathavepriorentanglement[29]. S A H P UH C- UH Figure 6 shows one approach. The main graph state consists of ‘branches’ which grow when successful par- ityprojectionsaddBellpairstothe‘tips’;afailureresults Figure 5 Finding a graph state that contains all the entangle- inthebranchshortening,howeversincesuccessaddstwo mentneededforaparticularquantumalgorithm.Takesomede- qubitswhereasfailureonlyremovesone,wewillhaveav- siredquantumcircuit(a)andtranslateallthetwo-qubitgatesinto eragegrowthprovidedtheprobabilityofsuccesspexceeds control-phasegates(b).Thenwritedownagraphstatewiththe 1/3.Wemakethebrancheslongenoughtoabsorbanun- sametopology,allowingthreeverticesinalinearchainforeach lucky string of failures. More sophisticated strategies can arbitrary single qubit gate. Also note that one could obtain the samegraphstatefromaregular2Dclusterstate(d),simplyby handlearbitrarilylowp[30,31,32,33]althoughinpractice measuringoutunwantedqubitsineitherthezbasisortheybasis thedecoherencetimeofthesystemwillbecomeanissue. (greenandorangerespectively). Conversely,veryrapidgraphstategrowthcanoccurwhen pisaboveapercolationthreshold[34,35].Therehasalso beenworkongraphstatesynthesiswhenthereareexper- imental imperfections such as systematic asymmetries in theapparatus[36,37]. 2.2.2. Growinggraphstates When p is very low, for example due to high photon loss,thenitbecomespracticallyessentialtofindawayof We have seen that a graph state with a suitable topology preventingfailuresfromdamagingthenascentgraphstate. canallowonetoperformaquantumalgorithmsimplyby Thesolutionisbrokering[38].Thisrequiresthatourbasic making measurements. But we have not explicitly shown physicalsystemhasatleasttwoqubitswithinit,forexam- howtocreatesuchagraphstate;theconstructivedefinition pleanelectronspin(withassociatedopticaltransitionasin of a graph state is expressed in terms of a control-phase Fig.1)andanuclearspin.Weassumethatthetwoqubitsin gate,whereasmostschemesformeasurementinduceden- eachlocationcancontrollablyinteract,sothatwithineach tanglement produce a parity projection (with at least one elementarynodeofourdevicewearefreetoperformone- notable exception [17]). Moreover, all realistic schemes and two-qubit operations deterministically and with high haveahighprobabilityoffailinganygivenentanglement fidelity.Giventhislevelofresource,wecanusetheopti- operation. In this section we note that even a probabilis- callyactivequbitstoachieveentanglementbetweennodes Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 12 Benjamin,Lovett,andSmith:MBQCusingsolidstatespins (aprocessthatmayfailmanytimesbeforesucceeding)and spatially remote qubits for measurement-based protocols thentransferthatentanglementtothesecondqubitswhich means that many of the aspects of solid state qubits that areactuallystoringthelargescalegraphstate.Thustheop- present major headaches for circuit-based schemes, such ticallyactivequbitsactasentanglement‘brokers’,insulat- as low qubit yield and the need to fully characterise each ingtheirpartner‘client’qubitsfromthemanyfailuresthey qubit,canbeaccommodated. mayencounterbeforesuccessfullybecomingentangled.A Some drawbacks remain, however. The most serious simplifiedformofthisprocessisdepictedinFig.7.Sub- of these is that there are many different uncontrolled in- sequent work has shown that two qubits also suffice for teractions between the qubit and the various degrees of certain kinds of entanglement distillation, including pro- freedomthatexistinitsenvironment.Thesecanleadtoa cedurestocombatphasenoise[39]andcorruptiondueto numberofproblems.First,thecouplingbetweenthequbit photonloss[19].Ifthephysicalsystemissuchthatmore spin state and its surroundings cause a leaking of quan- thantwoqubitsexistateachsite,thentherearepotentially tum information known as decoherence. Second, optical further advantages such as general entanglement distilla- transitionscanfluctuateinenergyonawiderangeoftime tion[40,41]. scales as a result of noise in the local environment and causeanuncertainphaserelationbetweenremotecentres. Third, a loss of fidelity in single qubit rotations which, like decoherence, occurs due to fluctuations in spin tran- a initial state b c sitionenergiesresultingfrommagneticnoise,butpresents anadditionalsourceoferrors.Controlofphotonsisalsoa challenge.Anopticalcavitywouldbeusedtoimprovethe photoncollectionefficiencybutabsorption,scatteringand interfaceeffectsinsolidscanlimittheirfinesse.Thispro- vides an additional source of inhomogeneity between the qubitcontrolmodules,whichcanaffectthesuccessofthe e final state d path erasure protocol. Spurious ‘dark’ counts in the pho- todetectorsintroduceerrorsbyfalselyheraldingsuccessin entanglementoperations.However,existingsinglephoton counting technology, particularly for wavelengths in the range400nm<λ<1µmusingsilicondevices,provides darkcountprobabilitiesoforder10−8 inatypicalsponta- neous emittion lifetime, whilst simultaneously benefiting from the highest detection efficiencies of up to 70%, and Figure 7 Creating a graph state through brokering [38]. Each sothissourceoferrorscanprobablybeneglectedrelative physicalnodehastwoqubits,theopticallyactivebroker(green) totheothersmentionedabove.Theaggregateofallthese and the passive client (blue). The role of the client qubits is to errorsmustbekeptwithinthelimitsimposedbytheover- holdthelargescalegraphstate.Herewewishtoreachfinalstate allfaulttoleranceofthescheme,typicallyapercentorless (e)frominitialstate(a)withoutriskingthelossoftheexistingen- [42,43]. tanglement.Thebrokerqubitsareprojectedintoentangledpairs Wenextdiscussthemostimportantenvironmentalin- (b)sothatthedesirednewentanglement‘edges’existinthebro- ker space. Now the brokers are entangled with their client by teractionmechanismswhichmayoccurforopticallymea- deterministiclocaloperations(c),andfinally(d)thebrokersare sured spin qubits, before introducing the physics relevant measuredoutinthey-basisinordertoprojecttheirentanglement toopticalcavitiessuitableforsolidstatequbitsemittingin ontotheclients. thevisibleornearinfrared.Weshallfocusinparticularon twophysicalexamples,NVcentresindiamondandIII-V semiconductorquantumdots,whichwillbethemaintopic ofsection4. 3. SolidstatearchitecturesforMBQC: Generalconsiderations 3.1. Decoherenceandrelatedeffects Inmanyways,solidstatesystemsofferanidealrealization The discussion of decoherence is broken down into three ofmeasurementbasedquantumcomputing.Whereasfree subsections.Thefirsttwoinvolvespindecoherence,thatis ionsneedacomplexarrayofelectromagnetsandultra-low tosaydecoherenceinthespinbasis,resultingfrominter- temperaturesinordertobepositionedforaccuratecontrol, actionswithlatticevibrationsandwithotherneighbouring solidstatequbitsarestationaryandcanbeindividuallyad- spins. Such decoherence mechanisms are important not dressedevenatroomtemperature.Nano-fabricationtech- onlytoMBQCbuttoanyspin-basedquantumcomputing niques also allow for the creation of arrays of qubits, or architecture,andhavebeenthoroughlyreviewedinrecent theisolationofasinglequbit,architecturesthatmightboth worksbyHansonetal.[44,45])soweshallnotdwelllong beusedinameasurement-baseddevice.Thesuitabilityof onthemhere.Thethirdsubsectionconcernsdecoherence Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher Laser&Photon.Rev.1,No.1(2008) 13 intheopticallyexcitedstate|e(cid:105),whichisofparticularrel- butions give pure dephasing. The T and T are then re- 1 2 evance to measurement-based quantum computing archi- lated: tectures. 1 1 1 = + , (12) T2 2T1 T2pdp where 1 is the pure dephasing contribution. Interest- Tpdp 3.1.1. Latticevibrations ingly,for2electronspinsinquantumdots,thepuredephas- ingcontributionispredictedtobezero,tolowestorderin thespin-orbitcoupling[48]. Latticevibrations(phonons)arenotmagneticparticlesand thereforedonotdirectlycoupletospin.Rather,theycause small electric field fluctuations that would not couple to 3.1.2. Otherspins spinatall,ifitwerenotforthespin-orbitinteraction.This The other major headache for the designer of spin-based linkstogetherthespinandspatialdegreesoffreedomsuch quantumcomputersistheexistenceofotherspinsthatdo thatachangingaspineigenstatewilltypicallyalsomean notformpartofthequantumprocessor.Eventhoughthey changing the orbital wavefunction slightly. The coupling arenotpartofthecomputerarchitecture,spinsinthesur- originatesfromtheeffectofanelectron,whichischarged, roundingmatrixcannonethelessinteractwithspinqubits movingthroughtheelectricfieldofthesurroundingcrystal anddegradetheinformationcontainedwithinthem.There environment. This motion bends the orbit of an electron, are two types: electronic and nuclear. Of course, the nu- leading to a magnetic moment that can interact with the clear spin has a much smaller magnetic moment than the spin magnetic moment. The size of the interaction varies electronspin–buteachtypecanplayanimportantrole. considerably;itcanbeverysmallincertainmaterials(e.g. Let us first consider nuclear spins. In many candidate in diamond, spin-orbit interaction is weak enough to be solid state systems, particular examples being the III-V neglibleformostpurposes)-butquitelargeinothers(e.g. andII-VIsemiconductors,almostallthenucleihaveamag- inGaAsweshallseethatitisveryimportant). netic moment. The dominant interaction with an electron There are two different classes of spin decoherence: is the hyperfine coupling, which occurs when the elec- relaxation and dephasing; any error process that occurs tron wavefunction has a significant amplitude at the po- withinasinglequbitHilbertspacecanbewritteninterms sition of the atomic nucleus. In the solid state, an elec- of these two classes. Relaxation is spin depolarization - tron is often quite delocalized: for example in a quantum i.e. spin up states change to spin down, with a change in dot it can overlap with tens of thousands of nuclei. Such energy,andviceversa–untilathermalequilibriumisset a system of many nuclei and just a single electron spin up.Dephasingdescribesthelossofphasecoherenceofthe is a highly complex many-body problem, but happily the spinstate–i.e.therelativephaseofspinupandspindown physics can often be described well using a huge simpli- componentsofthewavefunctionbecomesscrambled;this fication:thatalloftheelectron-nuclearhyperfineinterac- type of decoherence does not involve a change in energy tionscanbethoughtofasasingleeffectivemagneticfield, andthereforeusuallyoccursonashortertimescale. theOverhauserfield,actingontheelectron.Thevalueand Therelaxationrate1/T1canbecalculatedusingFermi’s direction of this field is not normally known in an exper- GoldenRule,whichtellsusthattheratewilldependonthe iment and the Zeeman splitting of electron spin in an ap- electron-phonon matrix element that couples the spin up plied magnetic field is changed. This change in the field andspindownlevels,aswellasonthedensityofphonon causes an unwanted extra phase to accumulate in a spin states.Therearetwowaysinwhichphononscanproduce superposition, and if the phase is unknown this is equiv- electric field fluctuations, and each has a different matrix alent to dephasing. However, some experimental groups element. First, deformation of the crystal lattice can lead have found several ways round this problem. First, a ‘re- directly to band gap modification, and second the strain focusing’ pulse sequence can be applied to the electron caused by phonons can give rise to electric fields in po- spin, causing it to flip its direction by 180 degrees, and larsystemsthroughpiezoelectriccoupling.Pluggingallof theextraphasetounwind.Thiscausesa‘spinecho’once thefactorsintoFermi’sGoldenRulegivesarelaxationrate the phase has fully reversed, and the phase coherence is thatdependsontheZeemansplittingofthespinsublevels, restored. This kind of inhomogeneous dephasing is not and so on the applied magnetic field B. The dependence then a true decoherence, but it is often a limiting factor is B5 for piezo-electric coupling and as B7 for deforma- andthetimescaleoverwhichisacts,calledT∗,canbeas 2 tion potential coupling. Hence this decoherence mecha- shortasafewnanoseconds[57].Anotherwayaroundthe nism is much more important at high fields, where it can Overhauserfieldproblemistocontrolitbypolarizingthe reducetherelaxationtimetolessthanatenthofamillisec- nuclear spin bath; recent impressive measurements have ond [46,47]. shownthatthiscanindeedbeachievedbyclevermanipu- Any T process automatically creates a dephasing, or lationoftheelectronspinqubititself[58,59]. 1 T , channel. However, on top of this there are additional Evenwiththeseingenioustricks,nuclearhyperfinecou- 2 ways in which 1/T can become larger, and these contri- pling can still be a problem, since the nuclei themselves 2 Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 14 Benjamin,Lovett,andSmith:MBQCusingsolidstatespins fluctuate,albeitonaratherlongertimescale.Thistypically Thoughthis isreally a T typeprocess, itcan looklike a 1 limitsthephasecoherenceofspinqubitstotimesoforder T process since the bare energy levels of the qubit sys- 2 microseconds [57]. For this reason, it is a very attractive temare‘dressed’byphotonsunderlaserexcitation.Ittyp- proposition to turn to materials where the most common icallygivesadephasingonthesub-nanosecondtimescale, isotopes have zero nuclear spin, for example silicon and though this can be increased by using adiabatic methods carbon. If this can not be achieved, substantial improve- foreigenstatefollowing [49,50,51].Thedecoherencetime mentsinT maybeobservedbyusingelectronswithvery ofcoursesetsanupperlimitonthetimethatalasercanbe 2 small wavefunction amplitude at the nuclei to reduce the applied to the qubit, if quantum coherence is to be pre- coupling;thiswouldbetypicalofthep-symmetryofhole served. statesinIII-Vsemiconductors. A particularly strong phonon interaction can occur in Ifnuclearspindecoherencecanbeovercomeorelimi- certain nanosystems, such as crystal defects, that are ac- nated,itcanbetheelectronspinsassociatedwithimpuri- companied by local distortion of the crystal lattice. Such tiesthatarethemainspindecoherencechannel.Thenum- distortionmayleadtolocalphononmodes,asopposedto berofdefectelectronspinsinasampleistypicallymany the more commonly discussed bulk modes, which have a orders of magnitude smaller than the number of nuclei. muchlargeramplitudeatthequbitthantheirbulkcousins, However, this does not make electron spin defects harm- sothatcouplingisincreased.Theyarealsomorestrongly less; their dipole moment is two thousand times that of a confined,whichdiscretizestheirexcitationspectrum.Itis typicalnucleus,andthereforethedipole-dipoleinteraction then more profitable to consider these quantized levels to withanelectronspinqubitcanbequitesignificant.Unlike bepartofthelevelstructureofthequbit[52],andspecial withnuclearspins,thereisalsothepossibilityofdirectres- measures must be taken to avoid populating those levels onant‘flip-flop’transitionsofadefectspinwiththequbit whichhavesignificantphononcharacter. electron spin itself. Together, these effects can cause de- Iftheenergiesoftheelectricdipoletransitionenergies phasingtimesonthenanosecondscale.Fortunately,there in two nanostructures are not equal, then this will intro- are again ways around this. In particular, polarization of duceanextraphasetermintotheresultingentangledspin thedefectspins,whichforelectronscanbeachievedsim- state. However if the arrival of the photon can be mea- plybyapplyingalargemagneticfieldatlowtemperature, sured with a timing resolution faster than that in which can increase the decoherence time by several orders of the phase changes significantly, this error source can be magnitude [60]. suppressed [53]. The best timing resolution for high effi- ciency single photon detectors is currently of order 50 ps suggestingthatthemismatchshouldnotbeanymorethan 3.1.3. Decoherenceandenergyfluctuationsinthe a few tens of micro-electron volts. The additional infor- opticallyexcitedstate mationrecordedusingfastdetectionisalsoabletoremove theproblemsofothermismatchedparameters,forexample Wehavesofarconsidereddecoherenceprocessesthatoc- transitiondipolestrength[36,37]. curdirectlyonthespinqubits.However,inmeasurement Electricdipoletransitionenergiescanalsobeaffected -basedschemestheoperationsthatgeneratespinentangle- byrandomlyfluctuatinglocalelectricfieldscausedbythe ment often involve excitation outside of the qubit Hilbert movement of carriers. In well designed experiments with spaceandthentheprincipaldecoherencemechanismsare high quality samples and minimal extraneous excitation, likelytobedifferent. the time scale of such fluctuations can be greater than T 1 Forexample,manyideasrelyonphotonemissionand fortheopticaltransitionandsodonottoaffectthecoher- a higher energy state must be excited optically as part of enceofemittedphotons,asdemonstratedbySantorietal the measurement process. We must take account of any in their 2002 report of indistinguishable photons emitted new mechanisms that occur whilst such an optical exci- from a single quantum dot [54]. However optical transi- tation is being performed. To lowest order, such a tran- tion line widths measured in absorption and PLE experi- sition would need to be electric dipole allowed - mean- ments are often somewhat larger than the relaxation rate ing that a direct coupling to the electric field fluctuations 1/T [55,56]suggestingthatovermillisecondtimescales 1 caused by phonons is possible. A detailed calculation of some‘spectraldrift’isencountered.Thismustbeavoided the open system dynamics can be done using a density in order to permit the sustained energetic resonance be- matrix master equation technique [49], and this reveals tweentheopticaltransitionsofindividualqubitsthatwill thatthedecoherenceratedependsonseveralfactors.First, bevitalto‘patherasure’andthustohighfidelityentangle- thespectraldensityofthephononcoupling,whichcharac- mentgeneration. terizes the density of states and coupling strength of the phonons at a particular energy is crucial, with the rele- vantenergycorrespondingtotheRabifrequencythatchar- 3.2. Photoncontrolinthesolidstate acterizes the rate of excitation of the higher level. Sec- ond,thenumberofphonons,whichofcoursedependson temperature through the Bose-Einstein distribution func- Theopticalcavitiesdepictedinthetitlefigurearenotes- tion,affectsbothphononabsorptionandphononemission. sential to the measurement-based entanglement schemes Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher

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