International JournalofModernPhysics:ConferenceSeries (cid:13)c WorldScientificPublishingCompany 4 1 0 2 Prospects for discovery of the τ− → π−ℓ+ℓ−ντ decays n a J PabloRoig 7 Instituto de F´ısica, Universidad Nacional Auto´noma de M´exico, 1 AP 20-364, M´exico D.F. 01000, M´exico. ] h p - We study the phenomenology of the τ− → π−ντℓ+ℓ− decays (ℓ = e,µ), predicting p the respectivebranchingratiosanddi-leptoninvariant-massspectra. Inadditiontothe e model-independent (QED)contributions, weinvestigate the structure-dependent (SD) h terms,encodingfeaturesofthehadronizationofQCDcurrents.Therelevantformfactors [ are evaluated by supplementing Chiral Perturbation Theory with the inclusion of the 1 lightest(axial-)vectorresonancemultipletasdynamicalfields.TheLagrangiancouplings v arefullypredictedrequiringtheknownQCDasymptoticbehaviortotherelevantGreen 9 functions and associated form factors in the limit of an infinite number of colours. As 1 a consequence we predict that the τ− →π−ντe+e− decays should be discovered soon 2 whilethisisnotgrantedfortheℓ=µcase. 4 Keywords: Electromagnetic form factors, Hadronic tau decays; Chiral Lagrangians; . 1 Quantum Chromodynamics. 0 4 PACSnumbers:13.40.Gp,13.35.Dx;12.39.Fe;12.38.-t. 1 1 : The considered decays have not been detected yet, although they are the v crossedchannels ofthe π− →ℓ−e+e−ν decays,measuredlongago2.Thesedecays i l X probe the W⋆−γ⋆−π vertex,with bothvirtualgaugebosons andcomplementthe r τ− →π−γν andπ− →ℓ−γν decays,whicharesensitivetotheW⋆−γ−πinterac- a τ l tion.QCDpredictionscanbetestedthroughitsknowledgeinthewholekinematical regime, which allows computing radiative corrections to the non-photon processes and the evaluation of the hadronic light-by-light contribution to the anomalous 3 magnetic moment of the muon . Generally, hadronic tau decays are very rele- vanttoextrapolatebetweentheknownchirallimitandasymptoticregimeenabling precision studies 4, 5. The examined processes span different energy regions according to the energies 6 oftheexchangedW andγ.Atlowmomenta,ChiralPerturbationTheory istheef- fectivefieldtheorydualtoQCDanddeterminesthe low-energy(chiral)limitofthe formfactors.Atlargerenergiesthechiralexpansionbreaksdownbut1/N provides C anadequatealternativeexpansionparametertoenlargethe domainofapplicability uptothekinematicallimit.Aconvenientrealizationoftheseideasforlight-flavored 7 mesons is Resonance Chiral Theory , which we have followed. Its basic principles are the known chiral symmetry breaking, the discrete QCD symmetries, and uni- tarysymmetryfortheresonanceswithoutanyad-hocdynamicalassumptiononthe 1 2 P. Roig special role of vector mesons. Although an infinite number of states is predicted in the N →∞ limit, the τ− →π−ν ℓ+ℓ− decays damp completely the contribution C τ of excited resonances canceling any dependence on the modelization of the spec- trum.We havealsoincludedthe mostimportantleadingcorrectionsto thissetting, given by tree-levellocal effective interactions among mesons and energy-dependent 8 resonance off-shell widths . Theseprocessesareobtainedbyrequiringthatthephotonintheone-pionradia- tive tau decays becomes virtual and converts into a lepton pair. As a result, anal- ogous contributions are obtained: inner bremsstrahlung off the tau, off the pion or from the local Wγπ vertex and model dependent parts encoding the hadronization ofthe(axial-)vectorcurrent.Thedifferentinterferencetermsarenon-vanishingand sizable, in general. The hadronic form factors depend on the photon virtuality and on the product of photon and pion momenta. We point out that in the hadroniza- 9 tion of the axial-vector current a diagram which vanished for on-shell photon contributes in the present case, being proportional to the isovector part of the ππ 10 vectorformfactor,forwhichadispersiverepresentation fulfillinganalyticityand unitarity in the elastic region and describing data successfully was used. HadronicformfactorsmustsatisfyQCDshort-distancebehavior.Byrequiringit, 11 consistent relations among the Lagrangiancouplings are obtained in agreement with previous results 7, 9, 10, 12 allowing to predict the phenomenology of the considered decays. A conservative variation of 20% was allowed on these relations 13 in order to estimate the error of the high-energy constraints . The central values of the different contributions to the branching ratio of the τ− →π−ν ℓ+ℓ− decays τ (ℓ = e, µ) are displayed on the left-hand side of the table below. The error bands of these are given in the right-hand side of the table. The error bar of the IB contribution stems from the uncertainties on the F decay constant and τ lepton π 2 lifetime . According to these results the ℓ = e decays should be discovered soon at Belle-II or at a future τ −c factory. On the contrary, this is not granted for the ℓ=µ decays which should deserve a dedicated search at future facilities. ℓ=e ℓ=µ ℓ=e ℓ=µ IB 1.461·10−5 1.600·10−7 ±0.006·10−5 ±0.007·10−7 IB-V −2·10−8 1.4·10−8 (cid:2)−1·10−7,1·10−7(cid:3) (cid:2)−4·10−9,4·10−8(cid:3) IB-A −9·10−7 1.01·10−7 (cid:2)−3·10−6,2·10−6(cid:3) (cid:2)−2·10−7,6·10−7(cid:3) VV 1.16·10−6 6.30·10−7 (cid:2)4·10−7,4·10−6(cid:3) (cid:2)1·10−7,3·10−6(cid:3) AA 2.20·10−6 1.033·10−6 (cid:2)1·10−6,9·10−6(cid:3) (cid:2)2·10−7,6·10−6(cid:3) V-A 2·10−10 −5·10−11 ∼10−10 ∼10−10 TOTAL 1.710·10−5 1.938·10−6 (cid:0)1.7+−10..13(cid:1)·10−5 (cid:2)3·10−7,1·10−5(cid:3) Structure-dependenteffectsessentiallysaturatetheℓ=µdecaysandare∼15% in the electroncase.This implies much largererrorsin the muoncase, as displayed Prospects for discovery of the τ−→π−ℓ+ℓ−ντ decays 3 in the table. The normalized di-lepton invariant mass distribution in both cases is 1 analyzedinRef. .The inner-bremsstrahlungcontributiondominatesineithercase up to ∼ 0.1 GeV2 where the axial-vector contribution overtakes it. This changes the slope of the curve in a measurable way even with very limited statistics. With a fine binning and more events, the ρ(770) contribution (through the I = 1 pion vector form factor) will show up as a prominent peak. These matrix elements are ready for installation in the new TAUOLA hadronic 14 currents . The presentstudy is also relevantfor better characterizingthe associatedback- ground for lepton flavour violating searches 15 in the τ− →µ−ℓ+ℓ− process. Acknowledgments This work has been partially funded by Conacyt and DGAPA. The support of project PAPIIT IN106913 is also acknowledged. References 1. P.Roig, A.Guevara and G. L´opez Castro, Phys. Rev.D 88 (2013) 033007. 2. J.Beringeretal.[ParticleDataGroupCollaboration], Phys.Rev.D86(2012)010001. 3. 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