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Preview Proposed (to) EXIST: Hard X-ray Imaging All Sky Survey/Monitor

Proposed (to) EXIST: Hard X-ray Imaging All Sky Survey/Monitor J.E. Grindlay,1 T.A. Prince,2 F. Harrison, 2 N. Gehrels, 3 C.J. Hailey, 4 B. Ramsey,5 M.C. Weisskopf,5 G.K. Skinner,6 P. Ubertini,7 1 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 02138 2California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,CA 91125 8 3Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 9 4Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 9 5Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812 1 6University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK n 7IAS, I-00044 Frascati, IT a J E-mail: [email protected] 1 Abstract 1 Thehardx-ray(10-600keV)skyisinherentlytimevariableandyethasneitherbeensurveyednorbeen v 9 monitored with a sensitive imaging telescope. The Energetic X-ray Imaging Survey Telescope (EXIST) 5 is a mission concept, proposed for MIDEX, which would conduct the first imaging all-sky hard x-ray 3 survey as well as provide a sensitive all sky monitor (ASM). With ∼60% sky coverage each orbit, and 2 full sky coverage each ∼50 days, hard x-ray studies of gamma-ray bursts, AGN, galactic transients, x-ray 1 binaries and accretion-poweredpulsars can be conducted over a wide range of timescales. We summarize 7 9 the scientific objectivesof EXIST for both the survey andmonitoring objectives. We describe the mission / concept and the instrumentation approach, which incorporates a large area array of Cd-Zn-Te (CZT) h p detectors, as well as some of our ongoing development of CZT array detectors. - Key words: surveys: X-rays — X-ray sources: binaries, black holes, AGN — GRBs — instruments: o all sky monitors r t s a v: 1. Introduction Zn-Te detectors proposed, and community input for the i mission design has been sought. A detailed summary X TheEnergeticX-rayImagingSurveyTelescope(EXIST) and description of the Mission Concept Study will be r was proposed (in December 1994) and accepted (April given by Grindlay et al (1997). a 1995) as one of the 27 New Mission Concept (NMC) studies for a satellite-borne astrophysics mission. It would conduct the first imaging survey of the sky at 2. Overview of EXIST hardx-rayenergies(10-600keV)withasensitivity some A survey telescope at hard x-ray energies can be con- 100× greater than the only previous all-sky survey car- structed as a coded aperture telescope with a field of ried out by HEAO-A4 experiment in 1978-80(Levine et view of up to ∼45◦ without significant projection ef- al1984). Theneed,andpriority,forsuchanallskyimag- fects or collimation by the mask aperture, assumed pla- inghardx-raysurveymissionhasbeenpointedoutinthe nar. Such a telescope would execute a continuous scan recentreportofthe NASA Gamma-RayProgramWork- rather than fixed target pointing to cover a maximum ing Group. An overall description of the initial EXIST sky fraction in minimum time and would be more sensi- conceptisgivenbyGrindlayetal(1995)(andontheWeb tive (above 30 keV) than a scanning grazing incidence site http://hea-www.harvard.edu/EXIST/EXIST.html). (multi-layer) telescope of comparable (or even larger) EXIST has been developed extensively in the course of physical size though smaller effective area and field of preparationandsubmissionofa successful“Step 1”and view. For example, a multi-layer telescope with (cur- invited (1995) “Step 2” proposal for the MIDEX pro- rentlyambitious)parametersofFOV∼10′andeffective gram. The mission is being further developed for the area A ∼ 500cm2 in a scanning (ROSAT-like) satel- eff next MIDEX solicitation, including additional labora- lite mission would be a factor of ∼10 less sensitive than tory development and balloon flight testing of the Cd- a wide-field (FOV ∼ 20-40◦ ) scanning coded aperture 1 Fig.1. Schematic viewofEXISTinorbitshowinglayoutofcodedaperture telescopes andspacecraft. telescopewithA ∼5000cm2 inthe30-100keVband. by the broad objectives of surveys and monitoring stud- eff In addition, the wide-field coded aperture imager allows ies. Inthis paper weemphasize the monitoringandgen- the survey to extend up to the poorly explored 100-600 eral time-variability studies that EXIST can carry out. keV range, totally unaccessible to focussing optics (ex- However,sincemanyoftheserequirethehardx-raysam- cept for Bragg concentrators, which can work only in a ples and populations of (many) classes of object to be very narrow energy band). first studied and established beyond the currently lim- EXIST would incorporate two coded aperture tele- ited samples, we begin with the survey objectives. scopes, each with FOV = 40◦ × 40◦ (above ∼40 keV; 3.1. Surveys at 10-30 keV a low energy collimator would restrict the ◦ Hardx-rayspectraandluminosityfunctionofAGNs: Ac- FOV to 3.5 in one dimension), for a combined FOV = 40◦ × 80◦ ,. A Cd-Zn-Te (CZT) detector array of total tive galactic nuclei (AGN) are now measured by OSSE area of 2500 cm2 is at the focal plane of each telescope. to have hard spectra with breaks typically in the 50-100 keV range for Seyferts (cf. Zdjiarski et al 1995) and Theschematiclayoutofthetwotelescopesandapossible withmulti-componentornon-thermalspectraextending spacecraft implementation is shown in Figure 1. tohigherenergieslikelyfortheblazars. EXISTwillhave BecauseofitsverylargeFOVandlargeareadetectors an all-sky sensitivity some 10× better than that needed withhighintrinsicresolution(bothspatialandspectral), to detect the “typical” Seyferts seen with OSSE. More EXIST could approach the unprecedented all-sky sensi- than 1000AGN should be detected in the all sky survey tivity shown in Figure 2. The sensitivity plots are for andEXISThastherequiredsensitivityinthepoorlyex- EXISTforitsproposed9-monthall-skysurvey(followed plored 30-200keV band to measure accurate spectra for by a pointed mission phase), which would allow total integration times of ∼106 sec for any source. allknownAGNdetectedwithGingaorwiththeEinstein slew survey. Although the mission is designed primarily as a sur- A major objective for AGN studies and surveys is vey and monitor mission, it could be operated as a the detection and inventory of heavily obscured or self- pointed (observatory) mission for selected high priority absorbed AGN. Such objects, primarily Seyfert 2’s but targets and very long exposure times (e.g. M31 GRB also including (some) star-formation galaxies, are now and BHC surveys; galactic bulge survey) in which case being discovered in pointed observations with SAX (cf. even greater total exposure times and thus sensitivities Piro,theseproceedings)andwillalsolikelybediscovered can be achieved. with the focussing ABRIXAS all sky survey up to ∼10 keV(cf. Staubert,theseproceedings). However,themost 3. Scientific Objectives: All Sky Survey and Monitoring heavily obscured objects, with absorbing column densi- The scientific objectives for the EXIST mission may be ties >∼ 1024−25cm−2 yielding low energy cutoffs in the 5- summarized either by classes of object to be studied or 10keVrange,willbemorereadilydetectedwithEXIST. Fig.2. SensitivityofEXIST(MIDEX)forcontinuum (left)andnarrowline(right) spectra andcompared withothermissions. This,togetherwiththeEXISTmeasureofthehardspec- sources. Similarly, 511 keV emission from black hole bi- traandthustotalluminosityofthe stilllargersampleof naries (or AGN) can be searched for (e.g. in transient obscuredAGNwithlowercutoffsdiscoveredwithcompa- outbursts),andthediffusegalactic511keVemissionim- rablesensitivity(∼0.1mCrab)withABRIXAS,willyield agedwithsensitivitycomparabletoOSSE(cf. Figure2). the first measure of the luminosity function of this im- Study of the diffuse hard x-ray background: The spec- portant yet poorly studied class of AGN. tra of a significant sample of AGN will test the AGN origin of the diffuse background for the poorly explored Survey for black hole and neutron star compact bina- hard x-ray band. Because the background measured by ries. Studies of compact objects over a wide range of the EXIST detectors below 100 keV is dominated by timescales and luminosity are possible throughout the the cosmicdiffuse spectrum, its isotropyandfluctuation Galaxy. A deep galactic survey for x-ray binaries con- spectrum can be studied with much higher sensitivity taining black holes vs. neutron starsand pulsars will al- than before. lowthe relativepopulationsofblackholesinthe Galaxy to be constrained. All previous galactic hard x-ray sur- 3.2. Monitoring veys have been constrained to the brightest decade in EXIST surveys 60% of the sky each day, yielding ∼10 sourceflux(andluminosity); EXISTwillextendthis1-2 orbits/day (allowing for SAA, etc.) × >∼ 10 min ex- decadesdeeper. WhereastheINTEGRALgalacticplane posure/orbit or >∼ 6000 sec/day for each source ob- survey(s) will also make great strides, the EXIST (all served. This yields a daily flux sensitivity (30-100 keV) sky) survey will be more sensitive and not be limited of ∼1-2 mCrab, sufficient for the brightest AGN and to the central ∼ ±7◦ of galactic latitude covered by the essentially all known accretion-powered binaries in the smallerFOVofINTEGRAL.TheEXISTsurveywillalso Galaxy. Pulsar timing allows even fainter flux limits, samplethegalacticplaneonawiderrangeoftimescales. as demonstrated with the extensive BATSE monitoring Emission line surveys: hidden supernovae via 44Ti project (cf. Bildsten et al 1997). Over one sky survey emission and 511 keV sources: The arrayof CZT imag- epoch (∼50d), each source is observed for >∼ 25d, and ing detectorsproposedforEXIST achieveshighspectral variability flux limits for ∼month timescales are thus resolution(e.g. ∼5%at60keV).Thusemissionline sur- ∼0.3mCrab. veys can be conducted. The decay of 44Ti (lines at 68 Faint hard x-ray transients: black hole population and 78 keV) with long (68 y) halflife allows a search for in Galaxy: The sensitivity to ∼1-10d transients is thelong-soughtpopulationofobscuredsupernovaeinthe >∼ 30 × better than BATSE, so that the low resolution galacticplaneatsensitivitiessignificantlybetterthanthe occulatation-imaging survey for faint transients being possibledetectionofCas-A(cf. Figure2). Theseobjects conducted with BATSE (cf. Grindlay et al 1996) can wouldlikelyappearasdiscrete(unresolved)emissionline beextendedtocorrespondinglyloweroutburstluminosi- tiesorgreatersourcedistances. Witha1-10dsensitivity studies are currently underway by us (at CfA) to verify of only ∼1 mCrab, BH transients can be detected with this. their characteristic peak luminosities of ∼ 1037−38erg/s The individual 4 × 4 pixel detector elements would (10-100 keV) out to 100 kpc, so that the LMC/SMC be grouped into a 2 × 2 sub-array for a 64-channel can be surveyed in hard x-rays for the first time. Since basic detector element (BDE) read out by a preamp- the transients containing BHs are characterizedby hard shaper-multiplexer ASIC readout circuit with very low x-ray spectral components (extending usually to >∼ 100 power dissipation) <∼ 1mW/channel). The ASIC is self- keV)whicharebothmoreluminous(atpeak)andlonger triggeredandmultiplexesits64-channeloutputtoapro- lived than than the hardtails found for NS systems, the cessing chain which could encode the 1, 4, or 16 peak hardx-rayall-skysurveyprovidesperhapsthebeststrat- channels(configuredoncommand)sothatmulti-sitede- egy for discovering x-ray binaries containing BHs. tection (e.g. Compton events and internal background Monitoring and Study of X-ray Pulsars: The mea- rejection) could be accomplished. We are currently in- surement and monitoring of spin periods, pulse shapes vestigatingpackagingschemestoassembletheseunitde- and luminosity/spectra of a large sample of accretion- tectorelements(BDE)intoatiledarray. Itislikelythat powered pulsars would extend the BATSE sample of tiling would be done by combining a sub-array of 4 × 4 Bildsten et al (1997) to the entire sample (>∼ 30) of BDEs contiguously into a single basic detector module knownaccretion-poweredpulsars. Thehighspectralres- (BDM), with area ∼100 cm2 (depending on final choice olution of the CZT detectors on EXIST will allow high of unit detector and thus also pixel size). ◦ sensitivitystudiesofcyclotronfeaturesinpulsarspectra, The 40 collimator could be either passive (e.g. Ta greatlyextending currentRXTE/HEXTEstudiesofrel- slats) or, more effective, active (BGO). We are studying atively few objects to a much larger sample. the tradeoffs but an active collimator would allow each Studies of Gamma-ray Bursts: EXIST would have a BDM to be separately shielded with a rear (2cm)/side GRB sensitivity approximately 20× that of BATSE so (0.5-1cm) BGO shield for a well-type geometry yielding that a 2 month pointed exposure could both detect and both collimationandlowerbackground(due to forward- map a halo in the Andromeda galaxy (M31) should one hemisphere rejection of internal CZT activation back- exist as a component of the GRB population. Given ground as well as lack of production in the passive col- ◦ theobservedGRBlogN-logSrelation,EXISTshouldde- limator). For the 40 (FWHM) field of view desired for tectGRBsoverallatabout1/2therate,or∼0.5/day,as eachEXIST telescope, the BGO shield/collimatorblade BATSE with its much larger FOV but reduced sensitiv- height is 12cm so that the BDM modules are nearly cu- ity. GRBs will be located to <∼ 1-5′ positions, thereby bic. Each of the two complete EXIST detectors would providing definitive tests of repeaters. Bright burst po- thusconsistofanarrayof5×5or25suchBDMs. These sitions and spectra could be brought down in real time modules would be close-packed and mounted in a com- for automated followup searches. mon frame. Although the collimator shields will require anetgapof∼1.5cmbetweeneachofthe5BDMsacross thedetectorarray,thisdoesnotaffectimagereconstruc- 4. Detector, Telescope and Overall Mission Concepts tionbutonlymakesthedetector∼8cmlargeronaside. 4.1. Detector Concept The sensitivity and resolution (both angular and spec- 4.2. Telescope Concept tral)desiredforEXISTcanbeachievedwithalargearea The coded aperture telescopes can be relatively com- array of pixellated CZT detectors used as the position- pact design with coded mask at focal length 1.4m and sensitive readout for a wide-field coded aperture tele- mask pixel size 5mm. This yields an imaging resolution ′ scope. The wide-field needed for the monitoring as well of 12 , which is appropriate to resolve even the most assurveyobjectives,combinedwiththedesiredsensitiv- crowded galactic bulge fields at the high sensitivity ex- ity up to ∼600 keV, lead to a relatively thick (3-5mm, pected. In order to cover the full 40◦ field of view, each minimum)detectorwithmoderatelylargepixelsize. For telescope would have a URA mask of approximate di- the 40◦ FOV,anda 5mmthick detector,the pixels need mensions 1.2m × 1.2m and format 257 × 255 to fully be >∼ 5mm × tan(20◦ ) ∼ 1.9mm across for minimal image the 40◦ FWHM field of view. However, since the charge spreading due to projection effects. Since CZT BGO collimator on each BDM segment of the detector crystals are much more readily available (currently, at array would produce partial coding for sources off-axis, least) in <∼ 10-12mm crystal sizes, this leads naturally the mask must be either smaller format and repeated to a unit detector element of 12 mm (square) × 5mm (e.g. 4 contiguous 129 × 127 masks, leading to ambigu- (thick) on which a 4 × 4 array of 2.5mm (square) pixels ous sourcepositions)orrandom. Arandommask would isinscribedwith0.5mmgapsbetweenpixels. Suchade- be, in any case, as effective as a URA of such large for- tectorpixelsize/thicknessratioshouldyieldareasonable mat. Since the coded mask shouldnot collimate the im- small pixel effect advantage (cf. Barret et al 1995), and age significantly, the mask thickness is restricted to be <∼ 5mm,which(forTamaskelements)restrictsitsupper In collaborationwith Caltech and JPL, we assembled energy limit to be <∼ 600 keV for partial shadowing. aflightunittotestthepromptanti-coincidenceshielding efficiencyofaplanarBGOshieldimmediatelybehindthe 4.3. Mission Concept CZTdetectorplane,asproposedoriginallyforEXIST(a EXIST is proposed as a MIDEX with nominal lifetime future experiment will test the possible well-type geom- of 2 years (although with no consumables, an extended etry). The BGO (75mm diameter × 75mm thick, and mission is desirable). The baseline plan is for the all supplied by JPL) was centered below a single element sky survey to be conducted in the first 10 months (in- CZT detector (10mm × 10mm × 2mm, and supplied cluding a 1 month verification phase) which allows 6 by eV Products to Caltech). The detector-shield and passes through the sky. The entire sky is then effec- preamp was mounted in a pressure vessel and shielded tively surveyedto a totalexposure of∼1.5×106 sec for with a 1.8mm thick Pb + 0.8mm thick Sn and 1.2mm ◦ any source. The two-telescope combined FOV of 80 is Cugradedshieldtosimulatetheapproximategrammage pointed North-South, and the pointing direction “nods” ofthe passivehighenergycollimatorinthe baselineEX- towardthe poles during the high latitude portion of the IST detector. The raw CZT and BGO (shield) detector orbit so that all-sky coverageis uniform over the survey preampoutputs areinterfacedtoshaping ampsanddig- to within <∼ 10%. A pointed mission phase of 2 months ital (discriminator and 12 bit ADC) electronics built at withinthe firstyearwouldallowthe deepsurveyofM31 CfA to interface to the flight computer and data system (for GRBs and BHCs) and the galactic center and/or fortheEXITE2balloon-bornetelescope(Lumetal1994, the LMC/SMC to be conducted (during M31 occulta- 1997). tions). These deep pointed surveys would more than Aballoonflightwas(finally)obtainedonMay8,1997. doublethe totalexposureonthese targetsthathasbeen The background spectrum in the CZT is reduced by a acquired during the all sky survey phase, as well as al- factor (energy-dependent) of ∼4-8 with the BGO veto low for broader timescales of coverage. The second year and is at flux level at 100 keV of ∼ 1.0 × 10−3 cts/ of the nominal mission would be a pointed phase, with cm2-sec,orwithinafactorof2ofthe EXITE2phoswich a series of deep pointings (∼1 month each) designed to backgroundlevelmeasuredsimultaneously. Withthead- both allow deep surveys and TOOs as well as to effec- ditional shielding efficiency possible with a well-type ac- tivelyextend the allsky surveyandASMfunction given tive BGO collimator, the background may be reduced the large FOV covered. Data from the entire mission is another factor of ∼2. Full details are given in Bloser et open (by proposal) to the entire community, and point- al (1997). ing directions/durations (and surveys) are proposed by Balloon Flight Measure of Neutron Backgrounds: In a GI program. order to fully calibrate the CZT backgroundand shield- ing experiment so that balloon results may be extrapo- 5. Ongoing CZT and Array Studies latedtothefullspaceenvironment,asimultaneousmea- sureoftheneutronfluxexperiencedbythedetectorisde- As part of the effort to both conduct the EXIST Mis- sirable. The atmospheric neutron fluxes as tabulated by sion Concept study and optimize the design for a future Armstrong et al (1973) are sufficiently uncertain (prob- MIDEX proposal as well as a prototype balloon-borne ablyby afactorof>∼ 2)thatwehaveattemptedtomea- implementation, we are conducting a variety of studies sure the flux by a simple passive experiment: an array of CZT detectors and array technologies at our respec- (7×6)ofgoldfoils(each∼6cm2)mountedontopofthe tive institutions. Here we outline briefly the projects gondola in which the n-γ reaction underway at CfA; space does not permit description of thesignificantdevelopmenteffortsunderwayattheother Au-197(n,γ) → Au-198(,e)Hg-198 institutions in the EXIST collaboration. was (attempted to be) measured after the flight by ob- Balloon Flight Tests of Backgrounds and Shielding Ef- serving the resulting 412 keV decay γ-ray (2.7d halflife) ficiency: Thelargeneutroncrosssection(s)forCd,which with a low background Ge spectrometer at JPL (by L. result in prompt gamma-ray decays, may yield high in- Varnell). This experiment, conducted in collaboration ternal backgrounds for CZT detectors in space. Balloon with G. Skinner and L. Varnell, is currently being ana- flighttestsofsingleisolatedCZTdetectorsbytheGSFC lyzed. and Caltech groups in May and September-October, Spatial Uniformity of CZT: Pixellated CZT detector 1995, suggested disturbingly large in-flight backgrounds arrays, as proposed for EXIST, will require relatively compared to those expected for similar scintillation de- uniform response across both the projected surface area tectors (e.g. Parsons et al 1996). However the GSFC and depth of the detector elements. Non-uniformities of measurementof a markedreduction in backgroundwith detector responsecanbe calibratedout(by flatfielding) an external anti-coincidence shield (NaI) suggested this butwillbesimplifiedtotheextentthedetectorsareuni- could be effectively reduced by suitable active shielding. form (and may be less of a problem with the relatively large pixel detectors for EXIST than with small pixel verypromisingandwillbereportedinShahetal(1997). CZT imagers for focussing optics). We have conducted At CfA, we are now testing this array for its small-pixel aprogramofmappingthespectralresponseofsinglede- effect properties and we have developed an interface to tectors and comparing the observed variations with IR a 16-channel ASIC preamp/shaper supplied by the IDE micrographs (obtained at eV Products) of the detector Corp(Oslo). The CZT arraydetectors (10mm;16chan- to correlatespectralresponsewith grainboundariesand nels)aremountedonchipcarriersforeasyplug-ininter- inclusions in the detector. Spectra (Am-241) obtained comparison of the M-S-M vs. P-I-N detectors through ina 3 ×3 rasterscanofa 0.5mmbeam acrossa4mm × the same ASIC readout system, with results presented 4mm×3mmCZTdetectorshowvariationinspectralre- inaforthcomingpaperbyBloseretal(1997). Aballoon sponsewhichcorrelateswiththegrainboundariesaswell flighttestofbotharraydetectors,withawell-typeBGO asinclusionsandprecipitates. Resultswerepresentedat shield, may be conducted in 1998. the NASA-SEUS Workshop in December 1996. This work was supported in part by NASA grant Development of PIN Readouts for CZT Detectors: NAG8-1212. CZT detectors are conventionally fabricated with metal (gold) contacts deposited directly on the CZT crystal. Thesemetal-semiconductor-metal(M-S-M)detectorsare References of course the subject of intense development and are Armstrong, T.W., Chandler, K.C. and Barish, J. 1973, baselinedforEXIST.However,theycansuffer fromlim- JGR, 78 (16), 2715. itations of charge collection efficiency (though at least Barrett, H., Eskin, J. and Barber, H 1995, Phys. Rev. partiallyovercomewith“smallpixel”electrodes;cf. Bar- Letters, 75, 156. rettetal1995)andpoorohmiccontacts. Severalgroups, Bildsten, L. et al. 1997, ApJ. Suppl., in press. most recently SBRC (Hamilton et al 1996) have inves- Bloser, P., Grindlay, J., Narita, T. et al. 1997,in prepa- tigated alternative readouts incorporating P-I-N junc- ration. tions. The Spire Corp. (Bedford, MA) has developed a Grindlay,J., Prince,T.,Gehrels, N.., Tueller,J., Hailey, new method for fabrication of P-I-N electrodes on CZT C. et al. 1995, Proc. SPIE, 2518, 202. byusingCdS(p-type)andZnTe(n-type)layersdeposited Grindlay, J., Prince, T., Gehrels, N.., et al. 1997, in bythermalevaporationonbothhighpressureBridgman preparation. (HPB)CZTcrystals(fromeVProducts)aswellaslower Grindlay,J.Barret,D.,Bloser,P.et al. 1996,A&A,120, cost vertical Bridgman (VB) crystals (from Cleveland 145. Crystals),andtheresultsappearveryencouraging. AP- Hamilton, W., Rhiger, D., Sen, S., Kalisher, M., Chap- I-NconfigurationforCZT offers the possibilities of both man, G. and Millis, R. 1996, Jour. Elec. Mat., 25, further enhanced energy resolution (due to the higher 1286. biasvoltagepossible)and/orlowerdetectorelementcost Levine, A.M. et al. 1984, ApJ Suppl., 54, 581. (duetolowerresistivityCZTbeingpossible). AtCfAwe Lum, K.S. et al. 1994, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-41, aretesting these P-I-NreadoutCZT detectors whichof- 1354. fer advantages of improved charge collection and ease Lum, K.S. et al. 1997, NIM A, in press. of fabrication for their use as thick detectors. We are Parsons, A. et al. 1996, Proc. SPIE, 2806, 432. working with Spire to fabricate a 4 × 4 array P-I-N de- Paul, J. et al. 1991, Adv. Sp. Res., 11 (8), 289. tectorandcomparisonM-S-Marraydetectoron10mm× Shah, K., Cirignano,L., Klugerman,M., Dmitreyev,Y., 10mm×5mm CZT substratesfor laboratoryevaluation Grindlay, J. et al. 1997, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., sub- and balloonflight tests of backgroundand uniformity of mitted. response. Zdziarski, A., Johnson, W., Done, C. et al. 1995, ApJ, 438, 63. Development of Thick CZT Detector Array Readouts: Thick detectors (5mm or greater) as desired for EXIST pose special challenges for the optimum design of the detector and readout. In particular, the electric field configuration needed for the small pixel effect (Barrett et al 1995) must be carefully considered, and the effects of charge diffusion and spreading become more impor- tant. We are exploring these effects in collaboration with both Spire Corp. and the RMD Corporation (Wa- tertown, MA), who have just completed fabrication of a prototype 4 × 4 array M-S-M detector on a 10mm × 10mm × 5mm CZT substrate. Initial results appear

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