J. Physiol. (1978), 281,pp. 445-465 445 With 1plateand 7 text-flgure8 Printedin Great Britain THE GENERATION OF RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIALS IN AN INNER EAR HAIR CELL SYSTEM BY H. BRACHO* AND R. BUDELLI From the Department ofHead and Neck Surgery, School ofMedicine, University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles, California 90024, U.S.A. (Received 12 December 1977) SUMMARY 1. The macula sacculi in the mudpuppy is an inner ear sensory area accessible for intracellular recordings in vitro and in vivo. 2. The restingpotentials recorded in vitro canbe explained by the electrodiffusion theory assuming a uniform ionic selectivity in the membranes ofthe neuroepithelial cells. 3. The resting potentials recorded in vivo are significantly larger than predicted by the electrodiffusion theory, probably because ofan electrogenic metabolic process present in the neuroepithelial cells. 4. An equivalent circuit is proposed to explain the resting electrogenesis in the neuroepithelial cells present in the sensory area. INTRODUCTION In the inner ear ofvertebrates, the mechanoreceptors responsible for transforming mechanical disturbances into electrical signals are the hair cells, which are epithelial cells with a ciliated membrane. Davis (1965) proposed that the transduction process consists of the modulation of a resting current by a mechanically induced change in membrane impedance which takes place on the ciliated side of the hair cells. This hypothesis, known as the mechano-electrical model of hair cell function, is consistent with experimental results obtained with the use ofextracellular electrodes to measure inner ear electrogenesis (Butler, 1965; Kurokawa, 1965; Honrubia, Strelioff & Ward, 1971; Honrubia, Strelioff & Sitko, 1976). The source of the resting current in the inner ear hair cell system has been proposed to be an endolymphatic potential generated by the stria vascularis and the transmembrane potential of the hair cells, the latter being the most important source (Davis, 1965). In the vestibular system where the endolymphatic potential is small or absent (Smith, Davis, Deatherage & Gessert, 1958; Schmidt & Fernandez, 1962), the source of electrical current is mainly the resting membrane potentials of the neuroepithelial cells (hair and supporting cells). Hair resting membrane potentials havebeenfound inhair cellsfromdifferentpreparations (Harris,Frishkopf & Flock, 1970; Flock, Jorgensen & Russell, 1973; Mulroy, Altmann, Weiss & Peake, 1974). To account for a steady current an asymmetry must exist in the mechanism * Present address: 4832 Coolidge Av., Culver City, California 90230, U.S.A. 446 H. BRACHO AND R. BUDELLI formembranepotentialgeneration.Thisasymmetrymayoriginateinanon-uniformity ofthe cell membrane's electrogenetic properties as postulated for the photoreceptors (Zuckerman, 1973) and the transporting epithelia (Nagel, 1977), or in different ionic gradients in different regions ofthe cell membrane. The mechanism for generation of resting membrane potentials in neuroepithelial cells has not been investigated. In other excitable cells the membrane potentials are generated by two mechanisms operating simultaneously: the passive diffusion of ions across a highly potassium-selective membrane (Adrian, 1956; Baker, Hodgkin & Shaw, 1962; Brown, 1976) ansl the active exchange ofsodium bypotassium across the cellmembrane mediatedbyanadenosinetriphosphatase (Thomas, 1972; Marmor, 1975). The elucidation of the ionic mechanism involved in hair cell electrogenesis must take into account the peculiar ionic environment faced by these receptors. On their ciliated side they are bathed by a fluid (the endolymph) with an extremely high potassium concentration, and on their innervated side by a fluid (perilymph) oflow potassium concentration. To study the mechanism for membrane potential generation in neuroepithelial cells, one must find a preparation where these cells are large enough to allow stable intracellular recording oftheir membrane potentials under a variety ofexperimental conditions. In this paper we introduce such a preparation. A preliminary account ofour results was published elsewhere (Bracho, 1977). METHODS Preparation. The experiments were performed in vivo and in vitro on the macula sacculi from the mudpuppy (Necturuw maculo8tm). For the in vivo preparation, the animal was anaes- thetized by immersion in a solution of tricaine methensulphonate (0025%). The roof of the otic capsule was removed, exposing the sacculus which fills the volume ofthe capsule almost completely. The otolith is seen inside the sacculus through the transparent free saccular mem- brane (Text-fig. 1A). The in vitro preparation was obtained by decapitating the animal and ablating the membranous labyrinth through the hard palate; the labyrinth was placed in a petri dish containingartificialperilymph (see Perfusion ofsolutions) forfurther dissection. The remaining medial saccular wall containing the macula was either placed in a single bath with a Sylgardg-covered bottom or clamped between two chambers in such a way that it formed the boundary between them, its endolymphatic side facing upwards (see Text-fig. 1B). The latter arrangement allowed independent perfusion of the upper (endolymphatic) and lower (perilymphatic) chambers. Recording. The membrane potential ofthe neuroepithelial cellswas recordedwith a 3 M-KCl glass micro-electrode (10-20MQ and 0-5 um tip diameter) which was connected to an oscillo- scope (Tektronix 502) and a chart recorder (Brush 220) through a pre-amplifier ofhigh input impedance (Biodyne). The reference electrode consisted of a 3M-KCl-agar bridge which con- nected the solution in the bath with a small container filled with a 3M-KCl solution. The fluid from the container was connected to the amplifier through an Ag-AgCl pellet (WPI). The reference electrode was placed in the upper chamber when the experiment was performed in vitro and immersed in the solution surrounding the preparation (artificial perilymph) when the experiment was performed in vivo. Those potentials measured with micro-electrodes with atippotentiallargerthan 5 mVwerediscarded (Adrian, 1956). Thepotentialdifferencebetween the reference electrode and the micro-electrode in artificial perilymph was less than 1 mV. No attempt was made to correct for junction potentials when the ionic content of the solution was modified. In a typical experiment the membrane potentials from ten to fifteen cells were recorded in each experimental condition (described later) and the mean and the standard deviation ofthis sample calculated. In the Results section, the size ofthe sample, n, refers to the number ofanimals studied and not to thenumber ofcellsimpaled. To identify the impaled RESTING POTENTIALS OF HAIR CELLS 447 cells we used a micro-electrode filled with Chicago blue 6b(ACB) at a concentration of 40%. After the membrane potential was recorded, the dye was injected ionophoretically (Kaneko, 1970). Thepreparationwasfixedinglutaraldehyde (2%)andablackandwhitephotomicrograph of the endolymphatic surface of the macula was taken through the phase contrast microscope (PI. 1A and B). Perfunion of Solutiof. Perfusion of solutions through the in vitro and in vivo preparations was accomplished by means of a teflon valve (Chromatronix) connected to six 60ml. plastic syringes containing different ionic solutions. In thein vitro experiments the output ofthe valve was connected to a glass capillary tube (0.5 mm diameter), the end ofwhich was placed 3 mm away from the epithelialsurface ofthe macula. The perilymphatic side was perfused ina similar way except that the micropipette was connected directly to the syringe. The perfusion rate was fixed at 3 ml./min. A glass capillary tube in each chamber, with tips approximately 1 cm away from the epithelial surface, was connected to a vacuum pump in order to drain solutions. Perfusion in the in vivo experiments was accomplished in a similar fashion, except that both sides ofthe epithelium were perfused with the same solution after the free saccular membrane and theotolith were removed. Since the otic capsule has a volume ofabout 0-3ml., its contents were replaced ten times in 1 min. To insure a complete washout of the space between the perilymphaticsurface andtheoticcapsule, weperfusedeachsolutionfor 20minbeforerecording the membrane potentials. In the in vitro preparation the washout time was estimated by observing the change in coloration of the solutions in the chambers when they were replaced by Chicago blue (40%) and then washed out with artificial perilymph. In less than 10sec the chambers were devoid ofany blue coloration. In these experiments the period before the effects of a new solution were tested was 10 min. To evaluate the integrity of the saccular wall, the movements of a 40% Chicago blue solution were observed. This solution was placed in one of the chambers and if the blue coloration was observed in the other chamber, the experiment was discarded. The solutions used were: artificial perilymph (NaCl, 115; KCl, 3; CaCl2, 2; MgCl2, 1; Tris malate buffer, 5; pH, 7-3), artificial endolymph (NaCl, 20; KCl, 100; CaCl2, 2; MgCl2, 1; Tris malate buffer, 5; pH, 7.3) and solutions with 10 and 30mM ofKCl prepared by substituting potassium for sodium in equimolar amounts in the artificial perilymph. The experiments were carried out at room temperature (23 'C). The following is a list ofthe symbols used in the present paper. V membrane potential Ve membranepotentialrecordedwhen theneuroepithelialcellsweresurroundedby artificial endolymph Vp membrane potential recorded when the neuroepithelial cells were surrounded by peri- lymph Vt transepithelial potential (endolymphatic potential) Re fraction ofthe input resistance given by the endolymphatic membrane Rp fraction ofthe input resistance given by the perilymphatic membrane R. shunt resistance I resting current K, concentration ofpotassium in the endolymph Kp concentration ofpotassium in the perilymph Nap concentration ofsodium in the perilymph Na0 concentration ofsodium in the endolymph PK membrane permeability to potassium PN& membrane permeability to sodium b P.a/PK MX flux ofthe ionxacross a membrane MK flux ofpotassium across the endolymphatic membrane MNS flux ofsodium across the endolymphatic membrane M'K flux ofpotassium across the perilymphatic membrane M'N. flux ofsodium across the perilymphatic membrane R universal gas constant F Faraday constant e base ofnatural logarithms T absolute temperature 448 H. BRACHO AND R. BUDELLI RESULTS The macula sacculi in the mudpuppy Anatomy. The macula sacculi in the mudpuppy is located in the medial saccular wall, slightly off its centre. It is seen under the dissecting microscope, after the otolith has been removed, as a kidney-shaped structure protruding from the epi- thelial surface, about 0*7 mm in its longest diameter. In the macula, capillary blood vessels form a dense network through which the circulation is slower than elsewhere in the epithelium. In the non-sensory region the density of capillaries is relatively low. The medial wall ofthe sacculus is usually covered on its perilymphatic surface by melanocytes which obstruct the view ofthe neuroepithelial cells. A B Text-fig. 1. Macula sacculi preparations. A, experimental arrangement for the in vivo recordings. B, experimentalarrangementforintracellularrecordinginthetwochamber bath. Under the phase contrast microscope, the surface of the saccular epithelium has a honeycomb appearance. The epithelial cells surrounding the macula have aregular polygonal shape, their width ranging from 10 to 15/m, among which are scattered a few circular cells with a diameter ranging from 20 to 25sam. There are two types of cells in the macula: one with a regular circular shape and a diameter from 10 to 15Itm, and the other with an irregular polygonal shape, its longest diameter ranging from 10 to 15,am (PI. 1A and B). The circular cells have been identified as hair cells whilst polygonal cells in the macula have been considered to be supporting cells (Lindemann, 1967; Lewis & Nemanic, 1972; Watanuki & Schuknecht, 1976). The number of hair cells counted on a photomicrograph taken with a scanning electron microscope was 1300 (Lewis, E. R. & Nemanic, P.,unpublishedobservation). Intracellular recordings. As a test of the feasibility of impaling neuroepithelial cells with glass micro-electrodes, the medial saccular wall was placed in a single bath of artificial perilymph with the endolymphatic surface facing upwards. When the micro-electrode was advanced towards the epithelial cells, the penetration of a cell was signalled by a sudden change in d.c. potential. This potential had a value RESTING POTENTIALS OF HAIR CELLS 449 of about -70 mV and disappeared if the micro-electrode, after impaling the cell, was moved a few microns upwards or downwards. No d.c. changes were recorded when the micro-electrode used had a low resistance (less than 5 MQ). From one preparation to another the potentials obtained from the sensory area ranged from -60 to -80 mV. In the same preparation the potentials obtained from the macula and the surrounding epithelium fluctuated within 5 mV. To identify the impaled cells we injected them ionophoretically with Chicago blue after recording their resting potential. P1. 1B shows two stained cells from the edges of the macula, where the melanocyte network is less dense. In this particular instance, two types of cells were identified: circular and polygonal. A similar picture was obtained from three other preparations where the strained cells were in the centre of the macula. The average potential from the four preparations was - 70 7+5.5 (S.D.) for the circular cells and -73.4 + 5.1 mV (S.D.) for the polygonal cells. These experiments show that the two types of cells are accessible for micro-electrode penetration and that they both have similar resting membrane potentials. In the subsequent experi- ments no attempt was made to identify the impaled cells. When the macula was left in perilymph without continuous perfusion, the resting potentials of the neuroepithelial cells gradually decreased to a value of about 50% of the initial control in about 30 min but potentials were restored to their control values after perfusing the preparation with artificial perilymph. This de- polarization may be caused by a substance secreted by the neuroepithelial cells in the sacculus (Smith, 1970). To avoid this effect in the subsequent experiments we used continuous perfusion. The mechanism responsible for the generation of membrane resting potentials continues its operation for relatively long periods of time after the sensory area is excised from the animal. If the macula sacculi is kept in the refrigerator overnight, high resting potentials can still be recorded when the surrounding solution is placed by artificial perilymph at room temperature. The resting potential does not start to decay until at least 36h after the sensory area is removed from the animal; after 48 h no trans-membrane potentials are detected. The potentialprofile in the intact sacculu8 In the in vivo preparation with the labyrinth intact, the recording micro-electrode penetrated the free saccular membrane and the otolith before reaching the neuro- epithelial cells in the macula. Text-fig. 2 (first three records on the first line) shows the potential recorded when the micro-electrode was advanced towards the macula from the top of the otic capsule. The first potential shift was recorded when the micro-electrode impinged on epithelial cells in the free saccular membrane; the potential change was negative and had an absolute value of 15-5+ 6-2 mV (S.D., n = 7). Since the potential disappeared when the micro-electrode was driven down- wards to penetrate the saccular cavity, its most likely source was the membrane oftheepithelial cellsinthefree saccularmembrane. The lack ofapotentialdifference between the endo- and perilymphatic compartments (Vt) is consistent with previous reports in which the endolymphatic potential recorded from vestibular organs has been found to be small or absent (Smith et al. 1958; Schmidt & Fernandez, 1962). The penetration of the otolith did not produce any d.c. potential change but the 15 PHY 281 450 H. BRACHO AND R. BUDELLI base line became slightly irregular. When the micro-electrode penetrated the neuro- epithelial cells in the macula, a sudden negative d.c. change was recorded. This potential had an absolute value of 70 0+ 7.3 mV (s.D., n = 19). Further advance- ment ofthe micro-electrode resulted in the loss ofthe d.c. potential and eventually the micro-electrode broke andits resistance dropped. Thepenetration ofthesaccuwar walls with a low-resistance micro-electrode (less than 5 MQ) did not produce any d.c. changes. 50mV1 10sec t -- r- I u u VLi VuV - V E -40 I *-0 r -80 _- _ (0U0 E I I 1L -1 0 Time (min) 50r ,_ l I I I I I I F 40 I I I I x=12-1 III III S.=56 30 F I I Sv=1*3 I I I I P<00005 I I I I 20 - I I II I I 10- I I I I I L.i I I iI ~ I I %vF -60 -80 -100 0 20 Membrane potential (mV) AMembrane potential (mV) Text-fig. 2. For legend see facing page. RESTING POTENTIALS OF HAIR CELLS 451 When the experiments areperformedwith theintactlabyrinth, theneuroepithelial cells face on their ciliated side a solution ofhigh potassium concentration: the endo- lymph (Rauch & Rauch, 1974). If the endolymphatic membrane of the neuro- epithelial cells is permeable to potassium, the endolymph should have a depolarizing action on these cells. To test this possibility the free saccular membrane and the otolith were removed and the endolymph was replaced by artificial perilymph in the in vivo preparation. Under this condition the membrane potentials of the cells in the macula and the surrounding epithelium reached a value of -82-1 + 5.0 mV (S.D., n = 19). The average difference between the potentials recorded in the intact sacculus and those recorded after replacing the endolymph by perilymph was statistically significant (Student's test, P < 0.0005) and had a value of 12-1 + 5-6 mV (S.D., n = 19) (Text-fig. 2). This result demonstrates that the endolymph has a depolarizing action on the neuroepithelial cells in the macula and onthe surrounding epithelial cells when the experiment is carried out in vivo. The in vivo preparation yielded high membrane potentials from the neuroepithelial cells for several hours after the saccular membrane had been removed provided an adequate circulation of blood was maintained. Under these conditions the drop in membrane potential after 3 h was less than 20 %. Potasium effects Symmetricalperfusion Applicability of the electrodiffusion equations. In other excitable cells such as nerve and muscle fibres, the resting membrane potential is generated mainly by the potassium concentration gradient across the membrane (Adrian, 1956; Baker et al. 1962). It is possible that the depolarization produced by endolymph is a result of the high concentration ofpotassium present in the fluid. To test the dependence Text-fig. 2. Potential profile in the sacculus. At the top left, a recording micro- electrode's pathway (dashedline) through thesacculus toward the cellsinthe macula, with the resultant polygraph tracings below. From left to right: first, penetration through the cell membranes in the free saccular membrane; secondly, through the otolith,whenonly aslightirregularityinthebaselinewasrecorded. Thirdly, asudden change in d.c. potential recorded when the micro-electrode reached the saccular epi- thelium. and penetrated the cellular membranes. Three potentials corresponding to three different lateral positions ofthe electrode are shown. The following four groups of records were obtained at different times after the free saccular membrane was removed and the endolymph replaced by artificial perilymph. The graph below the records shows the time course of the membrane potentials' value. At time 0 the saccular membrane was opened and the endolymph replaced by perilymph (dashed line). Thepotentials before time 0wereobtained with thelabyrinth intact and include membranepotentials obtainedfromthemacula andthenon-sensory epithelium ofthe same animal, and those from the macula ofa different animal. Each point represents theaverageof10-15membranepotentialsrecordedfromdifferentcells.Thehistograms below the graph represent the distribution of the mean membrane potentials (left) when the recordings were made in the intact sacculus (continuous lines) and after removal ofthe free saccular membrane and the otolith (dashed line). The histogram at the right corresponds to the difference of means of membrane potentials before and after the sacculus was opened and perfused. x = mean, 8a = S.D., 81 = 5.E. of the mean, P = the level ofsignificance at which the null hypothesis ofno difference was rejected. I5-2 452 H. BRACHO AND R. BUDELLJ A 0 0 / / / ° 1 min / / / -20 _ / / / / / 1E- / / / a-) / 00 -401- // / CL / a) / / .E0 // a) S // -60 _ // / / / / 0 / / / / -80 I I 3 10 30 100 B 0 a) 20 40 60 830 External potassium concentration (mM) Text-fig 3. For legend see facing page. RESTING POTENTIALS OF HAIR CELLS 453 of the resting membrane potentials on the extracellular potassium concentration we used an in vitro preparation clamped between two chambers. The change in potassium concentration was accomplished by perfusing both chambers with solutions containing 3, 10, 30, and 100 mM-KCl. The membrane potentials of ten to fifteen cells were recorded in each solution. The results are shown in Text-fig. 3A where the membrane potential was plotted against the logarithm of the external potassium concentration. The experimental points failed to fit the theoretical line traced using the Nernst equation for a potassium electrode. The potentials at 3 and 10 mM-KCl were smaller than the ones expected from a purely potassium- selective membrane. This departure from potassium electrode behaviour has been found in nerve fibres (Baker et al. 1962; Huxley & StAmpfli, 1951), muscle fibres (Hodgkin & Horowicz, 1959) and photoreceptors (Brown, 1977) and has been explained on the basis of a resting sodium permeability of the membrane. In this case the constant field equation (Goldman, 1943; Hodgkin & Katz, 1949) fits the experimental results (Hodgkin & Horowicz, 1959). In the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation the Na:K permeability ratio is included as a coefficient (b) ofthe external and internal sodium concentration. This equation states V = RTIn[K]o+b[Na]O+(PcI/PR)[Cl]i F [K]i+b[Na]i+(PcL/PK)[Cl]o Assuming a low permeability to chloride and a low intracellular sodium, Moreton (1969) applied a modified version of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation to the neurones in the central nervous system ofthe snail. The arrangement by Moreton is eVF/RT [K]o+b [Na]0 - [K]1 [K]1 which provides a simple way to estimate b and the internal potassium concentration, ifb is assumed to be constant. In this equation the dependent variable (exp (VF/RT)) is a linear function of the external potassium concentration and K1 and b can be estimated by measuring the slope (1/K1,) and the y intercept (bNao/Ki). We applied this analysis to the results obtained from the saccular neuroepithelium to determine whether its charac- teristics are similar to those of other excitable membranes. In our experimental methods, changes in external potassium concentration imply changes in external Text-fig. 3. A, the membrane potentials were plotted against the logarithm of the externalpotassium concentration. The interrupted linerepresents theNernstequation for a potassium electrode at an internal potassium concentration of 136mm. In the inset, showing intracellular recordings from the macula, the first eight potentials are eight different cells. The external potassium concentration was changed from 3 to 100mm (first arrow) (the micro-electrode remained inside the cell) and from 100 to 3mm(themicro-electrodeleftthecell 5timesanda different cellhadtobeimpaled). B, the data from A were plotted using the modified Moreton equation (see text). The valueexp (VFIRT) was plotted against the potassium concentration inalinearscale. The straight line is the least-square fitting to the experimental results. The internal potassium and the sodium:potassium permeability ratio were calculated using this fitting. n = 15. s.E. ofmean included within the points. 454 H. BRACHO AND R. BUDELLI sodium concentration, butthe total amount ofmonovalent cations is constant (118). Taking this into consideration we modified the Moreton equation obtaining eVF/RT = (-b) [K] b+118 . Usinjgointihnegthaebove equation replotte~d~~t~h~e[Kd]a1t+a1f1ro8m-Text-fig. 3A in B. The line we joining the points calculated from the experimental values of V is a straight line as expected from a membrane whose potential is given by the passive movements of sodium and potassium. The values of Ki and b estimated from the graph were 136 mm and 005 respectively. The value of Ki is similar to that found in frog muscle (Adrian, 1956) and the value of b is within the range obtained in other excitable cells (Marmor, 1975). We do not know ifthe assumptions included in the electrodiffusion equation are valid for this preparation, since we did not study the effects of chloride and sodium independently. At this point it is reasonable to say that the effects of symmetrical perfusion with different potassium concentrations on the neuroepithelial cells' membrane potential are similar to the potassium effects in other excitable cells, indicating that in both cases the membrane potentials are generated in the same fashion. Asymmetricalperfusion Applicability of the electrodiffu8ion equation8. Under symmetrical conditions the membrane potential of the neuroepithelial cells is -7 6+ 3*2 (s.D., n = 13) when the bathing fluid is artificial endolymph and -702 + 7.9 (S.D., n = 84) when the bathing fluid is artificial perilymph. The latter potential is similar to that recorded in vivo (-70*0mV)withthesacculusintact. Sincewehaveshownthattheendolymph has a depolarizing action in vivo, the similarity of these membrane potentials cannot be interpreted to mean that the endolymphatic membrane is impermeable. Another alternative is that the two different potassium gradients present in the peri- and endolymphatic membranes interact and the measured membrane potential istheresultofthisinteraction. Totestthispossibilityweusedtheinvitropreparation to measure the membrane potential ofthe neuroepithelial cells under asymmetrical conditions. This was accomplished by changing the potassium concentration in the endolymphatic chamber while keeping the perilymphatic potassium constant at 3 mmandviceversa. Theresults ofthistypeofexperiment areshowninText-fig. 4A where the membrane potentials are plotted against the logarithm of the external potassium concentration whenthe changetookplacein theendolymphatic chamber, intheperilymphatic chamber, andinbothchambers. Inallthreecasesthemembrane potential depends on the external potassium concentrations. The slope ofthe best- fittedlineisdifferentforeachcase,thesteepestbeingthatforsymmetricalperfusion, followed by that for the change in potassium concentration in the perilymph. These results indicate that the plasma membrane ofthe neuroepithelial cells is potassium- selective on both epithelial sides. We applied the electrodiffusion equations to our experimental results obtained under asymmetrical perfusion, assuming a uniform ionic selectivity of the epithelial membrane and taking into consideration the fact that there is no transepithelial potential. This implies that the perilymphatic and