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Proposed Solar-Wind Powered Greenhouse Ark 2004 PDF

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Preview Proposed Solar-Wind Powered Greenhouse Ark 2004

New Alchemys Ark: A Proposed Solar Heated and Wind Powered Greenhouse and Aquaculture Complex Adapted to Northern Climates* cescarching the Ack tu chistes wi be ia INHKODUCTION The Ark is intended to provide an slternaiv to 4 igeieant energy cone compa of fd pe ation in Amer. Greenranc, which pout ah Str quant ofvpetable aa Mover cepe esp Silly driag the colder seas, ce ge mont of fora facls fr hestng wu lime eeglation. Te belp alleviate his station we propose to develop amd cvalvae Slowey higly petuctve fod growing ‘conpex hese iy the sal powered bythe wind ‘The complex wil be ndepenene of fl fel hexting or oni electricity sources Toad deniande seta be met in dhe coming year Indigenous, cologia-erived und low ety ‘tates for sng fo ave going to have tobe veloped, enlog H,T, Odour has agency speed that energy ehornge In aglcltune cold net severe food shorages in he noon deans te (0. Lis bess argument onthe face shat modem gre Calne early enegy iene eng upto Di caloies of energy to produce oe lee af foot dinan Ameria ble, thee 0d pesveng ene brow es bevy othe panes nie energy source, Forex bilagcaly-ohened hinse farmers in Malas with Fow outa eng pot, <a produce sally 66,00 pounds of pork and Sot pounds ish 39 sel evel cope sal hectare Far (2), and the Feembaa peoples J New Guinea ae able 6 oppor pope dents Content o ur own, wich an okay wound sesule wld yncrtes 2) ales of fad or 1 Calo of energy inp 3. he aloe lpr be teen out mater, high energy agli at the Blalgleally bared once uct mentioned cn be Fest srl in favor ofthe later, Our product ‘tind br mane Inputs of ene nao each of hefner inthe actual sect, and tac aly that fel become sect ileal derived ‘petems powered by the sum aa te wi le ome increasingly important 0 exercal (4. Esch facet of mem apculture highly de ponent apon fn fac sts energy bee Miogen FReicesreuire sone 13,000 TRLiton i hee tmomtfactare and the phosphate Clie uaty com sume extremely lange amounts energy. only Pring Srrpused oma per unit evtpot bass hy the marta ture of aluminur, Ase mast odera far are de- prmdent pon berbicides, fungicide, petildes and fichier all devel [em energy tatne i> seis 1. MT. Oduay, 1973. Eneyy Beology und Boonomis, oper nar hy Royal Sucich Acwley oF Solenee, 26 9p 2. Ku Vacs 1968 th Glvore i Preheer and Beach Foods. Chapter bn J.D. Oeington et, Hie Berta Ure of the Worlds Fowna fer vad yongasiom of he Taste ‘of Bisgy- No. 1.175 pp. 2, Te appt, 19TT The rl of nergy i an Ape [al Seciey, Scene America, Wl 22603), 16134, ‘The greenhouse culture of foods and flawers sin an especially precarions position, Resides the energy inputs husky, dieve are th adiionalinpucs forthe ion of soils and artificial heating for up ca 6-7 months of the yore, The heating of these structures is nmajor component of cheic opening coats and the curity of fuete is of great concern to fiprers using reeuliouses, Th impending shortage of Cel Sas {italyst in The New Alchemy insLuute boginnieg cs esearch into solarheated growing strwccotes ia 1970. “The resene world-wide acreage of greenhouses quite cktensive. United State (5,202 acter, Britain (4.267 acces), Molla! (13,242 acres), aly (12,700 acres) and Japan (26,000 acres) ate significant reenhouse producers of foods, The encegy requited osustein Uiese srrichitesismat known, but itis, believed to he extensive (6). Expansion of greenhouse peoduecion af foods is held in cheek by fuel seaciies fd by competition from southerly regions connceted fo northern markets by highly developed transports fiom stems, As cansportation costs increase, glas- house food culture sysceins will come into theit own, and only if, alternative heat sourers ean be found for chem. ‘We propore to constmict and esearch a grccfhouse- pond complex for the growing of vegetables and for the intensive culturing uf fishes which will be heated ly che sun and powered by eleetticty from the wind (Figure 1}. The prototype will quire no outside <snuvees af heat, or chemieal Fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides or soil sterlization, 11 will he a self {egolaring food ecusystem eequicng the sun, waste saterials and labor to suxtan ie pro@ctvity The hear srarapeelimate regulation campascat of the system wil hea 13,500 gallon aguacalture pond, Solar heat will he eapped! directly ky the covered pond ‘us by pumping the pond water theough 2 300 square foot aolar heater. The adjacent greenhouse will be Stunted below the fost line and wil derive its heat From diseet sunlighe and from the warmed pow ‘water passing through pipes int sthwetire, Many of the compan nts have alt 4. LT dun, 1971 Eovicotent Pree and Sacer. Je Vite, $56 JIE Tadd, 1971-A Mose Propel Balle af ene Kes ‘Alchemy lute Nas, 26 9 Ju1h Todd, 1971 Restaation and Reopoiaerion in Coste Kies. The ume ofthc Rew Algoma (1), 3247 J:H8 To9d8, 1974. The Dileruoa Beyoul Temorro. The ‘Jounal of the New Alchensete 5. Battcotel tse, Hurd, A. Bll M3 Foster, UN, Dla, 0-0, holes and Re. Ween 1973, Food radeon nd Me Energy Grin, Sens, Vol, 182C411), ae, 4. Das &. Dultynpe 1978, Conuolled Pavronaent Ac ‘tas: A Glue Rete of Carenboute Fond Proton, eonoafe Weseardh Serie US: Deqaerment of Ag ‘altace, Forcgs Agora Reenomic Report Nu 89. le 1505. developed st New Alchemy (7). We intend to coms Dine these vasious components into an integrated faod production aystem for the year-round raising of a Siversy of foods. Solarheated greenhouse and aquaculture greenhouse complexes like the Ark, if proven successful and adapced widely, could help Alleviate possible furure meat and vegetable shortages inthe more northerly parce af the country, particular. ly daring the winter months or during etss periods when taasportacn is diaced ORIGINS OF THE ARK CONCEP Structures that ealunce the growth of eultivared plants by extending the Iengtt of die growing season have been in ue for several centucies, fr practical purposes beginning, with the aeuilablity of ghias Windows At the beginning of the 18th cenivey ‘eld frames anid buildings with large south-facing windows weve in general uae in England, These were susually unheated due to lack uf aulvzecy eempert fuces and generally mill cfimace. The cechnolagy of rowing structures was broughre trom Kurope to the eastern U.$. around the mid-1800's, where subscaially lower wore temperanares resulted nwa lines af further development, the heated las greenhouse and the unhested pitgreenhouse. Wich the discovery and availability of heating foe, the former structure rapidly gained favor and is recognized as taduy's comentionul preenbiowse, “The unheated pityreenfious, thowgh evolved for urtheen climate winters, hay been gouceally Forgotten (8) 2. NiO MeTarney, of 1975. The Backyard Heh Fn Wok ing Manual for 1973 Woda Pry, Ena ee ae 18049. 34 Pe Jom Tad and WO. Metarney. 1972, the Backyard Fh Fara. Onpae Gacdesan cd Yat Sbgare,an 72 S.0rMebamsey To, odd, 19PH Salon one A aang Geide ro Eachgand Ri Faring, sonal oF ‘io New Ahern (2. #8 Ris: Laytor and F,¥. Crepe, 1989. Winer Hlowees Deveopnis of toe Creenbowac, 318, Carls Sebo" Soom New York, 281 it-greenbouses are unlveated strvctutes having 4 glass face towards the south, an inselited fare towards the north, and whose growing vtea x elaw te ley af the sil. These conditions cewt in ca lure uf Ue suas Keat to keep the growing area above freezing chtoughour the winter, The Fst pit greenhouse in the U, 5, sae built about 1850 in ‘Waltham, Massachusetts, Since thea, itgreenouses have been vee! sporavlically ia the earn U.S. as farnorch as Vermont, where it is possible vo raise longascason veyetablesin Uie sucter and salad segetables all winter with no supplemental heat (9) Experience with pitgreenhouses ilicares thar all amounts of axiary heat, nich asthe Meat logs Ubrough a basemene wall into the pit, are suff cient to improve the operation and stability oft ‘stom (10), Several solaheated house designs inconporate sich technology that ean be adapted 1 this purpose specifically the Thomasem and MIT solar house designs (LD). In these syscems, the sun's heat is captured during the swnny pare of the day By ‘water flowing erough a cellect2# and the heat is store ws hat water foe later use, This technology is Slcecly applicibte to the greenhouse/aquaculeure 9. Ky Kem, 1972. The Dumertale mene Ohapee 9 The ir Cresnbons. Stems Rov, Oahu, Caloris Stott Soe 19, Wid Tapani 969. Chace 2. Th Erno i, 1733 11, BL Anderon, 1973. Ser nwa at Seler Design Shain Thode, Meputient of Aaetetut 1 Nes ARP RS complex, waece a large body of water is available for bat storage. Water from the fish pond ean be sed to abvorb Uicec solar energy and excess heat from the greenhouse. "Thi heat can-he eleseed ite the greenhouse at night t0 maintain growing ten peratures [New AAlcheray lnstieute has investigated solar heating ‘of growing strutures and the moderating elTeets of laege ponds of ware in seyeeal experimental structures In 1971 a transparent domo-grecahouse was built and cud to grow clad vegerables duting the winter using ausillay heac fram a wood stove, 1 ts used again in the winter of 1972, hi time heute! only by daytime sunlight and heat radiaring fowm the eareh; hacdy vege tables could he maintained thruvghuurtehe winger. In 1972 two dome-grocahowses were Win whic Com tained aguecufrute ponds; these ponuls were muinuined imately 80 degrees F. from May 15 ra Sept by passive solar heating and elective venting, Tue abiliey ofthe ponds to maderare the in rceaal climate of the greenbouse wae dramatically (ate fall, shen outside frosts and cold maps had Lele effect om the aie eemperuture inside the ‘greenhouse, Tus combining aquacultare with growing lance egal! way For meeting the temperate scaly required in a greenhouse struct. DESIGN AND OPERATION OF THE ARK (Oar expesiences which led up to dhe Ark concept atc chronicled in "Walton Two, Coniplest Guide to Ruckyar Fish Furcaing” ithe squaculeure section of this Jourta, Caricululy pertinent isthe desertion of te Miniueore Ack, which incorporates int is design for suiinve shite PEFLECTIVE PANELS many of the concepes we wish to explore ia the larger sysom, PHYSICAL SYSTEMS ‘The peapored solarheated geecnhons/aquaculrure ex i§ designed to demumnarrare a facility capable ‘of producing mearsid vegetables year Found, ex ‘solar and wind encegy as os power bas. es jor componcnts are ilustaced in Figure 1, 2,3 nd and are desctibed below, general dimensiones of the structure are piven ia Figure 5. A pitgreenhoute growing steaetuee comparable in size to a conventional small caonmervial green. house. Pastially sunlen, it offers anatteactive visual profile sutable fur wiespoead aesthetic and land: scaping acceptances funelivnally, 1 ylzes the carchs heating and fosufation quails to si in climate earl fi An insulated 15,54 gallon aquteuteste panel with transparent coven, capable of peovidling Fresh hig ‘quality meat protein on a year-rournl basis with ware and cool reason fish crops: The pow wtlzes a sab- ‘and hielogical filter for continuous water Ps and nutrient eyeling Til A solar heat collector to heat che aquaculture pond daring sunoy periods. The solar water heater Will be af the Thomason design (12) and is pump will bbe powered by cloericity from a wind generator. The folie collector will be controled surnmatically and will wet seconsaily 36a wiad seseen for the other ewetores, 42. 4 b.Ahganeson and J Le thomacon, 1972, Soli Mave Face Edun Seca Company ee to 2ngle is. A wind geneeatar ro produce cleeticcy for wore pumping ceculation anc lighting. AC the presenc, commercial windmills da nor praduce cnough cleer- ny in average wind ateas of the northeastern Unined States to meet our needs, and thei costs are exorhinant, bring far beyond the utilities on a Kilowatt hour hass. ‘Oucplan, though, isto reste an electricity system for the Arle which imeperiiene of Fass fvels, nuclear power plans and public utes, Towards this end, we developmental sages 210 koe wind riven power plant designed ro produce substantial smaunts af electricity 3¢ sverige win! epee's 13), H sucecstul, out electricity costs within Fe yents ruiy be competitive with the sites, is possible that the Ark may requize tv si anills ce function uptivally. L's, ap ineapeasive ‘water pumping mil similar to the one used to power tbe Miniateze Ark, ill circulate water Unrogl the system during windy periods, nd the new electricity proshocing mill with buttery stonage during spells ‘widhout wind 13, Mil hl, 1974. A Wind Union Bower Plat for Hourhald Use. A Kescatch Proposal fom The New ‘Alchey shut pp Net foe dsabudon, = oosign and operating fea related (0 solar energy calleerion, conservation aul isteution are denied in Figuees 1, 7, Sand 4. Reflective sutlaces (as well se the rouf angles) of the greenhouse act Aircet a maxinnuay asvoune of lighe into che greenhouse and onto the solr ealleerar, Reflective surfaces wit the greene snd aa the north wall result in 25-35 increate of light on the planc canopy (14). Reflective nigh coser panels ean be positioned 10 cect dytime igh entering the greenhouse ana ‘atious plant areas, and nhe same panels wet a6 nocture hal heat retainers at night, reducing heat eadtation fron the reructure by 15-20% (15). The aquaculture [pond is insulated from the ground and covered with a double mentGrane skin, and all lis swtiaces of the igeenhouse and solar collector we donb glazed. Finally, all glass surfaces will be ucatod wir 2 mas terial 1 prevent droplet condensation and thas U4, JiMaghnaodsR. Abad and YA, Laan 1973 [A Sovly of Solar Ferg Passi fh Pardecovers cations resented nthe Ineaationa Slot lenrpySoctery, U8, Section Anal Mcting, Cleve lund, Ohio, October 4, 1973 15, RD sighed Heat COLLECTION aND oIsTRIBUTION Soler Healing yee Plant-Ald Warming Gycle Circulation Fortuizntina Cycle Ft Allow up 20 50% more light penetration than untreaced lazing (16) ‘The groenhouze/ayvaculture complex is operated in ony of three modes depending on outside conditions, Daring daylighe hours hea 3 stored inthe aqauculture pond by ciecation Uhvough the solar heater. During ight hours and very cald, cloudy wineer days, heat transferred from the aquaculture pou ¢o the sail beds in the greenhouse; warm pond wuter ie pasted chrongh pipes in the grcenhousesuil. Heat loss Hom ehe soil cts to heat the aie around the growing plants, Finally, luring periods when heating iv noe requited, water ‘ean be eirculuted theowgh ube biological flee for eration und pucifleacion, BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS, Aquacaliare Components ‘The New Alchemy Instivure has pioncered the com expt of algacbased, tropical aquatic food ecosystems 46, Roseman, £973. Coating a Coneol Solr ight, Heats Crndenatnn ia Solr Sil, Ceeeohoosee ind Otter Srucure,etciaionl Sole Eneng” Sociery. U5, Seoune Au ering, 1973, Fine ined on prnnd comaunioaton with Roman cut ‘ering erperimenta ls out, for norther mates and developed “bacyar” fh flrs eh prodoee high quality, oun fes tated on Surana fod chin 17) (See a0 Staton te “tht Journ apes sare dso Kaen Se Bete ish ac nate to ica and ae ely dite for nee clare, Since thy ze pimaly ‘Sys teder te sont af ttn ih ott say inv ail construction conte ofthe nytt and 3 tral amuce of lor fo mnsin se pond nd op Ihe Ua In ove fox tlpreular 0 woo pnd temporstuc of appronimatay 30 degess Care tcvery. At ler temperaaes ower dog ot ake Face Ic way or acenpuing to sant Tempero thas romped aro researh ac eat pons he Gest year the 13,500 gallon pond, which in also the heat storage component of the whale com- plex, wil be sec wp at ich culture system and will, 12. the quality an tne ofthe Tap nwa ele ‘Sota is nec Ihe food editor of the ie Yank Finer dsc wt eh g he beng farmed Tih eed naptlencet. Sees FuerRased Pts A ‘Thiam of che Eoviogt wn he senaalist Hy ob. Hes NY Tus Trurtay Sepember 6, 1973 DIMENSIONS OF COMPONENTS _ ya incorporate tb best of the ideas that have heen veloped wnt of wor previous findings. They at 1. Riologicat Filtration A biological filer will excompays the whole bottom of the pond and will eliminate uwdr-retand= ing etaboltees, especially axamonia. A peeforated fiber glass false hortom will support x "layer of crushed clam, oyster an high magnesium dolomite. ‘These materinls will huffer the system and act a subsaate for the bacteria which break daw te sh substances co compounds readily urlizahle by the signe for chit gross. The primary task of the hae= teria wil he a alter the ammonia to nitrates and pitvices which promote algae growth without inhi: ing fish growth, The water for te heat collection and disuibution systems vill be drawn out troin uewer the filter, ehereby ensuring a continuous Aw of warer chrough the Elter and high fuation efficieney 2, Feritisation ‘The pond will be fertilized with compost, rich soil, zoek minerals ane manures im order to sscain oprional algae predwetion in the ponds fr the fich 2 feed upon. This past seawon a breskehrough was accom plished: ehrough the mixing of small amounts of the above compavads inte the pans, algae production was not che limiding factor i the small aguaculeare systems, Je would sppeur Out we have overcome Ore neo main, suming blocks to intensive pond voltages sainely the ‘oprimization of algae production and the breakdown of growl inhibiting waste prodtict, The wiste-algne cycle weme to have come i blanced relationship. 3. Production of Filipia ~ Summer Cyele Prodluction figures are hard to esate fo the 15,500 gallon aquaculture pond. in our small 3,000 allan solachexted ponds we have produced 2 pound ‘of fish per G0 gallons of water in 10 weeks without he critical population contol, or opsimal Fieation Projecting this production figute ont tbe proposed system would result in beowcen $40 and 675 poonds of edible size ah heing produced duving the d+? month tilapia seasan, Initially 300 gh Will he stocked into the system and they will be replaced ‘with 500 young at -week intervals, a degrees C. are maietained in che pond, There are a umber of ceasons to believe that chese praduction fatimates may be far too conservative. Firstly, our Prior experience has been sed upom culeuresysterns in whieh the sueface area of the Filtetion units was nat maximized ae ia the peesent system, Seconily, the populations were too dense hy 2 factor of fire, as predators were noc introduced. Thislly, the shone calculations da nat rake into azcount the Faer that the production potential por unit volume increases ‘with increasing pond size, Finally, ltger ponds have smote seble thermal and chenteal envizonanents which ‘would inprove Fish gravith ca productive and, Utinately we believe the system will be able to presce sever times the pouraage of bbeon indicated in this praposil. Intensive Fi in Germany and Japan already has produced much higher yields, bur these syseoms are dependent upon large amounts of additfonal food and energy inputs 2.28). |4, Cool Season Fish Culture During the time of year (November chrough Appl) when the water temperatures ithin the wlaricated aquaculture pond drop below 25 eyes C. che capi wwll be replaced with « polyculture pond ineluding a amber of native fishes ual white amr oe Chinese grace carp (Ceenopharyugidam itetash and hybrid eras carp (Carassive auratus} in onder to produce a winter crop. ‘the potential productivity of dhe 290! season poly: culture erop is nkmawn, After an optinal ccasystem has heen eazefully worked out yields may come clove 10 approximating the summex cycle. It is hoped chat when the aquaculture component of che solar heaced aquaculeure/greenhousestrucuure is more completely worked out, the fishes ia eumpar- Able systeme wil pay for inital eosts and maintenanee, particularly if coats axe spread over a LOsyear pered. tthe groealowse camypanent would then be able to ‘ome beyond expenses for its owners GREEXUIOUSE ‘The greenhouse willbe estatthed as an intensive Food producing structure and vegetables and salad greens ‘will be cultured on the growing beds 2« shown in Figure 2, The crops will vary from location to location withio, the greenhouse, depending on dicic ight are! spacial re- ‘qviremence and the time of year. Duticg Cie fall and arly Winter asonths, a diversity of oem, peus aad root ‘crops will be grown, while during the late winter, spring tnd suramet anonths heet-loving cops sels as peppers, melons, eggplants and beans will predominate, TO well be grown year round. Accurate recucis of Ue yes and thei mate yalue will be kept GREENHOUSE. MANAGEMENT 1. Fertilization Inially the bess willbe filled with compose and sich soll, Afterwards, the vole source of ferdtzacion ‘wil come fram the nuieaLalen pond watce wsed 1a, J, Bardach, WO MeLatney and JH, Ryther, 1972, ‘qoaciives Toe Farming and aban of Feb ‘watt an Mate Organams. Joka Bile. 8 pp Tete pice dacumson of case cute af ayn. 29-74, The text the defile one of Uke fuer fo Boy war penal wcten by New ‘Ahomy'+ 0. Baka. tw izigate the plants, Out experiescons liking agua sultwve and the culuvee af teveestvial food crops have demonstrated dhe vile of iteyeating the eve. In experimental plocs comparing aquaewtoure waver wich tap water we huve obtained a large inowase in yields of eraps such us lettuce using aquacolovee warer (19), Interconnecting the aquaculluee wnd plane craps in the ralarheated structuce will luce irigation and clinainate feel 2. Best Control ests, eepecinlly shitefcs, caw hecome a major probdein in greeulionves, They see wsually controlled ‘ies conle pesticides, We have had some experience ‘winh hiolagieal controls im greenhouses, wilizing roads, elamanders and trce frogs, which prevented serie outbreaks af insect pests in an HB-foor diameter dame growing structure. The surmer, more sable ‘limace in che proposed structure wil enable ws ro use sal] Tarde, especially Anes srolinensis, a control insece pests, Lizards have previously been wsed ro Cuvhat peste va ainiacure tropical rain forest housed 19, W.O.meLamey, 1974 Prgaion of Gusden Vepeabes snus Weal Heb Pond Water The Journal uf the New Niche 2} ‘sidhin groenhouse (20). Pest control stimals were fed { suppleneatary dec of Guillce grown on a small mound af rotting fue eo sesin them during peviods ‘when ne plant pees were present. 3. Disco ard Humidity Control Ronrtinely, reenbiouses sce sprayed with Fungiciles to Keer down discasce whl can be very cama under conditions of intensive cultre and igh humidity ‘Bur strategy will be to grow dscase-resitant varieties of planés where patible and talimit disease by eeducing the reladive hunting within ehe greenhinse, This will be fecumplished in several ways: First, the beds have been designed tne deeper than ncemat and chs ill permit. Teas Iequent watering of the erops. Seconaly, the pond seetion inside the greenhouse will be covered parc af 20, Oye of (Fada) ware doctoral sonora he out. nding estlogne Mestan Bat He velo i Tote Aan Aron, Michigan "top rain fre” verde samy and ndennand She doar and ee ‘Slsuanipe of plant water, a ania Tee nets, bid nd monkey win lacie eo ‘tet He developed a exober Causa eas Cn prultor prey eeaonn i cloned mete, Untorcanare igen ater publed I ideas have Been an ‘lito Goo and we hope to exten the

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