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PROPOSED RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE GOLETA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT A P ro ject Presented to the F aculty of the School of Education The, U niversity of Southern C alifo rn ia In P a r tia l F u lfillm en t of the Requirem ents fo r the Degree M aster of Science in Education by Ian James Crow June 1950 UMI Number: EP46257 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Pub) slung UMI EP46257 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 This project report, written under the direction of the candidate’s adviser and approved by him, has been presented to and accepted by the Faculty of the School of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Education. Adviser Dean TABUS OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE INTRODUCTION . :v I . BOARD OF TRUSTEES ............................................... 1 A rticle 1* E lection and terms of o ffic e of th e members of the Board of T rustees: Sections 100 - 106 . . . . . 2 A rticle 2. O rganization of the Board of T rustees: Sections 125 - 128 . . . . . 4 A rticle 3. M eetings and tran sac tio n of business: S ections 135 - 144 .... 5 A rtic le 4. D uties of the Board of T rustees: Sections 160 - 162 8 A rticle 5. D uties of o ffic e rs of th e Board: Sections 170 - 1 7 1 ............................... 12 A rticle 6. Suspension, a lte ra tio n and amendment of Board ru le s: Sections 180 - 1 8 1 ................................... 13 I I . DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS..................... 15 A rticle 1. Employment', term , compensa­ tio n : Sections 200 - 203 16 A rticle 2. R elatio n sh ip to the Board: S ections: 220 - 223 ......................... 16 i i i CHAPTER PAGE A rticle 3. D uties, re s p o n s ib ilitie s and powers: Sections £40 - 261 . . . . . . 17 I I I . PERSONNEL.........................................' .......................... . . 24 A rticle 1. C e rtific a te d : Sections 300 - 343 ........................................................................ 25 A rticle 2. C lassified personnel: Sections 360 - 37 5 41 IV. P U P IL S ....................................................................................... 47 A rticle 1. Admissions and attendance; Sections 400 - 415 48 A rticle 2. Length of school day, con­ duct, placem ent: Sections 430 - 443 . 53 A rticle 3. Inform ation regarding p u p ils, student o rg an izatio n s, fees and funds: Sections 460 - 471 . . . . 58 V. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM................................................... 63 A rtic le 1. Required in stru c tio n : Sections 500 - 503 64 A rticle 2. Textbooks and lib ra ry : Sections 5 2 0 -5 2 6 67 A rtic le 3. F ield trip s : Sections 550 - 555 ....................................................................... 69 CHAPTER PAGE VI. SCHOOL FUNDS.................................... 72 A rticle 1. Accounting fo r school funds: Sections 600 - 603 ..................... 73 A rticle 2. Approval of expenditures: Sections 630 - 635 .................................... 74 V II. PROPERTIES..................................................................... 76 A rtic le 1* Management of school p lan t: Sections 700 - 705 .............................................. 77 A rticle 2. P ublic use of school proper­ ty: Sections 730 - 739 . . . . . . . . 79 V III. TRANSPORTATION........................................................... 84 A rticle 1. Use of school buses: Sections 800 - 804 ................................................... 85 A rtic le 2. D uties of bus d riv ers: Sections 820 - 828 ............................................. . 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY" ...................................................................... 90 INTRODUCTION The purpose of these Rules and R egulations is to e s ta b lis h clear lin e s of policy and function fo r the Board of T ru stees, the D is tric t Superintendent and a ll other school employees in the operation of the G oleta Union School D is tric t. In order to have the most e f­ fe c tiv e educational program p o ssib le, there must be, f i r s t , an e ffe c tiv e organization of a ll members of the s ta f f , and second, eaich s ta ff member must understand and perform h is d u ties and re s p o n s ib ilitie s w ell. Lines of au th o rity and re sp o n sib ility must be c le a rly defined to have a s ta ff functioning to maximum e ffic ie n c y . I t is hoped th a t these Rules and R egulations w ill prove h elp fu l to new members of the Board o f T ru stees, incoming teachers and other employees new to the d is ­ t r i c t , and w ill a s s is t in inform ing in te re ste d persons regarding th e work and the p o lic ie s of th e Board. I t is f e lt th a t these Rules and R egulations w ill give a ll employees of the d is tr ic t a feelin g of se c u rity and under­ stand in g, which should perm it each to ex cercise th e maxi­ mum amount of in itia tiv e in his sp e cia l fie ld and s t i l l be in harmony w ith the whole e ffo rt. P e rtin e n t laws from the Education Code, S ta te of Vi C alifo rn ia have been included in these Buies and Regu­ la tio n s , together w ith statem ents taken from ru les and reg u latio n s from o th er school d is tr ic ts . Much of the m a te ria l was derived from discussions of our own prob­ lems in the school d is tr ic t w ith school board members and school p atro n s. This method was most f r u itf u l. A dditions and d eletio n s w ill n e c e ssa rily have to be made as conditions w ith in th e d is tr ic t change, but i t is f e lt th a t th ese Rules and R egulations are adequate fo r th e p re se n t. The Rules and R egulations s h a ll become e ffe c tiv e im m ediately follow ing adoption by th e Board, and s h a ll become p a rt of the M inutes of the m eeting of adoption. Copies w ill be made av ailab le to a ll employees, to new members subsequently appointed or elected to the Board, and to other persons and patrons in te re ste d in the pro­ gram o f the school d i s t r i c t . CHAPTER I BOARD OP TRUSTEES 2 ARTICLE 1 ELECTION AND TERMS OF OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES S ection 100. ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE- An e le c tio n fo r school tru ste e s h a ll be held in the G oieta Union School D is tric t on the' th ird F riday of each year. The lib ra ry of the school-' house sh a ll be used as th e voting place. The term of o ffic e of the tru s te e elected s h a ll be fo r th ree years beginning July 1 next succeed­ ing his e le c tio n . S ection 101. ELIGIBLE VOTERS A ll e le c to rs of the county who were re g iste re d a t le a s t fifty -fo u r days p rio r to th e e le ctio n are q u a lifie d to v o te . S ection 102. ELECTION OFFICIALS An in sp ecto r and two judges s h a ll be appointed by th e Board of T rustees t o conduct the e le c tio n . This s h a ll be accomplished at th e reg u lar March m eeting; th e ir com pensation s h a ll be fix ed a t th is tim e.

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