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PROPOSEDARRANGEMENTINVOLVINGCONCORDIA RESOURCE CORP. AND MERYLLIONRESOURCES CORPORAnON AND REVERSETAKEOVEROF CONCORDIA RESOURCE CORP. BYHPXTECHCO INC. THROUGH PURCHASEOF HPXTECHCO ASSETS NoticeofSpecial MeetingofConcordiaResource Corp. to beheldonNovember29, 2013 and InformationCircular October 16,2013 Neitherthe TSX Venture Exchange Inc. noranysecuritiesregulatoryauthorityhas in any Wlrypasseduponthe meritsoftheproposedarrangementandreverse takeoveroranyother matterdescribedin this informationcircular. TABLEOFCONTENTS GLOSSARYOFTERMS 3 CURRENCYAND EXCHANGE RATES 9 FINANCIAL INFORMATION AND ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 9 CAUTIONARY STATEMENTREGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS 9 SUMMARy 12 TheTransactions 12 Parties to the Transactions 12 Backgroundto and Reasons forthe Transactions 14 BoardApproval 15 The An'angement 15 EffectiveDate 17 Dissent Rights 17 IncomeTax Considerations 17 DRC Property Purchase 18 HPXTechCo RTO 18 SummaryofRisk Factors 19 Pro forma UseofFunds and Business Objectives 20 StockExchange ListingsandExchange Conditional Approval 21 Summary Pro FormaFinancial Information 21 Conflicts ofInterest. 22 Sponsorship 22 Interests ofExperts 22 Return ofProxy 22 Eligible Securityholders 23 ShareExchange Record Date 23 SOLICITATIONOFPROXiES 24 APPOINTMENTand revocation OF PROXY 24 Revocation ofProxy 24 Provisions Relatingto VotingofProxies 25 Non-Registered Holders 25 VOTESNECESSARY TO PASS RESOLUTIONS 26 VOTING SECURITIES AND PRINCIPALHOLDERS OFVOTING SECURITIES 26 INTERESTOF CERTAIN PERSONS IN MATIERSTO BEACTED UPON 26 INTERESTOF INFORMED PERSONS IN MATERIALTRANSACTIONS 27 AUDITOR 27 MANAGEMENTCONTRACTS 27 PARTICULARS OFMATTERS TOBEACTED UPON 27 TheTransactions 27 Haywood Fairness Opinion : 28 PlanofArrangement 30 An'angement Mechanics 31 Meryllion and the Vend-In Agreement 34 ( i ) HPXTechCo RTO 34 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 39 CERTAIN CANADIAN FEDERALINCOME TAX CONSIDERATIONS 39 Securityholders Resident in Canada 40 ConcordiaSecurityholdersNot Resident in Canada 43 Certain Canadian Federal IncomeTax Considerations for Optionholders 44 CERTAIN UNITED STATES FEDERAL INCOMETAX CONSIDERATIONS 44 Scopeofthis Disclosure 45 U.S. Federal Income Tax Characterization ofthe Arrangement 46 Passive Foreign InvestmentCompanyRules Applicableto the Arrangement.. 47 Additional Considerations 54 REGULATORY MATTERS 56 Canadian SecuritiesMatters 56 U.S. Securities Matters 56 INFORMATION RELATING TO MERYLLION 56 INFORMATION RELATING TO NEWCONCORDIA 56 RISK FACTORS 57 Risk Factors Related to the Transactions 57 Risk Factors Relatedto Business ofNew Concordiaand Meryllion 58 Risk FactorsRelated to Business ofNew Concordia 62 Risk Factors Related to BusinessofMeryllion 64 DISSENT RIGHTS 65 RESTRICTED SECURITIES 66 ADDITIONALINFORMATION 66 BOARD APPROVAL 67 CONSENTOFHAYWOOD SECURITIES INC. 68 Schedule"A" ArrangementResolution A Schedule"B" HPX TechCoRTO Resolution B Schedule"c" Plan ofArrangement C Schedule"0" Information Relating to Meryllion 0 Schedule"E" Form 3DI- InformationRelating to Concordia, HPX TechCoAssets andNew Concordia E Schedule "F" Meryllion Financial Statementsand ManagementDiscussion and Analysis F Schedule"G" Unaudited Pro FormaStatementofFinancial Position forNewConcordia G Schedule"H" Dissent Rights Underthe British ColumbiaBusinessCorporationsAct... H Schedule"I"Haywood Fairness Opinion 1 Schedule"J" Interim Order .1 Schedule"K"NoticeofHem'ing K Schedule"L" Petition L ( ii ) CONCORDIARESOURCE CORP. Suite 1100,355Burrard Street Vancouver,B.c. V6C 2G8 Telephone: 604-221-7982 Fax: 604-221-7996 Notice ofthe Special Meeting ofShareholders to be held on November29, 2013 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting (the "Meeting") of the holders of common shares and securities convertible into common shares (together, the "Concordia Securityholders") of Concordia Resource Corp. ("Concordia" or the "Company") will be held at Suite 1100, 355 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C., on November29,2013, at 10 AM(Pacific StandardTime). At the Meeting, Concordia Securityholders will be asked to consider and, if deemed advisable, to pass, with or withoutamendment: 1. a special resolution (the "Arrangement Resolution") approving the arrangement (the "Arrangement") under Part 9, Division 5 ofthe Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) (the "Act") as a result of which, among other things: (a) the Company will consolidate its common shares on a five (5) to one (I) basis; and (b) the Company will spin out its interest in its subsidiary Meryllion Resources Corporation ("Meryllion") to its shareholders, all as more particularly described in the Information Circular accompanying this Notice under the heading "Particulars of Matters to be Acted Upon - The Plan of Arrangement". In addition to the Arrangement Resolution, the Company's shareholders (the "Concordia Shareholders") will be askedto considerand, ifdeemedadvisable, to pass atthe Meeting, with orwithoutamendment: 2. a special resolution (the "HPX TechCo RTO Resolution") authorizing the Company to enter into a transaction with HPXTechCo Inc. ("HPXTechCo")wherebyitwill acquire certain assets ofHPXTechCo in exchange for issuing common shares representing 85% ofits issued and outstanding share capital (the "HPX TechCo RTO"), all as more particularly described in the Information Circular accompanying this Notice under the heading"ParticularsofMattersto beActedUpon- HPXTechCo RTO". Concordia Securityholders that are not Concordia Shareholders are not entitled to vote on the HPX TechCo RTO Resolution, nor are such securityholders provided with dissent rights in respect of the HPX TechCo RTO. The boardofdirectors ofConcordiarequests all Concordia Securityholders that will not be attendingthe Meeting in person to read, date and sign the accompanying proxy and deliver it to Computershare in accordance with the instructions described in the Information Circular accompanying this Notice under the heading "Appointment and Revocation ofProxies". IfaConcordia Securityholderdoes not delivera proxyto Computershare Investor Services Inc. ofCanadaby 10 AM (Pacific StandardTime) on November27,2013 (or before48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays before any adjournment ofthe Meeting at which the proxy is to be used) then the Concordia Securityholderwill notbe entitledto vote at the Meeting by proxy. Only ConcordiaSecurityholders ofrecord at the closeofbusiness onOctober28,2013 will be entitledtovote atthe Meeting. Take notice that, pursuant to the interim order ofthe Supreme Court ofBritish Columbia dated October 25, 2013, registered Concordia Shareholders may deliver a Notice ofDissent with respect to the Arrangement Resolution to the registered office ofthe Company 48 hours before the time ofthe Meeting. As a result ofdelivering a Notice of Dissent, a dissenting Concordia Shareholder may require the Company to purchase all its common shares ofthe Company in respect ofwhich the Notice of Dissent was given at a price equal to the fair value ofsuch shares, determinedinaccordance withthe Act. 1 The Information Circular accompanying this Notice contains the full text ofthe Arrangement Resolution and the HPX TechCo RTO Resolution, and provides additional information relating to the subject matter ofthe Meeting, includingthe Arrangementand the HPXTechCo RTO. DATED atVancouver, BritishColumbiathis 16thday ofOctober,2013. BYORDEROFTHEBOARD OF DIRECTORS OFCONCORDIARESOURCECORP. /s/"TerryKrepiakevich" Terry Krepiakevich Interim ChiefExecutive OfficerandDirector 2 No person is authorized to give any information or to make any representation respecting the transactions referencedin this Circular and, ifgiven ormade, such information orrepresentation shouldnot be relied upon as having been authorized. This Circular does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation ofan offerto acquire, anysecurities, orthesolicitation ofaproxy, byanyperson in anyjurisdiction in which such an offer orsolicitation is not authorizedor in which theperson makingsuch offerorsolicitation is notqualifiedto do so orto anyperson to whom it is unlawfidtomakesuchan offerorproxysolicitation. GLOSSARY OFTERMS In this Circular, the Schedules hereto and accompanyingNoticeofMeeting, unless there is something in the subject matterinconsistenttherewith, the following terms shall have the respective meanings setout below, words importing the singularnumbershall include the plural and vice versa. "Affiliate" has the meaningattributed to thatterm in the BCAct. "Applicable Laws" means any applicable laws with respect to any person, including the common law and any multinational, supranational, domestic or foreign federal, national, state, regional, provincial, territorial, municipal or local commercial, securities, Tax, personal land use and zoning, sanitizing, occupational health and safety and real property, security, mining, environmental, water, energy, investment or property ownership laws (whether statutory, common or otherwise), and any constitution, treaty, convention, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, order, injunction, judgment, decree, ruling, guideline, policy or other similar requirement enacted, adopted, promulgated, issued or applied by a Governmental Authority that is binding upon or applicable to such person or the property of such person, as amended unless expressly specifiedotherwise. "Appropriate Regulatory Approvals" means those sanctions, rulings, consents, orders, exemptions, permits and otherapprovals (includingthe lapse, withoutobjection, ofaprescribedtime undera law thatstates thata transaction may be implemented ifa prescribed time lapses following the giving ofnotice without an objection being made) of Governmental Authorities, regulatoryagenciesorselfregulatory organizations. "Argentina MiningCode" means the material miningregulationsofArgentina. "Arrangement" meansan arrangement undersection288 to 299 ofthe BCActon the terms and conditions set forth in the Arrangement Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement and any amendment or variation thereto made in accordance with the terms ofthe Arrangement Agreement, the Plan ofArrangement or made at the direction ofthe Court in the Final Order. "Arrangement Agreement" means the arrangement agreement dated October I, 2013 between Concordia and Meryllion, as may beamended from time to time. "Arrangement Closing" means the closing ofthe Arrangement following the fulfilment ofall conditions precedent thereto. "Arrangement Resolution" means the special resolution of the Concordia Securityholders to approve the Arrangement inthe form and contentasset outin Schedule"A"to this Circular. "Australian MiningAct" meansthe MiningAct 1992(NSW). "BC Act" means the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), as amended, superseded or replaced from time to time, priorto the Effective Date. "Bugeco" means BugecoS.A., acompany incorporated underthe lawsofBelgium. "Bugeco MOU" means the Joint Venture Memorandum ofUnderstanding between Bugeco and Swala UK dated effective as ofJune 19,2008, pursuantto which Bugeco and SwalaUKeach holda50% interestin the DRC Assets. "Bugeco Termination and Release Agreement" means the agreement among Bugeco, Swala and Concordia dated October 1,2013 providing forthe DRCPropertyPurchase. "Business Day" means a day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or a day when commercial banks are not open for business in Vancouver, BritishColumbia. "Cerro Amarillo Project" means a copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry prospect located in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina. "Clancy" meansClancyExploration Limited withregistration number ACN 105 578 756. 3 "Circular" means, collectively, the Notice of Meeting and this information circular of Concordia, including all schedules hereto, sentto ConcordiaSecurityholders inconnectionwiththeMeeting. "Common Share Consolidation" means the consolidation ofConcordiaShares on afive (5) for one (I) basis to be madeeffectivepursuantto the Arrangement. "Company" or"Concordia" means ConcordiaResource Corp., acompany existing underthe laws ofthe Province ofBritish Columbia. "Concordia Board" means the boardofdirectorsofConcordia. "Concordia Amended Options" means the options to purchase New Concordia Common Shares to be issued in exchange forthe ConcordiaOptionsas pmtoftheArrangement. "Concordia Convertible Securities" means all outstanding warrants, options or other securities convertible into ConcordiaShares. "Concordia Convertible Securityholders" means the registered and beneficial holders ofConcordia Convertible Securities. "Concordia Options" means the issued and outstanding options to purchase Concordia Shares at varying exercise pricesand with varyingexpirydates. "Concordia Optionholders" means the registered and beneficial holders of Concordia Options on the Share Exchange Record Date. "ConcordiaSecurities"meanscollectively, the ConcordiaSharesand ConcordiaConvertible Securities. "Concordia Securityholders" means the registered and beneficial Concordia Shareholders and the registered and beneficial ConcordiaConvertible Securities. "Concordia Shareholders" means the registered holders ofConcordia Shares and "Concordia Shareholder" means anyoneofthem. "Concordia Shares" means the common shares in the capital ofConcordia and "Concordia Share" means each such share. "Consideration Shares" means the 106,489,000 New Concordia Common Shares to be issued to HPX TechCo pursuantto the HPXTechCoAssetPurchaseAgreement. "Court" means the Supreme CourtofBritishColumbia. "DissentProcedures" means thedissent procedures described undertheheading"DissentRights" in this Circular. "Dissent Rights" means the rights ofdissent providedto Concordia Shareholders pursuantto the BC Act in respect ofthe An"angementdescribed in Article4ofthe Plan ofArrangement. "Dissenting Concordia Shareholder" means a Concordia Shareholder that has exercised a Dissent Right pursuant to Article 4 ofthe Plan ofArrangement and that is ultimately entitled to be paid the fair value ofthe Concordia Shares held bysuch ConcordiaShareholder. "DRC" means the Democratic RepublicofCongo. "DRC Assets" means, together, the 20% equity interest in Ebende and 30% equity interest in the Kabongo Project currentlyheld equallyby Bugeco and Swalapursuantto the Bugeco MOU. "DRC Property Purchase" means the transactions effected pursuant to the Bugeco Release and Tennination Agreement wherebyConcordiawill issue 1,666,667New ConcordiaCommon Shares andpay Cdn.$750,000 cashto Bugeco in exchange for Bugecotransferthe DRCAssets to Swala. "Ebende" means Ebende Resources Limited, a corporation incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands. "Ebende Project" means the exploration program targeting nickel-copper and platinum group elements located in Katanga, south-central DRC. 4 "Ebende Rights" means the exploration permits 10390, 10391, 10414,14015,10417,10420,10421,10422, 10424, 10425, 10426, 10427, 10428, 10429, 10430, 10431, 10438all ofwhich have been issued bythe Mining Cadastre of the DRC(CAMI) to Ebende. "Ebende Sub" means Ebende Exploration S.P.R.L., a corporation incorporated under the laws ofthe ORe and a whollyowned subsidiaryofEbende. "EbendeTechnical Report" means the independentNI 43-10I compliantTechnical Reportdated October 10,2013 and prepared by MSA, concerningthe Ebende Project. "Effective Date" means the date that is five Business Days after the last of the conditions precedent to the completion ofthe Arrangement have been satisfied or waived, or such earlier or later date as is agreed to by the parties. "Escrow Agent" means ComputershareTrustCompanyofCanada. "Exchange" means the TSX VentureExchange. "Fairholme Joint Venture" means the unincorporated joint venture established pursuant to the Fairholme Joint VentureAgreement in respect ofthe Fairholme Project. "Fairholme Joint Venture Agreement" means the Joint Venture Agreement- Fairholme Joint Venture between HPXTechCoand Clancydated May 14,2013,whichestablishedthe FairholmeJoint Venture. "Fairholme Option Agreement" means the Option Agreement between HPX TechCo and Clancy whereby HPX TechCo hasarightto earn intothe FairholmeProject. "Fairholme Project" means the copper-gold project located southeast of Condobolin in New South Wales, Australia, which cUiTentlyconsists oftwo tenements, FairholmeEL6552 and MannaEL6915 held byClancy. "Fairholme Project Agreements" means the agreements governing the Fairholme Project as more particularly described in the HPXTechCoAsset PurchaseAgreement. "Fairholme Tenements" means exploration licenses 6652 and 6915, each issued and held under the Australian Mining Actand any renewal, conversion, substitution, consolidation, replacement, extension oramendmentofthose tenements(orofanypart ofthe areaofthosetenements) includingany mining lease granted from thosetenements. "Final Order" means the final order ofthe Courtapproving the An-angementas such ordermay be amended bythe Court at any time priorto the Effective Date or, ifappealed, then, unless such appeal is withdrawn or dismissed, as affirmed oras amended onappeal. "Governmental Authorities" means any (i) multinational, federal, provincial, state, regional, municipal, local or other government, governmental or public department, central bank, court, tribunal, arbitral body, commission, board, bureau or agency, including securities regulatory authorities, domestic or foreign, (ii) subdivision, agent, commission, board, or authority ofany ofthe foregoing, or (iii) quasi governmental or private bodyexercising any regulatory, expropriation or taxing authority under or for the account of any of the foregoing including the Exchange. "Haywood" means Haywood Securities Inc. "Haywood Opinion" means the fairness opinion ofHaywood dated October 1, 2013 delivered to the Concordia Boardconcerningthe Transactions. "HPXTechCo" means HPX TechCo Inc., acompanyorganized underthe lawsoftheBritish Virgin Islands. "HPX TechCo Asset Purchase Agreement" means the asset purchase agreement between the Company and HPX TechCo dated October I, 2013, whereby the Company agrees to purchase the HPX TechCo Assets from HPX TechCo in consideration for issuingthe Consideration Sharesto HPXTechCo. "HPXTechCo Assets" means collectively: i) Cdn.$5,OOO,000 in cash; ii)an 80% interest in the Ebende Project; iii) HPX TechCo's interest in the Fairholme Option Agreement; iv) the HPX TechCo Loan; and v) the Service Agreement. "HPX TechCo Closing Date" means the closing date under the HPX TechCo Asset Purchase Agreement, which date shall be within ten business days ofthe completion ofthe conditions precedent specified in the HPX TechCo 5 Asset Purchase Agreement, and on which the DRC Property Purchase and Arrangement shall have been made effective, unless Concordiaand HPXTechCoagreeotherwise. "HPX TechCo Loan" means the Cdn.$5,000,000 unsecured revolving line ofcreditthat HPXTechCo will provide Concordiapursuantto the HPXTechCoLoan Agreement. "HPX TechCo Loan Agreement" means the loan agreement between HPX TechCo and Concordia providing for the HPX TechCoLoan. "HPX TechCo RTO" means the purchase ofthe HPX TechCo Assets by the Company in exchange for the HPX TechCo Consideration Shares. "HPX TechCo RTO Resolution" means the special resolution ofthe Concordia Shareholders to approve the HPX TechCoRTO in the form and contentassetout in Schedule"B"tothis Circular. "HPX TechCo Technology Cluster" means HPX TechCo's hardware, software, know-how, and proprietary systemsthatfacilitate rapid, accurateand deepgeophysical explorationofburiedgeological targets. "IFRS" means International Financial ReportingStandards. "Interim Order" means the interim order ofthe Court in respect ofthe Arrangement dated October 25, 2013, a copyofwhich is attached hereto as Schedule"J". "Inferred MineralResource" means thatpartofamineral resourceforwhich the quantity and gradeorquality can be estimated on the basis ofgeological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not verified, geological and grade continuity. The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriatetechniques from locations suchas outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes. "Kabongo Project" means the Kabongo project is ajoint venture is with Anglo American pic targeting potential sediment-hosted Cumineralization. "La Providencia Project" means the Providencia silver-copper prospect located in the municipality ofSusques in the ProvinceofJujuy, inthe northwestern high plain deserts (Altiplano)region ofArgentina. "La Providencia Technical Report" means the Technical Report dated October 8, 2013 relating to the La ProvidenciaProject. "Material Adverse Effect"means, with respectto any person, any change, event, circumstance, occurrence orstate offacts which could reasonably be expected to have a material and adverse effect on the business, affairs, capital, operations, properties, assets, liabilities (absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise) or condition (financial or otherwise)ofsuch person, taken collectivelywith itssubsidiaries. "Meeting" means the special meeting of the Concordia Securityholders (including any adjournment or postponementofthat meeting) to be called and held onNovember29, 2013 in accordance with the Interim Orderto considerthe Arrangement Resolution, and othermatters setoutin the Circular. "Meryllion" means Meryllion Resources Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary ofConcordia incorporated under the lawsofBritish Columbia. "Meryllion Assets" means together, allofthe equityinterestin Meryllion Subandthe Vend-in Cash Amount. "Meryllion Board"means the boardofdirectors ofMeryllion. "Meryllion ListingDate" means the datethe Meryllion Sharesare listedfortradingonthe Exchange. "Meryllion Shares" means common shares in the capital ofMeryllion and "Meryllion Share" means each such share. "Meryllion Sub" means Meryllion Minerals Corp., awholly owned subsidiary ofMeryllion incorporated underthe laws ofBritishColumbia. "Misrepresentation" has the meaningattributed tothat term intheSecuritiesAct(British Columbia). "MSA" means The MSAGroup(pty) Ltd., the authors ofthe EbendeTechnical Report. "NewConcordia" means Concordiaafterthe EffectiveDateofthe Arrangement. 6 "New Concordia Common Shares" has the meaningascribed to it in the"Particulars ofOtherMalters to beActed On- ArrangementMaterials" sectionofthis Circular. "NoticeofDissent" means a writtenobjectionto the ArrangementbyaregisteredConcordiaShareholder. "NoticeofMeeting" means the notice to the Concordia Securityholderswhich accompanies this Circular. "Order" means a cease trade order, an order similar to a cease trade order or an order that denied the relevant company access to any exemption under securities legislation that was in effect for a period of more than 30 consecutivedays. "Plan ofArrangement" means the plan ofarrangement substantially in the form and content included in Schedule "c" attached to this Circular and any amendments or variations thereto made in accordance with section 6.1 ofthe Arrangement Agreement, section 6.1 ofthe Plan ofArrangement or made at the direction ofthe Court in the Final Order. "Record Date" means October28,2013,therecorddate for the Meeting. "RPA" means RPA Inc., the authors ofthe LaProvidenciaTechnical Report. "Registrar" has the meaning attributedto thatterm in the BC Act. "SEC" means theUnited StatesSecurities and ExchangeCommission. "Securities Legislation" means the Securities Act (British Columbia) and the equivalent law in the other provinces of Canada and in the United States, and the published instruments and rules of any Governmental Authority administeringthosestatutes, as well as the rules, regulations, by laws and policiesofthe Exchange. "Services Agreement" means the Service Agreement between Concordia and HPX TechCo, wherebyHPX TechCo agrees to providegeological surveyservicesto Concordia. "Share Exchange Record Date" means December 2, 2013, the date established by Concordia for the purpose of determining (i) the Concordia Shareholders entitled to receive New Concordia Common Shares, and Meryllion Shares, and (ii) the Concordia Optionholders that are entitled to receive Concordia Amended Options under the Arrangement. "Swala" means Swala Resources Inc., acompanycontinued underthe laws ofBritish Columbia anda whollyowned subsidiaryofConcordia. "Swala UK" means Swala(UK) Limited (formerly Swala Resources Pic), a wholly-owned subsidiaryofSwala. "Tax" or"Taxes" or means all federal, state, provincial, territorial, county, municipal, local orforeign taxes, duties, imposts, levies, assessments, tariffs and other charges imposed, assessed or collected by a Taxation Authority including, (i) any gross income, net income, gross receipts, business, royalty, capital, capital gains, goods and services, value added, severance, stamp, franchise, occupation, premium, capital stock, sales and use, real property, land transfer, personal property, ad valorem, transfer, licence, profits, windfall profits, environmental, payroll, employment, employer health, pension plan, anti-dumping, countervail, excise, severance, stamp, occupation, or premium tax, (ii) all withholdings on amounts paid to Or by the relevant person, (iii) all employment insurance Or similar such premiums and pension plan contributions Or premiums, (iv) any fine, penalty, interest, or addition to tax, (v) any tax imposed, assessed, or collected or payable pursuant to any tax-sharing agreement or any other contractrelating to thesharing or payment ofany suchtax, levy, assessment, tariff, duty, deficiency, or fee, and (vi) any liability for any oftheforegoing as atransferee, successor, guarantororbycontractoroperationoflaw. "Tax Act" means the Income Tax Act(Canada), as amendedfrom time to time. "Taxation Authority" means any Governmental Authorityentitledto impose Taxes Orto administerany applicable Tax legislation. "Transactions" means, together, the Arrangement and the HPX TechCo RTO, each as more fully described in the Circular at"Particulars ofOther Matters to beActedUpon- The Arrangement" and"Particulars ofOther Malters to beActedUpon- HPXTechCo RTO", respectively. "Transaction Agreements" means, collectively, the HPX TechCo Asset Purchase Agreement, the Services Agreement, the HPX TechCo Loan Agreement, the Arrangement Agreement, the Bugeco Termination and Release Agreement, and Vend-in Agreement. 7

Notice of Special Meeting of Concordia Resource Corp. to be held on This variation was attributed to a difference in acid digestion used by ALS Minerals 'Gassel Manen:', that are registered in the name of Societe Miniere de
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