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Using Word and Phrase Abbreviation Patterns to Extract Age From Twitter Microtexts by Nathaniel Moseley AThesisProposalSubmittedinPartialFulllmentof theRequirementsfortheDegreeofMasterofScienceinComputerScience Supervisedby Dr. ManjeetRege DepartmentofComputerScience B.ThomasGolisanoCollegeofComputingandInformationSciences RochesterInstituteofTechnology Rochester,NewYork Dr. CeciliaOvesdotterAlm DepartmentofEnglish CollegeofLiberalArts RochesterInstituteofTechnology Rochester,NewYork August6,2012 Approvedby: Dr. ManjeetRege PrimaryAdvisor,DepartmentofComputerScience Dr. CeciliaOvesdotterAlm Reader,DepartmentofEnglish (cid:13)c Copyright 2012 by Nathaniel Moseley All Rights Reserved ii Abstract The wealth of texts available publicly online for analysis is ever increasing. Much work in com- putational linguistics focuses on syntactic, contextual, morphological and phonetic analysis on written documents, vocal recordings, or texts on the internet. Twitter messages present a unique challengeforcomputationallinguisticanalysisduetotheirconstrainedsize. Theconstraintof140 charactersoftenpromptsuserstoabbreviatewordsandphrases. Additionally,asaninformalwrit- ing medium, messages are not expected to adhere to grammatically or orthographically standard English. As such, Twitter messages are noisy and do not necessarily conform to standard writing conventions of linguistic corpora, often requiring special pre-processing before advanced analysis canbedone. In the area of computational linguistics, there is an interest in determining latent attributes of anauthor. Attributessuchasauthorgendercanbedeterminedwithquitesomesuccessfrommany sources,usingvariousmethods,suchasshallowlinguisticpatternsortopicanalysis. Authorageis moredifficulttodetermine,butpreviousresearchhasbeenfairlysuccessfulatclassifyingageasa binary,ternary,orevencontinuousvariableusingvarioustechniques. Twitter messages present a difficult problem for latent user attribute analysis, due to the pre- processing necessary for many computational linguistics analysis tasks. An added logistical chal- lenge is that very few latent attributes are explicitly defined by users on Twitter. Twitter messages areapartofanenormousdataset,butthedatasetmustbeindependentlyannotatedforlatentwriter attributes before any classification on such attributes not defined through the Twitter API can be done. Theactualclassificationproblemisaparticularchallengeduetotherestrictionsontweets. Previous work has shown that word and phrase abbreviation patterns used on Twitter can be indicative of some latent user attributes, such as geographic region or the Twitter client used to make posts. Language changes tend to be driven by youths, often in adolescence, who tend to graduallyaffectolderauthors. Olderlanguageuserseitheradoptthechangesorresistthem. Twitter is a relatively new service. This study explores if there there are longitudinal patterns evident in 6 yearsofonlineinteractions. I propose the development of a large, growable data set annotated by Twitter users themselves forageandotherusefulattributes. IalsoproposeanextensionofpriorworkonTwitterabbreviation patterns to determine if these linguistic patterns are indicative of author age at time of posting and can be useful in determining an author’s age, and to investigate what, if any, changes in these patternsoccurovertime. Lastly,Iproposeatimelineforthesiscompletionwithdeliverables. iii Contents Abstract iii 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 2 2.1 Twitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 RelatedWork 3 4 Hypothesis 5 5 SolutionDesignandImplementation 5 5.1 DataCollection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.2 DataNormalizationandTweetLoading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.3 AgeCategorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 Roadmap 10 6.1 Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.2 Timetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 iv 1 Introduction Discoveringlatentdataaboutauthorsoftextsisarecognizedtopicinnaturallanguageprocessing. Historically,latentattributegatheringwasdonebyresearchersannotatingtextsorvoicerecordings. As computers came into existence, methodologies for these analyses developed into the field of computationallinguistics. Withtherisingpopularityoftheinternet,mosttextsandrecordingsthat wouldbesubjectsofanalysisareavailableonline,andonlinetextsthemselvesareanevergrowing corpora. Computational linguistics provides methods to process and analyze these large language collections. Many corpora of internet language have received such attention, such as blog posts, onlinenews,andscientificpublications[19,20]. One of the newest corpora developing and increasingly receiving attention is a set of texts linguists have termed microblogs. These include short, often character-limited messages, such as those found on Facebook update messages, SMS text messages, and Twitter messages. These present an interesting type of linguistic corpus, but often, particularly in the case of Twitter, the texts are noisy and difficult to work with because of nonstandard language use. Character restric- tions prompt authors to develop and use word and phrase abbreviations to convey their messages in fewer characters [7]. Cook and Stevenson identified 12 types of abbreviations often used in SMSmessages[2]. Usageof theseabbreviationsresultsinmessages withsignificantportionsthat are out-of-vocabulary (OOV) for the language in which they are written. Such added linguistic sparsitycanmakelinguisticanalysis,suchasforcontext,genre,andtopicdetection,moredifficult toperform[15]. Part of the process of preparing Twitter messages for analysis involves mapping OOV word and phrase abbreviations to in-corpus equivalents. Gouws et al. identified 9 abbreviation patterns usedinTwittermessageswhichaccountforover90%ofthetransformationsused. Theyusedthose patterns to identify the region from which English-writing Twitter users were posting (according to time zone data provided by Twitter) as well as the client (iPhone, android, Twitter website, etc.) used to post the message [5]. Based on the success of using deep syntactic patterns and shallow, token-level linguistic features to identify author age [20], it is reasonable to assume that suchabbreviationpatternscanbeusedtoidentifyuserageonTwitter. Some prior studies have looked at identifying Twitter user age with relative success, but each hadtodevelopadatasetbyhand,havingresearchersexaminetweetsforindicatorsofage,usually assigning users to binary or ternary categories, such as over or under 30 [18]. While the accuracy of such data is generally high, the granularity is low. Because of the required and costly manual annotationandtimeinvolved,thecollecteddatasetswererelativelysmall. MythesiswillpresentanoveldatasetdevelopedtoimprovefutureTwitterresearch,inaddition 1 toreportingonanalysisandprocessingmethodsandresultsoftheirapplication,aswellasupdated findings regarding user age classification using word and phrase abbreviations found in Twitter messages. Section 2 gives a background of computational linguistics as it pertains to my topic. Section 3 covers previous work pertaining to Twitter analysis in computational linguistics. Sec- tion4explainsthedetailsofmyhypothesesastheyrelatetoexistingproblems. Section5outlines the methodologies that I will use for my solution. Section 6 presents a timetable with deliverables requiredforcompletionofthisthesis. 2 Background Computationallinguisticsbeganwithmachinetranslationeffortsinthe1950s,becauseresearchers believed that computers would be able to produce effective translations more quickly than their human counterparts [9]. Today, computational linguistics has many other applications beyond translation. An understanding of language and meaning can allow a computer to more effectively interact with its human operators and can be used for text data analytics. This takes many forms: inadvertising,thereareproductssuchasGoogle’sAdsenseshowtopic-centeredadsbasedonpage content [10]; in email, spam filters analyze messages for typical real usage and spam usage, then automatically flag messages that seem like spam; in human computer interaction, a computer is abletocommunicatewithitsusermoreeffectivelyifitknowsdifferentwaystopresentinformation basedonitsuser’sage,education,emotionalstate,orotherattributes. Age is an acknowledged factor in language use, as noted by Wagner. A person’s writing and speechpatternschangeovertimeastheylearnanddevelop(‘agegrading’)[21]. Anindividualgoes through many stages of language use through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In child- hood, language is acquired and understanding and conversational-interaction skills are developed. Adolescence marks a period of change in many respects, and a person trying to find their iden- tity socially also explores their identity linguistically. Into adulthood, language use continues to change, often in response to changes in community language use (‘generational change’). Youths often spur language changes, and adults respond by either matching these community changes, or adheringtotheiralreadylearnedlinguisticstandards[21]. Texts found on the internet present a gigantic collection for linguistic analysis of age grading. Thesimplicityandlowcostofwritingontheinternetallowsindividualstopublishaprolificlibrary of formal and informal texts. Many people keep blogs, write on message boards and newsgroups, or participate in social networking sites. The types of writing available range from long, scientific writing, which adheres to language standards with standard grammar, syntax, and orthography, to 2 short,informalmessagesfoundonTwitter. 2.1 Twitter Twitter is a relatively new service, made public in 2006, which allows users to post 140 character updates. They can follow other users, such as friends, celebrities, or companies to be alerted to those users’ updates. Users can engage in public or private conversations with these short messages, forward messages they think their followers will be interested in by retweeting, or just post whatever they are doing, thinking, or want to write [14]. With 140 million active users and 340 million tweets per day, there is an incredible amount of information and text exchanged on Twitter[13]. In July 2011, Twitter crossed the onemillion mark for developer applications registered touse the Twitter API [11]. Twitter provides developers and researchers a robust API with which to in- teract with accounts and access user information and tweets. Every user defines a username, and optionallyarealname,description,andlocation. Alsoavailablearetheaccount’sassociatedtime- zone and the account creation timestamp. Each tweet has several pieces of information available in addition to the message, such as its timestamp, the Twitter client it was posted from, if it was partofaconversation,aretweet,andcountofpeoplewhoretweetedit. However,Twitterdoesnot elicit other data about the author that might be useful for latent attribute analysis, such as age or otherdemographicinformation. 3 Related Work A variety of work has been published that focuses on linguistic analysis for author age, much of whichfocusesonhigh-levelandcontextualclues,suchasanalyzingtopicandgenreorn-grampat- terns. GareraandYarowskyfoundthatsociolinguisticfeatures(amountofspeechinconversation, length of utterances, usage of passive tense, etc.) characterizing types of speech in conversation between partners improved age, gender, and native language binary attribute classification [3]. Nguyen et al. went a step beyond many other studies and classified age as a continuous variable. They found that stylistic analysis, unigram, and part of speech analysis were all indicative of au- thorage[17]. RosenthalandMcKeownanalyzedonlinebehaviorassociatedwithblogsandfound thatbehavior(numberoffriends,posts,timeofposts,etc.) couldeffectivelybeusedinbinaryage classifiers,inadditiontolinguisticanalysistechniquessimilartothosementionedabove[19]. Similarly,manyworksinvestigatinglinguisticgenderandageindicatorsfocusonnon-contextual and low-level indicators. Sarawgi et al. explored non-contextual syntactic patterns and morpho- 3 logical patterns to find if gender differences extended further than topic analysis and word usage could indicate. They found, by using probabilistic context-free grammars, token-based models, and character-level language models, that gender-specific patterns extend to the character-level, eveninmodernscientificpapers[20]. Much of the analysis that has been done focuses on formal writing or conversation transcripts, which generally conform to standard English corpora and dialects, syntax, and orthography. Re- cently, more works have begun to look at new written and online texts which do not tend toward prescriptive standards, including SMS messages and social networking blurbs, such as Facebook and Twitter messages. There are various challenges when trying to analyze these typically noisy texts. Misspellings,unusualsyntax,andwordandphraseabbreviationsarecommoninthesetexts, whichmostlinguisticanalysistoolscannotdealwith. Raoetal.foundn-gramandsociolinguistic cuesinunalteredTwittermessagescouldbeusedtodetermineage(binary: overorunder30),gen- der, region, and political orientation, similar to works that have focused on more formal writing [18]. Gimpeletal.developedapart-of-speechtaggerdesignedtohandleuniqueTwitterlexiconby extending the traditionally labeled parts of speech to include new types of text such as emoticons andspecialabbreviations[4]. Some research takes a different approach to noisy text, such as that found on Twitter. Before performingtraditionaltextanalysis,itisoftenfirstcleaned. Therearevariouswaystoapproachthe text normalization problem, such as treating it as a spell-checking problem, a machine translation problem,inwhichmessagesaretranslatedfromanoisyoriginlanguagetoatargetlanguage,oras anautomaticspeechrecognition(ASR)problem. ASRisoftenusefulfortextssuchasSMS,since many of the OOV words are phoneme abbreviations using numbers [5]. Kaufmann and Kalita presented a system for normalizing Twitter messages into standard English. They observed that pre-processing tweets for orthographic modifications and twitter-specific elements (@-usernames and#hashtags)andthenapplyingamachinetranslationsystemworkedwell[15]. Gouws et al. built on top of the techniques of Contractor et al. [1] using the pre-processing techniques of Kaufman and Kalita [15] to determine types of word and phrase transformations usedtocreateOOVtokensinTwittermessages. Suchtransformationsincludephonemiccharacter substitutions (too → 2; late → l8), dropping trailing characters or vowels (going → goin), and phrase abbreviations (laughing out loud → lol). They analyzed patterns in usage of these trans- formations compared to user time zone and Twitter client to see if there was a correlation. The analysis showed that variation in usage of these transformations were correlated with user region andTwitterclient[5]. Thisthesisseekstoextendthisworkandanalyzethesetransformationswith respecttouserage. 4 4 Hypothesis As is, there are a few techniques to determine latent user attributes from general texts, but very few that specifically target Twitter messages and their unique corpus. Of those works that have focusedonTwittermessages,theyhavetwomaintypesofshortcomings: (1)theyfocusonasmall setofgathereddatafromhand-pickedusers,wherelatentattributesaredeterminedandenteredby researchersorvolunteers,asopposedtobytheTwitterusersprovidingtheinformationthemselves; or(2)theyusethefullsetofTwitterusersandmessages,butarelimitedtothelatentattributesthat are provided through the Twitter API. First, I propose to solve these issues through collection of a new,morerobustdatasetwherethetweetersthemselveslabeltheirTwitterfedswithdemographic information. Second, based on the work of Gouws et al., I hypothesize that word and phrase abbreviation patternsusedtowritetweetsareindicativeofuserage,astheyareindicativeofauser’sregionand Twitter client [5]. Third and lastly, I hypothesize that usage of these abbreviations changes as a user ages or spends more time using the Twitter service, like how language changes as a person agesandcommunitylanguageuseevolves. 5 Solution Design and Implementation Theworkofthisthesisiscomprisedofthreeparts: collectionofaTwitterdataset,describedinsub- section 5.1; normalization of the collected user demographic information and association of users to tweets, described in subsection 5.2; and analysis of the abbreviation patterns within collected tweetsforrelationtoauthorage,aswellaslongitudinalevolution,describedinsubsection5.3. 5.1 Data Collection First, I will develop a user-driven Twitter data set with high accuracy and granularity containing at a minimum a user’s Twitter username and year of birth. The data set is populated via a user- friendly web form, shown in Figure 1, via Twitter users entering information to be associated with the account(s) they control. It is assumed that people submitting their information are being truthful, but it is possible that false information will be submitted. The majority of information collected should be truthful, and any false information may show as an outlier in some part of the analysis. The web form explains basic requirements of the data collection and links to pages with more information. Userswillbeinformedoftheprivacyoftheirdataandgiventheopportunitiestoallow 5 Figure1: ThewebformforTwitteruserstosubmittheirinformation. 6

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