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Propionibacterium acnes recovered from atherosclerotic human carotid arteries undergoes biofilm ... PDF

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Preview Propionibacterium acnes recovered from atherosclerotic human carotid arteries undergoes biofilm ...

IAI Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 27 July 2015 Infect. Immun. doi:10.1128/IAI.00510-15 Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. 1 Propionibacterium acnes recovered from atherosclerotic human carotid arteries undergoes biofilm 2 dispersion and releases lipolytic and proteolytic enzymes in response to norepinephrine challenge in 3 vitro 4 5 Bernard B. Lantera and David G. Daviesa# 6 D o w 7 Department of Biological Sciences, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York, USAa n lo a 8 d e d 9 Running head: P. acnes biofilms in carotid arteries f r o m 10 h t 11 # Address correspondence to David G. Davies Email: [email protected] tp : / / 12 ia i. a s m . o r g / o n D e c e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 8 b y g u e s t 13 Abstract 14 In the current study, human atherosclerotic carotid arteries were examined following endarterectomy for 15 the presence of the Gram-positive bacterium P. acnes, and its potential association with biofilm structures 16 within the arterial wall. P. acnes 16S-rRNA was detectable in 4 of 15 carotid samples, and viable P. acnes 17 was one among 10 different bacterial species recoverable in culture. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization D o 18 analysis of 5 additional atherosclerotic carotid arteries demonstrated biofilm bacteria within all samples, w n 19 with P. acnes detectable in 4 samples. We also demonstrated that laboratory-grown cultures of P. acnes lo a d 20 biofilms were susceptible to induction of a biofilm dispersion response when challenged with e d 21 physiologically relevant levels of norepinephrine in the presence of iron-bound transferrin, or with free fr o m 22 iron. The production and release of lipolytic and proteolytic extracellular enzymes by P. acnes was h t 23 shown to increase in iron-induced dispersed biofilms, and these dispersion-induced P. acnes VP1 tp : / / 24 biofilms showed increased expression of mRNA for the triacylglycerol lipases PPA2105 and PPA1796, ia i. a 25 and hyaluronate lyase PPA380 compared to untreated biofilms. These results demonstrated that P. s m 26 acnes can infect the carotid arteries of humans with atherosclerosis as a component of multi-species .o r g 27 biofilms and that dispersion is inducible in this organism, at least in vitro, with physiologically relevant / o n 28 levels of norepinephrine, resulting in the production and release of degradative enzymes. D e c 29 e m b e 30 . r 1 1 , 31 Introduction 20 1 8 b 32 Atherosclerosis, or hardening of arteries, is one of the principal predisposing factors for heart attack and y g u 33 stroke in the US, Europe and Japan(1, 2). When atherosclerosis develops, the arterial walls thicken and e s t 34 lose elasticity due to the build-up of plaque deposits within the wall. Eventually, this condition may 35 result in a rupturing of the overlying fibrous cap which can lead to the development of a thrombosis or 36 blood clot within the circulation (2). The progression of atherosclerosis is widely believed to be driven by 37 increased levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood (3), and this disease has been 38 correlated to apolipoprotein E deficiency in mice (4). Over the past 20 years, research has shown that in 39 addition to LDL/cholesterol, arterial plaque deposits typically contain infecting bacteria or signature 40 prokaryotic biomarkers (2, 5-12). Previous work in our laboratory has shown that bacteria within carotid 41 arterial plaques are present as biofilm infections, and that at least one species of bacteria, Pseudomonas 42 aeruginosa, which was commonly observed in carotid arterial plaque samples we analyzed, undergoes a D o w 43 biofilm dispersion response when challenged in vitro with physiologically relevant levels of the catechol n lo a 44 hormone norepinephrine in the presence of the iron chelator transferrin (13). d e d f r 45 In the present study, we analyzed atherosclerotic human carotid arteries for the presence of o m h 46 Propionibacterium acnes, a non-spore forming, anaerobic, Gram-positive bacillus that is often found as a t t p : 47 member of the cutaneous and conjunctival flora of humans (14), and has been associated with // ia i. 48 pulmonary infections, endocarditis and other intravascular infections (15-17), and associated with a s m 49 atherosclerotic plaque deposits(18, 19). P. acnes has been shown to form pathogenic biofilms on .o r g / 50 biological materials such as joint prostheses(20), catheters(21) and aortic valve implants (22). We o n D 51 screened fifteen atherosclerotic carotid arteries for Propionibacterium 16S-rRNA, and an additional 10 e c e 52 for P. acnes recoverable in culture in reinforced clostridial medium (RCM). Fluorescence in-situ m b e 53 hybridization (FISH) was performed on a further 5 atherosclerotic carotid arteries to determine the r 1 1 54 location of P. acnes within carotid arterial plaque deposits and to assess the degree of involvement of P. , 2 0 55 acnes within the biofilm infections present. 1 8 b y 56 One of the hallmarks of biofilm growth is the ability of biofilm bacteria to disperse, a bacterial response g u e 57 that requires the release of extracellular lytic enzymes, which may have the potential to damage s t 58 surrounding tissues in the area of the plaque lesion (23-28). We investigated whether P. acnes would 59 undergo a dispersion response in vitro when norepinephrine was added to biofilms of the organism 60 grown in pure culture in the presence of iron-bound transferrin. To test for the presence of lytic 61 enzymes released as a result of iron-inducible dispersion, we performed tributyrin degradation assays 62 for the detection of lipases and casein degradation assays for the detection of proteolysis following 63 exposure to increased iron in the medium. The transcriptional levels of lipases and hyaluronate lyase 64 genes were assessed using qPCR on iron-treated biofilms. Propionibacterium acnes strains used in this 65 study were VP1 (ATTC 6919), and clinical isolate strain hdn-1 (which was recovered and isolated in this D o w 66 study from a human atherosclerotic carotid artery). n lo a d 67 Materials and Methods ed f r o m 68 Bacterial strains and media h t t p 69 Propionibacterium acnes clinical isolate strain hdn-1, and strain VP1 (ATTC 6919) were grown directly : / / ia 70 from carotid artery samples or from frozen stock in the presence of 5% CO2 at 37o C , in full strength or i.a s m 71 1:5 strength Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM) (Becton, Dickinson & Co., Sparks, . o r g 72 MD) containing 0.1% sodium thioglycolate (Sigma) unless otherwise indicated. For RNA analyses, P. / o n 73 acnes strain VP1 was cultured in Reinforced Clostridium Broth (without Agar) (HiMedia, Mumbai, India). D e 74 Biofilm cultures of P. acnes were prepared from frozen stocks in full-strength RCM and pre-cultured for c e m 75 48 hours at 37o C, followed by a 1:20 inoculation into 1:5 RCM under microaerophilic conditions within a b e r 1 76 CO2 incubator set to 5% CO2. 1 , 2 77 0 1 8 78 Carotid artery specimens and sampling b y g 79 A total of 30 carotid arteries from patients with advanced atherosclerosis were used in the present u e s 80 study. These were subdivided into three groups; A, B and C. Group-A comprised patient samples 1-15, t 81 which were used for 16S-rRNA extraction and amplification. Group-B comprised 10 patient samples 16- 82 25, which were used for separation of bacteria from host tissues, and cultivation of viable bacteria in 83 RCM. Group-C comprised of patient samples 26-30, was used for Fluorescent in-situ Hybridization (FISH). 84 Endarterectomy samples from patients with advanced atherosclerosis were acquired under aseptic 85 conditions at UHS Wilson Hospital (Johnson City, NY), transferred to sterile saline solution upon removal 86 and stored at 4o C. All samples were transported to Binghamton University within 3 hours of removal 87 from patients and processed within 12 hours. No patient data were collected for the present study, 88 therefore, the overall health, personal history and post-operative outcome of patients involved in this D o w 89 study is not reported. This project was IRB approved by United Health Services Binghamton, NY n lo a 90 (Approval File Number: IRB00003573). d e d f r 91 o m h 92 t t p : / / 93 DNA extraction from atherosclerotic arteries ia i. a s m 94 Carotid artery explants from group-A (patients 1-15) were processed in our laboratory by grinding . o r g 95 subsamples under aseptic conditions in a laminar flow hood, using autoclave-sterilized mortar and / o n 96 pestle until no intact tissue remained in 400 µL of extraction buffer (0.2 M NaCl, 50 mM Tris pH 8.0, 0.2 D e c 97 mM EDTA, 0.5% SDS) for each 0.1 g of tissue. Following extraction, samples were aseptically transferred e m b 98 to sterile microfuge tubes. To protect DNA, 2.0 µL proteinase K (20 mg/mL) was added and mixed well. e r 1 99 The solution was incubated at 37o C for 30 minutes and added to 400 µL of phenol, mixed by inversion 1 , 2 100 for 30 seconds, and centrifuged for 5 minutes at 16,000 x G. The upper phase was transferred to clean 0 1 8 101 tubes and re-extracted with 400 µL of phenol/chloroform (50:50), followed by 400 µL of chloroform and b y g 102 mixed 10:1 with 3 M Na acetate, pH 4-5, and an equal volume of isopropanol. The solution was mixed u e s 103 gently and stored at -20o C for 15 hours. The solution was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4o C, 16,000 x G, t 104 and the supernatant was discarded. The DNA pellet was washed in 200 µL of 75% ethanol, centrifuged at 105 10,000 x G for 2 minutes, and removed. The pellet was allowed to dry for 5 minutes, dissolved in 30 µL 106 of TE buffer, and stored at -20o C until further processing. 107 108 Propionibacterium PCR and sequencing 109 Amplification of Propionibacterium 16S-rRNA was carried out using the primers Propionibacterium-F (5’- 110 GTGCTTAACACATGCAAGTCG-3’) and bak4 (5’-AGGAGGTGATCCAACCGCA-3’)(29). DNA was extracted 111 from 0.1% agarose gels containing samples yielding positive bands for Propionibacterium 16S-rRNA D o w 112 using the Promega Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up system (Madison, WI). A set of nested primers, n lo a 113 Prop-F-Nested (5’-GCCTGAGAGGGTGACCGG-3’) and Prop-R-Nested (5’-GTCAACCCGTATCGAAAGCA-3’), d e d 114 were used to re-amplify the DNA. Re-amplified DNA was extracted and the DNA concentration was f r o m 115 analyzed using Tecan infinite M200 Pro (Mannedorf, Switzerland). Sequencing was performed using 8 h t t p 116 pM of primer Prop-Sequencing (5’-GATGCAGCAACGCCGCGTG-3’) and sent to the Cornell University : / / ia 117 sequencing facilities (Ithaca, NY). i. a s m 118 .o r g / o 119 Bacterial extraction and growth from atherosclerotic carotid arteries n D e c 120 Arteries from group-B (patients 16-25) were screened for viable bacterial cells recoverable in culture. e m b 121 Approximately 1.0 g of explanted atherosclerotic carotid arteries were cut into smaller pieces and e r 1 122 transferred to a sterile tissue grinder (VWR). A total of 2.5 mL of 1 x PBS was added to the tissue grinder. 1 , 2 123 The tissue was ground to a pink paste and transferred to a sterile petri-dish. Full strength and 1:5 RCM 0 1 8 124 broths were inoculated with the paste (1:100 inoculation) and incubated at 37o C, 5% CO for 7 days, or b 2 y g 125 until visible growth was present. In addition, full strength RCM agar plates were spread with 150 µL of u e s t 126 the paste and incubated under identical conditions. As a control, the saline in which the atherosclerotic 127 arteries were stored in during transport to the laboratory was also used as an inoculum in 1:5 RCM, and 128 placed under microaerophilic conditions at 37o C. All tubes inoculated with saline were negative for 129 growth. 130 131 DNA sequencing of viable bacteria 132 Broth cultures were inoculated onto three full strength RCM agar plates using the streak-plate 133 technique, and incubated under anaerobic (saturated atmospheric CO using the BD GasPak EZ system), 2 D o 134 microaerophilic (5% CO ) and aerobic (standard atmosphere conditions) conditions at 37o C. Streak w 2 n lo 135 plates were made from individual colonies and incubated under the above oxygen conditions, from a d e 136 which isolated colonies were used to inoculate 20 mL of full strength RCM, and incubated at 37o C, 5% d f r o 137 CO. After 2 days growth, DNA was extracted using the UltraClean Microbial DNA Isolation Kit (MoBio m 2 h t 138 Laboratories Inc, Carlsbad, CA). PCR reactions to amplify the V2-V3 regions of the 16S-rRNA gene were tp : / / 139 set up using primers 16S-Forward (5’-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3’) and HDA2 (5’- ia i. a s 140 GTATTACCGCGGCTGCTGGCAC-3’)(30). Reactions were performed in 0.2 mL PCR tubes using nanopure m . o 141 water (6.2 µL), DMSO (1.0 µL), 10 X PCR Buffer (1.0 µL, Invitrogen), 25 X MgSO4 solution (0.4 µL, rg / o 142 Invitrogen), both 16S-Forward and HDA2 primers (0.1 µL of each), dNTPs (0.2 µL), high fidelity taq n D e 143 polymerase (0.04 µL, Invitrogen) and extracted genomic DNA (1.0 µL). Following electrophoresis, 16S c e m 144 DNA bands were excised and gel-eluted using the Promega Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up system b e r 145 (Madison, WI). Concentration of DNA was analyzed using Tecan infinite M200 Pro (Mannedorf, 1 1 , 146 Switzerland). Sequencing using 8 pM of HDA2 primer was performed by the Cornell University 2 0 1 8 147 sequencing facilities (Ithaca, NY). b y g 148 Preparation of arterial plaque samples for Fluorescence in situ Hybridization u e s t 149 Sections of carotid arterial plaques from group-C (patients 26-30) were removed using a sterile razor, 150 embedded in Optimal Cutting Temperature cryo-embedding solution and maintained at -20o C. 151 Transverse 25 µm sections were obtained using a Leica CM 1850 cryostat (Huston, TX) and stored on 152 pre-cleaned microscope slides at -20o C. 153 Fluorescence in situ Hybridization 154 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed on thin sections of carotid arterial tissue 155 samples using the following probes: CAL Fluor Red 590-tagged universal EUB338 probe, a Quasar 570- 156 tagged nonsense EUB338 probe, and a Quasar 670-tagged P. acnes 23S rRNA probe (5’- D 157 GAGTGTGTGAACCGATCATGTAGTAGGCAA-3’)(31). Probes were purchased from Biosearch Technologies, o w n 158 Novato, CA. Prior to hybridization, tissue samples were incubated in 10% formalin (Macron Chemicals, lo a d 159 Phillipsburg, NJ) at 37o C for 2 hours in frame-seal incubation chambers (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). After e d f r 160 incubation, tissues were washed with 1 X PBS followed by 10 mM Tris (pH 7.5) and re-incubated in 10 o m h 161 mM Tris with 1 mg/mL lysozyme (Amresco, Solon, OH) and 30 U/mL of achromopeptidase (Sigma, t t p : 162 Switzerland) for 25 minutes at 37o C. Samples were washed for 5 minutes in 10 mM Tris, pH 7.5, and // ia i. 163 dehydrated in an ethanol series (30, 70 and 100% ethanol in 10 mM Tris pH 7.5) prior to hybridization. A a s m 164 final concentration of 125 nM of each probe was added to the hybridization buffer (50% formamide, 2 X .o r g / 165 SSC [1 X SSC is 0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate], 10% dextran sulfate, 0.1% sodium dodecyl o n D 166 sulfate, 1X Denhardt’s solution, 40 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7). A total of 70 µL was added to the e c e 167 tissue within the incubation chamber, and allowed to incubate for 5 minutes at 75o C, followed by m b 168 overnight incubation at 37o C (31). er 1 1 , 169 After incubation, 1 mL of wash buffer (1 X SSC, 10% formamide in nuclease-free water) was added to the 2 0 1 170 slides, and incubated at 37o C for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes an additional 1.0 mL of wash buffer was 8 b y 171 added, and allowed to incubate for 15 minutes at 37o C. GLOX Antifade mounting solution was added to g u e 172 the slide (Biosearch technologies, Novato, CA), followed by a clean coverslip. The slides were stored at s t 173 4o C until used for analysis. A Leica TCS SP5 ( Leica, Solms, Germany) confocal laser scanning microscope 174 (CLSM) was used to detect all three probes using the HeNe 1 mw (543 nm), DPSS 20 mW (561 nm) and 175 HeNe 10 mW (633 nm) lasers. 176 Biofilm dispersion assay 177 Sterile 24 well plates (Nalge Nunc International, Rochester, NY) were inoculated with 500 µL of 1:20 P. 178 acnes VP1 in 1:5 RCM and incubated at 37o C for 48 hours under microaerophilic conditions. Medium in 179 the wells was exchanged with 250 µL of fresh sterile medium at 48, 72, 96, 120, 132, 144 and 156 hours. 180 The assay was performed at 159 hours. At the time of the assay, medium containing planktonic bacterial D o w 181 cells was removed from the wells and wells were washed with 0.85% saline. The wash medium was n lo a 182 exchanged using fresh medium supplemented with 0.1 or 0.5 mM Fe+2 and incubated under d e d 183 microaerophilic conditions at 37o C for one hour. Dispersion was determined by recording the OD of f r o m 184 released bacteria at 595 nm following transfer of culture supernatants to optically-clear microtiter h t t p 185 plates using a Fisher Scientific multiscan MCC (Thermo Electron Corporation, Vantaa, Finland). : / / ia i. a 186 Transferrin/norepinephrine dispersion assays were carried out using P. acnes VP1 and hdn-1 using the s m 187 same protocol, under microaerophilic conditions at 37o C. All media used for transferrin/norepinephrine .o r g / 188 dispersion assays contained 0.5 g/L bovine holo-transferrin (MP Biomedicals, Solon, OH). Instead of o n D 189 being treated with increasing levels of Fe+2, medium was supplemented with 0.4 mM norepinephrine at e c e 190 159 hours (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). All subsequent steps were performed as described above. In addition m b e 191 to obtaining the optical density of the culture supernatants, culturing techniques on RCM agar were r 1 1 192 used to obtain the CFUs/mL of dispersed cells from treated and un-treated biofilms. , 2 0 1 8 193 Biofilm harvesting from tube reactors for qPCR and enzyme activity assays b y 194 Continuous-flow biofilm reactors were configured with 4 oxygen impermeable norprene tubes in g u e s 195 parallel having an internal diameter of 1.6 mm and a length of 32 inches L (size 14; Masterflex). RCM t 196 was pumped through the tubing via a Masterflex 8-roller-head pump to a closed effluent medium 197 reservoir. The assembled system was sterilized by autoclaving prior to inoculation. Tubes were 198 inoculated with 3 mL of planktonic P. acnes VP1 culture grown in full-strength RCM, injected by syringe 199 through rubber septa into the lumen of the tubing. Cells were allowed to attach for 24 hours before the 200 flow of 1:5 RCM (2.5 mL/hour) was initiated. The residence time in the tubing was 38.7 minutes allowing 201 only attached organisms to be retained in the tubing (32). Biofilms were cultured on the Interior 202 surfaces of the norprene tubing in a 5% CO incubator at 37o C prior to harvesting. P. acnes dispersion 2 203 within tube reactors was carried out by the addition of free iron (through ferrous sulfate), our having D o w 204 previously established that an increase in free iron (resulting from the interaction of norepinephrine n lo a 205 and iron-bound transferrin) induces a dispersion response in P. aeruginosa (13). d e d 206 f r o m h 207 Extracellular protein harvesting and extracellular enzyme activity assays t t p : / / ia 208 The absorbance values of the effluent from iron-treated and untreated biofilm tube reactors were i. a s 209 obtained in order to calculate CFU/mL. Protein extracts from these samples were prepared by m . o 210 centrifugation at 10,800 X G for 5 minutes at 4o C (Sorvall Legend XTR Centrifuge, Thermo Scientific, rg / o 211 Asheville, NC), followed by syringe filtration (0.2 µm Supor Membrane, PALL Life Sciences, Port n D e 212 Washington, NY) to remove cell material. Volumes were adjusted to equalize CFUs/mL for both samples. c e m 213 Samples were frozen at -20o C and lyophilized (Freezone 2.5 Liter Freeze Dry System, Labconco, Kansas b e r 214 City, MO). 1 1 , 2 0 215 Protein extracts were re-suspended in 1 mL of ice-cold 1 X TE buffer and split into two 500 µL samples. 1 8 b 216 Lipase activity was determined using protein extract to which 56 µL of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride y g 217 (PMSF; 3 mg in 1 mL of EtOH) was added per 500 µL of sample in order to inhibit protease activity. A u e s t 218 total volume of 160 µL of protein extract containing PMSF was added to wells in Tributyrin agar: 23 g 219 Tributyrin HiVeg Agar Base (HiMedia, Mumbai, India), 10 mL Tributyrin (Acros Organics, Belgium) in 990 220 mL water. Additionally, a volume of 160 µL of the protein extract not containing PMSF was added to 221 wells in milk-agar: 50 g Skim Milk (Becton Dickinson, NJ, USA), 15 g Bacto Agar (Becton Dickinson, NJ,

biofilms were susceptible to induction of a biofilm dispersion response when challenged with. 20 physiologically .. software FinchTV. 258. Recovery
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