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ProPhenol-Catalyzed Asymmetric Additions by Spontaneously Assembled Dinuclear Main Group ... PDF

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Preview ProPhenol-Catalyzed Asymmetric Additions by Spontaneously Assembled Dinuclear Main Group ...

This is an open access article published under an ACS AuthorChoice License, which permits copying and redistribution of the article or any adaptations for non-commercial purposes. Article pubs.acs.org/accounts ProPhenol-Catalyzed Asymmetric Additions by Spontaneously Assembled Dinuclear Main Group Metal Complexes “ ” Published as part of the Accounts of Chemical Research special issue Synthesis, Design, and Molecular Function . Barry M. Trost* and Mark J. Bartlett† Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-5080, United States * S Supporting Information CONSPECTUS:Thedevelopmentofcatalyticenantioselectivetransformationshasbeenthefocusofmanyresearchgroupsover thepasthalfcenturyandisofparamountimportancetothepharmaceuticalandagrochemicalindustries.Sincetheawardofthe Nobel Prize in 2001, the field of enantioselective transition metal catalysis has soared to new heights, with the development of more efficient catalysts and new catalytic transformations at increasing frequency. Furthermore, catalytic reactions that allow higherlevelsofredox-andstep-economyarebeingdeveloped.Thus, alternativestoasymmetricalkene dihydroxylationandthe enantioselective reduction of α,β-unsaturated ketones can invoke more strategic C−C bond forming reactions, such as asymmetric aldol reactions of an aldehyde with α-hydroxyketone donors or enantioselective alkynylation of an aldehyde, respectively. To facilitate catalytic enantioselective addition reactions, including the aforementioned aldol and alkynylation reactions, our lab has developed the ProPhenol ligand. InthisAccount,wedescribethedevelopmentandapplicationoftheProPhenolligandforasymmetricadditionsofbothcarbon- and heteroatom-based nucleophiles to various electrophiles. The ProPhenol ligand spontaneously forms chiral dinuclear metal complexeswhentreatedwithanalkylmetalreagent,suchasEt ZnorBu Mg.TheresultingcomplexcontainsbothaLewisacidic 2 2 sitetoactivateanelectrophileandaBrønstedbasicsitetodeprotonateapronucleophile.Initially,ourresearchfocusedontheuse ofZn-ProPhenolcomplexestofacilitatethedirectaldolreaction.Finetuningofthereactionthroughligandmodificationandthe use of additives enabled the direct aldol reaction to proceed in high yields and stereoselectivities with a broad range of donor substrates, including acetophenones, methyl ynones, methyl vinylketone, acetone, α-hydroxy carbonyl compounds, andglycine Schiffbases.Additionally,ananalogousmagnesiumProPhenolcomplexwasusedtofacilitateenantioselectivediazoacetatealdol reactions with aryl, α,β-unsaturated, and aliphatic aldehydes. TheutilityofbimetallicProPhenolcatalystswasextendedtoasymmetricadditionswithawiderangeofsubstratecombinations. Effectivepronucleophilesincludeoxazolones,2-furanone,nitroalkanes,pyrroles,3-hydroxyoxindoles,alkynes,meso-1,3-diols,and dialkylphosphineoxides.Thesesubstrateswerefoundtobeeffectivewithanumberofelectrophiles,includingaldehydes,imines, nitroalkenes, acyl silanes, vinyl benzoates, and α,β-unsaturated carbonyls. A truly diverse range of enantioenriched compounds have been prepared using the ProPhenol ligand, and the commercial availability of both ligand enantiomers makes it ideally suited for the synthesis of complex molecules. To date, enantioselective ProPhenol-catalyzed reactions have been used in the synthesis of more than 20 natural products. ■ INTRODUCTION The ProPhenol ligand (1a) is a salient member of the aza- The efficient and selective synthesis of chiral compounds crown family of ligands,2 whose origin was inspired by the pioneeringworkofCramonchiralcrowncompounds.3Proline- for which asymmetric catalysis has played a pivotal role is derived 1a forms dinuclear main group metal catalysts via the essential to the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries.1 Studiesonhowthesechiralcatalystsinduceenantioselectivity Received: October 9, 2014 have inspired the evolution of new chiral catalysts and the Published: February4, 2015 development of subsequent generations of enantioselective reactions. ©2015AmericanChemicalSociety 688 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article Scheme1.FormationofBimetallicZn-ProPhenolComplexes directdeprotonationofthreehydroxylgroups(Scheme1).Both gas titration experiments and electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) have been used to support the formation of the Zn-ProPhenol complex 2 from diethyl zinc and 1a.4 Furthermore, Ding and co-workers were able to characterize ap-nitrophenoxyderivative(3)ofcompound2byX-raycrystal- lography (Scheme 2).5 In addition, the crystal structure of an a Scheme2.X-rayCrystalStructureofZn-ProPhenolComplex3 Figure 1. Quadrant view of the zinc-prophenol chiral pocket and additivecoordination. chiralpocket.Formationofthistypeofternarycomplexfollowed by product dissociation bears a striking resemblance to the ■catalyticmechanismusedbyanumberofenzymes. ENANTIOSELECTIVEDIRECTALDOLREACTION Atthetimethatwebegantoexplorethedirectaldolreaction,a potentially powerful and efficient method for the enantio- selectiveformationofcarbon−carbonbondsbyavoidingtheuse aTHFomitted for clarity. ofchiralauxiliariesandtheneedforpriorformationofanenolate or enol silane, this topic was just starting to become a major endeavor.10 The ProPhenol ligand (1a), which was initially analogous dinuclear magnesium ProPhenol complex has also developed for the direct aldol reaction, was based on the beenreported.6TheProPhenolligandhasbeenusedtoligatea hypothesisthatanaza-semicrownligandwouldbindmetalions number of different main group metals including lithium, tightly enough to provide a good template for the design of a magnesium, zinc, zinc/magnesium (heterobimetallic), cobalt, chiral pocket but not too tightly to prevent catalytic turnover. and bismuth (vide infra).7 These bimetallic complexes contain Furthermore, the increasedbasicity ofzincboundinthismotif both a Lewis acidic and Brønsted basic site and are capable of was envisioned to provide, after C−C bond formation, a activatingbothanelectrophileandanucleophilewithinthechiral Zn-alkoxide (shown in red) that could serve as a base for pocketcreatedbythetwodiaryl(oxy)methylgroups(Figure1). subsequent enolate formation and facilitate catalyst turnover TheconciseandmodularrouteusedtopreparetheProPhenol while also avoiding unwanted epimerization and product ligand has enabled tailoring of the chiral pocket for specific elimination(Scheme3). reactions by introducing additional substituents on the The first report of the ProPhenol ligand by Trost and Ito in pyrrolidineringsandthearylring(videinfra).Afacileprocedure 2000 showed that just 5 mol % of the ProPhenol ligand and hasbeendevelopedfortherecoveryoftheProPhenolligand1a 10mol%Et Zncouldbeusedtofacilitatetheasymmetricaldol 2 onmultigramscale,wherebythebis-sodiumsaltisfilteredoffand reactionwithavarietyofacetophenonederivatives(Scheme4).4a 1aisrecoveredin95%yield.8 Zn-ProPhenol-catalyzed reactions have proven to be highly In general, dual catalysis has proven a powerful approach to tunable,andavarietyofadditiveshavebeenusedtoboostboth asymmetriccatalysis.9However,ProPhenolcomplexeshavethe yield and enantioselectivity. The benefits of most additives added benefit of dictating the orientation of both electrophile appear to be somewhat substrate specific and, in aldol re- andnucleophile bybinding the twosubstrates withinthe same actions, have been postulated to reduce aggregation, fill open 689 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article Scheme3.CatalystTurnoverMechanism Scheme4.CatalyticAsymmetricAldolReactionwith reaction with methyl vinyl ketone was recently used in the AcetophenoneDerivatives synthesisoftheringAandBsubunitsofthebryostatins.12 The use of Lewis basic additives in aldol reactions with methylynonedonorsgaverisetoanumberofsurprisingresults (Scheme6).13Astonishingly,itwasdiscoveredthatthesenseof Scheme6.OptimizationoftheDirectAldolReactionwith MethylYnones aReaction performed at −20 °C. b96%recovery of excess ketone. coordination sites on the catalyst, and mitigate base-mediated sidereactions.Thedirectaldolreactionwithmethylvinylketone (4, MVK), a donor that has not been reported with any other aReaction performed with 2 mol %catalyst loading. asymmetric catalyst system, was performed with 5 equiv of iPrOH and provided a variety of highly versatile β-hydroxy enones(Scheme5).11 enantioinduction changes over the course of the reaction, with These β-hydroxy enones are versatile precursors to the ent-7beingformedasthemajorproduct(69%ee)duringthefirst corresponding1,3-synor1,3-antidiolsthroughstereocontrolled 5 min. This led to the hypothesis that aldol product 7 might reduction of the ketone. In addition, the alkene could be beinvolvedintheenantiodeterminingstep.Indeed,theaddition functionalizedusingeitheralkenecrossmetathesis,togive5,ora ofeitherchiralorachiralβ-hydroxycarbonylcompoundsledto diastereoselective [3 + 2] cycloaddition with a nitrile oxide to improvements in enantioselectivity during the first 45 min of provide 6. Furthermore, the Zn-ProPhenol catalyzed aldol thereaction(Scheme6).Interestingly,catalystloadingsaslowas Scheme5.SyntheticUtilityofAsymmetricAldolReactionswithMVK 690 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article 2mol%gavegoodresults(Scheme6,entry6).Ultimately,the Scheme9.CatalyticEnantioselectiveAcetoneAldolReaction use of additive-free conditions and higher temperature in the direct aldol reaction was found to provide excellent enantio- selectivity and good to moderate yields with silyl, alkyl, and unsubstituted butyn-2-ones (Scheme 7). The latter two results Scheme7.CatalyticEnantioselectiveAldolReactionwith YnoneDonors reinforcethechiralpocket.Amajorchallengeinaldolreactions are particularly noteworthy given the propensity of these withacetoneistheavoidanceofunwantedelimination,whichis substrates to undergo unwanted conjugate addition. Further- particularly problematic in the reaction of benzaldehyde with more,thisreactionwasusedtogreateffectinthetotalsynthesis acetone;only12%yieldof8wasobtainedwhenusing10mol% oflasonolideAandfostriecin(Scheme8).14 1b.However,loweringthecatalystloadingto5mol%provideda muchimproved78%yieldand83%eeofthedesiredproduct. Scheme8.AsymmetricAldolReactionintheSynthesisof The syn-1,2 diol motif is common in a number of bio- FostriecinandLasonolideA active natural products, and in contrast to dihydroxylation, the asymmetric aldol reaction represents a particularly effi- cientmeansofconstructingthisunit.16Usingjust2.5mol%of the ProPhenol ligand and a slight excess of an α-hydroxy acetophenone donor, we could obtain a range of syn-1,2 diols in high yield and stereoselectivity (Scheme 10).4b This Scheme10.DirectAldolReactionwithα-Hydroxy AcetophenoneDonors aReaction performed with (R,R)-1afor 12h on a 16 mmolscale. Zn-ProPhenol complexes have also been shown to facilitate acetone aldol reactions in good yield and enantioselectivity (Scheme 9).15 While the standard ProPhenol ligand (1a) methodologywasusedtofacilitatethedirectaldolreactionof2- provided good results with a variety of aliphatic and aryl hydroxyacetylfuran with an enolizable aldehyde and enable aldehydes,theuseof1b,containinga3,5-dimethylphenolmotif, theenantioselectivetotalsynthesisofboronolide.17Interestingly, provided slightly improved yield and enantioselectivity in a the absoluteconfigurationofthe β-hydroxygroup isthe oppo- number of cases. The two methyl groups in this motif are site of that obtained with acetophenone donors. Presumably, believed to have a buttressing effect on the prolinol groups to thisreversalis duetothebridgingofthe α-oxygenated enolate 691 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article Scheme12.ProPhenol-CatalyzedHydroxyacetateEquivalent AldolReaction Figure2.Proposedbidentatecoordinationofα-hydroxyketonedonors. between the two zinc atoms, which results in addition to the oppositeenantiotopicfaceofthealdehyde(Figure2). Relative to ketone-based donors, ester enolate equivalents have proven much less reactive as aldol donors. Furthermore, aReaction performed at −15°C for 72 h. ester equivalents are typically not amenable to organocatalytic direct aldol reactions, thus making an efficient synthesis of Scheme13.SyntheticUtilityofHydroxyacetateAldol β-hydroxy esters particularly valuable. The development of a Products formal α-hydroxyacetate aldol reaction began with the screen- ing of a number of different activated ester equivalents in re- actionswiththeProPhenolligand1aandEt Zn(Scheme11).18 2 Scheme11.InitialOptimizationoftheα-Hydroxyacetate AldolReaction Scheme14.LigandScreeningwithGlycinateSchiffBase Donors TheuseofanN-acylpyrroledonorwasfoundtobesuperiorto both 2-acylimidazole and N-acylbenzoxazolinone donors. Futhermore, substitution at the 2-position of the pyrrole provided improved diastereoselectivity, and therefore N-(α- hydroxyacetyl)-2-ethylpyrrole (9) was chosen as the activated ester equivalent. Both of the ProPhenol ligands 1a and 1b provided good yield and stereoselectivity in aldol reactions of 9 with aliphatic, aryl, and α,β-unsaturated aldehydes, with ligand 1b leading to slightly improved results in some cases (Scheme 12). The products from these aldol reactions have shown great synthetic utility because the N-acylpyrrole group can be converted to the corresponding ester, amide, or ketone in a single step (Scheme 13). Furthermore, this methodology providedakeystepinthetotalsynthesisoflaulimalide.19 Esters,intheformofglycineSchiffbases(i.e.,10),alsocould aYield of the isolated pure 1,2-syn diastereomer. be used directly as donors in ProPhenol-catalyzed aldol reactions(Scheme14).20Optimizationbyprovidingadditional t-butyl esters of the glycinate Schiff base proved effective, steric constraint in the chiral pocket led to higher stereo- incontrasttootherchiralcatalystsforthistransformation.21 selectivity.TheProPhenolligand[(S,S),(S,S)]-1cprovedbest. Aversatilealternativetotheaforementionedα-hydroxyandα- Highyieldandstereoselectivitywereobtainedwitharangeof aminoesterenolateequivalentsisthediazoesteraldolreaction.22 aliphaticaldehydes(Scheme15).Furthermore,catalystcontrol The unique reactivity of the resulting β-hydroxy-α-diazo esters wasfoundtooverridetheinfluenceofα-chiralaldehydes,and canbeusedtoprepareawiderangeof1,2-diolsandα-hydroxy-β- while a small matched/mismatched effect was observed, high amino esters in a stereoselective manner (vide infra). For diastereoselectivitywasobtainedregardlessoftheconfiguration this process, the use of di-n-butylmagnesium, in place of of the α-stereocenter of the acceptor. Both the methyl and diethylzinc, provided the desired product 12 in a modest 692 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article Scheme15.AsymmetricAldolReactionwithGlycinateSchiff Scheme17.Mg-ProPhenol-CatalyzedAldolReactionwith BaseDonors EthylDiazoacetate aReaction performed with (R,R)-1a. bReaction conducted at 0.5 M. cAldehyde (2 equiv) added. Scheme16.OptimizationoftheMg-ProPhenolDiazoEster Scheme18.SyntheticVersatilityofDiazoEsterAldol AldolReaction Products 27% ee (Scheme 16).23 Guided by the notion that open β-Aminoacidderivativescanalsobepreparedfromdiazoester coordinationsitesonzincwereoccupiedbymultipleequivalents aldoladductsusingtrichloroacetonitrileandsodiumhydrideto ofethyldiazoacetate,theuseofabidentatecoordinatingagent, convert the alcohol to the corresponding trichloroacetamide cis-1,2-cyclopentanediol 16 (Scheme 16), combined with a (Scheme 19).24 This C−O to C−N transfer occurs with higherreactionconcentration(1.0M)andslowadditionofethyl r■etentionofabsoluteconfiguration. diazoacetate led to further improvements, providing 12 in CATALYTICENANTIOSELECTIVEMANNICHAND 95% yield and 95% ee. Scheme 17 illustrates the scope of the reaction. Further, the resulting enantioenriched β-hydroxy-α- HENRYREACTIONS diazo esters serve as versatile synthetic intermediates with a The Mannich reaction is a highly efficient method for the wealthofpossiblereactivityasdepictedinScheme18,whereby preparation of β-amino carbonyl compounds.26 The Zn- oxidationofthediazogroupwithdimethyldioxirane(DMDO)is ProPhenolcatalyst(1a/Et Zn)wasfoundtofacilitatethedirect 2 followed by nucleophilic addition to the resulting ketone. This Mannich reaction with a range of α-hydroxy acetophenones reaction sequence enables the rapid and stereoselective (Scheme 20).27 An o-methoxyaryl imine improved the stereo- preparationofvicinaldiolsofconsiderablemolecularcomplexity. control comparedwithap-methoxyanalog, presumablydueto For example, a three step sequence was used to convert a coordination of the ortho methoxy group to zinc. Improved β-hydroxy-α-diazoesterintocompound17,afragmentpresent diastereoselectivity was obtained with the ProPhenol ligands inanumberofpolyketide antibiotics including azithromycin.23 1f and 1g, which contain bulky 4-biphenyl and 2-naphthyl Interestingly, the ProPhenol ligand was used to facilitate the groups, respectively. Substrates containing more labile N- diastereoselective methylation of a β-hydroxy-α-keto ester en protecting groups on the imine, such as diphenylphosphinoyl routeto17.Intheabsenceof1a,acomplexmixtureofproducts (DPP)andBoc,werealsofoundtobeeffectiveintheProPhenol- wasobtainedfromthismethyladdition. catalyzed Mannich reaction and enabled the use of enolizable 693 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article Scheme19.ConversionofDiazoEsterAldolAdductsinto Scheme21.anti-SelectiveMannichReactionwith β-AminoAcidDerivatives25 DPP-Imines aStarting material had an ee of 97%. bFor experimental details see ref25. Scheme22.syn-SelectiveDirectMannichReactionwith Scheme20.ProPhenol-CatalyzedDirectMannichReaction Boc-Imines Scheme23.ProPhenol-CatalyzedMannichReactionwith 5H-Oxazol-4-ones aliphatic imines, which are typically challenging substrates.28 Interestingly,thebulkyDPPgroupledtoselectiveformationof theanti-1,2-aminoalcohol(Scheme21),whereastheBoc-imine resultedinthepreferentialformationofthecorrespondingsyn- diastereomer (Scheme 22). In both cases, the absolute configurationattheα-positionisthesameandislikelyattributed tobidentatecoordinationoftheα-hydroxyketoneenolatewith diastereoselectivity, relative to 1a, and the Mannich product thedinuclearzinccatalyst. 19wasobtainedin89%yield,97:3dr,and95%ee.Furthermore, Wang and co-workers have recently reported an elegant the preformed Zn-complex derived from 1h/Et Zn/18 was 2 application of the Zn-ProPhenol catalyzed Mannich reaction, found to be relatively air stable, and identical results were using 5H-oxazolones as donors to form two adjacent stereo- obtainedwhenthereactionwasperformedopentoairwiththe centers,oneofwhichistetrasubstituted(Scheme23).29Inthis preformedcomplex. case,a2-thienylvariantoftheProPhenolligand,(S,S)-1h,plus TheZn-ProPhenolcatalystwasalsofoundtobeeffectivewith the use of an additive, diethyl phosphoramidate (18), to block nitronate-based nucleophiles in enantioselective nitro-Mannich open coordination sites on zinc was found to provide superior (or aza-Henry) reactions (Scheme 24).30 While a number of 694 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article Scheme24.Zn-ProPhenol-CatalyzedAza-HenryReaction Scheme26.ProPhenol-CatalyzedNitroalkeneConjugate Addition relative to β-nitrostyrene. Further, 2-hydroxyacetylfuran also servedasanexcellentdonor.Theγ-nitroketonesproducedfrom these reactions are particularly useful intermediates in the stereoselectivesynthesisofpyrrolidines.34 aReaction performed with 30 mol % ProPhenol, 60 mol % EtZn. Oxazolones were found to be effective pronucleophiles in 2 bReaction performed at roomtemperature. ProPhenol-catalyzedasymmetricconjugateadditionswithnitro- alkenes using the bulky 2-naphthyl variant 1g to provide 23 in effective catalyst systems have been reported for the excellent yield and stereoselectivity (Scheme 27).35 The aryl enantioselective aza-Henry reaction with aryl- and aliphatic imines,31the resultsinScheme24constitute arare example of Scheme27.Zn-ProPhenolCatalyzedNitro-MichaelReaction asymmetricadditiontoα,β-unsaturatedimines.Giventhefacile withOxazolones conversionofβ-nitroaminesinto1,2-diaminesandthesynthetic utilityofenantioenrichedallylicamines,theseresultsrepresenta valuable extension of the aza-Henry reaction. Analogous reactivity was also exploited in a ProPhenol-catalyzed Henry reaction with aryl aldehydes (Scheme 25).32 Subsequent reduction of the nitro groups in 20 and 21 led to the total synthesisof(−)-denopamineand(−)-arbutamine,respectively. Scheme25.ProPhenol-CatalyzedEnantioselectiveHenry Reaction groupoftheoxazolonewasfoundtohaveasignificantimpacton diastereoselectivity,with3-methylbenzeneprovidingthehighest stereoselectivity. The products obtained from this reaction can be readily converted to the corresponding α-hydroxy carbox- ■ amideusingNaOH.35 An analogous transformation with 2(5H)-furanone was ENANTIOSELECTIVECONJUGATEADDITIONS developed, harnessing vinylogous nucleophilicity to create The Zn-ProPhenol catalyst was found to facilitate the asym- enantioenrichedbutenolides(Scheme28).Thereactionconcen- metricconjugateadditionofα-hydroxyketonestonitroalkenes tration at 0.5 M proved significant in obtaining high diastereo- (Scheme 26) to form the adducts 22.33,34 Interestingly, selectivity. generatingthecatalystwithanequimolarmixtureofEt Znand NitroalkenesalsoserveasefficientacceptorsintheProPhenol- 2 Bu Mg led to a synergistic effect, whereby higher diastereo- catalyzedFriedel−Craftsalkylationofpyrroles.36Using10mol% 2 selectivity was obtained while also maintaining high ee. The catalyst loading and 3 equiv of pyrrole, we obtained high yield presenceofalkyl,alkynyl,andelectron-richarylsubstituentson and enantioselectivity with both aryl and alkyl substituted the nitroalkene typically provided higher diastereoselectivities nitroalkenes (Scheme 29). Additionally, Wang and co-workers 695 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article Scheme28.Enantioselectiveγ-Alkylationof2-Furanone Scheme31.ProPhenol-CatalyzedAsymmetricPhospha- MichaelAdditions aAbsolute configuration determined by X-ray crystallography. Scheme29.AsymmetricFriedel−CraftsAlkylationofPyrroles aMeZnwasusedinplaceofEtZn.bReactionrunat40°C.cAbsolute 2 2 configuration determined by X-ray crystallography. ofthestandardProPhenolligand1atofacilitatetheadditionof diethylphosphite to a variety of enones.40 This reactivity was extended to included the addition of less reactive dialkyl phosphineoxidestoα,β-unsaturatedN-acylpyrrolesandketones. ThisreactioninspiredthedesignofanewProPhenolligand, 1h,containingfour2-thienylgroupsinplaceofthetypicalphenyl aYield based on recovered starting material. rings (see Scheme 23). The smaller heteroaromatic groups are postulatedtocreatealargerchiralpocketandserveasaninternal havereportedtheProPhenol-catalyzedFriedel−Craftsalkylation Lewisbase,whichoccupiestheopencoordinationsitesofeach ofindoleswithaldimines.37 metal,therebyincreasingtheeeandenhancingthescopetoβ,β- The ProPhenol ligand has also been used to facilitate the disubstituted acceptors, thus generating a tetrasubstituted enantioselective alkylation of hydroxyoxindoles 24 to form s■tereocenter. spirocyclic γ-lactones (Scheme 30) in a 2:1 mixture of PROPHENOL-CATALYZEDASYMMETRICALKYNE Scheme30.AsymmetricHydroxyoxindoleAnnulation ADDITION Chiral propargylic alcohols serve as both robust and versatile syntheticintermediates,providingawealthofpotentialreactivity with a high degree of orthogonality. Furthermore, propargylic alcohols are present in numerous natural products and therapeutic agents.41 The success of the Zn-ProPhenol catalyst with stabilized nucleophiles prompted the examination of this system to facilitate the addition of zinc acetylides to aldehydes (Scheme32).Initialresultsrevealedthat,incontrasttoprevious ProPhenol-catalyzed methodologies, asymmetric alkynylation required2−3equivofdialkynylzincforefficientcatalystturnover and enantioinduction.42 Nonetheless, good yield and enantio- selectivity was obtained in the addition of aryl, alkyl, and silyl acetylenestoarylandα,β-unsaturatedaldehydeswith10mol% of(S,S)-1a(Scheme33).43Extensiontotheadditionofdiynesto aAbsolute configuration determined by X-ray crystallography. aldehydesrequiredtheadditionof20mol%triphenylphosphine oxide(TPPO)forhigherenantioselectivityasillustratedbythe acetonitrileandtolueneat40°C.38Interestingly,thecatalystis formation of 27 and 28.44 The efficiency of the catalytic diyne involved in both the conjugate addition and the trans- addition to form 28, an intermediate for the synthesis of the esterification to form the spirocyclic oxindole product; in the antitumor agent strongylodial, contrasts with the use of an absenceof1a,theopen-chainedMichaeladductdidnotcyclize ephedrine mediated reaction, which required 4 equiv of the toformaγ-lactone. “catalyst”togivetheadductin68%yieldand80%eecompared Wang and co-workers have used the ProPhenol ligand to with the ProPhenol method, which utilized only 20 mol % facilitatetheasymmetricphospha-Michaelreactionwithawide catalyst to give the desired adduct in 90% yield and 87% ee.45 rangeofsubstrates(Scheme31).39Initialworkoutlinedtheuse CombiningtheuseofTPPOwithhigherreactionconcentrations 696 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701 AccountsofChemicalResearch Article Scheme32.ProposedMechanismforProPhenol-CatalyzedAlkyneAddition Scheme33.ProPhenol-CatalyzedAsymmetricAlkyne Scheme34.AlkyneAdditionintheEnantioselectiveSynthesis Addition ofAsteriscunolideD and alkyne typically led to exemplary results, as seen in the yield and ee of 25 and 26. This strategy was recently applied to the total synthesis of asteriscunolide D to convert methylpropiolateintothechiralbutenolide31(Scheme34).47 Enolizable aldehydes, most notably acetaldehyde, are particularly challenging substrates for enantioselective alkyne additionduetoself-aldolsidereactions.Theprevalenceofchiral 1-methyl propargylic alcohols (i.e., 32) in natural products prompted attempts to form these products using the Zn- ProPhenolcatalyst.48Minimizingtheconcentrationofacetalde- hyde by its slow addition over 30 min provided high yield and enantioselectivity with a variety of alkynes (Scheme 35). This enabled use of just 1.2 equiv of alkyne more generally, while methodology was applied to the synthesis of minquartynoic maintaining good enantioselectivity and yield. For example, acid,48 tetrahydropyrenophorol, and the proposed structure of these conditions allowed use of an equimolar amount of a trocheliophorolideB.49 preciousalkynewithfumaraldehydedimethylacetaltoprovide Marekandco-workershaverecentlyreportedanelegantone the desired product 30, an intermediate in the total synthesis pot application of the Zn-ProPhenol asymmetric alkynylation of aspergillide B, in 82% yield and 19:1 dr.46 The alkynol in tandem with a Brook-type rearrangement and ene−allene 29 served as a substrate in a second ProPhenol catalyzed cyclization (Scheme 36) ultimately to provide a 1,3-diol 33 alkynylationleadingultimatelytothebioactivenaturalproduct via oxysilanes 34.50 Overall, this sequence forms three new spirolaxinemethylether.51Theasymmetricadditionofmethyl bonds and two new stereocenters in a highly stereoselective propiolate using nearly stoichiometric amounts of aldehyde manner. 697 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar500374r|Acc.Chem.Res.2015,48,688−701

of Zn-ProPhenol complexes to facilitate the direct aldol reaction. Fine tuning of . diastereoselective [3 + 2] cycloaddition with a nitrile oxide to provide 6. manuscript. Funding. We thank the NSF (Grant CHE-1145236) for support of our in developing new strategies for total synthesis of biologica
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