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Preview prophecies, lies, antichrist & the end of the world

PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD Feast of Saint Martin: November 11, 2014 In honor of Our Lord and Our Lady INTRODUCTION First of all, let it be known this article is the work of Catholics seeking to oppose the errors of our times. We are not seeking for anything but the truth. If what appears to be rational to us is actually in time proven incorrect, it isn’t with any guile that we bring it forth. We have many good ideas for the enlightenment of the mind and the consolation of the soul. The primary purpose of bringing our conclusions to light is because the common consensus of so called “Catholics” is the opposite of what we have come to see as the truth. However, we are not infallible and do not claim across the board enlightenment. The cause of our conclusions are the result of a prolonged period of studying. We have provided you with every link to every available book so you can confidently search out our conclusions and find whether they are accurate claims. Read and study, pray and do penance, do your own homework! The exhibition of this article will go largely without notice, purposely ignored or bluntly belittled. As you will see in the course of this dissertation, the cold shoulder is a symptom of a much larger problem, a problem that has apostasy and Antichrist as its source. The truths and principles of Revelation & approved Catholic prophecies have been, by the common consent of public men, formally excluded from the sphere of modern “intelligent” thinking. To have recourse to them is regarded, in these latter days, as a weakness of mind. This article runs counter to the popular spirit of these times and runs the risk of being exposed to the contempt or compassion of those who believe the world to be governed by the human will alone. Saint Vincent Ferrer, in his sermon for Epiphany tells us: In the time of Antichrist it shall be necessary to turn again to sacred scriptures because the Antichrist shall not believe in logic, nor philosophy, nor poetry, nor laws, etc. Only with sacred scripture shall we make a stand against him. Therefore how guilty are we now because no one cares about the Bible. . .“ (Epiphany sermon: http://www.svfsermons.org/A191_EpiphanySermon.htm) Wherefore the Holy Bible will be our infallible ally while reference will also be made to numerous Catholic writers who lived in the 19th or early 20th century. This article endeavors to expose, for all who care to take account of the state of their souls, the massive deception and lies that have been spread throughout the world. Our Catholic Faith and our fallible minds compel us to take refuge in the decree of Pope Urban VIII. In accordance with the decree of Urban VIII, and other Sovereign Pontiffs, we declare that all the graces, revelations, and miraculous facts related in this article have only a human authority, except so far as they have been confirmed by the Holy, Catholic Apostolic, and Roman Church, to whose Infallible Judgment we submit whatever is written therein; and that, in giving to any person(s) the designation of Saint we have no thought of anticipating the decision of the Holy See, which alone has authority to pronounce to whom such character and title rightly belong. This being said, we give no credence whatsoever to the false church of the Satanic apostasy in Rome. There is no authority with those devils and hence, there is no Infallibility. We extend our loyalty, charity and obedience to the holy Catholic Church, founded on the rock of the Papacy. We acknowledge there is no Pope today and we wait for the day of God’s mercy when He will have pity on the poor corrupted state of our world by again giving us a Pope. You will find “hot links” to our references. Therefore, internet connection is very helpful but not necessary since what is here laid out can be verified first by internet connection and second by word of mouth, after the veracity of this article is confirmed. Distribution is fully approved. The text can be found at http://ourladysresistance.org/ PROPHECIES Throughout the centuries there have been many theories on the nature of the 3 days of darkness and the Antichrist. You will discover as you read on: we are living in the time of Antichrist now. It follows that if we are alert, pray, do penance and study our Faith we will be able to comprehend it. There are two holy and prophetic women who lived about the same time and revealed to us the same foretelling in differing words. Blessed Anne Marie Taigi, 1769-1837 and Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora, 1774-1825 1 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD (both declared venerable by Pope Pius IX). Examining their prophecies in a spiritual way will prove most profitable in explaining their true meaning. Blessed Anne Marie Taigi Blessed Anne Marie Taigi spoke clearly of 3 days of darkness during which we must stay in our homes and not look outside or we would drop dead on the spot. This is a popular prophecy which, unfortunately, can appeal to our sensual appetite that very often takes a form of emotional pleasure (fascination in anticipation) in the sensationalism of having the earth darkened, physically. Studying Anne Marie Taigi’s prophecy in a spiritual manner will make it clear that we are going through this dark chastisement now. Our article “The Mystery of Iniquity”, found on the website, Ourladysresistance.org, explains this chastisement and how it came upon us. “God will send two punishments; one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils; it shall originate on earth. The other will be sent from Heaven.” Perceive here how she is making a clear distinction. One evil will be in our physical realm, the other will be spiritual, from Heaven. “There shall come over the whole earth, an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights.” Intense means extreme or high degree. This is a spiritual darkness; a dark blindness of the intellect to an extreme or high degree. This same darkening of the intellect overcame every living creature except the Blessed Virgin Mary after the death of Jesus on the Cross. Therefore, this darkness bears the title “3 days of darkness” as symbolic of the 3 days Our Lord was in the tomb and is applicable to the present Catholic Church “in the tomb”. There are few who truly possess the Catholic Faith in its fullest. The darkness is in full effect with massive, evil consequences. “Nothing can be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion.” Nothing of the Catholic Faith can be seen or intellectually perceived. Pestilence in the form of heresies will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion. Those others who are falling may be lukewarm “Catholics” and those who make no effort to know, love and serve God or the Church, the Divine Spouse of Our Lord. Those who give a halfhearted effort toward their eternal welfare while pursing the comforts of this world will fall. “It will be impossible to use any man made lighting during this darkness, only blessed candles.” Man-made explanations or excuses for evil will leave all who follow such men blinded. Men’s intellects give false light without being enlightened by the Holy Ghost. The blind lead the blind into the pit! We use the symbol of a light bulb above a person’s head to indicate a bright idea. There are a great host of men regarded as “intellectual” in our days but man-made “bright ideas” will be of no use during this darkness. Only those who have the lighted candle of the CATHOLIC FAITH in their souls will be able to find their way through these darks days. Think about it: Natural fire is man-made. If Anne Marie Taigi was referring to literal waxed blessed candles (Like Marie Julie Jahenny tells us!) she wouldn’t be telling us man made lighting would be impossible to use. How else can we light a candle but with man-made fire? She didn’t have electricity in 1837. The primary source of light was from fire. This is proof of the spiritual nature of this chastisement. All of this has been taking place for more than 100 years now. Yves Dupont (author of “The Coming Chastisement”) uses the word EXCEPT in place of ONLY. The replacement of the one word for the other is a masterstroke of deception. When you say “EXCEPT blessed candles” you are making an exception to the impossibility of man-made light (although it would still be impossible to make fire for the candle). When you say ONLY you are saying blessed candles alone. That is enough to ask the question: What does the blessed candle symbolize? Surely it symbolizes souls that possess pure Catholic truth. He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy. Looking out a window and leaving your home are two different things. To peer out a window means to take a look at what is happening outside. To leave your home requires you open the door first. Think about it: Shouldn’t a person drop dead just by opening the door and peering outside before he even takes a step to actually leave his home? This is another evidence of the spiritual nature of this message. He who looks out his window (gives their loyalties to) or leaves his home for schismatic groups such as the Novus Ordo, The Society of Saint Pius X, CMRI, Fraternity of Saint Peter, 2 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD etc., etc., etc., will spiritually drop dead instantly with the sword of excommunication. The laws of the Catholic Church still exist, despite her absence in world affairs. During these “3 days” people should remain in their homes and pray the Rosary. Remember, it is called 3 days because of the days Christ was in the tomb. We must stay home and pray our Rosaries and beg God for mercy during all this time! “All the enemies of the Church whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness, with the exception of a few whom God will soon convert.” You will understand this when the present study moves on to Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora. During this darkness the enemies of the Catholic Church will be destroyed by way of a vast diabolical possession. Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora tells us God has released every demon from Hell during this time as a punishment for rejecting His Church. Those who are possessed are spiritually dead and have already condemned themselves. There are a few people through the last few decades who have woke up and become alert to what is happening. Those are the souls God has and is converting even now. God’s grace is always waiting for us to correspond with it. However, there seems to be quite the roadblock for those souls that have promised themselves to the Devil and then want to get away from it. Without clergy to absolve these souls their “conversion” is always into some other Devilish movement. Like going from being a Freemason to the SSPX. It’s all the same Satanic illusion. “The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms.” The air in this darkness is full of heresy and lies. Lies are everywhere. “Religion will be persecuted, and priests massacred. Churches shall be closed, but only for a short time.” True Catholics are staying at home and suffering a terrible persecution, being deprived especially the Blessed Sacrament. The priests have been massacred, having apostatized in the 20th century and eventually died off. “The Holy Father shall be obliged to leave Rome.” In August of 1914 Antipope Benedict XV drove the Catholic Church into exile (the Papacy was no longer with us. Saint Paul prophesized this in 2 Thessalonians) and Antipope Paul VI put her “in the tomb”, leaving a remnant of true Catholics throughout the world while the rest of former Catholics rushed into the new “church”. Anna Maria’s prophecy concerning the three days of darkness, when only blessed candles would give light, was explained by Anna Maria herself. She said that there was no date to this event that she knew of but that it would come to pass when every human hope for the persecuted Church shall have vanished. (https://archive.org/stream/lifevenerablean00taiggoog#page/n331/mode/2up) This has already been in play now since the Holy Roman Empire was dismantled after World War I. Later there will be reference made to the “Holy Pope” or “Holy Pontiff” that Anna Maria prophesized would come. For now it is enough to know that she said this “Holy Pope” was alive in her own time. Wishing to know who this Pontiff would be, the priest asked her if he was then among the Cardinals; she replied that he was not, but that he was a humble priest not at that time in the Pontifical States, but in a very distant country. And in fact, the Abate Mastai was a simple priest attached at that period to the Nunciatura in Chili. (https://archive.org/stream/lifevenerablean00taiggoog#page/n327/mode/2up) (This book has the disadvantage of having been written over 130 years ago but in trying to prove what they thought would be a natural 3 days of darkness It helped open our eyes to the supernatural darkness which has blanketed the world.) Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora’s prophecy must also be understood in the spiritual sense. She fills in the blanks and appends the prophecy of Blessed Anne Marie Taigi. Examine her words in the spiritual sense it was meant to be received: “It seemed to me to behold the heavens opening, and St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, coming down, surrounded with great glory and by a numerous escort of heavenly spirits, singing canticles. St. Peter was dressed in his 3 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD pontifical robes and held in his right hand the pastoral staff, with which he was drawing upon the earth an immense cross: at the same time the angels sang these words of the Psalmist, ‘You will constitute them princes over the whole earth.’ “After this the holy Apostle touched with his staff the four extremities of the cross, from which instantly sprung up four beautiful trees loaded with blossoms and fruits. These mysterious trees had the form of a cross, and were surrounded by a splendid light. Then I comprehended in the depth of my soul that St. Peter had produced these four symbolic trees to the end that they may serve as a place of refuge to the little flocks of the faithful friends of Jesus Christ, and in order to preserve them from the fearful punishment which shall convulse the whole earth. All good Christians shall then be protected under these trees, together with all those religious persons who shall have faithfully preserved in their hearts the spirit of their order. I say the same thing in relation to the secular clergy and to all other persons of every class who shall have kept in their heart the Catholic faith – they shall be protected. But woe, to those religious who do not observe their rule! Thrice unhappy they! For they shall all be struck by that terrible punishment. I say the same to all secular clergy, and to all classes of people in the world who give themselves to a life of pleasure, and who follow the false maxims of modern ideas, which are opposed to the holy precepts of the gospel. These wretched people, who through their scandalous conduct deny the faith of Jesus Christ, shall perish under the weight of the indignant arm of God’s justice. Not one of them shall be able to escape the punishment. “I beheld these good Christians, who had sought a refuge under those mysterious trees, in the form of beautiful lambs confided to the care and vigilance of St. Peter, their good shepherd, testifying to him the most humble and most respectful obedience. As soon as St. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, had gathered the flock of Jesus in a place of safety, he re-ascended into heaven, accompanied by legions of angels. Scarcely had they disappeared, when the sky was covered with clouds so dense and dismal that it was impossible to look at them without dismay. On a sudden there burst out such a terrible and violent wind, that its noise seemed like the roars of furious lions. The sound of the dreadful hurricane was heard over the whole earth. Fear and terror struck not only men, but the very beasts. “All men shall rise one against the other, and they shall kill one another without pity. During this sanguinary conflict the avenging arm of God will strike the wicked, and in his mighty power he will punish their pride and presumption. God will employ the powers of hell for the extermination of these impious and heretical persons who desire to overthrow the Church and destroy it to its very foundation. These presumptuous men in their mad impiety believe that they can overthrow God from His throne; but the Lord will despise their artifices, and through an effect of His Mighty Hand He will punish these impious blasphemers by giving permission to the infernal spirits to come out of hell. This appears to be what is occurring throughout the world today but prominently in Rome, where Satan possesses the bodies of the Antipopes. Antichrist reigns there through his Antipopes. Innumerable legions of demons shall overrun the earth, and shall execute the orders of Divine Justice by causing terrible calamities and disasters: they shall attack everything: they shall injure individual persons and entire families; they shall devastate property and alimentary productions, cities and villages. Nothing on earth shall be spared. God will allow the demons to strike with death those impious men, because they gave themselves up to the infernal powers, and had formed with them a compact against the Catholic Church. The death alluded to is the blow from the sword of excommunication, which, without the help of God, is permanently executed by the impregnable burden of demonic possession. “Being desirous of more fully penetrating my spirit with a deeper sentiment of His Divine Justice, God showed to me the awful abyss; I saw in the bowels of the earth a dark and frightful cavern, whence an infinite number of demons were issuing forth, who under the form of men and beasts came to ravage the earth, leaving everywhere ruins and blood. Happy will be all true and good Catholics! They shall experience the powerful protection of the holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, who will watch over them lest they may be injured either in their persons or their property. Those evil spirits shall plunder every place where God has been outraged, despised, and blasphemed; the edifices they profaned will be pulled down and destroyed, and nothing but ruins shall remain of them. 4 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD “After this frightful punishment I saw the heavens opening, and St. Peter coming down again upon earth; he was vested in his pontifical robes, and surrounded by a great number of angels, who were chanting hymns in his honor, and they proclaimed him as sovereign of the earth. I saw also St. Paul descending upon the earth. By God’s command, he traversed the earth and chained the demons, whom he brought before St. Peter, who commanded them to return into hell, whence they had come. “Then a great light appeared upon the earth which was the sign of the reconciliation of God with man. The angels conducted before the throne of the prince of the Apostles the small flock that had remained faithful to Jesus Christ. These good and zealous Christians testified to him the most profound respect, praising God and thanking the Apostles for having delivered them from the common destruction, and for having protected the Church of Jesus Christ by not permitting her to be infected with the false maxims of the world. St. Peter then chose the new pope. The Church was again organized; religious orders were reestablished; the private families of ordinary Christians, through their great fervor and zeal for the glory of God, became like the most exemplary religious communities. Such is the glorious triumph reserved for the Catholic Church; and she shall be praised, honored, and esteemed by all men. All men shall become Catholics, and shall acknowledge the Pope as Vicar of Jesus Christ.” (Some of the above may refer to the time of Anti-Christ.) (https://archive.org/stream/TheProphetsAndOurTimes#page/n97/mode/1up/search/mora) This description is what we are living through today! After Antichrist is annihilated the Catholic Church will rise up strong during the final days and the Gospel preached to all nations, as Our Lord told us. Then the end will come. We are well into the days of Antichrist now. When will it end? Jesus told us we wouldn’t know the day or hour. SAINT VINCENT FERRER Saint Vincent Ferrer was convinced he was living in the days of Antichrist and the end of the world. Several years after his death the apparition of Our Lady of Caravaggio proved his assertion correct. Our Lady revealed to a Pious Catholic woman, Giovannetta Varoli, her Son wanted to put an end to the world but we were granted an extension through her intercession. This same thing happened with the saints Dominic and Francis who both had the same vision of God desiring to put an end to the world if it had not been for the preaching of those two great saints by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We owe our very existence to the intercession of the Virgin Mary! We are but an extension to a world which would otherwise have ended long ago! 5 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD In a sermon of Saint Vincent Ferrer we find this regarding the dark times of Antichrist which we are living in today: The first clause tells us that there will be signs in the sun in the time of Antichrist; that is, there will be signs in Christ, and the precise sign is given by Saint Matthew saying: "The sun will not give its light." Such darkening does not happen with regard to the sun itself, for it is not in the nature of the sun to be darkened in itself. But by the interposition of clouds and vapor between the sun, and the earth the sun appears to be obscured. In the same way, in the time of Antichrist, the Sun of justice will be obscured by the interposition of temporal goods and the wealth which Antichrist will bestow on the world, inasmuch as the brightness of faith in Jesus Christ and the glow of good lives will no longer shine among Christians. For, lest they should lose their dominion, temporal rulers, kings and princes will range themselves on the side of Antichrist. In like manner, prelates for fear of losing their dignities, and religious and priests to gain honors and riches, will forsake the Faith of Christ and adhere to Antichrist. Now he will be a veritable man, but so proud that, not only will he desire to have universal dominion in the whole world, but will even demand to be called a god, and will insist on receiving divine worship. This we may gather from the second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians (2:3): "For unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, spewing himself as if he were a god." This will come about because Antichrist by the ministry of demons will possess all the gold and silver of the earth and seas, and pearls and all the precious stones that are in the world. As we read in Daniel (11:43) : "And he shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver and all the precious stones of Egypt." With this wealth he will gather together in arms all the nations of the world, to fight against those who oppose him. As we read in the Apocalypse (20:7) : "He shall go forth and seduce the nations which are over the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog; and shall gather there together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea." Observe that he will seduce the peoples, that is, with gold and silver and honors; Gog which signifies "hidden," and Magog which signifies "that which is disclosed," because both hidden and open evil are on his side. Then temporal lords and ecclesiastical prelates, for fear of losing power or position, will be on his side, since there will exist neither king nor prelate unless he wills it. For the same reason, religious, priests and laity will also uphold him. "There will indeed be signs in the Sun of justice, for then it will be obscured in the hearts of Christians, since from those hearts it will not give forth the light of Faith; all preaching of a better life will cease, owing to the interposition of the vapor and clouds of temporal goods. As we are told in Daniel (11.39) : "He will multiply glory and will give them power in many things and divide up the earth at his pleasure." Closely examining the above prophecies is extremely profitable in order to understand the massive Satanic illusion that has been blanketed over the entire earth; excepting the four cross trees of St. Peter, foretold by Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora. We must pray, fast, do penance, and study. Without these things one will continue to mire in the manure of satanic deception and will continue to bow their knees to the false religion in Rome being held up as the Catholic Church but having the marks of Antichrist. It is also necessary to examine these and other prophecies in the light of the spiritual life. If one reads them in a literal and physical sense they show their attachment to temporal things is stronger than their love for the things of Heaven and they risk being fooled and misled down the path to eternal perdition. Knowing this, Satan has sent a deluge of lies with a massive number of evil men who, as Our Lord warned us, are false Christs and false Prophets. LIES, LIES, LIES In the book “The War Of Anti-Christ With the Church”, 1884, a surprisingly accurate account is given on how to manipulate and corrupt faithful Catholics, written by a Freemason , Piccolo Tigre,: “It is corruption en masse that we have undertaken: the corruption of the people by the clergy, and the corruption of the clergy by ourselves; the corruption which ought, one day to enable us to put the Church in her tomb. . . “ 6 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD (https://archive.org/stream/The_War_Of_Anti-Christ_With_The_Church_1884_-_Dillon#page/n101/mode/2up) The primary corruption they are expounding is the corruption of overall morals amongst Catholics. However, with the corruption of society and lies being spread throughout the world it follows that Catholic prophecy and the Antichrist scenario would be fed to our minds in the manner and fashion which the father of lies himself has wished to feed mankind’s intellect: completely but unknowingly lost. Since the men of these last days are convinced they are some of the brightest men to ever walk the earth, they do not seek God’s grace and enlightenment through prayer and penance. Their pride has corrupted their intelligence. Using a storm as an analogy we can consider the predicament the world is in today. Modern man was born during this great anti-Catholic storm. He has never known sunny days for the Catholic Church. Having been born in this storm his understanding tells him a dark, foggy and confused atmosphere is normal. This exposes our souls to the lies of the agents of Antichrist. God, in his infinite goodness, will sometimes send rays of sunshine through the clouds to help enlighten man’s intellect but these lights are largely ignored or resented. The Fathers of the Vatican Council in 1870 could see the Satanic storm approaching. They made provisions for future souls to be able to brave the storm by the definition of Papal Infallibility and returning the focus on Catholic doctrine. Nonetheless, Satan, in an insatiable desire to pervert souls, has largely succeeded in twisting and manipulating these definitions, especially on the Infallibility of the Pope. Now, those provisions still exist. Souls have but to have an insatiable desire to know, love and serve God and in doing so they must set out to discover what it is they must do to accomplish their desire all the while braving the opposition of family and “friends”. If souls would endeavor to do so they would find the numerous Catholic books written by the Fathers of the Vatican Council who not only expounded the true definition of Papal Infallibility but also wrote extensively on the Catholic Faith in general. (http://ourladysresistance.org/infallibility-of-the-pope.html) The same Catholic Faith that cannot be found in our times, except perhaps in a few homes scattered throughout the world. Modern man literally worships, reads, hears, sees and even eats (in today’s GMO world) lies! He is literally full of lies! We are being lied to by all we once thought to be legitimate representatives of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church! 3 Days of Darkness, Perverted Catholic prophecy has announced on many occasions what has become known as the “3 days of darkness”. This article has already studied the prophecies of two holy women of the 19th century. In 2014 a so called “traditional Bishop”, Richard Williamson, wrote extensively of his heretical and schismatic opinions on Papal Infallibility (http://ourladysresistance.org/bishop-williamson-unhinged.html). The same schism perverts the minds of the Society of Saint Pius X. He then quickly turned the attention to a general “chastisement” which he has taught people to believe. He endorses this “chastisement” through various “apparitions” which have never been approved by the Catholic Church, such as “Akita, Japan” , “Garabandal, Spain” and “Father Constant Louis Marie PEL (1876-1966)” Williamson travels throughout the world, telling people a great chastisement is forthcoming. Knowing he teaches false doctrine which must be believed in its true definition in order to get to Heaven (Infallibility of the Pope), it only follows he would spread falsities in his other expositions. This fact is a real eye opener and opens a flood gate of light and truth if one would only care enough to examine. After the deluge Noah offered sacrifice to God. God was pleased with his sacrifice and He said: “I will no more curse the earth for the sake of man: for the imagination and thought of man’s heart are prone to evil from his youth: therefore I will no more destroy every living soul as I have done. All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day, shall not cease”.(Genesis 8, 21-22) Here we have an infallible proof that God will have days follow nights and nights follow days and they shall not cease. The so called apparitions of Akita, Garabandal, Marie Julie Jahenny and “Father PEL” tell us of a terrible chastisement and 3 days of physical darkness yet to come which will kill millions and even billions of people; leaving the survivors envying the dead. Yet these survivors are supposed to be a strong arm and support for the return of a mighty Catholic Church upon Earth?! None of it makes sense. Venerable Elizabeth Canori-Mora tells us this about the survivors of this horrible “darkness”: “These good and zealous Christians testified to him (Saint Peter) the most profound respect, praising God and thanking the Apostles for having delivered them from the common destruction, and for 7 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD having protected the Church of Jesus Christ by not permitting her to be infected with the false maxims of the world.” (The Prophets and our times, page 191) - - This is a description of the Vatican Council Fathers – the Apostles who defined the Infallibility of the Pope (1870) or a description of Enoch and Elias, yet to come. What exactly is the 3 days of darkness? It is symbolic terminology for the darkness we are living in today since 1914. The 3 days Our Lord was in the tomb is what we are living through today in the life of the Church. God is allowing the Devils to be loosed from Hell in order to possess the bodies of those who devised wicked plans to destroy the Catholic Church. Satan himself possesses the Antipopes from Benedict XV down to Francis I and beyond (if the apostasy continues). Are we looking for a particular scenario other than this? Are we looking for a single man to reign as Antichrist outside of these men? Other scenarios are lies and perpetuated to fool people into his false church! Those other scenarios will very likely never come to be. Billions of people are being duped. It is the Antipopes who are Antichrist! May Enoch and Elias come soon to help enlighten the intellects of so many lost souls! There are presently thousands of Protestant sects, including ones feigning Catholicity. The Society of Saint Pius X and its sister group the “Resistance” are amongst these groups. Both these groups are guilty of promoting a false sense of security by the lie that a “Great Chastisement” is yet to come. They even call their followers the servants of Mary and her true soldiers. A sort of “manifested” predestination, guaranteed by the false spirit of Antichrist, is taught to them with no scruple. Men like Williamson are perverting minds to believe the chastisement is yet to come when in reality we are living it NOW! He and men like his friend, Joseph Pfeiffer, and others throughout the world would have us believe a magical period is about to overtake us and all the enemies of God will presently be killed, physically. They are purposely exposing your intellect to a twisted interpretation of prophecies that have already come to pass like the Holy Pontiff and the Great Monarch or they would have us believe the chastisement is yet to come when in reality we are living in the 7th age of the Church now. They expect you to use your imagination to come up with a fantastic image of some movie like spectacular victory which would be easy to perceive by all living men. This is nonsense. The 5th and 6th ages of the Church have already passed us in the natural course of time as this article will show shortly. This bears repeating again so you may see through their evil ways: The darkness foreseen is the spiritual darkness which has overwhelmed the entire world. If one were to compare the passion of Christ and the passion of the Church, the Church would be found to be in the tomb. Hence the label assigned to these dark days, when the Church lies in the tomb, in honor of her Divine Spouse who was in the tomb for a part of 3 different days. Think again of the analogy of a great storm. In the confusion and chaos of a liar world, how is it possible to make distinctions between the passion of Christ and the passion of the Church unless one makes use of the lights through the clouds God is apt to send? Instead, souls are trying to decipher where we are without a map or candle to light the way! The candle of faith! The blessed candle we are told we must have burning during these “3 days” is the CANDLE OF A BURNING CATHOLIC FAITH!! Think of the parable of the 10 virgins. 5 wise virgins who brought oil for their lamps. The 5 foolish virgins were left behind because they did not have light to find their way to the bridegroom! 8 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG PROPHECIES, LIES, ANTICHRIST & THE END OF THE WORLD The Holy Pontiff: Pope Pius IX & The Great Monarch: Franz Josef of Austria The “Holy Pontiff”, according to Blessed Anne Marie Taigi was living in her time. She gives an excellent description of Pope Pius IX in her prophecy of the then forthcoming “Holy Pontiff”: She said that this Pontiff, chosen according to the Heart of God, would be assisted by Him with very special lights; that his name would be famous throughout the world, and applauded by the people; that the Turk himself would venerate him, and send to compliment him. She said that he was the holy Pontiff destined to bear the rage of the tempest which was to let loose against the bark of Peter; that the arm of God would sustain him, and defend him against the impious, who should be humbled and confounded; that in the end he would have the gift of miracles, and that the Church, after painful vicissitudes, would obtain so glorious a triumph, that the world would be astounded. (https://archive.org/stream/lifevenerablean00taiggoog#page/n329/mode/2up) Indeed, the Turk did venerate him: The descendant of Mahomed II., the Sultan of Turkey, hearing of the virtues and the wisdom of the Sovereign Pontiff, and desirous of arranging the vexed Eastern Question, sent an ambassador to the Court of Rome. Since the days of Bajazet and Innocent VIII. No such envoy had set foot on Italian soil. This was one of those revolutions of which we find examples in history, but without explanation. The successor of Urban II., who preached the first crusade, and of Pius V., prime mover of the union of all Christendom against the Turks, was to be seen in the Quirinal Palace, engaged in most friendly conference with Ce Kib-Effendi, the imperial envoy, discussing the interests of Christianity in the Ottoman Empire. Equally strange was the spectacle of a Mussulman, said to be devoted to his fanaticism, wearing publicly around his neck, and exhibiting as an honour, the portrait of Pius IX. (https://archive.org/stream/lifepopepiusix00piusgoog#page/n60/mode/2up) On September 20, 1870 the Papal States were forcibly removed from the immediate rule of the Holy Father. 9 OURLADYSRESISTANCE.ORG

believe in logic, nor philosophy, nor poetry, nor laws, etc. opener and opens a flood gate of light and truth if one would only care enough to examine. “Catholics” in much the same way he fools so called “Jews” to believe the Messiah is . Automatic Excommunication looms for those who wander
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