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Properties of CO$_2$ clathrate hydrates formed in the presence of MgSO$_4$ solutions with implications for icy moons PDF

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Preview Properties of CO$_2$ clathrate hydrates formed in the presence of MgSO$_4$ solutions with implications for icy moons

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.Clathrate˙Paper˙AA (cid:13)c ESO2017 January27,2017 Properties of CO clathrate hydrates formed in the presence of 2 MgSO solutions with implications for icy moons 4 E.Safi1,2⋆,StephenP.Thompson2,AneurinEvans1,SarahJ.Day2,C.A.Murray2,J.E.Parker2,A.R.Baker2,J.M. Oliveira1,andJ.Th.vanLoon1 1 AstrophysicsGroup,Lennard-JonesLaboratories,KeeleUniversity,Keele,Staffordshire,ST55BG,UK 2 DiamondLightSource,HarwellScienceandInnovationCampus,Didcot,Oxfordshire,OX110DE,UK 7 Version25,January27,2017 1 0 ABSTRACT 2 Context.There is evidence to suggest that clathrate hydrates have a significant effect on the surface geology of icy bodies in the n SolarSystem.Howevertheaqueousenvironmentsbelievedtobepresentonthesebodiesarelikelytobesalineratherthanpurewater. a Laboratoryworktounderpinthepropertiesofclathratehydratesinsuchenvironmentsisgenerallylacking. J Aims.WeaimtofillthisgapbycarryingoutalaboratoryinvestigationofthephysicalpropertiesofCO2clathratehydratesproduced 6 inweakaqueoussolutionsofMgSO . 4 2 Methods.WeuseinsitusynchrotronX-raypowderdiffractiontoinvestigateclathratehydratesformedathighCO pressureinice 2 that has formed from aqueous solutions of MgSO4 with varying concentrations. We measure the thermal expansion, density and ] dissociationpropertiesoftheclathratesundertemperatureconditionssimilartothoseonicySolarSystembodies. P Results.Wefindthatthesulphatesolutioninhibitstheformationofclathratesbyloweringtheirdissociationtemperatures.Hysteresis E isfound in thethermal expansion coefficients asthe clathrates are cooled and heated; we attributethisto thepresence of the salt . insolution.WefindthedensityderivedfromX-raypowderdiffractionmeasurementsistemperatureandpressuredependent.When h comparingthedensityoftheCO clathratestothatofthesolutioninwhichtheywereformed,weconcludethattheyshouldsinkin p 2 theoceansinwhichtheyform.WealsofindthatthepolymorphoficepresentatlowtemperaturesisIhratherthantheexpectedIc, - o whichwetentativelyattributetothepresenceoftheMgSO . 4 r Conclusions.We(1)concludethatthedensityoftheclathrateshasimplicationsfortheirbehaviourinsatelliteoceansastheirsinking t s andfloatingcapabilitiesaretemperatureandpressuredependent,(2)concludethatthepresenceofMgSO4 inhibitstheformationof a clathratesandinsomecasesmayevenaffecttheirstructureand(3)reportthedominanceofIhthroughouttheexperimentalprocedure [ despiteIcbeingthestablephaseatlowtemperature. 1 Key words. Methods: laboratory – Molecular data–Planetsand satellites:surfaces – Planetsand satellites:individual: Europa – v Planetsandsatellites:individual:Enceladus 4 7 6 1. Introduction as CO and CH . sII also form cubic structures and are com- 7 2 4 posed of sixteen small 512 cages and eight large 51264 cages; 0 Clathrate hydrates are formed at high pressures and low sII clathrates typically host smaller molecules such as O and 1. temperatures and are cage-like structures in which water N .Theleastcommonclathratehydrate,sH,iscomposedo2fone 0 molecules bonded via hydrogen bonds can encase guest lar2ge cage, three smaller cages and two medium 435663 cages. 7 molecules. The conditions on icy Solar System bodies such sHclathratesformhexagonalstructuresandusuallyrequiretwo 1 as Enceladus, Europa, Mars and comets have long been con- typesofguestspeciesinordertoremainstable.Recentlyanew : sidered as potential for clathrate formation (Max&Clifford v structureofclathratehasbeenproposed(Huangetal.2016);this 2000; Prieto-Ballesterosetal. 2005; Marboeufetal. 2010; i type of clathrate (“structure III”) is predicted to have a cubic X Bouquetetal. 2015). Clathrates are leading candidates for structure and be composed of two large 8668412 and six small r the storage of gases such as CH4 and CO2 in the Solar 8248cages. a System (Prieto-Ballesterosetal. 2005; Mousisetal. 2015b; Bouquetetal. 2015); therefore understanding the kinetics and thermodynamics of clathrate hydrates under planetary condi- It has been confirmed that water ice and CO2 are present tionsisimportant. on the surface of Enceladus (Matsonetal. 2013). Among the The type of guest molecule that can be trapped within a gases such as CH4 present in the plumes emanating from the clathrate depends on the clathrate structure, of which three satellite’s surface (Waiteetal. 2006), CO2 has poor solubility are currently known: sI, sII and sH (Sloan&Koh 2007). sI in water. This suggests the trapping of gases in the form of clathratesformacubicstructurewithspacegroupPm-3n.They clathratehydrates,withsubsequentreleaseduetotheirdissoci- arecomposedoftwocagetypes;thesmaller512 (12pentagonal ation(Bouquetetal.2015)couldgiverisetotheplumes.Fortes faces) and the larger51262 (12 pentagonalfacesand 2 hexago- (2007)usedaclathratexenolithmodeltoaccountfortheorigin nal faces). sI clathrates are constructed of two small cages for of Enceladus’ plumes, suggesting that fluids are able to break every six larger ones, and host relatively large molecules such through the ice shell, metasomatising the mantle by the em- placement of clathrates along fractures and grain boundaries. ⋆ email:e.safi@keele.ac.uk The clathrates are trapped in the rising cryomagmas as xeno- 1 E.Safietal.:PropertiesofCO clathratehydratesinMgSO solutions 2 4 liths, and are carried upwards where they dissociate, releasing tron diffraction Falentyetal. (2015) studied the dissociation of theirenclosedgasandformingtheplumes. CO clathratesinpurewatericebetween170–190K,withspe- 2 Thedensityofclathratesis asignificantfactorin determin- cial attention to the polymorphof ice formed.They found that ingtheirfate.Iftheirdensityishigherthanthatoftheoceansin below 160 K cubic ice (Ic) was the more stable phase, while which they are formed, they sink to the ocean floor; if lower, between 160–190 K Ic transforms to the more thermodynami- they rise to the ice/ocean interface. If their destination is the cally stable hexagonalice (Ih). Falentyetal. (2015) concluded ocean floor then they might be dissociated by heat produced that, due to Ic forming with smaller crystallite sizes compared from hydrothermal activity. On the other hand if they ascend, toIh,itcouldprovideanadditionalpathwayfortheescapedgas thenaclathratelayerwouldbepresentattheinterfacebetween molecules originating from clathrate structures, therefore sup- theiceandoceansurface. portingtheirdissociation. Bouquetetal.(2015)calculatedthedensityofclathratesas- Animportantfactorwhenconsideringclathratedissociation suming fully filled cages and a volatile composition based on is ocean salinity. It is well known that saline solutions depress Enceladus’ plume; they found densities of 1.04 g cm−3 and the freezing point of water (e.g. Duan&Sun 2006), suggest- 0.97 g cm−3 for sI and sII clathrates respectively. When com- ingthatthetemperaturesatwhichclathratesformanddissociate paringthesetotheircomputedoceandensitiestheydeducedthat within the oceans on planets and satellites will also be lower. sII clathrates shouldbe buoyantand thereforelikely to ascend. Miller (1961) showed how clathrate dissociation is affected by Howevertheywereunabletoarriveataconclusionregardingthe temperature and pressure conditions in pure water. However, sI clathrates, as there was significant uncertainty regarding the when comparing the results obtained by Miller with the more ocean’ssalinity,andbecausetheclathratedensitywastooclose recent theoretical results obtained by Bouquetetal. (2015) for to thatof the oceanitself. Clathrate ascensionwould,however, salinesolutions,thereisasignificantdifference,suggestingthat enableclathratestoplayapartintheformationoftheplumes,as increased salinity may indeed lower the temperature at which theirdissociationwouldincreasepressureconditionsatthesite clathratesareabletoform. oftheplume’sorigin(Bouquetetal.2015). In this paper we use synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction The trapping of gases by clathrates could also have a sig- (SXRPD) to investigate the thermal and physical properties of nificantimpactonEnceladus’oceancompositionandhencethe CO clathrate hydratesproducedfrom weak aqueous solutions 2 plumesemittedin the southpolarregion(Bouquetetal. 2015). ofMgSO .We replicatepossiblethermalvariationsduetosea- 4 The enclathration of gases would lower the concentration of sonal and tidal changes, ocean depth and salt concentration volatilesintheoceantobelowthatobservedintheplumes.This and observe the formation and dissociation conditions of CO 2 wouldindicatethatanyclathratesformedwouldneedtodissoci- clathratehydrates.TheSXRPD providesinformationaboutthe ateinordertoreplenishthevolatileconcentrationoftheplume. temperature-dependence of clathrate densities and hence their If thisis notthe case thenthe gasconcentrationwouldneed to abilitytoriseorsinkintheoceansinwhichtheyareformed.We be restoredbyan alternativemechanism,suchashydrothermal alsoinvestigateclathratedissociationkineticsandtheinfluence activity(Bouquetetal.2015). ofthedifferentpolymorphsofice. Prieto-Ballesterosetal. (2005) evaluated the stability and calculatedthedensityofseveraltypesofclathratesthoughttobe foundinthecrustandoceanofEuropausingthermalmodelsfor 2. Experimentalwork thecrust.TheyfoundSO ,CH ,H SandCO clathratesshould 2 4 2 2 all be stable in most regions of the crust. They deduced that In this work we use an epsomite (MgSO ·7H O) salt solution 4 2 CH , H S and CO clathratesshould float in an eutectic ocean to form the ice and CO clathrate system. The concentrations, 4 2 2 2 compositionofMgSO -H O,butthatSO clathrateswouldsink. and the temperatureand pressure ranges used, are summarised 4 2 2 Howeverthesinkingandfloatingcapabilitiesofvarioushydrates in Table 1, in which the concentration of MgSO ·7H O has 4 2 willalsolikelydependonthesalinityoftheoceansincethiswill beenconvertedto concentrationofMgSO perkg H O, allow- 4 2 affecttheirbuoyancy. ing for the contribution that the waters of hydration make to Mousisetal. (2013) investigated clathrates in Lake Vostok the achieved concentrations. In the following we refer to 20g (Antarctica)usinga statistical thermodynamicmodel.Theyas- MgSO ·7H O/1kg H O as MS10.5, and 5g MgSO ·7H O/1kg 4 2 2 4 2 sumedtemperaturesof276Kandpressuresof35MPaandfound H O as MS3.1. The salt concentrations are similar to those of 2 that Xe, Kr, Ar and CH should be depleted in the lake, while Enceladus (whose salinity is estimated to lie in the range 2– 4 CO shouldbeenrichedcomparedtoitsatmosphericabundance. 10g/kgH O;Zolotov2007)andofEuropa(MgSO concentra- 2 2 4 They also foundthat air clathratesshould float as they are less tion estimated to be between 1–100 g/kg H O; Hand&Chyba 2 dense than liquid water. However, air clathrates have not been 2007). observedon the surfaceof the ice abovethe lake (Siegertetal. The temperature (T) range we cover is from ∼ 90 K to 2000). To account for this McKayetal. (2013) suggested that ∼ 240 K, and the bulk of our measurements were carried out largeamountsofCO arealsotrappedwithintheclathrates,in- at pressures (P) of 5, 10 and 20 bar. The range of T is some- 2 creasingtheirrelativedensity. what below that estimated for the sub-surface oceans of (for Clathrates have been found to form in the Sea of Okhotsk example) Europa and Enceladus (see e.g. Meloshetal. 2004; (PacificOcean),andTakeyaetal.(2006)haveusedX-Raypow- Bouquetetal. 2015), and is more representativeof these satel- derdiffractiontostudytheircrystalstructuresandthermalprop- lites’ surfaces.Thepressureswe usedin thisworkwereneces- erties. They found that four samples from four different loca- sarilyoptimisedtogiveareasonableconversionratetoclathrate tions each had sI clathrates encaging CH and a small amount with the facility, and within the time, available. In planetary 4 of CO . The small amount of encaged CO is consistent with environments the pressures in sub-surface oceans depend on 2 2 McKayetal.’ssuggestionthatalargeamountoftrappedCO is the depthof the overlyingice sheet, but are typically hundreds 2 necessaryforclathratestosink. of bar (see e.g. Meloshetal. 2004), although the pressures in It is likely that the type of ice presentduringthe formation Enceladus’ sub-surface ocean may be as low as a few 10s of ofclathratesalsohasaneffectontheirdissociation.Usingneu- bars(Matsonetal.2012;Bouquetetal.2015). 2 E.Safietal.:PropertiesofCO clathratehydratesinMgSO solutions 2 4 Table1.Concentration,temperaturerange,pressure,densityofsaltsolutions.Forcomparison,thewt%salinityofEnceladus’ocean isestimatedtobeintherange2−10gsaltperkgH O(Zolotov2007),thatofEuropaisestimatedtoliebetween1.1and96.8g 2 salt(MgSO )perkgH O(Hand&Chyba2007). 4 2 Concentration wt% Temperature Pressure Density gMS7/kgH O MgSO /kgH O range(±5)(K) (bar) (gcm−3) 2 4 2 20 10.5(MS10.5) 90.1–225.02 5±0.01 1.016±0.001 20 10.5(MS10.5) 90.01–240 10±0.01 1.016±0.001 5 3.1(MS3.1) 89.96–245.04 20±0.01 1.003±0.001 SXRPD data were collected using beamline I11 at the 23◦ −24◦, 24.6◦ and 25.2◦ 2θ (Dayetal. 2015). During fitting DiamondLightSource(Thompsonetal.2009)duringtwelve8- the lattice parametersof Ih ice were initially set to 4.497479Å hour shifts. The X-ray wavelength was 0.826220Å, calibrated and7.322382Åfortheaandcaxesrespectively(Fortes2007). againstNISTSRM640cstandardSipowder;thebeamsizeatthe Values for the weighted profile (R ) and background- wp samplewas2.5mm(horizontal)×0.8mm(vertical).Thehigh corrected weighted profile (R′ ) fitting agreement parameters wp pressure gas cell and the procedureused to form clathrates are between the calculated and experimental diffraction data (see describedbyDayetal.(2015).A0.8mmdiametersingle-crystal Young1993;McCuskeretal.1999,forfurtherdetails)–exclud- sapphiretubeisfilledwithsolutionandsealedintothegascell. ingtheicepeaksfromtherefinement–wereR =6.44%and wp This is then mounted onto the central circle of the beamline’s 1.21%andR′ =30.71%and27.95%,forthestructuresformed concentricthreecirclediffractometer,andcooledusingaliquid at90Kand1w8p0Krespectively.Theassociatederrorinthelattice nitrogen Oxford Cryosystems 700+ cryostream. The latter has parameterwastypically±0.001Å. temperaturestability±0.1Kandaramprateof360K/h. The bulk densities of the MgSO starting solutions were Once frozen at ∼240 K, CO gas is admitted to the cell 4 2 measured using a 1000µm PhysioCare concept Eppendorf at the chosen pressure and a fast position sensitive detector Reference pipette to gather a precise volume of solution and (Thompsonetal.2011)isusedtocollectinsitupowderdiffrac- weighed using a Mettler Toledo balance at room temperature. tion data as the temperature is slowly raised. During this time ThesolutiondensitiesaregiveninTable1. iceandclathrateformationissimultaneouslyobserved.Wecon- tinuetoincreasethetemperatureuntilboththeclathrateandice arelost,whereuponthetemperaturerampisreversedandthecell 3.1.Inhibitingeffectsonclathrateformation iscooledoncemore.Dependingonpressureandsolutioncom- position, either pure-phase clathrates or an ice-clathrate mix is Fig.2comparesthedissociationtemperaturesandpressuresfor formed.Usingthis“secondcycle”techniqueprovidesincreased the CO2 clathrates formed in the MS10.5 and MS3.1 solutions clathrate formation(see discussion in Dayetal. 2015). For the tothosereportedbyMiller(1961)forpurewater.Wehavefitted presentworkwethencycledthetemperaturebetween250Kand thedatafortheMS10.5andMS3.1solutions,forwhichwehave 90 K using the Cryostream to replicate diurnaland tidal varia- dissociationtemperaturesatfourpressures(5,10,15,20bar),to tionswithappliedCO pressuresbetween5–20bar.Dissociation afunctionoftheform(cf.Miller1961) 2 temperaturesandpressuresweredeterminedbyholdingthesam- pleatconstantpressureandgraduallyincreasingthetemperature α log P=− +β , (1) in5Ktemperaturestepsuntiltherewerenopeaksdiscerniblein 10 T theX-raydiffractionpattern. Each SXRPD data-collection cycle, including the time al- where T is in K, P is in bar, and α and β are constants to be lowedforthe sampleto cometo temperatureequilibrium,took determined.Whilewerecognisethelimitedamountofavailable approximately20minutes.Oncedatacollectionwascompleted datatodeterminethetwoparametersαandβ,wefindα=1661± thetemperaturewaschangedtothenewsettinganddatacollec- 292 K and β = 7.74 ± 1.19. These values may be compared tionrepeated. with those given by Miller (1961) for the dissociation of CO 2 The SXRPD patterns were analysed via Rietveld structure clathratesinpurewater:α=1121.0Kandβ=5.1524;thedata refinement, using TOPAS refinement software (Coelho 2007) inMiller(1961)arebasedonmeasurementsinthetemperature and previously published clathrate atom positions and lattice range175–232K.Ourdataconfirmthelikelyinhibitingeffectby parameters (Udachinetal. 2001) as starting values. Published loweringthetemperatureatwhichCO2clathratesdissociateata atompositionsandlatticeparameters(Fortes2007)forIhandIc givenpressureoverthetemperaturerange235–260K. weresimilarlyused.Fromtherefinements,thelatticeparameter, a,ateachtemperaturestepwasobtainedandhencethethermal 3.2.Thermalexpansion expansionanddensityofthecubicclathratestructureswerede- rived. The thermal expansion of clathrate hydrates is an important propertythatenablesustounderstandtheirphysicalbehaviour. Forexample,ithasbeensuggestedthatthe increasein thermal 3. Results expansion could be due to greater anharmonicity in the crys- A typical example of a refinement is shown in Fig. 1, which tallattice(Tse1987);thelargerthermalexpansionofclathrates showsa comparisonoftheSXRPD patternsforIh,IcandCO comparedtohexagonalicecouldbeduetointeractionsbetween 2 clathrates formed in the MS10.5 solution at a CO pressure of theguestmoleculeandhoststructure(Shpakovetal.1998). 2 10bar.Thepresenceoftheclathratesat90Kand180Kisevi- Fig.3showsthedependenceoftheclathratelatticeparame- dentfromtheformationofmultiplefeaturesat14◦−19◦,21.4◦, terontemperatureatthreepressure-compositioncombinations. 3 E.Safietal.:PropertiesofCO clathratehydratesinMgSO solutions 2 4 Table2.CoefficientsofthepolynomialexpressionfordescribinglatticeconstantsofCO clathratehydratesformedintheMS10.5 2 andMS3.1solutions. Solution Heating Cooling a (Å) a (10−5ÅK−1) a (10−7ÅK−2) a (Å) a (10−5ÅK−1) a (10−7ÅK−2) 0 1 2 0 1 2 20gMS7/1kgH O(5bar) 11.9187 16.671 — 11.9299 8.01391 — 2 {10.5gMgSO /kgH O} ±0.001418 ±0.8611 — ±0.001149 ±0.8213 — 4 2 20gMS7/1kgH O(10bar) 11.9189 −1.64158 9.91808 11.9343 –19.5623 12.7815 2 {10.5gMgSO /kgH O} ±0.002084 ±2.685 ±0.82 ±0.009007 ±13.77 ±5.077 4 2 5gMS7/1kgH O(20bar) 11.9487 –28.1259 16.2818 11.9294 0.144563 7.38167 2 {3.1gMgSO /kgH O} ±0.002782 ±3.49 ±1.034 ±0.002302 ±3.395 ±1.207 4 2 Wehaveusedapolynomialapproachtodescribethetemperature HereM andM arethemassesoftheCO guestandwa- CO2 H2O 2 dependencyofthelatticeparameter,usingthefunction ter molecules respectively, and θ and θ are the fractional oc- 1 2 cupanciesofthelargeandsmallcagesrespectively.Ramandata a=a0+a1T +a2T2 . (2) for CO2 clathrates formed at 20 bar in pure water (Dayetal. 2015)indicatedthatonlythelargeclathratecagesareoccupied Table2givesthevaluesofthecoefficientsa ,a ,a ,obtainedby 0 1 2 byCO (seealsoRatcliffe&Ripmeester1986).Forthetimebe- 2 fittingEq.(2)tothedata.Althoughthefirstordertermisappar- ing, we assume in the following that this is also the case for entlynotsignificantlydifferentfromzerointhebottomtworows clathrates formedin the presence of MgSO and that therefore 4 oftheTable,itsinclusionwasfoundtosignificantlyimprovethe θ = 1 and θ = 0. The dependence of the clathrate densities 1 2 fittoourexperimentaldatawheninclusionofthesecondorder on temperature, calculated using Eq. (3), are shown in Fig. 5. termisnecessary. Thededuceddensitiesvarywith compositionand,as wouldbe TheMS10.5solutionataCO2pressureof10barwascycled expectedfromthe hysteresiseffectin thelatticeparameter(see onceonly(cf.Section2)andclathratesappearedat185±5Kon Fig. 3), on whether the clathrate is beingheated or cooled.We coolingfrom250K.ItseemsevidentfromFig.3thattheexpan- discuss this further in Section 4.3 below and also consider the sion of the clathrate on heating does not follow the behaviour effectoffractionaloccupancyofthecages. on cooling: there is hysteresis in that the cooling and heating seem notto be reversible.The MS10.5 solutionat a CO pres- 2 sure of 5 bar shows a greater degreeof hysteresiscomparedto 3.4.Weightpercentageofclathrate,Ih,andIcice the10barsolution.Ittoowasthermallycycledand,oncooling, Fromtherelativecontributionofeachphasetotheoverallinten- clathratesappearedat195±5K.Similarly,theMS3.1solution sity of featuresin the powderdiffractionpattern we can obtain ataCO pressureof20barwasalsocycledonce,withclathrates 2 the relative fraction by weight of each crystalline component appearingat247.5±2.5Kwhencooledfrom250K.Thissolu- present in the sample under study. These are shown in Fig. 6 tion shows a significantlylower degreeof hysteresiscompared as a function of temperature for the MS10.5 (at 5 and 10 bar tothesolutionsat5and10barCO pressure.Thedifferencein 2 CO ) and MS3.1 (20 bar CO ). It is immediately evident that behaviour between heating and cooling may be related to dif- 2 2 the proportionof Ic formedin all three samples is small (typi- feringlevelsofbondingdisorderwithintheclathratephase(see cally<5%),evenat90K. discussioninSection4). Thecoefficientofthermalexpansionatconstantpressureis Fig. 6 also shows that the relative composition predomi- nantly depends on pressure and salt concentration. The MS3.1 definedintheusualwayas[(da/dT)/a ] .Inthesimplestcase, 0 P solutionataCO pressureof20baristhelowestconcentration the expansion has a linear dependence on temperature and the 2 coefficientofexpansionisa ,whichisindependentoftempera- andhighestpressuresampleandcontainsthehighestproportion 1 ture.Thecoefficientsofthermalexpansionareplottedasafunc- ofclathrates.Theothertwosampleshavethesamesaltconcen- trationbutareatlowerpressures(5and10bar)andconsequently tion of temperature in Fig. 4, and exhibit strong pressure de- showlowerproportionsofclathrate.However,inallthreesam- pendency. Those CO clathrates formed at the lower pressure 2 ples, the compositionof Ic is similar and always less than 5%; of 5 bar display a purely linear expansion,while those formed thisisdiscussedfurtherinSection4.4. athigherpressureshowmorecomplexbehaviour.Since higher pressuresresultin highercageoccupancy(Hansenetal. 2016), ourresultsimplythattheoccupancyofthecagesmayinfluence thethermalexpansionofclathrates.Thisisdiscussedfurtherin 4. Discussion Section4. 4.1.InhibitingeffectofMgSO onclathrateformation 4 It is well known that electrolytes have an inhibiting effect on 3.3.Density theformationofclathratehydrates(Sabil2009).Thisiscaused The density, ρ, of a clathrate depends on the lattice parame- bytheionsintheelectrolytesolutionloweringthesolubilityof ter, a, the mass of its water molecules, the mass of the guest the gas, hence lowering the activity of the water, resulting in molecule and the cage occupancy; it is calculated as follows the clathratehydratesformingatlowertemperaturesrelativeto (Prieto-Ballesterosetal.2005): their developmentin pure water (Duan&Sun 2006). Also, the presenceofinhibitorsimpedesthewatermoleculesfromform- ρ= (cid:16)MCO2 (6θ1+2θ2)+46MH2O(cid:17) . (3) icnlagthhryadterofgoermnabtoionnd.s (Sabil 2009), adding a further obstacle to a3 4 E.Safietal.:PropertiesofCO clathratehydratesinMgSO solutions 2 4 Sodiumchloride(NaCl)andcalciumchloride(CaCl )elec- eutectic freezing out of the pure-phase water ice. This dis- 2 trolytesolutionshavebeenextensivelystudiedasthesearesome placement would cause adjacent water molecules from the of the major components of terrestrial seawater and rocks and surroundingcages to break hydrogenbonds, hence altering theirinhibitingeffectiswellknown.Theydecreasethedissoci- neighbouringcages(Shinetal.2012).Suchaprocesswould ation temperature of clathrates by approximately 5 K in con- beexpectedtoaffecttheelasticpropertiesofthecages,lead- centrations of 10% by weight of solution and by more than ingtostresshysteresis(Sohetal.2007),andtothehystere- 10Kclosetotheeutecticsolutioncomposition(17%byweight; sis we see in the thermal expansion (see Fig.3). This ef- Prieto-Ballesterosetal. 2005). In situ studies of clathrate hy- fect should be strongest in those samples with the highest drates formed in chloride solutions will be reported elsewhere concentrationofepsomite,asis indeedobserved.Thismay (Safietal.,2017,inpreparation). also be related to our observation(see Section 4.4) that the Thebestelectrolyteinhibitorswillexhibitmaximumcharge clathrate structure may play a role in stabilising the Ih ice and minimum radius (Makogon 1981) and, while less is phaseovertheIcphase. known aboutmagnesiumelectrolyte solutions(e.g. MgCl and 2 MgSO ), they do exhibit an inhibiting effect that is stronger Furthermore, at higher pressures the cage occupancy is 4 than calcium or sodium electrolyte solutions (Sabil2009). The higher and could result in an increase of the lattice parame- smaller ionic size of magnesium increases the surface charge tersbyseveralthousandthofanÅ(Hansenetal.2016).Indeed, density, and so attracts more water molecules, thus decreasing Hansenetal. found that CO2 molecules situated in the small theactivityofwater(Sabil2009). cagesexpandtheclathratelatticeathighertemperatures.Despite Prieto-Ballesterosetal. (2005) observed a decrease in the thefactthatwehaveassumedθ1 = 1andθ2 = 0,itmaybethat crystallisation temperature of clathrates due to the presence of theclathratesformedathigherpressureshaveavalueofθ2 >0. magnesium.However,theinhibitingeffectofthedissolvedmag- Thisiswhatourexperimentaldatasuggestasthethermalcoef- nesium in their experimentwas small, amountingto about2 K ficientofexpansionforsamplesatthehigherpressureexhibita at17%MgCl .AlsonotedbyPrieto-Ballesterosetal.(2005)is steepergradient(seeFig4).Howeveritisdifficultwiththedata 2 that the salt depresses the freezing point of water by approx- availabletodrawanyfirmconclusionsabouttheeffectsofpres- imately 4 K, and so a larger temperature difference between sureandsalinityonthehysteresisinthermalexpansion.Further icemeltingandclathratedissociationisobservedintheeutectic data,coveringagreaterareaofthepressureandsalinityparam- salt system. A similar trend was reportedearlier by Kangetal. eterspace,areneededtoaddressthisissue. (1998) who found that, as they increased the concentration of MgCl , the amount of hydrate formed at a particular pressure 2 4.3.Clathratedensityandbuoyancy becomesless. Fig. 6 shows that there is a larger difference in the wt% of Thevariationofclathratedensity with temperature(see Fig. 5) clathrates, during both heating and cooling for the samples at has implications for the sinking or rising capabilities of the a CO pressure of 10 and 20 bar compared to the samples at clathratesinplanetaryoceans.Accordingtoourresultsthegen- 2 5 and 10 bar. This could be due to the fact that the solutions eral implication is that the clathrate density is higher at lower subjected to 5 and 10 bar CO contain 20 g of epsomite per temperatures and lower at higher temperatures, implying they 2 kg water and the solution subjected to a 20 bar CO pressure havea greaterprobabilityof sinkingatlowertemperaturesand 2 contains5 g of epsomite per kg water, i.e. the epsomite is act- of floating at higher temperatures. However, this will also de- ing as a clathrate inhibitor. This is further suggested in Fig. 2 pendonthesalinityoftheoceaninquestion. wherewecompareourclathratedissociationtemperatureswith The MS3.1 and MS10.5 solutions used in this experiment theCO clathratedissociationcurvegivenbyMiller(1961).As are similar to the salinities of the oceans on Enceladus and 2 discussedinSection3.1,thisshowsthatclathratesformedinthe Europa (see Table 1). If we compare our clathrate densities at saltsolutiondissociateatlowertemperatures. various temperatures with that of the solutions in which they were formed, we see that both the measured solution densities (1.003 g cm−3 and 1.016 g cm−3 for MS3.1 and MS10.5 solu- 4.2.Thermalexpansion tions,respectively)aremuchlowerthantheCO clathrateden- 2 Asurprisingfeatureofthethermalexpansionbehaviour(Fig.3) sity(Fig.5),irrespectiveofthetemperatureandpressurecondi- istheapparenthysteresisinthedependenceofaonT,depending tions.Thehigherclathratedensitiessuggesttheclathrateswould onwhetherthesampleisbeingcooledorheated.Thevariation alwayssink.Indeed,thisisalsotrueifweassumeθ2 isbetween ofawithT fortheMS3.1solutionataCO2pressureof20baris 0.625–0.688(keepingθ1 =1)whicharethevaluesHansenetal. almostreversible,withlittledifferencebetweenthecoolingand (2016)obtainedfromtheirexperimentalinvestigation.Therefore heatingcurves.HoweverfortheMS10.5solutionataCO pres- sinkingofclathratesisthelikelyscenarioforbothEnceladusand 2 sureof10barwebegintoseeadistinctdifferencebetweencool- Europa. ingandheatingwhilefortheMS10.5solutionataCO2pressure ForCO2 clathratestofloatinanoceanwithsalinitycloseto of 5 bar the difference is very noticeable. The increase in hys- Enceladus’andEuropa’stheywouldneedlowerguestmolecule teresiswithdecreasingpressuremaybeduetotwocontributing occupancy.FromEq.(3)theclathratesformedintheMS3.1so- factors: lutionataCO2pressureof20barwouldrequirethelargercages to be 73% filled, while the MS10.5 solutionsat CO pressures 2 1. clathratestabilityisgreaterathigherpressures,sothatther- of5and10barwouldneedthelargercagestobe78%and77% malcyclinghasalessereffect; filled respectively (assuming θ = 0). As mentioned, pressure 2 2. thepossibilitythatduringclathrateformation,theice-phase directly affects the clathrate cage occupancyin that occupancy water molecules that form the clathrate cages shift in po- (and hence density) is greater at increased pressure. A conse- sition and form hydrogen bonds with liquid-phase wa- quenceofthisisthatclathratesformeddeeperinanoceanwould ter molecules. The latter originate from the fluid inclu- have a higher occupancy and would therefore have a greater sions/channelsrichinMgandSO ionsthatresultfromthe probabilityofsinking. 4 5 E.Safietal.:PropertiesofCO clathratehydratesinMgSO solutions 2 4 OurresultsalsosuggestthatifCO clathratesweretoformat 5. Conclusion 2 thebaseofafloatingiceshell(cf.Prieto-Ballesterosetal.2005), By the use of in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction we theytoo shouldsink and transportencasedgases to the bottom havestudiedtheformation,dissociationandthermalexpansion of the ocean floor. If, on the other hand, the ocean was of eu- propertiesof CO clathratehydratesformedin MgSO salt so- tecticcompositionofMgSO (17wt%,assuggestedforEuropa 2 4 4 lutions.Specifically,wehave: by Prieto-Ballesterosetal. 2005), the ocean density would be 1.19 g cm−3, implying the CO clathrates would in fact float; 2 1. found the dissociation temperatures and pressures of CO 2 thiswouldcausefracturingandgravitationalcollapseoftheter- clathrate hydrates formed in a salt solution containing ep- rainduetorapidreleaseofgas(Prieto-Ballesterosetal.2005). somite (MgSO ·7H O) and that the salt solution inhibits 4 2 clathrateformation. The effect of pressure on density can be seen in Fig. 5. If 2. computed the density of these clathrates at different tem- we compare both the MS10.5 solutions at CO pressures of 2 peraturesandpressuresandcomparedthistothe densityof 5 and 10 bar, we see that the sample subjected to 5 bar CO 2 thesolutioninwhichtheywereformed.Whileitwasfound pressure has a lower density from 95 K to 195 K on heating. thatthedensityoftheclathratedependsontemperatureand From 195 K onwards the sample subjected to a CO pressure 2 pressure(andhencelocalfactorssuch asseasonalandtidal of10barproducesthelowestdensityclathrates.However,con- changes),whencomparedtothedensityofthesaltsolution sidering the cooling curves in Fig. 5, the MS10.5 solution at a they formed in they should in general sink, irrespective of CO pressure of 10 bar has the highest density throughoutthe 2 thetemperatureandpressure. entirecoolingprocess.Formostoftheheatingcurvesandallof 3. investigatedthepolymorphsoftheassociatedicephases.We the cooling curves in Fig. 5 our results are consistent with the report the dominance of Ih throughout the experiment de- conclusionthathigherpressureenvironmentsproduceclathrates spitetheexpectationofIcbeingthethermodynamicallysta- with higherdensitiesand whichare thereforeless buoyant.We blepolymorphatlowertemperatures.Thismaybeduetothe should note that our conclusion regarding buoyancy relates to saltsolutioninhibitingtheIhtoIctransformation.However thecaseofCO clathrates.Forthecaseofmultiple-guestoccu- 2 furtherinvestigationintothethermodynamicsandkineticsof pancy(e.g.CO + CH ) the sinking/floatingcapabilitiesmight 2 4 iceinrelationtoclathratesisneededtoconfirmthis. wellbedifferent.Howeversuchmultiple-guestclathrateswould mostlikelybeofthelesscommonsHtype(seeSection1). Theseexperimentalobservationsdemonstratetheimportanceof understandingtheroleplayedbysalts,clathratesandiceonthe surfacegeologyandsub-surfaceoceansoficySolarSystembod- 4.4.Thenatureoftheice ies. As a gas transport mechanism the likely sinking of CO2 clathrates formed in saline environmentscould make a signifi- cantcontributiontooceanfloorgeochemistryonsuchobjects. Icisthemostcommonpolymorphoficeattemperaturesbelow 160 K. Thereforeinvestigationinto the nature of the ice phase Acknowledgements. 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CO clathratedissociation curve(red)forCO clathrate 2 2 11.97 hydrates in MS10.5 (circles) and MS3.1 (squares) solutions, heating (2) compared with the CO clathrate dissociation curve for CO 2 2 clathratehyratesinpurewater(Miller1961,bluecurve). 11.96 11.95 ) Å ( a 11.94 11.93 cooling (1) 11.92 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 T (K) 11.98 heating (2) 11.97 11.96 ) Å ( a 11.95 11.94 cooling (1) 11.93 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 T (K) Fig.3. The temperature dependence of the lattice parameters of CO clathrate hydrates formed in solutions of MS10.5 and 2 MS3.1atvariouspressures.Fromtop-bottom:MS10.5at5bar, MS10.5 at 10 bar and MS3.1 at 20 bar. “(1)” and “(2)” indi- cate that the cooling was performedfirst, followed by heating. Foreaseofpresentationbluesymbolsrepresentvaluesobtained duringcoolingandredvaluesobtainedduringheating. 8 E.Safietal.:PropertiesofCO clathratehydratesinMgSO solutions 2 4 6.0E−05 1.075 5.0E−05 2550ggg MM MSSS777//11/1kkkggg HH H22OO2O (( 22(500 bbbaaarrr))) HHC 1.074 20g MS7/1kg H2O (5 bar) C 1.073 −1K) 4.0E−05 2200gg MMSS77//11kkgg HH22OO ((1100 bbaarr)) HC −3m) 1.072 cooling (1) (0 3.0E−05 (gc 1.071 /a y 1.07 T) 2.0E−05 sit d n 1.069 da/ 1.0E−05 De 1.068 heating (2) ( 0.0E+00 1.067 1.066 −1.0E−05 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 T (K) T (K) 1.076 Fig.4. The thermalexpansioncoefficientfor CO clathrate hy- 2 cooling (1) dratesformedin solutionsof MS10.5and MS3.1 derivedfrom 1.074 thepolynominalfitstothedatainFig.3.Black:MS3.1/20bar; green:MS10.5/5bar;orange:MS10.5/10bar.H=Heatingand 3) 1.072 − C=Cooling. m c 1.07 g ( sity 1.068 heating (2) n e 1.066 D 1.064 1.062 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 T (K) 1.074 heating (2) 1.072 3) 1.07 − m c 1.068 g ( cooling (1) sity 1.066 n e 1.064 D 1.062 1.06 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 T (K) Fig.5.Dependenceofdensityontemperature.Fromtop-bottom: MS10.5 at 5 bar, MS10.5 at 10 bar and MS3.1 at 20 bar. Symbols/colours,andmeaningof“(1)”and“(2)”,asperFig.3. 9 E.Safietal.:PropertiesofCO clathratehydratesinMgSO solutions 2 4 100 80 Clathrate 60 ) % ( wt 40 Ih 20 0 Ic 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 T (K) 100 80 Clathrate 60 ) % Ih ( wt 40 20 0 Ic 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 T (K) 100 Clathrate 80 60 ) % ( wt 40 20 Ih 0 Ic 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 T (K) Fig.6. Weighted percentage (wt%) curves for solutions. From top-bottom: MS10.5 at 5 bar, MS10.5 at 10 bar and MS3.1 at 20 bar. Triangles: clathrates; circles: Ih ice; squares Ic ice. ColoursareasperFig.3. 10

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