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Martin Aigner Giinter M. Ziegler Proofs from THE BOOK Third Edition With 250 Figures Including Illustrations by Karl H. Hofmann Springer Preface PaulErdo˝slikedtotalkaboutTheBook,inwhichGodmaintainstheperfect proofsformathematicaltheorems,followingthedictumofG.H.Hardythat thereisnopermanentplaceforuglymathematics.Erdo˝salsosaidthatyou need not believe in God but, as a mathematician, you should believe in TheBook. A fewyearsago, we suggestedto him to writeup afirst (and very modest) approximationto The Book. He was enthusiastic aboutthe idea and, characteristically, went to work immediately, filling page after page with his suggestions. Our book was supposed to appear in March 1998 as a present to Erdo˝s’ 85th birthday. With Paul’s unfortunatedeath inthesummerof1997,heisnotlistedasaco-author. Insteadthisbookis dedicatedtohismemory. PaulErdo˝s Wehavenodefinitionorcharacterizationofwhatconstitutesaprooffrom The Book: all we offer here is the examples that we have selected, hop- ingthatourreaderswillshareourenthusiasmaboutbrilliantideas, clever insights and wonderful observations. We also hope that our readers will enjoythisdespitetheimperfectionsofourexposition.Theselectionistoa greatextentinfluencedbyPaulErdo˝shimself.Alargenumberofthetopics weresuggestedbyhim,andmanyoftheproofstracedirectlybacktohim, or wereinitiated byhis supremeinsightin askingtherightquestionor in makingtherightconjecture.Sotoalargeextentthisbookreflectstheviews ofPaulErdo˝sastowhatshouldbeconsideredaprooffromTheBook. “TheBook” Alimitingfactorforourselectionoftopicswasthateverythinginthisbook is supposed to be accessible to readers whose backgrounds include only a modest amount of technique from undergraduatemathematics. A little linearalgebra,somebasicanalysisandnumbertheory,andahealthydollop of elementary conceptsand reasoningsfrom discrete mathematicsshould besufficienttounderstandandenjoyeverythinginthisbook. We are extremely gratefulto the many people who helped and supported us with this project — among them the students of a seminar where we discussedapreliminaryversion,toBennoArtmann,StephanBrandt,Stefan Felsner, Eli Goodman, Torsten Heldmann, and Hans Mielke. We thank MargritBarrett,ChristianBressler,EwgenijGawrilow,ElkePose,andJo¨rg Rambau for their technicalhelp in composingthis book. We are in great debt to Tom Trotter who read the manuscript from first to last page, to Karl H. Hofmann for his wonderfuldrawings, and most of all to the late greatPaulErdo˝shimself. Berlin,March1998 MartinAigner Gu¨nterM.Ziegler (cid:1) Preface to the Second Edition The first edition of this book got a wonderful reception. Moreover, we re- ceived an unusual number of letters containing comments and corrections, some shortcuts, as well as interesting suggestions for alternative proois and new topics to treat. (While we are trying to record pelfect proofs, our exposition isn't.) The second edition gives us the opportunity to present this new version of our book: It contains three additional chapters, substantial revisions and new proofs in several others, as well as minor amendments and improve- ments, many of them based on the suggestions we received. It also misses one of the old chapters, about the "problem of the thirteen spheres," whose proof turned out to need details that we couldn't complete in a way that would make it brief and elegant. Thanks to all the readers who wrote and thus helped us - among them Stephan Brandt, Christian Elsholtz, Jurgen Elstrodt, Daniel Grieser, Roger Heath-Brown, Lee L. Keener, Christian Lebceuf, Hanfried Lenz, Nicolas Puech, John Scholes, Bernulf WeiBbach, and many others. Thanks again for help and support to Ruth Allewelt and Karl-Friedrich Koch at Springer Heidelberg, to Christoph Eyrich and Torsten Heldmann in Berlin, and to Karl H. Hofmann for some superb new drawings. Berlin, September 2000 Martin Aigner . Giinter M. Ziegler Preface to the Third Edition We would never have dreamt, when preparing the first edition of this book in 1998, of the great success this project would have, with translations into many languages, enthusiastic responses from so many readers, and so many wonderful suggestions for improvements, additions, and new topics - that could keep us busy for years. So, this third edition offers two new chapters (on Euler's partition identities, and on card shuffling), three proofs of Euler's series appear in a separate chapter, and there is a number of other improvements, such as the Calkin- Wilf-Newman treatment of "enumerating the rationals." That's it, for now! We thank everyone who has supported this project during the last five years, and whose input has made a difference for this new edition. This includes David Bevan, Anders Bjorner, Dietrich Braess, John Cosgrave, Hubert Kalf, Gunter Pickert, Alistair Sinclair, and Herb Wilf. Berlin, July 2003 Martin Aigner . Giinter M. Ziegler Table of Contents Number Theory 1 1 . Six proofs of the infinity of primes .............................3. 2 . Bertrand's postulate ...........................................7. 3. Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers .................1 3 4 . Representing numbers as sums of two squares ...................1 7 5 . Every finite division ring is a field .............................2. 3 6. Some irrational numbers .....................................2.7 7 . Three times 7r2/6 ............................................3.5 Geometry 43 8. Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra .................4 5 9 . Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs .................5 3 10. The slope problem ............................................ 59 11 . Three applications of Euler's formula ..........................6 5 12. Cauchy's rigidity theorem ....................................7.1 13. Touching simplices ..........................................7.5 14. Every large point set has an obtuse angle .......................7 9 15. Borsuk's conjecture ..........................................8 5 Analysis 9 1 16. Sets. functions. and the continuum hypothesis ...................9 3 17 . In praise of inequalities .....................................1.0 9 18. A theorem of Pdya on polynomials ...........................1 17 19. On a lemma of Littlewood and Offord ........................1. 23 20 . Cotangent and the Herglotz trick .............................1.2 7 21 . Buffon's needle problem .....................................1 33 VIII Table of Contents Corn binatorics 137 22 . Pigeon-hole and double counting .............................1 39 23 . Three famous theorems on finite sets ..........................1 51 24 . Shuffling cards .............................................1.5 7 25 . Lattice paths and determinants ...............................1.6 7 26 . Cayley's formula for the number of trees ......................1 73 27 . Completing Latin squares ....................................1 79 28 . The Dinitz problem .........................................1.8 5 29 . Identities versus bijections ...................................1 91 Graph Theory 197 30. Five-coloring plane graphs ..................................1. 99 3 1. How to guard a museum ....................................2.0 3 32 . Turhn's graph theorem ......................................2.0 7 33. Communicating without errors ...............................2 13 34 . Of friends and politicians ...................................2.2 3 35. Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy ..................2 27 About the Illustrations 236 Index 237 Six proofs Chapter 1 of the infinity of primes It is only natural that we start these notes with probably the oldest Book Proof, usually attributed to Euclid. It shows that the sequence of primes doesnotend. Euclid’s Proof. For any finite set of primes, consider t(cid:4)he number . This ph1a;s::a:p;prirme divisor . But is f g notoneofthne=:po1tph2erwipser +w1ouldbenadivisorof andof tpheprodpuct (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) , andpithus also ofpthe difference n , which pis1pim2pospsirble. So a finite set cannnotpb1pe2th::e:cporlle=cti1on ofall (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:0) primenumbers. p1;::: ;pr f g (cid:3) Beforewe continuelet usfix somenotation. is theset ofnaturalnumbers, N = th1e;2se;t3o;:f:i:ntegers,and Zth=ese:t:o:f;pri2m;es.1;0;1;2;::: f g P= 2;3;5;7;::: f (cid:0) (cid:0) g Inthefollowing,wewillexhibitvariousotherproofs(outofamuchlonger f g Lagrange’sTheorem list)whichwehopethereaderwilllikeasmuchaswedo. Althoughthey If isafinite(multiplicative)group usedifferentview-points,thefollowingbasicideaiscommontoallofthem: anGd is a subgroup, then The natural numbers grow beyond all bounds, and every natural number divideUs . jUj has a prime divisor. These two facts taken together force to be jGj ninfinit2e. Thenextthreeproofsarefolklore,thefifthproofwaspropoPsedby Proof. Consider the binary rela- (cid:21) (cid:4) tion HarryFu¨rstenberg,whilethelastproofisduetoPaulErdo˝s. (cid:0)1 Thesecondandthethirdproofusespecialwell-knownnumbersequences. a(cid:24)b:() ba 2U: It follows from the group axioms Second Proof. Suppose is finite and is the largest prime. We that is an equivalence relation. (cid:4)considertheso-calledMersennPe number p and showthatanyprime Thee(cid:24)quivalenceclasscontainingan p factor of isbiggerthan ,whichw2illyi1eldthedesiredconclusion. element ispreciselythecoset Let bqea2pprime1dividing p, so wehav(cid:0)e mod . Since is a (cid:0) p p primqe,thismeansthatthee2lemen1t hasorder 2inthe1m(ultipqli)cativegropup (cid:0) (cid:17) Ua=fxa:x2Ug: of the field . This grou2p has p elements. By Lagrange’s Since clearly , we find tZhqenofre0mg (seetheboxZ)wq eknowthattheorqde(cid:0)ro1feveryelementdividesthe that decompjUosaejsi=ntojUeqjuivalence sizeofthegroup,thatis,wehave ,andhence . classGes, all of size , and hence pjq(cid:0)1 p<q (cid:3) that divides .jUj ThirdProof. NextletuslookattheFermatnumbers n for jUj jGj (cid:3) (cid:4) . WewillshowthatanytwoFermatnumbFenrs=ar2e2rel+ati1vely Inthespecialcasewhen isacyclic pnri=me0;;h1e;n2c;e::t:heremustbeinfinitelymanyprimes. Tothisend,weverify subgroup 2 mU we find therecursion that (thfea;sama;l:le:s:t;aposgitive inte- m ger such that , called the m order of ) diavides=th1e size of n(cid:0)1 thegroupa. jGj Fk = Fn 2 (n 1); Y (cid:0) (cid:21) k=0 4 Sixproofsoftheinfinityofprimes fromwhichourassertionfollowsimmediately.Indeed,if isadivisorof, F0 = 3 say, and , then divides 2, and hence m or . But F1 = 5 FkisimpFonss(ikble<sinnc)eallFemrmatnumbersareodd. m = 1 2 F2 = 17 m=2 Toprovetherecursionweuseinductionon . For wehave F3 = 257 and . Withinductionwenowconnclude n = 1 F0 = 3 F4 = 65537 F1 2=3 F5 = 641(cid:1)6700417 (cid:0) ThefirstfewFermatnumbers n n(cid:0)1 Fk = Fk Fn = (Fn 2)Fn = Y (cid:16)Y (cid:17) (cid:0) k=0 k=0 n n n+1 =(22 1)(22 +1) = 22 1 = Fn+1 2: (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) Nowletuslookataproofthatuseselementarycalculus. FourthProof. Let bethenumberofprimes t(cid:4)hat are less than or eq(cid:25)u(axl)t:o=th#e rpeal nxum:pberP. We number the primes f (cid:20) 2 g in increasing order. Conxsider the natural logarithm P =,dpe1fi;npe2d;pa3s;::: . f g x 1 1 lNoogwxwecomparelothgexa=reaR1beltodwt thegraphof withanupperstep 1 function. (See also the appendix on page 10ff(otr)t=histmethod.) Thus for wehave n x<n+1 (cid:20) 1 1 1 1 logx 1+ + +:::+ + (cid:20) 2 3 n 1 n Steps1abo2vethefunction 1n 1 wherethesum(cid:0)extendsoverall whichhave f(t)= t ; onlyprimedivisors . m N (cid:20) Xm 2 p x Sinceeverysuch canbewritteninaunique(cid:20)wayasaproductoftheform ,weseethmatthelastsumisequalto kp p pQ(cid:20)x 1 : Y (cid:16)X pk(cid:17) p2P k(cid:21)0 p(cid:20)x Theinnersumisageometricserieswithratio ,hence 1 p (cid:25)(x) 1 p pk logx (cid:20) pY2P 1(cid:0) p1 = pY2P p(cid:0)1 = kY=1 pk(cid:0)1: p(cid:20)x p(cid:20)x Nowclearly ,andthus pk k+1 (cid:21) pk 1 1 k+1 = 1+ 1+ = ; pk 1 pk 1 (cid:20) k k andtherefore (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:25)(x) k+1 logx = (cid:25)(x)+1: (cid:20) Y k k=1 Everybodyknows that is not bounded, so we concludethat is unboundedaswell,andlsoogtxhereareinfinitelymanyprimes. (cid:25)(x) (cid:3) Sixproofsoftheinfinityofprimes 5 FifthProof. Afteranalysisit’stopologynow! Considerthefollowing (cid:4) curioustopologyontheset ofintegers.For , weset Z a;b Z b>0 2 Na;b = a+nb:n Z : f 2 g Eachset isatwo-wayinfinitearithmeticprogression. Nowcallaset oNpean;bif either is empty, or if to every thereexists some O Zwith O. Clearly, the union of opaen seOts is open again. If (cid:18) 2 b > 0 are oNpean;b, andO with and , (cid:18) Oth1e;nO2 a O1. SoOw2econcNluad;eb1thataOn1yfiniteNian;bte2rsectOio2n 2 \ (cid:18) (cid:18) ofopaenseNtsai;sb1abg2ainOop1en.OSo2,thisfamilyofopensetsinducesabonafide 2 (cid:18) \ topologyon . Z Letusnotetwofacts: (A) Anynon-emptyopensetisinfinite. (B) Anyset isclosedaswell. Na;b Indeed,thefirstfactfollowsfromthedefinition.Forthesecondweobserve b(cid:0)1 Na;b = Z Na+i;b; n[ i=1 whichprovesthat isthecomplementofanopensetandhenceclosed. Na;b So far the primeshavenotyetenteredthe picture— but heretheycome. Sinceanynumber hasaprimedivisor ,andhenceiscontained in ,weconclunde=1; 1 p 6 (cid:0) N0;p “Pitchingflatrocks,infinitely” Z 1; 1 = N0;p: nf (cid:0) g p[2P Nowif werefinite,then wouldbeafiniteunionofclosedsets (by(B))P,andhenceclosed. pC2oPnNse0q;puently, wouldbeanopenset, S inviolationof(A). 1; 1 f (cid:0) g (cid:3) Sixth Proof. Our final proof goes a considerable step further and (cid:4) demonstratesnot only that there are infinitely many primes, but also that the series diverges. The first proof of this important result was 1 givenbyEulepr2P(apndisinterestinginits ownright), butourproof,devised P byErdo˝s,isofcompellingbeauty. Let be the sequence of primes in increasing order, and assump1e;pth2a;tp3;::: converges. Then there must be a natural number 1 such that p2Pp . Let us call the small primes, ankd P 1 1 i(cid:21)k+th1epibi<g p2rimes. For anp1a;rb:i:t:ra;rpyknatural number we P pthke+r1e;foprke+fi2n;:d:: N (1) N N < : X pi 2 i(cid:21)k+1 6 Sixproofsoftheinfinityofprimes Let bethenumberofpositiveintegers whicharedivisiblebyat leastNobnebigprime,and thenumberofnposiNtiveintegers which (cid:20) haveonlysmallprimedivNissors.WearegoingtoshowthatfonrasuNitable (cid:20) N Nb+Ns < N; whichwillbeourdesiredcontradiction,sincebydefinition would havetobeequalto . Nb+Ns N To estimate notethat countsthe positiveintegers which N aremultiplesNobf . Hencebpyi (1)weobtain n N b c (cid:20) pi (2) N N Nb < : (cid:20) X jpik 2 i(cid:21)k+1 Letusnowlookat . Wewriteevery whichhasonlysmallprime divisorsintheformNs ,where n isNthesquare-freepart. Every 2 (cid:20) isthusaproductofdnif=feraenntbnsmallprimanes,andweconcludethatthereaarne precisely differentsquare-freeparts. Furthermore,as , k wefindth2atthereareatmost differentsquareparts,banndsopn pN (cid:20) (cid:20) pN k Ns 2 pN: (cid:20) Since(2)holdsforany ,itremainstofindanumber with k N or ,andforNthis willdo. N 2 pN 2 2k+1 pN N =22k+2 (cid:20) (cid:3) (cid:20) References [1] P.ERDO˝S:U¨berdieReihe 1,Mathematica,ZutphenB7(1938),1-2. Pp [2] L. EULER: Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum, Tomus Primus, Lausanne 1748;OperaOmnia,Ser.1,Vol.90. [3] H. FU¨RSTENBERG: On the infinitude of primes, Amer. Math. Monthly 62 (1955),353. Bertrand's postulate Chapter 2 We have seen that the sequence of prime numbers 2,3,5,7,.. . is infinite. To see that the size of its gaps is not bounded, let N := 2 . 3 . 5 . . . . . p + denote the product of all prime numbers that are smaller than k 2, and note that none of the k numbers < + is prime, since for 2 5 i k 1 we know that i has a prime factor that is + + smaller than k 2, and this factor also divides N, and hence also N i. With this recipe, we find, for example, for k = 10 that none of the ten numbers 2312,2313,2314.. . . ,2321 is prime. But there are also upper bounds for the gaps in the sequence of prime num- bers. A famous bound states that "the gap to the next prime cannot be larger than the number we start our search at." This is known as Bertrand's pos- tulate, since it was conjectured and verified empirically for n < 3 000 000 by Joseph Bertrand. It was first proved for all n by Pafnuty Chebyshev in Joseph Bertrand 1850. A much simplcr proof was given by the Indian genius Ramanujan. Our Book Proof is by Paul Erdiis: it is taken from Erdiis' first published paper, which appeared in 1932, when Erd6s was 19. 4 Bertrand's postulate. Beweis eines Satzes von Tschebyschef. > For every n 1, there is some prime number p with n < p 5 272. Vun P Enods ~n Budapest. (2) Proof. We will estimate the size of the binomial coefficient care- fully enough to see that if it didn't have any prime factors in the range < n < p 271, then it would be "too small." Our argument is in five steps. (1) We first prove Bertrand's postulate for n < 4000. For this one does not need to check 4000 cases: it suffices (this is "Landau's trick") to check that is a sequence of prime numbers, where each is smaller than twice the previ- ous one. Hence every interval {y : n < y 5 2n), with n 5 4000, contains one of these 14 primcs.

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