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Pronunciation Pairs Student's Book with Audio CD PDF

203 Pages·2007·23.41 MB·English
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An Introduction to the Sounds of English ANN BAKER SHARON GOLDSTEIN Sound Symbols Vowels Consonants ‘isn ‘Alpha ‘symbol Alphabet bf or ‘baby, robber 71 [aw Ar ‘wu, get | [sa Je Ee ih ar ade [ia = ata we ry ey cat | i, ist “ap ove ‘yh of ‘9006, dog | fb taf aeviag Inoiceas t a 300 these | a E [Se wD 7 eee | fon! emcee] a fish ee ome = Fess ee wo venice Fo oi ree wn ne oho a tt | ord [ier ‘of ‘think month te ey | | [a tne ‘sngthink a wighthere SECOND EDITION @ fonunciatigy ‘pals fin Introduction to the Sounds of English SHARON GOLDSTEIN ee Contents To the Teacher. v To the Student vil ‘Acknowledgments. vi Section A's Vowels Unit fiy/ tea Stresed Syllables in Words es eseessesseeeeieel unit2 Af sit Stress in Numbers; Moving Su0ss «oss seseese 8 units /e/ yes Falling und Rising Intonation <oseessesseeses 12 Unita fey/ day ——_Etzesein Bentensee 16 units fa/ hat The Mos: Important Word .-ceseessesseesses 20 Unité Review 24 Unit7 fal cup Strong and Weak Pronunefasions 26 Units af banana /o/in Unstrstod Syllables and Word; xn ad at 30 Unit 9 far/ Netter nef in Tostrossed Sytiables nnd Word Tatonstion Choice Questions with ar 34 Unit 10 fof hot Plann Genus 33 Unit 11 /2f ball Usiog Stress and Intanation t Show AContEaa veces ceeeeense ces AZ unit 12 fow! go Linking Vowel Sounds . AT Unit 13 /uw/ too stress and Pronouns smart) Unit 14 fey) book Negative Contractions sa Unit 15. Review 58 Unlt 16 foy/ fine Stresain Compound Nouns «o Unit 17 />y/ boy Sentence Raythma ond Timing -..cssseseesees 6 Unit 18. fow/ house Stree and Linking in Phra! Verbs 7 Unit 19. Review oni Unit20 Re 7 Unit21 far/ word Tag Questions with Falling Iconation 75 Section B ¢ Consonants unit 22 unit 23 unit 24 unit25 unit26 unit 32 unie33 unit34 unit 35 unit 36 unit37 Unit 4s units uniea7 unieas Unitas unit so © Contents Jp! po. Toy baby Iti two Jaf dia Jkt key Jo) good Review Js 900 J2l 200 ISf shoe sf television If chips Je} joke Review iyl yes Hy fan Ivf very fof wet Thy how J] think J) cho other Review Im) me Ini a0 inf sing AM light, fall Jo} right Jr} after vowels Review Tntonation in its Serene in Compound Nonna and Phrases Linking Final Consonant. sd Kndings Stress in Noun Phrases with Compounds Gonna (yoing fo) “inking: Final Consonant Caster 4 Bnings Linking Words with ‘Sho in Wir wi ‘Silent Syllable Dida eli so); Would would york you); Doncha (don't you) ‘Veta (used 1) Intonation in Long Sentonces ‘Woak und Strong Pronunciations of ave Wh Questions mith Rising Intonation roped di Tbostion in Bx ons Using Stress and Intonstion to Shove Suprise Weal Pronsnciations forthe and than Using Intonation ta Change Meaning Syllabie ‘Wook Proaundiation aad Contraction of be Weak Pronunciation and Cautesstion of wild Stross in Tong Wars Intonation in Polite Questions a2 86 90 95 99 108 107 109 18 WwW 121 125 129 133, 135 139 143 148 152 155 160 165 167 169 173 178 183 187 191 WN To the Teacher _Preransation Fors See ton i dined oly his being intermediate sudents recognize and pradues che sounds 0 North American, lish, It covers ell she vowel and consonant sounds of the language, aswell as ‘ress, rythm, intonstion, linking, and othor featurgs of connected speoch. Tho Fnle can he ted in the classroom, in a language lab, ofr self-study ‘The 50 unite nay be taught ia whatever order aeemse most useful, You may want to syorkthrouzh the units in cequence,altsrnate vovtel ad eorsonant units chooze only the unit chat are helpful fer sour students’ partcalar preuneiation Cileultive. A diagnoati test to help identify thee diffisities spresra in "Tooshars Manual New Features ofthe Second Edition (Changes from the ist edition of Pronunciation Pairs include * More active listening tasks © More interactive speaking taske * Updated dialegs with related practice tasks © Pearton of tres, rhythm, intonat on, or other features of connected speech in every unit + Lista of common expressions for esch target sound © More reliatie mouth iluetessione and datailad directions for producing sou + Review units for both the vowel and consonnat seetons + Alluew illustrations and twowolr design © Update ilussracicns end oviveoler interior design «res audio CD in the Student's Book, with exeerpls som the ease audio progrsm | «ros Web ate for extra practice and reference Organization ofthe Student's Book Pronunciation Pare ie dvided inta two gestions —ons on vowale and ona on, ‘onsonante, Baca sation bog.na with an introdctory enit that ehovs tho basic ‘mouth positions ard movements needed ta produce the ecurde in that section ‘After she intesductory unit, each unis protents 2 epesife sound throagh ¢ variety ‘flanks ‘The tacks move fiom highly et-uctured practice ofthe target sound jn individeal words to more communicative practice ef the e9und in connected ;peoeh, incuding guided conversscioas, gamee, puzsles, sd interactive spesking laske."Thers are als sight review unite "The unite in the Students Book generally fellow this format: “Mouth illustrations and directions. Huch uail begins with an ilustration ofthe portion of the tongue and offer pars ef the moulh Zor tho target suas ‘The illustration is accompanied oy directions for making the sound, + Word pairs. Uluatrated word pairs appear in elmost every unit. Word pairs ‘also Kaovn as minimal pairel are para of words like 2hip and sheep, tht dlflee by only one acurd. Bech sctct word pairs sontrasta te targot sound ‘with another very similar sound, ae werds ave ilstented to mene the TotheTeacher = v dlference in meaning cleox: Making itviowally obv-ous that changing a sirgle Sound in a word eas ovmpletely alter the meaning acipe students understand the importance of aeeurate prenuncintion + Sound recognition tests, Every unit that presents ‘usted word pais chen tets students ability to distinguish betwrean the sounds heirs contrasted, irs in inlated sards and then within sentences, This piven students practice in hearing and identifying the target sound in connected speech + Vocabulary. Hash unit ineludes a lst of wonds or phrases containing the target sound. The vocabulary words propare studenta fo the diclog and tasks that follow A attempt has been made ehecughout to use simple, everyday ward, + Dialog. Bach unit contains a dialog or other inten’ng selection with a igh concentration af the scurd jor sounds} eing practized in the nit. The dialogs ‘are written to sound ss nataral as possible, and students do not need to “understand every word. Hach slog ineliden 2 guided listening task that invnives se ofthe target snare, + Stress; shythm, aid intonation, In acdi:ioa to practicing «particule sound, each unit practice stress, rhythm, intonction, or ome other feature of Conectad speech, The unit subtitle highights this feature « Practice activities. Every unit includes one or more interactive speaking tasks, neluding games, role playa, uided conversations, dseussions, oF surveys that practice bath the target ound and the feature o*eannected speech presented in the unit. + Spelling, Hach unit includes a spelling section that lst ehe hase spelling plleras for the sound being practiced, using Words fram the unit as eames. * Common expressions, Hach unit conclades with a sarsmary of commen phrases and sentences that eantsin the sound tsupht in che crit. Practicing: these expressions ean help improve ueney and encourage stadents to use the target sound antside the elasaroom Components of the Second Edition * Student's Book packaged with an audio CD that includes matevial excerpted Frou the class audio progra Classroom audio program, available on five audio Cs or easettes, that contains all the examples and pracrice material marked with the ¢} symbol in the Student's Book + Teacher's Manual that provides additional help enc guidance for teachers using the Stucent’s Book in their classes, answers to all tasks, notes on sudentciffieultis, activities fr further practice, end suggestions for inking pronunciation lessons with other coursework ree Web site (www:eambridgeorg/pnlstudent) with additional practice ‘nateral for each unit ofthe Student's Book, a chart ofthe [PA sound syns, Anda List of Likely Errors that gives information onthe difficulties speakers of diferent Languages ar likely to have = TotheTeacher WN To the Student remnelation Pairs Seeond Balti, will help vou recognize and pronounce all the vowe! and consonant sounds of Nerth American English, Bach unit Dractices a different sound or reviews a group of sounds, Fach unit also practices a Speech feature such a stra, intonation, shythm, or linking words together. Thes features are as imporcant aa individual sounds ‘or speaking and understanding English, ‘There are many types oflistening and apeaking activities i Une bl, Most ofthe ‘units include ord pairs that coateast two aoans, Word pai are pars of words, fuch aa aight and light, thal are the same except for ae sound. your frst language doce not have one or both of the diflaent sounds in the word pain, prasticing the word pairs en help you Ieara vo hees ~ and produce ~ the two Aifsrent ound, Pronaneiation Pairs has tio main seetions ~ ne on vowels and ore on consonants Bach seetion has an introdaction ta making the soands in that sectien, You ean, ‘work through the hoo from keginning, to end or you can choose units that practice the sounds or ather pronunciation features that are cffcult or you. Te each unit, « vocabulary list gives you practice eaying dhe wound in eversday words, aad spelling sectian shows You how she ands apelied. A dialog or other Tstenting selection given you peastoe in heaving the sound in conversation. You wil tl have the opporbasty to practice the nous with other wtadentoin conversations, ‘games, or ollerncivities. Each unit ends with a it of wome comm words sed tenlences that use the sound. Practicing theae expressions ean help you improve ‘our fluency and remind you wlien to use the sound walside the elaeroos ‘You can use this hook ina elass with a taacher cr in s language lab. You ean also use many ofthe tasks for salfstndy; IF'you are using she book fer self studs, find 1 partner to practve the conversations, games, or other aesvities. An audio CD is included at tho back of your book. his eudio GD has some of the maria from the fall elass audio progrem A list of the material roccrded on this CD is shawn on the inside back caver ‘You will iad the following equipment help: + @ CD player or computer for listening to the reeoelingsen the Shucent’s Book. audio CD * equipmert for recording your owa wie « amirror for comparing the postion of yone mouth with the piebures of the mouth in-each unit ‘You can find estea prectioe foreach uait ox the Web site for Pronunciation Pairs a vwivieambridgeors/ppistudent TotheStudent = vii Acknowledgments snanciation Paiss, Second Weition, is hese an she British text Ship or Shosp? iy A Bake Many people contributed tothe new edition. Thanks are partioularlyexred to ‘The eeviswere Ruth Chaver, eels Neel, Sarah Plawa, uth Wagnt, end Duncan, ‘White, who used and commented on the first edition of Fronunciation Pairs, Their suupestiona were very belpful in developing the seccnd edition. ‘The design team at Advencure House, including Jason Fortuna, Rachel Smith, and Taney C'Quinn, who are responsible for the eyeeatehing lao of this new eto, ‘The ilustators, Adam Hurwitz, whe skilflly rendeved all the mouth diagrams, snd William Waitauen, who worked tirelessly to preduce the hundieds of ‘Mustaine ‘Mary Sandro, the We site developer, and Kirsley Maretzs, the Web site designer, ‘who erested the Pronunciction Pairs Web ste ‘Richi LePaye, fe vkesu ear sud profissionslin in prudusing the audio presi ‘Jane Mairs, tae commissioning editr, whe initisted and expertly vpervised the projet. Danielle Powers, Cindee Howard, and particularly Brigit Dermott, the Senior projet editors who ably guided the beok rong produetion, ‘Thais, especialy, to my development editor, anon McAlister Shinoda, for her vn pence, aitisulous ablention to detail sud aatute alice And thanks to dim and Loxiss, who helped me in mare ways thaa thes know: = Adknowledgments Section ‘| VOWELS

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