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INDEX 1994, VOL. | Articles in this index are classified by Los articulos son classificados por orden Les articles sont classés par ordre alphabetic order. Names of authors are alfabético. La lista de autores, se alphabétique. La liste des auteurs est also listed by alphabetic order. Cross- encuentra también por orden alfabético. €gaicment donnée par ordre alpha- references have been made in many Se propone numerosas referencias bétique. De nombreuses références instances cruzadas. croisées ont été faites. TOPICS/SUJETOS/SUJETS N° (pp) TOPICS/SUJETOS/SUJETS N° (pp) Adolescents (cf. Health education and promotion. A Health education and promotion. A schools programme schools programme for ...) for adolescents (C.L. Yarham).............:.:ccee. 2 (6) Adolescent health / La santé des adolescents (C. Yarham) Health education programme with female workers at a ‘AIDS and Youth» (cf. :( the) European information centre Mexican university (D. Cardaci). 3 (5) for ...) Health education through literature and language courses (L’) Analyse des représentations : un moyen d’eévaluer la in Malawi (G.H. Kamwendo) 3 (26) ae des enseignements en éducation pour la sante Health promotion at work 1 (6-29) A. Sequier, M. Demarteau, M. Pereira) 3 (14) Health promotion at work (S. Hagard) 1 (6-29) tk -vous déja serre une personne vivant avec le Sida dans Health promotion at work (S. Hagard) 1 (3) vos bra?s ( J. Martin) ................ Fstensbenies 2 6) HIV (cf. : Have you ever held a PWA in your arms ?) Brazil (cf. :W orkers’ risk perception iitn ...) HIV education : the debate continues (cf. : Young people Bullying at school. Basic facts and an effective interven- and Sex ...) tion programme (D. Olweus) 4 (27) Pe csccrteibietesticrcsevont 2 (6-29) Burundi (cf. : Education en hygiene au ... ) (Les) Jeunes francais et lew santé :O pinions, attitudes, et Can we talk of health promotion at a time of so many comportements (FE Baudier, M.P. Janvrin, C. Dressen) 2 (29) regressions ? / Peut-on parler de promotion de la santé a Jeunesse (cf. : (Le) Centre européen d'information « SIDA l'heure de tant de regressions ? (O. Brixi) .. et ... ») (Le) Centre européen d'information « SIDA et Jeunesse » Lesbian education in Dutch schools (cf. : Gay and ...) (J. Renders) Malawi (cf. : Health education through literature and lan- Choléra (cf. :C ontrer le ... ) guage courses in ...) Contrer le choléra en bidor ‘lle. Lexpérience réussie Mentally handicapped (cf. : Teaching method for ...) d'un projet dorigine québécoise adapté au Pérou (L. Moving on from effectiveness to advocacy (A. Bunde- PaGainetic, BE: Pest Bisnis pecs cceeteencceseserveoens Birouste)... Denmark (cf. : Teaching method for mentally handi- Mexican University (cf. : Health education programme capped persons in...) with female workers at ...) Dutch schools (cf. : Gay and lesbian education in ... ) Oral rehydration therapy promotion. An education-com- Education en hygiene au Burundi : Education par les pairs munication experiment (S. Alvarez Larrauri) et pratique (M. Dieleman, E de Groot, C. Nahayo) Pérou (cf. Contrer le choléra en bidonville. Lexpérience (De I’) Efficacité 4 la promotion des idées (A. Bunde- réussie d'un projet d’origine québécoise adapteé au ...) Birouste). Promotion de la santé au travail ..............cccceesceeeseereees 1 (6-29) (The) European information centre on« AIDS and Youth » Promotion de la santé au travail (S. Hagard) 1 (4) (Jj. Renders) Quels sont les principaux contextes d’intervention et les Evaluation of the smoke-free olympics project (.R. Villalbi types d'action en promotion de la santé ? (S. Hagard) 3 (28) OB a vvcscscieninnsdtennx inanainas vcieende 3 (10) (The) role of NGOs in Community health and develop- Formation des enseignants en éducation pour la sante (cf. : ment (R. Rodriguez-Garcia, J.A. Macinko) 4 (10) (I’)Analyse des représentations : un moyen d’évaluer Ia ... ) School (cf. : Bullying at ...) Gay and lesbian education in Dutch schools Schools (cf. : Gay and lesbian education in Dutch ...) (P. Dankmeijer) 4 (18) School-based summer clubs. Venues for health education Have you ever held a person with Aids in your arms ? using a partnership model in Egypt (S. El Katsha, (Jj. Martin) 2 (36) S.J. Watts) Health at work. A needs assessment in South West Thames (A) Schools programme for adolescents (cf. : Health edu- regional health authority (M. Craft) 1 (21) cation and promotion) Health at work in the NHS feature (J. Greenoak, ef a/.).... 1 (6) SIDA (cf. : Avez-vous déja serré une personne vivant avec INDEX 1994, VOL. | TOPICS/SUJETOS/SUJETS TOPICS/SUJETOS/SUJETS N° (pp) le SIDA dans vos bras 7) Worker's risk perception in Brazil. A challenge for health « SIDA et Jeunesse » (cf. :( le) Centre d'information ...) professionals and education planning (N.M.F Candeias) .. 1 (il) Smoke-free olympics project (cf. :E valuation of the ...) Worksite health promotion for women (N.N. Modeste)... 1 (29) Smoking and health :c oncerns for youth towards a smoke (6-29) free Pacific (H. Stanton) a vedi 3 (25) Youth (cf. : (The) European information centre on AIDS Teaching method for mentally handicapped persons in and ...) Denmark (S. Christensen) . * 3 (19) Youth (cf. : Smoking and health : Concerns for ...) Towards a sustainable Europe : Helsinki Charter on envi- Youth participation (M. Hillman et G1.) ............ce0eceeeeees 2 (16) ronment and health (PE. Isaksson).... 4 (32) Young people and sex / HIV education : the debate con- Travail (cf. :P romotion de la santé au ...) a III bac cccniceccossarnitcadilptedtberactbateichecccovutesios 2(21) United Kingdom (cf. :H ealth at work in the NHS feature) Youth survivors from international battlefields. Personal Women (cf. :W orksite health promotion for ...) reflections and implications for counsellors and care- Work (cf. :H ealth at ... A needs assessment in South West givers (C.J. Denholm).............. Thames regional Health Authority) Work (cf. :H ealth promotion at...) AUTHORS/AUTORES/AUTEURS AUTHORS/AUTORES/AUTEURS N° (pp) ARNOLD D. (cf. GREENOAK J.) KAMWENDO G. H. : Health education through literature ALVAREZ LARRAURI S Oral rehydration therapy promo- and language courses in Malawi .................ccccccccceseeeees 3 (26) tion. An education-communication experiment 4 (22) MACINKOJ . A. (cf. : RODRIGUEZ-GARCIA R.) BALLESTIN M. (cf. VILLALBI J.R.) MARTIN J. : Avez-vous déja serré une PVA (Personne BAUDIER EF et al Les jeunes francais et leur sante 2 (29) Vivant Avec le Sida) dans vos bras ?............... BRIXI O. :C an we talk of health promotion at a time of so McGUIREC . (cf. :G REENOAK J.) many regressions ? Peut-on parler de promotion de la McINTYRE D. (cf. :H ILLMAN M.) sante a Vheure de tant de regressions ? MODESTE N. N. : Worksite health promotion for women 1 (29) CANDEIAS N.M.E : Workers’ risk perception in Brazil. A NAHAYO C. (cf. :D IELEMAN M.) challenge for health promotion and education planning OLWEUS D. : Bullying at school. Basic facts and an effec- CARDACI D. : Health education programme with female tive intervention programme... workers at a Mexican University PERALTA A. M. (cf. :F RECHETTE L.) CHRISTENSEN 5S. : Teaching method for mentally handi- PEREIRA M. (cf. : SEQUIER A.) capped persons in Denmark 4 (19) PIHA T. (cf. :V ILLALBI J.R.) DANKMEIJER P. Gay and lesbian education in Dutch REINDERS J. :T he european information centre on «AIDS schools 4 (18) and Youth »... ith re a icteithan DEMARTEAU M. (cf. ;S EQUIER A.) RODRIGUEZ-GARCIA R. : The role of NGOs in communi- DENHOLM C. J. :Y outh survivors from international bat- ty health and development tlefields. Personal reflections and implications for coun- SALLERAS LI. (cf. VILLALBI J.R.) sellors and caregivers SALTO E. (cf. VILLALBI J.R.) DIELEMAN M. ef al. Education en hygiene au Burundi SEQUIER A. : Lanalyse des représentations : un moyen education par les pairs en pratique d’evaluer la formation des enseignants en education pour DRESSEN C. (cf. :B AUDIER F) la santé aE EL KATSHA S. : School-based summer clubs SERRA L. (cf. :V ILLALBI J.R.) FRECHETTE L Contrer le cholera en bidonville STANTON H. : Smoking and health : Concerns for youth Lexperience reussie dun projet dorigine québécoise towards a smoke free Pacific ca 3 (25) adapte au Pérou VILLALBI J.R. et al. : Evaluation of the smoke-free GREENOAK J. et al Health at work in the NHS feature olympics project _ eerste 3 (10) GROOT E de (cf. :D IELEMAN M.) VINUE J.M. (cf. : VILLALBI J.R.) HAGARD S. : Health promotion at work / Promotion de la WADESON P. (cf. :H ILLMAN M.) sante au travail WATTS S. J. (cf. : EL KATSHA S.) HAGARD S. : Quels sont les principaux contextes d’inter- YARHAM C. L. : Adolescent health / la santé des adoles- vention et les types d'action en promotion de la santé ? RE 2(3) HILLMAN M. et ai. :Y outh participation YARHAM C.L. : HUNTLEY J. (cf. :G REENOAK J.) schools programme for adolescent ................::cceeeeeeeeees 2 (6) ISAKSSON P. E. :T owards a sustainable Europe Helsinki charter on environment and health JANVRIN M. P (cf. :B AUDIER EF)

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